anni v e r s a r y H O N O R O F
t a b l e
c on t e n t s
75th Diamond Anniversary Highlights ......................................................................
Legacy Society ............................................................................................................................ 19 75th Diamond Anniversary Honor Roll of Donors ............................................ 20 Scholarships, Funds, and Awards .................................................................................. 24 Alumni Gifts by Class .............................................................................................................. 30 Friends, Foundations, Associations, and Corporations .................................. 35 Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff ............................................................................. 36 Donors with 5 or More Years of Consecutive Giving ...................................... 37 Gifts In Kind Contributions to the 75th Diamond Anniversary ................ 38 Mid-South Friends Who Support SCO ....................................................................... 39 Tributes ............................................................................................................................................. 40
This report lists all donors to Southern College of Optometry between July 1, 2006 and February 29, 2008. Every effort has been made to correctly list the names of all donors. If your name is listed incorrectly or has been omitted, please notify the Office of Institutional Advancement at (800) 238-0180, ext. 4.
R ich ar d W. Phillips, OD ’78, FA AO Pr esident Sh a nnon R eynolds Tor bett, MHP vice pr esident for institutional adva ncement Jim hollifield editor dir ector of public ation services susa n m. doy le designer philip v. r idings photogr apher
M il e s t on e s
t o
R e m e m b e r
Noteworthy milestones offer more than just opportunities to mark time; these special events serve to highlight progress accomplished along the way and as motivation to strive for future and even greater success. SCO’s 75th Diamond Anniversary saw a number of memorable achievements. SCO said farewell to a long-serving president and welcomed another to lead the institution as the 21st century unfolds. The 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign signified the increasing depth of alumni and industry support of the college. New ties were forged with industry support of college programs and scholarship efforts. In this special edition of VISIONS, we celebrate some of those successes. We recognize that these achievements are made possible by the commitment that you continue to show through your support of Southern College of Optometry.
75th Anniversary Campaign Committee Donna Abney, MBA — Co-Chair M artha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 — Co-Chair All an L. Barker, OD ’75 Ca mile L. Chiasson, OD ’81 Richard L. Hopping, OD ’52 Paul D. Mor mon, OD ’01 Fr edr ic M. Rosemor e, OD ’48 a nd Mr s. M ar ion Rosemor e Ja mes D. Sa ndefur , OD ’65
Hi s t o r i c
A c h i e v e m e n t s
SCO officially ended the 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign by making the event one for the record books. Working to secure support for scholarships and endowments right up to the alumni reception at this year’s SECO conference in Atlanta, the college more than doubled its fundraising goal of $1.25 million. SCO students helped reveal the final tally to a group of more than 600 alumni and friends of the college. The final number came in at $2,540,413, an all-time record for a school that didn’t have a single scholarship back when Charlie Williams contributed $10,000 cash to start the first scholarship fund in 1985. That same year, incidentally, SCO raised a total of $16,818, signifying just how much progress has been made since then. This year’s Campaign Co-Chair, Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74, encouraged alumni to continue to build upon the success of this campaign. “This type of success only happens through your support and effort,” she added.
If optometrists don’t support optometry, then who will? M arth a Rosemor e Gr eenberg, OD ’74 di a mond donor
Hono r
D i s t in c t ion
One of the noteworthy headlines from the 75th Diamond Anniversary came with the retirement of William E. Cochran, OD ’68 after 23 years of service as president and the inauguration of his successor, Richard W. Phillips, OD ‘78. Both leaders were honored with significant gifts from former Board Chair Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74. The William E. Cochran, OD Faculty Development Endowment was named in Dr. Cochran’s honor and endowed with a generous gift from Dr. Greenberg. Meanwhile, the Mississippi Optometric Association established a new scholarship honoring Dr. Cochran, who was named President Emeritus by the Board of Trustees. SCO’s new president, meanwhile, was also honored by Dr. Greenberg when she formally established the Richard W. Phillips, OD, Student Optometric Education Travel Fund. For his part, Dr. Phillips established a new fund for the Class of 1978 in honor of his classmates and their year of graduation.
It’s not enough to say that we’re one of the best optometry schools. We shouldn’t be satisfied until everyone knows that SCO is the best. R ich ar d W. Phillips, OD ’78, FA AO SCO Pr esident gold donor
M e e t ing
t h e
C h all e ng e
Support from alumni who graduated over the past 10 years correlates to improvements this generation saw in the quality of their education and clinical facilities through their years at SCO. Some of these young alumni, including Matt Brooks, OD ’07, began their financial support of the institution through gifts made as students. Dr. Brooks, who chose to support the 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign for SCO while he was still a student, feels that the continued support of young alumni is important not only to SCO, but to the future of the profession.
As I learned during my involvement as a student, it’s the great people of SCO, along with its solid academic and clinical record, that sets it apart. M att Brook s, OD ’07 contr ibutor s donor
S u ppo r t
f r om
t h e
H e a r t
Launched in 2006 and completed during the late summer of 2007, SCO’s faculty and staff members did their part in supporting the college during SCO’s 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign. Gifts from faculty and staff totaled more than $81,000 over the two years, a record amount of support from those who represent a vital part of the college’s success. Like Velma Dickson, a staff member for almost 35 years, these employees embody the spirit of dedication. She credits her continued support of the college to the support she has received as an employee. From creation of The Eye Center, to students ranking in the highest percentiles of their board scores, she personally has seen SCO grow. The college family will continue the work of strengthening the future of SCO and optometry.
Personally, I would not be a part of anything that I did not support wholeheartedly. So many people gripe about their jobs and are constantly looking for new ones. I have never had that complaint. V elm a Dick son Administr ativ e Assista nt, Student Services contr ibutor s donor
L a s t ing
L e ga c i e s
Optometric legacies represent a special tradition at SCO. For Joe Hauser, Vice President for Student Services, and his wife, Whitney H. Hauser, OD ’01, their support of the college is evidenced by a room newly bearing their name in The Eye Center. Many of the rooms or suites in The Eye Center carry the names of family members, some of them representing two or three generations who support the optometric profession. Additional naming opportunities remain; the Office of Institutional Advancement is glad to assist those interested in making a permanent commitment to the future.
When we first heard about the campaign, we felt compelled to participate. My wife, Whitney, and I have a great appreciation for what SCO has done for our careers and family. We hope that as alumni reflect on their SCO experience, they, too, will be persuaded to help current and future generations of SCO students. Joe H auser Vice Pr esident for Student Services silv er donor
R e a c h ing
O u t
If you got a call from SCO encouraging your support during the 75th Diamond Anniversary, you talked to one of more than 100 students who participated as part of the college’s recently revamped Phonathon sessions. During Phonathon, SCO club or organization members contact alumni to seek gifts for scholarships. Each club or organization is minimally compensated for the calls, offering student groups an opportunity to raise funds for themselves while simultaneously raising funds for scholarships and institutional support. Student calls have generated more than $32,000 in gifts or pledges that benefit scholarship funds.
It’s one thing to be on top and set the bar, but once there, we want SCO to keep pushing the bar. k evin liv engood SGA Pr esident, Cl ass of 2009
O v e r c oming
O b s t a c l e s
When the Assisi Foundation of Memphis agreed to match a gift of $250,000 to the college’s Fredric M. Rosemore, OD, Low Vision Service, your support provided the funds to make the match. As a result of meeting this significant milestone, the Assisi Foundation has agreed to match an additional $250,000. Your gift to this fund will ensure that no low vision patient goes without the care or devices they need simply because of lack of insurance or inability to pay. For 11-year-old patient Alyssa Loggins, that means the ability to read. Born with congenital vision problems, Alyssa now reads – her favorite hobby – with the help of a magnifier. Because Alyssa enjoys access to her magnifiers and telescopes made possible by the Fredric M. Rosemore, OD, Low Vision Service, she’s even enrolled in a class for gifted children who have disabilities.
I want to be an optometrist. Alyssa Loggins age 11, low vision patient
P h ilan t h r op y
S e r v i c e
The generosity of Fredric Rosemore, OD ’48, and his wife, Marion, represents commitment at its highest level from our alumni. Through the years, the Rosemores have generously supported the college. They established the first trust at SCO to endow student scholarships and provided two named gifts for the Clinical Technology Suite and an entire floor in The Eye Center. During the 75th Diamond Anniversary, the couple enhanced their support with a significant gift. We are proud to report that the Low Vision Rehabilitation Service area at The Eye Center has been renamed the Fredric M. Rosemore, OD, Low Vision Service.
Philanthropy and service are a must. The optometric oath I took at graduation required that I would never turn anyone down for lack of funds, and I never did. Fr edr ic M. Rosemor e, OD ’48 di a mond donor
D e mon s t r a t ing
Commi t m e n t
Near the start of SCO’s 75th Diamond Anniversary in 2007, the college received a generous gift from one of its North Carolina alumni, Joseph Wiggins, OD ’51. Dr. Wiggins’ substantial measure of commitment has resulted in a permanent embodiment of his support. In honor of his generosity, the SCO student center area of the first floor in the college tower will be renamed in honor of Dr. Wiggins. The Joseph F. Wiggins, OD Student Center will serve as a reminder of the meaningful support displayed by Dr. Wiggins during his alma mater’s 75th Diamond Anniversary celebration.
Just look at the building, just look at the students at SCO now. SCO’s accomplishments are self-evident. Joseph Wiggins, OD ’51 di a mond donor
G i v ing
Hop e
The past year saw an expansion of opportunities through the college’s Community Outreach Program. Vision screenings at community fairs, places of worship and other venues provide patient exposure for students and access to vision care for patients. Through the college’s Fund for Needy Schoolchildren, supported in part by the United Way, The Eye Center is able to provide services and materials to students without insurance or ability to pay. The Eye Center has partnered with the Grizzlies Academy, a public school sponsored by the NBA Grizzlies franchise, to provide students with examinations and eyewear.
We couldn’t be happier with SCO and the way you work with us. It’s been a great benefit to our students, because they get to see. For many students, they don’t know what good vision is until they’re treated at The Eye Center. It can be a lifelong change for them. John Bor delon Gr izzlies Ac ademy te acher
P r o v iding
S e r v i c e
The Hayes Center for Practice Excellence (HCPE) held its inaugural program of practice management education for recent graduates during the 75th Diamond Anniversary. The launch of the Hayes Center represents the fulfillment of a dream by Jerry Hayes, OD ’73 and his wife, Cris, to give young ODs the knowledge and tools they need to succeed. The Hayes Center has partnered with Mississippi for a state program and held its second event on the SCO campus in January 2008. Empowering young ODs with practice management concepts applicable for any mode of optometry, the Hayes Center represents just one of the services the college is developing to benefit alumni.
The Hayes Center is giving me the information I need to know about the process of purchasing a practice and the promise of continued counsel in the years to come as I learn how to operate a practice. This has been an invaluable opportunity in my eyes and is an absolute necessity to ensure the continued growth of the profession of optometry. Sh a nnon Shelley, OD ’08
B u ilding
P a r t n e r s h ip s
SCO is working to forge new partnerships and strengthen existing ones in an effort to be a resource to the optometric profession beyond the classroom. The college recently partnered with the Tennessee Optometric Association (TOA) to host “Meeting in the Middle,” a CE program and legislative reception held at the State Capitol in Nashville. SCO faculty provided the majority of the continuing education courses. Nearly two dozen SCO faculty and staff members attended, joined by numerous other ODs from across the state. By interacting with state lawmakers, SCO and alumni were able to build relationships that can positively impact the profession and the college; seen below are Tennessee House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh and SCO faculty member, Dr. Richard Savoy.
This event was a great opportunity for the TOA to partner with SCO. Our plan is to offer similar programs in the future. Paul Mor mon, OD ’01 TOA Secr etary-Tr e asur er silv er donor
R e n e w e d
Commi t m e n t
During the 75th Diamond Anniversary, SCO and its corporate partners worked together to increase funding for educational programs and research efforts that had a direct benefit to students, alumni, and patients. This renewed commitment from our industry partners plays an important role in ensuring the expansion of SCO programs to enhance the profession of optometry. The success of SCO is a testament to relationships. SCO’s achievements are additionally made possible by building relationships and relying upon the support of friends in the ophthalmic industry such as VSP, Alcon, and Allergan, all of whom significantly supported the college during the 75th Diamond Anniversary.
Together, we can do great things for the patients that we are all trying to help every day. Dav e Sattler dir ector of Professional R el ations Alcon l abor ator ies, inc. di a mond donor
G r ad u a t e s
M a k e
t h e
D iff e r e n c e
With more than 6,000 graduates, Southern College of Optometry’s reputation is linked in great part to the success of its alumni. Alumni such as Stanley Dickerson, OD ’76, represent the profession and their alma mater when they excel as practitioners of optometry. Practicing at Dickerson Eye Care Center in Columbia, Tennessee, Dr. Dickerson was among the first to be visited by SCO representatives on a goodwill tour to thank alumni for their support. The Tennessee Optometric Association named Dr. Dickerson OD of the Year for 2007. Like so many of his classmates, Dr. Dickerson’s success reflects well on his alma mater, and the college takes pride in celebrating the achievements of its alumni. As the college closes out its 75th Diamond Anniversary, SCO is dedicated to strengthening ties with alumni. We look forward to visiting many of you to see first-hand the difference you make in the lives of your patients. Together, the SCO family can continue to improve the quality of optometric education and make a meaningful contribution as 21st century healthcare providers.
When I heard about SCO’s Diamond Anniversary campaign, I felt like starting an endowed scholarship would be another way that I could help ensure the future of this great profession and help SCO maintain their position as a leader in optometric education. Sta nley Dick er son, OD ’76 gold donor
R e m e m b r an c e
T h ing s
P a s t
In his own words from his home in Birmingham, Alabama, one of the college’s eldest alumni, A.D. Ostrick, OD ’39, provides his memories of SCO’s early years and enrolling during the college’s fifth anniversary in 1937…
My dad had called President J. J. Horton to ascertain if I could join the fall class, even though it had started several days earlier. Dr. Horton made certain that the tuition was available and told us to get there posthaste. When I first moved to Memphis, I lived with a relative. After her death, I shared a room with another student. The ‘boarding house’ was only half a block from the school, and the cost was $25 monthly, which included two meals a day – pie on Friday! Later I became a member of Omega Delta fraternity. The frat rented a big house on Poplar Street, to which I moved. SCO was a privately owned school. Shortly after I enrolled, Dr. Horton sold the school to Dr. W. R. Cramer. Dr. Cramer taught ‘Diseases of The Eye’. This consisted of his sitting on the platform and reading from the latest textbook of the same name. The treatment for Iritis was injection of sterile milk into the buttock (foreign protein) to raise the body temperature to
I’m amazed at the number of names of so many classmates that remain in my memory. What’s more amazing is that I remember nearly all my classmates as they were nearly 70 years ago. a . d. ostr ick , od ’39
R e m e m b r an c e
T h ing s
P a s t
‘fight’ the infection. We also had as instructors several interns from the University of Tennessee Medical School who taught Anatomy and associated subjects. The big thing in Clinic was the newly designed analytical refraction known as the ‘Twenty One Point Routine.’ This was the fruit of Dr. A. M. Skeffington. Even better was that one of ‘Skeff’s earliest disciples, Caryl Croisant, O.D., was clinic director at SCO while her husband attended school. I am proud to say that years later we became friends. Our entire course on contact lenses took one hour. This consisted of the instructor showing us a small black box of three glass scleral lenses. They were from Germany which, at the time, was the world leader in optics. We were told that the ‘optic’ (corneal section) was to be filled with saline solution and then the lens inserted. Since there were no volunteers, we never learned if the saline would stay in the lens. Athletics was divided into two groups. On a good weather day, one group would go over to Forrest Park and play softball; the other group didn’t. Few students had cars. This was still the ‘depression.’ If we wanted to go to a movie (everything was uptown) we had a choice of streetcar or walking. Most of us walked to save the nickel. Preparation for graduation consisted of these rules: 1. Ten days prior to ceremony, go to room 216, have picture taken in a tuxedo. 2. On graduation day, wear a suit and tie. Go to the auditorium. 3. Listen to a speech by the college president. 4. Listen to a speech by class valedictorian. 5. Receive diploma; Class Cheer, class dismissed. 6. Buy a class picture (optional). I lived and practiced optometry in New Orleans for over fifty years. I retired in 1997 and would still be living there if it hadn’t been for Hurricane Katrina and the floods. Being an old codger I feel entitled to remember facts, occurrences, and happenings from my personal point of view. If these events are inaccurate in any way or if someone else felt it was otherwise – let him keep his peace.
