Southeast Christian NEXT Magazine | October 2017

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October 2017 ISSUE 14







M E RC Y • O C T O B E R 2 017 • I S S U E 14



Invitation to Recovery


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Becoming a Family

In all the ups and downs of her girls’ adoption process, Beth discovered God still speaks to His children.

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Invitation to Recovery

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Neighbors to the Nations

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If It Wasn’t for Jesus

What part can you play in loving our friends with special needs and disabilities?

God never intended for you to struggle alone. We’re here to help, and our door is always open.

No one is off limits to the Gospel of grace. God’s Kingdom is for every tongue and tribe— refugees included!


Our Campuses


First Things First


Life @ Southeast


Grace Is Greater

16 Missions in Mind 22 Your Turn 24 Trending 25 What’s Happening

In the wake of his mother’s dementia, Travis looks to Christ whose grace will always be enough.

WE ALL HAVE A NEXT STEP TO TAKE IN OUR WALK WITH JESUS. WHAT’S YOURS? In this magazine, hear the heart of Southeast Christian Church through articles and stories, stay informed about upcoming groups and events, and find where you belong in our mission of connecting people to Jesus and one another. SOUTHEASTCHRISTIAN.ORG


OUR CAMPUSES B L A N K E N B A K E R C A MP U S 920 Blankenbaker Parkway • Louisville, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000

I N D I A N A C A MP U S 1309 Charlestown New Albany Road • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • 812.704.1951

C R E S T WO O D C A MP U S 6201 Crestwood Station • Crestwood, KY 40014 • 502.873.1100

S O U T H W E S T C A MP U S 8301 Saint Andrews Church Road • Louisville, KY 40258 • 502.614.1500

L A G R A N G E C A MP U S 410 South 1st Street • La Grange, KY 40031 • 502.614.1200

E L IZ A B E T H T OW N C A MP U S 600 North Dixie Avenue • Elizabethtown, KY 47201 • 270.506.4630

Visit for more information.





n a world full of hurt, helplessness, and hopelessness, how will we respond as a church? Micah 6:8 (NIV®) sums up God’s direction for His people: “…To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” These three actions invite us into a story bigger than ourselves, God’s grand story of redemption. In light of the mercy we have received, having been reconciled to God through the blood of His Son, the purpose of our lives is to be agents of God’s mercy and hope in the world around us. We see the three actions of Micah 6:8 displayed in vibrant color throughout the life of Jesus, the perfect model of true justice, mercy, and humility. While the religious leaders of the day made negative assumptions about people, Jesus listened to people. Every person’s story mattered to Him. In the same way, if we seek to act justly, we won’t just speak; we’ll also listen. While Jesus didn’t always agree with the people He interacted with, His heart was soft to their situation and his love was strong toward them. When we listen to God’s heart, we will live with care toward those God loves. We will care about injustice in our communities, about people who look differently than we do, and even about issues that might be unpopular or uncomfortable. We care about justice because we serve a just God who justified us (Romans 3:26). As followers of Jesus, we are called not just to extend mercy, but to love mercy! Mercy is the kind, forgiving treatment of someone who could be treated harshly; it’s kindness given to people who are in a very bad or desperate situation. Can you think of a better example of mercy than Jesus? He forgives sinners. He gives grace to the rebellious. He offers freedom to captives. Jesus loves mercy! Ask the Lord to help you show mercy like He does, because we serve a God who desires mercy more than sacrifice (Hosea 6:6). Finally, God is calling us to walk humbly as a church. Pride builds up walls, puts locks on doors, and only gives the key to a few. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ tears down walls and builds bridges to unfailing hope in Him. We must be people who seek to learn, not to assume that we know. Jesus listened. He spent time with the overlooked and the outcast. The Son of God didn’t show an ounce of sinful pride, and our Lord commands us to walk humbly, too. We reject pride because we serve a God who crowns humility with victory (Psalm 149:4). In this issue of NEXT, we see that Christ-like mercy takes on many faces in the life of our church. A mom crochets blankets for NICU babies in honor of the little one she lost; a son cares for his aging mother as her memory fades away. A pastor steps outside his comfort zone to welcome Muslim refugees; a ministry leader goes above and beyond to include individuals with special needs. A mother praises God’s faithfulness after a years-long international adoption journey; a minister invites us to experience God’s redemption by joining a Recovery Group today. In a world of tears and scars, Christ calls His church to model justice, mercy, and humility. In a world where people are divided, Jesus invites us into a movement that brings people together so that we can bring them to God.



Preaching Associate

Preaching Ministry Assistant




FamilyPalooza 2017

We want to connect with you—it’s what we’re all about! One way you can share in day-to-day life at Southeast is by following our social media channels. And be sure to check out our website to watch sermons, register for events, and connect with our ministries—all at

/southeastchrist 4




Preparing For Elizabethtown Campus Launch

FamilyPalooza 2017

“What connects gratitude to joy is the practice.” @KyleIdleman FamilyPalooza 2017

Real Moms Conference


Elizabethtown Campus

Night of Worship | Awaken Worship Live Album Recording




By Stacy Fingar

“But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me…” 2 Timothy 4:17 ESV



My story is one that this world wouldn’t classify as having a happy ending. It’s a beautiful story, full of tears, love, miracles, strength, and God’s grace. A story that has grown me, challenged me, overwhelmed me, broken my heart, given me hope, and helped me see Jesus at work through it all. This story is about a 1-pound, 14-ounce little girl who touched more lives in her 19 days of life than I have in 37 years. It’s a story of faith, trust, prayer, anxiety, and fear. It’s the kind of story God uses to illustrate how you don’t have to know everything in the Bible or have a large platform to speak from. He can use the smallest of things to make a far-reaching impact for His Kingdom and His glory. I knew it even before I was pregnant with my third child: if God would bless me with another baby, He was going to teach me faith during that pregnancy. After a miscarriage in 2013, I’d been praying for God to give me another baby. The morning the strip turned positive, my heart leapt with joy. My prayers had been answered. Little did I know the extent of the lesson that was to come.

The Cost of Faith Early in the pregnancy, we discovered a large blood clot surrounding the baby which could lead to a miscarriage or preterm labor. Over the next two months, I prayed for my sweet little one, never giving up hope for God to come through. When the clot had fully dissolved in my second trimester, I thought I was in the clear. But at 21 weeks, my water broke and my world came crashing down.

I was admitted into the hospital on complete bed rest, with the hopes of keeping me pregnant as long as possible. The ultimate goal was to deliver the baby at 34 weeks. In the days and weeks that followed, my life was turned upside down. I went from giving daily hugs and goodnight kisses to my kids to spending a few minutes of FaceTime with them each night, only touching their precious faces on the weekend. My husband Chris was instantly thrown into the role of Mr. Mom, leading to phone calls about how to fix hair and what outfits to have the kids wear to school. Camping out in a hospital bed meant missing my son’s 8th birthday and my 6-year-old’s first year of cheerleading. It meant, for the first time, I had to choose one child over the others. It meant endless discussions with doctors on all the risks involved and survival percentages. My heart broke as I missed my family at home; it ached for the little one growing inside of me. Sitting in a hospital room all alone, tears streaming down my cheeks, I prayed with total desperation. And the Lord stood by me, preserving my faith.

Strength to Fight On On September 23, 2016, Isabella Faith was born during an emergency c-section. At only 25 weeks and 3 days’ gestation— 15 full weeks early—my little girl was taken immediately into the NICU, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. For the next 19 days, our family was caught in an emotional rollercoaster. I tried to be a mom through the plastic of Isabella’s isolette and watched as the nurses cared for her. I longed to hold my baby, but her body was just too fragile. What could I do but pray for a miracle? God stood by me, intervening time after time. Through Isabella’s life, hundreds of family members, friends, coworkers, doctors, and onlookers witnessed Jesus at work. People repeatedly told me how, because of her miraculous strength to fight on, they felt God drawing near and their own walk with Him grew all the stronger. Isabella showed me daily what it meant to be swept away by God’s love. Her gentle spirit was like the peace of the Holy Spirit filling the room. Whenever her tiny hand grasped my finger, it was comfort from the Lord. Her fighting spirit kept my faith alive.

Witnessing her precious life allowed me to experience Jesus’ grace and mercy more vividly than ever before. October 12, 2016 was my last day on earth with Isabella. Jesus held me that night. His heart broke with mine. I know that as I held my lifeless little girl’s body, He was holding her in Heaven. He stayed by my side. When my strength failed, He fought for me. It was only because of Jesus that I picked myself up and let His healing begin. Every day since, He has supplied me with just enough faith to make it through. He continues to stand by me and strengthen me.

More to the Story It’s been a year since Isabella was carried home by her Heavenly Father. Since then, I’ve started a ministry called Faith Thru Isabella Faith. God showed me immeasurable love and support through the life of my daughter, and it’s my mission to share that same mercy with other hurting families in the NICU and parents who have lost a baby. You can learn more at As I crochet prayer blankets for their little ones and serve in the NICU, I pray that these families will know the Lord is standing by them and strengthening their faith to carry on. Isabella’s story isn’t over and neither is theirs. God still has more to say. You and I might not have the same story, but I hope my story will remind you to allow God in to your own journey. I can’t promise your story will be without pain or tears. But I can say this: by drawing your hope from Jesus Christ and relying on His guidance, you can experience the overwhelming peace that only He can provide. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past—even the past five minutes. The Lord will stand by you. He will hold you, He will help you, and He will carry you through. Wherever you are, whatever your story looks like today, surrender to His grace and mercy and see the beautiful story He can write in your life.

