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achi evem ents ALUMNI MAGAZINE


content 3 President’s Corner


KRISTIN K. ANDERSON, OD Vice President for Institutional Advancement

JIM HOLLIFIELD Editor Director of Communications


Focus on President’s Council


ERIN JAFFE Photographer




Annual Report



Donna Abney, MBA – Chair

Convocation 2009

Germantown, Tennessee

Eugene M. Bane, Jr., OD ’65 Salem, Virginia



Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 Searcy, Arkansas

John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 Eagle Grove, Iowa

A. Thomas Hyde, OD ’76


Class Notes

Morristown, Tennessee

James B. Jalenak, Esq. Memphis, Tennessee

Jarrett Johnson, OD ’90

New Orleans, Louisiana


SCO Focus

Brian L. Jones, MBA

Germantown, Tennessee

Christopher B. King, OD ’83 Englewood, Florida


News Briefs

Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 Roswell, Georgia

Kenneth L. Mulholland, Jr. Germantown, Tennessee

Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Lincoln, Nebraska

Visions Alumni Magazine is published four times yearly through the Office of Institutional Advancement. Copies are available without charge to alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of the college. A digital version is available online at Please send comments, contributions and address changes to: Office of Institutional Advancement 1245 Madison Avenue Memphis, TN 38104-2222 800-238-0180, ext. 4 901-722-3379 FAX

Steven Reed, OD ’95 Magee, Mississippi

Robert W. Smalling, OD ’74 Warren, Arkansas

Mary Thornley, EdD

Charleston, South Carolina

Jason Duncan, OD ’96 Faculty Representative Memphis, Tennessee

Brigitte Keener, ’11 Student Representative Grand Blanc, MI

president ’ s corner Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78, FAAO


President John Adams once wrote: “There are two types of education.

center on preparing our students to be successful as alumni. A new career

One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live.” SCO’s

counseling initiative already in place is a first step, along with increased

mission and Strategic Plan demonstrate our belief that these two types are

placement activity and surveying students to find the reasons that may

not mutually exclusive.

motivate them to pursue diffent modes of practice.

In this annual report edition of Visions, we look back at progress made

Clinically, we intend to provide enhanced patient contact experiences.

over the last academic year and forward to the next five years governed

We intend to market The Eye Center to expand our target audience and

by the Strategic Plan that was approved by our Board of Trustees this

provide students greater exposure to a diversity of patient needs. We

past spring.

are currently evaluating extern sites and establishing a customer service

This past year saw the financial world shaken with turmoil at levels unseen since the Great Depression. SCO did not escape untouched; market losses have meant a reduction in the rate of growth for scholarship opportunities and other programs stymied by the economy.

master plan to provide a pattern of professional conduct for our students to emulate. Developing critical thinking skills in our students and allowing them the opportunity to demonstrate intellectual curiosity also will be

Strong fiscal management kept SCO’s losses in check compared with

emphasized in the coming years. In this issue, you will read how we already

the overall market. Looking ahead, it may take years to recover from the

have established a summer research program that promotes faculty/

market’s lows this past March. Your end-of-the-year support is more critical

student collaboration.

than ever in bridging the gap and helping us fund student programs and the opportunities they need to succeed.

Regarding professional and social responsibility, we are promoting student involvement in service organizations. Just recently, our students

SCO also has benefitted from a highly capable and forward-looking

had the best showing of any Memphis organization for the second annual

management team. In this issue, you will meet members of SCO’s

VisionWalk. A large number of faculty and staff joined them on a Saturday

President’s Council. These individuals are charged with carrying out the

morning. The Memphis Rotary Club was assisted on a Monday night by

mission of the college. Their work means they are leading our faculty and

a group of faculty, staff and students volunteering for a Stop Hunger Now

staff efforts in meeting the challenges outlined in our Strategic Plan.

project to provide food to Haiti.

Through long-range planning, we are developing master plans for our

You, our alumni and friends, are excellent role models in this regard.

Physical Plant, Capital Expenditures and Information Services to forecast

We intend to promote the accomplishments of the entire SCO community

long-term needs. We will evaluate our campus space, our equipment,

to inspire future optometrists and to convey a positive impression of our

our technology and our buildings to assess the environment in which we

profession to the outside world.

provide the appropriate curriculum to our students.

If you’re reading over this and thinking that our plans are ambitious,

Faculty needs will be projected. We intend to outline best practices in

you would be right. For 21st century optometry to succeed in the health-

teaching effectiveness. We will investigate and promote distance learning

care arena, optometrists must be exceedingly prepared and capable. As

opportunities and expand our optometric residency opportunities.

an SCO graduate myself, I am sure you join me in expressing appreciation

We will encourage student involvement in organized optometry. A

that your alma mater should be in a better position to excel rather than

greater awareness of the legislative process will prepare them to support

maintain status quo. You can take pride in knowing that SCO intends to

our profession when challenges arise. A Capstone program is being

compete even more diligently for the best and brightest students.

developed for the Class of 2010 prior to their graduation in which we will cover surgical and laser topics in greater detail.

To conclude, I know this year has been tough for our country. You have choices as to where you give your financial support, but that means that

In terms of recruiting and retaining the most qualified students, we

your support is more critical than ever before. Our hope is that we have

are looking at five-year master plans for recruitment and scholarships. By

convinced you that we are working hard and aiming high to deserve that

proactively identifying a struggling student, we refer them to faculty for


support with academic or personal issues. A four-year debt management

Our plans cannot succeed without you, for it truly must be a team

program will also address financial concerns. The program will also address

effort. You’re an integral part of this process. I invite you to visit, write or call

alumni concerns over increasing levels of student indebtedness.

to engage us and learn more about the good news at SCO. On behalf of

Many of these areas are already being tackled by our team, and I

our leadership team and the entire SCO family, we thank you for your ideas

anticipate reporting greater progress over the next year. Looking ahead

and support. May each of you be healthy, happy and prosperous in the

to the second year and beyond of our five-year plan, significant focus will

coming New Year.

Annual Report



QA /

Looking back at 2008-09, what were some of SCO’s most significant accomplishments to note?

Establishing our career counseling initiative was a key achievement. We started the framework for counseling students and providing them with resources they need to plan their future as successful practitioners. H au s e r |

This effort has seen a great collaboration between Student Services and Institutional Advancement because it involves both our students and our alumni. Our work led to our first ever State Day, where we encouraged students to network with alumni and state associations. Simultaneously, we are recruiting alumni to be a resource. That effort will expand, so when a student has a question about a state or certain area of the country, we can get them in touch with practicing ODs who are successful.

A N D E RS O N |

One of our primary objectives is to empower students so they make more informed decisions before graduation as far as their practice opportunities in terms of where they ultimately decide to practice. H au s e r |

Academically, this will be remembered as the year that we successfully recruited a significant number of faculty to achieve a nearly full complement of 55.5 faculty members, including several part-time faculty. We’re now at full complement into the new academic year, so this has been a great achievement. REICH |





Focus on the President’s Council Reporting directly to President Phillips, the President’s Council includes the college’s executive level of leadership assigned to different areas of responsibility. The President’s Council team meets with Dr. Phillips on a monthly basis to gauge progress for SCO’s Strategic Plan, solve problems, and report on their departments and areas of supervision. The President’s Council includes (L-R): Ms. Ann Fields | Vice President for Human Resources Dr. Lewis Reich | Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. James Venable | Executive Director of Clinical Programs Mr. David West | Vice President for Finance and Administration Mr. Joseph Hauser | Vice President for Student Services Dr. Kristin K. Anderson | Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Charged with assisting the president in the daily execution of SCO’s mission, these six individuals recently took time to discuss their role in reviewing progress made during the 2008-2009 academic year as well as mapping out SCO’s future under the college’s recently implemented strategic plan.

FI E L D S | We were able to advertise and recruit on a national basis to search for these new faculty members. That’s important, because our new strategic plan calls for recruiting and retaining superior faculty. Changes to our performance evaluation system went into effect this past year so we can reward excellent performance in a better way. Human Resources is also collaborating with Academic Affairs on faculty recruitment, so we’re off to a good start in this regard.

There was an increased emphasis on enhancing the curriculum. The 2008-2009 calendar gave us the advantage of actually developing the new strategic plan at the same time. A lot of the progress we’ve made already was aligning in the direction of where we needed to go strategically based on the input we were getting from Dr. Phillips and the Board of Trustees. We offered a Refractive Surgery Symposium, a cadaver demonstration lab, and an elective mini-term at the start of this past summer. A fourth-year elective called Developing an Optometric Business Plan was offered to students.


H au s e r | On the recruiting side, all the optometry schools and colleges saw the implementation of our centralized application process called OptomCAS. That required a lot of legwork to be done. Optometry was the last major health professions career that did not have some form of centralized application service so students could submit the same application to multiple schools. We will now have the ability, through OptomCAS, to collect applicants’ data to see where the applications are coming from, as well as predicting trends. Applicants can now apply online to multiple schools with one submission and then submit supporting documents to the individual schools. Because it’s now easier to apply to multiple schools, we feel that we are in a good position, given our reputation and central location, to potentially receive more applications. We feel that OptomCAS will potentially enhance our applicant pool without impacting its quality.

Clinically, what were some of the key areas of progress? Even with the administrative transition brought by the retirement of my predecessor, Dr. Jim Burke, job one is always educating the best possible healthcare providers. Our students unquestionably benefitted from our example as The Eye Center responded to economic challenges to ensure that clinical


Annual Report



SPOTLIGHT SCO President’s Council continued education would not be affected. Despite one of the worst economic downturns in decades, and without an increase in our fee structure, the Clinical Programs, and The Eye Center in particular, ended the fiscal year with a 12.5% increase in net revenue. Total visits in The Eye Center, our Nursing Home Program, and our External Clinics increased significantly, but those were not the sole reason for the increase in revenue.

What factors played a part in that increase? V E N A B L E | Working ‘smarter instead of harder’ was attributable to more efficient appointment schedules, coding and billing of services, and collection of account receivables. With a full complement of faculty, our staff doctors were better able to focus on the myriad responsibilities they face each day in a manner consistent with greater patient numbers. Collectively, these efforts significantly benefited our interns and residents through enhanced encounters and effective modeling of practice management strategies. With the renewed focus on practice management aspects of the curriculum, this year provided us an opportunity to demonstrate to our interns and residents that it is possible to do well in spite of a poor economy. Optometry is a sound primary health care profession in these, or any, uncertain economic times.

The economy has been forefront in everyone’s mind. How did SCO meet the financial challenge? We faced the worst economy since the Great Depression, so it was new territory for most modern organizations. Because SCO had prepared over the last two decades to strengthen its financial position, we have been able to ride out the storm and maintain our long-term objectives. I’m grateful to the guidance of the Financial Committee of the Board, because we maintained our investments and didn’t sell at the worst time, even though by this past March, the Dow had gone from 14,000 to 6,500 in the course of months. We’ve maintained a long-term perspective because our investment policies were always designed to be long-term.


Are there any silver linings to the storm? Certainly. Dr. Phillips and the Board requested that we tighten our belts, so to speak, so the entire leadership at SCO responded to the challenge and we were able to see a positive variance at the end of the budget year. SCO’s investments, while they were significantly reduced in value because of the catastrophic market losses, fared much better than the average, thanks in part to our partnership with Community Fund Strategic Solutions. Our scholarship investments are also safeguarded through the Community Foundation.