N e w
Ho r i z on s
Leading the 75th Diamond Anniversary campaign was Shannon Reynolds Torbett, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Torbett recently left SCO to join her husband in St. Louis, where he serves as an official of the Federal Reserve Bank. Torbett was named Vice President for Institutional Advancement in 2006; she previously had served as SCO’s Director of Development. As VPIA, Torbett oversaw the college’s alumni affairs, development and fundraising campaigns, communications and special events. A search to fill the position is being conducted. Information about the position can be found on the SCO web site at www.sco.edu.
Under her leadership, the 75th Diamond Anniversary Celebration was the most successful financial campaign in the history of the college. I know that all of you will join me in wishing the best for Shannon and her family, and in thanking her for her service to SCO. She will be greatly missed. R ich ar d W. Phillips, OD ’78, FA AO SCO Pr esident
L e ga c y
So c i e t y
Members of the Legacy Society have made provisions for Southern College of Optometry as part of their estate planning in the form of a bequest, trust agreement, or life insurance. Through their foresight and generosity, these donors help preserve the legacy of the college and build a strong future for SCO. Raleigh S. Althisar, Sr., OD ’50 Charlene Burnett, OD ’83 Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 John E. Christie, OD ’50 R. Nash Cochran, OD ’44 Douglas L. Conrath, OD ’66 George B. Coyle, OD ’50 I.D. Engram, OD ’63 Robert E. Federhen, OD ’49 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Robert Lowell Henry, OD and Mrs. Evelyn M. Henry William R. Jackson, OD ’52 Ralph P. Langenfeld, OD ’54 David H. Owen, OD ’81 S. Michael Polakoff, OD ’44 Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 and Mrs. Marion G. Rosemore Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. Ernie Valamides Lisa R. Wade, MPA, OD ’84 Lloye L. Whitfield, OD ’55 Al T. Witcher, OD ’45
7 5 t h D I A M O N D anni v e r s a r y H O N O R R O L L O F D O N O RS
The following made gifts to SCO’s 75th Diamond Anniversary. Blue indicates donors who pledged to endow a new scholarship, fund the naming of a new room or floor, and/or new award. Italics indicate donors who made a gift prior to their death. Diamond Donor $50,000+ Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 and Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 and Mrs. Marion Rosemore The Assisi Foundation of Memphis, Inc. Joseph F. Wiggins, OD ’51 Vision Service Plan
Platinum Donor $25,000+ Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD ’65 Camile L. Chiasson, OD ’81 Richard L. Hopping, OD ’52 Arthur Thomas Hyde, OD ’76 James D. Sandefur, OD ’65
Gold Donor $15,000+ Edwin F. Adams, III, OD ’76 America’s Best/National Vision Inc. Amanda Brewer-Smith, OD ’97 Charles A. Callaway, OD ’83 Cherry B. Cockrell, OD ’81 and David A. Cockrell, OD ’81 Melanie A. Crandall, OD ’77 Stanley M. Dickerson, OD ’76 John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 Charles G. Glaser, OD ’74 Helen J. King, OD ’83 and Christopher B. King, OD ’83 David D. Kirby, OD ’80 Mississippi Optometric Association Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc. Wayne W. Pyeatt Jack L. Schaeffer, OD ’77 SECO International Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 J. Craig Swaim, OD ’77
Silver Donor $10,000+ Charles H. Aldridge, Jr., OD ’80 J. Dean Baggett, OD ’83 Allan Leslie Barker, OD ’75 and Mrs. Susan S. Barker Rick D. Bartlett, OD ’81 J. Wayne Buck, OD ’78 Phillip L. Carney, Jr., OD ’92 William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Neil Draisin, OD Joe E. Ellis, OD ’86 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 I. J. Halpern, OD ’74 Whitney H. Hauser, OD ’01 and Joseph H. Hauser, MBA Howard B. Levinson, OD ’76 Darwin L. Mormon, OD Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Joseph W. Remke, III, OD ’76 Robert D. Remke, OD ’87
Robert W. Smalling, OD ’74 F. Mason Smith, OD ’76 Jean Ann Toomey, OD ’85
Bronze Donor $5,000+ Donna Abney, MBA Stephen P. Akre, OD ’75 Allergan, Inc. American Optometric Foundation Charlene Burnett, OD ’83 and Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 Freddy W. Chang, OD, MS, PhD Tommy J. Ducklo, OD ’78 C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81 James B. Jalenak, Esq. Linda D. Johnson, OD Robert M. Malatin, OD ’72 Maj. Robert E. Parfitt Tennessee Affiliate of AFVA The Bay Point Anterior Segment Symposium, Inc.
Donor $1,000+ Paul Ajamian, OD Timothy P. Allen, OD ’70 American Optometric Association Kristin K. Anderson, OD and Christopher Lievens, OD, MHA Jason Michael Beddingfield, OD ’06 Ronald D. Blum, OD ’72 Jane L. Brack, OD ’00 and Ryan W. Brack, OD ’97 Larry H. Bryan, CPA Alan K. Bugg, OD ’82 James H. Burke, OD ’77 John B. Campbell, OD ’87 Darby Chiasson, OD ’99 Doug Clark, OD Janet Provencal Collier, OD ’96 Steven L. Compton, OD ’78 Michael G. Cook, OD ’78 Robert M. Cress, OD ’75 Gary G. Crook, OD ’72 David H. Curtis, OD ’78 David A. Damari, OD Elizabeth Mason Darby, OD ’01 William M. Dickerson, Jr., OD ’79 Robin J. Drescher, OD, MS Michael J. Duffy, OD ’78 Jason D. Duncan, OD ’96 Richard D. Durocher, OD ’96 Michael Scott Ensor, OD ’01 George S. Erlbeck, OD ’49 Gregory L. Fanelli, OD ’76 Bradley W. Fielding, OD ’84 Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 L. Allen Fors, OD ’69, MEd Thomas J. Gallaher, OD ’51 Erin R. Nosel, OD ’01, MS and Hani S. Ghazi-Birry, MS, PhD, MD, OD ’01 Roy L. Gooch, OD ’61 Phillip H. Gray, OD ’78 20
Stuart M. Greenberg, OD ’01 Caroline and Greg Gustafson Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD ’01 David Russell Hamlin, OD ’98 L. Shepard Hamrick, Jr., OD ’81 Jeffrey S. Hankin, OD ’78 Gene A. Harman, OD ’72 Jerome A. Hayes, III, OD ’73 Harold C. Herring, Jr., OD ’74 Larry J. Housley, OD ’68 David T. Hoyle, OD ‘77 Morry W. Hsu, OD ’01 Jobson Publishing Co. John-Kenyon American Eye Institute Jarrett Ann Johnson, OD ’90 Michael B. Kane, OD ’78 Michael D. Kiihnl, OD ’81 Steven R. Koganovsky, OD ’75 Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD ’65 Lakeland Lions Foundation Col. (Ret.) John T. Leddy, OD ’56 George A. Lever, OD Alison Lee Lindorfer, OD ’03 Marchon Eyewear, Inc. Mark E. Mather, OD ’76 Janice McMahon, OD ’98 Jennifer Meister, OD ’02 Charles David Miller, OD ’78 David H. Mills, OD ’78 Tiffany Kay Monahan, OD ’00 Nicole Y. Monroe, OD ’99 Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78 Ronald C. Mozingo, OD ’78 Kenneth Mulholland, Jr. David Olive, OD ’99 Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Randall T. Parrish, Jr., OD ’78 Brenda P. Pearson, MS Gary E. Radish, OD ’69 Kim C. Raharja, OD ’06 J. Martin Regan, Jr., Esq. Shilpa J. Register, OD, MS Tonya M. Reynoldson, OD ’01 Nathaniel D. Robinson, OD ’91 Lisa G. and Lance B. Rosemore Michael S. Rothschild, OD ’97 Mark J. Roy, III, OD ’02 Gregory C. Russell, OD ’97 Richard Savoy, OD Henry V. Sawyer, Jr., OD ’78 Keith Allan Schrunk, OD ’03 Tim Markam Sellers, OD ’98 C. Wayne Shearer, OD ’50 Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. Kimberly Zimmer Smith, OD ’03 and Michael K. Smith, OD ’02 Thomas J. Stander, OD ’82 Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00 Cathy D. Stern, OD Christopher J. Strelioff, OD ’96
Dean Swick, MBA April K. Swim, OD ’00 Lloyd A. Tantum, OD ’78 Van M. Teague, OD ’81 Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association Tennessee Optometric Association Terry L. Bonds & Associates Banzai Consulting Charles E. Thomas, OD ’84 Sharon Holden Thomas, OD ’83 and Stuart J. Thomas, OD ’84 Mary Thornley, MEd Shannon Reynolds Torbett, MHP John J. Turley, OD ’54 Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78, MS Richard W. Varley, OD ’77 James E. Venable, OD ’89 Cary J. Vincent, OD ’78 Walman Optical/X-Cel, Inc. Wal-Mart Optical Division Lee Anne Whitworth, OD ’97 and Patrick Whitworth, OD ’97 Leslie and Robert Williams James D. Willis Barry A. Winston, OD ’74 Jerry M. Winston, OD ’67 Christina Rae Wofford, OD ’03 Stefan Kristoph Young, OD ’06
Contributors Gifts of $1 - $999 Michael D. Abbott, OD ’00 Gary M. Akel, OD ’79 George Rod Alberhasky, OD ’93 Michael W. Alexander, OD ’80 Richard A. Alsobrook, OD ’84 Mitchell W. Alvarez, OD ’92 R. Keith Amiel, OD ’68 Shelly Anastasio, OD ’02 and Jeffrey M. Anastasio, OD ’01 Daniel S. Anderson E. Gwin Anderson, OD ’77 Walter C. Angel, OD ’67 Erskine E. Ashbee, OD ’49 Gerald N. Askowitz, OD ’65 Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry Jo-Ann B. Augustine C. Brantley Aycock, OD ’65 J. David Aycock, OD ’94 Lady Britton Aycock, OD ’90 Eugene J. Bagaglio, MBA Finis C. Bailey, Jr., OD ’82 Brian K. Baker, OD ’99 Donald Lee Baker, OD ’74 Paula L. Baker R. Dianne Balazsy Sarah Sutherland Baldwin, OD ’03 Danny B. Baltz, OD ’85 Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Edward N. Barentine, OD ’78 Earnestine Barge Currie Dean Barker, OD ’58 Darla Barrow, OD ’98 Marshall H. Bates, OD ’49 Mita A. and Robert P. Bates, III Michele and Jeffrey Bayme, DMD Joseph J. Beaman, OD ’68 Mimi Beard Dudley C. Beaty, Jr., OD ’54
Andrea D. Beedles, ’08 Kathryn M. Beggs, OD ’85 Roger L. Benjamin, OD ’85 Peter B. Benvenuto, OD ’74 Joseph L. Bertagna, OD ’83 Seema Bhula, OD ’07 Randy Birt, OD ’02 Alan L. Blatterman, OD ’73 Larry W. Bloomingburg, OD ’75 Burton P. Bodan, OD ’53 Margo D. Boler, OD ’01 Miguel A. Bosch, Jr., OD ’85 Richard M. Bossin, OD ’74 Eric K. Botts, OD ’92 Robert E. Botts, OD ’78 Paul S. Bowes, OD ’87 Brittany B. Boyette, OD ’07 Delrita Branch Matthew Philip Brooks, OD ’07 William B. Brookshire Daniel J. Brothers, OD ’79 Rebecca Jean Brown, OD ’03 Jill Cox Browning, OD ’99 Shirley B. Brownlee Margaret Shelton Brya, OD ’03 Glen E. Bryant, Sr., OD ’49 Christopher T. Bullin, OD ’07 Jennifer K. Bulmann, OD Lan F. Burch, OD ’75 Kari Leigh Burchett, OD ’05 Marilyn S. Burich, OD ’95 Gilbert Butler, OD ’55 J. Gordon Butterfield, OD ’54 George Nathan Butterworth, OD ’04 James M. Byrn, OD ’49 Winona M. Caldwell David M. Cale, OD Orman Campbell, OD ’49 Eugene R. Cantwell, OD ’49 Mary Shackleford Carlton, OD ’83 David Scott Carpenter, OD ’01 Thomas V. Casella, OD ’78 Kelly L. Catino , OD ’02 and Gilbert S. Catino, OD ’02 Steve T. Cauble, OD ’78 Donna Chaney-Sayre, OD ’89 Justin Chang, OD ’99 William R. Chism, OD ’76 Amy Chiu, OD ’02 Edward E. Cho, OD ’84 Lynn H. Church, OD ’62 Maurice Clark, OD Jerry L. Clay Lurley C. Clifton James O. Cloepfil, OD ’82 Fred S. Cloninger, OD ’65 Harold S. Cohen, OD ’47 Jeffrey H. Cohen, OD ’72 James M. Coker, OD ’81 Eric W. Colegrove, OD ’99 Sally and John B. Coleman, Jr. Thomas C. Coleman, OD ’01 Charles G. Connor, Jr., MA, PhD, OD Karey Conway, OD Michael J. Coons, OD ’82 Chris H. Cooper, OD ’97 James T. Cooperwood Cynthia Elam Corbin, OD ’01 James E. Corry, Jr., OD ’74 Andrew Bartholow Costello, OD ’07
