Southeast Christian NEXT Magazine | September 2017

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September 2017 ISSUE 13






GAMES • FOOD • RIDES • MUSIC • FUN!! ds and family to this community carniv n e i r f r al eve e you nt! Invit




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L I F E T O G E T H E R • S E P T E M B E R 2 017 • I S S U E 13



Elizabethtown Campus


8 | 10 |


We’re kicking off a new season for Southeast’s own Awaken Worship.

What’s Holding You Back?

God can help you overcome every obstacle between where you are and where He’s calling you.

12 |

We’ll Go to Them


Elizabethtown Campus: Meet the Team


Dave Stone reflects on our mission of multiplication as followers of Christ.

Our family is growing! Get to know the staff at Southeast’s newest church campus.


Our Campuses


First Things First


Life @ Southeast


Love Where You Are

19 Trending 20 Your Turn 22 Truth for Today 23 What’s Happening

WE ALL HAVE A NEXT STEP TO TAKE IN OUR WALK WITH JESUS. WHAT’S YOURS? In this magazine, hear the heart of Southeast Christian Church through articles and stories, stay informed about upcoming groups and events, and find where you belong in our mission of connecting people to Jesus and one another.

OUR CAMPUSES B L A N K E N B A K E R C A MP U S 920 Blankenbaker Parkway • Louisville, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000







1309 Charlestown New Albany Road • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • 812.704.1951







C R E S T WO O D C A MP U S 6201 Crestwood Station • Crestwood, KY 40014 • 502.873.1100

S O U T H W E S T C A MP U S 8301 Saint Andrews Church Road • Louisville, KY 40258 • 502.614.1500


L A G R A N G E C A MP U S 410 South 1st Street • La Grange, KY 40031 • 502.614.1200


600 North Dixie Avenue • Elizabethtown, KY 47201

Visit for more information.



FIRST T HINGS FIRST If you’ve been around church for a while, you’ve probably heard about the Gospel, the good news of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.



The Gospel means everything to us at Southeast because the Gospel is all about God. It reveals who He is: the Creator who made us to share in His love, the Redeemer who spared no expense to restore us after we went away in sin. In the Gospel, our gracious Heavenly Father carries renegades home in the arms of His Son, transforms broken lives by the power of His Spirit, and builds a forgiven family in the formation of His church, “which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.” (Ephesians 1:23 NIV®) The good news of Jesus Christ unites us as a church. We’re a Gospel-shaped community filled with Gospelmarked people, “…no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household…” (Ephesians 2:19 NIV®) We are one in Christ, and together we live the Gospel, sing the Gospel, and share the Gospel.

We live the Gospel. One of the ways we live out our unity in Christ is by prioritizing community with other followers of Jesus. Now is the perfect time for you to get connected at Southeast because so many of our groups, classes, and events are launching into a brand-new cycle at each of our campuses. Neighborhood Groups are also launching early in September, allowing you to grow in your faith with others in your very own community.

We sing the Gospel. We are also united when we lift up our voices together, putting the glory of God on full display as we praise Him for who He is and what He has done. This season, Southeast’s own Awaken Worship is leading the charge in bringing our church family together “…to the praise of his glorious grace…” (Ephesians 1:6 NIV®)

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6 NIV®

We share the Gospel. We’re not content to gather with our church family and worship with the same familiar faces each week. The good news is just too good to keep to ourselves, and that means going out and sharing the love of Jesus with the world! This Fall, we’re excited to open our sixth campus in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and we’re praying for God to continue building His church as He transforms lives and forms a community of worship in our midst and beyond, uniting His people forever in the Gospel of His grace.




COMPLETELY.” @kyleidleman

Bible and Beach 2017

We want to connect with you—it’s what we’re all about! One way you can share in day-to-day life at Southeast is by following our social media channels. And be sure to check out our website to watch sermons, register for events, and connect with our ministries—all at




Baptism at Bible and Beach 2017

Father’s Day 2017

“You have two options in this life as a Christian. You can conform, or you can be transformed.” @DaveStone920 Elizabethtown Campus Cross Raising

College-Age Ministry Gathering

Family Fitness Fridays at Sports & Fitness Center

La Grange Campus Baptism

CIY Mix Middle School Camp at Country Lake


n the world of Pinterest, Fixer Upper, and Instagram, it’s easy to shy away from welcoming people into our messy, unfiltered lives and homes. We want people to see the polished, picture-perfect version that we proudly display on social media. But, what if the mess is where real relationships are created, where we can truly celebrate with one another and live in authentic community? God’s people have always been party people: feasting, dancing, and singing to remember God’s faithfulness and celebrate His love. It has been Christ’s plan since the beginning for the Church to advance the Kingdom of God through celebration together. From very early on, we see Christians worshiping together and breaking bread in each other’s homes, “…with glad and generous hearts…” (Acts 2:46 ESV)



All of us ought to be party people, living out our joy in Christ as we love where we are. So, how do we live a life of celebration with one another, willingly sharing our lives (even the messy parts) with others? Here are ten ideas to get you started:



S AY Y E S! This is the first (and sometimes the hardest) step. There will never be a perfect time to start and there will always be excuses to say no: busy schedules, dirty houses, insecurity, money constraints—and then, sometimes, you just flatout don’t feel like it. Instead, say YES and show up!

C E L E B R AT E D I V E RS I T Y I N YO U R C O M M U N I T Y by hosting international families and inviting them to tell their stories or share about their culture.

two D O N ’ T S W E AT T H E S M A L L S T U F F. Sit perfection aside. If we wait until the house is perfectly clean, the projects are all done, and everything is just right, we’ll likely never invite people into our lives—and if we do, it will become a dreaded chore.

three S I M P L E I S B E S T ! Some of the most memorable parties are impromptu gatherings centered on sincere relationships. Invite some friends over and don’t worry so much about the menu. Order a pizza, roast hot dogs, host a potluck, or just have a dessert night.

four B E V U L N E R A B L E . Some of the most powerful words you can say are “Me too,” “I’ve been there,” or “I know what you mean.” When we stop pretending like we have it all together, we can begin to dig deep into our relationships with others, rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn. (Romans 12:15)

five G E T TO K N OW YO U R N E I G H B O RS . Try bringing your backyard lawn furniture to the front yard. Make some lemonade or good ol’ sweet tea and invite your neighbors to join you for some conversation.

seven T H R OW A PA R T Y FO R T H E E L D E R LY, either on your street or in a local nursing home. Learn about their childhood and what life was like a generation or two ago. Listen to their stories!

eight C O N TAC T A YO U T H O R G A N I Z AT I O N like the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana, and offer to throw a party at your local chapter.

nine C E L E B R AT E T E AC H E RS A N D S C H O O L A D M I N I S T R ATO RS in your community. Throw them a back-to-school party by welcoming them with balloons, handmade cards, coffee, or donuts.

ten C E L E B R AT E M OT H E R H O O D by meeting other moms at a local park or playplace. Host play-dates and outings.

There are so many ways we can become party people, celebrating what God is doing in our lives and the lives of those around us. Start loving where you are by sharing your joy! Say YES, don’t sweat the small stuff, keep your eyes open to the needs and people around you, and be authentic.

Let’s celebrate!

MAT T ROBISON Community Pastor




A B I B L I CA L PA S S I O N Hallelujah, our God reigns Let every voice lift up His name Hallelujah, Christ has won Our mighty King has overcome

f you’ve attended a weekend service at Southeast during the past few months, you might have sung along to these lyrics from “Christ Has Won,” a worship song written by Southeast’s own Awaken Worship. The words of this song illustrate the truth that few things draw back the curtain to the window of Heaven the way worship does. Worship is an awestruck response to an awesome God. It’s a picture of what’s taking place right now in Heaven, and of what’s to come as Heaven stretches into eternity. However, worship is more than just the songs we sing during a church service.



In Romans 12:1 (NIV®), Paul writes, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” This is the definition of worship taught throughout the Bible. Worship is tied to obedience and sacrifice—this is our response to our God and His mercy. “Worship,” says Southeast Worship Ministry Leader Matt Bayless, “is a life lived in surrender to Jesus.” Music is a form of worship—one the Bible instructs us to use as we respond to God (Colossians 3:16). When we sing or play instruments to praise and glorify God, we are obeying Him. “It’s a Biblical precedent,” remarks Bayless. “It’s a Biblical practice. And it’s a Biblical passion.” God created music to affect us in powerful ways. Music can help people recall truth in a way that goes beyond just one day. It can also reach people where they are, Bayless points out. “I can be at a low point in my life—in my closet, crying out to the Lord. People can’t always go there with someone who’s hurting. But music can go

there. Worships songs can go there—at all hours of the day, at any place and time.” Because it is how we respond to God—and often, how God reaches us—worship has always been an important element of who we are as a church. Awaken Worship is part of that story, and it’s going to play an even bigger role in the future of Southeast. AWA K E N I N G T H E G E N E R AT I O N S Awaken Worship began as a response to how God was working in Southeast’s Next Gen Ministry, out of a desire to create a worship culture around the mission to “awaken a generation to the glory of God.” Over time, the Awaken identity became a rallying point for the students and adults involved. To be a musician, vocalist, tech volunteer, or a worshiper in student ministry was to be part of Awaken Worship. The identity wasn’t limited to only staff, or by age. Throughout the past several years, Awaken has also written many worship songs and released four albums, in order to better equip and give a voice to the people their ministry serves.