A N D E RS O N | The response of our faculty and staff was especially inspiring, and we hope that our alumni take note of the fact that during these tough economic times, 91% of the faculty and staff made a financial gift to the college’s internal fundraising campaign. Not only did the overwhelming majority support the college with a financial gift, but we set an all-time high record in the dollar amount of gifts. That tells us that the core support is there in terms of our mission. The faculty and staff who carry out our mission are dedicated to what we do and have confidence in where we’re




headed. Those numbers send a signal to our alumni that SCO is worth the investment of time and financial support. That stability also meant a lot to our employees. While we froze hiring for new positions, we were able to avoid lay-offs. We kept our benefits program strong. That was good for morale when many people were worried about keeping or finding a job. We’ve seen a significant increase in the amount of applications for open positions, so SCO is well-positioned in terms of being seen as a good place to work, too. FI E L D S |

Looking ahead, now that SCO has started the first year of its five-year Strategic Plan, what will be the big focus in each of your areas that the alumni should know? We’re committed to engaging our alumni. Over the past year, we established our Alumni Council. We recruited a good cross section of geographical and professional experience. Already they have given us new ideas for what we can do to strengthen the profession and position our graduates to do well. We’ve been going out on the road and visiting with alumni at state meetings and even at individual practices along the way. We recognize that optometrists are successful, busy professionals, and not everyone can make time to visit their alma mater in Memphis, but there are ways we can build these relationships, particularly through new media, e-newsletters, and other communications updates. You’ll be hearing a lot more over the next year about progress the college is making, and what the alumni can do in terms of their moral and financial support to see that SCO is a leader in optometric education.

A N D E RS O N |

We’re focusing on a number of areas outlined in the strategic plan. We’re providing enhanced opportunities for students to collaborate with faculty on research projects. We’re looking at how technology can be incorporated into the academic curriculum to enhance learning. We’re


focused on better preparing our students for the National Boards. We saw a slight dip in terms of results for Part I, the Applied Basic Science. The Departments of Optometric Education and Assessment are concentrating on this issue. At the same time, our passage rate for Part II, Clinical Science, was an impressive 100%. This stellar performance speaks directly to the efforts of our students and faculty. We have a weeklong Capstone program planned for the Class of 2010 prior to graduation to further prepare them for post-graduation. We’re expanding the number of residency opportunities. There’s a lot of potential. With a full faculty complement, we’re better prepared than ever to meet the challenges ahead. V E N A B L E | Just as any practice will focus on potential changes as a result of health care reform legislation, we, too, will have our eye on Washington D.C. Delivery of clinical education in this era of heightened oversight and accountability can be challenging, so it is incumbent to turn challenges into opportunities. I am confident that we will embrace any changes and create new learning opportunities to benefit our interns and residents. We will continue enhancing the fourth-year clinical internship experience in The Eye Center. Recommendations are being made that will allow us to more effectively model efficiencies and skills that are most appropriate to the fourth-year clinician. Interns will experience an accelerated degree of responsibility and accountability to better prepare them for practice. We’re also fostering a greater sense of commitment to service in our interns. Year one strategic plan objectives will guide our efforts toward raising the visibility of The Eye Center through more substantial community outreach initiatives. Our every endeavor will be singular in focus and ultimately provide greater patient contacts for our interns. This will allow us to continue our reputation of providing an unparalleled clinical experience. FI E L D S | Our strategic plan calls for the recruitment and retention of the most qualified faculty and staff needed to carry out our mission. We’re improving the faculty and staff performance evaluation process to aid in this endeavor as well as undertaking other steps to meet this goal. From an HR perspective, it takes faculty to teach and practice optometry and the support staff for operational success. We’re more focused in this regard, so the college is positioned to ensure that other key strategic plan initiatives can be met through stable recruitment and retention.

Kristin, David and I are looking at some of the strategic review standpoints in terms of exploring tuition strategy. That encompasses our tuition differential as to regional versus non-regional tuition, our scholarship goals, and enrollment management aspects. If you impact one, it affects others. We will be reviewing our tuition and net costs. We hope to position our tuition to operate but also evaluate these other allocations while sufficiently operating the school. It ties into how we can recruit and retain the best students and address student

H au s e r |

indebtedness. We have been charged to evaluate this area and see where we can be best positioned. I would note that this will likely require us to encourage the alumni to support us in greater measures to make this a reality. Counteracting student indebtedness while delivering the best possible optometric education means that we must show our alumni that their contribution actually can make a major impact in that regard. A N D E RS O N |

We’re looking at ways that we can conservatively maximize our budget strength with the potential of increased allocations or scholarships. Even though we’ve taken a financial hit over the last year, we still have the kind of reserve fund and endowments that other schools might envy. WEST |

That means we have to utilize those strengths and provide the best resources to our students. Our alumni make a difference in

A N D E RS O N |

…our success will be a collaborative effort, and alumni are most certainly a critical part of that. student indebtedness. If you’re concerned about this area and how it could ultimately impact our ability to recruit and retain the best students, know that just making a small or modest-sized gift or an increase in your gifts will definitely help us address this concern. We’re also developing a Physical Plant and Information Services Master Plan to make sure we have the best facilities and technology to assist Student Services, Academic Affairs and our Clinical Programs to succeed. These could be big changes. It won’t be an overnight thing to decide. We’re on a five-year budget process that starts over each year to look ahead strategically. We never say, ‘Our work is done.’ WEST |

It’s important to note that our students are the primary focus through it all. Our strategic plan also emphasizes encouraging service and critical thinking skills, so this year it will be incumbent on us to determine if we should evaluate our applicants any differently to look for such potential in student prospects. Academics and the exposure to optometry are the two critical components if we are going to be leaders in these areas.

H au s e r |

And to relate that to our alumni, we can’t lose sight of the fact that it’s a very short four-year journey from first-year student to a graduate who becomes an alumnus of SCO. We intend to keep our alumni informed every step of the way. If you’ve taken time to read this, you obviously care about optometric education and SCO. Take a little more time to think about the role you can play in this process. SCO has embarked on a major, strategic undertaking to position it as an unquestioned leader in optometric education. We’ve told our faculty, our staff, and our students that our success will be a collaborative effort, and alumni are most certainly a critical part of that. We want you to be engaged in this process, and we’re looking to you for your input and support.

A N D E RS O N |

Annual Report



Student Services Student Services includes Admissions/Enrollment Services, Student Recruitment, Financial Aid and oversight of the Student Government Association (SGA).

Progress Items to Note Although SCO saw a 1% decrease in applications received, the entering GPA/OAT averages were 3.48 and 339, respectively. The 3.48 GPA was the highest entering average in SCO history. The average OAT of 339 marked the fifth consecutive class to have an OAT average above 330. SCO conferred 118 degrees in 2009. The start of Fall 2009 saw an enrollment of 485 full-time students, the highest count since the 1982-1983 academic year. SCO’s attrition rate for the 2008-2009 academic year was only 0.8%. Recruiting efforts resulted in 88 sessions on 82 campuses in 23 states and one regional conference in Alabama. YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

The 2013 entering first-year class represents 29 states and Canada, with 19% classified as minorities.

The Class of 2013, as pictured during Orientation. This class has the highest GPA in SCO history. Jaime Shouse, ’10, and Jeannie Hu,’10, at Optometry’s Meeting® of the AOA. The SGA has increased travel grant funding for students to attend professional meetings.

The Board of Trustees approved a revised Due Process for Appeals and Grievances Policy to provide even stronger assurances that a student receives due process when involved in a grievance or appeal. Of the total financial aid received by students during the ’08’09 academic year, scholarships and need-based grants comprised 4%, federal work study 3%, and loans 93%. Total student loan volume was $15.5 million. The Class of 2009 graduated with an average debt of $125,833, excluding undergraduate debt, an increase of $16,187. Average undergraduate debt was $14,532. SGA enhanced financial support for students to attend professional meetings, including the AOA Congress, SECO, state and regional meetings. SGA and AOSA increased travel grant funding from $2,500 to $9,000 supported in part by the Alcon Partners in Education program. Approximately 50 students attended June’s AOA meeting. Membership in SCO’s two-year-old Optometry Private Practice Club has grown to approximately 150 duespaying members. SVOSH received approval to start a Remote Area Medical (RAM) mission trip program. SGA authorized a student-led “Go Green” initiative to encourage paper and can recycling.




Career Counseling Initiative Launched The importance of career counseling in optometric education was strengthened during the most recent academic year with the creation of SCO’s Career Counseling Initiative (CCI). In a coordinated effort, Joe Hauser, Vice President for Student Services, and Dr. Kristin K. Anderson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, are working to identify local practices that could provide students with additional clinical observation and ODs who could be role models for students. “I was able to meet with nearly all first- and second-year students,” Hauser notes. “With each student, we reviewed and discussed geographical preferences, modes of practice, and patient practice preference, i.e., family care versus specialization.” The effort identified the need for students to interact more with our alumni and organized optometry. In the spring, SCO hosted its first State Day, sponsored by Institutional Advancement and supported in part by a grant from VSP. Twelve state associations and an AOA representative attended the campus-wide event. The Career Counseling Initiative is stressing the importance of active state clubs, membership in which has dramatically increased over recent months. SCO students are active in clubs representing Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and regional clubs representing the Mountain States and the North Central States. “Our alumni should be heartened to learn that this resurgence of interest in active state and regional clubs bodes well for organized optometry,” Hauser said. “We expect that this involvement will translate to organized optometry and state association memberships following graduation.”

Darlene Eakin, Executive Director of the Kentucky Optometric Association, addresses students during SCO’s first State Day.

Annual Report



academic affairs Academic Affairs includes oversight of Academic Assessment, Academic Support Services, Continuing Education, Library Services, Research Programs, and Residency Programs.

Progress Items to Note Faculty reached nearly full strength by the end of the 20082009 academic year. New faculty hires included Patricia Cisarik, OD, PhD, Patricia Estes-Walker, OD, and William Kress, OD. The faculty evaluation process was improved, enhanced standards for promotion in academic rank were developed, and President Phillips approved a commensurate increase in the merit increment associated with promotion. These efforts are vital to faculty recruitment and retention.

Dr. Pinakin Gunvant, left, with colleagues from the University of Memphis. Dr. Gunvant’s glaucoma research has led to collaboration with scientists outside SCO and to a $80,000 grant to fund further study. Dr. Patricia Estes-Walker and resident Stephen Wetick, OD ’08, at AOA’s poster session. Faculty and resident collaboration is beneficial to both the academic and residency programs.

Faculty published more than two dozen papers, presented at least three dozen posters and oral presentations at meetings, and delivered approximately 100 hours of CE lectures.

YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

Optometric curriculum initiatives included a Refractive Surgery Symposium, a cadaver demonstration lab, an elective summer mini-term for first-year students, and an elective term for fourth-years focusing on optometric business plans. SCO saw 97% passage on Part I (Applied Basic Science) of the NBEO, and 100% of Part II, (Clinical Science). A total of 37 student tutors tutored 82 other students, while 30 faculty members served as faculty advisors. The academic year’s Fall and Spring CE weekends attracted more than 640 attendees, increases for both events. A total of 36 hours of COPE-approved CE were offered at the two events. The Hayes Center for Practice Excellence hosted two fourhour programs in Louisiana and Arkansas. Sixteen new computers were added to the library in order to facilitate a seamless integration of knowledge and information resources. The library purchased a state-of-the-art Integrated Library System, Millennium, scheduled to be implemented in this next academic year. A Capstone program allowed 85 members of the Class of 2009 to renew their CPR certification prior to commencement. A new Capstone program is being developed for the Class of 2010. All of SCO’s residency programs received multiple applicants for the 2009-2010 year. SCO received 118 applications representing graduates from 13 different institutions.




Dr. Greg Brammer was among the hundreds who earned CE credit through SCO’s program. The addition of new computers and the acquisition of a soonto-be launched online library search service are among recent improvements to benefit students.

Research Program Making Strides With SCO’s new strategic plan outlining the need for greater student involvement with faculty for research projects, the college’s new Summer Research Program is giving five second-year students the opportunity to perform research under the direct supervision of faculty mentors. “Each student is expected to submit his or her findings to the American Academy of Optometry or American Optometric Association annual meetings and present their research,” explained Charles Connor, PhD, OD, Director of Research. The increasing importance of research is also evident in a number of other areas. One of SCO’s newer faculty members, Patricia Cisarik, OD, PhD, is chairing a reformed Institutional Review Board and is in full compliance with federal guidelines. With the input of Jim Venable, OD ’89, SCO prepared a statement of HIPAA Hybrid Entity status to further assist the college in future clinical research endeavors. SCO began participation in its first FDA clinical trial, the Harvard-based, Uveitis trial administered through a clinical trial entity known as Eyegate Pharmaceuticals. A major milestone for the college, the trial’s 22 participating sites include SCO, Harvard, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and Emory University. The ophthalmology department of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine has also invited SCO to be a research site for a clinical trial investigating dry eye. “The addition of new faculty provides an opportunity to introduce these individuals to a developing clinical research culture at the college,” said Dr. Lewis Reich, Vice President for Academic Affairs. “The atmosphere of enhanced clinical research strengthens SCO’s clinical excellence by increasing faculty expertise. This expertise in turn contributes to the college’s mission of educating the best possible healthcare providers while promoting lifelong learning.” The work continues. Already into the new academic year, Dr. Pinakin Gunvant obtained an $80,000 grant from the Assisi Foundation in Memphis for a glaucoma detection research project. Dr. Gunvant is also collaborating with researchers from the University of Memphis on glaucoma research. Drs. Janette Dumas, Marc Taub and Kristin Anderson are also representing SCO in the ongoing ATS study of amblyopia.

