What's on Guide Summer and Autumn 2014

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What’s On

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in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Summer & Autumn 2014

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Welcome... to the Summer & Autumn edition of What’s On in South Derbyshire and The National Forest

Amid rolling English countryside dotted with picturesque villages you will find so much to enjoy; from historic houses and gardens, to meandering rivers and canals, to archery and snowboarding. All set in the heart of The National Forest, Britain’s most ambitious environmental project. Linking the ancient forests of Needwood and Charnwood, more than eight million trees have already been planted. The woodland is being created on a scale not seen for more than a thousand years, creating stunning landscapes and wildlife habitats. Come and enjoy it this season.

There’s so much more to explore... Find out more about what’s on offer in South Derbyshire

Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre Phone 01283 222848 Email tic@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk You will find us located within Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 9DG. Open Mon - Sat, 10am - 4.30pm.

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Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre

Melbourne Festival of the Creative and Performing Arts 6-26 September Time flies! This September sees the TENTH Melbourne Festival bringing a big splash of colour and energy. Look out for great music, amazing artwork and fantastic food in the heart of Melbourne. From small beginnings Melbourne Festival has earned itself a place as one of Derbyshire’s top cultural events and is eagerly awaited by many people from South Derbyshire and further afield.

Not to be missed in 2014:

Art & Architecture Trail 13 & 14 September Come and see over 100 artists in 70 houses and halls in the heart of Melbourne - art for everyone’s taste and pocket with music, food and poetry along the way. Melbourne through the Looking Glass 13 & 14 September Hidden amongst the Art & Architecture Trail find Alice, the Mad Hatter and activities for families including Mad Hatters workshops, parade and picnic! Concerts & Performances 6 - 26 September Enjoy a variety of live music, drama and comedy at venues throughout Melbourne something for everyone.

For more information: Call Festival Office 07765 819428 info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk

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Summer & Autumn


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Fri 4 July, 7pm

Tues 1 July - Sat 30 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Ashe Hall, Ash Lane, Etwall, DE65 6HT

Meditation and Meal at Tara Centre

Featured Artists at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

This month’s featured artist in the Coffee Shop is Rebecca Soanes and her photography. In the Museum shop, Angela Thompson displays her handcrafted decorative glass items.

Take the opportunity to see the grand interiors of Melbourne and Catton Halls as they open for Summer tours, or the beautiful private gardens revealed through the National Gardens Scheme.

Hunt for butterflies at Rosliston Forestry Centre,

bats at Calke Abbey, bugs at Elvaston Country Park or even scarecrows in Swadlincote town centre. Unearth the past with the Staffordshire Hoard exhibition at Repton and Heritage Open Days throughout the area or join the archaeologists searching for the lost village of Calke. Explore South Derbyshire’s villages with fetes and carnivals including events at Hatton, Melbourne and Willington, plus ‘Gladefest’ and Last Night of the Proms at The Glade in Rosliston. Try fun new activities with the ‘Tour de Forest Frenzy’ celebrating the Summer of Cycling and National Play Day at Maurice Lea Memorial Park, plus lots of school holiday activities.

Settle back for unique big screen experiences

with ‘The Great Gatsby’ shown outdoors at Calke, ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ inside Sharpe’s Pottery Kiln and André Rieu beamed live to Swadlincote’s cinema at The Pipeworks. Save the date for national events at Catton including the UK Festival of Fireworks, the National Carriage Driving Trials and ‘Bloodstock’ - the country’s biggest independent metal music festival. Get a taste of Orchard Day with apples and other Autumn fruits at October’s Farmers’ Market in Swadlincote. Enjoy a spooky Halloween evening with the story of Red Riding Hood at Rosliston Forestry Centre or creepy castle capers at Elvaston Country Park. Commemorate the First World War with a programme of activities in South Derbyshire.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk


Mon 30 June - Fri 4 July, 2 - 4pm & 7 - 9pm

Aston-on-Trent Well Dressing in the Making War Memorial Hall, Chellaston Lane, Aston-on-Trent, DE72 2AA

Come along and see how the stunning main Well Dressing is painstakingly put together. Email: info@astonwelldressers.co.uk www.astonwelldressers.co.uk

Wed 2 July, 2pm

Voices and Volumes - Umbrella The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

A talk on ‘Umbrella - Supporting disabled children and their families’ with guest speaker Alison Williams. Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2.50 (includes tea/coffee and biscuits).

Wed 2 July, 2.30 - 4pm

Bamfords Antiques Valuation Day West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Bamford’s auctioneers offer advice and valuations at the Museum. A fantastic chance to unearth your family heritage and find out about the history and today’s value of the items!

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 donation per item; This is then used towards the upkeep of the Museum.

Thurs 3 July, 7.30pm

Canal Boat People - Talk

Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, DE65 6FH

Join Repton Village Society for this talk by Dr Wendy Freer. Tel: 01283 701838 Price: Visitors £3

A guided meditation followed by a delicious two course vegetarian meal - a great way to finish the week, relax and unwind. Please contact for further information and booking. Tel: 01283 732338 Email: meditate@tarakmc.org www.tarakmc.org Price: £12.50 per person

Sat 5 July, 10am - 1pm

Gresley Male Voice Choir Summer Fayre

The Town Hall, The Delph, Swadlincote Town Centre, DE11 9DG

This event is always a fun time and looked forward to by many; There will be a cake stall, tombola, book stall, prize bag stall, bottle tombola, raffle and other attractions. Refreshments will include strawberry teas. Tel: 07854 454723 Email: philip.bath1@btinternet.com www.gresleychoir.org


Sat 5 July, 10am - 3pm

Crystal and Gift Event at Swadlincote Therapy Rooms Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

A large selection of tumblestones and other crystals, plus angel, fairy and Buddha figurines will be on offer, along with beaded jewellery, incense and holders and other unusual gift items. Tel: 01283 712991 Email: purplepoppy@live.co.uk


Sat 5 July, 9am - 6pm & Sun 6 July, 9am - 4.30pm

Elvaston Steam Rally

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Historic steam engines, fair organs, miniatures, models, vintage fairground, commercial and ex-military vehicles, working demonstrations, arena events, craft tent, trade stalls, dizzy wizard, punch & judy, catering and more! Tel: 07817 557578 www.elvastonsteam.co.uk Price: Adults £8, Concessions £6, Accompanied Children £2. (Saturday only after 4pm all classes £4)

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Sat 5 & Sun 6 July, 11.15am - 5pm

Aston-on-Trent Well Dressings

Aston-on-Trent Village, DE72 2AA Walk around the village and see the Well Dressings that have been created by local organisations intermingled with a variety of stalls plus live entertainment, including acoustic performances by local bands on Sunday Opening ceremony 11.15am Sat 5th on The Green. Refreshments available throughout the village. Tel: 07888 848436 Email: info@astonwelldressers.co.uk Price: Free to view. Donations gratefully accepted. Programme/Tickets 50p in The White Hart car park. www.aston-on-trent.co.uk

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Sun 6 July, 1 - 5.30pm

Wed 9 July

Fri 11 July, 6.30pm - Midnight

NGS Open Garden

RVHG visit to St Mary’s Church

Lose yourself in an acre of sweeping mixed borders, spring bulbs, mature trees, stunning butterfly bed, young arboretum, established prairie and annual meadow. Meet a pair of passionate gardeners who gently manage this plantsman’s garden. Visitors also welcome by appointment Apr-Sept.

Repton Village History Group visit with Mrs Sue Ellis. Please contact for further details of visit.

Hatton Carnival Live Music and Fairground

10 Chestnut Way, Repton, DE65 6FQ

Sun 6 July, 3pm

Enjoy this evening walk through these places of natural history and industrial heritage interest on the Calke Park Estate. Terrain: Field and woodland paths and permissive routes. 3 miles, 1 stile. Leader Dot Morson.

Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, DE73 7JW Grid Ref: SK353242

Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting Sealwood Cottage Vineyard, Sealwood Lane, Linton, DE12 6PA

The tour and wine tasting starts promptly at 3pm and takes about 1.5 hours. You see the growing vines which are a short walk away on level ground adjacent to Sealwood Cottage. Please note under 18yrs will not be allowed to taste the wine.

Mon 7 July, 10am - 4pm

A garden on two levels in approximately half an acre. Packed herbaceous borders designed for colour with roses and clematis scrambling over pergolas, plus shrubs, baskets and tubs. Come and see the greenhouses, raised bed vegetable area, fruit trees and bushes. Visitors also welcome by appointment June-Aug.

View an innovative gallery display which seeks to investigate the use of water in our modern world. The project concentrates on water use in modern Derbyshire and comparative areas of India. The end result of a project run by Artcore, Derby.

Sun 6 July, 2 - 5.30pm

NGS Open Garden

37 High Street, Repton, DE65 6GD

Explore over an acre of gardens including a bridge over Repton Brook which meanders through formal and wildlife ponds, mixed borders of herbaceous planting plus shrubs and trees. www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Tues 8 July, 7.30pm

Des Martin of Mozart Nursery Ferns Talk Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JW

Join Ticknall Garden Club for this talk. www.ticknall.org.uk Price: Visitors £3

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2

Fri 11 - Sun 13 July

The National Carriage Driving Trials at Catton Hall Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

NGS Open Garden

Tel: 01283 221167 Email: valerie.booth@sky.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free

Thurs 10 July, 7pm

Ticknall Limeyards, Serpentine Wood & Pokers Leys Walk

A Web of Water Exhibition

13 Westfield Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0BG

Tel: 01283 702448 Email: rvhg@reptonvillage.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Tel: 01283 702267 Email: rlittleq@gmail.com www.littlegarden.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free

Tel: 01283 761371 Email: vineyard@sealwoodcottage.co.uk www.sealwoodcottage.co.uk/the-vineyard Price: Adults: £7 (booking essential)

Sun 6 July, 1 - 5.30pm

Church Lane, Newton Solney, DE15 0SR


Come along and enjoy the National Carriage Driving Trials set in the flat parkland, old turf and rolling countryside on the east side of the estate. Bring a picnic, relax and watch this fantastic sporting occasion. www.horsedrivingtrials.co.uk

Scropton Road Sports Ground, Hatton, DE65 5DT

With all the fun of the fair - dodgems, waltzers, ghost train - from 6.30pm until 9pm. Live band on stage in carnival marquee bar until midnight. Tel: 07962 247123 Email: andyroberts50@btinternet.com www.hattoncarnival.com Fairground rides individually priced


Sat 12 July - Sun 7 Sept, 10am - 4pm

The Garden of Imagination Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Enjoy care free summer days in the ‘Garden of Imagination’ and discover lots of natural play every day of the summer holidays in our large kitchen garden. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply

Sat 12 July, 10am - 3pm

Curly Magpie Pop-Up Vintage & Handmade Market Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

The Curly Magpie Pop-Up Market will have themed areas within the Museum buildings, including vintage, handmade, artisan and shabby chic style stalls. The Museum will also be running free vintage style children’s workshops.