Now, Awaken is looking forward and its mission is expanding: to awaken the generations to the glory of God through music and worship. It’s a relaunch of sorts. The foundation of the Awaken Worship identity will stay the same, but its reach will expand across all generations and campuses. “The big idea is, if you want to talk about worship at Southeast, that would be the same thing as saying Awaken Worship,” Bayless says. “Awaken becomes the collective identity of the overall worship culture of Southeast.”


A C U LT U R E O F WO RS H I P One of the goals of this expansion is to create greater unity—at our campuses, among different generations, and across varying musical preferences. “Our desire as a church is to worship not in preference and performance, but in spirit and in truth,” Bayless says. A priority for Awaken is to encourage multiple generations through music, while always celebrating the same truth of the Gospel. The songwriters are passionate about writing new songs that engage younger generations using styles that reflect current musical trends. But every album from Awaken Worship is also influenced by hymns and older worship songs. Awaken has even produced remakes of hymns, such as “Trust in You (’Tis So Sweet)” from their 2015 album This Is Where We Start. “We love hymns,” says Bayless. “And we want to expose our younger generations to hymns and the truths that are in them. We want to tell our kids, ‘These are the songs that your grandparents sang. The truths are great. The lyrics are poetic. There’s value here.’” Even as musical styles continue to develop, a value of Awaken is that we sing songs focusing on who God is more than what our feelings are, songs that feature words and truth straight from the Bible. “Many worship songs speak of objective truths, but they’re more about our subjective response to them,” says Bayless. “But we’re committed to writing and singing

songs that are objective in truth and in our response. It remains about Christ. The methods, styles, and preferences will change over the years, but the truth of the Gospel will never change. That’s our target.” R A I S I N G WO RS H I P E RS As Awaken endeavors to unite multiple generations, an important aspect of that is creating new opportunities and pathways for volunteers to participate in what God is doing through worship at Southeast. Even at the youngest level, Awaken wants to raise up worshipers and future worship leaders. They hope to come around SE!Kids and provide support for their worship environments, providing resources and training up musicians and vocalists specifically for leading children’s worship. “We hope to help make it a desire of our kids to be active worshipers or worship leaders,” Bayless says. Through this process, elementary school students will be taught and equipped to lead other students in worship when they transition into middle school. Middle and high school students will gain years of experience as worshipers and worship leaders while they mature in their skills and their faith. “It gives older generations a pathway to speak back into younger generations,” says Bayless, noting that discipleship is an important part of training these young volunteers. “And we want students to infuse our adult worship.” Ultimately, Awaken hopes to give people of all ages a voice to be able to express themselves as they respond to who God is, what He is teaching them, and how He is working in their lives. Bayless shares that one of his favorite things is seeing his young children worshiping alongside their grandparents at Southeast. “We have multiple generations who want to engage the Gospel and a lifestyle of worship,” he says. “And we’re committed to bring the generations together. So I love that picture. It’s a picture of Heaven. It’s a picture of what Jesus prayed for in John 17—to be unified with each other and the Father.” WO RS H I P W I T H U S If you’re part of Southeast—you’re part of Awaken Worship. You are a welcome and important voice in the chorus responding to our mighty King with praise, obedience, and sacrifice. We hope you’ll join us for a Night of Worship on August 20 as we celebrate our awesome God together and mark the relaunch of Awaken Worship. A setlist of all-new songs will be recorded live for an upcoming Awaken Worship album, to be released later this Fall. “These are great opportunities for us to unite,” says Bayless, “to respond to God and encourage each other.”

L AU R A C O U LT E R Web Content Manager, Communications



W H A T ’ S H O L D I N G Y O U


he Bible is full of all kinds of different stories. Some are tales of humanity’s failures, others are tales of God’s miraculous power. Some are warnings to future generations about the consequences of disobeying God, while others describe the life of a faithful servant to emulate. Some Bible stories are full of twists and turns, pain and perseverance, tragedy and triumph. The story of Joseph is all of the above. You can find Joseph’s story beginning in Genesis 37 and continuing in chapters 39-50. Scripture tells us first of Joseph’s childhood: he was his father’s favorite, and everybody knew it. As you would assume, his 11 brothers didn’t care much for that (Genesis 37:4)—and this problem was only made worse when Joseph had a couple dreams. Joseph had dreams that implied that he would gain power, authority, standing, and, ultimately, even the worship of his brothers. In one dream Joseph had, it even seemed that his parents would bow down to him one day. It was clear in his mind that God had special plans for him. When Joseph told his brothers what he had dreamed about, they got angrier and angrier at the boy they already resented. Their resentment drove them to sell Joseph into slavery and lie about it to their dad. After Joseph found himself taken into captivity in Egypt, he quickly gained influence—even as a household servant. It seemed clear that God was indeed going to make Joseph powerful. But before long, Joseph was falsely accused of a crime against his employer and thrown into prison, where he would spend the next two years. But even in prison, God’s blessing followed Joseph, and he became so trusted by the warden that



he was put in charge of all the other prisoners. God would accomplish His purposes with Joseph’s life, no matter how bleak the circumstances seemed. Genesis 39:23 NIV® says, “…the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” Eventually, Joseph’s childhood dreams came true when his brothers came to Egypt in need of food. There they found that their brother (whom they assumed to be dead by this point) was now second-in-command of the most powerful nation at the time. And it became just as clear to them that God had a special plan for Joseph’s life. That’s the short version of one of the most interesting biographies you’ll find in Scripture. We’re excited that we are going to have an entire 6-week sermon series, as well as a Bible study that goes along with it, to dig deeper into the life of Joseph and God’s work through him. The series is called Overcome: What’s Holding You Back? As we move through this story, we will talk about how God made Joseph for something, and, even when it didn’t seem like it was probable or even possible, God helped Joseph overcome the obstacles in between where he was and where God was calling him to be. This sermon series and Bible study are designed to help us understand the life of Joseph better so that we can understand our own lives better. We believe that God has made us—that He has made you—for something, too. And we believe that God is willing and able to help us overcome the obstacles in between where we are and where He’s calling us to be. The truth is, even those six weeks won’t be nearly enough to discover everything there is to find about this story. (I know, classic “preacher line”—but it’s true!) As we approach this series together as a church, here are a few ways I think you can get the absolute most out of it:


READ THE STORY OF JOSEPH Trust me: my little summary on the opposite page is nothing compared to the actual story! Take some time to read through Genesis 37, 39-50 for yourself. Not only will you get the benefit and blessing of spending that time in Scripture, but the sermons you hear at church will be so much more impactful for you. If you can come to church with an overview and basic understanding of Joseph’s story in your mind and heart, I believe God will have even more to say to you through Dave and Kyle’s preaching.


ASK YOURSELF TWO QUESTIONS: 1. What did God make me for? 2. What do I need to overcome to get there? These two questions will prepare your heart for action when you’re in church or in your Neighborhood Group going through the Overcome Bible study. If you start praying over these questions regularly and asking God to answer them for you, I think you’ll be ready to hear from God in a powerful way during this series.

“God is willing and able to help us overcome the obstacles in between where we are and where He’s calling us to be.”


September 9-October 15 JOIN A NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP Twice a year here at Southeast, we coordinate sermon series with Bible study material in Neighborhood Groups in order to maximize the impact of the message. If you join a Neighborhood Group, not only will you be able to dig deeper into the life of Joseph in Scripture, but you’ll also be able to engage with other Christians who live near you. We believe that this will help you grow as a follower of Jesus individually and equip your whole group to connect the people in your community to Jesus and one another. We’re passionate about seeing the Gospel lived out in a practical way within walking distance of every home in our region, and Neighborhood Groups are a great way to make that happen! For more information on joining a group, visit


Preaching Associate

Neighborhood Groups



WE’LL GO TO THEM O U R V I S I O N A S A M U LT I - C A M P U S C H U R C H By Dave Stone


s Southeast embarks on our Elizabethtown Campus launch, I thought it might be helpful to explain how we got here and why. Since Southeast began in 1962, evangelism has always been our number one priority. It’s the heart of our mission: connecting people to Jesus and one another. So, when I became Senior Pastor over 11 years ago, one of our major initiatives was to expand from one campus to multiple locations. This would allow us to spread out and reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Our desire has never been to attract Christians from other Bible-believing churches. Our goal is to use some of the distinctives that have made Southeast who she is and make these unique characteristics available throughout the region and beyond. And God has blessed our vision and mission immensely. In the nine years since we became a multi-site church after opening our second campus, our weekend attendance has grown from 17,200 to more than 24,000. By launching additional campuses with smaller venues in a variety of locales, Southeast has continued to flourish as our members love where they are and acquaint their neighbors, co-workers, and friends with Christ.

I anticipate that the multi-site phenomenon will continue for us and many other churches. We are blessed to have a great number of super servants and quality staff—otherwise we wouldn’t be able to keep sending members and leaders to seed these new ventures. In order to launch our new campuses, we’ve often subtracted from the

Blankenbaker Campus; however, we have multiplied greatly overall. So, for many of our Southeast members, the multi-site journey became transitional—while for many new Christ-followers it has been transformational. We now have hundreds of volunteers who are serving and leading with excellence at each campus. God has used this model to spread the Gospel and bring thousands to Christ. Each of our campuses has also allowed us to form some great partnerships with other churches in the area. We are stronger together when we’re united around the same goal of building the Kingdom of God and reaching those who are lost. At every campus we are trying to make disciples who make disciples—and therein lies the difference between addition and multiplication. Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV®), “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you...” In the decade since we have “gone out” beyond the Blankenbaker Campus, God has brought us to Southern Indiana, Crestwood, Southwest Louisville, La Grange—and now, Elizabethtown! I can’t wait to see what God will do in E-Town with Campus Pastor Michael Kast and his capable team of staff and volunteers. If the past is any indication, I’m confident that He will do “…immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV®) He has remained faithful through the years, and all the glory belongs to Him.