Brett Miller, ’12, makes notes for her fellow students in SCO’s new Summer Research Program to encourage faculty and student research collaboration.

Annual Report



HUMAN RESOURCES The Human Resources department supports those who educate and serve the students at SCO, as well as the students themselves, through faculty and staff recruitment and retention, conflict resolution, and oversight of benefits.

Progress Items to Note The department has assumed increased responsibility and collaboration with Academic Affairs to recruit and retain the most qualified faculty members. A national recruiting effort was initiated to grow the faculty complement to nearly full strength. A new performance evaluation process was implemented for faculty and staff. This system is important for rewarding or improving performance by employees, particularly as it relates to the recruitment and retention of quality faculty and staff. Increased communication was facilitated with bi-monthly campus-wide meetings for faculty and staff to inform them of progress or new programs. Development training and speakers also were utilized.

YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

SCO’s Employee Benefits programs were enhanced and improved to ensure maximum affordable coverage, also important to recruitment and retention efforts.

Bi-monthly campus-wide meetings provide faculty and staff with information to facilitate engagement with SCO’s mission. A new program has been launched to allow staff to learn more about other departments within SCO and The Eye Center to better understand clinical/academic duties at the college.

An employee orientation program has also been established to acquaint new employees with SCO. A job shadowing program is being developed to facilitate understanding and knowledge about different roles performed at SCO by employees.

By the Numbers Number of Faculty............................. 64 Number of Staff.................................... 104 SCO Longevity...................................... SCO has a significant number of faculty and staff who have devoted 40, 35, 30, 25 and 20 years of service to the college. These milestones are recognized annually during the college’s Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day.




Staff Member Retires from Lifetime of Service to Optometric Education As most recent alumni can attest, SCO’s faculty and staff are devoted to fulfilling the college’s mission. For many of them, optometric education has been a lifetime career. Pat McCollum is an example of such devotion. She retired from SCO in October after more than 40 years of service. Many alumni will remember Pat from working the registration desk at Spring and Fall CE each year. When she started at SCO in 1969, she had already been a typist for the FBI. She worked in a huge room with rows of typists and typewriters. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover still found time to make his presence known, even to the typing pool. “You were on production, so you had to do so much work a day,” she said. “J. Edgar Hoover would walk around the sides [of the room] to see if everyone was working.” She worked at the FBI for two years before leaving to work other jobs. She met her husband, Memphis native Ron McCollum, at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. After they married, they moved to Germany and then to Memphis after Ron left the Air Force in 1968. Her early days at SCO were spent working in a trailer on the back parking lot while the tower at 1245 Madison was under construction. “Admissions and Dean of Students were the only offices in that trailer,” she says. After the tower was completed, she began working on the 11th floor in Admissions before being transferred to be a faculty typist. She typed exams, course outlines and regular correspondence before moving to Academic Affairs in 1995. She worked under six deans and several department chairs. She worked for three presidents, 15 years with the late Spurgeon Eure, OD ’54, 23 years for William E. Cochran, OD ’68, and two years under the leadership of Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78, whom she remembers seeing around campus as a student. “Dr. Phillips knew me as a student and look where he is now,” she says with a smile. One of her proudest accomplishments was to type the manuscript for former SCO instructor Dr. Steven Schwartz’s book “Visual Perception: A Clinical Orientation.” Dr. Schwartz even included an acknowledgement to McCollum in the front of his book: “Special thanks go to Pat McCollum for transforming my nearly indecipherable scribbling into legible text. Pat’s patience in handling the numerous revisions and frequent rewritings was remarkable and was greatly appreciated.” Overall, McCollum says the students and environment at SCO has stayed much the same while hair and clothing styles changed, buildings were built and remodeled and students came and went. Proud of her place of employment, McCollum says she is most impressed with The Eye Center and has recommended it on many occasions. She’s had bosses who chewed gum while talking into the Dictaphone and even witnessed a faculty member paint his car with a paint brush but, McCollum has remained undeterred in her loyalty to SCO. “In my opinion, there is no better place to work than SCO,” she says. “I will miss everyone.” Pat McCollum received best wishes at her retirement reception from Linda Kinney, Library Clerk.

Annual Report



CLINICAL PROGRAMS During the past year, SCO’s Clinical Programs included Clinical Operations of The Eye Center at SCO, Adult Primary Care, Advanced Care Ocular Disease, Community Service, School Screenings, Cornea and Contact Lens Service, Externship Program, the Nursing Home Program, the Optical Services, Pediatric Primary Care, Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation, and Technology service.

Progress Items to Note More than 58,000 individuals are annually provided with care in The Eye Center. Total office visits increased by 6% from the previous year. Special diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures increased by approximately 2%. Direct patient care revenue increased 12.5% over the previous year, even more significant considering the severe recession. Net payments increased 11.5% more than the previous year. The School Screening Program was established as a stand-alone component of Clinical Programs. A two-year collaboration with the Shelby County School system has seen a nearly 70% increase in the number of children served. Approximately 13,000 children are screened annually through the program.

SCO is participating in its first FDA clinical trial, a Harvardbased, Uveitis study. Meredith Cole, ’10 and Amanda Blakley, ’10, join Dr. Sharon Lee for a community outreach effort through Senior Day at the Memphis Zoo.

YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

SCO’s faculty recruitment effort led to nearly a full complement of faculty for the first time in nearly a decade. Clinical Programs consequently provides clinical instruction at a 4:1 intern to staff doctor ratio. Jim Burke, OD ’77, retired as Vice President for Clinical Programs. Jim Venable, OD ’89, was named Executive Director as his successor. Adult Primary Care’s patient encounters grew by 15.9%. Through the Externship Program, students experienced 158,681 patient contacts, an average of 1,345 patients per student over two externship rotations. The Nursing Home Service expanded to include associations with assisted-living facilities. The Optical Services saw gross sales increase by 8.7% from the previous year. Vision Therapy Service and Low Vision Rehabilitation Service were unified into a singular service.




Evolving Curriculum Brings Opportunities for Improvement The 2008-2009 year ushered in a new delivery method of clinical curriculum. From the perspective of Jim Venable, OD ’89, Executive Director for Clinical Programs, the change offered the opportunity to address some deficiencies in clinical grading. A Clinical Grading Task Force had redesigned the system several years ago, resulting in a method of computerized assessment, feedback and encouragement for interns. The system was designed, however, with review and revision as a part of quality improvement protocols. “Our system had identified those few interns who would perform at a ‘minimally competent’ or unsatisfactory level,” Dr. Venable explained. “Grades were not always completely descriptive of performance and did not provide faculty with justification for intervention or remediation.” A review was conducted with system changes recommended. Starting with the 2009 summer semester, third-year interns are now assessed on an Honors/Pass/Fail system. The system will be phased in over two years to include all clinic courses. “Individual patient encounters are still evaluated,” Dr. Venable said. “We also provide interns with identification of clinical strengths and constructive criticism of areas where they can improve.” Any performance in patient care at a level deemed below expectations triggers a review through a faculty grading conference. Average performance below expectations over a semester could result in a failing grade. The curriculum additionally has been modified to meet a challenge created by the transition to the semester system. “The semester system provided third-year interns with greater responsibility and more clinical contacts; however, fourthyear interns were left with less on-campus exposure to patient care,” explained Dr. Venable. Scheduling logistics had also relegated a large portion of the fourth-year internship to technical support encounters as opposed to diagnostic patient care contact. “We recognized that few fourth-year clinical assignments were unique to this final phase of our students’ clinical education,” Dr. Venable said. With a goal of improving the program, the summer 2009 term began with fourth-year interns being assigned exclusively to direct patient care. As a health care and teaching facility, it is the responsibility of attending staff doctors to manage patients with interns at their side functioning as non-physician extenders. “This provides unique learning opportunities for students that are essential for training future health care providers,” Dr. Venable said. “This type of academic interaction affords interns an opportunity to gain necessary clinical and critical thinking skills often more difficult to accomplish in a didactic or laboratory setting.“ Because efficiency is essential for successful and productive academic encounters in a clinical setting, final implementation and full utilization of the Compulink® Electronic Health Record System (EHR) has been achieved in The Eye Center. “We can record data, document procedures, verify insurance coverage and enhance the continuity of our care for patients in a manner that is better than ever before,” Dr. Venable added. “We want this teaching model to be as effective as possible for our interns’ clinical education.”

Recent curriculum enhancements are designed to provide students with greater clinical learning opportunities.

Annual Report



FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Financial Affairs includes oversight of the college’s fiscal operating expenses as well as Accounting, SCO’s Bookstore, Information Services, Physical Plant, Security, and Preventative Health.

Progress Items to Note SCO completed 2008-09 with a $1.1 million positive variance to budget from operations, as confirmed by the results of the annual audit. Investments declined 19.1% during the fiscal year as a result of the market downturn as evidenced by the S&P 500 decline of 28.2%. SCO met and exceeded its operational budget in 2008-09 achieving net income from operations of $1,401,493. Information Services worked with Institutional Advancement to facilitate a new email account for alumni offering enhanced features. Physical Plant work included the completion to renovations on SCO’s elevators and the installation of new chiller equipment to reduce electricity consumption and to use an environment friendly refrigerant. YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

SCO’s bookstore is now providing online book sales to alumni. Maintaining and improving a 21st century college campus can be challenging; recent improvements included a new roof to the Annex Building.

SCO’s bookstore began offering online book sales. Plans call for further development of the SCO bookstore site to sell other merchandise online. SCO participated in an EPA peer audit review that showed SCO is in compliance with EPA regulations for waste disposal and other categories designed to make the campus safe.

Statement of Activities for the Year Ended June 30, 2009

Revenues, Gains, and Other Support......................................................................................................................................................$21,784,114 Expenses and Losses.........................................................................................................................................................................................$20,382,621 Net Assets/Fund Balance at the Start of the Year.........................................................................................................................$90,458,624 Net Assets/Fund Balance at the End of the Year..........................................................................................................................$78,251,644 Change in Net Assets....................................................................................................................................................................................................-13.5%




Safety of SCO Campus Top Priority When SCO’s new Strategic Plan went into effect this summer, students were identified as the primary stakeholder in the college’s daily mission on campus. Viewing students as vital customers is an emergent trend on college campuses across the country. To that end, SCO has worked over the past year to make the campus more secure and as safe as possible. A number of initiatives and endeasvors have been launched over the last year to meet this goal. With the advent of the H1N1 virus, college campuses have proven particularly vulnerable with young people studying and attending classes within close proximity of each other. At SCO, the college’s Preventative Health program sent out a special email alert with information on how to avoid the spread of the virus and the steps the college utilizes to minimize exposure. SCO’s Preventative Health program also led a campus-wide peer-audited EPA review. All departments conducted a thorough inspection of potentially hazardous materials used to fulfill their responsibilities. Proper safety sheets are kept on file, along with other safety-related procedures. SCO subsequently received one of the better reviews among Tennessee colleges in the process. A safe and secure campus for students, faculty and staff also requires the active role of SCO’s security team. Like any large city, Memphis requires attention to safety. The college has increased the number of security guards on patrol, as well as strengthened security in areas that are frequently accessed by the public, including The Eye Center. Information also plays a critical role providing a safe campus. The college maintains an active crisis response system whereby the SCO community can be alerted via text messages or cellphones if a danger is present. When tornados hit Memphis during the summer of 2009, the weather triggered security measures that were planned well in advance as individuals on campus gathered in secure locations. Significant progress has been made in these key areas over the past year. Alumni can take pride in knowing that SCO is responsive to the needs of its students. Their safety represents one of the vital components required for the educational process to succeed.