Tel: 01283 716311 www.catton-hall.com Price: Please contact for further details.

Email: info@curlymagpie.co.uk www.curlymagpie.co.uk

Fri 11 - Sat 12 July, 1pm

Sat 12 July, 10am


Overseal Gala & Scarecrow Competition

Footloose Walk - Barrow upon Trent

Starting with the judging of the village Scarecrow competition on Friday July 11th followed by the hugely popular Gala on Saturday July 12th. Parade of floats including the gala King and Queen commences at 1pm and arrives at the recreation ground at approx. 2pm. Numerous stalls and attractions, including BBQ, dog show and dance presentations.

Join Footloose Walkers for this 4.5 mile walk to Barrow upon Trent. Footloose walkers are a 40+ Singles group. Dogs on lead please.

Overseal Village & Recreation Ground, Overseal

Tel: 01283 761677 www.overseal-life.co.uk Price: Adults £1, Children Free

Meet at: Crewe & Harpur car park, Derby Road, Swarkestone, DE73 7GW

Email: footloosewalkers@hotmail.co.uk www.footloose.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details

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Sat 12 July, 10.30am - 3pm

Sun 13 & Sun 27 July, 10.30am - 4pm

Sat 19 July, 10am - Midnight

Sat 19 July, 12noon - 6pm

Jobs for the Boys

NGS Open Garden Bluebell Arboretum

Wildlife ‘Bioblitz’

Willington Carnival

NGS Garden open for charity. Visit this beautiful nine acre woodland garden, featuring rare trees and shrubs. Specialist tree and shrub nursery adjacent to gardens. Please wear warm clothes and sturdy, waterproof footwear.

A wildlife bonanza - what creatures live at Rosliston? Join the wildlife experts as they work it out... a mixture of searching, identification and guided walks. Contact us for the full programme. Stargazing from 1pm. Last access 9pm.

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Get back to nature with our day for the boys! Grab your dad, son, grandad or best buddy and join in round the campfire. Have a go at traditional woodland skills, bushcraft and cooking some campfire treats for after lunch. Bring a packed lunch and suitable clothing and footwear. Tools and equipment provided. Must be able to use basic hand tools. Not suitable for under 5s. Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Adults £8, Concessions/Under 16s £5 (pre-payment and booking essential)

Sat 12 July, 11.45am

Melbourne Fete & Carnival

Melbourne Infant & Junior School Playing Fields, Packhorse Road, DE73 8JE

A day of entertainment and fun for the whole family. This year the theme is ‘Vintage Melbourne’ so come and sample a bygone age! Stage show, traditional fair rides, tug of war, refreshments, stalls and much more!

Tel: 07736 777546 Email: melbournecarnival@hotmail.co.uk www.melbournecarnival.co.uk Price: Adults £2.50, Children Free Under 16s with paying adult.

Sat 12 July, 12noon - 6pm

Hatton Carnival and Fairground

Scropton Road Sports Ground, Hatton, DE65 5DT

Free shows and displays for all! New for this year is The Mighty Smith Strongest Man, Star Wars Storm Troopers and many more displays, live music, marching bands, classic vehicles, dog show, bake off, hog roast, fair and more!

Annwell Lane, Smisby, LE65 2TA

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Tel: 01530 413700 Email: sales@bluebellnursery.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults: £3, Children: Free

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/ environmentaleducation

Sun 13 July - Fri 5 Sept

Sat 19 July, 10am - 5pm

Summer Reading Challenge Mythical Maze

Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Derbyshire Libraries will once again be running its annual Summer Reading Challenge. Register at your local library and collect your maze card then read six books through the school holidays to collect a medal and certificate at the end. For all children aged 2-12 years.

Calke Alive 19th Century

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Meet characters who lived and worked at Calke, from scullery maids to squires, boot boys to baronets - they all have a tale to tell.

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Wed 16 July, 7.30pm

Sun 13 July, 10am - 4pm

The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Mercia Marina Classic Car Show Findern Lane, Willington, DE65 6DW

We promise you an exciting day out filled with food, music, exhibitions and fancy dress. Prizes awarded to the owners of cars voted ‘best in show’, with categories including Best Pre and Post War Car and Best Post-War Rolls-Royce.

Tel: 01283 703332 www.merciamarina.co.uk free Email: josh@merciamarina.co.uk


Tues 15 July, 12.30pm

Tel: 07962 247123 www.hattoncarnival.com Email: andyroberts50@btinternet.com Price: Free (Fairground rides individually priced)

WWI August 1914 Peace and War Talk

Join The Magic Attic for this talk by Mark Rowe. Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2.50 (Includes tea/coffee and biscuits)


NGS Open Garden - Calke Abbey

Derbyshire Libraries, Various Venues.

Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Twyford Road Playing Fields, Twyford Road, DE65

Late 18th Century walled gardens repaired over the last 25 years, flower garden with summer bedding, herbaceous borders, the unique auricula theatre, Georgian orangery, impressive collection of glasshouses, garden buildings, icehouse and grotto. Electric buggy available for those with limited mobility.

Tel: 01332 865587 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Adults £2.50, Children £2.50.

Sat 19 July, 7pm

Melbourne’s World War One Commemorative Concert Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

A three hour concert with the TA Band of the Royal Engineers and special guests. Licensed bar. All profits go to the Poppy Appeal. Tickets from Melbourne Assembly Rooms, www.ticketsource.co.uk and Forteys in Melbourne Market Place. Tel: 01332 863522 www.ticketsource.co.uk Price: Tickets £10

Sat 19 July, 7pm

ODEON Plus: André Rieu’s 2014 Maastricht Concert (live)

The Pipeworks, Coppice Side, Swadlincote, DE11 9FQ

One of the most popular live acts in the world beamed by satellite from the most romantic city square in the Netherlands: the Vrijthof in Maastricht. Part of the cinema’s programme of live sport, culture and music performances. www.odeon.co.uk/odeon-plus Price: Please see website for details

Procession at 11.30am from Village Hall arriving at Twyford Road Playing Fields at 12noon. There will be a fancy dress competition, mini olympics, craft stalls, hot and cold food, music, bar, tug of war, bouncy castles, games and more! Email: dac@gpamail.co.uk www.willingtoncarnival.co.uk


Sun 20 July, 10am - 4.30pm

Swarkestone Summer Food and Drink Fair

Swarkestone Nursery, Lowes Lane, DE73 7GQ

A traditional summer food and drink fair showcasing local and artisan producers from Derbyshire and beyond. Tel: 01332 700800 Email: info@swarkestonenursery.co.uk www.gardencentrederby.co.uk


Tue 22 July

Music Hall & Tea Dance

The Pingle School, Coronation Street, Swadlincote, DE11 0QA

The day starts with a Coffee Morning followed by an Edwardian afternoon music hall and tea dance, please email for information and tickets. Email: cfairley@pingle.derbyshire.sch.uk

Wed 23 & Wed 30 July, 10am - 12noon

Kraftiz Drop In

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Join Kraftiz for this drop in craft activity.

Tel: 01283 480272 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Wed 23 July, 7pm

Melbourne Woodlands Walk Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Join Melbourne Footpaths Group for this evening stroll through Melbourne’s new National Forest woodlands. 4 miles. Tel: 07708 435469 www.melbournefootpathsgroup.org.uk Price: £2 per person.

visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 11 24, 25, 30 & 31 July, 2 - 4pm

Fri 25 & Mon 28 July, 2 - 4pm

Woodland Laser Combat Drop In

Archery Drop In

Go wild in the woods! 10 minute laser game. Purchase a token in the Barn Shop and then make your way to the Combat Woods and enjoy your game. No booking required.

Come and try a taster of archery! Purchase a ticket in the Barn Shop for 6 arrows and then make your way to the Archery Paddock where our qualified instructor will coach you on your technique and aim.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50 per person

Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Fri 25 July - Mon 28 July, 10am - 4pm

Sat 26 July

The Magic Attic First World War Commemorative Exhibition

24 Hour Thunder Run at Catton Hall Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

Swadlincote Town Hall, The Delph Market Square, Swadlincote, DE11 0AD

Local social history photography of the First World War, drawing on the archives of The Magic Attic. Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk


Meet the Greeks

Melbourne Library, Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Find out about Medusa and Hercules plus other Greek myths and legends. Free family learning craft activity suitable for age 5+. All children must be accompanied by an adult. free

Fri 25 July, 12noon - 5pm

Tour de Forest Frenzy

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

The popular “Forest Frenzy” event returns and to celebrate the Summer of Cycling this year it has a pedal powered theme. Buy a wristband and take part in as many activities as you like including mountain biking, balance bikes, kmx karts, blendavenda, laser combat and climbing. No booking required. Family discounts available. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £10 per child, half price adult for every full paying child.

The Adidas Thunder Run is a 24 hour off-road relay race against the clock. Whether you run solo, in pairs or teams of five or eight it will test your tactics, endurance, speed and team work. Tel: 01298 687331 www.tr24.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sat 26 & Sun 27 July (Sat 11.30am-10pm, Sun 11.30am-9pm)

Fri 25 July, 10am - 11am

Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Swadlincote Sausage and Cider Family Festival Maurice Lea Memorial Park, York Road, Church Gresley, Swadlincote, DE11 9NW

Two day event at Maurice Lea Park with locally-produced sausages and cider as well as live outdoor music, bands and singers. There will be entertainment for all the family in this superb setting.

Tel: 07854 743025 Email: jimmy@redjellyproductions.com www.redjellyproductions.co.uk Price: Before 5pm: Adults £5, Under 16s £4, Under 3s Free. After 5pm: Adults £8, Under 16s £6, Under 3s Free. Car parking on Gresley Common Free.

Sat 26 July, 10am

Tree Walk

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Come along and join us for a walk around Rosliston Forestry Centre whilst learning about the wide variety of trees on site from our local expert Brian George. Meet at 9.45am for a 10am start. 2 miles, no stiles. Tel: 01283 563483 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £1 per person

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Sat 26 July, 7pm

Mon 28 July, 12.30pm

Tues 29 July - Thurs 21 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Wed 30 July, 10am - 12noon

Melbourne Operatic Society’s Summer Concert

Calke Alive 20th Century

40 Fighting Men

Mermaids and Sea Myths Summer Reading Challenge

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, DE73 8GF

Join Melbourne Male Voice Choir for this concert.

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sun 27 July, 1 - 5.30pm

NGS Open Garden - Clovermead Commonpiece Lane, Findern, DE65 6AF

Cottage garden set in approx one acre. Garden rooms packed full of perennial flowers, where honeysuckle, roses, jasmine and sweet peas scent the air and over 100 varieties of clematis ramble everywhere. Pergolas and archways give height to the garden. Tel: 01283 702237 Email: daverose1221@btinternet.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free

Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Come and meet some wartime characters from Calke in the 1940s. Help the war effort with some make do and mend and then join us for a tea dance in the Riding School at 2.30pm.

Learn about 40 men from the local area who gave their lives in the First World War from the information boards located around the Museum by The Magic Attic local history archive.

