Southeast Christian NEXT Magazine | February 2018

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MIX Middle School Country Lake Christian Retreat

SE!KIDS SUMMER CAMP Elementary School Country Lake Christian Retreat

Blankenbaker • June 7-11 Crestwood, La Grange, Blankenbaker • June 11-15 Indiana, Southwest, Elizabethtown • June 15-19

BIBLE & BEACH High School June 23-29 Daytona Beach, Florida

1st-2nd Grade Camp • July 13-14 3rd-5th Grade Camp 1 • July 15-18 3rd-5th Grade Camp 2 • July 19-22

CAMP FREEDOM Campers with Developmental Disabilities July 27-29 • Country Lake Christian Retreat


Turn to page 14 to learn more about Southeast’s Summer camps.


DI S C I PL E S M A K I N G DI S C I PL E S • F E B RUA RY 2 018 • I S S U E 18



One Another for Another One


6 |

One Another for Another One

8 |

Fix Your Eyes

10 |

As you follow after Jesus, who is walking beside you? Who are you called to reach?

When life gets tough, your problem lies more with where you’re looking than what you’re facing.

It’s Not Good…

There’s no place for isolation in the Christian life. Walking together is what makes us strong.

12 |

Step Up and Lead

14 |

Here Come Summer Camps

2 Our Campuses 3 First Things First 4

Life @ Southeast

18 Your Turn 20 Trending 21 What’s Happening

We often make excuses to keep us from leading others in our journey of faith. Don’t let fear be one of them.

Mark your calendars and fill out your forms! Camp registration is now open.

WE ALL HAVE A NEXT STEP TO TAKE IN OUR WALK WITH JESUS. WHAT’S YOURS? In this magazine, hear the heart of Southeast Christian Church through articles and stories, stay informed about upcoming groups and events, and find where you belong in our mission of connecting people to Jesus and one another. SOUTHEASTCHRISTIAN.ORG


OUR CAMPUSES B L A N K E N B A K E R C A MP U S 920 Blankenbaker Parkway • Louisville, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000

I N D I A N A C A MP U S 1309 Charlestown New Albany Road • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • 812.704.1951

C R E S T WO O D C A MP U S 6201 Crestwood Station • Crestwood, KY 40014 • 502.873.1100

S O U T H W E S T C A MP U S 8301 Saint Andrews Church Road • Louisville, KY 40258 • 502.614.1500

L A G R A N G E C A MP U S 410 South 1st Street • La Grange, KY 40031 • 502.614.1200

E L IZ A B E T H T OW N C A MP U S 600 North Dixie Avenue • Elizabethtown, KY 42701 • 270.506.4630

Visit for more information.




very now and then, you’ll hear somebody say a strange old word that you might not fully understand. Maybe you’ve heard the word before and you can grasp the general sense of its meaning. Maybe you can even use it in a conversation yourself. But you still might be hard-pressed to give a quick, clear definition. If someone asks you, “What’s that mean?” you may try to explain with a vague comparison: “Well, it’s sort of like…” or “I think it basically means…” Disciple is one of those strange old words. Most of us don’t hear the term used every day, but we still sort of know what a disciple is. Some psychologists are considered disciples of Sigmund Freud, for instance, and some philosophers call themselves modern-day disciples of Plato or Aristotle. Once you dust off the dictionary and see for yourself, you’ll discover the word isn’t such a mystery after all. A disciple is a student, a pupil, a follower, and a messenger for a specific teacher or spokesperson.

When you get down to it, the church of Jesus Christ is simply the worldwide family of Jesus’ disciples. We’re a collection of people who have been confronted with the reality of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, and we want to grow more like Him as a result. We’ve received His Holy Spirit, trusted Christ alone to secure our right standing with His Father, and cherished our new identity as the adopted children of God. We have been so profoundly changed by the Gospel of Christ that we want the whole world to experience the life-transforming power of who He is, starting with the people who share our day-to-day life. To be a disciple of Jesus is to be a disciple-maker for Jesus. His gift of salvation isn’t only for a select few to keep to themselves. That means all of us need to be connected in a community of fellow disciples to encourage one another, to hold each other accountable, and to “Fight the good fight of the faith” (1 Timothy 6:12 NIV®) arm-in-arm as we grow together. It also means that sharing our faith with others is one of Jesus’ highest priorities for our lives. People from every tongue, tribe, and nation need to hear about “the incomparable riches of his grace” (Ephesians 2:7 NIV®), beginning with our friends, family members, and neighbors across the street.

In addition to gathering together to worship the Lord regularly on the weekends, we all have many opportunities to get involved in disciplemaking relationships at each of Southeast’s campuses. This month, Neighborhood Groups throughout our community are launching into a 6-week cycle using video teaching related to our upcoming sermon series, Fixed. Now is also the perfect time for you to consider stepping forward as a leader in one of our Men’s “A disciple of Jesus is someone who and Women’s Ministry groups Jesus used this word a lot when has made the commitment to follow Him, or volunteer in our Children’s He talked to people that were Ministry. And as we look ahead live by His teaching, and imitate His interested in who He is and what to Summer, registration is now He had to say. “Whoever wants to example of love toward others.” open for SE!Kids Summer Camp, be my disciple,” Jesus told them, MIX, Bible & Beach, and Camp “must deny themselves and take Freedom. You can get involved by registering a camper up their cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24 NIV®) He of your own, signing up to serve at a camp, or financially said in another setting, “If you hold to my teaching, you supporting someone who could use a little help getting are really my disciples.” (John 8:31 NIV®) And on another there. occasion, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35 NIV®) Disciple is a beautiful word; let’s take it to heart as we live out our mission of Connecting people to Jesus and A disciple of Jesus, then, is someone who has made the one another. And may it be said of every one of us, “The commitment to follow Him, live by His teaching, and imitate disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.” His example of love toward others. As someone who has (Matthew 21:6 NIV®) encountered Jesus through a friend’s testimony, a sermon, or a passage in the Bible, a disciple is someone who realizes “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven they can’t just walk away from this First-Century Rabbi. and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make He’s the genuine article, God in the flesh, who came into the disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the world to set us free from the chains of sin and invite us into Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching a relationship of reconciliation with our loving Creator. He them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely laid His life down for us on the cross, trading our failure for I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” His perfect obedience, graciously paying our just penalty Matthew 28:18-20 NIV® to give us full access to His everlasting life. That reality is called the Gospel, and a disciple of Jesus is someone for whom the Gospel changes absolutely everything.



Victory Weekend 2017

We want to connect with you—it’s what we’re all about! One way you can share in day-to-day life at Southeast is by following our social media channels. And be sure to check out our website to watch sermons, register for events, and connect with our ministries—all at

/southeastchrist 4






Crestwood Campus




LifeBridge Basic Needs Drive




“And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.” Colossians 1:18-20 ESV Making disciples—lifelong worshipers, servants, and witnesses of Jesus—wasn’t exactly a new idea that Christ brought onto the scene. When Jesus called people to be His disciples, it was a reminder. It was His way of putting new words onto an old concept. It was God’s way of clarifying and reiterating what His people have been called to do and who they have been called to be throughout history. After Genesis 3, when sin entered the heart of humanity and all of creation came under the curse of death and separation from God, it was God’s goal to reconcile all creation back to Himself. How was He going to do this? God chose an unorthodox approach. He chose to reconcile the world back to Himself by entering into a covenant relationship with human beings, the very ones who screwed the whole thing up in the first place. In light of God’s undeserved offer of redeeming grace, His covenant was a call for His people to live in a way that exhibited that grace, so that all the world would be blessed through them and invited back into a right relationship with their Creator. From Abraham onward, we see this mission unfold—even with failed attempts by broken people—but always with God remaining faithful and laser-focused on His work of reconciliation.



