Burke Gilman Trail Road access point
The trail crosses through numerous neighborhoods of Seattle; it is considered an asset and has raised the value of adjacent housing in some areas.
The trail must cross many streets along the 17-mile route. The type of crossing treatment depends on the width and traffic volume of the street.
5-lane road TAYLOR REISS CP 243/LA203
The Burke Gilman Trail in Seattle, WA is a 17-mile bicycle and pedestrian greenway that has developed into a major urban route for non-motorized transportation. The trail is a critical asset to the Seattle cycling network. Trail map Adjacent housing Crossing treatments
An extra-wide sidewalk alongside a quiet street guides the trail through the University district
For wider streets with heavy traffic volumes, a user-activated traffic signal stops traffic and allows users to cross
Source: SDOT created google map
On-street greenway
New extensions of the trail are along major 5-lane arterials; a planted green strip helps users feel safe and buffered from traffic
A large grove of trees separates the diverging trail from multifamily housing, providing privacy while maintaining access
3-lane road
A median refuge island, painted crosswalk, and over-road signage help keep cyclists and pedestrians safe while crossing
2-lane road With a thick buffer of plantings, the trail is barely visible from the the adjacent single-family housing, even though it is very close
Bright indicator signage and a freshly painted crosswalk alert traffic to the trail crossing