STACY FINGAR Video Producer, Communications





hen my husband Stephen and I first moved to Port-de-Paix, Haiti in 2009, we had no idea how God would change our lives and form our family. We went to Haiti to serve as missionary teachers in a school; but little did we know, we held our future children countless times before God had orchestrated our adoption. On our second day in Haiti, we made the first of many visits to a local orphanage in town where we met Ella and Elline. After the devastating earthquake of 2010, most of the children who had begun the adoption process were taken out of the orphanage immediately. Additional adoptions were finalized over the course of the next two years, and our girls—never placed in a forever family—were left behind as their friends went to live in their new, permanent homes. As we entered the Fall of 2012, our fourth school year in Haiti, God spoke far more



clearly to our hearts about the girls’ need for parents. However Haitian law included an age restriction that exempted Stephen and me from adopting—we needed to be 35 years old and married for at least 10 years. On top of that, I never dreamed I could have been a good candidate to adopt twin 4-year-olds, having never been a parent before. So, I asked God to send a strong couple for Elline and Ella to call their mom and dad. Still, I couldn’t shake the seemingly foolish feeling that I should be their mother.

He Still Speaks I have found that sometimes God speaks most clearly when our prayers critically need an answer. In December 2012, we traveled back to the U.S. as Stephen interviewed for a position at Southeast Christian Church’s Southwest Campus. During that time, I decided to print pictures of the girls and give them to my family, asking them to pray

that Ella and Elline would receive parents soon. All the while, I still quietly wondered if God wanted me to be their mom. When my mother took the copy of the picture I gave to her, she opened her Bible and placed it inside as a reminder to pray. When Stephen took the job at Southeast, we knew our time in Haiti was running out. When we returned from Louisville, we only had a few short months before we would move back to the United States. So I begged God to make it abundantly clear whether or not we should pursue the girls’ documents in Haiti, seeing if Social Services would make an exception to the age limit. For months I prayed. As I sought God’s voice, He used a Bible study to bring me to Habakkuk 2:3 NIV®: “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”

It was clear to me. I believed God was speaking through His Word to answer my prayers: “…it will certainly come...” To ensure I wasn’t just crazy, I emailed my mom to let her know how I felt God was speaking through His Word. After receiving the email, she opened her Bible and flipped through the Old Testament to Habakkuk. There, stuck in the very same page as the words of Habakkuk 2:3, was the photo of the girls I’d given her a week before. My mom had no doubt—God had spoken! And that was only the first of many miracles that followed. As we met with Haitian adoption officials, it became evident that no exception could be made for the age restriction. But within a few months, we heard a rumor that Haiti was proposing changes to its adoption laws. Sure enough, one of those changes included lowering the age requirement, which would allow us to adopt! When it was time for us to move to Louisville in March 2013, the law change still remained a proposal. I lamented the fact that there was no guarantee it would ever be changed at all.

Lingering Hope As that verse in Habakkuk states, “…Though it linger…”—and it did linger!—it wasn’t until six months later that we celebrated the law change that could allow us to adopt. But the age limit wasn’t the only change made to the law. Haiti also implemented a clause restricting children from being adopted by people who have previously known them, in order to protect orphans from being adopted for wrong and abusive reasons. Our U.S. adoption coordinator agreed to support our proposal, knowing we’d lived and worked in Haiti and knew many members of the community who would attest to

our intent and character. While it wasn’t impossible, our coordinator admitted the chance of us adopting the girls would be “a shred above a miracle.” But God’s Word had convinced me: “…it will certainly come…” So we waited. And hoped. And prayed.

I longed to hear the girls call me “Mom.” In the same way, God longs to hear us call out to Him, “Father!” A year later, I listened to broken English on a fuzzy phone call from Haiti one Saturday morning, and it was undoubtedly the happiest phone call I have ever received. It finally happened: we were officially placed with our girls! Even after our adoption was secured, the wait continued two and a half more years. During that time, I traveled 16 times to their orphanage and never missed a birthday. In those years of waiting and hoping, faithful prayer warriors surrounded us every step of the way. During a critical point in the adoption process, a faith-filled woman opened her home and invited friends to pray for the girls. As we approached the end of our long journey, the ladies of the Southwest Campus held a shower for us. It takes special people to think outside the box and throw a shower for soon-to-be nine-year-olds. We’ve never felt so loved. Then, on January 13, 2017, Ella and Elline finally came home with us to Louisville. In many ways, it was the end of one journey and the beginning of another. As much as we wanted to shield our girls during that

process, so much of their childhood had been characterized by significant losses and grief. As their mom, I can now shoulder some of the burdens they’ve carried and help them process through the pain of the past, giving them security in knowing they are loved no matter what.

Calling Out God has taught me so much through our adoption process. I learned that He still speaks to His children. And He does so in mighty, miraculous ways. If you’re facing something big in your life, ask Him to speak. For years, I longed to hear the girls call me “Mom.” In the same way, God longs to hear us call out to Him, “Father!” If you feel like God may be calling you to adopt, call out to Him. Pray about it. Don’t just pass off the thought as foolish or crazy. Instead of wondering “What if?” and living with regret, follow His call in obedience. If you’re afraid, know that there is a child out there waiting for a family—and they’re undoubtedly far more afraid than you are. You could be God’s answer to their prayers. Being part of Jesus’ work of redeeming the messiness of life on earth is painstakingly arduous and terribly humbling. It might possibly be the most difficult thing you’ve ever done. But, without a doubt, it will be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever done. For me, it is an absolute honor to be Elline and Ella’s mom.

BETH PURICELLI Southeast Member, Southwest Campus






ne of my favorite weekends of the year is Camp Freedom, a 3-day camp for people with developmental disabilities. During the months leading up to camp, we’re busy preparing: searching for just the right counselor for each camper, planning events that can involve all our campers, learning medical needs and care plans, and more. Our first camp in 2004 was intimate, having 24 people attend. This past July, over 200 people were involved, half of whom had a special need. The other half spent the weekend engaged in making it a memorable time for all who were there. Each year, I wonder how it could get any better. And every year, I am overjoyed watching God show up in an even greater way than before. This Summer was no exception. On the first day, I had the pleasure of talking with some parents as they dropped off their sons and daughters. Some looked forward to a trip with their other children. Others anticipated a few days of rest. Meanwhile, others had big plans to knock out chores and errands they don’t otherwise have time for. For those of us who spent that weekend serving, we agreed it was an experience like no other. Campers who don’t walk were carried to the top of a hill to speed down a Slip ’N Slide, or helped up flights of stairs to splash down a water slide into the lake. Other campers were encouraged to try archery or horseback riding side-by-side with their counselor. In the early hours of the morning, you could always find sleepless campers sitting awake beside a tired counselor. The next morning, they were up and ready to do it all again!

WELCOME THEM IN On the last day of camp this year, we had the pleasure of witnessing both a camper and a counselor accept Jesus and be obedient in baptism. To an onlooker, it might be hard to tell who was a camper and who was a volunteer. What a beautiful picture of inclusion! The Bible models for us what inclusion is. In Matthew 19:14 (NIV®), Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Jesus also teaches us in Luke 14:12-14 (NIV®), “…When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” How are we doing as a church including people with disabilities and special needs as a part of our congregation? It is so much more than a camp, a class, or a program. It’s looking at people as individuals made in the image of God. It’s helping everyone find their place to be part of the body and involved in the church. It’s what God has done for all of us, welcoming us in when we have no way of repaying Him.

OPPORTUNITIES EVERYWHERE As we go along in our church life, home life, or community, there are always opportunities where you can reach out to someone who needs to be included. This month, we’re excited for Shine, Southeast’s annual dance event for adults with special needs, and we need hundreds of escorts and volunteers to make this unforgettable night happen. (See inside front cover for details.) Beyond Shine, all of our campuses have opportunities for you to include individuals and families who are affected by special needs. Local agencies serving those with special needs would love to have people lead a Bible study or host a craft night. Our Special Olympics teams are thrilled to see you in the stands cheering them on. No matter where you live, you’re only a few decisions away from really, tangibly loving where you are.

Just this past weekend, I walked through church linking arms with a friend who has both a physical and developmental disability. Some people said “Hello,” but kept their distance. Others smiled and waved. But our favorite interactions that day were with people who stopped and talked and welcomed a hug from this amazing young person who couldn’t respond with words. The huge smile said it all.

ALL INCLUDED When I’m standing for worship at Camp Freedom or standing in the middle of the dance floor during Shine, I imagine this is what Heaven will be like. Everyone with their hands raised, worshiping our Lord. No one leading, no one following. No one deaf, no one blind. No wheelchairs, no sickness. Just people. All welcomed in, all included in the greatest moment of all time. To connect with our Disabilities Ministry and get involved in our mission of inclusion, please call our office at 502.253.8126 or contact

MARY TATUM Disabilities Ministry Leader Blankenbaker Campus

Maybe even more important than our service is the impact of the relationships we build. Imagine how a parent or caregiver would feel receiving an encouraging note or call, or a freshly cooked meal on their doorstep. Imagine how a teenage boy with Autism would feel if you showed up to play basketball in his driveway for 30 minutes one afternoon. Imagine how a girl with Down Syndrome would feel if you helped her bake a cake or painted her nails.




ometimes, life hurts.