DAVE STONE Senior Pastor





MEET w THE TEAM Elizabethtown Campus:

hen Christ builds His church, He brings together just the right people at just the right time. At Southeast, our church family continues to grow as we heed our Master’s call to reach new communities with the Good News of His grace. After months of prayer, planning, and preparation, we’re excited to open the doors of our sixth church campus in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Located 15 miles south of Fort Knox in east-central Hardin County, “The City of Big Surprises” holds a lot of history. Two presidents, James Buchanan and Abraham Lincoln, both briefly lived in Elizabethtown at the same time, and the region served

as a strategic point along the Louisville & Nashville Railroad during the Civil War. To this day, a Confederate cannonball remains lodged in the wall of the Depp Building on the E-Town court square. Surrounded by beautiful landscapes like the walking trails of Freeman Lake, and sprinkled with welcoming venues like Vibe Coffee and Southern comfort food favorites like Back Home, that’s just the sentiment Elizabethtown evokes—home. It’s good to be here. Recently I had the privilege of sitting down with our Elizabethtown Campus staff to chat with them about their hopes for this new campus in a new home. I invite you to meet the E-Town team!


WHAT LED YOU TO BECOME A CAMPUS PASTOR? Since I joined the Southeast staff in 1988, I’ve served in a number of ministries: youth, men, singles, seniors, children, and most recently, family ministry. Lately, God has been calling me to something new, something that can utilize all those experiences. So, when the Lead Team approached me, I was excited to accept this new leadership role!

MICHAEL KAST Campus Pastor TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY. My wife’s name is Jill, and we’ve been married for 28 years. Our two daughters are Monica, 21, and Morgan, 18, and our son’s name is Jacob, 11.

WHAT MAKES YOU MOST HOPEFUL FOR THE LAUNCH OF THIS CAMPUS? Only 20% of the people in Hardin County attend a local church. We want to see that change. There are so many people in this community who have real questions and are facing real problems—the single mom who isn’t sure God could ever forgive her, or the guy who came home from war and is torn up by what he saw. I want them to know God’s love for them. We’re called to share the Gospel with our neighbors and to build up believers, and what binds those

two things together is genuine love for the people here. ARE YOU NERVOUS ABOUT THE CAMPUS LAUNCH? Oh yeah. We’re still trying to fill some open staff positions with the right people who will help our neighbors feel welcome and loved. We want to be as prepared as we can be, so it can be a little intimidating when we have those holes. But God has gotten us this far—His grace is greater than all our fears. WHAT IS GOD TEACHING YOU DURING THIS TRANSITION? Two words: wisdom and discernment. I was reading three different passages in Scripture just this morning, and they all had to do with wisdom! Everyone has different ideas for how we should manage this transition, but it takes discernment to know how to faithfully respond to these suggestions. Continued on page 16



Elizabethtown Campus /// Continued from page 15

Laura Lamb Administrative Assistant ARE YOU MARRIED? DO YOU HAVE ANY CHILDREN? John and I have been married for 36 years. Though it was never God’s plan for us to have children, He has blessed us with extra time to devote to serving others in the community. HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED AT SOUTHEAST? I joined the staff in May, though my husband and I have attended Southeast since 2010. Prior to working here, I was a counselor at the Elizabethtown Community & Technical College for 17 years.

photographing for nonprofit organizations that probably couldn’t afford a photographer otherwise. Right now, some of my work is on display in the hospital here. I like going out and taking pictures of God’s creation—His canvas, as I like to call it.

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR JOB? The number one word that comes to mind is support: support for Michael and support for our campus staff. Really, providing administrative support wherever I can help out. ARE YOU FROM ELIZABETHTOWN? I was actually born in Louisville. When I was 10, my family moved to the country in Cecilia. After I married John, we moved to E-Town and we’ve lived here ever since. We love it! WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT E-TOWN? When John and I first moved here, it was really small. E-Town has really grown over the years, but it still has that small-town feeling. You pretty much know everyone in town! They like to keep things tight-knit here, so there are always fun little community events and festivals that bring people together. We also like the parks. OUTSIDE OF WORK, WHAT DO YOU ENJOY DOING? Photography is a hobby of mine. I love



Justin Fluhr Connections Pastor WOULD YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? My wife Laura and I have been married for 10 years, and we have a son, Carter, who’s 5. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ON STAFF AT SOUTHEAST? I just started in May, though my family has had close ties to the church for a while. I grew up attending Southeast during the Hikes Lane days, and I served as an intern in our High School Ministry for a year. After five

years of high school ministry in Indiana and five years of college ministry in California, I’m back! A lot has changed, but it still feels like home. SO, WHAT DOES A CONNECTIONS PASTOR DO? Luke 1:17 NIV® is a great summary statement: “…make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Basically, my job is helping prepare people in our church family to be used by God, whether that means helping them find their place to belong, getting them plugged in with others at our campus, or otherwise equipping them to grow in discipleship and advance the Kingdom. HOW DID GOD BRING YOU BACK TO KENTUCKY? After spending some time in Indiana, then California, my wife and I decided we wanted to be closer to family. God was preparing our hearts for something new. So, I called up my friend Chad Mosteller, the Community Pastor Leader here at Southeast. He connected me with Michael Kast. It’s funny— Michael was actually my Jr. High Pastor back in the day. Now we get to do ministry side by side! WHAT ARE YOU PRAYING FOR AS THE ELIZABETHTOWN CAMPUS OPENS? Sometimes when people see Southeast’s Blankenbaker Campus from a distance, they just see a big building. But once they start getting involved here, they see God’s power and His Kingdom advancing. When people see the Elizabethtown Campus, I’m praying

to a place where there are lost and hurting people in need of the Gospel. The day I was interviewed for this position, I drove past a woman sitting near the side of the road. Hours later, I noticed her again in the same exact spot. My fiancée was with me, and we decided to talk with her. It turns out this woman had been used and abused by several men, and some guy had just left her there, far from home, once he was done with her. “Where’s home?” I asked. “E-Town,” she said. That brought a lot of confirmation for me. There are hurting people everywhere, and Elizabethtown is the place God is calling us to share the hope of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. The Lord nudged my heart in that moment, and I chose obedience.

they won’t see “that big church rolling into town,” but that they’ll see the hand of God moving. I’m praying for God to do whatever it takes to bring people face to face with Jesus and to hear Him say, “Will you come and follow Me?”

Reid Milliken Next Gen Pastor ARE YOU MARRIED? HAVE ANY KIDS? My girlfriend Andrea and I got engaged in July, and the wedding is scheduled for January! CONGRATULATIONS! ARE YOU BOTH EXCITED FOR THIS TRANSITION TO E-TOWN? We’re very excited, and we’re glad we can stay with our Southeast family. For a while, we had been praying for the Lord to lead us

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AT SOUTHEAST? I’ve worked in the High School Ministry at the Blankenbaker Campus for the past two years, first as an intern and then as an apprentice. I’m excited to take that experience to E-Town. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT WORKING WITH STUDENTS? During my high school years, I recognized the decisions I made could make or break my long-term relationship with Jesus. I’m so grateful I had people older than I was who were committed to praying and speaking into my life during that time. As students have hundreds of voices speaking into them, I want to be one voice that speaks Jesus into them, and I want to walk with them in the ongoing process of becoming more like Christ.

DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES? I may be extroverted, but I love to read. I like books, bike rides, and good food. There’s this one sandwich place in town called Reuben’s Deli. I’m excited to get to know the people who are behind the counter there.

Justin Blair Campus Support Pastor TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY. My wife Lyndsey and I have two kids: Jalon, who’s 7, and Lylian who’s 2. We’ve been married for seven years. HAVE YOU BEEN AT SOUTHEAST FOR A WHILE? I’ve attended since 2008 and served on staff since March 2016. I was in the Missions Ministry as a Project Manager. WHAT LED TO YOUR TRANSITION TO ELIZABETHTOWN? My wife is hoping to begin work on her PhD in 2018 to become a professor in Epidemiology, and there have been some prospective work opportunities for her in the E-Town area. When Southeast approached me to ask if I had considered Elizabethtown, it became clear that God was calling us there. My new role is also a great fit; it allows me to lean into my strengths to help build the Kingdom. WHAT WOULD AN AVERAGE DAY FOR A CAMPUS SUPPORT PASTOR LOOK LIKE? I have a hand in all the day-in, day-out operations: supporting ministries and volunteers, overseeing the budget, working with our Facilities staff—things like that. On Sundays, I’m typically behind the scenes making sure everyone’s weekend experience runs smoothly from the time people park to the moment they head out. Continued on page 18 SOUTHEASTCHRISTIAN.ORG


Elizabethtown Campus /// Continued from page 17

WHAT’S ONE THING GOD HAS TAUGHT YOU DURING THIS CAMPUS LAUNCH? He’s been encouraging me to dig into leadership from a healthy Biblical standpoint. I’ve been in leadership roles in the secular world, but leading in the church looks very different. One of the ways I’m called to serve as a shepherd is by leading from the bottom up, empowering other people to do their part in serving the body. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES? I love to work out. That’s a big part of my life—a hobby, a passion, something I like to challenge myself with regularly. For the past five years, I’ve also been playing on several Louisville-organized kickball leagues. Any excuse to get out onto the field and run around!