Accompanied by Dr. Jennifer Sanderson, right, representatives from other Tennessee colleges inspect SCO’s facilities as part of an EPA peer review.

Annual Report



INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Institutional Advancement includes responsibility for alumni relations and programs, development, placement services, event coordination, and communications.

Progress Items to Note A number of new initiatives were launched, including improved alumni correspondence and recognition, website launches (in cooperation with Information Services) for complete new sites for SCO and The Eye Center, production of a student recruitment video (a collaboration with Student Services), student development activities and special events. A four-year student career counseling initiative was launched in collaboration with Student Services. A $50,000 grant was received from VSP to support career counseling and promoting the Hayes Center for Practice Excellence. Outreach opportunities were expanded to include more state and regional optometric meetings to enhance alumni relations and increase communication with state optometric leaders, industry and alumni. The department supported the college in a total of 689 organized meetings and events held on and off-campus during the year.

Marion Rosemore and Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ‘74, visit The Fredric M. Rosemore, OD, Low Vision Service in The Eye Center. Representatives from Alcon meet with SCO to discuss educational initiatives supported by the company.

Campus-wide events included Homecoming/CE Weekend, class reunion parties, graduation and awards ceremony, commencement, and State Day.

YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

State Day 2009 brought representatives from 12 states and the AOA to campus to facilitate a more meaningful interaction between students and organized optometry. SCO’s Alumni Council was launched to increase ideas and input from alumni representatives. Alumni receptions were held at the AAO, the AOA, SECO, and state association visits in TN, NC, WV, NE, IA, LA, KS, AR and SCO’s first-ever reception in UT. The internal campaign was held again in June 2009, breaking the previous year’s record by raising more than Total $$ Received $490,991 $58,000 with 91% faculty and staff participation. Number of Gifts


Community Phonathon and Note-a-thonTotal sessions raised funds for scholarships, thanks to alumni support. Donors 774 New Donors at; these alumni also receive 217 E-newsletters are sent to alumni who subscribe digital *totals do not include pledge amount for future payment invitations to alumni receptions, and other special events.

Gifts Received FY 08-09*

Total Dollars Received.............$490,991

Number of Gifts....................................1,059

StatisticsFY08-09 FY 08-09 GivingGiving Statistics Alumni 35%

71,380.54 $170,211.32

Faculty & Staff 21%


Total Donors................................................774

Industry 5%

New Donors................................................217

$105,333.20 Grants 25%

*Totals do not include pledge amount for future payment.


Friends 14%




SIDEBAR The past year has seen an increased focus on defining and creating college initiatives that can benefit SCO’s primary stakeholders, the student, as well as other key stakeholders such as alumni.

SCO Expanding Alumni Outreach The past year has seen an increased focus on defining and creating college initiatives that can benefit SCO’s primary stakeholders, the students, as well as other key stakeholders such as alumni. “Institutional Advancement means literally just that, advancing the college,” said Kristin K. Anderson, OD, Vice President for Institutional Advancement. “Over the last year we’ve set goals to improve customer service to both our internal and external communities.” With the creation of SCO’s Alumni Council and an increased emphasis on traveling to states and regions where alumni live and practice, members of the Institutional Advancement team are taking the SCO message into new venues. “This past year, we held a number of alumni receptions in states where, candidly, we would sometimes be asked by alumni, ‘Why are you here?’” Dr. Anderson said. “The answer is that we realize practicing optometrists are by the very nature of our profession extremely active and it’s not always possible to attend Homecoming or visit the SCO campus in Memphis. To that end, we intend to engage our alumni, talk to them, gain their input, because that’s important to our mission and our Strategic Plan to succeed.” SCO recently added a new member to the Institutional Advancement team. Carla O’Brian has been named Director of Alumni Programs. A graduate of the University of Mississippi, she previously served as Assistant Director of University Events at Georgia State University and Director of Basketball Operations at the University of Mississippi. Alumni who have met and worked with Beth Fisher over the past few years will be pleased to learn that she has been named SCO’s Special Events Planner. Her role will include the planning and execution of on-campus events and off-campus events for alumni such as the annual Alumni Reception at SECO. “The entire Institutional Advancement team is moving into the next five-year phase of our new Strategic Plan ready to serve our constituents,” said Dr. Anderson. “We support our students on campus with the realization that it’s a short journey from orientation to becoming a graduate and alumnus of SCO. Our role is to facilitate these relationships throughout a student’s SCO experience and then post-graduation as valued members of our nearly 6,000 alumni.” Carla O’Brian recently joined Institutional Advancement as Director for Alumni Programs.

Annual Report



HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Cumulative Gifts This listing recognizes gifts from January 1, 1986 through June 30, 2009.

$5 0 0 , 0 0 0 and above Jerome A. Hayes, III, OD ’73 The Assisi Foundation of Memphis, Inc. $2 5 0 , 0 0 0 -$ 49 9,9 9 9 Marion Rosemore and the late Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Vision Service Plan $10 0 , 0 0 0 -$249,9 9 9 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Lions Club of Memphis Foundation SECO International, Inc. Seymour R. Marco Family Foundation Sidney J. Stern, OD ’71 Vistakon Division of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. Joseph F. Wiggins, OD ’51

YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

$5 0 , 0 0 0 -$9 9,9 9 9 Eugene M. Bane, Jr., OD ’65 Camile L. Chiasson, OD ’81 CIBA Vision Corporation Ramona P. Clifton, OD ’46 Richard L. Hopping, OD ’52 Arthur Thomas Hyde, OD ’76 Laser Diagnostic Technologies, Inc. Omni Eye Service, Inc. Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc. Transitions Optical, Inc. United Way of the Mid South Wesley-Jessen Corp. $2 5, 0 0 0 -$ 49,9 9 9 Allergan, Inc. American Optometric Foundation Allan Leslie Barker, OD ’75 and Susan S. Barker Bausch & Lomb Ronald D. Blum, OD ’72 Charlene Burnett, OD ’83 and Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Melanie A. Crandall, OD ’77 Eckerd Foundation Grant Program Essilor of America, Inc./Varilux John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 Charles G. Glaser, OD ’74 Heidelberg Engineering William G. Hendrix, OD ’55 Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Helen J. King, OD ’83 and Christopher B. King, OD ’83




John T. Leddy, OD ’56 Robert M. Malatin, OD ’72 Marchon Eyewear, Inc. Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78 New Orleans Contact Lens Society Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Wayne W. Pyeatt W. Jack Runninger, OD ’47 James D. Sandefur, OD ’65 Robert W. Smalling, OD ’74 Southwest Contact Lens Society Wal-Mart Optical Division $10 , 0 0 0 -$24 ,9 9 9 Edwin F. Adams, III, OD ’76 Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. AEN, Inc. Charles H. Aldridge, Jr., OD ’80 Alston & Bird American Heart Association American Optometric Association America’s Best/National Vision Inc. Kristin K. Anderson, OD and Christopher Lievens, OD Sara and Scott Andreas Association of Schools & Colleges of Optometry Atlanta Optometric Foundation, Inc. J. Dean Baggett, OD ’83 Rick D. Bartlett, OD ’81 James A. Boucher, OD ’61 Amanda Brewer-Smith, OD ’97 J. Wayne Buck, OD ’78 Robert L. Burns, OD ’76 Charles A. Callaway, OD ’83 Phillip L. Carney, Jr., OD ’92 Freddy W. Chang, OD Charles Retina Institute Judith A. Clay, OD ’70 and Edward K. Walker, OD ’49 Cherry B. Cockrell, OD ’81 and David A. Cockrell, OD ’81 Gilan L. Cockrell, OD ’80 Dennis L. Cowart, OD ’80 Stanley M. Dickerson, OD ’76 William M. Dickerson, Jr., OD ’79 Howard Dyer, III Sidney M. Edelstein, OD ’55 Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84 Joe E. Ellis, OD ’86 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 Larry E. Forth, OD ’77 C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81 Thomas J. Gallaher, OD ’51 Germantown Lions Club Lowell H. Gilbert, OD ’65 Glenn I. Goldring, OD ’78 Grand Encampment Knights Templar Billy C. Greene, OD ’49 Richard D. Gurley, OD ’80

H. W. Durham Foundation Charles L. Haine, OD and Connie Haine I. J. Halpern, OD ’74 Whitney H. Hauser, OD ’01 and Joseph H. Hauser Jarrett A. Johnson, OD ’90 Linda D. Johnson, OD Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Johnson Charles Lowell Jones, OD ’75 Kentucky Optometric Association David D. Kirby, OD ’80 Lakeland Lions Foundation Howard B. Levinson, OD ’76 Wilburn Lord, Jr., OD ’77 Memphis Family Vision Practice Mississippi Optometric Association Darwin L. Mormon, OD Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Dale L. Morris, OD ’73 Fred H. Mothershed, OD ’75 Michael Neff, OD ’68 William C. Oliver, OD Richard C. Orgain, OD ’77 Alva S. Pack, III, OD ’69 Major Robert E. Parfitt Ralph E. Parkansky, OD Pearle Vision Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Pilkington Barnes Hind, Inc. Plough Foundation PMC Commercial Trust Joseph W. Remke, III, OD ’76 Robert D. Remke, OD ’87 Jack L. Schaeffer, OD ’77 Allan G. Schoen, OD ’72 C. Wayne Shearer, OD ’50 William Y. Shields, OD Silhouette Optical Ltd. F. Mason Smith, OD ’76 Frank G. Smith, III Rosalind O. Smith, OD ’76 and Theron C. Smith, III, OD ’74 Southern College of Optometry Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 Jerome Sude, OD ’72 J. Craig Swaim, OD ’77 Stuart R. Tasman, OD ’80 Tennessee Optometric Association Tammy Pifer Than, OD ’95 and Aung Than, PhD The Egg Factory, LLC TLC Management Services, Inc. TLC Vision Corporation Toomey & Baggett Eyecare Clinic, PLLC Jean Ann Toomey, OD ’85 Robert G. Traylor, OD ’63 Gregory S. Usdan, OD ’94 Lisa Rossmeyer Wade, OD ’84 Walman Optical/X-Cel, Inc. West Tennessee Optometric Society

Barry A. Winston, OD ’74 Harold J. Winston, OD ’41 Jerry M. Winston, OD ’67 Tom A. Wright $5, 0 0 0 -$9,9 9 9 Donna Abney Stephen P. Akre, OD ’75 Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation Mary Backlund Martha and Nat Baxter Emily M. Bosley, OD ’95 and William G. Bosley, III, OD ’95 James H. Burke, OD ’77 J. Bart Campbell, OD ’87 Orman Campbell, OD ’49 Cynthia M. Cato Century Optical, Inc. Emily S. Chambers Cumberland Optical Company Howard S. Demps Designs for Vision, Inc. Dickson Eye & Health Clinic Robin J. Drescher, OD Tommy J. Ducklo, OD ’78 East Memphis Lions Club L. Allen Fors, OD ’69 Heart of America Contact Lens Society James B. Jalenak, Esq. Keeler Instruments, Inc. Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD ’65 Ralph P. Langenfeld, OD ’54 Logo of the Americas William J. Luck, OD ’76 Carole Lusk Hoskins Luxottica Group Horace L. May, OD ’48 Mentor O & O, Inc. David H. Mills, OD ’78 Omni Eye Services Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Parks Odell Associates Jo Ann Payne, OD ’90 and Gregory W. Payne, OD ’89 Pease & Curren, Inc. Pfizer Inc. Sue T. Prchal, OD ’79 and Gerald J. Prchal, OD ’79 J. Martin Regan, Jr. Clifton G. Sites, II, OD ’77 Billie Parks Skinner, OD ’76 Charles H. Smart, OD ’61 and Mrs. Mary K. Smart Sola Optical USA, Inc. Kurt T. Steele, OD ’95 Mrs. W. David Sullins, Jr. Sunsoft Corporation Dean Swick Tennessee Affiliate of AFVA Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association

