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Student Life
Approximately 90% of SCO students are active members in at least one student organization. For almost any organization which exists on undergraduate campuses, a comparable organization is active at SCO.
The Student Government Association (SGA) recommends policies and coordinates many of the academic, service and social events on campus. The SGA also oversees an extensive intramural program open to all students, spouses, faculty and staff. Intramural sports include basketball, softball, golf, flag football, racquetball and volleyball, with many events housed in the SCO Activity Center.
Student Organizations
American Optometric Student Association (AOSA)
A national organization of optometry students dedicated to the enhancement of educational, political and professional concerns.
Dedicated to providing a venue for students seeking to enhance their Spanish conversation skills..
Beta Sigma Kappa
An international optometry honor fraternity whose purpose is to stimulate scientific attainment and ethical practice.
College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD)
Dedicated to raising awareness that vision involves more than eyesight and to expanding the number of students that will deliver developmental vision care and vision therapy to their patients.
Contact Lens Society
Open to third- and fourth-year students interested in expanding their knowledge of contact lenses through presentations by guest lecturers.
Fellowship of Christian Optometrists
For the promotion of good will and Christian belief within the profession of optometry.
Gamma Omicron
Dedicated to increasing awareness of women’s issues in optometry, networking opportunities and professional development.
Gold Key Society
Honors outstanding students whose professional and ethical attitudes are in the interest of service to their class, college and profession.
Lions Club
Promoting service through community involvement, especially working with those who are visually impaired.
Low Vision Club
Providing information for students interested in low vision patient care.
National Optometric Student Association (NOSA)
Dedicated to increasing minority representation in optometry.
Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA)
Focused on bringing an interprofessional approach with multiple health care providers in order to advance the art and science of rehabilitation for brain injury patients.
Omega Delta, Iota Chapter
Oldest and largest optometric fraternity; activities include the SCO holiday party, tutoring retinoscopy for first-year students, camping and canoe trips, and other social events.
Ocular Disease Club
Dedicated to increasing exposure to ocular disease by discussing rare cases and learning more about future aspects of a career in disease management.
Optometric Private Practice Club
Dedicated to preparing students for the business of optometry by providing resources and information from experienced persons, practices and business entities.
A school community where all students and faculty/staff feel welcome and supported, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Sports Vision Society
Provides vision care to athletes at the state and international levels.
State Clubs
A collection of students interested in practicing in a particular state.
Student Ambassador Program
Members assist in student recruitment, admissions and public relations functions for the college. Ambassadors are selected each year from the first-year class on the basis of academic performance, nominations by faculty and staff, and interviews.
Student Chapter of the Academy of American Optometry (SCAAO)
Official student chapter of the academy, promoting research and scholarly activity in optometry.
Student Public Health Vision Care Association (SPHViCA)
Connecting students who have an interest in public health to promote health and wellbeing, with an emphasis on vision and eye health.
Student Volunteers in Optometric Service to Humanity (SVOSH)
SVOSH members work year-round to prepare for their annual 10-day service trips. Activities include collecting, inspecting and sorting donated eyeglasses, and various projects to help finance travel expenses. Membership is open to all interested students.