And when it does, we so often attempt to run, hide, or disengage. We don’t want to face others when we’re in our low points and feeling most vulnerable. So we put on our masks, pretending to have it all together. Instead of acknowledging our struggles and receiving help, we isolate, which makes healing even more difficult. God never intended for us to struggle alone. He desires for us to connect as the body of Christ, confessing our struggles to each other and carrying one another’s burdens when life gets tough. That’s why our mission statement at Southeast is so powerful and on point: Connecting people to Jesus and one another. Because, when life hurts, we need that connection with Jesus and other people in order to heal in a healthy way. Receiving acceptance, love, and hope through the body of Christ makes real change possible. At Southeast’s Care Ministry, we know we’re not the only place where hope and healing happen, but we work hard to create safe places and connect the right people together, building trust and fostering an environment that allows for openness and honesty. A place that cultivates transformation. A place that is authentic and real. The door is open. Consider this your invitation.



One Step at a Time

The recovery community is a place few people honestly want to enter. Not many are willing to take that bold risk. Some walk in because they were compelled by life circumstances or someone who forced their hand. Others have chosen to walk in because of their deep longing for healing and hope. Whatever brings you here, know that this is a community where healing and hope are extended every time the door is opened. The first step into a recovery or support group is usually the hardest one to take, but something beautiful happens when you make that decision. This is my favorite thing about our Care Ministry: we connect people to the healing community they desperately long for and need. For those of us who have our own story of recovery, we can affirm the anxiety of taking that first step, but we can also testify to the power of that moment when we entered this community for the first time. God meets us in a remarkable way when we come with the posture of simply saying, “I need help.” It’s what makes recovery groups so helpful.

Lay Your Burdens Down

You may feel a lot of despair the first time you step into Encounter Worship or one of our Recovery Groups. I see it on the faces of many who come for the first time. It’s like a heavy, invisible blanket people carry on their way in. Merriam-Webster defines despair as “to no longer have any hope or belief that a situation will improve or change.” Have you been there before? I know I have. You just feel like things won’t ever get better. You can’t see ahead of you—or if you can see up ahead, it doesn’t look good. Likewise, some people enter recovery carrying a tremendous amount of shame. Maybe they’ve messed up and feel like there’s no hope and no way to gain anything back. They feel horrible about their situation and they feel even worse about themselves. Have you ever been there before? I know I have. Shame is like a straitjacket. You feel like you’ve lost control of your life and you’re completely stuck with no way out.

In the end, there’s only one antidote to shame, and that’s vulnerability. It can be the hardest thing in the world to trust again when someone has hurt us deeply. So often, we put up walls and defenses to keep people out, but in doing so we keep ourselves from those who could help us and the healing God wants to bring in our lives through them. Steve Arterburn, founder of New Life Ministries, says, “You must take a step away from your comfortable surroundings and allow others to minister to you and nurture you—no matter how difficult it is.”

No More Masks

Romans 12:9-13 (NASB) says, “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.”

Help Is Here So, what does it look like to take that first step toward recovery? We offer many kinds of Support

I love these verses because they speak into who we strive to be in our recovery communities. The word hypocrisy means “hiding behind a mask.” God wants us to be free from hypocrisy, and ultimately we do too, so in our recovery community we don’t fake it or pretend.

and Recovery Groups and

We work hard to create an environment where we keep it real, a community of grace where we are all fellow strugglers. We recognize sin as sin, but we keep it real. This is what I know: God uses authentic community to transform lives. He uses relationships with others to bring healing to our hearts. Though He could have chosen to do it entirely on His own, He delights to transform us by bringing us together with others who can honestly say, “Yeah, me too.”


counseling options at the Care Ministry. To discover our listing of options, we invite you to visit our website at or call 502.253.8400 to speak with someone who would love to help you take that first step and get connected. Saying “I need help” is a brave step to take, but God meets us there. He wants to replace despair and shame with healing and hope. So, please, take that bold step and watch Him work. The door is open.

DAVE SPRUELL Support and Recovery Ministry Leader



eing a disciple of Jesus means participating in Jesus’ mission. He invites us to join Him in actively advancing His Kingdom in every area of our city, state, country, and world. One thing I’ve noticed about the people of God, myself included, is our tendency to pick and choose who we believe should be reached with the Gospel. It’s easy to be drawn toward people who look and act like us because, quite honestly, it’s comfortable. But as God advances His Kingdom, no person or place is left off limits. We see this continually in Jesus’ earthly life as He entered into spaces where Jews would not go, bringing healing and salvation to those who were considered unclean sinners and enemies of God.

“To live a life of true faith means loving God fully and loving people genuinely.”



I’m oftentimes slow to remember just how unclean I once was, how I used to be an enemy of God, and how my life was ruled by sin. When I forget what I was when apart from the blood of Christ, God’s mercy is lost on me. And if I forget the mercy He has shown me, how can I share His mercy with others? I ask this as someone who was quick to disregard and slow to engage the refugees in my city, Louisville. I’d forgotten God’s mercy in my own life and Christ’s willingness to leave Heaven’s perfection to enter the brokenness of this sinful world to meet me right where I am. I saw these

neighbors as too far off—how could I engage them? How could I befriend someone I honestly feared? Then I was struck by the truth of the Gospel in my own life. I remembered who I was without Christ and how He has transformed my life and given me a purpose: to show His mercy and grace to those who have not met Him, who need to know His name.

No One’s Off Limits When I think about refugees and strangers, the story of the Good Samaritan comes to mind. One day, a Hebrew lawyer asks Jesus what it takes to inherit eternal life. In response, Jesus asks the man to turn to the law of Moses for an answer. The lawyer answers correctly: …“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Luke 10:27 NIV®) The lawyer knows the answer: to live a life of true faith means loving God fully and loving people genuinely. But the lawyer wants to justify himself and nitpick the commandments, doing as little as necessary to get God’s approval. …“And who is my neighbor?” he asks. (Luke 10:29 NIV®) This is all of us, isn’t it? We are quicker to question who our neighbor is than we are to reach out and actually be a neighbor to whomever the Lord has put in our path.

For me, it wasn’t until a couple years ago that God opened my eyes to all the nations He has brought to Louisville. I became aware of the neighbors in my own city who have so many needs as they adjust to a new country. God broke down the walls in my own heart toward those I would have considered off limits to the Gospel. These people soon became my friends as He led me to serve them.

Unlikely Heroes I love how Jesus goes on to tell His parable to the selfrighteous lawyer in Luke 10. Jesus actually makes the Samaritan the hero of the story! Samaritans were enemies of the Jews, so this would have been extremely offensive to everyone listening. I can’t help but relate to this parable. Before I got to know them, I’d written off local Muslim refugees as helpless and hopeless. But God has used some of these people as heroes in my life. I’ve learned more about hospitality from my new Muslim friends than anyone else. They have taught me about the value of living in community as they share their lives, their stories, and their homes with me. These friends have shown me what it looks like to be truly present with one another, not just rushing onto the next thing in our restless American lifestyle.

this, God constantly reminds me of His grace: He entered a broken world to bring freedom and salvation despite the brokenness He was stepping into. The Gospel spurs me on to step into places and go to people who fall outside of my normal comfort zone. I want to see God move in those places; I want to walk in the power of His Spirit as He speaks through me and my actions in the lives of my new neighbors. And this isn’t just God’s call for me. You too can play a part in reaching out to refugees in our region.

Meet Your Neighbors As a church, we partner with a local ministry called Refuge Louisville. Let me encourage you to check out their website at Refuge exists to mobilize local churches to embrace refugees with the love of Christ, and the ministry offers many opportunities to engage with refugees throughout our region.

“I want to walk in the power of His Spirit as He speaks through me and my actions in the lives of my new neighbors.”

Dive in. I promise you won’t regret it. If you’re interested in serving our refugee neighbors and you have some unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Just as God has blessed me through these Muslim friends, He has opened a door to make me a blessing to them, sharing the truth and love of His Son. In all MATT MCGUIRE Community Pastor






oday, more than half of Americans live in urban areas. People across the nation are flocking to cities, especially along the east and west coasts. But for all the increased density in these regions, churches are disappearing from many of our nation’s cities. Our brothers and sisters in Christ need reinforcements, and we as a church have committed to plant new Gospel-centered congregations on the front lines of urban ministry. Did you know that Southeast recently launched its 50th church plant? We’re blown away by God’s faithfulness in enabling us to support, equip, train, and pray for fledgling churches across the United States and multiple countries throughout the world! (Keep your eyes open for next month’s Missions in Mind segment for an exposé celebrating all God has done in our 50 church plants.) Our newest church plant is The Gathering, located in the Harlem neighborhood in upper Manhattan. Here, pastor Kenny Hart and his wife Shanika strive to build bridges of reconciliation in a divided and hurting community.



The Hart Family

A VISION OF UNITY Harlem’s history is shaped by a series of booms and busts, causing seismic shifts in the racial and socio-economic landscape. “As new developments come and Harlem becomes a hot place to be,” says Kenny, “the question becomes, who is Harlem for? Gentrification has brought minority and majority people in close proximity—but it hasn’t created more empathy, more understanding, and more unity. It’s led to a greater divide.” As people from different backgrounds and lifestyles come together, deep-seated fears and prejudices boil on the front burner. But Kenny also sees great potential for healing and redemption in Christ. “That’s why we’re planting this church,” he says. “We see the Gospel-need for reconciliation in Harlem. Our vision is of a Harlem where everyone is unified and dignified around the reality that Jesus is Lord of all.”