The Bay Point Anterior Segment Symposium, Inc. The Jelks Family Foundation, Inc. Howard W. Tucker, Jr., OD ’63 United Methodist Church United Parcel Service Utah Vision Foundation, Inc. Visionworks, Inc. Lori A. Weiss, OD ’85 and Donald L. Weiss, Jr., OD ’86 Welch Allyn, Inc. James D. Willis $1, 0 0 0 -$ 4 ,9 9 9 2M Eye Stewart L. Abbey, OD ’63 Phillip E. Agee, OD ’72 AGIA Inc. Paul Ajamian, OD Gary M. Akel, OD ’79 David E. Alexander, OD ’80 Michael W. Alexander, OD ’80 Ronald D. Allen, OD ’63 Timothy P. Allen, OD ’70 Allied Irish Bank Mark A. Altfillisch, OD ’92 American Foundation for Vision Awareness William J. Anderson, OD ’52 Edwin N. Anguas, OD ’69 Annabel K. Stephens David A. Arthur, OD ’66 Ashland City Lions Club Atlanta Frame Express Atlanta Metro Lions Club Jo-Ann B. Augustine Auxiliary of Tennessee Optometric Association Auxiliary of the Association of Seventh T. Ross Averitt, OD ’62 R. Dianne Balazsy Ivan B. Bank, OD ’83 Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Earnestine Barge Currie Dean Barker, OD ’58 Bartlett Lions Foundation Marshall H. Bates, OD ’49 Deanna J. Baxter Bayou Ophthalmic Instruments, Inc. King S. Beardsley, OD ’67 Michael B. Beckerman, OD ’71 Jason M. Beddingfield, OD, ’06 Kathryn M. Beggs, OD ’85 William S. Benkelman, OD ’67 David L. Bettis, OD ’53 Biocompatibles Eye Wear, Inc. Frederick L. Birmingham, OD ’84 T. G. Blackman, OD ’84 Robin S. Blair, OD ’74 Larry W. Bloomingburg, OD ’75 Bloomington Lions Club

Blytheville Lions Club Frederick E. Bodenhamer, OD ’75 Thomas H. Boeke, OD ’60 Robert E. Botts, OD ’78 Jennifer Bourn, OD ’02 John B. Bowen, OD ’54 Randall D. Bowling, OD ’71 Karen A. Bowyer, PhD Dwight D. Boyd, OD ’90 Jane L. Brack, OD ’00 and Ryan W. Brack, OD ’97 Kenneth B. Brehne, OD and Mrs. Gayle Brehne Brinkley Lions Club Kenneth W. Brooks, OD ’76 Mrs. L. W. Brown Larry H. Bryan Robert J. Bryant, OD ’55 Alan K. Bugg, OD ’82 Tasso S. Butler, Jr., OD ’77 J. Gordon Butterfield, OD ’54 James M. Byrn, OD ’49 Winona M. Caldwell Wayne M. Cannon, OD ’62 Eugene R. Cantwell, OD ’49 Carl Zeiss Vision Inc. Carle Foundation Hospital Auxiliary Carl J. Carnaggio, OD ’72 Nicholas C. Caro, MD Carotek, Inc. Carpenter/Sullivan, LLC John E. Casto, OD ’60 Center for Keratoconus Joe A. Chambers, OD ’70 Chester County Lions Club Darby Chiasson, OD ’99 Doug Clark, OD Jerry L. Clay Fred S. Cloninger, OD ’65 Coal Hill VFW Scholarship Fund Glenn M. Cochran, OD ’80 W. D. Cochran, OD ’70 Jeffrey H. Cohen, OD ’72 Janet Provencal Collier, OD ’96 Community First National Bank Steven L. Compton, OD ’78 Conforma Contact Lenses Charles G. Connor, Jr., OD Douglas L. Conrath, OD ’66 Andrew G. Cook, Jr., OD ’81 Mark J. Cook, OD ’78 Michael G. Cook, OD ’78 Cynthia Elam Corbin, OD ’01 Corcoran LionsClub James V. Cornetta, OD ’81 Covington Lions Club Al H. Covington, OD ’78 Donald V. Covington, OD ’82 William J. Crawford, OD ’82 Robert M. Cress, OD ’75 Gary G. Crook, OD ’72 G. Robert Crosby, OD ’63 Crossett Lions Club Oscar Crow, OD ’49 William M. Crow, OD ’49 Julian A. Crowder, OD ’78 David H. Curtis, OD ’78 David A. Damari, OD and Mrs. Rita Frumento Damari Elizabeth Mason Darby, OD ’01 David L. Davidson, OD ’64 Barry J. Davis, OD ’65

Donnie R. Davis, OD ’71 James O. Davis, OD ’86 Marion B. Davis, OD ’47 and Mrs. Mary Davis Norden W. Davis, OD ’61 Horace Deal, OD ’97 William R. Dellinger, OD ’64 Delta Gamma Foundation Charles Denaburg, OD ’62 Thomas D. Dennis, OD ’66 Norman J. Dery, OD ’69 and Bonny Lou Eads, OD ’69 James W. Devine, OD ’83 David Dick, OD ’69 John D. Dodd, OD ’81 Paul K. Douglas, OD ’63 Susan M. Doyle Drs. Foster and Steele Family Optometry Debarah A. Wallace, OD ’86 and Peter C. Dubin, OD ’86 Michael J. Duffy, OD ’78 Jason D. Duncan, OD ’96 Craig W. Dunlap, OD ’94 Dunlaw Optical Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Dupuy Richard D. Durocher, OD ’96 Dyersburg Lions Club Max Edrington, OD ’72 M. Scott Edwards, OD ’77 Jimmy H. Elam, OD ’72 David C. Eldridge, OD ’78 J. Grady Elliott, Jr., OD ’92 James H. English, OD ’66 M. Scott Ensor, OD ’01 George S. Erlbeck, OD ’49 Exxon Company, USA/ Volunteer Involvement Fund Eye Care Clinic of West Tennessee Gregory L. Fanelli, OD ’76 Delton L. Fast, OD ’75 Bradley W. Fielding, OD ’84 Ann Z. Fields First Tennessee Bank Alan P. Fisher, OD ’75 Elizabeth Fisher Fisons Pharmaceuticals Sadie M. Fleming Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 Melvin B. Fox, OD ’54 Cecily Freeman Cathy Loper Frier, OD ’77 and Michael C. Frier, OD ’75 Future Optics, Inc. G.T. Laboratories, Inc. John Gammon Foundation John M. Garber, OD ’76 Cindy Garner Elizabeth M. Garrett Wesley E. Garton, OD ’80 Herman George Germantown Lions Club Michael D. Gerstner, OD ’97 Erin R. Nosel, OD ’01 and Hani S. Ghazi-Birry OD ’01 Frank S. Gibson, OD ’68 Gift of Sight Foundation W. Carter Glass, OD ’76 The Goldsmith Foundation, Inc. Roy L. Gooch, OD ’61 Phillip H. Gray, OD ’78 Stuart M. Greenberg, OD ’01 Martha W. Greene, OD ’45

Thomas H. Gulley, OD ’68 Neil R. Gurwitz, OD ’50 Garry Haas, OD ’67 Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD ’01 David Russell Hamlin, OD ’98 L. Shepard Hamrick, Jr., OD ’81 Wilburt D. Hanisco Jeffrey S. Hankin, OD ’78 Gene A. Harman, OD ’72 Betty J. Harville, OD Richard D. Hazlett, OD, PhD Charles B. Heiner, OD ’61 William L. Herbold, OD ’67 Hernando Lions Club Harold C. Herring, Jr., OD ’74 Kent B. Hill, OD ’70 HMI Buying Group Hnedak Bobo Group Arnold F. Hodges, OD ’48 Gary M. Hoffard, OD ’72 Gerald Hoffman, OD ’52 Jim Hollifield William M. Holman, OD ’92 Larry J. Housley, OD ’68 Hoya Lens of America Hoya Optical Laboratories Morry W. Hsu, OD ’01 Humboldt Lions Club Margaret I. Hunnicutt, OD ’70 Indiana University Foundation Charles Ingram, OD ’67 Inspire Pharamaceuticals, Inc. J.A. Majors Company J.B. Lippincott Co. Jackson Old Hickory Lions Club Jaeb Center for Health Research E. D. Jamieson W. Michael Jamison, OD ’82 Donald E. Jenks, OD ’54 Gordon W. Jennings, OD ’81 Jewish Foundation of Greensboro Jobson Publishing Co. John-Kenyon American Eye Institute Jolynn and Kenneth Johnson Ray H. Johnson, OD ’68 Warren S. Johnson, OD ’84 Dr. Burnett Joiner Robert B. Jordan, OD ’88 Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Michael B. Kane, OD ’78 Mark R. Kapperman, OD ’87 Kentucky Optometric Foundation Aaron Kerr, OD ’98 Charles D. Keylon, OD ’71 Michael D. Kiihnl, OD ’81 Nelson C. Klaus, Jr., OD ’72 J. Keith Kleinert, OD ’86 James M. Kluckman, OD ’74 and Mrs. Tamie Kluckman Robert A. Koetting, OD ’47 Steven R. Koganovsky, OD ’75 Adam B. Krafczek, Jr., Esquire KS Foundation for Vision Awareness, Inc. Lafayette Lions Club Jane Watson Lamb, OD ’69 and Roy D. Lamb, OD ’68 Lawrence J. LaTour, OD ’80 Charles D. Lawler, OD ’64 Loy D. Lawler, OD ’49 Louis J. Layton, OD ’67 Thomas Lentz, OD ’76

George A. Lever, OD Jim D. Lewis, OD ’62 John K. Lindsay, OD ’81 Lions Club International Dist. 12-L Lookout Valley Lions Club Loudoun Douglas High Alumni Assoc. Inc. Ralph Lovell LWW Vision Care, Publishers of New OD Robert E. MacKey, OD ’62 Leroy Magee Maine Optometric Assoc. Willis C. Maples, OD ’68 Diane G. Markee Thomas J. Marquardt, OD ’74 Marsh Affinity Practice Neill R. Marshall, OD ’68 Martin Lions Club Erie Mathena Mark E. Mather, OD ’76 John A. May, OD ’63 James D. Mayes, OD ’79 Lenward R. McCalla, OD ’85 George S. McCarter, OD ’76 Joe O. McClure, OD ’51 Robert W. McCullough, OD ’77 Mr. Joe N. McKnight Janice McMahon, OD ’98 Charles E. McMasters, OD ’84 Michael S. McQuaig, OD ’77 Honorable Ned R. McWherter Memphis Blind Lions Club Memphis Lens Company, Inc. Memphis Mid-City Lions Club Merck & Co., Inc. Allyson P. Mertins, OD ’97 Metro Optics, LLC. Mid South Premier Ophthalmics Terry Milius Sally S. Miller, OD ’80 and Charles David Miller, OD ’78 Millington Lions Club Robert C. Mills, Jr., OD ’89 Minnie Flaura and Roseanna Turner Fund Terry D. Moehnke, OD ’77 John H. Mohr, OD ’61 Tiffany Kay Monahan, OD ’00 Nicole Y. Monroe, OD ’99 Sheri Monroe Montgomery Martin Contractors, LLC. Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Sandra C. Morgan Harold E. Morrill, Jr., OD ’75 Ronald C. Mozingo, OD ’78 Kenneth Mulholland, Jr. Joseph W. Myers, OD ’64 Naperville Noon Lions Club Nashville South Lions Club National Academy of Practice in Optometry (NAPO) Nebraska Foundation for Vision Awareness James L. Nedrow, OD ’65 New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians, Inc. James M. Newman, III, OD ’73 Nikon, Inc. John S. Niles NoIR Medical Technologies Northeast Memphis Lions Club Leroy Norton, Jr., OD ’87