Worship Team to make sure we’re all on the same page during services, and creating an atmosphere that brings each event together in a cohesive way. SO, WHY ELIZABETHTOWN? HOW DID GOD BRING YOU HERE? God wired me to be a behind-the-scenes kind of guy. My wife and I have a passion for serving, and we were praying about how we could serve at Southeast when E-Town came up. The idea of moving to Elizabethtown excited us—all the possibilities involved in launching a new campus and meeting new people. It truly was an answer to prayer. WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO NOW THAT THE CAMPUS IS OPENING? I’m excited about the difference God can make through us. And not just through us, but a partnership with other churches in Elizabethtown. I’ve had coffee with some other tech guys working at churches in the area, and I’m excited to serve with these brothers. That’s the only way we’ll reach E-Town with God’s love and meet the needs here. We’re all here for the same reason; we have huge potential to make a difference,

but it’s going to take us all.

Josh Turley Technical Director

COULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR JOB AS THE TECHNICAL DIRECTOR? I’m in charge of Production Arts, which is a support ministry that does all the background work to enhance our weekend services, ministry events, and other activities. For me, that means working together with staff and volunteers to prepare lighting, sound, and video, meeting with the



SO, YOU’RE THE INTERIM COMMUNITY PASTOR. WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE RIGHT NOW? I already serve as the Community Pastor for the Southwest Louisville area, though I’m also working in E-Town until we hire a Community Pastor to serve in Hardin County full-time. WHAT EXACTLY DOES A COMMUNITY PASTOR DO? You could say we represent Southeast outside the campus walls. A Community Pastor is someone who connects our campuses to needs within the local community. Our role is to find community needs and partner with other churches, organizations, and civil services to meet them. We spend a lot of time working with refugees, crisis pregnancy centers, homeless ministries, and other community transformation projects. ARE YOU ENCOURAGED AS WE LAUNCH THIS CAMPUS IN A NEW COMMUNITY? From my standpoint as a Community Pastor, I’m excited to see churches united behind a common vision to see lives transformed by the grace of Christ. We’re already forming partnerships with a number of churches in this region, and that’s really encouraging to be a part of. WHAT’S ONE THING GOD HAS BEEN TEACHING YOU SINCE YOU CAME TO SOUTHEAST? God has truly made the Gospel come alive to me here. The orphans and widows we’re taught to serve, they now have faces, names, and stories, and my heart for them has deepened.

WOULD YOU SHARE A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY? I’ve been married to my wife Jessica for 13 years and we have 6 kids: Hayden, 10; Emilia, 8; Payton, 6; Stella, 4; Londyn, 2; and Ardenn, almost 1. HAVE YOU BEEN PART OF THE SOUTHEAST FAMILY FOR LONG? We started attending regularly this past Christmas while I was still doing freelance work, and I joined the staff in March 2017.

forth between Kentucky and Florida until finally settling back in Louisville.

Heath Barth Interim Community Pastor WHAT DOES FAMILY LOOK LIKE FOR YOU? Jennifer and I have been married for 11 years. We have a 4-year-old daughter named Hope and a second child due in December! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AT SOUTHEAST? I’ve been on staff for more than a year now, though I’ve been in Louisville for the last 12 years. I grew up in the Louisville area and then moved around a lot, passing back and

TIM GIOVANETTO Copywriter, Communications

Not sure where to begin?


Start with our RightNow Media recommendations for the month of September:

The Bible Project: Torah Series

RightNow Media

These animated videos give you a quick overview of the first 5 books of the Bible. They make a great companion to our September sermon series following the life of Joseph—Overcome: What’s Holding You Back?

magine your favorite video streaming service—Netflix, Amazon Video, or Hulu—but instead of movies and TV shows, it’s lined with some of the best Bible teaching videos, small group studies, and Christian conference material out there. That’s RightNow Media in a nutshell, and we’re excited to give you free access to this awesome resource today. Thanks to the team at RightNow, our entire Southeast family gets complete access to 10,000+ video Bible studies, devotionals, and more! Use it to grow in your faith by binging on Bible studies in your spare time, following a video teaching series with your Neighborhood Group, or enjoying kid-friendly series and cartoons with your family.

It’s all yours, it’s totally free, and signing up is easy. Just visit and look for RightNow Media.


Designed as 25 daily devotions with a free downloadable workbook, this series will help you take the next step in being a disciple who makes disciples in your everyday life.

Available at The Living Word

The Art of Neighboring

R E AD God That Saves

Anxious for Nothing

Get the debut live album from this Spirit-filled, Louisville-based worship band, featuring 11 new songs.

Coming September 12

Iron Bell Music

Woven: The Art of Discipleship

by Max Lucado

Anxiety comes with life, but it doesn’t have to dominate your life. Join Max Lucado on the journey to freedom and experience greater joy, clarity, physical renewal, and contentment in Christ.

(single session) Want to become a better neighbor? This conference video with Dave Runyon will inspire and challenge you to begin, offering some great practical advice along the way.



YOUR TURN: How are you getting connected? by Stephen Puricelli

n the world of advertisement and marketing, a trend has picked up momentum in the last year, called Influencer Marketing. Essentially, Influencer Marketing is what happens when a company or brand finds someone with a large online following and pays that person (the “influencer”) to recommend the company’s product or post pictures of it online. Brands are starting to notice that this way of marketing is very cost-effective. More and more people are going online and listening to influencers for buying advice because they’re weary of commercials and other traditional advertising. In fact, 74% of people today use social media for purchasing advice! Influencers are more comfortable to us because they hang out in our digital neighborhood. We follow them on Instagram or Twitter, we connect with them, and they seem just like you and me—not some boardroom marketing team that’s trying to trick us into a purchase. Social influencers are nothing new—they just have a new playground for their influence to affect us. It’s online. It’s all the time. And anyone can connect with them.

40% of people

say they’ve purchased an item online after seeing it used by an influencer on Instagram, Twitter, Vine, or YouTube



SO, HERE'S THE QUESTION: - Who or what is influencing you? - How are you getting connected to what matters most? This Fall is the best time to get involved in the life of Southeast Christian Church. Our ministries are kicking into full gear with honest spiritual influencers who aren’t here to sell you some product, but who truly want to help you in your faith journey. No matter what season of life you’re in or the place you find yourself in your walk with Jesus, you can find that next step here at this church. Why not let God, His Word, and His church become your influencer? We’re here. We’re available. And we don’t just hang out in your digital neighborhood, but in your literal neighborhood too.

73% of Millennials

see it as their responsibility to guide friends, peers, and family toward smart purchase decisions

Only 14% of people can recall the last time they saw an ad and can remember the offer it was promoting

Day Devotional

CONNECTING WITH GOD This month, make it your mission to allow God and His Word to be your spiritual influencer. Take time each day to connect with God. This guide is meant as a next step for you to take personally, with a friend, or with your family. If you don’t often read the Bible on your own or if it’s been a while since you’ve connected with God personally, this guide is for you too!






God Is for You

God Is Before and Behind You

God Is with You

God Is in You




God Works through You

John 14:23 & Ephesians 2:22


Psalm 139

Matthew 28:18-20

Nothing from your past

God is fully present with

These are Jesus’ final

God makes His home

Not only does God save

and nothing from your

you all the time. Though

words on earth. He

in you. In the Old

you as soon as you put

future can separate you

it’s tempting to think

entrusts us with His

Testament, God dwelled

your faith in Christ, but

from His love. The key is

God doesn’t know your

mission of going into the

among His people in the

He also uses you in His

remembering God loves

deepest secrets, He

world to represent Him,

Tabernacle (a mobile

work of saving others

you no matter what. It’s

does—even better than

sharing His love with

tent) and the Temple (a

as well. Your story, your

your choice whether or

you do. He knows your

others. But He doesn’t

fixed building). But now,

past, and your future

not you respond to

thoughts and heart, so

leave us alone. Jesus

if you have placed your

can all be used by God to

His love.

there’s no faking, fooling,

promises to be with you

faith in His Son Jesus,

reach someone with the

or tricking Him. He

always—He will never

God’s Spirit makes you

love and grace of Jesus.

invites you to always be

leave nor forsake you.

the temple for His Spirit.



Think about a time when

When you look in the

placed in your path that

it felt like God was far

mirror, do you see

you can pray for today?

READ: Romans 8:31-39

Jude 22-23

God is for you.

RESPOND: What makes it so easy

open and honest

to forget that God is for

with Him.

us? Make a list of the things in your life that


remind you of God’s

Is there anything in your

away. Then think about

yourself as the Temple

unfailing love.

life that you might be

a time when He felt near.

of God? As you go

withholding from God?

How did you respond

about your day, do you

Anything you haven’t

differently to those two

remember the Holy

brought before Him


Spirit is going with you?

in prayer? Today, find

If not, what might be

freedom in leaving it with

holding you back from

Him, knowing that His

embracing that truth?

RESPOND: Who has God uniquely

love for you never fails.