The operation reached its climax when God Himself put on skin, moved into the neighborhood, and accomplished our redemption at the cross. Throughout His ministry, Jesus modeled the way that we should live in order to point people to His saving grace. Christ came and lived the perfect life so that we might look to Him alone for the way to make disciples. This is where disciplemaking starts: with an understanding of the supremacy, sovereignty, and lordship of Christ. (Colossians 1:18)

LEARNING FROM THE MASTER For several years, when it came to making disciples of Jesus, I started by looking within myself. This was a fatal mistake. Within me was greed, selfishness, and pride. Those three ingredients make for a bad recipe in disciple-making! Once I recognized that the power, the motivation, and the skills needed to make disciples come from God alone, I finally was set on a solid foundation. If it is true that the fullness of God dwells in Christ (Colossians 1:19), then it would be wise to look to Him for the embodiment of a Master Disciple-Maker.

The Gospel writers clearly saw this pattern and portrayed it so well in their writing, and the Apostles certainly understood it as well. It is nearly impossible to read any of the letters in the New Testament without seeing both stories and commandments that continue to shape this one-another-for-another-one way of life.

A CALL FOR ALL OF US In our Elizabethtown Campus Student Ministry, this is what we’re trying to become: a community of one-anothers for another one. Within the church, we live with one another in such a way that those who have not yet joined the family will be blessed and welcomed in. This is the ministry of reconciliation to which each of us is called as we continue to follow Christ (Colossians 1:20).

…we can’t live a life of

Since our middle and high school students have begun to adopt this principle, we have seen God do amazing things. In our first four months of Student Ministry at the Elizabethtown Campus, 16 students were baptized, having been reconciled to God through faith in Jesus. They now see Christ as their Lord and know Him as the Master Disciple-Maker. And they live in obedience to Him to continue that disciple-making mission, all by His power. God is faithful!

disciple-making if we’re trying to do it alone.

As I looked at the life of the Master Disciple-Maker, I began to recognize a pattern in how Jesus lived and spent His time: “One another for another one.” Let me explain. It was perfectly balanced throughout all of His ministry. Jesus chose His twelve disciples and called them to follow Him. He spent time with these men and taught them how to live with one another. At the same time, He modeled the way of how to care for another one, someone who was not yet following Him. The four Gospels paint this picture so well. Tired and weary after a long day, ready for some time away with His twelve one-anothers, Jesus would come across yet another one of the needy, broken, overlooked, messy, and forgotten people He so frequently encountered. Whether it was the woman at the well (John 4), the leper (Mark 1), the bleeding woman (Luke 8), the demon-possessed man (Mark 5), or the Roman centurion (Matthew 8), Jesus was never too busy for another one.

There are two questions I ask our students and leaders all the time:

Who are your one-anothers? Who is your another one? I ask the first question because we can’t live a life of disciplemaking if we’re trying to do it alone. I ask the second question because we’ll never be disciple-makers until we actually make disciples! This is a call for all of us. As you follow after Jesus, who are the one-anothers walking beside you? And who is another one God is calling you to reach?

REID MILLIKEN Next Gen Pastor, Elizabethtown Campus



We love the opportunity to unify as many parts of our church as possible around a powerful message. That’s why, twice a year, we want as many groups as possible to join in with a sermon series and go through a curriculum based on those messages. This February and March, we will be devoting six weeks to look through Hebrews chapter 12. In that rich chapter of Scripture, which was written to a group of Christians around 2,000 years ago, we’ll find encouragement and a call to persevere—no matter what’s going on around us or inside us. One of the phrases in Hebrews 12 that sticks out most to me is, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…” (Hebrews 12:2 NIV® 1984). Different versions say “Fixing our eyes on Jesus…” (NIV® 2011) or “We must look ahead, to Jesus…” (NTE) No matter how you translate it, it conveys the same thing. I love the strength of that language and how it makes me picture something firm and unmoving. Fixed. That’s a phrase we’re going to focus a lot of our attention on in this sermon series because it’s a phrase that’s full of power. Here’s what I mean: Often, it seems like everything in our lives would be better if could just be fixed. Right? If my house wasn’t such a disaster… If my kids were more well-behaved… If my job wasn’t so stressful… If my boss wasn’t so controlling, demanding, or unavailable… If my wife would only… If my husband would just… If my friends weren’t always preoccupied… If my neighbors were a little nicer… If my sickness was gone…



It’s easy to think that if things could just get fixed, then it would make everything better. It would make following Jesus easier. It would make being a Christian more fulfilling. It would make God feel a little more real. Before I say what I’m about to say, I need to make sure you hear this: sometimes God does fix that stuff. He cares about us in the midst of those things. He notices when we’re hurting and suffering and frustrated. He’s more than capable of doing something! So keep that in mind. God cares about our hurts, and He definitely wants to minister to us in the midst of them. But sometimes the way God ministers to us in the midst of our hurt is by being with us in it, not delivering us from it. We want things in our lives to just get fixed, and sometimes that helps. But much more often, the thing that will make the most difference isn’t when things in our lives get fixed, but when we fix our eyes on Jesus. It’s not about what you’re facing; it’s about where you’re looking.


There’s one more thing about this little phrase that I want to point out. The English phrase “Let us fix our eyes…” in Hebrews 12:2 is actually a single Greek word. What’s most interesting to me about this Greek word is that it’s a combination of two words that form a single, new word. (It’s called a “compound word” for those of you who are about things like that!) One of the original two words is the normal word for “looking” or “seeing.” That’s what I would expect. But the other word is a Greek word that means “from” or “away from.” Do you see what this word is trying to communicate? It’s not just about looking to something; it’s also about looking away from something. Fixing our eyes on Jesus means taking our eyes off of something else. In other words, don’t get fixated on your circumstances, your pain, or your struggle. Don’t get fixated on the things that surround you, occupy you, or distract you. Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus. The things we face in this life can be difficult. They can be painful. They can be hard to endure. But the truth of the Gospel is that it’s not really about what you’re facing, it’s about where you’re looking. If you can fix your eyes on Jesus, then it might not fix all your problems here and now. It won’t take away all your pain. It won’t put an end to all your struggles. But it will change things for you. It will give you strength to endure. It will change your perspective. And it will give you hope that surpasses anything else in the present. So don’t give up. Don’t give in. Don’t get fixated on what’s around you. Look away from your circumstances, and look to Jesus.

BEN CROSS Preaching Associate

SE R M O N SE R I E S F E B RUA RY 17/18 - M A R C H 2 4 / 2 5 F I N D A N E I G H B O R H O O D G R O U P N E A R YO U AT L O V E W H E R E UA R E .O R G






he embarrassment, the frustration, the thoughts of “How dare you?” rushed over me like a tsunami as I sat at that table. Surrounded by men I didn’t know well, my insecurities were raging. I found myself sinking back into my seat, not knowing how to respond. In 2010, I accompanied my previous church on a mission trip to Jacmel, Haiti. This was the first time I’d ever been outside the United States, not to mention the first time going to a third-world country. I had tons of fears heading into that trip. Each night, we’d gather around a table at the mission to talk about how God had challenged and changed us that day. I remember being somewhat timid to talk the first couple of nights, but soon I felt like I needed to speak up. “I’m an introvert,” I said, “so being on a trip like this is way out of my comfort zone. I’d much rather be alone than with people…” Before I could speak another word, a raspy, elderly voice interrupted me: “That’s a lie!” I stopped in my tracks thinking, “Wait, what?!” The seasoned gentleman who had been helping us at the job site continued, “That’s a lie from Satan, son. God wants you to hear something! There are people who will love you no matter what, and God wants you to live life with people. The enemy wants you alone because you’re weak when you’re alone!” I remember thinking, “Me and this dude are going to throw down.”