Christina Lynn Cottingham, OD ’04 Erika Patrice Cox, OD ’07 James M. Cox, Jr., OD ’79 Adam Richard Crawford, OD ’07 Brent L. Croft, OD ’99 Michael Scott Croft, OD ’06 Jeffrey L. Cromwell, OD ’06 Oscar Crow, OD ’49 William M. Crow, OD ’49 Colby Blair Curtis, OD ’07 Gerald J. D’Agostino, OD ’80 Cindy Tram N. Dang, OD ’07 David L. Davidson, OD ’64 Cayce Gwenn Davis, OD ’07 Ira N. B. Davis, Jr., OD ’80 James O. Davis, OD ’86 Henry J. Decker, III, OD ’68 William R. Dellinger, OD ’64 Angela Y. Deniston Alexander J. Deresh, Jr., OD ’63 Paul W. Derrick, OD ’70 Eula Dickerson Velma J. Dickson Shawn P. Doherty, OD ’83 Belvin G. Dollins, OD ’51 Allan G. Dosik, OD ’78 Heidi B. Doucet, OD ’02 Heather M. Dowdy, OD ’02 Susan M. Doyle Matthew Theodore Drew, OD ’04 Antoniette J. Driver, OD ’97 Daniel G. Duggin, OD ’77 Janette D. Dumas, OD Craig W. Dunlap, OD ’94 Van M. Dunn, OD ’79 Jeremy Michael Durham, OD ’03 Val S. Dyches, Jr., OD ’71 Don R. Dye, OD ’70 Judith M. Eaton, OD ’78 Sidney M. Edelstein, OD ’55 Max Edrington, OD ’72 Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84 J. Grady Elliott, Jr., OD ’92 Eddie S. Epperson, OD ’83 Robert M. Epstein, OD ’74 Essilor Laboratories of America, Inc. Matthew E. Evans, OD ’96 Melvin C. Evers, OD ’72 Sunnie J. Ewing Daniel T. Farnsworth, IV, OD ’86 Solomon M. Feinblum, OD ’46 Alan Fertel, OD ’86 Ann Z. Fields Tim R. Fields, OD ’83 Pamela L. Finley, OD ’95 Robert C. Fitzhugh, OD ’79 and Mrs. Linda Fitzhugh John E. Flack, OD ’88 Sadie M. Fleming Charles M. Fletcher, OD ’91 Laura L. Flockencier, OD ’94 Shannon Franklin, OD ’00 Stephen C. Franzblau, OD ’66 Cecily Freeman Dan E. Freeman, OD ’72 Cathy Loper Frier, OD ’77 and Michael C. Frier, OD ’75 Paul T. Fulghum, OD ’83 James E. Gamble, OD ’72 Stacy L. Gandy, OD ’92 and Jimmy S. Gandy, OD ’92
John M. Garber, OD ’76 Richard A. Gardner, OD ’49 Cindy Garner Phylicia D. Gates Herman George Gregory P. Gerdes, OD ’89 Michael D. Gerstner, OD ’97 Lowell H. Gilbert, OD ’65 Alan L. Ginsburg, OD ’76 Elizabeth Gitz-Fisher, MS George W. Gleason, OD ’51 Thomas K. Gober, OD ’83 Steven E. Goldenberg, OD ’97 Rosemary E. Gordon Martha S. Gore, OD ’89 Suzanne M. and Herman E. Gram Paul A. Granada, OD ’48 Roderick P. Grant, OD ’49 Nancy J. Graves, OD ’68 Robin D. Graves, MS Martha Wade Greene, OD ’45 Lenard A. Grice, MBA Stephen Randy Griffin, OD ’83 Cathy M. Guidry, OD ’02 Donald F. Gullett, OD ’66 Neil R. Gurwitz, OD ’50 Charles P. Haddad, OD ’63 George L. Haffner, OD ’58 Charles L. Haine, OD, MS Arthur Andy Haley, OD ’90 Ralph A. Halvorsen, OD ’51 Staci Michele Hanus, OD ’04 Paul L. Harman, OD ’86 Jarrold Arnard Harrell, OD ’07 Kimberly J. Harrell, OD ’07 Nancy C. Harris Betty J. Harville-Brown, OD Michael Anthony Hausmann, Jr., OD ’07 Jean S. Hayden, OD ’49 Fontaine Hebb Kenneth E. Hefley, OD ’81 Debra Ann Hemby Denise E. Henson Max P. Hergott, OD ’01 Hernando Desoto Chapter IAAP Charity Angela Hertzog, OD ’06 and James Mark Hertzog, OD ’06 Amanda S. Higdon, OD ’07 Allison Hilburn, OD ’02 and Darren W. Hilburn, OD ’01 Adam Tate Hill, OD ’07 John C. Hilliard, OD ’69 Arnold F. Hodges, OD ’48 Gary C. Hodges, OD ’64 Courtney G. Hoffman, OD ’00 and Matthew E. Hoffman, OD ’00 Gerald Hoffman, OD ’52 Thomas R. Hogge, OD ’74 Scott B. Holcomb, OD ’96 Michael V. Holland, OD ’90 Tricia Lenae Holliday, OD ’04 and Heath Ray Holliday, OD ’04 Jim Hollifield Susan K. Hollinger William M. Holman, OD ’92 William Hopper Elizabeth T. Howard, OD ’95 and Andrew W. Howard, OD ’96 Mona G. Howard Angela C. Howell, OD ’90 Benjamin T. Hubbard, Jr., OD ’95
Charles R. Hughes, Jr., OD ’86 James Clifford Hughes, Jr., OD ’07 Marty L. Hughes, OD ’97 James Jay Hulen, OD ’73 Donald P. Humphrey, OD ’72 Freeman E. Huskey, Jr., OD ’77 John J. Hutnick, OD ’80 Charles F. Hyman, OD ’78 Charles Ingram, OD ’67 Nicole Marie Irick, OD ’07 Carrie Fortner Irvine, OD ’03 John Mark Jackson, OD ’99, MS Linda J. Jackson, OD ’90 Mark D. Jackson, OD ’96 Edward T. Jacobs, OD ’01 Allyn H. Jacobson, OD ’72 Barbara Jennings, OD and Dennis E. Mathews, OD Gordon W. Jennings, OD ’81 Barry L. Johnson, OD ’69 Jennifer L. Johnson, OD ’00 John-Michael Johnson, OD ’04 Jolynn R. and Kenneth E. Johnson Ray H. Johnson, OD ’68 Michael V. Johnston, OD ’89 Cynthia O. Jones, OD ’89 Erin Melissa Jones, OD ’07 H. Kemp Jones, Jr., OD ’77 Jennifer L. Jones, OD ’06 Karmen L. Jones, OD ’07 Amy Lynn Kadavy, OD ’07 Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Jay Arthur Kavanagh, OD ’94 Lynn Stone Kebert, OD ’83 Necia W. and Luther H. Kelly, Jr. Brian Leigh Keplinger, OD ’00 Aaron Kerr, OD ’98 Jay R. Kimberley, OD ’80 Linda H. Kinney John Allen Kirby, OD ’07 Melanie S. Kiser, OD ’92 Amy J. Knickerbocker, OD ’99 Patricia M. Kowalski, OD ’88 Jodi E. Krahwinkel, OD ’96 Norman Krell, OD ’53 Kendall L. Krug, OD ’85 Carol P. LaGrange, OD ’55 Joseph A. Lamendola, Jr., OD ’62 Glen A. Lamonica, OD ’84 Roger S. Lamoreux, OD ’76 R. Alan Landers, OD, MS Jannah Miller Landsaw, OD ’99 and Harry W. Landsaw, OD ’99 Katherine H. Laney , OD ’99 Ralph P. Langenfeld, OD ’54 Harold L. Lashlee Lawrence J. LaTour, OD ’80 Kimberly Rene Lavin, OD ’07 Loy D. Lawler, OD ’49 Mike Lawson Stephanie P. Layman, OD ’81 Brian Arnold Leak, OD ’03 Thomas Lentz, OD ’76 Jim D. Lewis, OD ’62 Jacob B. List, OD ’06 Kristi Lynn Liu, OD ’07 Wilburn Lord , Jr., OD ’77 Emily Kathleen Lough, OD ’07 Duane E. Lowry, OD ’69 Gary B. Lukes, OD ’83
LWW Vision Care, Publishers of New OD Paul W. Lycette, OD ’57 Magnolia Regional Health Center Auxiliary Nadine Maki, OD ’95 and Michael W. Babatz, OD ’95 Gary L. Mancil, OD ’82 Willis C. Maples, OD ’68, MS Kathy J. Marcoe, OD ’02 Franklin D. Martin, OD ’60 Katherine S. Mason, OD ’00 and John L. Mason, OD ’00 Erie Mathena Sherry D. Mattingly Kristopher A. May, OD ’01 Lara E. May, OD ’00 James Shawn McBride, OD ’92 Jerry W. McBride, OD ’70 George S. McCarter, OD ’76 Patricia S. McCollum Robert W. McCullough, OD ’77 Troy McKay, OD ’00 Douglas V. McKillip, OD ’70 Lindsay Kristin McKinley, OD ’06 and Stephen Matthew McKinley, OD ’06 Cynthia J. McMurray, OD ’98 Henry G. McQuirter, OD ’83 Nancy N. McShan, OD ’89 Derek Allen McTyier, OD ’03 Brian L. Meckelberg, OD ’84 Adam Scott Melton, OD ’04 Marlene S. Mendenhall, OD ’67 Allyson P. Mertins, OD ’97 Dale K. Meyer, OD ’83 Paul D. Michalove, OD ’66 Terry Milius, MS Allison Haddad Miller, OD ’00 Elicia Beth Miller, OD ’07 Henry B. Miller, OD ’77 Robert C. Mills, Jr., OD ’89 Markus K. Minder, OD ’97 Karna and John W. Minnett Terry D. Moehnke, OD ’77 Sheri Monroe Lee R. Moore, Jr., OD ’80 William L. Moore, OD ’44 Lindsay C. Moran, OD ’07 Rachel A. Morgan, OD ’01 Sandra C. Morgan Tamara Grammer Morris, OD ’94 Hamp A. Morrison, OD ’48 Matthew Rogers Morrison, OD ’07 Dale J. Moser, OD ’86 Daniel O. Mosser, OD ’81 Deborah L. Moy, OD ’84 Stephen Rich Mullins, OD ’07 Jim S. Myers, OD ’77 Emily K. Nail, ’08 James M. Newman, III, OD ’73, MS Ha Thi Nguyen, OD ’05 Peter Michael Nguyen, OD ’07 Dana M. Nolan, OD ’98 Julius C. Norris, Jr., OD ’45 Leroy Norton, Jr., OD ’87 Mike Obremsky, OD Jeffrey S. Osborne, OD ’91 Larry Otten, OD ’77 Jerry M. Overall, OD ’66 Mark L. Owens, OD ’80 Deborah E. Pannell James L. Parkerson, OD ’77 Rochelle Kathleen Parks, OD ’07
Kimberly Parr, OD ’99 Dale E. Patrick, OD ’77 Phillip L. Patterson, Sr., OD ’73 Susan H. Payne-Arad, OD ’00 C. Seaborn Peach, OD ’65 Jennifer LeAnn Peek, OD ’07 Mary Lee Pemberton, OD ’98 Thomas B. Perry, OD ’73 Clifford I. Phillips, OD ’78 Guy R. Pike William A. Pike, OD ’72 Donald G. Pitts, OD ’50 Charles G. Pope, II, OD ’72 Joseph P. Portera, OD ’61 Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD ’02 Jared T. Powelson, OD ’96 Tony G. Powers, OD ’87 Alan E. Pressman, OD ’61 James L. Price, Jr., OD ’74 M. Jo Propst Charles R. Pruden, Jr., OD ’59 Bill B. Rainey, OD, MS Samuel C. Rainey, OD ’51 Brenda H. Rakestraw Oscar Ramos, OD ’87 Kristina Lynette Ramsey, OD ’07 Ashley A. Ramshur, OD ’07 J. Gregory Reasons, OD ’87 Diane Marie Redding, OD ’04 Gregory Elton Reeves, OD ’06 Leslie R. Reeves, OD ’07 Leon A. Renaud, OD ’73 Phillip D. Rhoads, OD ’89 Lisa M. Rhodes, OD ’02 Mary B. Rice C. Eric Richardson, OD ’74 Rhett H. Richardson, OD ’83 Phillip V. Ridings Tchula Morgison Ripton, OD ’98 Bob Gene Roberts, OD ’74 Michael N. Robertson, MEd Tonya C. Robertson, OD ’98 Robertson Optical Laboratories William E. Robinson, Jr., OD ’74 Earl H. Rock, OD ’68 Jerry D. Rogers, OD ’72 Stuart D. Rogers, OD ’82 Frank A. Romano, OD ’78 Kelly Gillihan Ross, OD ’98 and Jonathan B. Ross, OD ’98 W. Jack Runninger, OD ’47 Gordon D. Russell, OD ’01 Richard R. Russell, OD ’80 Robin A. Salley, OD ’84 Milton J. Salomon, OD ’66 Robert L. Sams, OD ’62 Vaughn G. Sanders, OD Jennifer Sanderson, OD Jacqueline M. Sansone, OD James A. Sappenfield, Jr., OD ’57 James H. Sawyer, OD ’86 Jeffrey P. Scarpace Kenneth G. Schneider, OD ’73 Thomas F. Schobelock, OD ’87 Allan G. Schoen, OD ’72 Gary L. Schreiner, OD ’72 Kevin Bryan Schwarz, OD ’03 Thomas Scibiur, Jr., OD ’84 David M. Sclar, OD ’82 SCO Class of 2006