STEPHEN PURICELLI Connections Pastor, Southwest Campus





Their answers are significant. There’s John the Baptist, famous for moving people to return to their faith. There’s Elijah, the great prophet who never died, but was carried away to be with the Lord, and who would announce the coming of the Messianic Age. There’s Jeremiah, the prophet who suffered tremendously and yet reminded Israel of God’s promise that “one day” all things will be made right again if the Lord’s people repent and follow Him. (Jeremiah 31:31) Just think. This is what the disciples are hearing from the common folk in a very pagan town. They have lots of ideas and opinions about Jesus! Then Jesus turns up the heat. “Who do you say I am?” Now that is a different question. Peter answers well. “You are Messiah!” he exclaims. “You are the Son of the living God.” In this special moment for all the disciples, Jesus puts Peter’s answer in perspective. “You are Petra [rock], and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” In other words: You, Peter, will be the living embodiment of the Church, the community of people who have repented and turned to God through the Messiah and now live to draw others to Jesus. You know, the same question is still asked today. It is asked to every believer in every corner of every community. Jesus asks, “Who am I?” Our answers are just as essential as Peter’s was so long ago. I think Jesus’ question can also be posed as a challenge: “Go into your world and show them who I am.”

by Jon Weiner

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say

How does that happen? Let me share a few ways you can show and share the love of God—who He is.

Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

Love your neighbors by praying for them.

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of


the living God.”

Pray that they might see Jesus in you. Pray for

Matthew 16:13-16 NIV ®

It seems lots of people have opinions about Jesus. That’s nothing new. In this passage, Jesus is in an area of Israel that traditionally had a long history with paganism. Right in the heart of the community was the “Cave of Pan” temple, sometimes called the “Gate of Hades,” the Greek name for the realm of the dead.

the health of the community, for Jesus to be revealed in you through love and compassion.


Act on what you see and hear.

Take the time to care for others. Share your life with friends who need to know the Messiah’s love. What He says is this: “Love God” and “Love

With all of these images, sights, and sounds of spiritual confusion, Jesus turns to His students and asks, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” In this community of foreign faiths, Jesus is asking a particularly intimate question. But what He gets from the boys is simply the opinions of the people.


Community Pastor



others.” (Mark 12:30-31)

If we can do these two points, we will be answering Jesus well, and we will be living out our calling to be the Church everywhere we go!

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



The Marriage Project

Johnson University ExtendEd Louisville Courses

Thursdays • Beginning September 7 7:15-8:30 p.m. • ATCR 202 Sundays • Beginning September 10 10:45 a.m.-11:45 p.m. • ATCR 202 The Marriage Project is a safe place where couples can come on an as-needed basis for prayer, guidance, and encouragement through the highs and lows of life. Children’s and student programming available on Sundays. Childcare available on Thursdays. No registration required.

Encounter Worship and Groups Thursdays • 6:30 p.m. Meeting in Fireside Room through August 31 Meeting in FH 1 beginning September 7 Find hope, receive help, and experience healing—no matter what you’re going through. Following worship at 6:30 p.m., groups begin at 7:15 p.m. Go to connect/care for group information. Childcare available. No registration required.


Children’s Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays • Beginning August 23 5:30-6:30 p.m. • ED Wing We’re starting choir rehearsals for our Winter production, Back to the Cross. Open to all children in grades 1-5. No auditions necessary. $25 to sign up. Register online.

Kidway Saturday, September 9 • 6:30 p.m. • FH 2 Sunday, September 10 • 10:30 a.m. or 12:45 p.m. • FH 2 This wildly fun, amazingly energetic, and wonderfully wholesome family worship service starts right after church. You are absolutely guaranteed to love it—and your kids will have fun too! No registration required.

SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Saturdays • September 9 or 23 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sundays • September 10 or 24 10:45 a.m. • ED 150 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on one of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.

Forever Treasure Saturday, September 16 6:30 p.m. • ED 212 Sunday, September 17 • 9:00 a.m. • ED 212 A class for upper elementary students who are considering their commitment to follow Jesus through baptism and beyond. Parents are expected to attend with their child. Please contact for pre-class homework. Register online.

Thursdays • August 24-October 5 6:00-8:00 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus Take advantage of JU’s ExtendEd Louisville program for adults seeking a faith-based bachelor’s degree. For more information, visit

Starting Point Wednesdays • Beginning September 6 6:30 p.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this 3-week class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Weekend Groups: Overcome Sundays • September 10-October 15 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 470 or FH 111 Want to dive deeper into our sermon series studying the life of Joseph—Overcome: What’s Holding You Back? Two of our weekend groups, 8:8 (WC 470) and Crossroads (FH 111), will walk through this study on Sunday mornings. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

Neighborhood Groups Beginning Week of September 10 • In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.



Special Olympics Young Athletes Mondays • Begins October 16 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Preschool Chapel A time of exercise and fun for young athletes with special needs and their families. No registration required.

Miracles Saturdays • 5:00 p.m. • WC 246 Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • WC 246 Older teens and young adults with special needs are invited to gather with us for worship, fellowship, crafts, and a lesson. For more information, contact No registration required.

Heart to Heart Sundays • 8:00 a.m. • WC 246 Fellowship and Bible study for adults with developmental disabilities. For more information, contact No registration required.

Silent Fellowship Weekend Group Sundays • 9:30 a.m. • ATLR 201 Connect with people who are Deaf or otherwise proficient in ASL for a weekly time of Bible study and fellowship. Teaching and discussion are led in American Sign Language. No registration required.

HOPE Bible Study Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • ATLR 202 A Bible study for adults with special needs who are able to attend the group independently. No registration required.


Silent Picnic Sunday, September 24 • 12:30-2:00 p.m. Southeast Ballfields For anyone who communicates using ASL— come enjoy lunch, games, and fellowship. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Please RSVP to by September 20.

Shine in Wonderland Friday, October 13 • 6:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus It’s time to Shine! We invite all adults with developmental disabilities to enjoy this fun, formal dance event. If you have a passion for serving individuals with special needs, we’re looking for 1,000+ volunteers to make this unforgettable night happen! Tickets and volunteer registration available online. DEAF & DISABILITIES continued next column

FamilyPalooza Labor Day • Monday, September 4 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus FamilyPalooza is an awesome day of fun for everyone in our community. Enjoy free carnival games, music, a petting zoo, inflatables, and cheap food! No registration required.

Parenting Beyond Your Capacity Tuesdays • September 12-October 17 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Fireside Room In this 6-week class, we want to come alongside you to help you cultivate God-centered relationships with your kids. Learn what it looks like to tap into the power of everyday, quality moments to direct and shape your children’s lives. Register online.

Marriage God’s Way Tuesdays • September 19-October 24 6:30-8:00 p.m. • ATCR 207 This study dives into God’s Word to help you discover what He desires for your relationship with Him and your relationship with your spouse. Register online. FAMILY continued on page 24



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G







The Five Love Languages

Dave Ramsey’s Legacy Journey

Get Healthy

Wednesdays • September 20-October 25 6:30-8:30 p.m. • ATCR 209 Unhappiness in marriage often has a simple root cause: you’re speaking different love languages. Join us for this 6-week class featuring the teachings of Dr. Gary Chapman. We’ll give you the key to learning your spouse’s love language! Register online.

Tuesdays • September 12-October 24 6:30 p.m. • FH 109 Learn how to manage your wealth responsibly and share it to make an impact in the Kingdom of God for generations to come during this 7-week class. Requires a Legacy Journey Membership, available for $109. Childcare available. Register online.

Thursdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. Block Foundation Room Mondays • 6:00-7:30 p.m. Block Foundation Room Explore four core areas of every man’s life in the context of friendship, family, temptation, and intimacy. All men need encouragement and accountability. Email for details. No registration required.

Love and Respect

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study

Thursdays • September 14-November 9 6:30 p.m. • ATCR 200 Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Childcare available. Requires a $85 membership fee. Register online.

Saturdays • 7:00-8:30 a.m. • FH 1 This large gathering of men meets each week to study the Bible in community. This is a great place to get started in Bible study, and you’re welcome to join us anytime! No registration required.

Wednesdays • September 27-November 1 6:30-8:30 p.m. • FH 107 Reap the benefits of the marriage God intended as you discover the secret to successful communication between husband and wife. Childcare available. Register online.

Premarital Class

Newly married or planning on getting married soon? We’ll equip you with the tools your marriage needs not only to survive, but thrive! All couples planning to be married by one of our ministers are required to complete the Premarital Class. To register, please contact


HSM Night of Worship Sunday, September 10 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Male High School Auditorium High schoolers from all of our campuses are uniting for a night of prayer and worship as we bring the mission and movement of Jesus into the hallways of our local schools. Meet at your campus and we’ll take buses to the event. No registration required.

Bible Bowl Mondays • Beginning October 2 6:00-8:30 p.m. • WC 473 All middle and high school students are invited to study the books of Romans, Hebrews, and James by competing together in this fun, weekly game show style format! Register online.


Budget Bootcamp Wednesday, August 30 • 6:30 p.m. ATCR 207 This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Childcare available. Register online. GENEROUS LIVING continued next column

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Third Mondays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Middletown United Methodist Church Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Men’s Ministry MAIN EVENT Sunday, August 27 • 5:00-8:30 p.m. Sanctuary Bring some friends to this outreach event for all men 6th grade and up! We’ll have food, we’ll have fun and competitive games, and at 7:00 we’ll have two special guests joining us— comedian David McCreary and Monty Williams from the San Antonio Spurs! Tickets available online.