“It is not good…” Have you ever been asked the question, What was the first conflict in Scripture? When I first heard this question, my initial response was the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. They went against God’s command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and this brought sin into the world. But when I gave that answer, I was met with a big fat “WRONG!” Thinkingto myself, “How dare they challenge my four years of Bible

college?” I soon learned that, actually, the first conflict recorded in the Bible is found earlier. Genesis 2:18, to be exact. “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 (NIV®) Now, when the Alpha and Omega, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, says something, we should probably pay close attention. God says, “It is not good…” Everything God created up to this point He acknowledged as “good.” But here we find God recognizes that there’s some tension. “It is not good for the man to be alone.” But why is this different? Why does God see this as a bad thing? I believe it was because He knew we weren’t strong enough to live this life alone. As an introvert, I love being alone. Honestly, I prefer it most days. But one thing I’ve come to realize is that I’m most vulnerable when I’m alone. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about solitude. I’m talking about choosing to distance myself from community. There’s always a right time for solitude with God, but I’ve often used that as a mask to not feel guilty about disconnecting from the tribe.

Changing Our Perspective I’m one of those people who tends to be prideful in the moment, but with some time God works on my heart. While the gentleman who called me out and I didn’t end up in a deathmatch, I did go to battle with myself. His words pierced deep into my heart, and over the next several months my perspective began to change. I started to see the truth of what God created me for, and I began to ask these questions:

Solomon, a man of wisdom, knew why God didn’t want us to be alone: we can easily be overpowered. Being joined with others in the name of Jesus—that’s what makes us strong. Jesus tells us this Himself in Matthew 18:20 (NIV®): “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” That should give us motivation and encouragement that being in community is the right path. As I started to realize all of this, I began to see my perspective on community shift from avoiding to restoring. See, God didn’t put me in this world to avoid; He put me in this world to restore. If we are avoiding people, then we are missing the very example Jesus set for us. Let’s be honest, the Man was constantly being interrupted by people! But to Him, that was okay. It was good. Jesus didn’t avoid; He sought to restore those people. There is no better time than now to embrace community. Maybe you feel alone. Maybe you feel lost or broken or all by yourself. If that’s you, it’s okay—but it’s not okay to stay there. Listen to those words from my good friend in Haiti: “God wants you to hear something! There are people who will love you no matter what, and God wants you to live life with people.”

• D oes Jesus want me to be alone? • H ow well am I doing by myself? • H ow much more weight could I carry with others rather than carrying it all alone? “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV®)

AARON LEE Worship Pastor Elizabethtown Campus






IS THERE A LEADER INSIDE OF YOU? Many of us hesitate when it comes to leading other people around us. Sometimes our calendars and busyness get the best of us, while at other times we are simply going through a tough season of life. However, there is one hesitation that can easily be stopped: fear. Fear shouldn’t cripple us because we have an open invitation to tap into the Creator of the universe for strength and wisdom. Yet, sometimes fear still holds us back from becoming leaders or growing in our walk with Christ. Perhaps we’re afraid of rejection or failure, or maybe we believe we’re not good enough or don’t have the skills to step up and lead. I had that fear for myself until a wise, Godly man convinced me I could lead others in the disciple-making process of everyday life.



After I began seriously pursuing God as a Christ-follower, a staff member at Southeast encouraged me to look for ways to lead other people in their pursuit of Christ. He convinced me that leading others was part of my own next step with God. Reluctantly, I agreed. My hesitation didn’t come from a lack of desire, but rather from a feeling that I wasn’t good enough. Leading people in their faith is reserved for clergy or people trained in the “secret arts” of ministry—or so I thought. When I could no longer ignore my friend’s invitations, I agreed to lead a table of men at Man Challenge. Here’s what God taught me about leadership during that time.

PRAY AHEAD OF TIME, AND INVITE GOD INTO FUTURE CONVERSATIONS. James 4:10 (NIV®) says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” When I began leading a table, I was working for a large company and had many relationships with guys who were not attending church. So I decided to ask a few co-workers to join me at Man Challenge. But before I asked them, I prayed for several days, asking God to lay the names of potential invitees on my heart. “God, please send me ideas of who to invite to Man Challenge, and give me the right words when I talk to them.” Next thing I knew, God had given me the names of some men, and I began asking them to come. Not only did half of them say yes, but another guy ended up overhearing the invitation and asking if he could join too. What a blessing! God answered my prayer, and four guys from work joined my table for the entire semester. While driving to Man Challenge each week, I made it a habit to ask God to speak through me and help me understand any questions the guys would ask. Very vividly, I remember standing in the parking lot, talking with a guy and helping him to understand what was taught in Man Challenge that morning. After my friend drove away, I repeated my words in my head only to realize that I had no idea where they came from. It was as if someone was moving my mouth for me and guiding what I would say next. I realized the Holy Spirit had spoken through me that morning; He heard my prayers in the car and graciously answered them.

SET AN EXAMPLE OF FAITH FOR THEM TO IMITATE. Another lesson from this experience was my realization that it wasn’t my ability, but rather my heart in being Spirit-led following prayer that allowed me to successfully lead people in disciple-making relationships. You don’t have to boss anyone around or threaten them. You don’t need to have all the answers or be a Bible scholar. Simply live your life as an example to those around you, including anybody that you feel called to lead. One time, a new believer joined my Man Challenge table. Toward the end of the year, he stopped me as I was closing my Bible and he pointed to my old highlights on the pages. He was 15 years my senior, and he took the time to tell me that a young man with a highlighted Bible was a great encouragement to him. He knew he needed to be in God’s Word, and I had inspired him in that way. It was nothing I specifically said or did; I was simply living my life and

allowing him to see in. This is what the Bible is pointing at in Hebrews 13:7 (NIV®): “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their life and imitate their faith.”

BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT YOUR INVESTMENT. At first, fear had prevented me from inviting any of the guys to coffee or lunch to get more connected outside Man Challenge. I think I was afraid that I wouldn’t have the right answers or that I would somehow mess up. But once I overcame that timidity, God showed me there is pure joy to be found in listening to someone and encouraging them with Biblical truths and promises. After one particular coffee session, the gentleman I’d been speaking with thanked me profusely for helping him that morning. I think I had uttered all of five sentences during that hour. It was my listening ear and caring heart that meant so much to him. Let me tell you, that is one of the best investments you will ever make in someone’s life. In John 13:16 (NIV®), Jesus says this to His disciples: “Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” At this point, Jesus had just taught them about servant leadership by washing their feet, even though He is their Teacher and Lord. He concludes with these words in verse 16 to show them this is the type of service to which they are called, but also to remind them that they don’t serve in their own power. Christ’s disciples are simply servant-messengers of the King, the One who has power over all things. So, what do you say? Are you ready to take that next step as a servant-messenger? As a disciple of Jesus, will you step up to become a disciple-making leader at your campus?

SCOTT GORDON Connections Pastor Blankenbaker Campus



By Jon McCallon

MIX14| Country Lake 2018 NEXT /// FEBRUARY


ach season of the year has set patterns and personal memories attached to them.