A CALLING TO REDEMPTION Kenny was born in central Harlem. Growing up, poverty and racial tension were simply part of everyday life. In his desperation to escape, Kenny pursued a career in professional baseball. He even got invited to a pre-draft workout for the Washington Nationals in D.C. However, God had other plans. “I couldn’t shake this feeling that I was ultimately being called by God to something greater,” Kenny says. “I was so close to realizing the dream I’ve had since I was 5, but Jesus was forming a new dream in me.” A Brooklyn native, Shanika isn’t a stranger to the Big Apple either. Growing up in an abusive household, she and her

mother sought refuge at a shelter in Harlem. When she later encountered the God of grace and mercy, she knew He was preparing her to become a healer of hurting souls, serving others through social work and therapy. When Kenny and Shanika united in marriage, so did their calling. “We had this burden to take the Gospel back into our community so that people can grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ,” Shanika says. “We want to love the place I’d thought I had to escape,” Kenny adds, “because we believe Jesus has the power to change every story, transform every heart, and renew every community.”

A HOPE FOR RECONCILIATION Our God is the King of all peoples, tribes, and tongues. As America’s cities grow and become increasingly diverse, our churches face the task of becoming centers of unity and reconciliation. That’s exactly what The Gathering seeks to be: a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural community drawing people of all colors around the cross of Jesus Christ. “Harlem needs churches like this, but America also needs churches like this,” Kenny says. “Our nation’s racial wounds haven’t healed, and it’s the church’s responsibility to unify people around a vision for justice and mercy that’s Gospelcentered and Kingdom-driven. That’s how we believe our church can serve not only Harlem, but also other communities wrestling with the same tensions all around the country.” To learn more about The Gathering, visit

TIM GIOVANETTO Copywriter, Communications






om has been gone for more than two months now. Alma June Kircher—my mother—passed away just before 1:45 a.m. on Thursday, July 13, at the Symphony at Oaklawn assisted living facility. She was 78. Her death marked the end of four years of struggling with the confusion, anxiety, and memory loss that the wretched sickness called vascular dementia wreaks on its victims. It also meant the end of the long separation between my mother and the people she loved the most—including my father, and especially her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—as she stepped out of this world and into the world beyond.

GROWING UP KIRCHER Mom and Dad were married in 1958, both strong Christians. My mother had received a Godly upbringing. My father, John Walter Kircher, did not. I’d hear stories of how, as children, my dad and uncle would hide under the bed when my grandfather would come home in a drunken stupor and physically abuse my grandmother. Throughout his life, I would never see Dad touch a drop of alcohol. My two older brothers, Don and Steve, were born in 1959 and 1961. I was born much later, when Mom was nearing 40. At 14 and 16 years older than me, my brothers belonged to a different generation. It made for an interesting family dynamic. During my childhood, my brothers both had cars, so I guess you could say I was the kid who got around. In 1976, the year I was born, Dad started his own business. He began building electrical control panels in our basement, which everyone thought was pretty cool—except for Mom. One day, Dad was drilling in the basement, and Mom, sick of all the noise, jokingly yelled from the top of the stairs that if he didn’t stop, she’d leave him. Dad yelled back that whatever it was she wanted, she’d have to tell him later because he couldn’t hear her over the drilling.

During those years, Mom and Dad would travel. As strong Christians immersed in the Bible, they loved Israel and visited six times. They also made it to Alaska, Egypt, China, Hawaii, and other exotic places. They were active in their church, where Dad started a media ministry and Mom served in the nursery.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE The beginning of the end for Dad came when I was in high school, when he was diagnosed with Polycythemia vera, a genetic blood cancer. In 1994, during my senior year, Dad went to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for drastic surgery to have his spleen removed—but the doctors halted their plans, choosing instead to give Dad an experimental new treatment. Months later, I remember him standing up one Sunday night at our old church, telling the congregation how the doctors said the treatments would give him five more years of life, and he planned to do the best he could to use them for the Lord. In the years that followed, he poured himself into the Men’s Ministry, reaching guys for Christ. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat in Man Challenge, or the Blankenbaker Campus’ Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study, and wished Dad could have been there with me. He would have loved it.


In the end, Dad was wrong. The Lord didn’t give him five more years; He gave him seven. Dad finally passed away in the early morning hours of August 29, 2001, just two weeks before 9/11. My mom and brothers were by his bedside as he took his final breaths. I wasn’t. I was peeking into the hospital room from the hallway outside, like a frightened child. I didn’t want to see it. More importantly, I didn’t want to remember. I was 25. I lost my dad far too early. Continued on page 18 >>



IF IT WASN’T FOR JESUS // continued from page 17



While it was hard for my brothers and me to lose our father, it was much harder for Mom to lose the love of her life.

We first started noticing signs of dementia several years later, in 2013, when Mom briefly got lost while driving to meet us at a familiar restaurant. Later, when I discovered that she almost got her pills mixed up, we realized that it was time for me to take over her medications. She reluctantly agreed.

I’ve never been married, so I can’t claim to have any knowledge of what that loss is like. But I can tell you what Mom told me: weeks later, when she saw the coverage of 9/11—the live, unedited coverage—she felt nothing. She was numb. She was still in shock from losing her husband. In the years that followed, she never got used to being a widow. There were good times, of course. Mom looked forward to family get-togethers like Christmas and Thanksgiving, and she was still involved at church, but she never quite learned how to have a life outside of Dad’s shadow. She never had a career—raising three boys was her career. So I would call her daily and visit her 3-4 evenings a week. My brothers would often take her out for lunch. That helped. But she still missed Dad. “If it wasn’t for Jesus…” she would simply say.

I learned a lot about Mom from that. I learned that she struggled with anxiety—a struggle that began before I was even born. She took blood pressure pills, heartburn medications, thyroid pills, anxiety pills, and blood thinners. Over time, her dementia progressed. She began experiencing hallucinations. Mom would call me and my brothers at work, telling us that she had just spoken with our grandfather, a man who had passed away decades earlier, and she was worried because now she couldn’t find him.

In the end, her body simply shut down. When she passed away in July, my brothers and I were in her room. This time I wasn’t hiding outside the door. As she took her last breaths, I was holding her hand, looking into her eyes.


Her doctors told us it was time to look into assisted living, but we ignored them. Mom had been in the same house for 50 years, and my brother had promised her long ago that we would let her live out her days at home. No nursing home! We understood how she felt, so we tried everything. I would race to her house in the evening after work. On nights when one of us couldn’t be there, we called in-home caregivers.


You would think her time there would be miserable, but it wasn’t. It definitely wasn’t always cheery, but there were games, and she was surrounded by people her age. Some days I’d visit and she would cheerfully announce that she


As time wore on, the dementia brought about a curious role-reversal. Mom was reverting back to being like a child, and we were the parents now. Just a couple of months ago, I brought her food from Olive Garden, her favorite. I had to feed her myself. She had forgotten how to hold a spoon.

One night, I picked up hamburgers for the two of us on the way home from work. When I got to her house, she had five places set, and she apologized profusely to the phantoms in the empty chairs because her son hadn’t brought enough food for them.

But in October 2015, when her sisters drove up from Texas for a visit, they laid down the law. They could see what we refused to see: It was time to listen to Mom’s doctors. She needed 24/7, roundthe-clock care. Two months later, Mom was in assisted living.


had “been to school” and was “going to get married.” On one occasion, around Christmas, they loaded Mom and other residents into a van and drove them to see the Christmas lights. She had a great time—but an hour later, she couldn’t remember it.


“IF IT WASN’T FOR JESUS…” In 1 Corinthians 15:17-19 (ESV), the Apostle Paul writes: “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” I don’t care what anyone tells you: death is an enemy. It’s not a warm friend

From left: Don, Travis, and Steve

waiting to embrace you. It’s not a part of God’s plan. It never was. It’s horrid. It’s a foe that needs to be vanquished. And that’s exactly what Christ did. “But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead.” (1 Corinthians 15:20-21 ESV) It is because of this resurrection that we know Mom and Dad are finally with Christ. It is because of this resurrection that we know they will one day walk in a new Heaven and a New Earth in glorified physical bodies. It is because of this resurrection that we know that the “great crowd of witnesses” in Heaven, spoken of in Hebrews 11 and 12, now has two more members cheering us on. And so we persevere in faith, leaning on Christ who gives us courage to look death in the eye, because we know how the story ends. We look to “…Jesus, the founder

and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2 ESV)

LETTER TO THE BOYS My brothers and I found this note buried in Mom’s drawers in an envelope addressed to us. It isn’t dated, but I assume she wrote it years ago when her mind was clear, and she hid it where she knew we would find it after she was gone. This was her prayer for us. I don’t think she would object to sharing it, and I believe it would be her prayer for you too.

My greatest dream and prayer is that you will come to know the face of Jesus and His ways and His loving kindness that is so freely offered. I know you all are good Christians, but there is a closeness that you can have if you will search for it. I have found out that there is nothing more important in this life than doing your very best to serve the Lord and be ready for His coming. Love, Mom

Dear Don, Steve, and Trav, You will never know how much I love you. Sometimes when I think I don’t have anybody, I think of you guys and love sweeps over me and sustains me. But it is love for Jesus Christ and His love for me that keeps me going.

TRAVIS KIRCHER Southeast Member, Blankenbaker Campus





ne of my favorite accounts to follow on Twitter exposes sports writers’ predictions from days, months, and even years ago that have proven to be false—humorously false. It’s merciless. And I love it.