Alan D. Scott, OD ’75 Carol L. Scott, OD ’83 Valerie B. Seligson, OD ’83 E. Michelle Sellers Travis K. Sharpe, OD ’06 Andrea Elizabeth Shelton, OD ’03 Brian Gregory Shipley, OD ’04 Karena Lynn Shippee, OD ’04 and Samuel Patrick Shippee, OD ’04 Dean N. Shissias, OD ’82 Curtis C. Shockley, OD ’61 Jonathan L. Shrewsbury, OD ’81 William R. Shumaker, OD ’79 Michael R. Sigmon, OD ’89 Jules B. Silverman, OD ’57 John M. Simmons, OD ’96 Russell T. Simmons, OD ’83 William W. Simmons, Jr., OD ’47 William D. Simmons, OD ’62 Robert S. Simon, OD ’83 Gary C. Simpson, OD ’64 J. Scott Simpson, OD ’75 Matthew Skahan, OD ’02 Emily Ellen Skibo, OD ’07 April D. Smith, OD ’98 and Brian D. Smith, OD ’98 Chad Phillip Smith, OD ’07 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 Janna Zbozien Smith, OD ’00 John W.L. Smith, OD ’80 Joyce E. Smith Mack Smith, OD ’54 Misti Renea Smith, OD ’07 Anne Snider, OD ’98 Larry D. Snider, OD ’76 Gary M. Soifer, OD ’80 Deborah J. Sonnenmoser, OD ’84 and Anatole F. Gutowski, OD ’84 South Kent Vision Center, P.C. Southeast Optometric Vision Forum Thomas Soviar, OD ’83 Mark A. Sowell Keith B. Sparkman, OD ’94 Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD ’77, MS Scott L. Spivey, OD ’94 W. David Spruill, OD ’77 Alta I. Spurrier, OD ’68 Janine G. St. John James Eric Stamper, OD ’07 David Stanland, OD ’76 Scott A. Steel, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 Amanda C. Steele Johnson, OD ’00 Stephen C. Steilberg, OD ’76 Carrie K. Stephens, OD ’97 and T. Shawn Stephens, OD ’01 Georgia E. Stephens Sandra Stephens Douglas L. Stephenson, OD ’84 William E. Sterling, Jr., OD ’75 Sidney J. Stern, OD ’71 Anthony L. Stubits, OD ’82 James W. Stuckey, OD ’75 Jerry M. Sullivan Harry M. Sulzberger, OD ’63 William C. Sutherland, OD ’66 Natalie J. Swanson, OD ’06 John Edward Sweeney Mike Tannehill, OD ’75 Marshall G. Tanner, OD ’93 Erin Elizabeth Tatum, OD ’07
Marc Taub, OD Bonnie F. Taylor, OD ’82 Daniel A. Taylor, OD ’06 Donald R. Taylor, OD ’69 J. Curtis Taylor, OD ’85 Wyatt R. Taylor, OD ’64 Mayer J. Teles, OD ’67 Jerome M. Tempel, OD ’78 Angela M. Thomas, OD ’89 Aaron G. Thompson, OD ’01 Duane Thompson, OD ’99 Charlie P. Tillman, Jr., OD ’83 Elizabeth Drysdale Todd, OD ’83 and Patrick K. Fahey, OD ’83 Lisa C. Tracy Kevin Tran, OD ’02 Lisa Marie Traunero, OD ’07 Howard W. Tucker, Jr., OD ’63 Terry L. Tucker, OD ’84 Jonathan N. Valamides, OD ’07 Laurel L. Van Horn, OD ’99 Tarra Lee Vander Leest, OD ’04 Jessica Marie Vanek, OD ’07 Brooke Causey Vegas, OD ’07 G. Robert Vines, OD ’53 Heather H. Walker, OD ’01 Christopher T. Walls, OD ’97 Janet L. Walsh, OD ’89 Amy Butterfield Ward, OD ’88 Mark C. Ward, OD ’86 Michael D. Ware, OD ’97 Carolyn J. Warren Cortney M. Waycaster, OD ’07 Morris H. Weaver, OD ’75 Annette G. Webb, OD ’95 Daniel Weber, OD ’99 Michael L. Weeden, OD ’92 Daniel L. Weinberg, OD ’84 Kenneth H. Wells, OD ’54 Jerry D. West, OD ’72 A C Wharton, Jr., Esq. Stan J. Whitley, OD ’83 Donna R. Wike, OD ’76 Kimberly A. Wilkins Billy L. Williams, OD ’63 Victoria J. Willingham, OD ’84 Roger C. Wineinger, OD ’76 Shauna L. Witt, OD ’01 Kent R. Wolber, OD ’84 Michael A. Wolf, OD ’79 Neta B. Wood, OD ’77 and Douglas R. Wood, OD ’77 William D. Woods, OD ’78 Frederick J. Wright, OD ’69 Joel P. Yagoda, OD ’81 James E. Yarbrough, OD ’72 William J. Yearta, OD ’72 William L. Yoos, OD ’92 Anton L. Young, OD ’62 Cynthia Lynn Zara, OD ’03 Michael Lloyd Ziegler, OD ’00 Elizabeth Marie Zingula, OD ’04 and Shawn David Beilby, OD ’06 Eugene Zuckerman, OD ’47
s c h ola r s h ip s ,
f u nd s ,
awa r d s
The following individuals made contributions to scholarships, funds, and awards as indicated during SCO’s 75th Diamond Anniversary. Italics indicate donors who made a gift prior to their death. Accounting Department Eugene J. Bagaglio, MBA
Edwin F. Adams, III, OD Scholarship Edwin F. Adams, III, OD ’76
Annual Fund Michael D. Abbott, OD ’00 Donna Abney, MBA Gary M. Akel, OD ’79 Stephen P. Akre, OD ’75 George Rod Alberhasky, OD ’93 Michael W. Alexander, OD ’80 Richard A. Alsobrook, OD ’84 E. Gwin Anderson, OD ’77 Erskine E. Ashbee, OD ’49 Gerald N. Askowitz, OD ’65 Finis C. Bailey, Jr., OD ’82 Donald Lee Baker, OD ’74 Sarah Sutherland Baldwin, OD ’03 Danny B. Baltz, OD ’85 Currie Dean Barker, OD ’58 Kathryn M. Beggs, OD ’85 Roger L. Benjamin, OD ’85 Joseph L. Bertagna, OD ’83 Randy Birt, OD ’02 Burton P. Bodan, OD ’53 Robert E. Botts, OD ’78 Paul S. Bowes, OD ’87 Jill Cox Browning, OD ’99 Margaret Shelton Brya, OD ’03 Kari Leigh Burchett, OD ’05 Gilbert Butler, OD ’55 George Nathan Butterworth, OD ’04 James M. Byrn, OD ’49 Orman Campbell, OD ’49 Mary Shackleford Carlton, OD ’83 Kelly L. Catino, OD ’02 and Gilbert S. Catino, OD ’02 Darby Chiasson, OD ’99 William R. Chism, OD ’76 Amy Chiu, OD ’02 Edward E. Cho, OD ’84 Maurice Clark, OD James O. Cloepfil, OD ’82 Karey Conway, OD Michael J. Coons, OD ’82 James E. Corry, Jr., OD ’74 David L. Davidson, OD ’64 James O. Davis, OD ’86 William R. Dellinger, OD ’64 Paul W. Derrick, OD ’70 Robin J. Drescher, OD, MS Antoniette J. Driver, OD ’97 Craig W. Dunlap, OD ’94 Van M. Dunn, OD ’79 Jeremy Michael Durham, OD ’03 Val S. Dyches, Jr., OD ’71 Don R. Dye, OD ’70
Sidney M. Edelstein, OD ’55 J. Grady Elliott, Jr., OD ’92 Solomon M. Feinblum, OD ’46 Alan Fertel, OD ’86 Tim R. Fields, OD ’83 Pamela L. Finley, OD ’95 John E. Flack, OD ’88 Laura L. Flockencier, OD ’94 Stephen C. Franzblau, OD ’66 Dan E. Freeman, OD ’72 Stacy L. Gandy, OD ’92 and Jimmy S. Gandy, OD ’92 John M. Garber, OD ’76 Gregory P. Gerdes, OD ’89 Lowell H. Gilbert, OD ’65 Thomas K. Gober, OD ’83 Steven E. Goldenberg, OD ’97 Martha S. Gore, OD ’89 Nancy J. Graves, OD ’68 Stephen Randy Griffin, OD ’83 Cathy M. Guidry, OD ’02 Neil R. Gurwitz, OD ’50 Charles P. Haddad, OD ’63 George L. Haffner, OD ’58 Staci Michele Hanus, OD ’04 Kenneth E. Hefley, OD ’81 John C. Hilliard, OD ’69 Arnold F. Hodges, OD ’48 Gary C. Hodges, OD ’64 Courtney G. Hoffman, OD ’00 and Matthew E. Hoffman, OD ’00 Scott B. Holcomb, OD ’96 Tricia Lenae Holliday, OD ’04 and Heath Ray Holliday, OD ’04 William M. Holman, OD ’92 Elizabeth T. Howard, OD ’95 and Andrew W. Howard, OD ’96 Benjamin T. Hubbard, Jr., OD ’95 James Jay Hulen, OD ’73 Donald P. Humphrey, OD ’72 John J. Hutnick, OD ’80 Charles F. Hyman, OD ’78 Carrie Fortner Irvine, OD ’03 Linda J. Jackson, OD ’90 Mark D. Jackson, OD ’96 Allyn H. Jacobson, OD ’72 Gordon W. Jennings, OD ’81 Barry L. Johnson, OD ’69 Jennifer L. Johnson, OD ’00 Ray H. Johnson, OD ’68 Brian Leigh Keplinger, OD ’00 Patricia M. Kowalski, OD ’88 Roger S. Lamoreux, OD ’76 Lawrence J. LaTour, OD ’80 Loy D. Lawler, OD ’49 Brian Arnold Leak, OD ’03 Alison Lee Lindorfer, OD ’03 Nadine Maki, OD ’95 and Michael W. Babatz, OD ’95 Gary L. Mancil, OD ’82 Kathy J. Marcoe, OD ’02 Lara E. May, OD ’00 Robert W. McCullough, OD ’77
Lindsay Kristin McKinley, OD ’06 and Stephen Matthew McKinley, OD ’06 Janice McMahon, OD ’98 Nancy N. McShan, OD ’89 Derek Allen McTyier, OD ’03 Brian L. Meckelberg, OD ’84 Jennifer Meister, OD ’02 Allyson P. Mertins, OD ’97 Dale K. Meyer, OD ’83 Paul D. Michalove, OD ’66 Nicole Y. Monroe, OD ’99 Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78 Dale J. Moser, OD ’86 Daniel O. Mosser, OD ’81 Deborah L. Moy, OD ’84 Kenneth Mulholland, Jr. Jim S. Myers, OD ’77 Dana M. Nolan, OD ’98 Mike Obremsky, OD Jeffrey S. Osborne, OD ’91 Jerry M. Overall, OD ’66 Mark L. Owens, OD ’80 James L. Parkerson, OD ’77 Kimberly Parr, OD ’99 C. Seaborn Peach, OD ’65 Mary Lee Pemberton, OD ’98 Charles G. Pope, II, OD ’72 Tony G. Powers, OD ’87 Alan E. Pressman, OD ’61 James L. Price, Jr., OD ’74 Charles R. Pruden, Jr., OD ’59 Samuel C. Rainey, OD ’51 Oscar Ramos, OD ’87 Diane Marie Redding, OD ’04 Phillip D. Rhoads, OD ’89 Lisa M. Rhodes, OD ’02 Rhett H. Richardson, OD ’83 Tchula Morgison Ripton, OD ’98 Tonya C. Robertson, OD ’98 Robertson Optical Laboratories William E. Robinson, Jr., OD ’74 Earl H. Rock, OD ’68 Stuart D. Rogers, OD ’82 Kelly Gillihan Ross, OD ’98 and Jonathan B. Ross, OD ’98 W. Jack Runninger, OD ’47 Richard R. Russell, OD ’80 Robin A. Salley, OD ’84 Robert L. Sams, OD ’62 Vaughn G. Sanders, OD James H. Sawyer, OD ’86 Jack L. Schaeffer, OD ’77 Thomas F. Schobelock, OD ’87 Keith Allan Schrunk, OD ’03 Thomas Scibiur, Jr., OD ’84 Travis K. Sharpe, OD ’06 Brian Gregory Shipley, OD ’04 Dean N. Shissias, OD ’82 Michael R. Sigmon, OD ’89 John M. Simmons, OD ’96 Russell T. Simmons, OD ’83 William W. Simmons, Jr., OD ’47
Robert S. Simon, OD ’83 J. Scott Simpson, OD ’75 Matthew Skahan, OD ’02 April D. Smith, OD ’98 and Brian D. Smith, OD ’98 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. John W. L. Smith, OD ’80 W. David Spruill, OD ’77 Scott A. Steel, OD Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00 Christopher J. Strelioff, OD ’96 Anthony L. Stubits, OD ’82 James W. Stuckey, OD ’75 Harry M. Sulzberger, OD ’63 William C. Sutherland, OD ’66 Natalie J. Swanson, OD ’06 John Edward Sweeney Mike Tannehill, OD ’75 Marshall G. Tanner, OD ’93 Bonnie F. Taylor, OD ’82 Donald R. Taylor, OD ’69 J. Curtis Taylor, OD ’85 Wyatt R. Taylor, OD ’64 Van M. Teague, OD ’81 Mayer J. Teles, OD ’67 Angela M. Thomas, OD ’89 Charles E. Thomas, OD ’84 Duane Thompson, OD ’99 Mary Thornley, EdD Terry L. Tucker, OD ’84 Tarra Lee Vander Leest, OD ’04 G. Robert Vines, OD ’53 Janet L. Walsh, OD ’89 Mark C. Ward, OD ’86 Michael D. Ware, OD ’97 Morris H. Weaver, OD ’75 Annette G. Webb, OD ’95 Michael L. Weeden, OD ’92 Jerry D. West, OD ’72 Billy L. Williams, OD ’63 Shauna L. Witt, OD ’01 Christina Rae Wofford, OD ’03 Kent R. Wolber, OD ’84 James E. Yarbrough, OD ’72 William L. Yoos, OD ’92 Michael Lloyd Ziegler, OD ’00 Elizabeth Marie Zingula, OD ’04 and Shawn David Beilby, OD ’06
Awards Banquet Alcon Laboratories, Inc. American Optometric Association American Optometric Foundation Anonymous Charlene Burnett, OD ’83 and Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 Jason D. Duncan, OD ’96 Essilor Laboratories of America, Inc. Jobson Publishing Co. Magnolia Regional Health Center Auxiliary Marchon Eyewear, Inc. Darwin L. Mormon, OD NoIR Medical Technologies Odyssey Medical, Inc. SECO International Southeast Optometric Vision Forum Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association Tennessee Optometric Association
Shannon Reynolds Torbett, MHP Vision Service Plan Wal-Mart Optical Division Walman Optical/X-Cel, Inc.