Fall gives us Friday nights of football, trick-ortreating, changing leaves, and the yummy taste of Mom’s chili recipe. Winter brings us nonstop Christmas radio stations, nostalgic family traditions, subzero temperatures, and—for some— class gets traded for snow days marked by hot chocolate and sledding. Spring thaws us out with warming temperatures, Easter celebrations, and a week of vacation thrown in for good measure. And then, there’s Summer. The Summer season changes the vibe entirely with longer, sun-soaked days, family vacations, and warm weather for students to hang at the pool with friends or work that first Summer job. Unlike Winter with its repeating holiday melodies, Summer rings with an ever-changing soundtrack of songs, all vying to be the hit of the year that will get stuck in everyone’s head for three solid months. There’s another Summer ritual that sticks out in many of our memories: CAMPS! Continued on page 16 >>



CAMP BY THE NUMBERS Last Summer, thousands of campers got to share in the excitement, build Christ-centered relationships, and grow in faith together at Southeast’s 2017 camps. SE!Kids Summer Camp




Elementary Kids

Bible & Beach

HERE COME SUMMER CAMPS // continued from page 15

High School Ministry | Bible & Beach

Middle Schoolers

Camp Freedom


High School Students

A SEASON OF IMPACT From June to August, the calendar is filled with camps, each having its own unique adventures and Summer memories to last a lifetime. No matter what kind of camp our students attend— from band to basketball and everything in between—it’s a time to venture away from home and encounter new experiences, make new friends, and do some personal growing in the process. And there’s even more up for grabs in the young lives that attend these camps each Summer: powerful potential for a life-changing decision that will affect your personal story forever. We see it happen at Southeast’s camps every Summer. At SE!Kids Summer Camp, elementary kids get to know the real Jesus through vivid illustrations as they learn God’s Word in small groups. At MIX, middle schoolers are challenged to worship with boldness and dive into real conversations about how Jesus invites them to a transformed way of life. High school students come to Bible & Beach to experience life-changing community and the call to give themselves to a Gospel-centered commission as Kingdom Workers. Camp Freedom provides a place for campers with special needs to feel loved and included as they encounter Jesus in the incredible volunteers who walk with them every step of the way.

Middle School Ministry | MIX

Whether it’s a first-time decision to follow Jesus and be baptized or a commitment to live a life of Kingdom Work, Summer camps are an incredible platform God uses to speak into lives in unforgettable ways. And it’s not just the campers who leave transformed. Our volunteers walk away just as changed as the campers they serve. Some volunteers encounter for the first time what happens when God uses them to impact others for His glory. They become inspired to step off the sidelines, no longer settling to just attend worship services on the weekends, but to become active servants in the Kingdom beyond the Summer into their everyday lives. Without a doubt, Summer is a one-of-a-kind season of Kingdom impact.



Disabilities Ministry | Camp Freedom







SE!Kids Summer Camp


Bible & Beach

SEND, SERVE, OR SUPPORT Elementary Ministry | SE!Kids Summer Camp

Register your student, sign up to volunteer, or financially support a camper at

START PLANNING TODAY At Southeast, we want to see as many people as possible, both inside and outside our church family, experience the kind of life change a camp can offer. If you’re a camper or the guardian of a camper, registration for all of our Summer camps is available at

of our four Summer camps this year. We’re looking for passionate counselors, small group leaders, and other helpers to serve each age range, and all of our volunteer registration forms are available for you to begin filling out today. You can sign up to be a camp volunteer at

A note to parents: As part of the personal calling to make disciples of your children, we invite you to make the decision today to send your kids to one of our camps. But, whatever you do, don’t let them come alone. This is a great opportunity for them to invite their friends outside of church to join in on the excitement. Your student’s camp experience can improve exponentially if they get to be part of God’s work in the lives of their friends.

Even though Summer is still a couple seasons away, now’s the perfect time to be intentional about including our camps in your schedule. Whether it’s through sending, serving, or supporting campers in 2018, make this Summer an opportunity for eternal impact.

This isn’t only an invitation for parents and grandparents, however. If you don’t have a student in your life and don’t personally know someone with special needs who would love to go to camp, you can still make it possible for other members of our community to encounter the life-changing grace of Jesus Christ at our camps. To support a camper this year, please visit

JON MCCALLON Next Gen Lead Pastor Blankenbaker Campus

Whether or not you have a camper of your own, you can help make disciples by stepping up to volunteer at one




Purpose, Life, and God’s Master Plan BY S T E P H E N P U RI C E L L I


s a pastor, some of the most common prayer requests people share with me go like this: “God, what do You want me to do with my life?” “God, what is the purpose of my life?” “God, what am I supposed to do?” If we’re being honest, most of us have asked these questions of God—on many occasions. We’re not sure of what God’s grand purpose is for our life. We want a step-by-step plan. We want clarity. We want precision. We want guidance. We view life as a multiple-choice test and we want God’s answer key for our every decision. But God’s master schedule, laid out in perfect infographics describing our life, never comes. This leaves us unsure, unsteady, and unable to decide. We become paralyzed and begin to question God. One of the things I’ve learned about God’s purpose is that we tend to think about God’s purpose in only large-scale terms rather than in the minute, daily items. For the most part, our lives are the sum of our daily habits and decisions. The question really is if God is part of our daily mundane life. If we don’t invite God to be a part of the little things of our daily life, why do we think He’s going to reveal the big things to us? It’s sort of like wanting a large 401k for our retirement, but not wanting to consistently save and invest our money over our entire lifetime. It simply doesn’t work like that. And so it is with God. If you want to know the big things of God, you start by giving Him the small things. Invite God to be part of your daily commute. Your morning breakfast. Your evening workout. Your meal time with family. Your budget. Your walk around the neighborhood. Your reading time. Your TV time. Your social media time. Your carpool line time. Your first five minutes of the day. Your last five minutes of the day. What would happen if you gave God the small moments? Perhaps you would see more clearly to better understand the big decisions. The greatest impact on your life is found in how you adjust your daily habits and choices. What if God were a part of those?

If we don’t invite God to be part of the little things of our daily life, why do we think He’s going to reveal the big things to us?




As believers and followers of Christ, our greatest good is found in God’s accomplished purpose, His master plan. Sometimes we can confuse our own good with our own purpose. But God’s plan is far better and above ours. The best life is found in obedience to God—never in disobeying Him.


As you look at the day ahead, how can you let God’s purpose inform your everyday moments? What’s one part of your upcoming schedule you can invite God to be part of?

OUR HEARTS READ | PROVERBS 16:2; 19:21; 20:5

God’s purpose will endure. Regardless of how we try to bend God’s will, He is unchanging. As we chase after His purpose, we must examine our hearts fully and understand our motivation and inspiration in everything we do.


When you wake up each morning, what’s your daily purpose? Not in theory, but in reality. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Are you motivated by money, prestige, entertainment, relaxation, or sexual desires? What’s the actual driving force in your life?


Paul condemns faithless practices that anyone can be tempted to be swept into committing. The evil desires of youth. Foolish arguments. Quarrels. Then, Paul offers alternative, faithful habits: being kind, teachable, and forgiving. Remember, God’s purpose for our lives is best seen in our daily habits.


As you read these verses, what sticks out? Where is your heart out of line when you compare it to these words?


We make oaths by something greater than ourselves. Since God is all-knowing, allpowerful, and all-present, who can He swear by? Himself. God cannot lie—His infinite power guarantees that His promises always come true.


If God is unchanging, resolute, and impenetrable—what power does Satan have? (Read Luke 11:14-26)


Whatever is beneath the surface of your life, whatever lies deep inside, will eventually be revealed. One of the best practices we can have as believers is to search our hearts for the motivations for why we live the way we do.


What is within your heart that is hidden from others but fully exposed to God? What dreams are lying dormant within? What sin have you kept hidden? What, both good and bad, is insde of you? Pull it out. And submit it to God.

STEPHEN PURICELLI Connections Pastor Southwest Campus




Available now at


THE DISCIPLE MAKER’S HANDBOOK by Bobby Harrington & Josh Patrick There are seven key elements in helping others grow in their faith. Discover what they are and how you can apply them to countless situations in your life.

Neighborhood Group Curriculum If we want to grow in our relationship with God, we can’t go it alone for long. Jesus doesn’t simply call individuals to follow after Him; He builds His church as a collection of people with many kinds of personalities, backgrounds, and gifts. Community is key in our walk with Christ, and that’s why Neighborhood Groups are a big deal for our church family. Beginning the week of February 18, our latest Neighborhood Group curriculum will be available for you to stream on RightNow Media to use in your group. During this 6-week series, bridge the gap between the weekend sermon and your living room by diving into video teaching from Hebrews 12 and accompanying group discussion. Each video runs about 15 minutes and includes a lesson from our pastors, stories and illustrations, and more.