“…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 NIV®



One of the reasons for the success of this social media account is its simplicity. It doesn’t have to create new content. It doesn’t need to take a risk. It finds mistakes and exposes them, pure and simple. It lets the words of the exposed condemn them. The thing about being merciless is it’s easy. Too easy. It’s not hard to throw stones at the person with the problems. It’s not hard to point out all the flaws everyone else has. It isn’t risky, kicking people while they’re down. Here’s what’s harder: being merciful. Showing kindness when it makes no sense. Risking your reputation for the person on the margin of culture. One of the things we see in the way Jesus lived was that He was always giving His reputation away for the sake of those who were forgotten, maligned, and mistreated. Jesus, the fullness of God in human form, exemplified mercy. In a world of merciless people, let us be a church that risks our reputation by extending mercy to those who have no one thinking on their behalf. Let us remember the forgotten, pray for the persecuted, and reach out to the uninvited. Because we live in a merciless world, our light shines all the brighter. Our seemingly simple acts of mercy stand in defiance to a culture that creates Facebook comment wars, 1-star reviews, and Twitter rants. Let’s rise above. Mercy can and will shine bright in this dimly-lit world.








Mercy, Not Sacrifice

The Vulnerable


James 1:27 & Matthew 25:40, 45

Luke 10:25-37

Proverbs 28:13

In the Old Testament,

The most vulnerable

The irony of this famous

Any time we’re caught

for their poor choices.

sin was dealt with

people in First Century

story told by Jesus is

doing the wrong thing,

It’s easy to be far away

through sacrifice. So,

society were widows and

found in the title we

our first response is to

and shake our head, or

when Jesus quotes

orphans. With no social

commonly give it: the

hide or deny it. We try

even our fists. But it’s

services to support

idea that a Samaritan

to keep our sins away,

hard to be merciful in our

them, and with very

could be good would’ve

hidden from others

thoughts. And it’s even

and hidden from God.

more difficult to get up

Matthew 9:9-13


The Good Samaritan

Everyone Needs Mercy

Mercy Up Close



James 2:8-13


It’s easy to judge others

from the book of Hosea by saying God desires mercy, not sacrifice,

few opportunities for

been laughable to most

this is what He’s saying:

women to work or own

First-Century Jews!

The real truth is, we do

close and demonstrate

God’s greatest desire

property, life was bleak

Priests and Levites

not need to hide and

mercy through our

for us is that we would

at best for those who

were considered the

deny but expose and

actions. We must never

extend His love to all

found themselves in

Jewish elites; they were

dispense of our sin.

forget that God wasn’t

people, not just follow

this situation. The early

thought to be close to

church saw this need

God. Therefore, the

RESPOND: When you’re caught

religious codes. One of the best ways we can

merciful from afar, but came close to live among us to give us a new life.

and brought mercy to

irony of this story is

show that our sins have

the vulnerable in society.

that the Samaritan—

doing the wrong

been atoned for is by

True religion, as Jesus’

viewed as a counterfeit

thing, what’s your first


the way we interact with

half-brother James tells

God-follower—was the

response? Why is it

Who do you show

a broken world.

us, is where our faith is

hero. The Samaritan

so tempting to try and

favoritism to? Who are

lived out by loving the

was good because

hide from God? How

the people you’re most


he extended mercy.

does confessing your

likely to give the benefit

sins help?

of the doubt? Who are


rules rather than extend

RESPOND: Who are the vulnerable

The Samaritan man was

mercy to a broken and

and “least of these” in

an unlikely hero. What

vulnerable world? What

your culture today? Who,

does that tell us about

makes a rule-based

specifically in your life,

who can extend mercy?

system easier to follow?

are those to whom you

What matters more: our

can extend loving mercy

social position or our

to meet their needs?

social posture?

RESPOND: Why do most of us prefer to follow a set of

you least likely to give that same preference?

STEPHEN PURICELLI Connections Pastor, Southwest Campus




More RightNow Media Recommendations:

The Book of Jonah

OVERCOME Now on RightNow Media!

Over the course of these 8 video sessions, pastor and author Eric Mason goes verse-by-verse to help us see that Jonah’s story is our story. Just as the life of Joseph shows us some of the obstacles we must overcome to pursue God’s will for our lives, the story of Jonah reveals how God uses extraordinary circumstances to unite our lives to His glory.

e’re pleased to announce that Southeast’s Neighborhood Group curriculum, Overcome: What’s Holding You Back?, is now available for you to stream on RightNow Media. If you weren’t able to join a Neighborhood Group or missed one of the lessons, or you want to use the videos in a small group or for your own personal study, you can find the entire 6-week curriculum on our Southeast Christian Church tab in RightNow Media’s library. Overcome is a complete 6-week small group curriculum that bridges the weekend to your living room, complementing our sermon series on the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Each episode runs between 15 and 20 minutes, featuring teaching from Dave Stone, Kyle Idleman, and other pastors at Southeast, as well as real life stories and testimonies from people who are overcoming some of the obstacles that lie between where they currently are and where God is calling them to be in their relationship with Him.

If you’re part of our Southeast church family, RightNow Media is open to you today! To sign up for full access to RightNow’s library of 10,000+ Bible studies, devotionals, teaching series, and more, visit


In Light of Eternity As Francis and Lisa Chan travel to East Africa, they visit a ministry committed to helping young women out of the sex industry and providing for orphans and children in need. This 45-minute film invites us to consider what God has given to us that we can extend to those in need, all for the sake of introducing them to their greatest need—a relationship with Jesus Christ.

at The Living Word Gospel Shaped Mercy

I’m Not a Scaredy-Cat

Capital Gaines

Book available October 3

Book available October 17

A hilarious new picture book to help kids manage their fears and worries as they learn to trust the God who loves them.

Known to millions as a home renovation expert and husband of Joanna, Chip relives some of his craziest antics and the life lessons he learned along the way.

by Max Lucado



by Chip Gaines

This advanced, 7-part video series will explore God’s breathtaking vision for a world put right, equipping us to live out the justice, love, and mercy of Christ to those around us. God has a plan to restore our troubled world plagued by poverty, hunger, and injustice, and Christ has called His church to be at the heart of that plan.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



The Marriage Project Retreat October 27-29 • Beginning 6:00 p.m. on Friday Country Lake Christian Retreat Join Don Delafield, marriage and family counselor at Southeast, as he and his wife Danna help you discover God’s design for marriage. Through teaching, video, table talk, and inspirational moments, your marriage can be transformed. $325 per couple for lodging, meals, snacks, and materials. Register online.

The Marriage Project Thursdays • 7:15-8:30 p.m. • ATCR 202 Sundays • 10:45 a.m.-11:45 p.m. • FH 110 The Marriage Project is a safe place where couples can come on an as-needed basis for prayer, guidance, and encouragement through the highs and lows of life. Children’s and student programming available on Sundays. Childcare available on Thursdays. No registration required.


Volunteer Equipping Sessions Saturday, September 30 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sunday, October 1 • 10:45 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. • ED 150 We want to invest in our current SE!Kids volunteers by adding value to your life. We’ll equip you with tips and techniques to help you better lead in your home, community, and church. No registration required.


SE!Kids University Saturdays & Sundays Beginning October 28/29 During weekend Bible studies • ED Wing A service-oriented Bible study program for kids in grades 3-5. Register online.

Saturday, October 7 • 6:30 p.m. • FH 2 Sunday, October 8 • 10:30 a.m. or 12:45 p.m. • FH 2 This wildly fun, amazingly energetic, and wonderfully wholesome family worship service starts right after church. You are absolutely guaranteed to love it—and your kids will have fun too! No registration required.

Forever Treasure Saturday, October 14 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 212 Sunday, October 15 • 9:00 a.m. • ED 212 A class for upper elementary students who are considering their commitment to follow Jesus through baptism and beyond. Parents are expected to attend with their child. Please contact for pre-class homework. Register online.

SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Saturdays • October 14 or 28 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sundays • October 15 or 29 10:45 a.m. • ED 150 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on one of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required. CHILDREN continued next column


Heart to Heart Sundays • 8:00 a.m. • WC 246 Fellowship and Bible study for adults with developmental disabilities. No registration required.


Starting Point Saturdays • Beginning October 14 6:30 p.m. • Fireside Room Sundays • Beginning October 15 10:45 a.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this 3-week class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Weekend Groups: Overcome Sundays • Through October 15 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 470 or FH 111 Want to dive deeper into our sermon series studying the life of Joseph—Overcome: What’s Holding You Back? Two of our Weekend Groups, 8:8 (WC 470) and Crossroads (FH 111), will walk through this study on Sunday mornings. Children’s programming available. No registration required.




Shine in Wonderland Friday, October 13 • 6:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus It’s time to Shine! We invite all adults with developmental disabilities to enjoy this fun, formal dance event. If you have a passion for serving individuals with special needs, we’re looking for 1,000+ volunteers to make this unforgettable night happen! Tickets and volunteer registration available online.

Special Olympics Young Athletes Mondays • Begins October 16 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Preschool Chapel A time of exercise and fun for young athletes with special needs (ages 2-7) and their families. No registration required.

Disabilities Holiday Party Friday, November 17 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 2 All families, guests, and volunteers in the Disabilities Ministry are invited to celebrate the holidays together with some food, fun, and fellowship. Remember to wear your Christmas clothes! No registration required. DEAF & DISABILITIES continued next column

Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • ATLR 202 A Bible study for adults with special needs who are able to attend the group independently. No registration required.

Miracles Saturdays • 5:00 p.m. • WC 246 Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • WC 246 Older teens and young adults with special needs are invited to gather with us for worship, fellowship, crafts, and a lesson. No registration required.

Silent Fellowship Weekend Group Sundays • 9:30 a.m. • ATLR 201 Connect with people who are Deaf or otherwise proficient in ASL for a weekly time of Bible study and fellowship. Teaching and discussion are led in American Sign Language. No registration required.


