2 minute read

Late-Life Missionaries

Continued from page 43

Eastside Middle School in Mount Washington is transformed into Southeast’s Bullitt County Campus each weekend. It opened its first portable campus—at Eastside


Different but the Same

While it was announced after the Shelby County Campus, the Bullitt County Campus launched first—this past October 4. “It allows us to move more quickly, it allows us

“It was just this great thing where it was clear that God was working in Bullitt County,” Campus Pastor Heath Barth said, pointing to that Fall 2019 Watch Party at campus each weekend. “Our

Pleasant Grove Elementary School in Mount Washington.

“In the first two hours that the signup was (live), we had 200 people,” he said.

More impressive to Heath—the Community Pastor for the area at the time— was the number of people seeking to engage. “What was fascinating was how many people were looking to connect and serve in their community,” he said.

Wanting to answer the Holy Spirit’s call as quickly as possible and having a good Southeast opted for a different type of campus. Middle School just up the road from Pleasant Grove Elementary.

to be flexible, and it really allows us to respond faster to what we feel like the Spirit is calling us to do,” Heath said.

The school is essentially transformed into a Southeast relationship with the local school system,

goal is to give you the Southeast experience and to make it as close to another campus as possible,” Heath said.

The Bullitt County Campus—announced in December 2019—was to launch on Easter Sunday 2020. Just weeks before the launch, however, in-person gatherings were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our people were excited,” Heath said. “The week we wound up not hosting services because

of the pandemic, we were supposed to have a worship service that Sunday night. We had County Campuses and serving opportunities, visit

almost 800 people registered.”

Initial disappointment quickly turned to action: Volunteers delivered 600+ meals to area medical workers, joined other community churches in writing more than 1,100 letters of encouragement to graduating seniors, and Southeast to share His love in both Shelby

called 60 elderly shut-in residents in Mount and Bullitt County.

Washington to see if they needed anything.

“My favorite is one lady just wanted a Diet volunteers at both the Shelby and Bullitt

Vanilla Coke and some low-sodium chicken County Campuses to connect people to Jesus and

noodle soup,” Heath said, adding he was thrilled one another throughout their communities.

they were able to bring her some happiness.

The additional time ended up being a blessing, would be receptive to the life-transforming

he said, as it helped foster a culture “that says message of the Gospel.

we’re going to be a campus that invests in people and loves this community in such a way

Learn More

To learn more about the Shelby County and Bullitt southeastchristian.org/locations.

Prayer Requests

• Praise God for opening doors for

• Ask God to bless the efforts of the staff and

• Pray that the people in both communities that they recognize the presence of Jesus.”

Campus Pastor Heath Barth and others, including many volunteers, work to ensure the Bullitt County Campus provides the same experience as Southeast’s other campuses.

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