RightNow Media is a video streaming service available to our entire Southeast church family—for free! Sign up to access RightNow’s growing library of 10,000+ Christian resources—from video Bible studies, devotionals, teaching series, and more—at

THE ART OF PARENTING by Dennis & Barbara Rainey Find out how to establish Christian values in your home, giving your children a foundation of Biblical truths they can build upon for the rest of their lives.


Walking as Jesus Walked Dann Spader 12-Session Series Is it possible to live like Jesus? Grow as an intentional follower of Christ by exploring the foundational elements of His life and ministry: intentional relationships, steadfast prayer, a mission of multiplication, and more.



Every Disciple Making Disciples David Platt Video and Digital Worksheet Jesus sums up His Great Commission in three words: go, baptize, and teach. As members of His church, this is a calling for all of us! Learning from David Platt, discover your place in God’s plan to build His Kingdom.

DISCIPLING AS JESUS DISCIPLED: 7 PRINCIPLES OF A DISCIPLEMAKER by Dann Spader In this interactive study through the Gospels, follow Jesus’ masterful strategy for making fishers of men.

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Forever Treasure

Sacred Marriage

Saturday, February 10 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 212 Sunday, February 11 • 9:00 a.m. • ED 212 A class for upper elementary students who are considering their commitment to follow Jesus through baptism and beyond. Parents are expected to attend with their child. Please contact for pre-class homework. Register online.

Tuesdays • February 20-March 27 6:30-8:30 p.m. • ATCR 209 What if God’s primary intent for your marriage isn’t to make you happy, but holy? At Sacred Marriage, learn how to love your spouse with a stronger sense of purpose and turn your struggles into spiritual and personal appreciation. Register online.

SE!Kids Volunteer Basics

Cue Your Marriage

Saturday, February 10 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sunday, February 11 • 10:45 a.m. • ED 150 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on one of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.

S.A.A.P.G.O.N. February 16/17 • Beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus S.A.A.P.G.O.N. is the Southeast Annual ActionPacked Groovy Over-Nighter for 3rd and 4th graders. Come for a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jacks! Doors open on Friday at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Register online

SE!Kids Volunteer Equipping Session Saturday, February 17 5:15 or 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sunday, February 18 9:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m., or 12:30 p.m. • ED 150 Join us for a time of leadership development, food, and fun. In this session, we’ll talk about how you can get to KNOW a child. Before kids can know God loves them, they may need to be KNOWN by someone who knows God. Register online.


Starting Point Wednesdays • Beginning February 7 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this 3-week class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Childcare available. Register online.


Disabilities Ministry Training Tuesday, February 20 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Fireside Room Want to serve in the Disabilities Ministry? Come learn about serving opportunities and how we help families and guests feel included at Southeast. To sign up, please contact

Miracles Saturdays • 5:00 p.m. • WC 246 Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • WC 246 Older teens and young adults with special needs are invited to gather with us for worship, fellowship, crafts, and a lesson. No registration required.

Silent Fellowship Weekend Group Sundays • 9:30 a.m. • ATLR 202 Connect with people who are Deaf or otherwise proficient in ASL for a weekly time of Bible study and fellowship. Teaching and discussion are led in American Sign Language. No registration required.

HOPE Bible Study Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • ATLR 201 A Bible study for adults with special needs who are able to attend the group independently. No registration required.

Tuesdays • February 20-March 27 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 107 Everyone wants to have a great marriage, but we don’t always know how to make it happen. This 6-week class will help you learn more about yourself and truly enjoy your spouse for who God has made him/her to be. Childcare available. Register online.

Raising Arrows Wednesdays • February 21-March 28 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 107 How do we pour into our children and model what it means to follow Christ? In this series, you’ll learn how to be authentic in your walk with Jesus, how to model the Christian life in your home, and how to launch your children into a life of loving and serving the Lord. Childcare available. Register online..

Love and Respect Wednesdays • February 21-March 28 6:30-8:00 p.m. • FH 131 Reap the benefits of the marriage God intended as you discover the secret to successful communication between husband and wife. Childcare available. Register online.


Family Is Forever: Foster & Adoptive Family Celebration Saturday, February 17 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. The Block Auditorium If you are a foster or adoptive parent at Southeast, please allow us the privilege of honoring you and your family at The Block. Childcare available for children birth through age 14. Register online.

Neighborhood Groups Beginning Week of February 18 • In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.

Register online at BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS continued next page



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continued from page 21



Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Sundays • February 4-April 15 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • FH 120 Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 10-week class. Children’s programming available. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.

Career Transitions: Discover Your Strengths Thursdays • February 15-22 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. ATCR 207 Identify your God-given strengths and learn how to put them to work. This 2-week class will help bring focus to your career by aligning it with your purpose, talents, and passions. Childcare available. Register online.

Generosity Experience Wednesdays • February 21-March 7 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 111 Learn how to love where you are through acts of kindness and generosity, identifying and serving people who are broke and broken by the messiness of life. Childcare available. Register online.

Estate Planning Seminar Saturday, February 24 • 9:30-11:00 a.m. ATCR 206 Design your legacy to pass on your values, not just your valuables. Learn about estate planning and how to establish a living trust for you and your family. Childcare available. Register online.

Career Transitions Workshop Series Thursdays • March 1-15 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. ATCR 207 This series of workshops focuses on the spiritual and practical challenges of job transition and will equip you for what lies ahead. Whether you’re unemployed or anticipating a career transition, get the tools you need to find meaningful work that utilizes your God-given gifts. Childcare available. Register online.

Raising Financially Healthy Kids Saturday, March 10 • 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. FH 107 In this 1-day seminar, parents will learn proven principles and practical wisdom for raising God-honoring, financially healthy kids. Build your children up by giving them a solid understanding of how money works and how to make wise choices. $10 per person. Breakfast and lunch provided. Childcare available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:30 p.m. Next Step Room Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit




Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit


Man Challenge Mondays • 6:00-7:30 p.m. The Block Auditorium Thursdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Block Auditorium Men: You NEED this! We want to equip every man with two sets of skillful hands—the confidence and competence in knowing who Jesus is and the pursuit and development of authentic relationships. Simply show up and visit the I’m New table! Questions? Email Mason at No registration required.

Man Challenge: Shelbyville Group Wednesdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Brick Room on Main Street All men need two things to grow— encouragement and accountability. Man Challenge strives to show men how to follow Jesus completely. Invite a friend and join us! For any questions, please email Max at No registration required.

Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study Saturdays • 7:00-8:30 a.m. • FH 1 This large gathering of men meets each week to study the Bible in community. This is a great place to get started in Bible study, and you’re welcome to join us anytime! No registration required.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at

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Youth Baseball & Girls’ Softball

Tuesdays • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • AT 109 This weekly class offers teaching and support for widows and widowers seeking a time of study, teaching, and fellowship after a loss. No registration required.

Saturdays • February 24-June 16 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. • Southeast Ball Fields Register today for our 2018 youth baseball and girls’ softball leagues! Open to children ages 3-13. To register and find more information, please visit

Significance | Senior Lunch Series


Wednesday, March 21 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. • FH 2 This luncheon is for active seniors who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • ATCR 200/202 This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Welcoming Hearts Tuesdays • 9:30-11:30 a.m. • ATLR 201 Whether you’ve just moved to Louisville or you’ve been here for a while, this class will help you connect to community and discover how faith provides hope in a time of transition. Limited childcare available. Register online.


REAL Women | Essentials

Living Devoted: Winter Single Life Series

Fridays • 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Sports & Fitness Center Gym Games for experienced players begin at 9:30 a.m. Beginners’ games start at 12:30 p.m. No registration required.

Tuesdays • February 20-March 13 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Block • Room 21 Our Single Life Ministry would like to invite all Southeast single adults to our 4-week Winter series. If you are eager to be equipped as a follower of Jesus and you’re looking for healthy, Christ-centered community, come out and join us! Limited childcare available. Register online.