Fight Night Wednesday, August 30 6:00-8:30 p.m. • The Block Dads, bring your sons and share a time of worship, teaching, and a Manhood Journey small group experience. We want to equip you with the confidence to fight for your sons as the primary influencer on their faith. Register online. Walk-ins welcome.

MSM Fall Retreat September 22-24 • Beginning Friday at 4:00 p.m. • Country Lake Christian Retreat This weekend kicks off our Fall session of small groups with dedicated time connecting students and leaders to the mission God has for us. All students are welcome to attend, even if you aren’t currently in a small group. Register online before September 17.

Man Challenge Thursdays • Beginning September 7 6:00-7:30 a.m. • The Block Auditorium Mondays • Beginning September 11 6:00-7:30 p.m. • The Block Auditorium We want to equip every man with two sets of skillful hands—the confidence and competence in knowing who Jesus is and the pursuit and development of authentic relationships. Questions? Email Mason at No registration required.

Thoroughly Equipped Various Times and Locations Thoroughly Equipped is a 21-month program of Bible study, reading, and memorization. This guided self-study is designed to enhance your walk with Christ and empower you to be an effective leader within the Kingdom of God. Requires 4-5 hours of homework each week. Register online. MEN continued next column


Nonprofit’s Toolbox Saturday, September 16 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. • FH 2 Too often, nonprofit teams and leaders make their next decision inside the four walls of their meeting rooms. Come learn how to make decisions with greater impact by getting beyond the walls to listen, learn, and process new perspectives and ideas. Register online.

Streams 116 Training October 30-November 7 9:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. daily • ATCR 209 Taught by an international Muslim-background believer, this course is designed to give you the insights, understanding, and tools to bridge gaps, speak confidently of your own Christian faith, and ultimately share God’s plan of salvation with Muslims. Register online. MISSIONS continued next column

Register online at



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G






Night of Prayer for Our City

Fall Adult Sports

REAL Women | Imitate

First and Third Sundays 7:00-9:00 p.m. • First Step Room You’re invited to gather with us and other local churches to pray for our city, for the Church, and for God to break down strongholds. .No registration required.

Indoor Volleyball Mondays • October 9-December 4

Thursdays • Beginning September 14 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • Various Locations The Apostle Paul said, “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.” In this small group setting, we will unpack the tools and experience the gift of making disciples who make disciples. For more information, please contact Debbie Scheller at

Men’s 30+ Basketball Wednesdays • October 4-December 6 Men’s Open 18+ Basketball Thursdays • October 5-December 7 Women’s Open 18+ Basketball Thursdays • October 5-December 7


Register by August 30 at

Master’s Men Concert Thursday, October 5 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • FH 2 Enjoy a selection of hymns and traditional worship songs at this free concert with the Master’s Men Choir. No registration.

Onward Tuesdays • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • AT 109 This weekly class offers teaching and support for widows and widowers seeking a time of study, teaching, and fellowship after a loss. No registration required.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • ATCR 200/202 This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Youth Basketball Saturdays • October 28-February 10 Sports & Fitness Center Gymnasium Youth leagues are open to all boys and girls ages 9-18. Register online by September 30 at

Fridays • 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Sports & Fitness Center Gym Games for experienced players begin at 9:30 a.m. Beginners’ games start at 12:30 p.m.No cost to participate. No registration required.

Next Chapter First Fridays • 10:00-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 This monthly class is specifically designed for senior adult women and features a new guest speaker each month. No registration required.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

Wednesdays • September 13-November 1 9:30 a.m. • FH 111 Our spiritual growth is a journey. It doesn’t just happen. If you are a new believer or seeking answers, this class is designed for you. Come explore the essentials of our faith so you can gain a firm foundation. Limited childcare available. Register online.

Wednesdays • September 13-November 8 9:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • FH 1 Looking for a place to become rooted and established in your faith? If you’re comfortable with the essentials of your faith but you want to grow in your understanding of God’s Word, this class is for you! Childcare available. Register online. WOMEN continued next column

SUNDAY 9:00 & 11:1 5 a.m. THE BLOCK

5:00 p.m.

SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY 9:00 & 11:1 5 a.m. THE BLOCK




9:00 & 11:15


Sundays • 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • AT 109 This group fosters real community as we seek to glorify God through difficult circumstances and parenting challenges. Connect with us as we study God’s Word, pray intentionally, and build relationships together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.


REAL Women | Thrive



Friday, August 25 • 6:00–9:00 p.m. The Block Saturday, August 26 • 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. The Block Being a mom is exhausting, challenging, maddening, and AWESOME! We want to cheer you on, so come join us for this two-day event with special keynote speaker Angela Thomas. Tickets available online.

Single Moms’ Community Group

REAL Women | Essentials



Thursdays • Beginning September 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 Whether you’ve just moved to Louisville or you’ve been here for a while, this class will help you connect to community and discover how faith provides hope in a time of transition. Limited childcare available. Register online.

Real Moms Conference

Bitty Basketball Saturdays • January 6-February 10, 2018 8:45 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. Sports & Fitness Center Gymnasium Our Bitty Basketball leagues are for girls and boys ages 5-8. Save $10 by registering before October 15! Register online at


Pickle Ball

Welcoming Hearts

Children’s programming available during all services.

Night of Worship Live Album Recording Sunday, August 20 • 7:00 p.m. • Sanctuary Don’t miss this special time of worship for our whole church family! A setlist of all-new songs will be recorded live for an upcoming Awaken Worship album, to be released later this Fall. No registration required.

S COT T GOR DON Connections Pastor 502.253.8476



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Care Groups

Budget Bootcamp

Real Moms Conference

Tuesday, August 29 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. SW Classroom Build a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Register online.

Friday, August 25 • 6:00–9:00 p.m. Saturday, August 26 • 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. The Block, Blankenbaker Campus A 2-day event with special keynote speaker Angela Thomas. Tickets online.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Ladies’ Book Club: August

Overcoming Adversity Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group Last Wednesdays • 2:00-3:30 p.m. Post-Abortion Support Group Details online We have groups available for those seeking encouragement amidst life’s trials. Group locations online. No registration required.


College-Age Small Group

A weekly opportunity for the college-age community to get together and build Christ-centered relationships. Contact for details


How to Be a Christian Sundays • September 10-24 • 9:30-10:30 a.m. SW Classroom In this 3-week class, we’ll talk about what it looks like to live as a Christian in your everyday life. Childcare available. Register online.

Starting Point

Sundays • September 10-November 12 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • SW Classroom Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 10-week class. Register online.

The Generosity Experience Mondays • October 2-16 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. SW Classroom Learn how to love where you are through acts of kindness and generosity, identifying and serving people who are broke and broken by the messiness of life. Register online.


HSM Open Gym Sundays • September 17-December 17 4:30-6:00 p.m. • CAL Gymnasium A fun time for high school students to play a variety of games. No registration required.

Sunday, September 17 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • Café If you’re new to Southeast or have been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Childcare available. Register online.


Neighborhood Groups

Man Challenge Thursdays • Beginning September 14 6:00-7:00 a.m. or 6:00-7:00 p.m. • Café Man Challenge strives to show men what it takes to follow Jesus completely. No registration required.




MSM Hangout



Friday, September 22 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. CAL Gymnasium Bring your friends and make some new ones on these fun Friday nights! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.



SUNDAY 11:1 5 a.m. THE LOF T

SUNDAY 6:30 p.m. THE LOF T

Living Proof Simulcast Saturday, September 16 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. • Sanctuary This global simulcast with Beth Moore will encourage you to dive deeper into God’s Word. Don’t miss it! Tickets are $10. Register online.

Ladies’ Fall Bible Study Wednesdays • September 20-November 8 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • Sanctuary See how all the people, places, and promises of the Bible make up one seamless and beautiful story. Childcare available. Register online.

Tuesday, September 26 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Café We’re reading The Heart of Memory by Alison Strobel. No registration required.


Sunday, August 20 • 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus A special time of worship for our whole church family! Awaken Worship is recording a live setlist of all new songs for their new album. No registration required.


9:30 & 11:15 a.m. 8301 SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH ROAD LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 | 502.614.1500 Children’s programming available during all services.


Wednesday, August 30 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Sanctuary Join the ladies of the Southwest Campus as we gather together for a time of prayer. No registration required.

Night of Worship Live Album Recording



Ladies’ Prayer Gathering

Ladies’ Book Club: September

Beginning Week of September 10 • In Homes Build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Register online to host or join a group.

Labor Day • Monday, September 4 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. • Southwest Campus An awesome day of fun for everyone in our community. Enjoy free carnival games, cheap food, music, and more! No registration required.

Tuesday, August 29 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Café We’re reading Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge. No registration required.

Connections Pastor 502.614.1507

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


Starting Point Sundays • September 17 or October 15 5:00-7:00 p.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Where Do You SERVE?

The church is one body made up of many parts. We’re just a bunch of everyday people pulling together to spread the fame of Jesus’ name and to share His love with the world around us. We invite you to discover how God has uniquely shaped you to serve, to get connected in your unique ministry area, and to be the church to those around you. Please contact Justin Fluhr at to get connected in your service area.

Get in a Group!

Groups can be a lifeline in your walk with Jesus. When you join a group, you gain new opportunities to grow in your faith, develop Christ-centered friendships, and become equipped to live on mission in your neighborhood. Find Connections Pastor Justin Fluhr after worship services or reach out to him at

Follow Us on Facebook

Connect with the Elizabethtown Campus community by liking our Facebook page @SECCelizabethtowncampus.