Elizabeth R. Bane Memorial Endowed Scholarship Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD ’65
Mack Smith, OD ’54 Thomas J. Stander, OD ’82 Jean Ann Toomey, OD ’85 John J. Turley, OD ’54 Amy Butterfield Ward, OD ’88 Joseph F. Wiggins, OD ’51
Frederick R. Burnett, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Gary B. Lukes, OD ’83
Dr. Allan & Mrs. Susan S. Barker Family Endowed Scholarship Allan Leslie Barker, OD ’75 and Mrs. Susan Barker Suzanne M. and Herman E. Gram
Amanda Brewer, OD Scholarship–Class of ’97
T. Joel Byars, OD Endowed Scholarship T. Joel Byars, OD ’63
Charles A. Callaway Endowed Scholarship Charles A. Callaway, OD ’83
Amanda Brewer-Smith, OD ’97
L. Wayne Brown Memorial Scholarship Kenneth G. Schneider, OD ’73 Sharon Holden Thomas, OD ’83 and Stuart J. Thomas, OD ’84
Building Fund Charles H. Aldridge, Jr., OD ’80 J. Dean Baggett, OD ’83 Rick D. Bartlett, OD ’81 Dudley C. Beaty, Jr., OD ’54 Larry H. Bryan, CPA J. Wayne Buck, OD ’78 J. Gordon Butterfield, OD ’54 Phillip L. Carney, Jr., OD ’92 Neil Draisin, OD Joe E. Ellis, OD ’86 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 Herman George Charles G. Glaser, OD ’74 I. J. Halpern, OD ’74 Whitney H. Hauser, OD ’01 and Joseph H. Hauser, MBA Freeman E. Huskey, Jr., OD ’77 David D. Kirby, OD ’80 Steven R. Koganovsky, OD ’75 Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD ’65 Ralph P. Langenfeld, OD ’54 Col. (Ret.) John T. Leddy, OD ’56 Howard B. Levinson, OD ’76 Robert M. Malatin, OD ’72 Erie Mathena Sherry D. Mattingly Robert C. Mills, Jr., OD ’89 Sandra C. Morgan Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78 Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Shilpa J. Register, OD, MS Joseph W. Remke, III, OD ’76 Robert D. Remke, OD ’87 C. Wayne Shearer, OD ’50 Robert W. Smalling, OD ’74
Freddy Lennox Wilford Chang, III Scholarship Kristin K. Anderson, OD James T. Cooperwood Charles L. Haine, OD, MS George A. Lever, OD Christopher Lievens, OD, MHA Erin R. Nosel, OD ’01, MS and Hani S. Ghazi-Birry, MS, PhD, MD, OD ’01
Camile L. Chiasson, OD Endowed Scholarship Camile L. Chiasson, OD ’81
Class of 1960 Scholarship Franklin D. Martin, OD ’60
Class of 1961 Scholarship Roy L. Gooch, OD ’61
Class of 1963 Scholarship Howard W. Tucker, Jr., OD ’63
Class of 1964 Scholarship Gary C. Simpson, OD ’64
Class of 1968 Scholarship Joseph J. Beaman, OD ’68 Larry J. Housley, OD ’68
Class of 1969 Scholarship Glen T. Steele, OD ’69
Class of 1970 Scholarship Timothy P. Allen, OD ’70
Class of 1977 Scholarship Terry D. Moehnke, OD ’77 Dale E. Patrick, OD ’77
Class of 1978 Fund Edward N. Barentine, OD ’78 Thomas V. Casella, OD ’78 Steven L. Compton, OD ’78 Michael G. Cook, OD ’78 David H. Curtis, OD ’78 Tommy J. Ducklo, OD ’78 Michael J. Duffy, OD ’78 Phillip H. Gray, OD ’78 Jeffrey S. Hankin, OD ’78 Michael B. Kane, OD ’78 Charles David Miller, OD ’78 David H. Mills, OD ’78 Ronald C. Mozingo, OD ’78 Randall T. Parrish, Jr., OD ’78 Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Frank A. Romano, OD ’78 Henry V. Sawyer, Jr., OD ’78 Lloyd A. Tantum, OD ’78 Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78, MS Cary J. Vincent, OD ’78 William D. Woods, OD ’78
Class of 1984 Scholarship Deborah J. Sonnenmoser, OD ’84 and Anatole F. Gutowski, OD ’84 Douglas L. Stephenson, OD ’84
Class of 1990 Scholarship Michael V. Holland, OD ’90
Class of 1992 Scholarship Eric K. Botts, OD ’92 Melanie S. Kiser, OD ’92
Class of 1995 Scholarship Marilyn S. Burich, OD ’95
Class of 1999 Scholarship Brent L. Croft, OD ’99 Amy J. Knickerbocker, OD ’99 Jannah Miller Landsaw, OD ’99 and Harry W. Landsaw, OD ’99 Katherine H. Laney, OD ’99 Laurel L. Van Horn, OD ’99 Daniel Weber, OD ’99
Class of 2000 Scholarship Katherine S. Mason, OD ’00 and John L. Mason, OD ’00 Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00
Class of 2001 Scholarship Shelly Anastasio, OD ’02 and Jeffrey M. Anastasio, OD ’01 David Scott Carpenter, OD ’01 Thomas C. Coleman, OD ’01 Cynthia Elam Corbin, OD ’01 Elizabeth Mason Darby, OD ’01 Michael Scott Ensor, OD ’01 Stuart M. Greenberg, OD ’01 Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD ’01 Max P. Hergott, OD ’01 Allison Hilburn , OD ’02 and Darren W. Hilburn, OD ’01
Morry W. Hsu, OD ’01 Edward T. Jacobs, OD ’01 Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Erin R. Nosel, OD ’01, MS, and Hani S. Ghazi-Birry, MS, PhD, MD, OD ’01 Tonya M. Reynoldson, OD ’01 Gordon D. Russell, OD ’01 Carrie K. Stephens, OD ’97 and T. Shawn Stephens, OD ’01 Aaron G. Thompson, OD ’01 Heather H. Walker, OD ’01
Class of 2003 Scholarship Andrea Elizabeth Shelton, OD ’03
Class of 2004 Scholarship Matthew Theodore Drew, OD ’04 John-Michael Johnson, OD ’04
Class of 2006 Scholarship Michael Scott Croft, OD ’06 SCO Class of ’06
Class of 2007 Scholarship Seema Bhula, OD ’07 Brittany B. Boyette, OD ’07 Matthew Philip Brooks, OD ’07 Christopher T. Bullin, OD ’07 Andrew Bartholow Costello, OD ’07 Erika Patrice Cox, OD ’07 Adam Richard Crawford, OD ’07 Colby Blair Curtis, OD ’07 Cindy Tram N. Dang, OD ’07 Cayce Gwenn Davis, OD ’07 Jarrold Arnard Harrell, OD ’07 Kimberly J. Harrell, OD ’07 Michael Anthony Hausmann, Jr., OD ’07 Amanda S. Higdon, OD ’07 Adam Tate Hill, OD ’07 James Clifford Hughes , Jr., OD ’07 Nicole Marie Irick, OD ’07 Erin Melissa Jones, OD ’07 Karmen L. Jones, OD ’07 Amy Lynn Kadavy, OD ’07 John Allen Kirby, OD ’07 Kimberly Rene Lavin, OD ’07 Kristi Lynn Liu, OD ’07 Emily Kathleen Lough, OD ’07 Elicia Beth Miller, OD ’07 Lindsay C. Moran, OD ’07 Matthew Rogers Morrison, OD ’07 Stephen Rich Mullins, OD ’07 Peter Michael Nguyen, OD ’07 Rochelle Kathleen Parks, OD ’07 Jennifer LeAnn Peek, OD ’07 Kristina Lynette Ramsey, OD ’07 Ashley A. Ramshur, OD ’07 Leslie R. Reeves, OD ’07 Emily Ellen Skibo, OD ’07 Chad Phillip Smith, OD ’07 Misti Renea Smith, OD ’07 James Eric Stamper, OD ’07 Erin Elizabeth Tatum, OD ’07 Lisa Marie Traunero, OD ’07 Jonathan N. Valamides, OD ’07 Jessica Marie Vanek, OD ’07 Brooke Causey Vegas, OD ’07 Cortney M. Waycaster, OD ’07
Class of 2008 Scholarship Andrea D. Beedles, ’08 Emily K. Nail, ’08
Dr. R. Nash Cochran Endowed Scholarship William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran
William E. Cochran, OD, Faculty Development Endowment Donna Abney, MBA Paul Ajamian, OD Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry Earnestine Barge Rebecca Jean Brown, OD ’03 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 John B. Campbell, OD ’87 Lynn H. Church, OD ’62 Doug Clark, OD William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Sally and John B. Coleman, Jr. Janet Provencal Collier, OD ’96 David A. Damari, OD Matthew E. Evans, OD ’96 Ann Z. Fields Shannon Franklin, OD ’00 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 and Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Betty J. Harville-Brown, OD Fontaine Hebb Harold C. Herring, Jr., OD ’74 Jim Hollifield Mona G. Howard James B. Jalenak, Esq. Jarrett Ann Johnson, OD ’90 Linda D. Johnson, OD H. Kemp Jones, Jr., OD ’77 Markus K. Minder, OD ’97 Darwin L. Mormon, OD Leroy Norton, Jr., OD ’87 Brenda P. Pearson, MS Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Jared T. Powelson, OD ’96 Bill B. Rainey, OD, MS J. Martin Regan, Jr., Esq. Lisa G. and Lance B. Rosemore Mark J. Roy, III, OD ’02 Jacqueline M. Sansone, OD E. Michelle Sellers April D. Smith, OD ’98 and Brian D. Smith, OD ’98 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. Anne Snider, OD ’98 Scott L. Spivey, OD ’94 Georgia E. Stephens Jerome M. Tempel, OD ’78 Shannon Reynolds Torbett, MHP Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78, MS James E. Venable, OD ’89 Barry A. Winston, OD ’74 Jerry M. Winston, OD ’67
Drs. Cherry and David Cockrell Scholarship Cherry B. Cockrell, OD ’81 and David A. Cockrell, OD ’81
Continuing Education Alcon Laboratories, Inc. John-Kenyon American Eye Institute Terry L. Bonds & Associates Banzai Consulting
Patricia S. McCollum Henry B. Miller, OD ’77 Thomas B. Perry, OD ’73 Michael S. Rothschild, OD ’97 Tim Markam Sellers, OD ’98 F. Mason Smith, OD ’76 David Stanland, OD ’76 Vision Service Plan
Dr. Richard L. Hopping Ethics Scholarship
Covington/ Andreas Endowed Scholarship
Richard L. Hopping, OD ’52
Cindy Garner
A. Thomas Hyde Scholarship
Stan M. Dickerson, OD Endowed Scholarship
Arthur Thomas Hyde, OD ’76
Stanley M. Dickerson, OD ’76
Cheryl D. Johnson, OD Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Edgar Family Endowed Scholarship Jason Michael Beddingfield, OD ’06
Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher Endowed Scholarship
Tressa F. Eubank, OD Jolynn R. and Kenneth E. Johnson
Dr. Bernard L. Kahn Memorial Scholarship Michele and Jeffrey Bayme, DMD Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Dr. John A. Gazaway Scholarship
Kansas Alumni Endowed Scholarship
John A. Gazaway, OD ’67
Steve T. Cauble, OD ’78 Alta I. Spurrier, OD ’68
David M. Cale, OD Sunnie J. Ewing Michael D. Gerstner, OD ’97 Robin D. Graves, MS Nancy C. Harris Susan K. Hollinger Sherry D. Mattingly James M. Newman, III, OD ’73, MS Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Janna Zbozien Smith, OD ’00 Janine G. St. John Scott A. Steel, OD James E. Venable, OD ’89
Dr. Charles L. Haine Faculty Development Award Freddy W. Chang, OD, MS, PhD The Bay Point Anterior Segment Symposium, Inc.
Hayes Center for Practice Excellence Stephen P. Akre, OD ’75 Jeffrey L. Cromwell, OD ’06 Velma J. Dickson Richard D. Durocher, OD ’96 Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84 Jerome A. Hayes, III, OD ’73
Mississippi Optometric Association Scholarship, honoring Dr. William E. Cochran Mississippi Optometric Association
National Vision, Inc./America’s Best Scholarship America’s Best/National Vision Inc.
New OD Scholarship LWW Vision Care, Publishers of New OD
Thomas J. Gallaher, OD ’51
Dr. Richard A. Goodson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Eula Dickerson Cecily Freeman
Drs. Helen and Christopher King Endowed Scholarship Helen J. King, OD ’83 and Christopher B. King, OD ’83
Dr. Vaughn D. Parfitt Scholarship Maj. Robert E. Parfitt
Richard W. Phillips, OD Student Optometric Education Travel Award Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Doug Clark Neil Draisin, OD Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 and Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Wilburn Lord, Jr., OD ’77 Jonathan L. Shrewsbury, OD ’81 Sidney J. Stern, OD ’71
Dr. Richard L. Powell Endowed Scholarship Richard L. Powell, OD ’68
Dr. John T. Leddy Colonel Army (Ret.) Endowed Scholarship
Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc. Endowed Scholarship
Col. (Ret.) John T. Leddy, OD ’56
Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc.
Wayne W. Pyeatt Scholarship Fund
Janette D. Dumas, OD Rosemary E. Gordon Angela C. Howell, OD ’90 Linda H. Kinney Nancy N. McShan, OD ’89 Thomas Soviar, OD ’83 William E. Sterling, Jr., OD ’75
Les Manning, OD Scholarship Melanie A. Crandall, OD ’77 J. Craig Swaim, OD ’77
Minority Scholarship Fund Jerry L. Clay Lurley C. Clifton
Wayne W. Pyeatt
Research Charles G. Connor, Jr., MA, PhD, OD Janette D. Dumas, OD John Mark Jackson, OD ’99, MS R. Alan Landers, OD, MS Willis C. Maples, OD ’68, MS Shilpa J. Register, OD, MS
Virgil and Peggy Rhodes Endowment Fund C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81 Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Tennessee Affiliate of AFVA
Fredric M. Rosemore, OD, Low Vision Service Richard A. Alsobrook, OD ’84 Mitchell W. Alvarez, OD ’92 American Optometric Association R. Keith Amiel, OD ’68 Daniel S. Anderson Walter C. Angel, OD ’67 C. Brantley Aycock, OD ’65 J. David Aycock, OD ’94 Lady Britton Aycock, OD ’90 Brian K. Baker, OD ’99 Paula L. Baker R. Dianne Balazsy Currie Dean Barker, OD ’58 Darla Barrow, OD ’98 Marshall H. Bates, OD ’49 Mita A. and Robert P. Bates, III Joseph J. Beaman, OD ’68 Mimi Beard Kathryn M. Beggs, OD ’85 Peter B. Benvenuto, OD ’74 Joseph L. Bertagna, OD ’83 Alan L. Blatterman, OD ’73 Larry W. Bloomingburg, OD ’75 Ronald D. Blum, OD ’72 Burton P. Bodan, OD ’53 Margo D. Boler, OD ’01 Miguel A. Bosch, Jr., OD ’85 Richard M. Bossin, OD ’74 Jane L. Brack, OD ’00 and Ryan W. Brack, OD ’97 William B. Brookshire Daniel J. Brothers, OD ’79 Shirley B. Brownlee Glen E. Bryant, Sr., OD ’49 Alan K. Bugg, OD ’82 Jennifer K. Bulmann, OD Lan F. Burch, OD ’75 James H. Burke, OD ’77 Winona M. Caldwell Eugene R. Cantwell, OD ’49 Donna Chaney-Sayre, OD ’89 Justin Chang, OD ’99 Edward E. Cho, OD ’84 Lynn H. Church, OD ’62 Fred S. Cloninger, OD ’65 William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Harold S. Cohen, OD ’47 Jeffrey H. Cohen, OD ’72 James M. Coker, OD ’81 Eric W. Colegrove, OD ’99 Thomas C. Coleman, OD ’01 Janet Provencal Collier, OD ’96 Karey Conway, OD Chris H. Cooper, OD ’97 Christina Lynn Cottingham, OD ’04 James M. Cox, Jr., OD ’79 Gary G. Crook, OD ’72 Oscar Crow, OD ’49 William M. Crow, OD ’49 Gerald J. D’Agostino, OD ’80 Ira N. B. Davis, Jr., OD ’80 Henry J. Decker, III, OD ’68 Angela Y. Deniston Alexander J. Deresh, Jr., OD ’63 William M. Dickerson, Jr., OD ’79 Shawn P. Doherty, OD ’83 Belvin G. Dollins, OD ’51
