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Summer 2022 - Student Story - Faith Morgan
Faith Morgan was eager to leave behind the Colorado winters for Florida’s warm summers. She was set to transfer to Southeastern with her associate degree in 2020 — when the unthinkable happened.
“My dad passed away in August, so I changed my plans,” said Faith. “I stayed in Colorado. Six months later, I was trying to figure out where I was going to go to pursue my bachelor’s.”

Faith Morgan (center front) with members of her workout group
While driving down the road, Faith prayed that God would give her direction. SEU Worship came on her radio and she suddenly felt at peace. Faith knew at that moment that Southeastern was where God wanted her to be. But coming to Southeastern also meant leaving her family, her community and her support system behind.
“She was transitioning here as a new student after this enormous loss,” said her academic advisor, Darcie Hollis. “Dealing with the change of being away from family, trying to process the loss — she was really struggling with getting comfortable.”
Transferring in as a junior, Faith found it challenging to make connections at first. That’s when Hollis encouraged her to find community through something she loved: weightlifting.
“My dad was a personal trainer. I’ve trained with him all my life. When I was in eighth grade, I started lifting. And he was always there,” said Faith. “I have trained for the past five years. I love lifting and have even competed. It’s really been a healthy outlet for me.”
“With what’s happened in her life, what a great way for her to honor her dad by continuing to do something that he had a love for,” said Hollis.
Faith asked a few of the people she knew if they’d be interested. She sent out a flyer, and soon, she had a group of girls excited and ready to lift with her.
“I previously had gone to the gym for about a year, but stopped because I was lonely. My workout was only with myself, and I also did not understand why I was working out and what muscles it targeted,” said Ashlyn Sullivan, a student who joined Faith’s workout group. “With Faith, I understand how to correctly workout and what muscles I am using, which makes me excited to see progress!”
Faith’s group meets three to five days a week to lift at a local gym. Through what her father taught her about weightlifting, she is able to train and encourage others. But there’s more to their group than just physical fitness: Faith’s group has become a place of spiritual community for herself and for her friends.
“We always pray before we lift — always share scriptures of encouragement. Usually on the way there or postworkout, we’re listening to worship music. There is a lot of fellowship, of learning about what each other believes. We definitely strengthen both physically and spiritually,” Faith said.
“I would say it is the most encouraging and positive gym experience I could have asked for! To be surrounded by women of God who want to see me succeed and grow stronger is so amazing,” said Ashlyn.
Faith’s group has created a place of community and encouragement for herself and her friends. It has helped them find a new sense of confidence, motivating them in other areas of their lives.
“To see the student that sat in my chair a semester before that was just distraught,
hopeless and struggling, transformed into a student that’s joyfully running across campus showing me that she’s created a club — it’s inspiring. It’s not just working out, but spiritually and emotionally, these people are creating community and they’re helping each other with whatever their personal goals are. I thought, ‘Wow, this is not the same girl at all,’” said Hollis.
“There’s a lot of vulnerable moments: there are times when you feel weak or you feel really strong. Being able to lift with these girls and share who we are together comes into campus,” said Faith. “I feel like there’s more confidence when we can walk down El Prado together. We see each other and we know, ‘She was struggling yesterday, but she’s stronger today.’”
Weightlifting has allowed Faith to continue growing in her confidence and relationships while strengthening others. But perhaps the most powerful impact has been that it’s helped her feel close to her father.
“After my dad passed away, it was the only place I felt like he was right next to me,” shared Faith. “Every time I lift, I can hear him say, ‘Hey, good job,’ or ‘Tighten up.’”
“I think it just helps her heal, to know that her dad’s with her,” shared Hollis. “To be able to share everything her dad’s taught her about weightlifting, proper form, discipline, strength and endurance — all these different things that he’s taught her and now she’s using that. She’s doing great things.”
Faith continues to weight lift on her own and with her group five days a week. She is set to graduate in 2024 with a pre-med degree. Faith plans to go on to medical or PA school and hopes to one day be involved with medical missions.