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Student Organizations
The college recognizes the Student Government Association (SGA) as the single official source of representation of student recommendations in matters of school policy and campus governance. SGA is composed of elected and appointed voting members, including one faculty member who is selected by SGA itself. The membership of SGA also includes: • the student trustee of the American Optometric Student Association (AOSA); • four SGA officers who are elected from the student body at large; • student representatives from the various student organizations; • student athletic directors and SCOPE yearbook editors; • a state liaison coordinator; and • six voting members from each class, as follows: class president, class vice-president, class secretary, class treasurer, and two class SGA representatives.
To be eligible for the offices of SGA President or Vice President, a candidate should have had at least one year of prior SGA experience at SCO. In addition, the SGA President must be a third-year student upon assuming office. There is no restriction on year level for the offices of SGA Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. Election to the SGA presidency automatically nominates the electee for the student representative position on the College Board of Trustees each year.
SGA members serve for one year. The SGA meets at least three times during the Fall and Spring semesters. Prior to each meeting, the various representatives are encouraged to elicit class opinion on the problems and situations to be discussed and acted upon by SGA. Student Government Association responsibilities include the SCOPE yearbook, social events and intramural sports. The intramural sports program is under the immediate supervision of student directors who are appointed annually by SGA.
The American Optometric Student Association (AOSA) is the national organization of optometry students, which exists to improve the visual welfare of the public and to enhance the education and welfare of optometry students. AOSA directs itself to the educational, legislative, political, professionaland social concerns of optometry students.
The AOSA at SCO is headed by an AOSA Trustee, assisted by a Trustee-elect. The Trustee is responsible for representing SCO students at the national level and for overseeing activities of the AOSA at the college. The Trustee-elect serves for one year then automatically assumes the office of AOSA Trustee for an additional one-year term. To be eligible to run for the position of AOSA Trustee-elect, the candidate should be scheduled to remain in local residence throughout the duration of the succeeding one-year term as AOSA Trustee.