1 minute read

Make a Halloween shadow puppet

Illustration and craft by Michelle Lin, of raddadbox.com



cardstock, popsicle sticks, flashlight, glue or tape


1. Cut out Halloween-themed shapes from the cardstock: monsters, pumpkins, ghosts -- however many you’d like!

2. Using glue or tape, fix the popsicle stick to the cutout.

3. In a dark room, shine the flashlight against the wall.

4. Place the shadow puppet in the beam of flashlight to create a monster, pumpkin, or other Halloween-shaped shadow!

5. Move the puppet side to side or increase and decrease size by moving it closer or farther away from flashlight.

6. Tell a story!

7. Decorate the shadow puppets. Color them, paint them, draw in a face...whatever you can think of!

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