Allan G. Dosik, OD ’78 Heather M. Dowdy, OD ’02 Susan M. Doyle Robin J. Drescher, OD, MS Daniel G. Duggin, OD ’77 Judith M. Eaton, OD ’78 Max Edrington, OD ’72 Eddie S. Epperson, OD ’83 Robert M. Epstein, OD ’74 George S. Erlbeck, OD ’49 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Melvin C. Evers, OD ’72 Gregory L. Fanelli, OD ’76 Daniel D. Farnsworth, IV, OD ’86 Bradley W. Fielding, OD ’84 Ann Z. Fields Robert C. Fitzhugh, OD ’79 and Mrs. Linda Fitzhugh Charles M. Fletcher, OD ’91 Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 Cecily Freeman Paul T. Fulghum, OD ’83 Thomas J. Gallaher, OD ’51 James E. Gamble, OD ’72 Richard A. Gardner, OD ’49 Cindy Garner Phylicia D. Gates Alan L. Ginsburg, OD ’76 George W. Gleason, OD ’51 Roy L. Gooch, OD ’61 Paul A. Granada, OD ’48 Roderick P. Grant, OD ’49 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 and Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Martha Wade Greene, OD ’45 Lenard A. Grice, MBA Cathy M. Guidry, OD ’02 Donald F. Gullett, OD ’66 Arthur Andy Haley, OD ’90 Ralph A. Halvorsen, OD ’51 David Russell Hamlin, OD ’98 L. Shepard Hamrick, Jr., OD ’81 Gene A. Harman, OD ’72 Paul L. Harman, OD ’86 Whitney H. Hauser, OD ’01 and Joseph H. Hauser, MBA Jean S. Hayden, OD ’49 Debra Ann Hemby Denise E. Henson Charity Angela Hertzog, OD ’06 and James Mark Hertzog, OD ’06 Gerald Hoffman, OD ’52 Thomas R. Hogge, OD ’74 Jim Hollifield William Hopper Mona G. Howard Charles R. Hughes, Jr., OD ’86 Marty L. Hughes, OD ’97 Charles F. Hyman, OD ’78 Charles Ingram, OD ’67 Michael V. Johnston, OD ’89 Cynthia O. Jones, OD ’89 Jennifer L. Jones, OD ’06 Jay Arthur Kavanagh, OD ’94 Lynn Stone Kebert, OD ’83 Necia W. and Luther H. Kelly, Jr. Aaron Kerr, OD ’98 Michael D. Kiihnl, OD ’81 Jay R. Kimberley, OD ’80 Jodi E. Krahwinkel, OD ’96 Norman Krell, OD ’53
Kendall L. Krug, OD ’85 Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD ’65 Joseph A. Lamendola, Jr., OD ’62 Glen A. Lamonica, OD ’84 Harold L. Lashlee Mike Lawson Stephanie P. Layman, OD ’81 Thomas Lentz, OD ’76 Howard B. Levinson, OD ’76 Jim D. Lewis, OD ’62 Jacob B. List, OD ’06 Duane E. Lowry, OD ’69 Paul W. Lycette, OD ’57 Mark E. Mather, OD ’76 Kristopher A. May, OD ’01 James Shawn McBride, OD ’92 Jerry W. McBride, OD ’70 George S. McCarter, OD ’76 Douglas V. McKillip, OD ’70 Cynthia J. McMurray, OD ’98 Henry G. McQuirter, OD ’83 Nancy N. McShan, OD ’89 Adam Scott Melton, OD ’04 Marlene S. Mendenhall, OD ’67 Allison Haddad Miller, OD ’00 David H. Mills, OD ’78 Karna and John W. Minnett Tiffany Kay Monahan, OD ’00 Lee R. Moore, Jr., OD ’80 William L. Moore, OD ’44 Rachel A. Morgan, OD ’01 Darwin L. Mormon, OD Tamara Grammer Morris, OD ’94 Hamp A. Morrison, OD ’48 James M. Newman, III, OD ’73, MS Ha Thi Nguyen, OD ’05 Julius C. Norris, Jr., OD ’45 Leroy Norton, Jr., OD ’87 David Olive, OD ’99 Larry Otten, OD ’77 Deborah E. Pannell Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Phillip L. Patterson, Sr., OD ’73 Susan H. Payne-Arad, OD ’00 Brenda P. Pearson, MS Clifford I. Phillips, OD ’78 Guy R. Pike William A. Pike, OD ’72 Donald G. Pitts, OD ’50 Jeanne M. and Randel J. Polk Joseph P. Portera, OD ’61 Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD ’02 Alan E. Pressman, OD ’61 M. Jo Propst Gary E. Radish, OD ’69 Kim C. Raharja, OD ’06 J. Gregory Reasons, OD ’87 Diane Marie Redding, OD ’04 Gregory Elton Reeves, OD ’06 Shilpa J. Register, OD, MS Leon A. Renaud, OD ’73 C. Eric Richardson, OD ’74 Phillip V. Ridings Bob Gene Roberts, OD ’74 Michael N. Robertson, MEd Nathaniel D. Robinson, OD ’91 Jerry D. Rogers, OD ’72 Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 and Mrs. Marion G. Rosemore Mark J. Roy, III, OD ’02
Gregory C. Russell, OD ’97 Milton J. Salomon, OD ’66 Craig M. Sanders, OD ’83 Jennifer Sanderson, OD James A. Sappenfield, Jr., OD ’57 Richard Savoy, OD Gary L. Schreiner, OD ’72 Kevin Bryan Schwarz, OD ’03 David M. Sclar, OD ’82 Alan D. Scott, OD ’75 Carol L. Scott, OD ’83 Valerie B. Seligson, OD ’83 Karena Lynn Shippee, OD ’04 and Samuel Patrick Shippee, OD ’04 Curtis C. Shockley, OD ’61 William R. Shumaker, OD ’79 Jules B. Silverman, OD ’57 William D. Simmons, OD ’62 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 Kimberly Zimmer Smith, OD ’03 and Michael K. Smith, OD ’02 Larry D. Snider, OD ’76 Gary M. Soifer, OD ’80 Mark A. Sowell Keith B. Sparkman, OD ’94 Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD ’77, MS Scott A. Steel, OD Amanda C. Steele Johnson, OD ’00 Stephen C. Steilberg, OD ’76 Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00 William E. Sterling, Jr., OD ’75 Jerry M. Sullivan Dean Swick, MBA April K. Swim, OD ’00 The Assisi Foundation of Memphis, Inc. Charlie P. Tillman, Jr., OD ’83 Elizabeth Drysdale Todd, OD ’83 and Patrick K. Fahey, OD ’83 Kevin Tran, OD ’02 Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78, MS Richard W. Varley, OD ’77 G. Robert Vines, OD ’53 Christopher T. Walls, OD ’97 Carolyn J. Warren Daniel Weber, OD ’99 Daniel L. Weinberg, OD ’84 Kenneth H. Wells, OD ’54 A C Wharton, Jr., Esq. Stan J. Whitley, OD ’83 Lee Anne Whitworth, OD ’97 and Patrick Whitworth, OD ’97 Donna R. Wike, OD ’76 Victoria J. Willingham, OD ’84 Roger C. Wineinger, OD ’76 Shauna L. Witt, OD ’01 Michael A. Wolf, OD ’79 Neta B. Wood, OD ’77 and Douglas R. Wood, OD ’77 Frederick J. Wright, OD ’69 Joel P. Yagoda, OD ’81 William J. Yearta, OD ’72 Anton L. Young, OD ’62 Stefan Kristoph Young, OD ’06 Eugene Zuckerman, OD ’47
James D. Sandefur, OD Scholarship James D. Sandefur, OD ’65
Jack L. Schaeffer, OD Scholarship Jack L. Schaeffer, OD ’77
SCO Faculty/Staff Scholarship Jo-Ann B. Augustine Earnestine Barge Delrita Branch Jennifer K. Bulmann, OD John B. Campbell, OD ’87 Jerry L. Clay William E. Cochran, OD ’68 James T. Cooperwood David A. Damari, OD Velma J. Dickson Elizabeth Fisher-Gitz, MS Sadie M. Fleming L. Allen Fors, OD ’69, MEd Robin D. Graves, MS Nancy C. Harris Betty J. Harville-Brown, OD Hernando Desoto Chapter IAAP R. Alan Landers, OD, MS Harold L. Lashlee Sheri Monroe Guy R. Pike Jared T. Powelson, OD ’96 Bill B. Rainey, OD, MS Brenda H. Rakestraw Shilpa J. Register, OD, MS Mary B. Rice Michael N. Robertson, MEd Jeffrey P. Scarpace E. Michelle Sellers Joyce E. Smith Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 Sandra Stephens Dean Swick, MBA Daniel A. Taylor, OD ’06 Lisa C. Tracy Kimberly A. Wilkins James D. Willis
Dr. David P. Sloan, Jr. Memorial Award Cathy Loper Frier, OD ’77 and Michael C. Frier, OD ’75
Southern Council of Optometrists Endowed Scholarship SECO International
Sparrow, Evans and Waymon Scholarship Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98
Glen Steele, OD and Al Fors, OD Developmental Vision Scholarship Janette D. Dumas, OD L. Allen Fors, OD ’69, MEd Barbara Jennings, OD and Dennis E. Mathews, OD Willis C. Maples, OD ’68, MS
Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. Bill B. Rainey, OD, MS Phillip V. Ridings Allan G. Schoen, OD ’72 Janna Zbozien Smith, OD ’00 South Kent Vision Center, P.C. Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 Cathy D. Stern, OD Marc Taub, OD Shannon Reynolds Torbett, MHP Leslie and Robert Williams
Technology Robert M. Cress, OD ’75 Heidi B. Doucet, OD ’02 Robert M. Malatin, OD ’72 Troy McKay, OD ’00 Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. Cynthia Lynn Zara, OD ’03
Michael D. Usdan, OD Memorial Endowed Scholarship Terry Milius, MS
The Virginia Scholarship Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD ’65
A l u mni
G if t s
B y
Cla s s
Alumni who made gifts during 2007 and to the 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign. Italics indicate donors who made a gift prior to their death. Class of 1941
Class of 1952
Class of 1963
Harold J. Winston, OD
Gerald Hoffman, OD Richard L. Hopping, OD
T. Joel Byars, OD Alexander J. Deresh, Jr., OD Charles P. Haddad, OD Harry M. Sulzberger, OD Howard W. Tucker, Jr., OD Billy L. Williams, OD
Class of 1944 William L. Moore, OD
Class of 1953
Class of 1945
Burton P. Bodan, OD Norman Krell, OD G. Robert Vines, OD
Martha Wade Greene, OD Julius C. Norris, Jr., OD
Class of 1946 Solomon M. Feinblum, OD
Class of 1947 Harold S. Cohen, OD W. Jack Runninger, OD William W. Simmons, Jr., OD Eugene Zuckerman, OD
Class of 1964 Class of 1954 Dudley C. Beaty, Jr., OD J. Gordon Butterfield, OD Ralph P. Langenfeld, OD Rene J. Pigeon, OD Mack Smith, OD John J. Turley, OD Kenneth H. Wells, OD
Class of 1955 Gilbert Butler, OD Sidney M. Edelstein, OD
Class of 1948 Paul A. Granada, OD Arnold F. Hodges, OD Hamp A. Morrison, OD Fredric M. Rosemore, OD
Class of 1956 Col. (Ret.) John T. Leddy, OD
Class of 1957 Class of 1949 Erskine E. Ashbee, OD Marshall H. Bates, OD Glen E. Bryant, Sr., OD James M. Byrn, OD Orman Campbell, OD Eugene R. Cantwell, OD Oscar Crow, OD William M. Crow, OD George S. Erlbeck, OD Richard A. Gardner, OD Roderick P. Grant, OD Jean S. Hayden, OD Loy D. Lawler, OD
Paul W. Lycette, OD James A. Sappenfield, Jr., OD Jules B. Silverman, OD
Class of 1958 Currie Dean Barker, OD George L. Haffner, OD
David L. Davidson, OD William R. Dellinger, OD Gary C. Hodges, OD Gary C. Simpson, OD Wyatt R. Taylor, OD
Class of 1965 Gerald N. Askowitz, OD C. Brantley Aycock, OD Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD Fred S. Cloninger, OD Lowell H. Gilbert, OD Sidney I. Greenberg, OD Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD C. Seaborn Peach, OD James D. Sandefur, OD
Class of 1966 Stephen C. Franzblau, OD Donald F. Gullett, OD Paul D. Michalove, OD Jerry M. Overall, OD Milton J. Salomon, OD William C. Sutherland, OD
Class of 1967 Class of 1959 Howard F. Flippin, OD Charles R. Pruden, Jr., OD
Class of 1960 Franklin D. Martin, OD
Class of 1950 Nathan F. Ford, OD Neil R. Gurwitz, OD Donald G. Pitts, OD, C. Wayne Shearer, OD Denson L. Smith, OD
Class of 1961
Class of 1951
Class of 1962
Belvin G. Dollins, OD Thomas J. Gallaher, OD George W. Gleason, OD Ralph A. Halvorsen, OD Samuel C. Rainey, OD Joseph F. Wiggins, OD
Lynn H. Church, OD Joseph A. Lamendola, Jr., OD Jim D. Lewis, OD Robert L. Sams, OD William D. Simmons, OD Anton L. Young, OD
Roy L. Gooch, OD Joseph P. Portera, OD Alan E. Pressman, OD Curtis C. Shockley, OD
Walter C. Angel, OD Elton H. Brown, OD John A. Gazaway, OD Charles Ingram, OD Marlene S. Mendenhall, OD Mayer J. Teles, OD Jerry M. Winston, OD
Class of 1968 R. Keith Amiel, OD Joseph J. Beaman, OD William E. Cochran, OD Henry J. Decker, III, OD Nancy J. Graves, OD Larry J. Housley, OD Ray H. Johnson, OD Willis C. Maples, OD Richard L. Powell, OD Earl H. Rock, OD Alta I. Spurrier, OD
Class of 1969 L. Allen Fors, OD John C. Hilliard, OD Barry L. Johnson, OD Duane E. Lowry, OD Gary E. Radish, OD Glen T. Steele, OD Donald R. Taylor, OD Frederick J. Wright, OD
Thomas R. Hogge, OD James L. Price, Jr., OD C. Eric Richardson, OD Bob Gene Roberts, OD William E. Robinson, Jr., OD Robert W. Smalling, OD Theron C. Smith, OD Barry A. Winston, OD
Class of 1975 Class of 1970 Timothy P. Allen, OD Paul W. Derrick, OD Don R. Dye, OD Jerry W. McBride, OD Douglas V. McKillip, OD
Class of 1971 Bernard Arnold, OD Val S. Dyches, Jr., OD Sidney J. Stern, OD
Class of 1972 Ronald D. Blum, OD Jeffrey H. Cohen, OD Gary G. Crook, OD Max Edrington, OD Melvin C. Evers, OD Dan E. Freeman, OD James E. Gamble, OD Gene A. Harman, OD Donald P. Humphrey, OD Allyn H. Jacobson, OD Robert M. Malatin, OD William A. Pike, OD Charles G. Pope, II, OD Jerry D. Rogers, OD Allan G. Schoen, OD Gary L. Schreiner, OD Jerome Sude, OD Jerry D. West, OD James E. Yarbrough, OD William J. Yearta, OD
Class of 1973 Alan L. Blatterman, OD Jerome A. Hayes, III, OD James Jay Hulen, OD Dale L. Morris, OD James M. Newman, III, OD Phillip L. Patterson, Sr., OD Thomas B. Perry, OD Leon A. Renaud, OD Kenneth G. Schneider, OD
Class of 1974 Donald Lee Baker, OD Peter B. Benvenuto, OD Richard M. Bossin, OD James E. Corry, Jr., OD Robert M. Epstein, OD Charles G. Glaser, OD Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD I.J. Halpern, OD Harold C. Herring, Jr., OD
Stephen P. Akre, OD Allan Leslie Barker, OD Larry W. Bloomingburg, OD Lan F. Burch, OD Robert M. Cress, OD Michael C. Frier, OD Charles L. Jones, OD Steven R. Koganovsky, OD Alan D. Scott, OD J. Scott Simpson, OD William E. Sterling, Jr., OD James W. Stuckey, OD Mike Tannehill, OD Morris H. Weaver, OD
Class of 1976 Edwin F. Adams, III, OD Robert L. Burns, OD William R. Chism, OD Stanley M. Dickerson, OD Gregory L. Fanelli, OD John M. Garber, OD Alan L. Ginsburg, OD A. Thomas Hyde, OD Roger S. Lamoreux, OD Thomas Lentz, OD Howard B. Levinson, OD Mark E. Mather, OD George S. McCarter, OD Joseph W. Remke, III, OD F. Mason Smith, OD Rosalind O. Smith, OD Larry D. Snider, OD David Stanland, OD Stephen C. Steilberg, OD Donna R. Wike, OD Roger C. Wineinger, OD