Ocular Instruments, Inc. Odyssey Medical, Inc. David Olive, OD ’99 Ooh La La de Paris Eyewear Optical Dynamics Corporation Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. Optos, Inc. Carol-Lyn G. Ordynsky, OD ‘85 and George Ordynsky, OD ’83 Larry Otten, OD ’77 Lyn Brown Oxley, OD ’84 PACO Research Corporation Paragon Optical Company Paris Lions Club Jerry B. Park, OD ’66 Randall T. Parrish, Jr., OD ’78 Dale E. Patrick, OD ’77 W. Stan Peacock, OD ’84 Brenda and Greg Pearson John S. Peery, OD ’84 G. Worthy Pegram, Jr., OD ’53 N. Gene Perkins, OD ’57 Walter F. Peterson, OD ’59 Clifford I. Phillips, OD ’78 William A. Pike, OD ’72 Pilkington Barnes Hind USA Austin and Melissa Pittman C. Ellis Potter, OD ’67 Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD ’02 James L. Price, Jr., OD ’74 Wayne F. Provines, OD Charles R. Pruden, Jr., OD ’59 R.L. Speck & Associates, Inc. Kenneth W. Rader, OD ’55 Gary E. Radish, OD ’69 Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Rafieetary Kim C. Raharja, OD ’06 Samuel C. Rainey, OD ’51 Brenda H. Rakestraw Raleigh Lions Club, District 12-L Raleigh Lions Club J. Gregory Reasons, OD ’87 David J. Reed, OD ’68 Steven T. Reed, OD ’95 Richard A. Reeves, OD ’75 and Debra Lee Reeves Shilpa J. Register, OD Lewis Reich, OD Leon A. Renaud, OD ’73 William T. Reynolds, OD ’85 Tonya M. Reynoldson, OD ’01 Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes J. Scott Richardson, OD ’75 Dr. Joel W. Richardson, Jr. Gary A. Roach, OD ’72 Edward L. Robbins, OD ’51 Sandra Robbins Thomas A. Roberson, OD ’77 Bob G. Roberts, OD ’74 Robertson Optical Laboratories, Inc. Michael N. Robertson S.W. Robertson, OD ’67 Nathaniel D. Robinson, OD ’91 William E. Robinson, Jr., OD ’74 Rochester Optometric Society Stuart D. Rogers, OD ’82 W. W. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Lance Rosemore Howard K. Ross, OD ’78 Timothy A. Ross, OD ’85

Michael S. Rothschild, OD ’97 Lawrence A. Routt, OD ’77 Mark J. Roy, III, OD ’02 Gregory C. Russell, OD ’97 Kay U. Saslawsky Richard Savoy, OD Henry V. Sawyer, Jr., OD ’78 Jeffrey P. Scarpace David K. Schandler Gary L. Schreiner, OD ’72 Keith Allan Schrunk, OD ’03 James R. Schuchert, OD ’72 SCO - Student Government Association Jeremy C. Scoggins, OD ’01 Donald C. Scott, OD ’85 Sallye S. Scott, OD ’78 Stephen Selby, OD ’42 James E. Sellers, OD ’75 Tim Markam Sellers, OD ’98 Diane R. Serex-Dougan, OD ’81 Fred R. Shanks, OD ’74 Denise Q. Shepard, OD ’79 Dean N. Shissias, OD ’82 Steven R. Shum, OD ’71 Gary C. Simpson, OD ’64 Dennis L. Smith, OD ’81 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 Michael K. Smith, OD ’02 and Kimberly Zimmer Smith, OD ’03 Larry D. Snider, OD ’76 Larry L. Snyder, OD ’66 Southeast Optometric Vision Forum Southern Optical Company Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD ’77 Spartanburg Lions Club Joel H. Springan, OD ’84 Alta I. Spurrier, OD ’68 Thomas J. Stander, OD ’82 Stanfield Baptist Church State of Oklahoma Scott A. Steel, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 and Brenda Steele Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00 Scott B. Steinman, OD Sandra Stephens Stereo Optical Company, Inc. William E. Sterling, Jr., OD ’75 Cathy D. Stern, OD Christopher J. Strelioff, OD ’96 Frederick Norman Stringer, OD ’49 Student Loan Express George C. Stumpf, Jr., OD ’82 Harry M. Sulzberger, OD ’63 William C. Sutherland, OD ’66 April K. Swim, OD ’00 Terrence M. Swinger, OD ’64 Thomas H. Swords, OD ’73 James F. Tanner, OD ’64 Lloyd A. Tantum, OD ’78 Marc Taub, OD Wyatt R. Taylor, OD ’64 Randall Teague, OD ’78 Van M. Teague, OD ’81 Terry L. Bonds & Associates Banzai Consulting Tex-O-Con, Inc. D. W. Thaxton, III, OD ’66 Charles E. Thomas, OD ’84 Gerald M. Thomas, OD

Annual Report



YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

Sharon Holden Thomas, OD ’83 and Stuart J. Thomas, OD ’84 Mary Thornley Charlie P. Tillman, Jr., OD ’83 James E. Tillman, OD ’69 Charles P. Tillman, OD ’49 and Nettie Tillman Wylie W. Tirey, OD ’67 Shannon Torbett and Matt Torbett Thomas E. Townsend, OD ’75 John D. Tumblin, OD ’54 Tunica Lions Club John J. Turley, OD ’54 Union Planters Bank University of Houston Donald G. Upton, OD ’81 USF&G Corporation Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78 Richard W. Varley, OD ’77 James E. Venable, OD ’89 Cary J. Vincent, OD ’78 Mark H. Vinson, OD ’82 Virginia Optometric Association Vision Care Inc. Vision Training Products, Inc. Christina Rae Vogel, OD ’03 Volk Optical, Inc. Mark C. Ward, OD ’86 Garey E. Ware, OD ’66 Morris H. Weaver, OD ’75 Kenneth A. Weinberg, OD ’77 West Memphis Lions Club David West Jerry D. West, OD ’72 White Station Lions Club Whitehaven Lions Club James J. Whitelock, OD ’82 Patrick Whitworth, OD ’97 and Lee Anne Whitworth, OD ’97 William K. Wieland, OD ’66 Williams Consulting Group Neika Williams Leslie and Robert Williams Roger C. Wineinger, OD ’76 H. Ralph Winton, OD ’60 Wisconsin Optometric Association Brunswick R. Wong, OD ’76 Frederick J. Wright, OD ’69 James E. Wright, Jr., OD ’50 Joe G. Wright, OD ’63 Wynne Lions Club William T. Yoe, OD ’84 Anton L. Young, OD ’62 Stefan Kristoph Young, OD ’06 Eugene Zuckerman, OD ’47

Legacy Society Members of the Legacy Society have made provision for Southern College of Optometry as part of their estate planning in the form of a bequest, trust agreement, life insurance or other form of planned gift. Through their foresight and generosity, these donors help preserve the legacy of the college and ensure the future for SCO. Raleigh S. Althisar, Sr., OD ’50 Charlene Burnett, OD ’83 Frederick R. Burnett, OD ’80 John E. Christie, OD ’50 R. Nash Cochran, OD ’44 Douglas L. Conrath, OD ’66 George B. Coyle, OD ’50 George W. Ducote, OD ’40 I.D. Engram, OD ’63 Robert E. Federhen, OD ’49 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 Sidney I. Greenberg, OD ’65 Robert Lowell Henry OD and Mrs. Evelyn M. Henry William R. Jackson, OD ’52 Ralph P. Langenfeld, OD ’54 David H. Owen OD ’81 S. Michael Polakoff, OD ’44 Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Donald C. Reynolds, MOpt, MPH Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’49 and Mrs. Marion G. Rosemore Frank G. Smith, III, Esq. Ernie Valamides Lisa R. Wade, OD ’84 Lloye L. Whitfield, OD ’55 Al T. Witcher, OD ’45

Alumni Gifts by Class This listing is to recognize the alumni by class who made gifts between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. C la ss of 19 42 20.0% Participation

C la ss of 1951 2.7% Participation

Belvin G. Dollins, OD Marvin L. Klein, OD C la ss of 1952 2.3% Participation

Richard L. Hopping, OD C la ss of 1953 11.3% Participation

Joseph H. Blum, Jr., OD Burton P. Bodan, OD Norman Krell, OD Robert E. Meyer, OD G. Worthy Pegram, Jr., OD G. Robert Vines, OD C la ss of 195 4 4.0% Participation

James L. McCord, Jr., OD Mack Smith, OD C la ss of 1955 4.0% Participation

Sidney M. Edelstein, OD William G. Hendrix, OD C la ss of 195 8 8.7% Participation

Currie Dean Barker, OD George L. Haffner, OD C la ss of 1959 5.9% Participation

Howard F. Flippin, OD H. Lowell Meister, Jr., OD

C la ss of 19 47

Rufus B. Antley, OD Franklin D. Martin, OD Malvin C. Mauney, Jr., OD J. Robert Mitchem, OD

7.8% Participation 6.9% Participation

Harold S. Cohen, OD Robert A. Koetting, OD William W. Simmons, Jr., OD Eugene Zuckerman, OD

C la ss of 19 61 8.2% Participation

Paul A. Granada, OD Grover C. Jewell, Jr., OD Fredric M. Rosemore, OD

Roy L. Gooch, OD Richard E. Morgan, OD Alan E. Pressman, OD Curtis C. Shockley, OD

C la ss of 19 49

C la ss of 19 62

7.3% Participation

Joyce R. Adema, OD Glen E. Bryant, Sr., OD Eugene R. Cantwell, OD Oscar Crow, OD


5.8% Participation

Robert R. Carper, OD Nathan F. Ford, OD Neil R. Gurwitz, OD Arthur W. H. Loo, OD Virgil L. Rhodes, OD Denson L. Smith, OD Harmon E. Wyett, OD

C la ss of 19 6 0

3.5% Participation


C la ss of 195 0

Murray Schulman, OD

C la ss of 19 4 8


William M. Crow, OD Wallis E. Reagin, OD Edward K. Walker, OD

9.8% Participation

Lynn H. Church, OD Joseph A. Lamendola, Jr., OD William D. Simmons, OD Anton L. Young, OD

C la ss of 19 63 14.9% Participation

Ronald D. Allen, OD Ray D. Bess, OD T. Joel Byars, OD G. Robert Crosby, OD William Herbert Davis, Jr., OD John A. May, OD Harry M. Sulzberger, OD Thomas E. Theobald, OD Howard W. Tucker, Jr., OD C la ss of 19 6 4 14.6% Participation

David L. Davidson, OD William R. Dellinger, OD Gary C. Hodges, OD Charles D. Lawler, OD John T. Lee, OD John L. Noe, OD Wyatt R. Taylor, OD C la ss of 19 65 18.2% Participation

C. Brantley Aycock, OD Eugene Miller Bane, Jr., OD Fred S. Cloninger, OD James P. Crutchfield, OD Norman L. Elliott, OD Lowell H. Gilbert, OD William H. Kahn, OD Gerald A. Krumbholz, OD James D. Sandefur, OD C la ss of 19 6 6 14.5% Participation

David A. Arthur, OD Douglas L. Conrath, OD Scott F. Cranford, OD Harry R. Denison, OD James S. Eubank, OD Paul D. Michalove, OD Jerry B. Park, OD Milton J. Salomon, OD William C. Sutherland, OD D. Winston Thaxton, III, OD C la ss of 19 67 11.5% Participation

Walter C. Angel, OD William S. Benkelman, OD James A. Eaton, OD Richard E. Falls, OD Ronald B. Gantt, OD John A. Gazaway, OD Garry Haas, OD Edward R. Hoge, Jr., OD Louis J. Layton, OD Robert L. Mills, OD Jerry M. Winston, OD C la ss of 19 6 8 22.6% Participation

R. Keith Amiel, OD Joseph J. Beaman, OD Larry E. Blackmon, OD William E. Cochran, OD Frank S. Gibson, OD Ray H. Johnson, OD Willis C. Maples, OD Bobby W. Montgomery, OD Michael Neff, OD Richard L. Powell, OD

Earl H. Rock, OD Alta I. Spurrier, OD W. Wayne West, OD Leonard Wilkins, OD C la ss of 19 6 9 12.2% Participation

John H. Coppedge, Jr., OD Norman J. Dery, OD Bonny Lou Eads, OD L. Allen Fors, OD Herman H. Grothe, OD Alva S. Pack, III, OD Ralph C. Patterson, OD Gary E. Radish, OD Glen T. Steele, OD Donald R. Taylor, OD Frederick J. Wright, OD C la ss of 1970 16.7% Participation