FamilyPalooza Labor Day • Monday, September 4 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. • Southwest Campus We’re joining our neighbors at the Southwest Campus for FamilyPalooza, an awesome day of fun open to everyone in the community. Enjoy free carnival games, music, a petting zoo, inflatables, and cheap food! No registration required.



HSM: High School Ministry

MSM: Middle School Ministry

Our high school students are on a mission to awaken their generation to the glory of God, and our High School Ministry lives to see that happen. We’re all about connecting students to Jesus, caring adults, and other students. We want to leave an impact on the community that will last an eternity!

Our Middle School Ministry is calling on God to show up in a big way, transforming the hearts of a new generation to become beacons of truth and hope. We’re all about connecting middle schoolers to Jesus, caring adults, and other students. We want to leave an impact on the community that will last an eternity!

Find Next Gen Pastor Reid Milliken after worship services or get in touch with him at

To get involved with MSM, connect with Next Gen Pastor Reid Milliken after worship services or reach him at



Thoroughly Equipped

Night of Worship Live Album Recording

Various Times and Locations Thoroughly Equipped is a 21-month program of Bible study, reading, and memorization. This guided self-study is designed to enhance your walk with Christ and empower you to be an effective leader within the Kingdom of God. Requires 4-5 hours of homework each week. Register online.

Sunday, August 20 • 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Don’t miss this special time of worship for our whole church family! A setlist of all-new songs will be recorded live for an upcoming Awaken Worship album, to be released later this Fall. No registration required.

Register online at




9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

Children’s programming available during all services.

JUSTIN FLUHR Connections Pastor 502.614.1408



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Empower Women’s Group

Starting Point

Wednesdays • Beginning September 6 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 230 Join us in coming alongside victims of abuse and learn how to better understand, encourage, and empower them where they are. Childcare available. Register online.

Sunday, September 10 • 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. The Attic (Room 214) Whether you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic

THRIVE Men’s Recovery Groups Tuesdays • 1:30-3:00 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 These Christ-centered support groups are for men seeking healing from sexual temptation and substance abuse. No registration required.

Women’s Friends and Family of Addicts Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. First Steps Room A weekly group for women struggling with the challenges of loving someone with an addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Women’s Recovery Support Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. First Steps Room A weekly group for women struggling with the hurts and hang-ups of addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Neighborhood Groups Beginning Week of September 10 • In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.

Weekend Group: Overcome Sundays • Beginning September 17 11:00 a.m. • Room 229 (The Attic) This group corresponds to our current sermon series studying the life of Joseph—Overcome: What’s Holding You Back? Come join us to learn how you can overcome what’s holding you back from experiencing God’s purpose for your life. Children’s programming available. Register online.


You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity Sundays • Beginning September 10 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • Room 225 Marriage is great, but it’s not forever—it’s “until death do us part.” Using You and Me Forever, the best-selling book by Francis and Lisa Chan, we’ll dive into Scripture to understand what it means to have a relationship that satisfies the deepest parts of our souls. Children’s programming available. Register online.


Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University


Man Challenge: Bring Your Own Jesus Thursdays • September 7-28 5:30-8:00 p.m. • The Hub Too often when we think about Christ, we “bring our own Jesus” to the table—a false idea of Him in our own minds that’s very different from who He claims to be. Don’t settle for fakes! Come to Man Challenge and encounter the true and living Christ in His Word! Register online.

Men’s Friday Morning Study Fridays • September 8-November 17 6:00-7:30 a.m. Panera Bread on Veteran’s Parkway Join with men from throughout Southern Indiana as we study the Gospel of John together. Register online.

Wednesday Evening Study Group Wednesdays • Beginning September 13 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Room 225 Join us as we study through different books of the Bible and topics in Scripture. Childcare available. Register online.

Man Challenge: Question Box Thursdays • October 26-November 16 5:30-7:00 p.m. • The Hub God can handle your questions. Each week, we want to give you the opportunity to submit questions and hear real answers about God, life, and being a man of faith. Dinner is $5 and begins at 5:30 p.m. Discussion begins at 6:00 p.m. No registration required.

Thoroughly Equipped Various Times and Locations Thoroughly Equipped is a 21-month program of Bible study, reading, and memorization. This guided self-study is designed to enhance your walk with Christ and empower you to be an effective leader within the Kingdom of God. Requires 4-5 hours of homework each week. Register online.

Budget Bootcamp

IN Cross Country Riders

GENEROUS LIVING continued next column


Third Mondays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Indiana Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

Sundays • September 10-November 12 9:45 a.m. • Room 229 Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 10-week class. Children’s programming available. Requires a $85 membership fee. Register online.

Sunday, August 27 9:15 a.m. • Room 229 This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Children’s programming available. Register online.



Saturdays • As Scheduled Various Times and Locations Ride the backroads, share lunch, and connect with fellow riders (weather permitting). Register online. For more information, contact Zach Stotts at MEN continued next column

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Men’s Mentoring Ongoing Whether you’re struggling through a particular life issue or you need help in your relationship with God, we have a team of men who are willing and ready to walk beside you. For more information, contact


MSM Hangout Friday, August 25 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. The Hub Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.

MSM Fall Retreat September 15-16 • Beginning 4:30 p.m. on Friday • Country Lake Christian Retreat Escape the norm with a Fall Retreat! This fun weekend is geared specifically for students in middle school to build relationships with old and new friends and to connect with God through Bible study and small groups. Register online.


Classic Worship Thursdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. The Filling Station This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Daughters Like Ruth Third Tuesdays • Various Times and Locations This group is an opportunity for widows and women who live alone to meet on a regular basis, walking through life together and taking care of one another. For more information, please contact Nancy Johnson at 812.786.3138. No registration required.



A Woman Who Doesn’t Quit Study of Ruth

The Gospel of Mark

Wednesdays • September 6-October 11 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Every woman will eventually face it: the temptation to give up and give in. But a woman who refuses to quit can influence her world in ways she never would have imagined. Join us for a 6-week study by Nicki Koziarz as she takes us through the book of Ruth, highlighting Ruth’s practical habits for keeping her eyes on God. Childcare available. Register online.

Women of the Bible Thursdays • September 7-November 30 7:00-8:30 a.m. • Café Each timeless Biblical story mirrors the challenges and changes women face today. By understanding the lives of the women around you, your time together will help you discover the God behind their stories and yours. Register online. WOMEN continued next column


Wednesdays • October 18-December 6 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Lisa Harper leads us through a 7-week study of the Gospel of Mark. Follow Jesus from His days of early ministry to the cross, and discover what it means to be a recipient of His overflowing compassion. Childcare available. Register online.

Single Mom’s Support Group

There are many unique joys and challenges to being a single mom. Why not come together with others like you for encouragement and support? For additional information, please email


Night of Worship Live Album Recording Sunday, August 20 • 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Don’t miss this special time of worship for our whole church family! A setlist of all-new songs will be recorded live for an upcoming Awaken Worship album, to be released later this Fall. No registration required.

Register online at





SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:1 5 a.m. THE HUB

SUNDAY 1 2:30 p.m. THE HUB



5:30 p.m.



9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 812.704.1983



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Addictions Support & Recovery

Starting Point

Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus A Christ-centered 12-step program for individuals wanting to overcome addictions and compulsions. No registration required.

Sundays • August 20 or September 17 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Room 190 A If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Families of Addicts Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For families who have a loved one struggling with an addiction. Practical, emotional, and spiritual support. No registration required.

Women’s Abuse Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For women struggling with emotional, physical, or sexual abuse issues. We offer support and prayer. No registration required.


Neighborhood Groups Beginning Week of September 10 In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.

AHA: The God Moment that Changes Everything Sundays • September 10-October 15 6:30-8:00 p.m. • In Homes We’ve all had “Aha!” moments in our lives— times when a sudden revelation surprises us with newfound insight about our relationship with God. Join Mark and Sharon Milburn for this 6-week study of Kyle Idleman’s book, AHA. Register online.

Believing and Understanding the Bible Tuesdays • September 12-October 17 6:30-8:00 p.m. • 190 A Have you ever felt lost or intimidated when reading the Bible? This 6-week study, led by Campus Pastor Greg Allen, will help you learn how to study the Bible and enable you to believe God’s story. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Dealing with Doubt Discussion Group Wednesdays • September 13-October 18 6:30-8:00 p.m. • 190 A Have you been to church but found the claims of Christianity hard to believe? Join Mark Berggren for this 6-week discussion group that addresses science and the Bible, atheism, the problem of evil, and other difficult topics. Childcare available. Register online.

Grace Is Greater Study Fridays • September 15-October 20 6:30-8:00 p.m. • In Homes Join Chris and Meredith Brown for this 6-week study as they walk us through ways to better understand God’s grace and experience it more deeply. Register online. CONNECTION continued next column




From This Day Forward Wednesdays • September 13-October 11 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 261 Join Ken and Ruth Parker as they walk through this marriage study by Craig Groeschel. This study will help you make decisions today that will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow and the rest of your life. Childcare available. Register online.

Marriage Enrichment Group Wednesdays • September 13-October 18 6:30-8:00 p.m. • 190 B In this 6-week group led by David and Penny Hudson, connect with other couples, enrich your marriage, learn about couples’ Neighborhood Groups, and study Andy Stanley’s Staying in Love. Childcare available. Register online.