Class of 1977 E. Gwin Anderson, OD Ron M. Bannister, OD James H. Burke, OD Melanie A. Crandall, OD Daniel G. Duggin, OD Cathy Loper Frier, OD David T. Hoyle, OD Freeman E. Huskey, Jr., OD H. Kemp Jones, Jr., OD Wilburn Lord, Jr., OD Robert W. McCullough, OD Henry B. Miller, OD Terry D. Moehnke, OD Jim S. Myers, OD Larry Otten, OD James L. Parkerson, OD Dale E. Patrick, OD Jack L. Schaeffer, OD
Clinton G. Sites, OD Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD W. David Spruill, OD J. Craig Swaim, OD Richard W. Varley, OD Douglas R. Wood, OD Neta B. Wood, OD
Class of 1978 Edward N. Barentine, OD Robert E. Botts, OD J. Wayne Buck, OD Thomas V. Casella, OD Steve T. Cauble, OD Steven L. Compton, OD Michael G. Cook, OD David H. Curtis, OD Allan G. Dosik, OD Tommy J. Ducklo, OD Michael J. Duffy, OD Judith M. Eaton, OD Glenn I. Goldring, OD Phillip H. Gray, OD T. P. Griffin, OD Jeffrey S. Hankin, OD Charles F. Hyman, OD Michael B. Kane, OD Charles David Miller, OD David H. Mills, OD Billy S. Moscow, OD Ronald C. Mozingo, OD Randall T. Parrish, Jr., OD Clifford I. Phillips, OD Richard W. Phillips, OD Frank A. Romano, OD Henry V. Sawyer, Jr., OD Lloyd A. Tantum, OD Jerome M. Tempel, OD Marlon R. Utech, OD Cary J. Vincent, OD William D. Woods, OD
Class of 1979 Gary M. Akel, OD Daniel J. Brothers, OD James M. Cox, Jr., OD William M. Dickerson, Jr., OD Van M. Dunn, OD Robert C. Fitzhugh, OD William R. Shumaker, OD Michael A. Wolf, OD
Class of 1980 Charles H. Aldridge, Jr., OD Michael W. Alexander, OD Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD Gilan L. Cockrell, OD Gerald J. D’Agostino, OD Ira N.B. Davis, Jr., OD Richard D. Gurley, OD John J. Hutnick, OD Jay R. Kimberley, OD David D. Kirby, OD Lawrence J. LaTour, OD Lee R. Moore, Jr., OD Sharon Berger Moscow, OD Mark L. Owens, OD
Richard R. Russell, OD John W.L. Smith, OD Gary M. Soifer, OD James E. Yarborough, OD
Class of 1981 Rick D. Bartlett, OD Camile L. Chiasson, OD Cherry B. Cockrell, OD David A. Cockrell, OD James M. Coker, OD C. Jeff Foster, OD L. Shepard Hamrick, Jr., OD Kenneth E. Hefley, OD Gordon W. Jennings, OD Michael D. Kiihnl, OD Stephanie P. Layman, OD Daniel O. Mosser, OD Jonathan L. Shrewsbury, OD Van M. Teague, OD Joel P. Yagoda, OD
Class of 1982 Finis C. Bailey, Jr., OD Alan K. Bugg, OD James O. Cloepfil, OD Michael J. Coons, OD Gary L. Mancil, OD Stuart D. Rogers, OD David M. Sclar, OD Dean N. Shissias, OD Thomas J. Stander, OD Anthony L. Stubits, OD Bonnie F. Taylor, OD
Class of 1983 J. Dean Baggett, OD Joseph L. Bertagna, OD Charlene Burnett, OD Charles A. Callaway, OD Mary Shackleford Carlton, OD Shawn P. Doherty, OD Eddie S. Epperson, OD Patrick K. Fahey, OD Tim R. Fields, OD Paul T. Fulghum, OD Thomas K. Gober, OD Stephen Randy Griffin, OD Lynn Stone Kebert, OD Christopher B. King, OD Helen J. King, OD Gary B. Lukes, OD Henry G. McQuirter, OD Dale K. Meyer, OD Rhett H. Richardson, OD Carol L. Scott, OD Valerie B. Seligson, OD Russell T. Simmons, OD Robert S. Simon, OD Thomas Soviar, OD Sharon H. Thomas, OD Charlie P. Tillman, Jr., OD Elizabeth Drysdale Todd, OD Stan J. Whitley, OD
Class of 1984 Richard A. Alsobrook, OD Edward E. Cho, OD Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD Bradley W. Fielding, OD Anatole F. Gutowski, OD Glen A. Lamonica, OD Brian L. Meckelberg, OD Deborah L. Moy, OD Robin A. Salley, OD Thomas Scibiur, Jr., OD Deborah J. Sonnenmoser, OD Douglas L. Stephenson, OD Charles E. Thomas, OD Stuart J. Thomas, OD Terry L. Tucker, OD Daniel L. Weinberg, OD Victoria J. Willingham, OD Kent R. Wolber, OD
Class of 1985 Danny B. Baltz, OD Kathryn M. Beggs, OD Roger L. Benjamin, OD Miguel A. Bosch, Jr., OD Kendall L. Krug, OD J. Curtis Taylor, OD Jean Ann Toomey, OD
Class of 1986 James O. Davis, OD Joe E. Ellis, OD Daniel D.T. Farnsworth, IV, OD Alan Fertel, OD Paul L. Harman, OD Charles R. Hughes, Jr., OD Dale J. Moser, OD James H. Sawyer, OD Mark C. Ward, OD
Class of 1987 Paul S. Bowes, OD John B. Campbell, OD Brian A. Kahn, OD Leroy Norton, Jr., OD Tony G. Powers, OD Oscar Ramos, OD J. Gregory Reasons, OD Robert D. Remke, OD Thomas F. Schobelock, OD
Class of 1988 John E. Flack, OD Patricia M. Kowalski, OD Amy Butterfield Ward, OD
Class of 1989 Donna Chaney-Sayre, OD Gregory P. Gerdes, OD Martha S. Gore, OD Michael V. Johnston, OD Cynthia O. Jones, OD Nancy N. McShan, OD Robert C. Mills, Jr., OD Phillip D. Rhoads, OD
Michael R. Sigmon, OD Angela M. Thomas, OD James E. Venable, OD Janet L. Walsh, OD
Class of 1990 Lady Britton Aycock, OD Arthur Andy Haley, OD Michael V. Holland, OD Angela C. Howell, OD Linda J. Jackson, OD Jarrett Ann Johnson, OD
Class of 1991 Charles M. Fletcher, OD Jeffrey S. Osborne, OD Nathaniel D. Robinson, OD
Class of 1992 Mitchell W. Alvarez, OD Eric K. Botts, OD Phillip L. Carney, Jr., OD J. Grady Elliott, Jr., OD Jimmy S. Gandy, OD Stacy L. Gandy, OD William M. Holman, OD Melanie S. Kiser, OD James Shawn McBride, OD Michael L. Weeden, OD William L. Yoos, OD
Class of 1993 George Rod Alberhasky, OD Marshall G. Tanner, OD
Class of 1994 J. David Aycock, OD Craig W. Dunlap, OD Laura L. Flockencier, OD Jay Arthur Kavanagh, OD Tamara Grammer Morris, OD Keith B. Sparkman, OD Scott L. Spivey, OD
Class of 1995 Michael W. Babatz, OD Marilyn S. Burich, OD Pamela L. Finley, OD Elizabeth T. Howard, OD Benjamin T. Hubbard, Jr., OD Nadine Maki, OD Annette G. Webb, OD
Class of 1996 Janet Provencal Collier, OD Jason D. Duncan, OD Richard D. Durocher, OD Matthew E. Evans, OD Scott B. Holcomb, OD Andrew W. Howard, OD Mark D. Jackson, OD Jodi E. Krahwinkel, OD Jared T. Powelson, OD
John M. Simmons, OD Christopher J. Strelioff, OD
Class of 1997 Ryan W. Brack, OD Amanda Brewer-Smith, OD Chris H. Cooper, OD Antoniette J. Driver, OD Michael D. Gerstner, OD Steven E. Goldenberg, OD Marty L. Hughes, OD Allyson P. Mertins, OD Markus K. Minder, OD Michael S. Rothschild, OD Gregory C. Russell, OD Carrie K. Stephens, OD Christopher T. Walls, OD Michael D. Ware, OD Lee Anne Whitworth, OD Patrick Whitworth, OD
Class of 1998 Darla Barrow, OD David Russell Hamlin, OD Aaron Kerr, OD Janice McMahon, OD Cynthia J. McMurray, OD Dana M. Nolan, OD Mary Lee Pemberton, OD Tchula Morgison Ripton, OD Tonya C. Robertson, OD Jonathan B. Ross, OD Kelly Gillihan Ross, OD Tim Markam Sellers, OD April D. Smith, OD Brian D. Smith, OD Anne Snider, OD Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD
Brian Leigh Keplinger, OD Paul M. Lampert, OD John L. Mason, OD Katherine S. Mason, OD Lara E. May, OD Troy McKay, OD Allison Haddad Miller, OD Tiffany Monahan, OD Susan H. Payne-Arad, OD Janna Zbozien Smith, OD Audra D. Steiner, OD April K. Swim, OD Michael Lloyd Ziegler, OD
Class of 2001 Jeffrey M. Anastasio, OD Margo D. Boler, OD D. Scott Carpenter, OD Thomas C. Coleman, OD Cynthia Elam Corbin, OD Elizabeth Mason Darby, OD Michael Scott Ensor, OD Hani S. Ghazi-Birry, OD Stuart M. Greenberg, OD Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD Whitney H. Hauser, OD Max P. Hergott, OD Darren W. Hilburn, OD Morry W. Hsu, OD Edward T. Jacobs, OD Kristopher A. May, OD Rachel A. Morgan, OD Paul D. Mormon, OD Erin R. Nosel, OD Tonya M. Reynoldson, OD Gordon D. Russell, OD T. Shawn Stephens, OD Aaron G. Thompson, OD Heather H. Walker, OD Shauna L. Witt, OD
Class of 1999 Brian K. Baker, OD Jill Cox Browning, OD Justin Chang, OD Darby Chiasson, OD Eric W. Colegrove, OD Brent L. Croft, OD John Mark Jackson, OD Amy J. Knickerbocker, OD Harry W. Landsaw, OD Jannah Miller Landsaw, OD Katherine H. Laney, OD Nicole Y. Monroe, OD David Olive, OD Kimberly Parr, OD Chad J. Thompson, OD Duane Thompson, OD Laurel L. Van Horn, OD Daniel Weber, OD
Class of 2000 Michael D. Abbott, OD Jane L. Brack, OD Shannon Franklin, OD Courtney G. Hoffman, OD Matthew E. Hoffman, OD Amanda C. Steele Johnson, OD Jennifer L. Johnson, OD
Class of 2002 Shelly Anastasio, OD Randy Birt, OD Gilbert S. Catino, OD Kelly L. Catino, OD Amy Chiu, OD Heidi B. Doucet, OD Heather M. Dowdy, OD Cathy M. Guidry, OD Allison Hilburn, OD Kathy J. Marcoe, OD Jennifer Meister, OD Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD Lisa M. Rhodes, OD Mark J. Roy, III, OD Matthew Skahan, OD Michael K. Smith, OD Kevin Tran, OD
Class of 2003 Sarah Sutherland Baldwin, OD Rebecca J. Brown, OD Margaret Shelton Brya, OD Jeremy Michael Durham, OD Carrie Fortner Irvine, OD Brian Arnold Leak, OD
Alison Lee Lindorfer, OD Derek Allen McTyier, OD Keith Allan Schrunk, OD Kevin Bryan Schwarz, OD Andrea Elizabeth Shelton, OD Kimberly Zimmer Smith, OD Christina Rae Wofford, OD Cynthia Lynn Zara, OD
Class of 2004 George N. Butterworth, OD Christina L. Cottingham, OD Matthew T. Drew, OD Staci M. Hanus, OD Heath Ray Holliday, OD Tricia Lenae Holliday, OD John-Michael Johnson, OD Tarra L. Vander Leest, OD Adam S. Melton, OD Diane M. Redding, OD Brian G. Shipley, OD Karena Lynn Shippee, OD Samuel Patrick Shippee, OD Elizabeth M. Zingula, OD
Class of 2005 Kari L. Burchett, OD Ha Thi Nguyen, OD
Class of 2006 Christopher Allen, OD Summer Anderson, OD Sara Armand, OD Shelena Ask, OD Nicholas Askren, OD David Bailey, OD Graham Balcer, OD Jason Beddingfield, OD Corinne Beiersdorf, OD Shawn Beilby, OD Dylan Belt, OD Krystal Berthelette, OD Andrea Bethel, OD Craig Blair, OD Neil Brogden, OD Emily Bussey, OD Teresa Camp, OD Raymond Carozza, OD Jennifer Carr, OD Robin Chandler, OD Deana Clifton, OD Tabitha Combes, OD Jeffrey Crabtree, OD Michael Croft, OD Jeffrey Cromwell, OD Michael Curl, OD Angela Dabbs, OD Justin Davenport, OD Matthew Dinslage, OD Jessica Ditto, OD Ernest Doiron, OD Steven East, OD Jean Erramouspe, OD Susan Franson, OD Erin Giles, OD James Glass, OD Phillip Gray, OD
Lisa Hager, OD Tara Hake, OD Anthony Hartness, OD Kristen Haskins, OD Charity Hertzog, OD James Hertzog, OD Jessica Hillner, OD Elizabeth Hitchcock, OD Jennifer Jones, OD Stephanie Judkins, OD Adam Jurica, OD Kristie Katkavich, OD Donavon Lafleur, OD Carrie Lebowitz, OD Eric Lee, OD Alisa Lindley, OD Preston Linley, OD Jacob List, OD Gregory Loose, OD Lonnie Lucas, OD Alexandra Ly, OD Surbjeet Mann, OD David Manning, OD Daniel Marchant, OD Nima Mazhari, OD Whitney McFall, OD Lindsay McKinley, OD Stephen McKinley, OD Kristi Merritt, OD Steven Metras, OD Summer Moorer, OD Monica Mucalov, OD Khanh Ngo, OD Celeste Oliver, OD Gayatri Patel, OD Alisa Pickering, OD Matthew Pigg, OD Brian Poole, OD Chad Poole, OD Jennifer Powell, OD Lacey Puckett, OD Kim Raharja, OD Gregory Reeves, OD Kelli Regier, OD Andrew Rula, OD Darcy Scheer, OD Airiell Schwab, OD Aaron Schwindt, OD Janna Scofield, OD Kristie Semrow, OD Travis Sharpe, OD Christina Smith, OD Kyle Stalder, OD William Storment, OD Stephen Sulyi, OD Megan Sumrall, OD Natalie Swanson, OD Daniel Taylor, OD Shane Theobald, OD Garett Thibodeaux, OD Jillian Thompson, OD Kristin Van Berclave, OD Shane Vogel, OD Matthew Warden, OD Brandon Wax, OD Sherylan Webb, OD Allan Whiteman, OD Emily Whitman, OD Teri Whittaker, OD Bradley Wicklund, OD
Brooke Wiener, OD Paul Williston, OD Sharon Winnicki, OD Hayley Woodall, OD Joshua Woodland, OD Krystina Wreggit, OD Kristen Yates, OD Stefan Young, OD Todd Zerger, OD
Class of 2007 Seema Bhula, OD Brittany B. Boyette, OD Matthew Philip Brooks, OD Christopher T. Bullin, OD Andrew Bartholow Costello, OD Erika Patrice Cox, OD Adam Richard Crawford, OD Colby Blair Curtis, OD Cindy Tram N. Dang, OD Cayce Gwenn Davis, OD Jarrold Arnard Harrell, OD Kimberly J. Harrell, OD Michael Anthony Hausmann, Jr., OD Amanda S. Higdon, OD Adam Tate Hill, OD James Clifford Hughes, Jr., OD Nicole Marie Irick, OD Erin Melissa Jones, OD Karmen L. Jones, OD Amy Lynn Kadavy, OD John Allen Kirby, OD Kimberly Rene Lavin, OD Kristi Lynn Liu, OD Emily Kathleen Lough, OD Elicia Beth Miller, OD Lindsay C. Moran, OD Matthew Rogers Morrison, OD Stephen Rich Mullins, OD Peter Michael Nguyen, OD Rochelle Kathleen Parks, OD Jennifer LeAnn Peek, OD Kristina Lynette Ramsey, OD Ashley A. Ramshur, OD Leslie R. Reeves, OD Emily Ellen Skibo, OD Chad Phillip Smith, OD Misti Renea Smith, OD James Eric Stamper, OD Erin Elizabeth Tatum, OD Lisa Marie Traunero, OD Jonathan N. Valamides, OD Jessica Marie Vanek, OD Brooke Causey Vegas, OD Cortney M. Waycaster, OD
Class of 2008 Andrea D. Beedles Emily K. Nail
F r i e nd s , A s s o c ia t ion s
F o u nda t ion s , and Co r po r a t ion s
The following made contributions to Southern College of Optometry during the 75th Diamond Anniversary. These gifts supported the Annual Fund, the Building Fund, various Endowment Funds, and student, faculty and staff activities/events. Paul Ajamian, OD
Karna and John W. Minnett
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Mississippi Optometric Association
Allergan, Inc.