Next Chapter

20s & 30s Community Kickoff

Pickle Ball

First Fridays • 10:00-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 This monthly class is specifically designed for senior adult women and features a new guest speaker each month. No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.



Friday, March 23 • 6:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus The 20s & 30s Community is a new and exciting group for young, single adults who are actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus and His purpose for their lives. Grow together in community through social gatherings, small groups, and more! Light refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Terrence at Register online.

Gather and Go

Tuesdays • 9:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • FH 111 If you are a new believer or seeking answers, come gain a firm foundation as we explore the essentials of our faith together. We will use the Bible Essentials booklet, available in The Living Word. Limited childcare available. Register online.

REAL Women | Thrive Wednesdays • 9:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • FH 1 If you’re comfortable with the essentials of your faith but you want to grow in your understanding of God’s Word, this class is for you! We’re studying the book of Acts as we explore the early church. Limited childcare available. Register online.

Single Moms’ Community Group Sundays • 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • AT 109 This group fosters real community as we seek to glorify God through difficult circumstances and parenting challenges. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

Fourth Weekends • Beginning in March A monthly opportunity for single adults to get together and serve the community, leaving an impact on our city for God’s glory. Each month offers unique opportunities to connect and serve. For more information, please contact Terrence at

Register online at





5:0 0 p.m.

9:0 0 & 1 1:15 a.m.



9:0 0 & 1 1:15 a.m.

5:00 p.m.





Connections Pastor

9:00 & 11:15


Children’s programming available during all services. 502.253.8476



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Overcoming Adversity

Parents’ Night Out

Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m. • Living Room 2 This group is for individuals who are dealing with major struggles and difficulties in life. No registration required.

Friday, February 9 • 6:00-9:00 p.m. • Café Married couples, enjoy a kid-free night out! Drop your kids off at the Southwest Campus for fun, games, and dinner while you enjoy a date night with your spouse! For all questions, please contact Limited spots available. Register online.

Alzheimer’s Support Group Last Wednesdays • 2:00-3:30 p.m. Living Room 5 A monthly time of support and encouragement for those who care for Alzheimer’s patients. No registration required.

Post-Abortion Support Group

A safe place for women who have undergone an abortion. No one has to walk alone—find support in community. Additional information is available online, or contact

S.A.A.P.G.O.N. February 23/24 • Beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m. • Southwest Campus S.A.A.P.G.O.N. is the Southeast Annual ActionPacked Groovy Over-Nighter for 3rd and 4th graders. Come for a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jacks! Doors open on Friday at 7:00 p.m. For more information, email Register online.


College-Age Small Group

A weekly opportunity for the college-age community to get together and build Christcentered relationships. Contact for details.


Sundays • February 11-March 18 9:30-10:45 a.m. • SW Classroom Spend these 6 weeks building a better marriage. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married 20 days or 20 years; every marriage has room for improvement! Come connect with other couples, hear insightful messages, and engage with your spouse in a new way. Register online.

Neighborhood Groups

Dad and Me

Beginning week of February 18 In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.


A Better Marriage

Sunday, February 11 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • Café If you’re new to Southeast or have been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Get connected with Southwest Campus staff members, hear our heart for ministry, and learn about ways to get involved. Childcare available. Register online.

Starting Point



Saturday, March 3 • 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Atrium A fun night for just Dad and the kids. Dads will help their children finish a build project that everyone gets to take home! All tools and supplies provided. Please contact with any questions. No registration required.

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Family Is Forever: Foster & Adoptive Family Celebration

Community Transformation Home Build

Saturday, February 17 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Auditorium If you are a foster or adoptive parent at Southeast, please allow us the privilege of honoring you and your family at our Blankenbaker Campus. Childcare available for children birth through age 14. Register online.


Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Sundays • February 4-April 15 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. SW Classroom Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 10-week class. Children’s programming available. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.


Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit girlsnight2018.

Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at


Significance | Senior Lunch Series

Man Challenge Thursdays • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • Sanctuary Join other men from the Southwest Campus as we learn what it means to follow Jesus completely. Each week, we’ll have a large group teaching followed by small group discussions with 6-8 men gathering around each table. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. Register online or in the Atrium.

Men’s Bible Study Sundays • 8:00-9:00 a.m. • SW Classroom Connect with other men from the Southwest Campus during this weekly Bible study. No registration required.


Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active seniors who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


Ladies’ Book Club

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit girlsnight2018..

Tuesday, February 27 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Café Join the ladies of the Southwest Campus as we read The Last Sin Eater by Tracy Groot. No registration required.

Register online at







1 1:15 a.m.

6:30 p.m.





9:30 & 11:15 a.m. 8301 SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH ROAD LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 | 502.614.1500 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.614.1507



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THRIVE Men’s Recovery Groups


Tuesdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 These Christ-centered support groups are for men seeking healing from sexual temptation and substance abuse. Childcare available. No registration required.

February 23/24 • Beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m. • Indiana Campus S.A.A.P.G.O.N. is the Southeast Annual ActionPacked Groovy Over-Nighter for 3rd and 4th graders. Come for a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jacks! Doors open on Friday at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Register online

Women’s Recovery Support Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the hurts and hang-ups of addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Every Man’s Battle Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 Meeting as part of Thrive, Every Man’s Battle is designed to equip men to stand together and offer a practical battle plan to overcome sexual temptation and sin. Come and see what has empowered many men to overcome sexual sin and experience true freedom in Christ. Childcare available. No registration required.

Empower Women’s Group Wednesdays • Through March 14 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 230 Join us in coming alongside victims of abuse and learn how to better understand, encourage, and empower them where they are. Childcare available. No registration required.

Women’s Friends and Family of Addicts Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the challenges of loving someone with an addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Hope After Abortion

We want to walk with you through the emotional journey in the wake of a past abortion. In this group, we invite you to draw near to other women to experience God’s grace and process through the different emotions of healing: anger, denial, forgiveness, grief, and more. For more information, please contact




Frontline Training Sundays • Through February 11 9:30-10:45 a.m. • The Attic (Room 214) This training is for anyone who works with people in any capacity. Whether you teach in the community, lead a small group, or encounter people while out running errands, this class will help you understand how to better help and love those who God puts in your path. Children’s programming available, Register online.

Starting Point Sundays • February 11 or April 8 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • The Attic (Room 214) Whether you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

So, What’s the Difference? Sundays • February 18-March 4 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • The Attic (Room 214) Session 2 • Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism Have you ever wanted to know the real differences between the Christian faith and other world religions? Join us to discover what sets Christianity apart and to be equipped to explain your faith to others. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Neighborhood Groups Beginning week of February 18 • In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.


Marriage Built to Last Sundays • Through February 25 9:30-10:45 a.m. • Room 225 This isn’t your typical marriage study. Whether you’re newly married, remarried, or wanting to improve your relationship, Chip Ingram will provide you with practical teaching to give you tools to live intentionally and love Biblically. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Just a Phase: The Early Years Sundays • Through February 25 9:30-10:45 a.m. • Room 229 We hope our children will grow up with a faith that will transform their lives and lead to a brighter future. But in spite of our hopes and intentions, many kids still grow up without experiencing the truth of God’s love and forgiveness. This class allows parents to come together, encourage each other, and learn how to navigate their children’s phases of life well. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Twenties & Married Sundays • Through February 25 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Room 225 Marriage comes with plenty of questions, especially in the early years. This class will help couples identify key areas to focus their time, attention, and energy in order to help their young marriages flourish. Children’s programming available. Register online.

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Family Is Forever: Foster & Adoptive Family Celebration Saturday, February 17 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Auditorium If you are a foster or adoptive parent at Southeast, please allow us the privilege of honoring you and your family at our Blankenbaker Campus. Childcare available for children birth through age 14. Register online.


Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Tuesdays • February 6-April 10 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Attic Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Childcare available. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.