Marriage ROCKS! Friday, October 27 • 7:30-9:00 p.m. The Block Auditorium Did you know that God created marriage to be a blast—even when it feels like life is going crazy? Meet other couples for a night of laughter, encouragement, and challenge as we’re reminded how marriage can be fun even when life gets tough. Childcare available. Register online.

Family Dedication October 28/29 • During Worship Service We want to partner with you to build a healthy home for your children. Begin your baby’s lifetime journey with Jesus by celebrating at one of our dedication services. Children’s programming available. Register online by October 15.

Premarital Class

Newly married or planning on getting married soon? We’ll equip you with the tools your marriage needs not only to survive, but thrive! All couples planning to be married by one of our ministers are required to complete the Premarital Class. To register, please contact

BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS continued next page

Register online at



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


Career Transitions Workshop Series Tuesdays • October 10-24 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 111 This series of workshops focuses on the spiritual and practical challenges of job transition and will equip you for what lies ahead. Whether you’re unemployed or anticipating a career transition, get the tools you need to find meaningful work that utilizes your God-given gifts. Childcare available. Register online.


CONTINUED from page 25


Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study

Global Missions Health Conference

Saturdays • 7:00-8:30 a.m. • FH 1 This large gathering of men meets each week to study the Bible in community. This is a great place to get started in Bible study, and you’re welcome to join us anytime! No registration required.

November 9-11 • Beginning 1:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Come be a part of the nation’s largest medical missions conference. Learn from a variety of plenary speakers, hundreds of breakout sessions, and exhibitors from around the world! If you are able to house students or missionaries during the conference, please contact to help! Register online at

Missions Kickoff Weekends

Estate Planning Seminar

November 11/12 & 18/19 • Before and after worship services • Atrium God desires for all of us to be part of His global mission in some way. Visit the Atrium to discover upcoming projects, mission trips, and classes to help you learn more about the many ways you can get involved in missions. No registration required.

Saturday, October 28 9:30-11:00 a.m. • ATCR 206 Design your legacy to pass on your values, not just your valuables. Learn about estate planning and how to establish a living trust for you and your family. Childcare available. Register online.

Smart Money Smart Kids

Community Transformation Home Build

Sundays • October 29-December 17 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • WC 367 In this 6-week class, learn a step-by-step approach to teaching your kids Biblical principles of money management. Build your children up by giving them a solid understanding of how money works and how to make wise choices. Children’s programming available. Requires a $49 membership fee. Register online.

Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Sign up to serve at


Career Transitions: Discover Your Purpose

Master’s Men Concert Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • FH 2 Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration required.

Tuesdays • October 31-November 7 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 111 Identify your God-given strengths and learn how to put them to work. This 2-week class will help bring focus to your career by aligning it with your purpose, talents, and passions. Childcare available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Third Mondays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Middletown United Methodist Church Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Man Challenge Thursdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Block Auditorium Mondays • 6:00-7:30 p.m. The Block Auditorium We want to equip every man with two sets of skillful hands—the confidence and competence in knowing who Jesus is and the pursuit and development of authentic relationships. Questions? Email Mason at No registration required. MEN continued next column




Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Banquet MIDDLE SCHOOL

MSM Fall Fest Saturday, October 21 7:00-9:00 p.m. • The Block This insanely awesome event is free for all middle school students and their friends. Don’t miss out on the s’mores, hayrides, inflatables, and much, much more! Dinner is included. No registration required.

Believe Conference February 2-3, 2018 • Louisville, KY Believe is the can’t-miss event for middle schoolers! At this high-energy, jam-packed conference, students will have an incredible opportunity for their hearts to be opened to Jesus in a whole new way. Registration opens October 15. Please register at before November 28.

Thursday, November 30 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m. • FH 2 We invite you to begin your Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal, Christmas music, and a special message by Pastor Dave Stone. $15 per person. Catering by Masterson’s. Afternoon and evening sessions available. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588. For additional information, please contact or call 502.253.8045.

Onward Tuesdays • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • AT 109 This weekly class offers teaching and support for widows and widowers seeking a time of study, teaching, and fellowship after a loss. No registration required.

SENIORS continued next column

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Classic Worship Thursdays • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • ATCR 200/202 This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Pickle Ball Fridays • 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Sports & Fitness Center Gym Games for experienced players begin at 9:30 a.m. Beginners’ games start at 12:30 p.m. No registration required.

Next Chapter First Fridays • 10:00-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 This monthly class is specifically designed for senior adult women and features a new guest speaker each month. No registration required.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.



REAL Women | Essentials

Welcoming Hearts

Wednesdays • Through November 1 9:30 a.m. • FH 111 Our spiritual growth is a journey. It doesn’t just happen. If you are a new believer or seeking answers, this class is designed for you. Come explore the essentials of our faith so you can gain a firm foundation. Limited childcare available. Register online.

Thursdays • 9:30-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 Whether you’ve just moved to Louisville or you’ve been here for a while, this class will help you connect to community and discover how faith provides hope in a time of transition. Limited childcare available. Register online

Single Moms’ Community Group Sundays • 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • AT 109 This group fosters real community as we seek to glorify God through difficult circumstances and parenting challenges. Connect with us as we study God’s Word, pray intentionally, and build relationships together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

REAL Women | Thrive


Group Fitness Classes Various dates and times Sports & Fitness Center We offer more than 35 weekly classes, all open to the community (church membership is not required). Some new additions this Fall include Barre Fusion and Man Challenge Fitness! For all class descriptions and schedules, visit


Wednesdays • Through November 8 9:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • FH 1 Looking for a place to become rooted and established in your faith? If you’re comfortable with the essentials of your faith but you want to grow in your understanding of God’s Word, this class is for you! Limited childcare available. Register online. WOMEN continued next column

Register online at



5:00 p.m.

SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY 9:00 & 11:1 5 a.m. THE BLOCK





9:00 & 11:15


Children’s programming available during all services.

S COT T GOR DON Connections Pastor 502.253.8476



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Care Groups

Starting Point

Overcoming Adversity Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Sunday, October 15 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • Café If you’re new to Southeast or have been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Get connected with Southwest Campus staff members, hear our heart for ministry, and learn about ways to get involved. Childcare available. Register online.

Alzheimer’s Support Group Last Wednesdays • 2:00-3:30 p.m. Post-Abortion Support Group Details online We have several groups available for those seeking encouragement amidst life’s trials. Group locations online. No registration required.


Baptism Class Sunday, October 15 • 1:00 p.m. SW Classroom A class for upper elementary students who are considering their commitment to follow Jesus through baptism and beyond. Parents are expected to attend with their child. Pre-class homework will be given after registration. Register online.


College-Age Small Group

A weekly opportunity for the college-age community to get together and build Christ-centered relationships. Contact for details


The Generosity Experience Mondays • October 2-16 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. SW Classroom Learn how to love where you are through acts of kindness and generosity, identifying and serving people who are broke and broken by the messiness of life. Register online.

Purposeful Faith

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic

Sundays • October 15-29 • 9:30 a.m. SW Classroom How does our faith cause us to live out a specific purpose? Come hear stories of people who have allowed their faith to accomplish a specific purpose and learn how you can find your purpose too. If you’re not sure the specific mission God has for you, then this is the class for you! Register online.



Family Fall Festival Saturday, October 7 • 12:00-3:00 p.m. Southwest Campus Enjoy a free outdoor event for the whole family. We will have an afternoon of games, pumpkin painting, hot dogs, and “s’more” Fall fun! BYOP (Bring Your Own Pumpkin). No registration required.

Family Dedication Sunday, October 29 During Worship Services • Southwest Campus We want to partner with you to build a healthy home for your children. Begin your baby’s lifetime journey with Jesus by celebrating at one of our dedication services. Children’s programming available. Register online by October 15.



Wednesdays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. South Louisville Christian Church Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

HSM Girls Retreat October 6-7 • White Mills Christian Camp Don’t miss this all-girl retreat to White Mills Christian Camp! High school girls have the opportunity to get away, spend time with friends, and grow in their walk with the Lord. Sign up soon—spots are limited! Register online.

HSM Guys Retreat October 7-8 • White Mills Christian Camp A weekend to get away with just the dudes. High school guys have this great opportunity to grow in their faith, build relationships, and have a ton of fun! Register online.

HIGH SCHOOL continued next column

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HSM Missions Night Wednesday, October 11 • 6:30 p.m. • The Loft Students and families are invited to celebrate past missions trips and learn more about our 2018 trips. Sign up for trips you’re interested in, meet the leaders for each trip, and hear more about the vision of HSM Missions. No registration required.


Man Challenge Thursdays • 6:00-7:00 a.m. or 6:00-7:00 p.m. • Café Man Challenge strives to show men what it takes to follow Jesus completely. No registration required.


MSM Hangout Friday, October 20 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. CAL Gymnasium Bring your friends and make some new ones on these fun Friday nights! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.

Believe Conference February 2-3, 2018 • Louisville, KY Believe is the can’t-miss event for middle schoolers! At this high-energy, jam-packed conference, students will have an incredible opportunity for their hearts to be opened to Jesus in a whole new way. Registration opens October 15. Please register at before November 28.



Global Missions Health Conference

Seamless Ladies’ Fall Bible Study

November 9-11 • Beginning 1:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Come be a part of the nation’s largest medical missions conference. Learn from a variety of plenary speakers, hundreds of breakout sessions, and exhibitors from around the world! If you are able to house students or missionaries during the conference, please contact to help! Register online at

Wednesdays • Through November 8 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • Sanctuary See how all the people, places, and promises of the Bible make up one seamless and beautiful story. For childcare, contact No registration required.