Darwin L. Mormon, OD
America’s Best/National Vision Inc.
Mike Obremsky, OD
American Optometric Association
Odyssey Medical, Inc.
American Optometric Foundation
Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc.
Arkansas Optometric Association
Maj. Robert E. Parfitt
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
Jeanne M. and Randel J. Polk
Mita and Robert P. Bates, III
Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc.
Michelle and Jeffrey Bayme, DMD
Robertson Optical Laboratories
Shirley B. Brownlee
Lisa and Lance B. Rosemore
Doug Clark, OD
Vaughn G. Sanders, OD
Maurice Clark, OD
SECO International
Carolyn Cochran
South Kent Vision Center, P.C.
Sally and John B. Coleman, Jr.
Southeast Optometric Vision Forum
College of Optometrists in Vision Development
Southern Optical
Karey Conway, OD Neil Draisin, OD Essilor Laboratories of America, Inc. Suzanne M. and Herman E. Gram
Georgia E. Stephens Cathy D. Stern, OD John E. Sweeney Tennessee Affiliate of AFVA
Fontaine Hebb
Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association
Debra A. Hemby
Tennessee Optometric Association
Hernando Desoto Chapter IAAP
Terry L. Bonds & Associates Banzai Consulting
Jobson Publishing Co. John-Kenyon American Eye Institute
The Assisi Foundation of Memphis, Inc.
Jolynn R. and Kenneth E. Johnson
The Bay Point Anterior Segment Symposium, Inc.
Kansas Optometric Association
United Parcel Service
Necia W. and Luther H. Kelly, Jr.
Vision Service Plan
Lakeland Lions Foundation
George A. Lever, OD
Wal-Mart Optical Division
LWW Vision Care, Publishers of New OD
Walman Optical/X-Cel, Inc.
Magnolia Regional Health Center Auxiliary
Leslie and Robert Williams
Marchon Eyewear, Inc.
Boa r d
T r u s t e e s , and S t aff
F a c u l t y
The following current and former BOT, faculty and staff made contributions to Southern College of Optometry’s 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign. Donna Abney, MBA Daniel S. Anderson Kristin K. Anderson, OD Jo-Ann B. Augustine Eugene J. Bagaglio, MBA Paula L. Baker R. Dianne Balazsy Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD ’65 Earnestine Barge Mimi Beard Peter B. Benvenuto, OD ’74 Delrita Branch William B. Brookshire Larry H. Bryan, CPA Jennifer K. Bulmann, OD James H. Burke, OD, ’77 Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 Winona Caldwell David M. Cale, OD John B. Campbell, OD ’87 Camile L. Chiasson, OD ’81 Freddy W. Chang, OD, MS, PhD Jerry L. Clay Lurley C. Clifton William E. Cochran, OD ’68 Thomas C. Coleman, OD ’01 Charles G. Connor, Jr., MA, PhD, OD James T. Cooperwood Melanie A. Crandall, OD ’77 David A. Damari, OD Angela Y. Deniston Eula Dickerson Velma J. Dickson Susan M. Doyle Robin J. Drescher, OD, MS Janette D. Dumas, OD Jason D. Duncan, OD ’96 Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Sunnie J. Ewing Ann Z. Fields Sadie M. Fleming Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 L. Allen Fors, OD ’69, MEd Cecily Freeman Cindy Garner Phylicia D. Gates John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 Herman George Michael D. Gerstner, OD ’97 H. S. Ghazi-Birry, MS, PhD, MD, OD ’01 Elizabeth Gitz-Fisher, MS Rosemary E. Gordon Robin Graves, MS Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 Lenard A. Grice, MBA Pinakin Gunvant, BS Optom., PhD Caroline Gustafson Charles L. Haine, OD, MS Nancy C. Harris Betty J. Harville-Brown, OD
Joseph H. Hauser, MBA Jerome A. Hayes, III, OD ’73 Denise E. Henson Jim Hollifield Susan K. Hollinger William Hopper Mona G. Howard A. Thomas Hyde, OD ’76 John Mark Jackson, OD ’99, MS James B. Jalenak, Esq. Jarrett A. Johnson, OD ’90 Linda D. Johnson, OD Jennifer L. Jones, OD ’06 Aaron Kerr, OD ’98 Christopher B. King, OD ’83 Linda H. Kinney R. Alan Landers, OD, MS Harold L. Lashlee Mike Lawson Col. (Ret.) John T. Leddy, OD ’56 Christopher Lievens, OD, MHA Willis C. Maples, OD ’68, MS Erie Mathena Dennis E. Mathews, OD Sherry D. Mattingly Kristopher A. May, OD ’01 Patricia S. McCollum Terry Milius, MS Sheri Monroe Sandra C. Morgan Darwin L. Mormon, OD Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Kenneth L. Mulholland, Jr. James M. Newman, III, OD ’73, MS Leroy Norton, Jr., OD ’87 Erin R. Nosel, OD ’01, MS Deborah E. Pannell Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Brenda P. Pearson, MS Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Guy R. Pike Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Jared T. Powelson, OD ’96 M. Jo Propst Wayne W. Pyeatt Bill B. Rainey, OD, MS Brenda H. Rakestraw J. Martin Regan, Jr., Esq. Shilpa J. Register, OD, MS Mary B. Rice Phillip V. Ridings Andrew J. Rixon, OD Michael N. Robertson, MEd Jennifer Sanderson, OD Jacqueline M. Sansone, OD Richard Savoy, OD Jeffrey P. Scarpace Allan G. Schoen, OD ’72, MEd E. Michelle Sellers Robert W. Smalling, OD ’74 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 F. Mason Smith, OD ’76
Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. Janna Zbozien Smith, OD ’00 Joyce E. Smith Mack Smith, OD ’54 Mark A. Sowell Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD ’77, MS Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 Janine G. St. John Scott A. Steel, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 Sandra Stephens Jerry M. Sullivan Dean Swick, MBA Marc Taub, OD Wyatt R. Taylor, OD ’64 Mary Thornley, EdD Shannon Reynolds Torbett, MHP Lisa C. Tracy Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78, MS James E. Venable, OD ’89 Carolyn J. Warren A C Wharton, Jr., Esq. Kimberly A. Wilkins James D. Willis
D ono r s
wi t h 5 o r M o r e Con s e c u t i v e Y e a r s of G i v ing
The following have made contributions to Southern College of Optometry for five or more consecutive years. These gifts supported the 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign, Annual Campaign, the Building Fund, various Endowment Funds, and student, faculty and staff activities/events. Donna Abney, MBA Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Richard A. Alsobrook, OD ’84 American Optometric Association American Optometric Foundation Kristin K. Anderson, OD and Christopher Lievens, OD, MHA J. Dean Baggett, OD ’83 Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD ’65 Allan Leslie Barker, OD ’75 and Mrs. Susan Barker Joseph J. Beaman, OD ’68 Kathryn M. Beggs, OD ’85 Peter B. Benvenuto, OD ’74 Joseph L. Bertagna, OD ’83 Burton P. Bodan, OD ’53 Margo D. Boler, OD ’01 Marilyn S. Burich, OD ’95 James H. Burke, OD ’77 Charlene Burnett, OD ’83 and Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 Robert L. Burns, OD ’76 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 Winona Caldwell Charles A. Callaway, OD ’83 Eugene R. Cantwell, OD ’49 Lynn H. Church, OD ’62 Jerry L. Clay William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Gilan L. Cockrell, OD ’80 Charles G. Connor, Jr., MA, PhD, OD Oscar Crow, OD ’49 David A. Damari, OD Velma J. Dickson Belvin G. Dollins, OD ’51 Robin J. Drescher, OD, MS Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Sadie M. Fleming Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 L. Allen Fors, OD ’69, MEd C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81 Thomas J. Gallaher, OD ’51 Cindy Garner John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 Michael D. Gerstner, OD ’97 Alan L. Ginsburg, OD ’76 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 and Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Richard D. Gurley, OD ’80 Charles L. Haine, OD, MS Betty J. Harville-Brown, OD Whitney Hauser, OD ’01 and Joseph H. Hauser, MBA A. Thomas Hyde, OD ’76 Charles F. Hyman, OD ’78 Jobson Publishing Co. Linda D. Johnson, OD Charles Lowell Jones, OD ’75
Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD ’65 Lakeland Lions Foundation Lawrence J. LaTour, OD ’80 Wilburn Lord, Jr., OD ’77 Marchon Eyewear, Inc. Kristopher A. May, OD ’01 George S. McCarter, OD ’76 Janice McMahon, OD ’98 Nancy N. McShan, OD ’89 Sandra C. Morgan Darwin L. Mormon, OD James M. Newman, III, OD ’73, MS Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc. Wayne W. Pyeatt Robertson Optical Laboratories Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 and Mrs. Marion G. Rosemore SECO International Seymour R. Marco Family Foundation April D. Smith, OD ’98 and Brian D. Smith, OD ’98 F. Mason Smith, OD ’76 Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. Larry D. Snider, OD ’76 Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 Alta I. Spurrier, OD ’68 Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 Sandra Stephens William E. Sterling, Jr., OD ’75 Sidney J. Stern, OD ’71 Dean Swick, MBA Tennessee Optometric Association Chad J. Thompson, OD ’99 Kevin Tran, OD ’02 Vision Service Plan Wal-Mart Optical Division Walman Optical/X-Cel, Inc. Morris H. Weaver, OD ’75 Lee Anne Whitworth, OD ’97 and Patrick Whitworth, OD ’97
G if t I n Kind Con t r i b u t ion s t o t h e 7 5 t h D iamond A nni v e r s a r y
The following made contributions of various items, art and equipment to Southern College of Optometry during the 75th Diamond Anniversary Campaign. Ralph Butts, OD ’53 Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc. William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Design for Visions, Inc. Brandon L. Dodds, OD ’01 Eagle Vision Eschenbach Optik of America, Inc. Jack Gibson GP Lens Institute GT Laboratories, Inc. Pinakin Gunvant, BS Optom., PhD Caroline and Greg Gustafson Heine USA Ambrose D. Jenkins, III, OD ’53 Herff Jones, Inc. Keeler Instuments Lee R. Moore, OD ’50 LS & S Group Marchon Eyewear, Inc. NoIR Medical Technologies Ocean Optical Company, Inc. Ocular Instruments Odyssey Medical, Inc. Ooh la-la de Paris Optelec International Richmond Products Stereo Optical Company, Inc. Welch Allyn Company
M id - So u t h
F r i e nd s
W h o
S u ppo r t
The following local businesses and individuals provided various types of assistance in support of student organizations and special events for faculty and staff during the 75th Diamond Anniversary. 20/20 Diner Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream Store Boscos Squared Celtic Crossing Central Bar B Q Fresh Slices Garibaldi’s Pizza Goodyear Auto Service Center Union Avenue High Point Coffee William Howard LeChardonnay Wine Bar & Bistro Malco Theatres Massage Envy McEwen’s on Monroe Melissa’s Catering Memphis Brooks Museum of Art Memphis Pizza Café Memphis Symphony Orchestra Memphis Zoo Mr. Pride Car Wash Papa John’s Pizza Pei Wei Asian Diner Guy Pike Playhouse on the Square SCO Bookstore Starbucks TCBY The Cottonwoods Golf Course Grand Casino Tunica The Cupboard The Orpheum Theatre The Peabody Hotel Timberland Lisa Tracy
2 0 0 7
T r i b u t e s
Southern College of Optometry appreciates the following contributions to the college in celebration or in memory of loved ones. In Honor of 50th Reunion Anniversary of the Class of 1957 Paul W. Lycette, OD ’57 Jonathan Arkin Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Heather Braun Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Douglas Clark, OD, SECO President Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Neil Draisin, OD Wilburn Lord, Jr., OD ’77 Jonathan L. Shrewsbury, OD ’81 Sidney J. Stern, OD ’77 William E. Cochran, OD ’68 Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry Sally and John B. Coleman, Jr. Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 Fontaine Hebb Larry J. Housley, OD ’68 Mississippi Optometric Association J. Martin Regan, Jr. Georgia E. Stephens
Thomas Patrick Clark Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Neil Draisin, OD Wilburn Lord, Jr., OD ’77 Jonathan L. Shrewsbury, OD ’81 Sidney J. Stern, OD, ’77 John E. Creamer, OD ’72 Melvin C. Evers, OD ’72 Marnie Daniels Carolyn and William E. Cochran, OD ’68 Harold F. Demmer, Sr., OD ’54 Necia and Luther H. Kelly, Jr. Sally Dobbs Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 and Sidney Greenberg, OD ’65 Irving L. Dunsky, OD Tressa F. Eubank, OD Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Brad Friedman’s Mother Michele and Jeffrey Bayme, DMD Howard Gittis Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
George S. Erlbeck, OD ’49 Georgia Erlbeck
Ann Greenberg Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Jacob and Jared Isenberg Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Dick Halpern Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Hal Mendel Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Dr. Harold Joachim Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Gary Moss Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Cheryl D. Johnson, OD ’82 Tressa F. Eubank, OD
Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 Sharon B. Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78
Richard Kipp, OD ’47 Larry Otten, OD ’77
Winiford A. Ritchie, OD ’46 Harold S. Cohen, OD ’47 Estelle C. and Charles J. Stander Thomas J. Stander, OD ’82
In Memory of Jill Albert Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Herman Maisel Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Mayer Mitchell Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Mary Elaine Morrison William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Mother of Dr. and Mrs. Brad Patt Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Florence Berson Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Dr. Wayne Pharr Cathy Loper Frier, OD ’77 and Michael C. Frier, OD ’75
Mary Marcelline Maples Bonkoski Tressa F. Eubank, OD
Adam Raymond, OD ’99 Katherine H. Laney, DO, OD ’99
Nancy Brener’s Mother Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Carol Raymond Connie and Charles L. Haine, OD, MS
Colonel Edward “Buzz” Bzdula, OD ’81 Timothy P. Allen, OD, MS ’70
Beverly Ripps Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
Joel B. Spiegler, OD, PhD Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA John W. Sprinkel, III, OD ’00 Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00 Jeff Steinberg Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Denver Wells, OD ’53 Kenneth H. Wells, OD ’54 Grandmother of Julie Whitley Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Sandy Zelony Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87
In Sympathy of The Friedman Family Michele and Jeffrey Bayme, DMD
It’s not too early to mark your calendar!
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