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Mon 28 July - Fri 1 Aug, 9am - 5pm

Tues 29 July, 2 - 4pm


Wildlife Watch: Pond Dipping

Fully supervised, fun-packed days for the kids over selected week days during the South Derbyshire school holidays. A fantastic range of outdoor activities may include archery, laser games and climbing wall. Suitable for children aged 8+.

Start any time between 2 and 3.30pm. Join us down by the pond/lake (follow signs) and help us find out what creatures are in there! We provide all the equipment but please be prepared to share within family groups.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per child over 3 years

Tues 29 July, 11am

Craft Skills Day


Across 75 miles of footpaths from the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire to Beacon Hill Country Park in Leicestershire, you will discover the story of The National Forest. Suitable for experienced and new walkers alike, the trail reveals the history of this changing landscape, and is accompanied by leaflets, online information and clear signage. www.nationalforestway.co.uk

Our building team will help you try your hand at bricklaying, stone carving, joinery and lead work. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Etwall Library, Egginton Road, Etwall, DE65 6NB

Find out more about the mythical world under the sea. Free family craft activity.

Suitable for ages 5+. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk free www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Wed 30 July, 12.30pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum and Kiln Tours Explore the unique history of Sharpe’s Pottery kiln and Museum galleries with a free guided tour. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk (Donations welcome)


Thurs 31 July, 9am - 3pm

Swadlincote Farmers’ Market

Wed 30 July, 11am - 2pm

The Delph Market Place, Swadlincote, DE11 0AD

Teddy Bear’s Picnic!

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

If you go down to Elvaston Castle today you’re in for a big surprise! Kick off the summer holiday fun by joining us for our Teddy Bears’ Picnic activities include teddy story walk, games, crafts, outdoor art and more. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Small charge applies for some activities, parking charges apply


West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Main image ©2020 Vision: Ben Hall

The new National Forest Way long distance trail takes walkers on a journey through a transforming landscape

Suitable for ages 5+. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Mermaids and Sea Myths Summer Reading Challenge

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £20 per child per day. Booking essential

Find out more about the mythical world under the sea. Free family craft activity.

Wed 30 July, 2.30 - 3.30pm

Out and Active

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

See what is grown, raised, made, brewed, pickled, bottled, baked or caught within 35 miles of The National Forest.

Tel: 01283 222848 Email: gail.archer@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk free Free entry and parking in Swadlincote

Thurs 31 July - Fri 1 Aug, 11am - 3.30pm

Bear Hunt

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE free

Bring your bear and follow a bear hunt through the pleasure grounds. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply

14 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic

visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 15


Fri 1 Aug, 9am - 5pm

Fri 1 Aug, 1 - 4pm

Sat 2 Aug, 10am

Fri 1 - Sat 30 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Out and Active

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, Swadlincote, DE12 8JX

Big Fun Friday!

The Great War Shattered Illusions Talk

Featured Artist at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Featured Artist in the Museum shop this month is Angela Thompson with handcrafted decorative glass items.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Fri 1 - Fri 29 Aug, 10am - 4pm

William Allitt School Art Exhibition

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

An exhibition of William Allitt final year GCSE Art projects. Mixed media art showcased in the temporary exhibition space and Coffee Shop.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 & 29 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Archery Drop In

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Come and try a taster of Archery! Purchase a ticket in the Barn Shop for 6 arrows and then make your way to the Archery Paddock where our qualified instructor will coach you on your technique and aim. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Fri 1 - Sun 31 Aug, 1.30 - 5.30pm

Melbourne Hall and Gardens Church Square, Melbourne, DE73 8EN

The family home of Lord and Lady Ralph Kerr will be open. The Hall was once home to the Victorian Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, who gave his name to the Australian city. Wonderful 18th Century formal garden, pools, statues and Bakewell’s birdcage. N.B. Not open first three Mondays. Tel: 01332 862502 Email: melbhall@globalnet.co.uk www.melbournehall.com Price: Hall and Gardens ticket: Adult £6.50, OAP £5.50, Child £4.50

Fully supervised, fun-packed days for the kids over selected week days during the South Derbyshire school holidays. A fantastic range of outdoor activities may include: archery, laser games and climbing wall. Suitable for children aged 8+.

Hatton Playing Fields, Scropton Lane, Hatton

Big Fun Friday with PlayMobile, Commonwealth Games and the Climbing Wall. An earlier start time for some extra fun! Tel: 01283 595973 www.south-derbys.gov.uk Price: Please phone for further details.

Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £20 per child per day. Booking essential (places limited so book early to avoid disappointment).

Fri 1 Aug, 8.30pm

Fri 1 Aug, 10am - 11am

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Adult £7.50, Child £4. Booking essential. Normal admission charges also apply.

Mermaids and Sea Myths Summer Reading Challenge

Melbourne Library, Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Find out more about the mythical world under the sea. Free family learning craft activity. Suitable for ages 5+. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk free www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Shop local... Swadlincote Market Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 9am - 4pm HIGH STREET, SWADLINCOTE, DE11 8JE

Award-winning traditional town centre market, offering great variety and value for money. Stalls available. Discounted fees and business advice available to new start traders. For more details 07879 276243 or email simon.wardle@virgin.net

Bat and Moth Night

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Meet the creatures that live in the park that are hidden to our daytime visitors. Includes a snack.

Fri 1 - Sun 3 Aug

Capable Canines

Catton Hall, Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

Dog show. Please contact for further details. Tel: 01283 716892 www.capablecanines.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sat 2 Aug, 10am

Footloose Walk Staunton Harold Reservoir

Meet by Melbourne Parish Church, Wilson Road/ Blackwell Lane, Melbourne, DE73 7JW

Join Footloose Walkers for this 5.5 mile walk around Melbourne via Staunton Harold Reservoir. Footloose walkers are a 40+ Singles group. Dogs on lead please. Email: footloosewalkers@hotmail.co.uk www.footloose.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sat 2 Aug, 10am - 3pm

Crystal and Gift Event

Swadlincote Therapy Rooms, Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

We have a large selection of tumblestones and other crystals, angel, fairy and Buddha figurines. We also have some items of crystal and beaded jewellery, incense and holders and other unusual gift items. Tel: 01283 712991 free Email: purplepoppy@live.co.uk

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

A talk illustrating the romanticised image of war in the run up to 1914 and the shattered illusions thereafter, including the works of some of the WWI poets. A talk by local historian Danny Wells. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Tickets £5 (including refreshments)

Sat 2 Aug, 7pm

Melbourne Male Voice Choir in Concert

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sun 3 Aug, 3pm

Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting Sealwood Cottage Vineyard, Sealwood Lane, Linton, DE12 6PA

The tour and wine tasting starts promptly at 3pm and takes about 1.5 hours. You will see the growing vines which are a short walk away on level ground adjacent to Sealwood Cottage. Tel: 01283 761371 Email: vineyard@sealwoodcottage.co.uk www.sealwoodcottage.co.uk/the-vineyard Price: Adults: £7; Booking essential

Mon 4 Aug, 11am - 2.30pm

Poppy Making Workshop

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join us to mark the 100th anniversary of the declaration of war against Germany with our family poppy making workshop.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

16 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Mon 4, Mon 11, Mon 18 & Mon 25 Aug, 2pm

Tours of the House, Gardens and Chapel at Catton Hall Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

Catton Estate, first mentioned in the Domesday Book in 1085, was purchased by ancestors of the Neilson family in 1405. The present Georgian Hall has remained unspoilt since it was built in 1745.

Tel: 01283 716311 www.catton-hall.com Price: Adults £5, OAPs £4, Children Free

Mon 4 Aug, 3pm

1914 to Present Day Unveiling of Memorial at Hilton Hilton Methodist Church, Main Street, Hilton, Derby, DE65 5JN

The Hilton & Marston History Group remember the start of the Great War and all subsequent conflicts by unveiling a sun dial to be placed on Romas garden, Egginton Road. Displays and refreshments available in the Methodist Church. Tel: 01283 7321185 Email: hiltonhistory@gmail.com free www.hiltonmarstonhistory.org.uk

Tues 5 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Wildlife Watch: Family Explorers - Butterflies Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Start in the classroom from 2-3pm. Borrow some kit to help you explore the site looking for butterflies, bees, dragonflies and other flying insects. Bring your camera to photograph what you find and return to the classroom for help with identification. All kit to be returned by 4pm.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per group/set of equipment borrowed

Tues 5 Aug, 12.30pm

visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 17

Wed 6, Wed 13, Wed 20 & Wed 27 Aug, 10am - 12noon

Wed 6 Aug, 12noon - 4pm

Thurs 7 - Sun 10 Aug

Kraftiz Drop In

National Play Day

Maurice Lea Memorial Park, York Road, Church Gresley, Swadlincote, DE11 9NW

Bloodstock Open Air ‘Heavy Metal’ Festival

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

A celebration of children’s right to play, this year’s event promises to bring bouncy castles, soft play, laser combat, human table football, arts & crafts, Xplorer and the climbing wall, plus much more for the whole family to enjoy!

Join Kraftiz for this drop in craft activity. Tel: 01283 480272 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Wed 6, Wed 13, Wed 20 & Wed 27 Aug, 10.30am - 3pm

Wild Wednesdays

Go wild every Wednesday throughout the summer holidays. Each week there will be different activities on offer, so come and have a go. Themes include environmental art, wildlife and nature, woodland skills and much more! Children must be accompanied by an adult.


Wed 6 Aug, 10am

Meet the Greeks Summer Reading Challenge

Swadlincote Adult Education Centre, Rink Drive, Swadlincote, DE11 8JL

Find out about Medusa & Hercules plus other Greek myths and legends. Free family learning craft activity. Suitable for age 5+. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk free www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Eureka Park Restoration

Calke Alive 18th Century

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Go wild in the woods! £2.50 per person, for a 10 minute laser game. Purchase a token in the Barn Shop and then make your way to the Combat Woods and enjoy your game. No booking required. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50 per person

Wed 6 Aug, 2.30 - 4pm

Bamfords Antiques Valuation Day Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Bamford’s auctioneers will be offering advice and valuations at the Museum. A fantastic chance to unearth your family heritage and find out about the history and today’s value of the items! Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 donation per item; this is then used towards the upkeep of the Museum.

Wed 6 Aug, 2.30pm

Meet the Greeks - Summer Reading Challenge

Etwall Library, Egginton Road, Etwall, DE65 6NB

Find out about Medusa & Hercules plus other Greek myths and legends. Free family learning craft activity. Suitable for ages 5+. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Sir John and Dame Catherine Harpur invite you to their new house, to meet some of the characters who lived and worked at Calke in the 18th Century.

6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 & 28 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Woodland Laser Combat Drop In

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, Derby, DE72 3EP

Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Free (Small charge for some activities), Parking charges apply.