HSM Equip Sundays • February 18-March 4 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Living Room In this 3-week class, Student Connections Pastor Chandler Dale will teach high school students how to go deeper in their faith. No registration required



Wednesday Evening Group

MSM Hangout

Wednesdays • Through March 14 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 225 Looking to grow in your Christian walk? Want to understand the marks of a mature Christian man? Join us on Wednesday evenings as we walk through the book of James together. Childcare available. Register online.

Friday, February 16 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. The Hub Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.

Man Challenge: The Old Testament Challenge

Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Thursdays • Through March 8 5:30-7:30 p.m. • The Hub What if we told you that you could learn and memorize the big-picture storyline of the Old Testament in 7 short weeks? Interested? Join us this Winter for The Old Testament Challenge. You’ll have the opportunity to eat great food and discuss the material with some other likeminded men at your small group table. $5 dinner at 5:30 p.m. Study begins at 6:00. Register online.

Men’s Mentoring

Girls’ Night


Community Transformation Home Build

Whether you’re struggling through a particular life issue or you need help in your relationship with God, we have a team of men who are willing and ready to walk beside you. For more information, contact

Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at INDIANA CAMPUS continued next page

HSM House Parties Wednesday, February 21 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. In Homes Come out for a time of fun, food, and fellowship with our High School Ministry in local homes. We’ll announce our House Party locations on Instagram @hsm_indiana and at HSM, so be sure to join us each week! No registration required.

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Register online at



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


continued from page 27



Significance | Senior Lunch Series

Open Your Bible

All Things New

Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active seniors who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online.

Wednesdays • Through March 7 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub We all long to hear from God. The beautiful truth is this: we can encounter Him today in the pages of His Word! The Bible is for you and for now. No matter your experience with Scripture, this study will leave you with a deeper understanding of Scripture and a stronger desire to know the Bible inside and out. Childcare available. Register online.

Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. • The Hub or 6:00-7:15 a.m.. • Panera on Veteran’s Parkway God’s church is called to thrive in any city and every circumstance in which we find ourselves. Here, Paul’s letter of 2 Corinthians is as timely as ever. As we study this letter together, we’ll see how each of us has a message to live by and proclaim: Because of Jesus, the old has gone and the new has come! Childcare available, except at Panera. Register online.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. The Filing Station This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Daughters Like Ruth Third Thursdays • Various Times and Locations This group is an opportunity for widows and other single women to meet on a regular basis to build each other up in their walk with Christ. For more information, please contact Nancy Johnson at 812.786.3138. No registration required.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


EPIC Old Testament Wednesdays • Through March 7 9:30-11:30 a.m. • The Hub In EPIC: Old Testament, we will guide you through the storyline of Scripture, giving you the “big picture” of the Old Testament’s message so that you can understand it and apply it to your life today. Childcare available. Register online.



Moms Group Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub This class allows moms to come together and pray for their kids, their school settings, and their changing phases of life. Childcare available. Register online.

The Respect Dare Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Tired of wondering what works? Want to deepen your relationship with God and communicate better with your husband? Maybe you just want to stop feeling alone in your marriage. Join us as we take this dare journey together! Childcare available. Register online.

Discovering Hope in the Psalms Wednesdays • Through March 14 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub This study offers valuable teaching, motivating devotions, and a multitude of creative options for interacting with the book of Psalms. The Psalms help us to recall the Lord’s care, rejoice in God’s mercy, rest in His goodness, request help with hope, and respond to the Lord with thanksgiving. Childcare available. Register online. WOMEN continued next column


Women of the Bible Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Thursdays • Through March 15 7:00-8:30 a.m. • Next Step Room Each timeless Biblical story mirrors the challenges and changes women face today. By understanding the lives of women like Ruth, Esther, Mary, and others, our time together will help us discover the God behind their stories and ours. Register online.

REAL Women | Connect Last Sundays • 10:45-11:15 a.m. • Café Ladies, if you’re new to our Indiana Campus, we would LOVE to meet you and help you get connected! On the last Sunday of every month, look for us between worship services in the Café! Hope to see you there! No registration required.

Single Mom’s Support Group

There are many unique joys and challenges to being a single mom. Why not come together with others like you for encouragement and support? For additional information, please email

WOMEN continued next column

Register online at







9:30 & 1 1:15 a.m.

1 2:30 p.m.





5:30 p.m.




9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

Children’s programming available during all services.


Connections Pastor 812.704.1983

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G





Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

MSM & HSM Worship Together

February 23/24 • Beginning Friday at 6:30 p.m. Elizabethtown Campus S.A.A.P.G.O.N. is the Southeast Annual ActionPacked Groovy Over-Nighter for 3rd and 4th graders. Come for a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jacks! Doors open on Friday at 6:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Register online.

Tuesdays • February 6-April 10 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Fireside Room Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Childcare available. Register online.



Starting Point

MSM: Middle School Ministry

Sunday, February 25 • 5:00-7:00 p.m. Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or just want to learn more about who we are and what we believe, join us for Starting Point! No matter your previous church experience, this class is the best place to begin. You’ll learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Register online.

Get Connected and Join a Group

Looking for a place to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus? Interested in building new friendships? A group can be a great way to get connected with others! Our campus is launching several new groups beginning this month. To learn more about each of these groups, please contact Justin Fluhr at or Chris Garrett at


Family Is Forever: Foster & Adoptive Family Celebration Saturday, February 17 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Auditorium If you are a foster or adoptive parent at Southeast, please allow us the privilege of honoring you and your family at our Blankenbaker Campus. Childcare available for children birth through age 14. Register online.


Sundays • 11:15 a.m. • Worship Center MSM and HSM students sit together during our weekly 11:15 Sunday morning adult service to worship and study the Word of God with our church family. Come sit with us!


Community Transformation Home Build

Sundays • 9:30 a.m. • Student Ministry Building Each week, we invite all 6th-8th grade students to join us for our middle school worship program. The first half of the program consists of a large-group time with Biblical teaching, creative learning, and interactive fun. The second half is a small-group time where leaders continue to explore Scripture, talk through the large-group message, and engage students in discussion—all while building lifelong relationships.

HSM: High School Ministry Sundays • 6:30 p.m. • Student Ministry Building Our High School Ministry is designed to help students connect to Jesus, caring adults, and one another. We do this in our large-group time by studying God’s Word in a relevant and engaging way, challenging each of us to grow in our relationship with Jesus. Then we’ll spend time in small groups, continuing the conversation from the message and growing together as a family. Join us and get plugged in!

Girls’ Night

Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at southeast.


Significance | Senior Lunch Series Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active seniors who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL continued next column

Register online at


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





9:30 a.m.

6:30 p.m.



600 NORTH DIXIE AVENUE ELIZABETHTOWN, KY 42701 | 270.506.4630 Children’s programming available during all services.

JUSTIN FLUHR Connections Pastor 502.614.1408



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Addictions Support & Recovery

Starting Point

Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus A Christ-centered 12-step program for individuals wanting to overcome addictions and compulsions. No registration required.

Sunday, February 18 • 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Room 190 A If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Families of Addicts Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For families who have a loved one struggling with an addiction. Practical, emotional, and spiritual support. No registration required.

Miscarriage, Pregnancy, and Infant Loss Support Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus This group is for women walking through the sorrows of child loss. Come together with others to grieve, encourage one another, and encounter the hope that Jesus offers. No registration required.

Women’s Abuse Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For women struggling with emotional, physical, or sexual abuse issues. We offer support and prayer. No registration required.

Neighborhood Groups Beginning week of February 18 • In Homes Live on mission outside our campus walls by opening your home to neighbors for a weekly gathering with video teaching and group discussion. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.


Fixer Upper Tuesdays • February 6-27 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. The 514 Campus Pastor Greg Allen leads this 4-week group designed for married couples, from newly married spouses to empty-nesters and everyone in between. Join us to see how God wants to do some “fixer-upper” work on us as husbands and wives, as parents, and as followers of Christ who can demonstrate to our communities what Godly families look like. Childcare is available. Register online.


SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Sundays • February 4 or 11 12:00-1:00 p.m. • Room 184 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on either of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.

S.A.A.P.G.O.N. February 23/24 • Beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m. • Crestwood Campus S.A.A.P.G.O.N. is the Southeast Annual ActionPacked Groovy Over-Nighter for 3rd and 4th graders. Come for a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jacks! Doors open on Friday at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact or call 502.873.1097. Register online

Couples Connection Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C In the middle of a busy life with young children, take time as a couple to connect with others in your stage of life and study God’s Word together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

Young Married Group Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 B Make the most of the first years of your marriage by connecting with other young couples and studying God’s Word together! No registration required.


OCA Connect Tuesday, February 6 • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Room 261 A support group for families in all stages of the adoption and foster care journey. Childcare available. No registration required.

Family Is Forever: Foster & Adoptive Family Celebration Saturday, February 17 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Auditorium If you are a foster or adoptive parent at Southeast, please allow us the privilege of honoring you and your family at our Blankenbaker Campus. Childcare available for children birth through age 14. Register online.



Sundays • February 4-April 15 9:00-10:00 a.m. • Room 190 B Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 10-week class. Children’s programming available. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.

Estate Planning Seminar Sunday, February 25 • 9:00-10:00 a.m. Room 190 A Design your legacy to pass on your values, not just your valuables. Learn about estate planning and how to establish a living trust for you and your family. Children’s programming available. Register online.


Bible & Beach Kickoff Sunday, February 11 • 5:00-8:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block 8th graders and high school students from each of our campuses are getting together for an epic night of worship as we look ahead to Bible and Beach 2018! We will bus from the Crestwood Campus at 5:00 p.m. SECC legal release is required. For more information, please contact Nickie at

Guys’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. The 514 Come prepared for a night of amazing food, extreme competition, and a powerful interview with a surprise college athlete! Dads of middle and high school students are invited! Register online.

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Cultivate - HSM Guys Retreat March 16-18 • Red River Gorge At this all-guy retreat, we’re focusing on growing in faith and community together. This retreat fills up quickly and there are limited spots, so be sure to register by February 4! Register online.

Roots - HSM Girls Retreat March 16-18 • Red River Gorge Don’t miss this all-girl retreat to Red River Gorge! High school girls have the opportunity to get away, spend time with friends, and grow in their walk with the Lord. Sign up soon—spots are limited! Register online.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Man Challenge

MSM Groups

Saturdays • 7:00-8:00 a.m. • The 514 Man Challenge is a great place to learn more about the Bible while connecting with other men. This Winter, Campus Pastor Greg Allen will teach on the Lord’s Prayer. Register online.

Wednesdays • Beginning February 14 6:00-8:00 p.m. Our MSM Groups are back for another season! Home groups are a great place for students to grow deeper in their faith and develop Christcentered friendships. Groups are divided up by gender and age. For more information about groups and their locations, please contact Nickie at

Men’s Sexual Accountability Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Sexual sin can be spiritually dangerous. Join this group to get accountability, Biblical counsel, and brothers to walk with. Led by Carl Kroboth and Mark McDaniel. Childcare available. Register online.


Guys’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. The 514 Come prepared for a night of amazing food, extreme competition, and a powerful interview with a surprise college athlete! Dads of middle and high school students are invited! Register online.

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Bible & Beach Kickoff Sunday, February 11 • 5:00-8:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block 8th graders and high school students from each of our campuses are getting together for an epic night of worship as we look ahead to Bible and Beach 2018! We will bus from the Crestwood Campus at 5:00 p.m. SECC legal release is required. For more information, please contact Nickie at MIDDLE SCHOOL continued next column



Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at


Significance | Senior Lunch Series Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active seniors who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online.

Senior Potluck Luncheon Second Tuesdays • 12:00-1:30 p.m. Room 190 C Join with other seniors for a time of fellowship as we share a potluck-style meal. Each month’s gathering features a guest speaker or special event. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. No registration required.

Empty Nesters’ Dinner Second Saturdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 C Join us for a monthly time of celebration and great conversation as we talk about everyday life as empty nesters. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share for a potluck-style dinner. No registration required.





10:30 a.m.

1 2:0 0 p.m.

THE 51 4

THE 51 4

5:15 p.m.

SUNDAY 9:00, 10:30 a.m., & 12:00 p.m.


Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


Open House, Open Heart


SENIORS continued next column



Wednesday, February 7 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 B If you are new to Southeast, new to Kentucky, or you’d simply like to build friendships and find community here at the Crestwood Campus, please join us for this time of conversation, information, and coffee or tea. Childcare available. Register online.

Seamless Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 B Whether you grew up hearing Bible stories or you’re exploring Scripture for the very first time, this study will show you how all the people, places, and promises of the Bible make up one seamless and beautiful story. Childcare available. Register online.

A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 C In this 8-week study through the story of Ruth, learn to follow through on your commitments, despite your feelings, and embrace the grace of refinement rather than the relief of release. Childcare available. Register online.

Single Moms’ Study Sundays • 9:00-10:00 a.m. • Room 190 C Single moms of all ages and life stages—come join us as we learn from God’s Word and encourage one another with the hope we have in Christ. Childcare available. No registration required.

Register online at

MARK BERGGREN 6201 CRESTWOOD STATION CRESTWOOD, KY 40014 | 502.873.1100 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.873.1096



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G





Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Community Transformation Home Build

Thursdays • Through March 29 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Next Step Room Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.

Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at



Girls’ Night

Significance | Senior Lunch Series

February 23/24 • Beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m • Crestwood Campus S.A.A.P.G.O.N. is the Southeast Annual ActionPacked Groovy Over-Nighter for 3rd and 4th graders. Come for a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jacks! Doors open on Friday at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Register online.

CONNECTION Sunday, February 18 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. This is an opportunity to learn what our church believes, hear our heart for ministry, and find ways to get connected at the La Grange Campus. Childcare available. Register online.

Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Get in a Group!


Starting Point

Groups can be a lifeline in your walk with Jesus. When you join a group, you gain new opportunities to grow in your faith, develop Christ-centered friendships, and become equipped to live on mission in your neighborhood. Find Connections Pastor Brent Dennison after worship services or reach out to him at, or contact Community Pastor Mike Berry at


Family Is Forever: Foster & Adoptive Family Celebration Saturday, February 17 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Auditorium If you are a foster or adoptive parent at Southeast, please allow us the privilege of honoring you and your family at our Blankenbaker Campus. Childcare available for children birth through age 14. Register online.

Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active seniors who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

Man Challenge Tuesdays • Through May 1 6:30-8:00 p.m. • The Station Man Challenge is an opportunity for men to be equipped and encouraged as we study God’s Word together. Join us on Tuesday nights! No registration required.


Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit


Real Women’s Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Worship Center Wednesdays • 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Worship Center We want you to be part of our encouraging culture of women as we grow together in our love for God and one another. We would really like to get to know you! For childcare contact Cherie Erskine at For other questions, contact Karissa Sites at ksites@

Register online at


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





1 1:15 a.m.

1:0 0-2:0 0 p.m.



410 SOUTH 1ST STREET LA GRANGE, KY 40031 | 502.614.1200 Children’s programming available during all services.



BRENT DENNISON Connections Pastor 502.614.1209

th 4 & ly! d 3r s On r Fo der a Gr

Worship! Laser tag! Go-Karts! Snacks! Pizza! Crazy fun! (And maybe some sleep.)


Southeast Annual Action-Packed Groovy Overnighter

ALL OTHER CAMPUSES FEBRUARY 23/24 Invite your friends to a fun evening of games, prizes, food, worship, and Malibu Jack’s!



NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS Beginning the week of February 18 Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based studies that build off our sermon series with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to develop Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in community. Groups meet for 6 weeks in February and March. Find a group near you or register to be a home host at 34


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