Missions Kickoff Weekends Sundays • November 12 & 19 Southwest Campus God desires for all of us to be part of His global mission in some way. Discover upcoming projects, mission trips, and classes to help you learn more about the many ways you can get involved in missions. More information online. No registration required.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Sign up to serve at


Master’s Men Concert Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration.

Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Banquet Thursday, November 30 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus We invite you to begin your Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal, Christmas music, and a special message by Pastor Dave Stone. $15 per person. Catering by Masterson’s. Afternoon and evening sessions available. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588. For additional information, please contact or call 502.253.8045.

Register online at





SUNDAY 11:1 5 a.m. THE LOF T

SUNDAY 6:30 p.m. THE LOF T



9:30 & 11:15 a.m. 8301 SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH ROAD LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 | 502.614.1500 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.614.1507



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THRIVE Men’s Recovery Groups

Starting Point

Tuesdays • 1:30-3:00 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 These Christ-centered support groups are for men seeking healing from sexual temptation and substance abuse. Childcare available. No registration required.

Sunday, November 12 • 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. The Attic (Room 214) Whether you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Women’s Recovery Support Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the hurts and hang-ups of addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Empower Women’s Group Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 230 Join us in coming alongside victims of abuse and learn how to better understand, encourage, and empower them where they are. Childcare available. Register online.

Women’s Friends and Family of Addicts Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the challenges of loving someone with an addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.


Family Dedication October 28/29 • During Worship Services Indiana Campus We want to partner with you to build a healthy home for your children. Begin your baby’s lifetime journey with Jesus by celebrating at one of our dedication services. Children’s programming available. Register online by October 15.



Believe Conference

Third Mondays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Indiana Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit



Man Challenge: Question Box

Global Missions Health Conference

Men’s Friday Morning Study Fridays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. Panera Bread on Veteran’s Parkway Join with men from throughout Southern Indiana as we study the Gospel of John together. Register online.

Wednesday Evening Study Group Wednesdays • 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Room 225 Join us as we study through different books of the Bible and topics in Scripture. Childcare available. Register online.

Men’s Mentoring Ongoing Whether you’re struggling through a particular life issue or you need help in your relationship with God, we have a team of men who are willing and ready to walk beside you. For more information, contact


Friday, October 27 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. The Hub Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.

February 2-3, 2018 • Louisville, KY Believe is the can’t-miss event for middle schoolers! At this high-energy, jam-packed conference, students will have an incredible opportunity for their hearts to be opened to Jesus in a whole new way. Registration opens October 15. Please register at before November 28.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic

Thursdays • October 26-November 16 5:30-7:30 p.m. • The Hub God can handle your questions. Each week, we want to give you the opportunity to submit questions and hear real answers about God, life, and being a man of faith. Dinner is $5 and begins at 5:30 p.m. Discussion begins at 6:00 p.m. No registration required.


MSM Hangout

November 9-11 • Beginning 1:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Come be a part of the nation’s largest medical missions conference. Learn from a variety of plenary speakers, hundreds of breakout sessions, and exhibitors from around the world! If you are able to house students or missionaries during the conference, please contact to help! Register online at

Missions Kickoff Weekends November 11/12 & 18/19 • Indiana Campus God desires for all of us to be part of His global mission in some way. Come discover upcoming projects, mission trips, and classes to help you learn more about the many ways you can get involved in missions. More information online. No registration required.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Sign up to serve at

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Master’s Men Concert

The Gospel of Mark

Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration required.

Wednesdays • October 18-December 6 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Lisa Harper leads us through a 7-week study of the Gospel of Mark. Follow Jesus from His days of early ministry to the cross, and discover what it means to be a recipient of His overflowing compassion. Childcare available. Register online.

Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Banquet Thursday, November 30 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus We invite you to begin your Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal, Christmas music, and a special message by Pastor Dave Stone. $15 per person. Catering by Masterson’s. Afternoon and evening sessions available. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588. For additional information, please contact or call 502.253.8045.

Women of the Bible

Classic Worship

Single Mom’s Support Group

Thursdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. The Filling Station This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Thursdays • Through November 30 7:00-8:30 a.m. • Café Each timeless Biblical story mirrors the challenges and changes women face today. By understanding the lives of the women around you, your time together will help you discover the God behind their stories and yours. Register online.

There are many unique joys and challenges to being a single mom. Why not come together with others like you for encouragement and support? For additional information, please email

Daughters Like Ruth Third Tuesdays • Various Times and Locations This group is an opportunity for widows and women who live alone to meet on a regular basis, walking through life together and taking care of one another. For more information, please contact Nancy Johnson at 812.786.3138. No registration required.

Register online at





SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:1 5 a.m. THE HUB

SUNDAY 1 2:30 p.m. THE HUB



5:30 p.m.



9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

Children’s programming available during all services.

Campus Pastor 812.704.1967



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SE!Kids Volunteer Basics

Smart Money Smart Kids

Man Challenge

Sundays • October 29-December 3 12:00 p.m. • Room 190 C In this 6-week class, learn a step-by-step approach to teaching your kids Biblical principles of money management. Build your children up by giving them a solid understanding of how money works and how to make wise choices. Children’s programming available. Requires a $49 membership fee. Register online.

Saturdays • 7:00-8:00 a.m. • The 514 Man Challenge is designed to get men connected around a table with a Bible and a cup of coffee. This Fall, we will focus on the life of Jesus and how we can live that lifestyle with our families, neighbors, and coworkers. Register online.

Sundays • October 8 or 15 12:00 p.m. • Room 184 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on either of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.


Believing and Understanding the Bible Tuesdays • Through October 17 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 A Have you ever felt lost or intimidated when reading the Bible? This study, led by Campus Pastor Greg Allen, will help you learn how to study the Bible and enable you to believe God’s story. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Dealing with Doubt Discussion Group Wednesdays • Through October 18 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 A Have you been to church but found the claims of Christianity hard to believe? Join Mark Berggren for this discussion group that addresses science and the Bible, atheism, the problem of evil, and other difficult topics. Childcare available. Register online.

Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

RE*NEW: Empowering Next Gen Parents Wednesday, October 4 • 6:15 p.m. The 514 If you’re a parent with middle or high school students, you’re not alone in dealing with some tough topics in their lives. We want to encourage and equip you! Let’s talk about some of these things: technology, social media, spiritual and mental health, and more. No registration required.

Hoodie Chili Night

Family Dedication

Sunday, October 29 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Parking Lot High schoolers—bring your friends and make some new ones at this annual HSM event! We’ve got chili, fireside marshmallow roasting, and awesome giveaways! No registration required.

Young Married Group Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. Room 190 B Make the most of the first years of your marriage by connecting with other young couples and studying God’s Word together! No registration required.

Couples Connection Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C In the middle of a busy life with young children, take time as a couple to connect with others in your stage of life and study God’s Word together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.


Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Sexual sin can be spiritually dangerous. Join this group to get accountability, Biblical counsel, and brothers to walk with. Childcare available. Register online.


Believe Conference HIGH SCHOOL

FAMILY October 28/29 • During Worship Services Crestwood Campus We want to partner with you to build a healthy home for your children. Begin your baby’s lifetime journey with Jesus by celebrating at one of our dedication services. Children’s programming available. Register online by October 15.


Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic

Men’s Sexual Addiction Group

HSM Getaway November 10-12 • Camp Cedarmore in Bagdad, Kentucky Escape the noise and distractions of everyday life and engage with other students as we grow in faith together. Mark your calendar—this is a weekend you won’t want to miss! Register online.

February 2-3, 2018 • Louisville, KY Believe is the can’t-miss event for middle schoolers! At this high-energy, jam-packed conference, students will have an incredible opportunity for their hearts to be opened to Jesus in a whole new way. Registration opens October 15. Please register at before November 28.


Global Missions Health Conference November 9-11 • Beginning 1:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Come be a part of the nation’s largest medical missions conference. Learn from a variety of plenary speakers, hundreds of breakout sessions, and exhibitors from around the world! If you are able to house students or missionaries during the conference, please contact to help! Register online at

Missions Kickoff Weekends November 11/12 & 18/19 Crestwood Campus God desires for all of us to be part of His global mission in some way. Come discover upcoming projects, mission trips, and classes to help you learn more about the many ways you can get involved in missions. More information online. No registration required.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Sign up to serve at

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Master’s Men Concert


2 Timothy: Entrusted

Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Banquet

Tuesdays • Through December 5 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 C Thursdays • Through December 7 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C Guard what God has entrusted to you and further His Kingdom by pouring into future generations. Our journey through the book of 2 Timothy includes video teaching, rich table discussion, and guided study at home. Childcare available. Register online.

Thursday, November 30 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus We invite you to begin your Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal, Christmas music, and a special message by Pastor Dave Stone. $15 per person. Catering by Masterson’s. Afternoon and evening sessions available. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588. For additional information, please contact seniors@ or call 502.253.8045.

Tuesdays • Through October 17 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 184 We’ll discuss the book Different by Sally Clarkson. Sally and her son Nathan share their unique story of challenges and joys, navigating the world through Nathan’s perspective. Childcare available. Register online.

Senior Potluck Luncheon

Trading Panic for Peace

Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration required.

Second Tuesdays • 12:00 p.m. Room 190 C Join with other seniors for a time of fellowship as we share a potluck-style meal. Each month’s gathering features a guest speaker or special event. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. No registration required.