Tel: 01283 228752 free www.south-derbys.gov.uk

The restoration of Eureka Park is due to be completed in August 2014. There will be a range of events during the Summer - for further details please see the noticeboards in the Park or go to www.south-derbys.gov.uk

Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk free www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries

Catton Hall, Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

The UK’s biggest independent Metal festival. It has won the hearts and minds of fans of heavy rock and metal by consistently showcasing the strongest Metal line up on UK soil. Three day music festival. Tel: 01332 666370 www.bloodstock.uk.com

Sat 9 Aug, 10am - 12noon, 1 - 3pm

Bug Safari

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Join the Elvaston Team in the Local Nature Reserve and help us search for bugs living there. Winged wonders, swift swimmers and creepy crawlies can all be found! Learn about the creatures we discover and, like all explorers, record the finds. Meet at Local Nature Reserve entrance. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Charges apply. Parking charges apply.

Sat 9 Aug, 10am

Footloose Walk - Milton

Meet in Main Street, Milton, Near Swan Inn Public House, DE65 6EF

Join Footloose Walkers for this 4.5 mile walk around Foremark Hall School. Footloose walkers are a 40+ Singles group. Dogs on lead please. Email: footloosewalkers@hotmail.co.uk www.footloose.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sun 10 & Sun 24 Aug, 10.30am - 4pm

NGS Open Garden For Charity

Bluebell Arboretum, Annwell Lane, Smisby, LE65 2TA

Visit this beautiful nine acre woodland garden, featuring rare trees and shrubs. Specialist tree and shrub nursery adjacent. Please wear warm clothes and sturdy, waterproof footwear. Tel: 01530 413700 Email: sales@bluebellnursery.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free

18 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Sun 10 Aug

Mon 11 Aug, 10am - 5pm

Affordable Art Fair

NGS Open Garden

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF Tel: 01332 865726 www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sun 10 Aug, 1 - 5.30pm

NGS Open Garden

22 Pinfold Close, Repton, DE65 6FR

Small garden with interesting tropical plants, including palms, gingers, tree ferns, cannas and bananas. Tel: 01283 701964 Email: owenjowett@btinternet.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free. Single Garden Admission £3, Children Free.

Sun 10 Aug, 1 - 5.30pm

NGS Open Garden

Woodend Cottage, 134 Main Street, Repton, DE65 6FB

Plant lover’s garden with glorious views on a sloping 2.5 acre site developed organically for year-round interest. Visitors also welcome by appointment during August. Tel: 01283 703259 Email: wendylongden@btinternet.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: £3, Children Free. Combined with 22 Pinfold Close and 10 Chestnut Way: Admission £6, Children Free.

Sun 10 Aug, 1 - 5.30pm

NGS Open Garden

10 Chestnut Way, Repton, DE65 6FQ

Lose yourself in an acre of sweeping mixed borders, spring bulbs, mature trees, a stunning butterfly bed, young arboretum, established prairie and annual meadow. Meet a pair of passionate gardeners who gently manage this plantsman’s garden. Visitors also welcome by appointment Apr-Sept Tel: 01283 702267 Email: rlittleq@gmail.com www.littlegarden.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Late 18th Century walled gardens repaired over the last 25 years, flower garden with summer bedding, herbaceous borders, unique auricula theatre, Georgian orangery, impressive collection of glasshouses, garden buildings, icehouse and grotto. Electric buggy available for those with limited mobility.



Tel: 01332 865587 www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke Price: Adults £2.50, Children £2.50

Tues 12 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Wildlife Watch: Minibeast Safari Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Join us for a guided walk to discover some of the smallest creatures at Rosliston! We will be looking for minibeasts in different places around the site and using sweep nets, weather permitting! Gather in the classroom from 2pm.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per child over 3 years.

Wed 13 Aug, 10am - 12noon

Mythical Scarecrow Workshop Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join us to create two scarecrows based on mythical people/creatures to go on display for the annual Swadlincote Scarecrow Trail. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Tel: 01629 533013 Email: natasha.hyde@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/libraries Price: Free but booking essential

Wed 13 Aug, 5.30 - 9.30pm

Family Bushcraft Evening

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

The 4th August 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. The First World War was a turning point in world history. It claimed the lives of over 16 million people across the globe and had an impact on the lives of everyone. As we approach this important Centenary, people of all ages throughout the United Kingdom will be reflecting on the events of the First World War, the experiences of men and women here and overseas, and how the war has shaped the last 100 years.

Come and learn how to survive in the wild! Suitable for children aged 7+ (children must be accompanied by a paying adult).

Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £10 per adult, £7.50 per child (booking essential)


Eureka Park

In South Derbyshire remembrance activities are being staged by many organisations. Earlier this year, the Royal British Legion: Swadlincote & District Branch sold poppy seeds in aid of the Poppy Appeal for local residents to plant in their gardens.

Members of the Royal British Legion and Cadets from the 1211 Air Training Corp (Swadlincote) Squadron travelled to the Western Front, visiting battlefield sites, war museums and cemeteries in Belgium, culminating in a service at the Menin Gate, Ypres. The National Forest Walking Festival in May featured a number of walks that focused on the history and remembrance of the First World War, including a professional story teller taking visitors on a moving tour of memorials.

Swadlincote’s Eureka Park is well known for its First World War Memorial Gates off Midland Road, which bear plaques naming local people who died in the First and Second World Wars. The gates, originally installed in 1926, have been restored as part of the wider revamp of Eureka Park which is being funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund through the Parks for People Programme. A rededication ceremony will take place once the gate restoration is complete. A number of organisations plan to refurbish and rededicate First World War memorials in South Derbyshire. Local memorials will then be featured in new walking and cycling routes through guides and teaching resources. There will also be tree and poppy planting at other locations in South Derbyshire. These are just a selection of the First World War commemorative activities taking place in South Derbyshire - for further information please go to: www.south-derbys.gov.uk/firstworldwar

Findern Footpaths Group

Key Events

(please see main listing for further details):

Sat 19 July, 7pm Melbourne’s World War One Commemorative Concert

A three hour concert at Melbourne Assembly Rooms with the TA Band of the Royal Engineers and special guests.

Fri 25 - Mon 28 July, 10am-4pm The Magic Attic First World War Commemorative Exhibition

Local social history photography of the First World War at Swadlincote Town Hall, drawing on the archives of The Magic Attic.

Mon 4 August, 10pm Candlelit Vigils

Vigils will be held across the country to mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. Millions of candles will be lit in churches at 10.30pm, at the start of a period of reflection and remembrance. At 11pm, the time war was declared in 1914, the candles will be extinguished. The centrepiece will be a service held at Westminster Abbey. www.gov.uk/ww1centenary

Thurs 14 August, 1.15pm Swadlincote’s Great War Walk

A pleasant urban walk starting at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum and linking three parks. It will look at evidence of changes to Swadlincote’s landscape in the post First World War years, especially in the development of two memorial parks: Eureka Park and Maurice Lea Memorial Park. The walk will include the launch of a ‘Poppy Trail’ in Maurice Lea Park and a walk through Swadlincote Woodlands.

Sat 6 September, 10.45am Drumhead Service of Remembrance

An open air ceremony led by The Royal British Legion: Swadlincote & District Branch on The Delph market square in Swadlincote town centre.

Sat 6 September, 7pm Last Night of the Proms

Newhall Band present a wide range of stirring music and flag waving favourites at The Glade at Rosliston Forestry Centre. First World War commemorations will play a large part of the theme for the evening which will include a special beacon lighting. See back cover for details.

The Group has been working with Findern Historical Society to sow beds of flanders poppies in commemoration of the First World War. Look out for displays of poppies in All Saints churchyard, Brook Close and near the King George V playing field. The latter site has been sown in beds which were prepared by the Community Payback Team to spell ‘1914-1918’. The Environmental Education Project Team The Team, based at Rosliston Forestry Centre, is undertaking research with local schools looking at Swadlincote at the end of the First World War, with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund. This work will lead to the creation of new Poppy Trails for Maurice Lea Park and Eureka Park, together with the ‘Great War Walk’ this summer and commemorative walks around Lullington and Bretby next year.

Lives of the First World War Discover their stories… Remember their lives.

The Imperial War Museums need you to help piece together the life stories of more than 8 million men and women from across Britain and the Commonwealth who served in uniform and worked on the home front during the First World War.


visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 23 Thurs 14 Aug, 11am - 1pm

Fri 15 Aug, 7.30 - 11pm

Teddy Bear Picnic Ride

Midsummer Ball at Willington

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Bring your Teddy Bear for a day of family fun cycling through the woods. There will be a gentle 2 mile ride around the scenic Teddy Bear trail including a stop for lunch so don’t forget to pack a picnic! Tel: 07580 637123 Email: alistair.bagnall@south-derbys.gov.uk www.healthiersouthderbyshire.org/get-active-inthe-forest/cycling Price: £3 (including bike and helmet hire), £1.50 (if using own bike)

Thurs 14 Aug, 11am

Ranger’s Skills Day

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Join our Rangers for hands on activities like helping to build a stone wall and find out about their work on the estate. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Thurs 14 Aug, 1.15pm

Swadlincote’s Great War Walk Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

A pleasant urban walk linking three parks. It will look at evidence of changes to Swadlincote’s landscape in the post WW1 years, especially in the development of two memorial parks: Eureka Park and Maurice Lea Memorial Park. The walk will include the launch of a ‘Poppy Trail’ in Maurice Lea Park and a walk through Swadlincote Woodlands. The Poppy Trail and walk route leaflets will be available free online after 14th August at: www.south-derbys. gov.uk/firstworldwar The walk organised by Environmental Education Project is just under 4 miles, 2 hours, no stiles.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2

The Chimneys, Twyford Road, Willington, DE65 6PP

Dress up and enjoy ballroom and sequence dancing and a buffet supper! If you want to learn some steps in advance, we have daytime and evening classes across the area - contact Karen for further information. Tel: 07720 571268 Email: klcresswell@aol.com www.facebook.com/DancingWithKaren Price: £10 (including buffet). Booking essential.

Sat 16 Aug, 10am - 1pm

Decorative Glass Making Master Class

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Angela Thompson from the ‘Glass @ The Barn’ studio will be running a master class for beginners. Join her to make your own beautifully crafted glass art to take home for yourself or as a gift. Participants must be 18+. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £10 per person (including refreshments)

Sat 16 & Sun 17 Aug, 11am - 4pm

Archaeology Weekend

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Watch our Archaeologists at work and help them to piece together the lost village of Calke. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Sat 16 Aug, 12noon - 4pm

NGS Open Garden - Old English Walled Garden Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Discover the beauty of the Old English Walled Garden. Enjoy the scents and colours of all the varieties of trees, shrubs and plants, including Spring bulbs, summer bedding, large herbaceous borders and new for 2014 the Sensory Garden. Tel: 01332 571342 www.derbyshire.gov.uk/elvaston Price: Adults £2.50, Children Free

24 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic

visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic 25

Mon 18 Aug - Fri 22 Aug, 9am - 5pm

Tues 19 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Sat 23 Aug - Fri 5 Sept

Sun 24 Aug, 1pm - 5.30pm

Out and Active

Wildlife Watch: Family Explorers Focus on Plants

Swadlincote Scarecrow Trail

NGS Open Garden

Swadlincote & District Chamber of Trade introduces Swadlincote town centre’s scarecrow hunt. Get spotting around Swadlincote and win prizes! Pick up your entry form from Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre.