OCA Connect



FamilyPalooza Labor Day • Monday, September 4 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. • Crestwood Campus FamilyPalooza is an awesome day of fun for everyone in our community. Enjoy free carnival games, music, a petting zoo, inflatables, and cheap food! No registration required.

You and Me Forever Sundays • September 10-October 15 6:30-8:00 p.m. • In Homes Sometimes the biggest problem with our marriage is that we expect too much from our spouse. Join Chris and Ellen Greeley for this 6-week study through Francis Chan’s You and Me Forever and learn how to keep God at the center of your marriage. Register online.

Operation: PARENT Tuesdays • September 12-October 17 6:30-8:00 p.m. • 190 B This 6-week study will help equip parents to lovingly lead their children and teens through the topics of technology, drugs, sexuality, and other hard-to-navigate topics. Childcare available. Register online.

Love & Respect Tuesdays • September 12-October 17 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 202 Do you and your spouse need to reset your marriage mindset? Join Randy and Sherry Fields for this 6-week study on the profound Biblical truth that women need love and men need respect for their marriage to thrive. Childcare available. Register online. FAMILY continued next column

Tuesdays • 6:30 p.m. • Room 261 A support group for families in all stages of the adoption and foster care journey. Childcare available. No registration required.

Young Married Couples (without Kids) Sundays • 10:30 a.m. • Room 190 B Make the most of the first years of your marriage by connecting with other young couples and studying God’s Word together! No registration required.

Young Married Couples (with Kids) Sundays • 10:30 a.m. • Room 190 C In the middle of a busy life with young children, take time as a couple to connect with others in your stage of life and study God’s Word together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.


Budget Bootcamp Monday, August 28 7:00-8:30 p.m. • 190 B This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Childcare available. Register online.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Sundays • September 10-November 12 12:00-1:00 p.m. • 190 B Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 10-week class. Childcare available. Requires a $85 membership fee. Register online. GENEROUS LIVING continued next column

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Dave Ramsey’s Legacy Journey

Senior Potluck Luncheon

Moms of Children with Special Needs

Mondays • September 11-October 23 6:30-8:30 p.m. • 190 A Learn how to manage your wealth responsibly and share it to make an impact in the Kingdom of God for generations to come during this 7-week class. Requires a Legacy Journey Membership, available for $109. Register online.

Second Tuesdays • 12:00 p.m. • Room 190 C Join with other seniors for a time of fellowship as we share a potluck-style meal. Each month’s gathering features a guest speaker or special event. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. No registration required.

Tuesdays • September 12-October 17 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 184 We discuss the book Different by Sally Clarkson. Sally and her son Nathan share their unique story of challenges and joys, navigating the world through Nathan’s perspective. Childcare available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic


2 Timothy: Entrusted


Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Crestwood Men’s Retreat: Back to the Basics

Saturdays • 7:00 a.m. • Café Walkers and joggers of all training levels are welcome to join us. We’ll pray together at the Crestwood Campus Café, pair up, and then head out from there! No registration required. For more information, contact


Trading Panic for Peace

The Body Tithe Devotional

Men’s Sexual Addiction Group

Single Moms’ Study



Night of Worship Live Album Recording

Sundays • September 10-December 3 9:00-10:00 a.m. • Room 190 B Single moms of all ages and life stages—come join us as we learn from God’s Word and encourage one another with the hope we have in Christ. Childcare available. Register online. WOMEN continued next column

Saturdays • Beginning September 16 7:00-8:00 a.m. • The 514 Man Challenge is designed to get men connected around a table with a Bible and a cup of coffee. This Fall, we will focus on the life of Jesus and how we can live that lifestyle with our families, neighbors, and coworkers. Register online.


Wednesdays • September 13-December 6 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C Moms of all ages are invited to take a fresh look at Psalm 23. Together we will discover truths that lead to tranquility, with application that will help you trade panic for peace in Christ on a daily basis. Childcare available. Register online.

Thursdays • September 7-October 19 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 C This 7-week, mother-daughter study will take you through daily devotions, spiritual exercises, and journaling with an emphasis on positive body image and embracing a healthy lifestyle—spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Register online.

Man Challenge


Tuesdays • September 12-December 5 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 C Thursdays • September 14-December 7 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C Guard what God has entrusted to you and further His Kingdom by pouring into future generations. Our 12-week journey through the book of 2 Timothy includes video teaching, rich table discussion, and guided study at home. Childcare available. Register online.

CW Training Group

Friday, September 8 • 6:00 p.m. Saturday, September 9 • 8:00 a.m. Sanctuary The Men’s Ministry is kicking off the Fall season with a two-day retreat, led by Campus Pastor Greg Allen and a guest speaker. We will focus on Biblical and practical ways to be men of God as husbands, dads, and neighbors. Dinner and breakfast will be included. Register online.

Mondays • Beginning September 11 7:30-8:30 p.m. Sexual sin can be spiritually dangerous. Join this group to get accountability, Biblical counsel, and brothers to walk with. Childcare available. Register online.

9:00, 10:30 a.m., & 12:00 p.m.

Sunday, August 20 • 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Don’t miss this special time of worship for our whole church family! A setlist of all-new songs will be recorded live for an upcoming Awaken Worship album, to be released later this Fall. No registration required.

Register online at



SUNDAY 10:30 a.m. THE 51 4

SUNDAY 1 2:00 p.m. THE 51 4

5:15 p.m.



MARK BERGGREN 6201 CRESTWOOD STATION CRESTWOOD, KY 40014 | 502.873.1100 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.873.1096



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




SE!Kids: Where Every Child’s Name and Story Are Known


HSM Groups

Labor Day • Monday, September 4 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. • Crestwood Campus We’re joining our neighbors at the Crestwood Campus for FamilyPalooza, an awesome day of fun open to everyone in the community. Enjoy free carnival games, music, a petting zoo, inflatables, and cheap food! No registration required.

Wednesdays • September 13-December 6 6:30-8:00 p.m. • The Station High school students: we want to help you find your place in a small group where you can dive into the Bible, form lasting relationships, go deep in prayer and get involved in the community. This is what HSM Groups are all about—to help you grow and challenge you to live like Jesus in the here and now. Come find the right group for you! No registration required.

We are here to help your family connect to Jesus and one another! That’s our Children’s Ministry in a nutshell: We create a place for your children to be known by name and we also partner with families to help them connect with Jesus outside the walls of the church. We want to resource, equip, encourage, and walk alongside you through this amazing adventure God has designed for each of us! Have question or want to learn more? Look for one of our Children’s Ministry Team Members after worship services, or contact them below:



Budget Bootcamp

HEATHER SMITH Early Childhood Associate •

Thursday, August 31 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. First Step Room This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Register online.


Financial Peace University

BERNIE MINNIS Children & Family Pastor •

Neighborhood Groups Beginning Week of September 10 • In Homes Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks. Go online to find a group near you or register to be a home host.

Starting Point Sunday, September 17 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. First Step Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. This is your opportunity to learn what our church believes, meet our staff, and get connected at the La Grange Campus. For childcare, please contact Brent Dennison at Register online.


Thursday, September 14-November 9 6:30-8:30 p.m. • First Step Room Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires a $85 membership fee. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

MSM: Middle School Ministry

Our Middle School Ministry is calling on God to show up in a big way, transforming the hearts of a new generation to become beacons of truth and hope. We’re all about connecting middle schoolers to Jesus, caring adults, and other students. We want to leave an impact on the community that will last an eternity! To get involved with MSM, connect with Student Pastor Eric Lutz after worship services or reach him at

MSM After Hours Wednesdays • September 6-December 6 3:45-5:00 p.m. • The Station All middle schoolers are invited to come hang out with us after school to play games, meet new friends, and even get some help with your homework. We’ve got indoor soccer, gaga ball, video games, board games, and more! Be sure to bring your friends! No registration required.



HSM: High School Ministry

Night of Worship Live Album Recording

Our high school students are on a mission to awaken their generation to the glory of God, and our High School Ministry lives to see that happen. We’re all about connecting students to Jesus, caring adults, and other students. We want to leave an impact on the community that will last an eternity! Find Student Pastor Eric Lutz after worship services or get in touch with him at

Sunday, August 20 • 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Don’t miss this special time of worship for our whole church family! A setlist of all-new songs will be recorded live for an upcoming Awaken Worship album, to be released later this Fall. No registration required.

HIGH SCHOOL continued next column


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





410 SOUTHE 1ST STREET LA GRANGE, KY 40031 | 502.614.1200 Children’s programming available during all services.



BRENT DENNISON Connections Pastor 502.614.1209

NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS Launching the week of September 10 Shine your light. Share your life. Neighborhood Groups are weekly, home-based gatherings with video teaching and group discussion. Sign up to build Christ-centered friendships with your neighbors and grow in faith together. Groups meet for 6 weeks in September and October. Find a group near you or register to be a home host at SOUTHEASTCHRISTIAN.ORG


SOU TH E A ST CH R ISTI A N CH U RCH • BL A N K EN BA K ER C A M PUS D O O R S O P E N A T 6 : 0 0 P. M . It’s back and better than ever: our annual dance event for adults with developmental disabilities! Do you have a passion for serving individuals with special needs? We're looking for hundreds of escorts and volunteers to make this unforgettable night happen! F O R TI C KET S AN D VO LU NTE E R R E G I S T R AT I O N , P L E A S E V I S I T S OUTH E A ST C H R I STI A N .O R G/E V E NT S .

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