Communist Party of Britain – Exeter and South Devon Branch
What we stand for The aim of the Communist Party is to achieve a socialist Britain in which the means of production, distribution and exchange will be socially owned and utilised in a planned way for the benefit of all. Key policies of our Alternative Economic and Political Strategy are:
Redistribute wealth from the rich and big business Increase the national minimum wage Increase the state pension Halt all forms of privatisation Build more and better council housing Protect and invest in manufacturing industries Restore public ownership of the energy and transport sectors Cut military spending to average European levels Oppose the monopoly capitalist European Union Abolish the House of Lords Cancel all third world debt
It’s a Capitalist Crisis We can all see how our current system is a cycle of boom and bust. In competition with each other, the capitalist class squeezes as much out of the workforce as it can. Monopolies invest in greater capacity and produce commodities that cannot be sold above their cost. The result is overproduction, cut backs, redundancies and recession. The contradiction between capitalist profit and public need ensures capitalism is a system built on greed, insecurity, instability, poverty and crisis.
The Communist Party seeks not to mend the system, but to end it!
Communist Party of Britain – Exeter and South Devon Branch