Timothy P. Allen, OD Joe A. Chambers, OD Judith A. Clay, OD Paul W. Derrick, OD Jerry W. McBride, OD Douglas V. McKillip, OD David V. O’Brien, OD W. Craig Spangler, OD C la ss of 1971 9.8% Participation

Randall D. Bowling, OD Mark B. Givens, OD Steven R. Shum, OD Sidney J. Stern, OD C la ss of 197 2 14.9% Participation

Ronald D. Blum, OD Roger L. Burch, OD William C. Coffee, OD Jeffrey H. Cohen, OD Curtis Lynn Farrar, OD Dan E. Freeman, OD Donald P. Humphrey, OD Allyn H. Jacobson, OD Nelson C. Klaus, Jr., OD Robert M. Malatin, OD Gary A. Roach, OD Jerome Sude, OD Jerry D. West, OD James E. Yarbrough, OD William J. Yearta, OD C la ss of 197 3 10.2% Participation

George M. Bakowski, OD Alan L. Blatterman, OD Lynn Ray Gabe, OD N. Scott Gorman, OD James Jay Hulen, OD Dale L. Morris, OD James M. Newman, III, OD Dewey E. Raynor, OD Leon A. Renaud, OD C la ss of 1974 13.7% Participation

Robin S. Blair, OD Richard M. Bossin, OD David H. Dow, OD Robert M. Epstein, OD

Thomas J. Garrity, OD Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD Harold C. Herring, Jr., OD James L. Price, Jr., OD Miles W. Rhyne, Jr., OD Bob Gene Roberts, OD William E. Robinson, Jr., OD Charles A. Schaible, OD Robert W. Smalling, OD Theron C. Smith, III, OD John F. Thompson, OD Barry A. Winston, OD Bruce G. Young, OD C la ss of 1975 15.0% Participation

Stephen P. Akre, OD Allan Leslie Barker, OD Larry W. Bloomingburg, OD James M. Burns, OD Robert M. Cress, OD Alan P. Fisher, OD Jerry D. Jenks, OD Don C. Lewis, OD Harold E. Morrill, Jr., OD Fred H. Mothershed, OD David E. Phillips, OD J. Scott Richardson, OD Alan D. Scott, OD J. Scott Simpson, OD William E. Sterling, Jr., OD James W. Stuckey, OD Mike Tannehill, OD Morris H. Weaver, OD Evan T. Williams, OD C la s s of 1976 12.7% Participation

Stanley M. Dickerson, OD John M. Garber, OD Alan L. Ginsburg, OD W. Carter Glass, OD Arthur Thomas Hyde, OD Jay A. Keesling, OD Thomas Lentz, OD Howard B. Levinson, OD Mark E. Mather, OD George S. McCarter, OD Joseph W. Remke, III, OD F. Mason Smith, OD Rosalind O. Smith, OD Larry D. Snider, OD William R. Spooner, OD C la s s of 197 7 17.1% Participation

Ron M. Bannister, OD James H. Burke, OD Mark G. Coble, OD Hubert Cockrum, OD Melanie A. Crandall, OD Robert M. Dacus, OD Kelly F. Duke, Jr., OD Donald R. Hopper, OD Freeman E. Huskey, Jr., OD John B. Jiu, OD Robert W. McCullough, OD Michael S. McQuaig, OD Henry B. Miller, OD Terry D. Moehnke, OD Richard C. Orgain, OD Larry Otten, OD

James L. Parkerson, OD Lawrence A. Routt, OD David L. Smith, OD Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD W. David Spruill, OD J. Craig Swaim, OD Richard W. Varley, OD Douglas R. Wood, OD Neta B. Wood, OD C la s s of 1978 16.1% Participation

J. Wayne Buck, OD Thomas V. Casella, OD Steven L. Compton, OD Mark J. Cook, OD Tommy J. Ducklo, OD Glenn I. Goldring, OD T. Powers Griffin, Jr., OD Jeffrey S. Hankin, OD Charles David Miller, OD David H. Mills, OD Billy S. Moscow, OD Randall T. Parrish, Jr., OD Clifford I. Phillips, OD Richard W. Phillips, OD Frank A. Romano, OD Henry V. Sawyer, Jr., OD Sallye S. Scott, OD Jerome M. Tempel, OD Marlon R. Utech, OD C la s s of 1979 8.4% Participation

Gary M. Akel, OD Gary S. Appel, OD William M. Dickerson, Jr., OD Robert C. Fitzhugh, OD Keith M. Oliver, OD Gerald J. Prchal, OD Sue T. Prchal, OD William R. Shumaker, OD Hosea J. Soileau, Jr., OD William L. Turner, OD Terry M. Warren, OD C la s s of 19 8 0 14.2% Participation

David K. Adwan, OD Charles H. Aldridge, Jr., OD Michael W. Alexander, OD William Samuel Ashley, OD Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD Glenn M. Cochran, OD William E. Fox, OD Jay R. Kimberley, OD Lewis B. Kizer, OD Lawrence J. LaTour, OD G. Steven Malone, OD Sally S. Miller, OD Sharon Berger Moscow, OD Brett K. Radow, OD Rod L. Rallo, OD Frank E. Roofe, III, OD John W.L. Smith, OD Gary M. Soifer, OD Stuart R. Tasman, OD Gary W. Upchurch, OD

C la s s of 19 81 11.6% Participation

Rick D. Bartlett, OD Camile L. Chiasson, OD Cherry B. Cockrell, OD David A. Cockrell, OD James V. Cornetta, OD Max M. Downey, OD C. Jeff Foster, OD L. Shepard Hamrick, Jr., OD Kendall B. Harris, OD Gordon W. Jennings, OD Roger I. Jones, OD Daniel O. Mosser, OD Douglas V. Reeves, OD Sandra L. Swaringen, OD Frederick W. Tillman, OD Paul C. Tisdal, OD Robert R. Vincent, OD C la s s of 19 82 10.9% Participation

Norman W. Bryant, OD James O. Cloepfil, OD Thomas F. Deloatch, OD Debra A. Hammerer, OD John R. Hammerer, OD W. Michael Jamison, OD Gary L. Mancil, OD Charles A. Nassauer, OD Douglas E. Radish, OD Richard L. Roenfeldt, OD Stuart D. Rogers, OD Dean N. Shissias, OD Anthony L. Stubits, OD James J. Whitelock, OD C la s s of 19 8 3 13.8% Participation

J. Dean Baggett, OD Cynthia E. Baker, OD Joseph H. Baker, OD Charlene Burnett, OD Charles A. Callaway, OD James W. Devine, OD Shawn P. Doherty, OD Tim R. Fields, OD Paul T. Fulghum, OD Thomas K. Gober, OD Stephen Randy Griffin, OD Christopher B. King, OD Helen J. King, OD Gary B. Lukes, OD Rhett H. Richardson, OD Valerie B. Seligson, OD Thomas Soviar, OD Charlie P. Tillman, Jr., OD Stan J. Whitley, OD C la s s of 19 8 4 10.8% Participation

Robert P. Aitken, OD Edward E. Cho, OD Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD Anatole F. Gutowski, OD Raymundo G. Mendoza, OD Lyn Brown Oxley, OD W. Stan Peacock, OD John S. Peery, OD Owen M. Shirts, OD Deborah J. Sonnenmoser, OD Charles E. Thomas, OD

Terry L. Tucker, OD Lisa Rossmeyer Wade, OD C la ss of 19 8 5 9.8% Participation

Kathryn M. Beggs, OD Roger L. Benjamin, OD Miguel A. Bosch, Jr., OD Russell H. Chambless, OD Marie C. Kelly, OD Steven G. Laymon, OD Lenward R. McCalla, OD Nancy L. Mize, OD Robert H. Pierce, Jr., OD William T. Reynolds, OD Jean Ann Toomey, OD C la ss of 19 8 6 9.6% Participation

James O. Davis, OD Peter C. Dubin, OD Paul L. Harman, OD Charles R. Hughes, Jr., OD J. Keith Kleinert, OD Keith L. Miller, OD Dale J. Moser, OD Debarah A. Wallace, OD Mark C. Ward, OD C la ss of 19 87 11.2% Participation

J. Bart Campbell, OD David L. Foutch, OD Brian A. Kahn, OD Mark R. Kapperman, OD Leroy Norton, Jr., OD Tony G. Powers, OD J. Gregory Reasons, OD Robert D. Remke, OD Thomas F. Schobelock, OD James P. Theroux, OD C la ss of 19 8 8 6.9% Participation

Mark E. Appel, OD Arnold M. Huskins, OD Robert B. Jordan, OD Patricia M. Kowalski, OD Charles S. Shidlofsky, OD C la ss of 19 8 9 8.9% Participation

Donna Chaney-Sayre, OD Michael V. Johnston, OD Cynthia O. Jones, OD Nancy N. McShan, OD Robert C. Mills, Jr., OD John C. Myers, OD Phillip D. Rhoads, OD Michael R. Sigmon, OD Angela M. Thomas, OD James E. Venable, OD C la ss of 19 9 0 8.0% Participation

Lady Britton Aycock, OD Dwight D. Boyd, OD David Fisher, Jr., OD Arthur Andy Haley, OD Michael V. Holland, OD Jarrett Ann Johnson, OD Walter S. Rose, OD

C la ss of 19 91

C la s s of 19 9 8 9.5% Participation

5.1% Participation

Darla Barrow, OD Aaron Kerr, OD Scott M. Lauer, OD Vicki B. Lauer, OD Mary Lee Pemberton, OD Janice McMahon, OD Erin D. Newman, OD Dana M. Nolan, OD Tchula Morgison Ripton, OD April D. Smith, OD Brian D. Smith, OD Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD

Tifton C. Covington, OD Mark D. Roudebush, OD C la ss of 19 92 10.8% Participation

Eric K. Botts, OD J. Grady Elliott, Jr., OD Jimmy S. Gandy, OD Stacy L. Gandy, OD William M. Holman, OD Gary S. Holtzman, OD George W. Pegram, III, OD Michael L. Weeden, OD William L. Yoos, OD Leigh P. Ziegler, OD

C la s s of 19 9 9 10.3% Participation

Jill C. Browning, OD Dr. and Mrs. Darby Chiasson John Mark Jackson, OD Amy J. Knickerbocker, OD Katherine H. Laney, OD Nicole Y. Monroe, OD David Olive, OD Chad J. Thompson, OD Duane Thompson, OD Laurel L. Van Horn, OD Abner Velasco, OD Patricia Westfall-Elsberry, OD

C la ss of 19 93 3.6% Participation

George Rod Alberhasky, OD Kevin G. Loesch, OD J. Eric Raynor, OD C la ss of 19 9 4 8.0% Participation

Craig W. Dunlap, OD Laura L. Flockencier, OD Jay Arthur Kavanagh, OD Daniel E. Smith, OD

C la s s of 2 0 0 0 12.1% Participation

C la ss of 19 95

Crystal M. Brimer, OD Joseph Kent Douglas, OD Karen Joyner Douglas, OD Courtney G. Hoffman, OD Matthew E. Hoffman, OD Lara E. May, OD Lorie Michelle McReynolds, OD Allison Haddad Miller, OD Tiffany Monahan, OD Stacie Moore, OD Ellyn Johnson Owens, OD Janna Zbozien Smith, OD Audra D. Steiner, OD Marty S. Traylor, OD

12.6% Participation

Emily McNeely Bosley, OD William G. Bosley, III, OD Marilyn S. Burich, OD Alan L. Byrd, OD Pamela L. Finley, OD Robert D. Houghteling, OD Elizabeth T. Howard, OD Benjamin T. Hubbard, Jr., OD Judy Y. Jones, OD David L. Parker, OD Steven T. Reed, OD Kurt T. Steele, OD Annette G. Webb, OD