A garden with two levels of approx half an acre, featuring packed herbaceous borders designed for colour, roses and clematis scrambling over pergolas, shrubs, baskets and tubs, greenhouses, raised bed vegetable area, fruit trees and bushes. Visitors also welcome by appointment Jun-Aug for groups.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Fully supervised, fun-packed days for the kids over selected weekdays during the South Derbyshire school holidays. A fantastic range of outdoor activities may include: archery, laser games and climbing wall. Suitable for children aged 8+. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £20 per child per day. Booking essential (places limited so book early to avoid disappointment).

Mon 18 - Fri 29 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Children’s Summer History Detectives Treasure Hunt Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Follow our treasure trail around the Museum to find facts and treasure. A prize for each participant. All ages welcome.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Tues 19 Aug, 12.30pm

Calke Alive 20th Century

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Come and meet some war time characters from Calke in the 1940s. Help the war effort with some make do and mend and then join us for a tea dance in the Riding School at 2.30pm.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Start in the classroom from 2-3pm. Borrow some kit to help you explore the site looking for plants and trees. Bring your camera to photograph what you find, then return to the classroom by 3.30pm for help with identification. All kit to be returned by 4pm.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per group/set of equipment borrowed.

Wed 20 Aug

Repton Village History Group visit to Upper Hall Main Street, Hartshorne, DE11 7ES

Please contact for further details of visit. Tel: 01283 702448 Email: rvhg@reptonvillage.org.uk www.reptonvillage.org.uk

Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Join our local enthusiast Peter Brewster on a butterfly safari around the site. Meet at 1.45pm for 2pm start in the Foyer. 2 miles, no stiles. Tel: 01283 563483 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £1 per person

Sun 24 Aug

Running Blind

Catton Hall, Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

Off road running event for solo runners and teams. Tel: 01298 687331 www.catton-hall.com Price: Please contact for further details

Talk by Derek Palmer.

Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2.50 - includes tea/coffee and biscuits

Fancy going back to basics? Back by popular demand, why not join our skilled staff in Elvaston’s woodland to learn some essential Bushcraft skills. We will cover: safe use of cutting tools, firelighting, shelter building and much more! Not suitable for under 16s. Lunch and refreshments included. Suitable footwear and clothing for the outdoors. All other equipment provided.

Tel: 01332 290606 www.summernightsfilm.co.uk Price: Earlybird £10.50, On the door £12

Butterfly Walk at Rosliston Forestry Centre

The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Tues 19 Aug, 7pm

Outdoor screening. Winner of two Oscars. Set in 1922, Leonardo DiCaprio plays the enigmatic Jay Gatsby who lures Midwesterner Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) into his lavish world. A visual feast and a journey to the roaring twenties. Doors open 7pm. Performance starts at 9.15pm.

Sun 24 Aug, 2pm

Tel: 01283 221167 Email: valerie.booth@sky.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free Groups 10+ £5 (includes tea and cake)

Demolition Derby Talk

Thurs 21 Aug, 9am - 5pm

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Tel: 01283 222848 www.swadlincotechamber.com Price: £1 per entry form. Please contact Swadlincote TIC for further details

13 Westfield Road, Swadlincote, DE11 0BG

Wed 20 Aug, 7.30pm

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Summer Nights - The Great Gatsby at Calke Abbey

Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Bushcraft Skills Day

Sat 23 Aug - Fri 5 Sept

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: £50 per person (booking essential)

PRIZES 1st £100, 2nd £50, 3rd £25 Children’s prizes 10 x £10

£1 to enter - pick up an entry form from Swadlincote Tourist Information Office Monday to Saturday 10am-4.30pm Tel 01283 222848

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Tues 26 Aug, 2 - 4pm

Thurs 28 Aug, 9am - 3pm

Sat 30 Aug, 11am - 3pm

Sun 31 Aug, 3pm

Wildlife Watch: Pond Dipping

Swadlincote Farmers’ Market

Summer Family Fun Day

Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting

You are invited to come along and see what is on offer from our local producers - see what is grown, raised, made, brewed, pickled, bottled, baked or caught within 35 miles of The National Forest.

Fun for all ages with themed activities, including various craft and food stalls, bouncy castle, face painting, pony rides, plus visit the resident farm animals!

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Start any time between 2 and 3.30pm. Join us down by the pond/lake (follow signs) and help us find out what creatures are in there! We provide all the equipment but please be prepared to share within family groups.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per child over 3 years

Wed 27 Aug, 10am - 4pm

Junior Bushcraft Day

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Come and learn how to survive in the wild! Suitable for children aged 8+. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £20 per child.

Wed 27 Aug, 12.30pm

Calke Alive 20th Century

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Come and meet some war time characters from Calke in the 1940s. Help the war effort with some make do and mend and then join us for a tea dance in the Riding School at 2.30pm.

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply

Wed 27 Aug, 12.30pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum and Kiln Tours West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Explore the unique history of Sharpe’s Pottery kiln and Museum galleries with a free guided tour. Learn about an invention which changed the world for the better and pots which are an iconic part of our British social history.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free Donations welcome

The Delph Market Place, Swadlincote, DE11 0AD

Tel: 01283 222848 www.south-derbys.gov.uk Email: gail.archer@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free Free entry & free parking in Swadlincote

Sat 30 Aug

Forties Night with Alan Axon and Ruzzit Duzzit Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Dance the night away and relive the 40s with professional dance instructor Alan Axon and nostalgic games and quizzes. Tickets available from the Assembly Rooms and Forteys in Melbourne Market Place. Tel: 01332 863522 www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £6

Sat 30 Aug, 11am - 11pm


Betty’s Farm, The Castle Way, Willington, DE65 6BW

Tel: 01283 499346 Email: info@bettysfarm.co.uk www.bettysfarm.co.uk

Sat 30 & Sun 31 Aug

Art, Craft & Design Show

Sealwood Cottage Vineyard, Sealwood Lane, Linton, DE12 6PA

The tour and wine tasting starts promptly at 3pm and takes about 1.5 hours. You will see the growing vines which are a short walk away on level ground adjacent to Sealwood Cottage. Tel: 01283 761371 Email: vineyard@sealwoodcottage.co.uk www.sealwoodcottage.co.uk/the-vineyard Price: Adults: £7 (booking essential)

Catton Hall, Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN Tel: 07570 016805 www.catton-hall.com Price: Please phone for further details.

The Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Garden in Swadlincote is being re-designed!

This space was used by Sharpe’s Pottery as a clay hearth and then in 1981, during a period of regeneration, a small garden was created with a plaque to celebrate the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. Princess Diana then visited Swadlincote in 1991. When tragedy struck in the Summer of 1997, the public used this space to lay flowers for Diana. A plaque was mounted in her memory and ever since this time the garden has always been known as the Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial Garden.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

With a headline band and supporting acts, Gladefest is pleased to reveal a brand new area in the arena as part of the festival - TRIBE: Featuring circus skills, stone balancing, tribal arts & crafts, face painting & more for all the family. Tickets available from Swadlincote TIC and Rosliston Forestry Centre.

Tel: 01283 222848 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: Early Bird tickets: Adult £10, Under 18 £7.50, Family (2+2) £25. On the Gate: Adult £15, Under 18 £10, Family (2+2) £35.

ODEON Senior Screen

Senior Screen shows films for mature guests during the day on a Thursday at The Pipeworks in Swadlincote. Come along and meet friends for a screening of the best recent films and classics from the past. Enjoy free tea and coffee before the screening and then relax and enjoy the film at a discounted price. For further information ring 01283 559 060 or go to www.odeon.co.uk

We would love to know what people would like to see in this new space and how they would like to use it. There will be a display in Sharpe’s Pottery Museum over the Summer, where you will be able to give comments and thoughts. Further opportunities to get involved will be available at various events and on some market days in Swadlincote. Find us on Facebook Badge

Please visit the Swadlincote Townscape Heritage Scheme Facebook page or the Council’s website for more information and news about the scheme at www.south-derbys.gov.uk Alternatively you can call 01283 22 8764 or 01283 535039 for more information.

CMYK / .eps


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Wed 3 Sept, 10am - 12noon

Thurs 4 Sept, 7.30pm

Sat 6 Sept, 10.45am

Mon 1 - Tues 30 Sept, 10am - 4pm

Kraftiz Drop In

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

The Royal Yacht and My Falklands War Talk

Drumhead Service of Remembrance

Join Repton Village Society for this talk by Mark Newbold.

An open air ceremony led by The Royal British Legion: Swadlincote & District Branch. Part of the First World War remembrance activities in South Derbyshire.

Featured Artists at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Exhibition of original artwork by Pauline Wakefield in the Coffee Shop and 3D Glass and Ceramics by Kathy Spall in the Museum Shop.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Mon 1 - Tues 30 Sept, 10am - 4pm

Working Life in 20th Century Derbyshire Potteries Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

An exhibition on the people who worked in the potteries of South Derbyshire in the 20th Century. This exhibit will include historic film, oral histories, images and artefacts which all relate to a once prolific ceramics industry.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk free www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Mon 1 Sept, 2 - 4pm

Archery Drop In

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Purchase a ticket in the Barn Shop for 6 arrows and then make your way to the Archery Paddock where our qualified instructor will coach you. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Tues 2 Sept, 2 - 4pm

Wildlife Watch: Family Explorers Shapes & Colours Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Start in the classroom from 2-3pm. How many natural shapes and colours can you find? Borrow some kit to help you explore the site. Bring your camera to photograph what you find, return to the classroom by 3.30pm to help create a display. All kit to be returned by 4pm.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per group/set of equipment borrowed.

Join Kraftiz for this drop in craft activity.

Tel: 01283 480272 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Wed 3 Sept, 10.30am - 3pm

Wild Wednesdays

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

There will be different activities on offer, so come and have a go. Themes include environmental art, wildlife and nature, woodland skills and much more!

Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Small charge for some activities. Parking charges apply. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Wed 3 & Thurs 4 Sept, 2 - 4pm

Woodland Laser Combat Drop In Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Go wild in the woods! £2.50 per person, for a 10 minute laser game. Purchase a token in the Barn Shop and then make your way to the Combat Woods and enjoy your game. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50 per person (no booking required)

Wed 3 Sept, 2.30 - 4pm

Bamfords Antiques Valuation Day Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

First Wednesday of the month. Bamford’s auctioneers will be offering advice and valuations at the Museum. A fantastic chance to unearth your family heritage and find out about the history and today’s value of your items! Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 donation per item; this is then used towards the upkeep of the Museum.

Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, DE65 6FH Tel: 01283 701838 Price: Visitors £3

Thurs 4 Sept, 7.30pm

Rolleston on Dove Talk

Hilton Methodist Chapel, Main Street, Hilton, DE65 5FW

Join Hilton and Marston History Group for this talk by Arnold Burston. Visitors welcome to all meetings. Tel: 01283 733069 Email: hiltonhistory@gmail.com www.hiltonmarstonhistory.org.uk Price: Non Members £3

Fri 5 Sept, 7 - 9pm

Bats About Elvaston

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

The Delph Market Square, Swadlincote Town Centre, DE11 0AD

Tel: 01283 222848 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.britishlegion.org.uk


Sat 6 Sept, 7pm

Last Night of the Proms

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Newhall Band presents a wide range of stirring music and flag waving favourites. The WWI commemorations play a large part in the evening’s theme, including a special beacon lighting.

Tel: 01283 222848 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: Adult £5, Concession/Child £2.50, Family (2+2) £12, Under 4s Free

Did you know that the Park is home to seven different species of bat? Join us in our search for these night time flyers and listen to their sonic sounds with our amazing bat detectors! Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Sat 6 Sept, 7.30pm

Sat 6 Sept, 10am

Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £10 from 01332 863522, www.ticketsource.co.uk

Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Charges apply (booking essential)

The History of a 17th Century School Talk Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

The Restoration, Victorian Reform and Daily Life. Join Susie McGraw for an illustrated costumed talk with original artefacts of the time which tell stories of a reformed school life.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £5 per ticket. (Refreshments included)

Miss 600 at Melbourne Festival Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8GF

Miss 600 return to Melbourne in 2014 with a nine piece band to launch their second studio album ‘Swing Ting’ released in May. Hannah Garner’s amazing voice combines with David Amar’s instrumental skills.

Sat 6 Sept, 8.30pm

Festival of Fireworks

Catton Hall, Catton, Walton on Trent, DE12 8LN

Bring a picnic or take advantage of the on-site catering and enjoy an evening of thrilling pyrotechnics. The premier event for the fireworks enthusiast or spectacularly different family night out. Gates open at 5pm. Displays commence at approximately 8.30pm. Book early to avoid disappointment and take advantage of discounts. Tel: 01384 402266 www.jubileefireworks.com Price: On the day: Family £74, Adult £27, Senior £24, Child £20 (discounted advanced tickets available)

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Sat 6 Sept, 1.30pm

Thurs 11 Sept, 9.45am

Fri 12 Sept, 7.30pm

Sat 13 Sept, 10am

Calke on Camera Walk

Twyford Ferry, Askew Hill & Repton Walk

Melbourne Festival Comedy Club

Hilton’s Habitats Walk

Now in its 6th year, the Comedy Club continues to be popular with a blend of high quality acts and a fun night out. Three great acts from the UK comedy circuit.

Hilton’s open water pools and grasslands form a wonderful nature reserve in the old gravel pits. Join Derbyshire Wildlife Trust for an introduction to this varied reserve. Wear stout footwear and bring your binoculars. No toilets on site, no dogs please.

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

Join us on this photography walk in the park and gardens and pick up some handy tips on your stroll. Bring along your camera and be inspired by the beauty of the estate.

Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Sat 6 - Fri 26 Sept

Melbourne Festival of Creative & Performing Arts

Various Venues, Melbourne, Derbyshire, DE73 8EJ

Time flies! This September sees the tenth Melbourne Festival bringing a splash of colour and energy. Enjoy a variety of live music, drama and comedy performances plus amazing artwork and fantastic food at venues throughout Melbourne.

Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk

Sat 6 Sept, 10am - 3pm Swadlincote Therapy Rooms, Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

We have a large selection of tumble stones and other crystal shapes as well as angel, fairy and Buddha figurines. Also available are crystal and beaded jewellery, incense and more. free

Tues 9 Sept, 7.30pm

A Year of Garden Colour

Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JW

You are invited to join Ticknall Garden Club for a talk by Dr Andrew Ward, specialist plantsman/ designer and owner of Norwell Nursery, Newark. www.ticknall.org.uk Price: £3

Wed 10 Sept, 6.30pm

‘Eyes Down’ Bingo Night

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Everyone is welcome to join us for a good relaxing night out. Doors open at 6.30pm. Cash Bingo with raffle and refreshments. Free parking.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Meet at: Cygnets Tea Rooms, 49 Main Street, Milton, DE65 6EF. Grid ref SK322263

A walk of much interest along the flood plain of the River Trent with the panoramic viewpoint of Askew Hill. A landscape typical of rural South Derbyshire. Meet at 9.45 am for coffee and to order lunch before the start of the walk at 10.15am. Terrain: Field paths - muddy after rain. 4.5 miles, 4 stiles. Leader Dot Morson.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2 per person

Tel: 01332 862243 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Tickets £8 from 01332 862243

Thurs 11 - Sun 14 Sept

South Derbyshire Heritage Open Days

Various venues throughout South Derbyshire

South Derbyshire properties open for Heritage Open Days Weekend. Please contact the Tourist Information Centre for further details.

Sat 13 & Sun 14 Sept, 10am - 5pm

Melbourne Through the Looking Glass

Sat 13 & Sun 14 Sept, 10am - 5pm

To celebrate the tenth Melbourne Festival, enjoy activities for children and families based on Lewis Carroll’s tales of Alice’s adventures ‘Through the Looking Glass’ including Mad Hat-making workshops, a Mad Hatters parade and Mad Hatters picnic.

Various venues throughout Melbourne.

Thurs 11 - Sat 13 Sept, 10am - 4pm

Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Free with Melbourne Festival Trail ticket

Sharpe’s Heritage Open Days

Sat 13 Sept, 10am - 3pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

The festival will include never before seen archival films, temporary exhibitions and community crafts activities. This is a national event which celebrates British heritage and opens the hidden part of museums to the public.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk


Thurs 11 Sept, 7.30pm

Furthest from the Sea Festival Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Matt McGuinness brings ‘Furthest From the Sea Festival’ to Melbourne - an evening of acoustic rock music, performed by some of the East Midland’s best new musicians, compered by Radio Derby’s Andy Potter.

Tel: 07962 430450 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £5 from 01332 863522 or www.ticketsource.co.uk

Meet at the Willowpit Lane entrance, Hilton Nature Reserve, Hilton. SK 249315

Tel: 01283 563483 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £1 per person

Various venues throughout Melbourne

Tel: 01283 222848 www.heritageopendays.org.uk

Crystal and Gift Event

Tel: 01283 712991 Email: purplepoppy@live.co.uk

Melbourne Royal British Legion, Derby Road, Melbourne, DE73 8FE

Calke Abbey, Ticknall, Derby, DE73 7LE

The Curly Magpie Pop Up market will have themed areas within the Museum buildings, including vintage, handmade, artisan and shabby chic style stalls. The Museum will also be running free vintage style children’s workshops. free

Sat 13 Sept, 10am

Footloose Walk - Newton Solney Join Footloose Walkers for this 4.5 mile walk around Newton Solney. Footloose walkers are a 40+ Singles group. Dogs on lead please Email: footloosewalkers@hotmail.co.uk www.footloose.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Trail guide £5, Under 18s Free

Calke Alive 19th Century

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Meet at: The Unicorn Inn, Repton Road, Newton Solney, DE15 0SG

Seventy venues throughout the heart of Melbourne. Don’t miss this opportunity to see 100 of the Midland’s most talented artists in over 60 locations in the heart of this gem of a village! A fantastic weekend for just £5! See Melbourne come alive in a blur of colour and activity.

Sat 13 Sept, 12.30pm

Curly Magpie Pop-Up Vintage & Handmade Market

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@curlymagpie.co.uk www.curlymagpie.co.uk

Melbourne Festival Art and Architecture Trail

Meet characters who lived and worked at Calke. From scullery maids to squires, boot boys to baronets - they all have a tale to tell. Tel: 01332 863822 Email: calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/calke-abbey Price: Normal admission charges apply.

Sun 14 & Sun 28 Sept, 10.30am - 4pm

NGS Open Garden

Bluebell Arboretum, Annwell Lane, Smisby, LE65 2TA

NGS Garden open for charity. Visit this beautiful nine acre woodland garden, featuring rare trees and shrubs. Specialist tree and shrub nursery adjacent to gardens. Please wear warm clothes and sturdy, waterproof footwear. Tel: 01530 413700 Email: sales@bluebellnursery.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults: £3 Children: Free

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Sun 14 Sept, 3pm

Wed 17 Sept, 7.30pm

Sat 20 Sept, 2.30 - 4.30pm

Wed 24 Sept, 12.30pm

Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting

Derbyshire Churches Saxon to Present Day Talk

Afternoon Tea with Jane Austen

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum and Kiln Tours

Sealwood Cottage Vineyard, Sealwood Lane, Linton, DE12 6PA

The tour and wine tasting starts promptly at 3pm and takes about 1.5 hours. You will see the growing vines which are a short walk away on level ground adjacent to Sealwood Cottage. Tel: 01283 761371 Email: vineyard@sealwoodcottage.co.uk www.sealwoodcottage.co.uk/the-vineyard Price: Adults: £7 (booking essential)

Tues 16 Sept, 6.30pm

Rosliston Bat Walk / Talk

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, Swadlincote, DE12 8JX

An opportunity to find out about bats with Derbyshire Bat Group - where they live, what they eat and how they find their way in the dark. Meet at the Classroom. (Walk ends about 8.15pm). No need to book.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per person

Tues 16 Sept, 7.30pm

History of Findern Talk Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, DE65 6GR

Join Repton Village History Group for this talk by John Hawkins. Tel: 01283 702448 Email: austens@talktalk.net www.reptonvillage.org.uk/history_group Price: £3 includes light refreshments

Wed 17 Sept, 10am

Foremark to Milton Circular Walk

Meet at lay-by near Coal Lane, Hartshorne on A514, SK334220

A varied walk circling Foremark Reservoir with a short stop at Milton. Bring a drink and a snack (Can’t guarantee pub at Milton will be open). 8 miles. Featured in Melbourne Footpaths Group’s new walks book. Tel: 07708 435469 www.melbournefootpathsgroup.org.uk Price: £2 per person

Melbourne Senior Citizen Centre, Church Street, Melbourne, DE73 8EJ

The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Meet English novelist Jane Austen, the woman behind such beloved books as ‘Sense and Sensibility’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’, in this solo show about the creator of the popular books.

Talk by Paul Newsham.

Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2.50 (Includes tea/coffee and biscuits)

Tel: 07765 819428 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Tickets £10

Fri 19 Sept

Rededication of War Memorial by Duke of Devonshire at Barrow upon Trent

Sat 20 Sept, 7.30pm

Flamenco Express

The War Memorial, Twyford Road, Barrow upon Trent, DE73 7HA

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8GF

Part of the First World War Centenary remembrance activities in South Derbyshire. Please contact for further details. Tel: 01332 700142 Email: alison@barrowupontrentparish.co.uk


Fri 19 Sept, 7.30pm

Melbourne Festival Folk Roots Evening

Tel: 07962 430450 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Tickets £10

Sat 20 Sept, 7.30pm

Film in the Kiln

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, Derby, DE73 8GF

Graham Breeze and Toby Wilson are an acoustic duo that favours the roots end of American Country music alongside their own compositions. They play guitars, dobro and sing in harmony with a sublime sense of taste and discrimination. Tel: 07962 430450 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: £10

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

A showing of the Spanish Film ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ by Guillermo del Toro in our historic bottle kiln - a film showing with a difference. Fully licensed bar. Snacks and sweets available. Please contact for further details.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £4 per person. Please book in advance.

Sat 20 Sept, 11am - 2.30pm

Paint-a-Pot Workshop

Tues 23 Sept, 2pm

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Strictly T-4-2 Afternoon Tea Dance

Decorate your own ceramic arts at our family ceramics art workshop. Children must be accompanied by adults. No booking required.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Flamenco is music, colour, energy and history all rolled into one - the fiercest expression of the human spirit ever devised! Flamenco Express brings us the best flamenco musicians and dancers.


If you would like your event included in the next edition (November-February 2015) or would like to advertise in the publication, please contact Swadlincote TIC on 01283 222 848

The Chimneys, Twyford Road, Willington, DE65 6PP

Enjoy an afternoon ballroom dancing followed by afternoon tea! If you want to develop your ballroom dancing skills, there are daytime and evening classes across the area - contact Karen for further information. Tel: 07720 571268 Email: klcresswell@aol.com www.facebook.com/DancingWithKaren Price: £6.50 per person - including afternoon tea (booking essential)

West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Explore the unique history of Sharpe’s Pottery kiln and Museum galleries with a free guided tour. Learn about an invention which changed the world for the better and pots which are an iconic part of our British social history. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Donations welcome


Wed 24 Sept, 1.30pm

Findern/Mercia Marina Circular Walk

Meet at Findern Village Green, Findern, DE65 6AT, SK308304

Join group members for a 3.5 mile walk along the Trent & Mersey Canal towpath to Mercia Marina visiting wildlife sites on the way. No stiles, but steps on bridge. Terrain: Easy but uneven along towpath and muddy after rain. Bus route V3. www.findernfootpathsgroup.org Donations welcome


Thurs 25 Sept, 9am - 3pm

Swadlincote Farmers’ Market

The Delph, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0AD

See what is grown, raised, made, brewed, pickled, bottled, baked or caught within 35 miles of The National Forest.

Tel: 01283 222848 Email: gail.archer@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk free Free entry and parking in Swadlincote

Fri 26 Sept, 7.30pm

American Goddess

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Marilyn Monroe is the American Goddess! Discover the woman behind the legend in this workshop production of a new play by Daniel David Webber exploring Marilyn’s final photoshoot with Lawrence Schiller, presented by Life Theatre Limited. Tickets from Festival Office. Tel: 07962 430450 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Tickets £5

34 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic Fri 26 Sept, 7.30pm

Sat 27 & Sun 28 Sept, 10am - 5pm

Strategic Deception

Derbyshire Woodland Festival

Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JW

Join Ticknall Preservation and Historical Society for this Talk by Hugh Davies. There will also be an AGM. Tel: 01332 862116 Email: hillcoleorton@yahoo.co.uk www.ticknall.org.uk Price: Non Members £2 (Includes refreshments)

Stargazing at Rosliston Forestry Centre Talk on the night sky followed by stargazing if sky is clear using our telescopes. Bring your binoculars. Beginners and more experienced stargazers welcome. Meet in the classroom. Tel: 07966 882157 Email: info@roslistonastronomy.org.uk www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: £3 for adults, £1 for children under 16

Sat 27 & Sun 29 Sept, 9am until late

Boardwalk Opening Weekend at Mercia Marina

Mercia Marina, Findern Lane, Willington, DE65 6DW

A boardwalk of independent retailers and a two storey bar and restaurant will be opening, accompanied by live music acts, live theatre performances, street performers, games, face painting, boat trips and much more. Open to all.


Sat 27 Sept, 9am - 5pm

Charity Craft Athon

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

One day drop in event at Kraftiz craft shop, bring your card making stash and join other likeminded people for this fun day. Stay as long as you like creating cards to donate to charity. All abilities welcome. Proceeds to Help the Heroes.

Tel: 01283 480272 Email: juliekraftiz@msn.com www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk

A celebration of traditional and contemporary woodland crafts - the Festival celebrates everything woody!


Featured Artist: Kathy Spall at Sharpe’s Pottery Museum Exhibition of original artwork in the Coffee Shop and 3D glass and ceramics in the gift shop. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk

Workshop with practical demonstrations of how to improve your singing quality, culminating in a performance of Gilbert & Sullivan with workshop participants and members of Melbourne Operatic Society. Workshop 2pm to 4pm. Performance 7.30pm.

‘Waltzing with Matilda’ by Barbara Daykin.

Melbourne Catholic Church, Church Street, Melbourne, DE73 8EJ

Tel: 07962 430450 Email: info@melbournefestival.co.uk www.melbournefestival.co.uk Price: Please phone for further details.

Sun 28 Sept, 3pm

Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting Sealwood Cottage Vineyard, Sealwood Lane, Linton, DE12 6PA

The tour and wine tasting starts promptly at 3pm and takes about 1.5 hours. You will see the growing vines which are a short walk away on level ground adjacent to Sealwood Cottage. Tel: 01283 761371 Email: vineyard@sealwoodcottage.co.uk www.sealwoodcottage.co.uk/the-vineyard Price: Adults: £7 (booking essential)

Mon 29 Sept, 7.30pm

‘Wildlife of the South Downs’ Talk Join South Derbyshire Badger Group for this talk by Debbie Alston.

Tel: 07754 094177 Email: info@southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk www.southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk Price: Visitors £2


Wed 1 Oct, 2pm

Voices and Volumes Waltzing with Matilda

Footloose Walk Breedon on the Hill

Meet at: Melbourne Parish Church, Wilson Road/Blackwell Lane, Melbourne, DE73 7JW

West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Come and Sing with Melbourne Operatic Society

Findern Parish Rooms, Lower Green, Findern, DE65 6AD

Sat 4 Oct, 10am

Wed 1 Oct - Fri 31st Oct, 10am - 4.30pm

Sat 27 Sept, 2 - 4pm (Performance 7.30pm)

Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Tel: 01283 703332 Email: info@merciamarina.co.uk www.merciamarina.co.uk


Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Free. Small charges may apply for some activities. Parking charges apply.

Fri 26 Sept, 7.30pm

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The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2.50 (Includes tea/coffee and biscuits)

Wed 1 Oct, 2.30 - 4pm

Bamfords Antiques Valuation Day Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

First Wednesday of the month - advice and valuations at the Museum. A fantastic chance to unearth your family heritage and find out about the history and today’s value of the items!

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £1 donation per item; This is then used towards the upkeep of the Museum.

Thurs 2 Oct, 7.30pm

Chilean Wine Tasting Evening

Join Footloose Walkers for this 5.5 mile walk around Melbourne via Breedon on the Hill. Footloose walkers are a 40+ Singles group. Dogs on lead please. Email: footloosewalkers@hotmail.co.uk www.footloose.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details.

Sat 4 Oct, 10am - 3pm

Crystal and Gift Event

Swadlincote Therapy Rooms, Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

A large selection of tumble stones and other crystal shapes as well as angel, fairy and Buddha figurines. Also on sale will be crystal and beaded jewellery, incense and more. Tel: 01283 712991 Email: purplepoppy@live.co.uk

Sat 4 Oct, 10am - 12noon

The Archaeology of the Peak District Saturday Talk Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join local archaeologist Matthew Beresford as he takes us on an archaeological tour, examining sites such as the Neolithic henge of Arbor Low, Mam Tor Iron Age hill fort and the Roman farmstead at Roystone Grange. Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £5 - includes refreshments

Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, DE65 6FH

Sat 4 & Sun 5 Oct, 11am - 4pm

Tel: 01283 701838 Price: Visitors £3, Members £2

Ticknall Art Group Autumn Exhibition

Join Repton Village Society for this evening with the Derby branch manager of Majestic Wines. Fri 3 & Sat 4 Oct, 7pm

A’Choired Taste in Concert

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Doors open at 7pm.

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details


Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JU

Ticknall Art Group was formed twenty years ago and comprises ten members who meet each week in the village hall to draw and paint in a variety of media. Tel: 01332 862555 www.ticknall.org.uk


36 visit www.south-derbys.gov.uk/swadlincotetic

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Sat 4 Oct, 2 - 4.30pm

Sat 11 Oct, 7.30pm

Sun 12 Oct, 3pm

Tues 21 Oct, 2 - 4.15pm

Tamarisk Parents Choir in Concert

Dancing to Tribute Singer Tony Lee

Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting

Strictly T-4-2 Afternoon Tea Dance

Findern Women’s Institute present dancing to live tribute singer Tony Lee (Roy Orbison, Gene Pitney, Elvis and many more). Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Tickets available from Findern Post Office & Stores.

The tour and wine tasting starts promptly at 3pm and takes about 1.5 hours. You will see the growing vines which are a short walk away on level ground adjacent to Sealwood Cottage.

Enjoy an afternoon ballroom dancing followed by afternoon tea! If you want to develop your ballroom dancing skills, daytime and evening classes are available across the area - contact Karen for further information on classes.

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join Tamarisk Parent’s Choir for Mozart’s Toy Symphony and the story Daisy-Sarah Dragon-Scarer, with appearances by Shrek and Princess Fiona and lots of opportunities for children to jangle and bash instruments along to musical classics!

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk


Mon 6 Oct - Fri 28th Nov

The Staffordshire Hoard Mercian Trail Exhibition

St Wystan’s Church, Repton, DE65 6FH

Touring exhibition featuring high quality replicas, showing how the objects might have looked when first crafted, alongside handson activities where visitors can have a go at detecting hidden treasure.

Tel: 01283 619686 Email: chris@reptonchurch.org.uk www.staffordshirehoard.org.uk Price: Please contact for further details

Sat 11 Oct, 11am - 4pm

Science Discovery Day

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, Swadlincote, DE12 8JX

Come and have some fun with science - have a go at simple experiments with the Environmental Education team, Derby University, Rolls-Royce and the Astronomy Group.

Tel: 01283 535039 free Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: Free (Small charge for some activities)

Sat 11 Oct, 7pm

UWE Wrestling

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Doors open at 7pm.

