In 2023, new 10-year, long-term, strategic goals were identified as (1) Curriculum/ Scope; (2) Campus Master Plan: Safety/Future Renovations; and (3) Revenue Strategy. These goals will be broken into 3-5-year objectives.
Towards the end of the 1st year, committees developed year 2 of the plan. The objectives for FY 2024-25 are:
Goal 1 | Curriculum/Scope
Objective 1
Optimize and Sustain the Efficient Delivery of Curriculum Content
Objective 2
Guarantee Consistent Excellence in National Board Examination Outcomes
Objective 3
Develop and Implement a Comprehensive Long-Term Strategy for DEI in the Curriculum
Goal 2 | Campus Master Plan
Objective 1
Enhance Safety Measures and Protocols
Objective 2
Foster Student Wellness through Comprehensive Health and Support Services
Objective 3
Cultivate a Welcoming and Inclusive Campus Environment
Objective 4
Identify and Secure Sustainable Financing for Key Initiatives
Goal 3 | Revenue Strategy
Objective 1
Optimize the Utilization and Growth of SCO’s Financial Resources