Moms of Children with Special Needs

Wednesdays • Through December 6 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C Moms of all ages are invited to take a fresh look at Psalm 23. Together we will discover truths that lead to tranquility, with application that will help you trade panic for peace in Christ on a daily basis. Childcare available. Register online.

Single Moms’ Study


Open House, Open Hearts Wednesday, November 1 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 C If you are new to Southeast, new to Kentucky, or you’d simply like to build friendships and find community here at the Crestwood Campus, please join us for this time of conversation, information, and coffee or tea. Childcare available. Register online.

Sundays • Through December 3 9:00-10:00 a.m. • Room 190 B Single moms of all ages and life stages—come join us as we learn from God’s Word and encourage one another with the hope we have in Christ. Childcare available. Register online.

WOMEN continued next column

Register online at





SUNDAY 10:30 a.m. THE 51 4

SUNDAY 1 2:00 p.m. THE 51 4

5:15 p.m.

SUNDAY 9:00, 10:30 a.m., & 12:00 p.m.

MARK BERGGREN 6201 CRESTWOOD STATION CRESTWOOD, KY 40014 | 502.873.1100 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.873.1096



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




SE!Kids: Where Every Child’s Name and Story Are Known

Get in a Group!

We are here to help your family connect to Jesus and one another! That’s our Children’s Ministry in a nutshell: We create a place for your children to be known by name and we also partner with families to help them connect with Jesus outside the walls of the church. We want to resource, equip, encourage, and walk alongside you through this amazing adventure God has designed for each of us! Have question or want to learn more? Look for one of our Children’s Ministry Team Members after worship services, or contact them below: BERNIE MINNIS Children & Family Pastor •

Groups can be a lifeline in your walk with Jesus. When you join a group, you gain new opportunities to grow in your faith, develop Christ-centered friendships, and become equipped to live on mission in your neighborhood. Find Connections Pastor Brent Dennison after worship services or reach out to him at, or contact Community Pastor Mike Berry at

Where Do You SERVE?

The church is one body made up of many parts. We’re just a bunch of everyday people pulling together to spread the fame of Jesus’ name and to share His love with the world around us.

ANDREA HARLEY Children’s Ministry Administrative Assistant

We invite you to discover how God has uniquely shaped you to serve, to get connected in your unique ministry area, and to be the church to those around you. Please contact Kathy Berry at to get connected in your service area.



Starting Point

Parent Connect Class

Sunday, October 15 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. This is your opportunity to learn what our church believes, meet our staff, and get connected at the La Grange Campus.For childcare, please contact Cherie Erskine at Register online.

Sunday, October 15 • 5:00-6:30 p.m. Next Step Room If you wish to dedicate your child at the La Grange Campus’s first ever Family Dedication, you will need to attend our Parent Connect Class. We can’t wait to partner with you as parents and introduce you to all things SE!Kids. Questions? Email Heather Smith at Childcare available. Register online.

More Parking Available!

Family Dedication

HEATHER SMITH Early Childhood Associate •

If Southeast is your church home, would you prayerfully consider parking at the Oldham County Library and walking a little further to church? This will be a great help in allowing space for more visitors and friends to come experience the love of Jesus. CONNECTION continued next column




Sunday, October 29 • During Worship Services La Grange Campus We want to partner with you to build a healthy home for your children. Begin your baby’s lifetime journey with Jesus by celebrating at one of our dedication services. Children’s programming available. Register online by October 15.


Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


HSM: High School Ministry

Our high school students are on a mission to awaken their generation to the glory of God, and our High School Ministry lives to see that happen. We’re all about connecting students to Jesus, caring adults, and other students. We want to leave an impact on the community that will last an eternity! Find Student Pastor Eric Lutz after worship services or get in touch with him at

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Man Challenge

Missions Kickoff Weekends

Tuesdays • 6:30 p.m. • La Grange Campus Man Challenge is an opportunity for men to be equipped and encouraged as we study God’s Word together. Join us on Tuesday nights! No registration required.


MSM: Middle School Ministry

Our Middle School Ministry is calling on God to show up in a big way, transforming the hearts of a new generation to become beacons of truth and hope. We’re all about connecting middle schoolers to Jesus, caring adults, and other students. We want to leave an impact on the community that will last an eternity!



Sundays • November 12 & 19 La Grange Campus God desires for all of us to be part of His global mission in some way. Come discover upcoming projects, mission trips, and classes to help you learn more about the many ways you can get involved in missions. More information online. No registration required.

Ongoing Partner with CrossRoads Missions to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Sign up to serve at servelouisville. com/southeast.


Believe Conference

Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration required.


Global Missions Health Conference November 9-11 • Beginning 1:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Come be a part of the nation’s largest medical missions conference. Learn from a variety of plenary speakers, hundreds of breakout sessions, and exhibitors from around the world! If you are able to house students or missionaries during the conference, please contact gmhchousing@ to help! Register online at

Ongoing We want you to be part of our encouraging culture of women as we grow together in our love for God and one another. We’re currently going through the Bible in chronological order, and we would really like to get to know you! To sign up, look for Women’s Ministry Leader Karissa Sites at the Connection Center after worship services or reach out to her at

Community Transformation Home Build

To get involved with MSM, connect with Student Pastor Eric Lutz after worship services or reach him at

February 2-3, 2018 • Louisville, KY Believe is the can’t-miss event for middle schoolers! At this high-energy, jam-packed conference, students will have an incredible opportunity for their hearts to be opened to Jesus in a whole new way. Registration opens October 15. Please register at before November 28.

Real Women’s Groups

Master’s Men Concert

Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Banquet Thursday, November 30 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus We invite you to begin your Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal, Christmas music, and a special message by Pastor Dave Stone. $15 per person. Catering by Masterson’s. Afternoon and evening sessions available. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588. For additional information, please contact or call 502.253.8045.

MISSIONS continued next column

Register online at






SUNDAY 1:00-2:00 p.m. STUDENT ROOM

SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

BRENT DENNISON 410 SOUTH 1ST STREET LA GRANGE, KY 40031 | 502.614.1200 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.614.1209



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Starting Point

Next Gen Ministries

Sunday, October 15 • 12:45-2:45 p.m. Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Register online.

Where Do You SERVE?

Our Middle School and High School Ministry meet together every Wednesday from 6:30–8:30 p.m. at the Elizabethtown Campus. During this time we’ll focus on three things: growing together as a family, studying the life of Jesus, and learning how to live on mission at school. Follow us @et.students on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with current events.

The church is one body made up of many parts. We’re just a bunch of everyday people pulling together to spread the fame of Jesus’ name and to share His love with the world around us.

If you have any questions, please contact Next Gen Pastor Reid Milliken at

We invite you to discover how God has uniquely shaped you to serve, to get connected in your unique ministry area, and to be the church to those around you. Please contact Justin Fluhr at to get connected in your service area.

February 2-3, 2018 • Louisville, KY Believe is the can’t-miss event for middle schoolers! At this high-energy, jam-packed conference, students will have an incredible opportunity for their hearts to be opened to Jesus in a whole new way. Registration opens October 15. Please register at before November 28.

Get in a Group!

Groups can be a lifeline in your walk with Jesus. When you join a group, you gain new opportunities to grow in your faith, develop Christ-centered friendships, and become equipped to live on mission in your neighborhood. Find Connections Pastor Justin Fluhr after worship services or reach out to him at

Follow Us on Facebook

Connect with the Elizabethtown Campus community by liking our Facebook page @SECCelizabethtowncampus.


Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. South Louisville Christian Church Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

Believe Conference



Global Missions Health Conference

Master’s Men Concert

November 9-11 • Beginning 1:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Come be a part of the nation’s largest medical missions conference. Learn from a variety of plenary speakers, hundreds of breakout sessions, and exhibitors from around the world! If you are able to house students or missionaries during the conference, please contact to help! Register online at

Missions Kickoff Weekends Sundays • November 12 & 19 Elizabethtown Campus God desires for all of us to be part of His global mission in some way. Come discover upcoming projects, mission trips, and classes to help you learn more about the many ways you can get involved in missions. More information online. No registration required.

Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration required.

Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Banquet Thursday, November 30 • 12:00-1:30 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus We invite you to begin your Christmas celebrations with a delicious meal, Christmas music, and a special message by Pastor Dave Stone. $15 per person. Catering by Masterson’s. Afternoon and evening sessions available. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588. For additional information, please contact or call 502.253.8045.

Register online at




SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

JUSTIN FLUHR 600 NORTH DIXIE AVENUE ELIZABETHTOWN, KY 42701 | 270.506.4630 Children’s programming available during all services.



Connections Pastor 502.614.1408

YOU’RE INVITED TO A FREE CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY! DECEMBER 8 & 10-15 • BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS Join us at this winter wonderland of light displays, train rides, and indoor ice-skating rinks. Walk through an old-timey Christmas village to meet our Mission Partners. And see the reason for the season with a nightly Christmas program and live nativity scene.

EVENT TIMES Friday, December 8 & 15 • 5:00-10:00 p.m. Christmas program in the Sanctuary at 6:00, 8:00, & 10:00 p.m.

December 10-14 • 5:00-9:00 p.m.

Christmas program in the Sanctuary at 6:00 & 8:00 p.m.






Come be part of the largest medical missions conference in the United States! Thousands of missionaries, medical students, and healthcare professionals are converging on one location to discuss global health issues, strive toward new breakthroughs, and celebrate stories of God’s faithfulness from the mission field.

Register at



920 BLANKENBAKER PARKWAY • LOUISVILLE, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000 •

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