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: Please contact for further details

Findern Village Hall, Castle Hill, Findern, DE65 6AL

Tel: 01332 521591/01283 702237 Email: daverose1221@btinternet.com Price: Tickets £7

Sun 12 & Wed 22 Oct, 10.30am - 4pm

Sealwood Cottage Vineyard, Sealwood Lane, Linton, Swadlincote, DE12 6PA

Tel: 01283 761371 Email: vineyard@sealwoodcottage.co.uk www.sealwoodcottage.co.uk/the-vineyard Price: Adults: £7 (booking essential)

Tel: 07720 571268 Email: klcresswell@aol.com www.facebook.com/DancingWithKaren Price: £6.50 per person - includes afternoon tea (booking essential)

NGS Open Garden

Tues 14 Oct, 7.30pm

NGS Garden open for charity. Visit this beautiful 9-acre woodland garden, featuring rare trees and shrubs. Specialist tree and shrub nursery adjacent to gardens. Please wear warm clothes and sturdy, waterproof footwear.

Ticknall Village Hall, Ingleby Lane, Ticknall, DE73 7JW

Bluebell Arboretum, Annwell Lane, Smisby, LE65 2TA

Tel: 01530 413700 Email: sales@bluebellnursery.com www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults: £3 Children: Free

Sun 12 Oct, 2 - 6pm

NGS Open Garden

Askew Cottage, 23 Milton Road, Repton, DE65 6FZ

Several different areas all connected with flowing curved paths, featuring formal hedges, a box-edged herb garden with raised beds, a circle of meadow grass set within a ‘cloud’ box hedge, trained apple trees and plenty of interesting shrubs & perennials. Tel: 01283 701608 Email: louise.hardwick@hotmail.co.uk www.ngs.org.uk Price: Adults £3, Children Free Light refreshments available

Sun 12 Oct, 2pm

Earls and Trees - William Who?

Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Take a gentle stroll in the grounds of Elvaston and find out about its many exotic trees. Take a look into Elvaston’s past at a time when it had over 80 gardeners! Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Charges apply, parking charges apply (booking essential)

Aquilegias and Their Relatives Talk Join Ticknall Garden Club for a talk by Hazel Kaye. www.ticknall.org.uk Price: Visitors £3

The Magic Attic Archives, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Fish and Chip Quiz Night

Tel: 01283 819020 www.magicattic.org.uk Price: £2.50 - includes tea/coffee and biscuits

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join us for a delightful fish & chip supper and a quiz night to remember! Prizes for winning teams. All proceeds will be donated to Sharpe’s Heritage and Arts Trust.

Sat 18 Oct, 10am - 4pm

Craft Fair at Swadlincote

St John’s Church, Church Street, Newhall, Swadlincote, DE11 0HY

Little Eagles in Concert

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

One of the best Eagles tributes around. Doors open at 7pm; On stage at 8.45pm. Tickets from Melbourne Assembly Rooms, www.ticketsource.co.uk and Forteys in Melbourne Market Place. Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £7

Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, DE65 6AL

Thurs 23 Oct, 7.30pm

Talk by Dr. Wendy Freer.

Sat 18 Oct, 7pm

Societies for the Prosecution of Felons Talk

Tel: 01283 702448 Email: austens@talktalk.net www.reptonvillage.org.uk/history_group Price: £3 includes light refreshments

Ashby Soap Factory Talk

Tel: 07854 643702

Tues 21 Oct, 7.30pm

Join Repton Village History Group for this talk by Robert Mee.

Wed 15 Oct, 7.30pm

All welcome.

The Chimneys, Twyford Road, Willington, DE65 6PP


Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £6 per person - includes quiz and fish & chip supper (booking is essential)

Fri 24 Oct, 7.30pm

Stargazing at Rosliston

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Talk on the night sky followed by stargazing if the sky is clear using our telescopes. Bring your binoculars. Beginners and more experienced stargazers welcome. Meet in the classroom. Tel: 07966 882157 Email: info@roslistonastronomy.org.uk www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk Price: £3 for adults, £1 for children under 16

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Sat 25 Oct

Mon 27 Oct, 7.30pm

Wed 29 Oct, 10am

Thurs 30 Oct, 9am - 3pm

Swing Shift in Concert

‘Late Summer in Yellowstone’ Talk

Kraftiz Drop In at Rosliston

Swadlincote Farmers’ Market

A great nine piece swing band live. Tickets from Melbourne Assembly Rooms, www.ticketsource. co.uk and Forteys in Melbourne Market Place.

Join South Derbyshire Badger Group for this talk by Max and Christina Maughan.

Join Kraftiz for this drop in craft activity.

See what is grown, raised, made, brewed, pickled, bottled, baked or caught within 35 miles of The National Forest.

Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High Street, Melbourne, DE73 8GF

Tel: 01332 863522 Email: info@melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk www.melbourneassemblyrooms.co.uk Price: £8

Sun 26 Oct, 10am

Professional Cake Decorating Masterclass

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Join us for this 3 hour course where you will learn how to professionally cover and decorate a cake. All equipment is provided and you will return home with your lovely decorated cake in a box.

Tel: 07817 844738 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Price: £40 per person - all materials and refreshments included (limited places)

Sun 26 Oct, 11am - 3pm

Elvaston’s Creepy Castle Capers! Elvaston Castle Country Park, Borrowash Road, Elvaston, DE72 3EP

Come if you dare! We have it covered (literally). Rain or shine Halloween is happening at Elvaston Castle. With ghosts and gargoyles, pumpkins and potions, we promise plenty of spooky crafts, games and activities for all the family. Tel: 01629 533870 Email: countrysideservice@derbyshire.gov.uk www.derbyshire.gov.uk/countryside Price: Children £3 entry fee. Adults Free if accompanying a child. Parking charges apply. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Mon 27 & Fri 31 Oct, 2 - 4pm

Archery Drop In

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, Swadlincote, DE12 8JX

Come and try a taster of Archery! Purchase a ticket in the Barn Shop for 6 arrows and then make your way to the Archery paddock where our qualified instructor will coach you on your technique and aim. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Findern Parish Rooms, Lower Green, Findern, DE65 6AD

Tel: 07754 094177 Email: info@southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk www.southderbyshirebadgergroup.co.uk Price: £2

Tues 28 Oct, 2 - 4pm

The Delph, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0AD

Tel: 01283 480272 www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50

Wed 29 Oct, 10am - 3pm

Family Arts Festival

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Wildlife Watch: Autumnwatch Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Start in the classroom from 2-3pm. Borrow some kit to help you explore the site looking for signs of Autumn such as hedgerow fruits, fungi and migrating birds. Return to the classroom by 3.30pm for help with identification.

Tel: 01283 535039 Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation Price: £2.50 per group/set of equipment borrowed

As part of a national event to encourage people to participate in the arts, the Museum will be staging workshops, performances and community art, as well as promoting and celebrating local crafters and artists.

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk


Thurs 30 & Fri 31 Oct, 9am - 3pm

Orchard Day / Apple Day Lots of different apples and other Autumn fruits to see and try! Swap recipes for jams and chutneys and taste some we made earlier. In conjunction with the Farmers’ Market.

Sharpe’s Pottery Museum and Kiln Tours Sharpe’s Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Explore the unique history of the Sharpe’s Pottery kiln and Museum galleries with a free guided tour. Learn about an invention which changed the world for the better and pots which are an iconic part our British social history.

Tel: 01283 222848 Email: gail.archer@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk free Free entry and parking in Swadlincote

Fri 31 Oct, 5.30pm

The Delph, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Wed 29 Oct, 12.30pm

Tel: 01283 222600 Email: info@sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk www.sharpespotterymuseum.org.uk Donations welcome

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

The Halloween Red Riding Hood Walk

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Join Tingtang Theatre as they tell this spooky story around the Forestry Centre. Children will be perfectly safe, so long as they are not tempted by the Big Bad Wolf to stray from the path. Themed activities and games available 5.30 - 8.30pm. Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: Adult £6, Child £4. Limited spaces for each show at 6pm, 7.15pm and 8.30pm

Tel: 01283 535039 free Email: rosliston@south-derbys.gov.uk www.south-derbys.gov.uk/environmentaleducation


Wed 29 & Thurs 30 Oct, 2 - 4pm

Woodland Laser Combat Drop In Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, DE12 8JX

Go wild in the woods! £2.50 per person, for a 10 minute laser game. Purchase a token in the Barn Shop and then make your way to the Combat Woods and enjoy your game.

Tel: 01283 563483 Email: enquiries@roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk www.roslistonforestrycentre.co.uk Price: £2.50 per person (no booking required)

Photography by Steve Aynsley, Christopher Beech Photography, Louise Galdes Photography, VisitEngland Images, Mercia Marina, Guy Badham Photography, Etwall Well Dressing Association, The Magic Attic, Melbourne Festival, Rebecca Soanes and Findern Footpaths Group. Compiled by Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre, June 2014 Design by Tamsyn Port Email: tamsynport@mac.com

Obtaining alternative versions of this document

If you would like this document in another language, or if you require the services of an interpreter, please contact us. This information is also available in large print, Braille, or audio format upon request. Phone: 01283 595795 Email: customer.services@south-derbys.gov.uk Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied in this leaflet, the TIC and South Derbyshire District Council cannot accept responsibility for any errors, omissions or subsequent changes, nor should any entry be deemed to be an endorsement of the establishment or activity by the TIC or District Council. You are advised to confirm details when booking or before travelling. All information believed to be correct at time of print.

Rosliston Forestry Centre, Burton Road, Rosliston, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12 8JX

Friday 31st October Saturday 30th August

GLADEFEST 11am – 11pm

This year marks the third Gladefest event and promises to be the best yet! Headline act is Merry Hell and supporting acts include Dom Duff, Plum Hall and many more, PLUS a Busk Stop hosting more talented musicians. There will also be a brand new area called TR!BE involving tribal arts, crafts and activities for all to enjoy. Picnics welcome. Refreshments available. Look out for further information! Early Bird Tickets: Adult £10, Under 18 £7.50, Family (2+2) £25 On the Day Tickets: Adult £15, Under 18 £10, Family (2+2) £35

THE HALLOWEEN RED RIDING HOOD WALK by Tingtang Theatre Walk times: 6pm, 7.15pm and 8.30pm.

Join Tingtang Theatre as they tell this famously spooky story around the Forestry Centre. Children will be perfectly safe... so long as they are not tempted by the Big Bad Wolf to stray from the path. Themed activities and games available from 5.30 - 8.30pm Tickets: Adult £6, Child £4 Available from Rosliston Forestry Centre only

Saturday 6th September


Presented by Newhall Band Show begins at 7pm, arena open for picnics from 5.30pm.

This ever popular annual treat sees Newhall Band present a wide range of stirring music and flag waving favourites. This year, the WW1 commemorations will play a large part of our theme for the evening and will include a special beacon lighting. So come along and hear the band play their hearts out whilst you tuck in to your picnics. Tickets: Adult £5, Concession/Child £2.50, Family (2+2) £12, Under 4’s free

Sunday 16th November


Celebrating the 20th birthday of Rosliston Forestry Centre. Come along and enjoy our Farmers Market showcasing food and drink producers from The National Forest and beyond. Join in and view our Abracadabra Bake Off competition and have a piece of birthday cake! Free entry

Tickets are available from Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre 01283 222848 and Rosliston Forestry Centre 01283 563483 (unless stated otherwise)

part of The National Forest


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