C la s s of 2 0 01 20.5% Participation

C la ss of 19 9 6

Jeffrey M. Anastasio, OD Angela Sherlin Bell, OD Margo D. Boler, OD Rohit R. Chopra, OD Thomas C. Coleman, OD Brian E. Colletto, OD Elizabeth Mason Darby, OD Michael Scott Ensor, OD Stuart M. Greenberg, OD Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD Matthew H. Harpin, OD Whitney H. Hauser, OD Max P. Hergott, OD Christopher M. Hogan, OD Daniel C. Horton, OD Edward T. Jacobs, OD Paul D. Mormon, OD Christopher C. Owens, OD Tonya M. Reynoldson, OD Allison L. Schroeder, OD Justin M. Schroeder, OD Jeremy C. Scoggins, OD Joshua M. Trafton, OD

8.4% Participation

Janet Provencal Collier, OD Jason D. Duncan, OD Richard D. Durocher, OD Andrew W. Howard, OD Patricia Hatley Koester, OD Jared T. Powelson, OD Kevin D. Stallard, OD Christopher J. Strelioff, OD C la ss of 19 97 8.6% Participation

Amanda Brewer-Smith, OD Troy L. Currier, OD Horace Deal, OD Michael D. Gerstner, OD Marty L. Hughes, OD Allyson P. Mertins, OD Gregory C. Russell, OD Mark A. Taylor, OD Lee Anne Whitworth, OD Patrick Whitworth, OD

Annual Report



C la s s of 2 0 02 14.2% Participation

Jeffrey M. Anastasio, OD Habib Azizi, OD Randy Birt, OD Jennifer Bourn, OD Dwight Matthew Burchett, OD Amy Chiu, OD Heidi B. Doucet, OD James Fleming, OD Larry S. Golson, OD Julie Fender Hogan, OD Giovanna Marie Moses, OD M. Shay Murphy, OD Jeff Netzel, OD Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD Mark J. Roy, III, OD David Teed, OD Kevin Tran, OD Bree S. Vickers, OD Carrie Williams, OD C la s s of 2 0 03 9.8% Participation

Sarah Sutherland Baldwin, OD Robert Neil Christen, OD Jeremy Michael Durham, OD Phillip Patrick Fowler, OD Carrie Fortner Irvine, OD Jennifer J. Pitts, OD Keith Allan Schrunk, OD Andrea Elizabeth Shelton, OD Kimberly A. Swan, OD Christina Rae Vogel, OD Cynthia Lynn Zara, OD C la s s of 2 0 0 4 8.3% Participation

YEAR IN REVIEW 2008-2009

George N. Butterworth, OD Chevron L. Ergle, OD Timothy L. Gibbons, OD Jason A. Gould, OD Heath Ray Holliday, OD Tricia Lenae Holliday, OD Floyd J. Stewart, OD Tarra L. Vander Leest, OD C la s s of 2 0 0 5 2.8% Participation

Kari L. Burchett, OD Ha Thi Nguyen, OD Pete Wardell, OD C la s s of 2 0 0 6 9.4% Participation

Sara K. Armand, OD Jason Michael Beddingfield, OD Raymond M. Carozza, OD Angela L. Dabbs, OD Jennifer L. Jones, OD Carrie D. Lebowitz, OD Kim C. Raharja, OD Gregory E. Reeves, OD Travis K. Sharpe, OD C la s s of 2 0 07 9.5% Participation

Brittany B. Boyette, OD Christopher T. Bullin, OD Adam Glenn Coats, OD Jeremy Len Diamond, OD Lindsay C Elkins, OD Crystal L. Franklin-Truss, OD




Haylie Lynne Mulliniks, OD John Michael Neal, OD Kristina Lynette Ramsey, OD Misti Renea Smith, OD Brooke Causey Vegas, OD C la ss of 2 0 0 8 3.4% Participation

Ehryn B. Cartwright, OD Michelle K. Mumford, OD Emily K. Nail, OD Lisa D. Niven, OD C la ss of 2 0 0 9 43.2% Participation

John A. Adams, OD Constance J. Allmond, OD Teresa L. Angeli, OD Monica A. Ballard, OD Alex C. Bell, OD Anita Blanchard, OD Joseph Borden, OD Karen Brawner, OD Thomas Brugnoli, OD Cynthia Carnie, OD Amy Elizabeth Coburn, OD Emily R. Conn, OD Nathan Davis, OD Tracy Elliott, OD Natalie Frasier, OD Eric Gengenbach, OD Victoria Gengenbach, OD Leah Gibson, OD Lauren M. Grahl, OD Ashwynn S. Halbert, OD Jared Ivie, OD Anna Jones, OD Matthew Jones, OD Paul Kimball, OD Rebecca King, OD Aaron Lyles, OD Nathasha G. Lyles, OD Ewing R. McClelland, OD Mary G. McCubbin, OD Megan N. Moll, OD Megan Morris, OD Carolyn Morton, OD Scott Paladichuk, OD Wyatt Peterson, OD Mary E. Quan, OD Ryan Rosemore, OD Ashley E. Schuelke, OD Adam T. Shupe, OD Laurie Sicard, OD Matthew Siemer, OD Sean Skierczynski, OD Melissa Stiling, OD Benjamin Sturdy, OD Joseph Sugg, OD Angela Tekippe, OD Dustin K. Utley, OD Kelly Virnig, OD Christina Vranich, OD Tristan Wild, OD Adam York, OD Jennifer York, OD

Friends, Foundations, Associations and Corporations The following made contributions to Southern College of Optometry from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. These gifts supported the many scholarships, funds and student activities/events. Abilene Rotary Club Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. Paul Ajamian, OD Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Allergan, Inc. American Optometric Foundation Arkadelphia Lions Club Art Optical Mary Kay Ball Vida Barrick Dr. Karen Beattie Karen Begg Stanley and JoAnne Besner Patricia Besner Brad and Beth Besner Iola Blake Whitney Blake Blenheim Centennial Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlsen Chapman Lions Club Charles Retina Institute Dr. Corey Christensen Beverly Clark Doug Clark, OD Clarksville Lions Club Clinton Lions Club Coffeyville Lions Club Leonard and Brandy Cohen R. J. Coker and Lynn Rose Coker E. B. Copeland Larry Decook, OD John and May Dellar Paul Dobrynin Eagle Vision, Inc. Tondra Elkins Joan Ervin Essilor of America, Inc./Varilux Dr. Jim Fouch Nancy Francis Kerri Frazier Joe Gallaher Joe and Carol Garbuzinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gates Germantown Lions Club Joe and Sue Gilliland Phil and Marilyn Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Leonid Gurvich Rebecca Hames Dixie Harber Fred and Anita Harrod Andrew Hartmann John and Virginia Hermes Douglas Hermes Susan and Lee Iglehart Jobson Publishing Co. John-Kenyon American Eye Institute Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson

Larry and Kathryn Jordan Anneke Keenleyside Kentucky Optometric Association Alice Kincaid Murray and Mildred Kozinn Aurelia Kyles Paul LaFreniere Lakeland Lions Foundation Jacqueline Lehto William Lennon Dr. Stanley Levine Sarah K. Lovell Dr. Sekhar Mamidi Marchon Eyewear, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDaniel McPherson Lions Club Nettie McGuire David McMindes Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare Miguel Miciano Cara Mikelsons MiraMed Tech Mississippi Optometric Association Michael J. Monroe and Linda G. Monroe Jill O’Brien Ooh La La de Paris Eyewear Optovue Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John Ostrowski Keith and Terri Paglusch Jane Pemberton-Hansen Obie Pennington Kim Perry Michael Petermann PMC Commercial Trust William Poe Precision Optical Laboratory, Inc. Lindsay Prockish Mohammad Rafieetary, OD Linda Rangel Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rives Lerin Rives Matt Robbins Robertson Optical Laboratories, Inc. Mrs. Marion Rosemore Dr. John Roumasset Bruce and Mary Beth Royer Seth Salley, ’10 David and Jennifer Sands SECO International, Inc. Thomas and Linda Senter Margaret Shay Mark Skidmore Douglas Steck and Julia Olofson-Steck Clinton Stevens, DDS Leslie Sullins Summit Properties SunTrust Bank Tennessee Optometric Association The Egg Factory, LLC Greg Turnage Judy Turnage Terry and Lisa Turner U.S. Vision Vision Service Plan Wal-Mart Optical Division Sheila Walters David and Harriet Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Williams YTB Travel Network, Inc.

Gift-in-Kind Contributions The following made contributions of various items and equipment during July 1, 2009-June 30, 2009. Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. Art Optical CLMA/GP Lens Institute Designs for Vision, Inc. Eagle Vision, Inc. Eschenbach of America, Inc. Essilor of America, Inc./Varilux Patrick A. Griffin, OD ’89 Stephen R. Griffin, OD ’83 T. Powers Griffin, Jr., OD ’78 Ted P. Griffin, OD ’54 Heine USA, Ltd. Keeler Instruments, Inc. Aurelia Kyles Stanley Levine Marchon Eyewear, Inc. MiraMed Tech NoIR Medical Technologies Ocular Instruments, Inc. Odyssey Medical, Inc. Ooh La La de Paris Eyewear Optovue Inc Lawrence A. Routt, OD ’77 SECO International, Inc. Steven R. Shum, OD ’71 Stereo Optical Company, Inc. Walman Optical/X-Cel, Inc. Welch Allyn, Inc.

Board of Trustees, Faculty and Staff The following current and former Board of Trustees, faculty and staff made contributions to Southern College of Optometry between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009. Donna Abney, MBA Trey Adams Daniel S. Anderson Lisa C. Anderson Kristin K. Anderson, OD Jo-Ann B. Augustine Paula L. Baker R. Dianne Balazsy Eugene M. Bane, Jr., OD ’65 Earnestine Barge Randy Brafford Delrita Branch Jon A. Brethorst William B. Brookshire Cassie Brown Larry H. Bryan, CPA Jennifer K. Bulmann, OD James H. Burke, OD ’77 Frederick R. Burnett, Jr., OD ’80 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 Winona M. Caldwell David M. Cale, OD John B. Campbell, OD ’87 Freddy W. Chang, OD, MS, PhD Camile L. Chiasson, OD ’81

Patricia Cisarik, OD Jerry L. Clay Lurley C. Clifton James R. Coats William E. Cochran, OD ’68 Thomas C. Coleman, OD ’01 Charles G. Connor, Jr., MA, PhD, OD James T. Cooperwood Pat Corbin Melanie A. Crandall, OD ’77 David A. Damari, OD Eula Dickerson Velma J. Dickson T. David Dix Susan M. Doyle Robin J. Drescher, OD, MS Janette D. Dumas, OD Jason D. Duncan, OD ’96 Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84 Lindsay C. Elkins, OD ’07 M. Scott Ensor, OD ’01 Cheryl E. Ervin, OD Patricia Estes Walker, OD Tressa F. Eubank, OD Sunnie J. Ewing Ann Z. Fields Elizabeth Fisher, MS Carol A. Fleming Sadie M. Fleming Howard F. Flippin, OD ’59 L. Allen Fors, OD ’69, MEd Pateaka Franklin Cecily Freeman Daniel G. Fuller, OD Cindy Garner Phylicia D. Gates John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 Herman George Michael D. Gerstner, OD ’97 Chris Geswein Frank S. Gibson, OD ’68 Glenn I. Goldring, OD ’78 Rosemary E. Gordon Pinakin Gunvant, BS Optom., PhD Caroline Gustafson Sandra G. Hall Melissa A. Hansbro Kathryn A. Harrington Nancy Harris Betty J. Harville-Brown, OD Joseph H. Hauser, MBA Cynthia Heard, OD Denise E. Henson Christopher M. Hogan, OD ’01 Jim Hollifield, Jr. Susan K. Hollinger William Hopper Mona G. Howard James C. Huff A. Thomas Hyde, OD ’76 Deborah M. Ireland John Mark Jackson, OD ’99, MS Susan Jackson Erin Jaffe James B. Jalenak, Esq. Jarrett A. Johnson, OD ’90 Linda D. Johnson, OD Jennifer L. Jones, OD ’06 Aaron Kerr, OD ’98 Amy C. Kimball Christopher B. King, OD ’83

Linda H. Kinney Paul A. Kish William Kress, OD Harold L. Lashlee Mike Lawson Carrie D. Lebowitz, OD ’06 So Yeon S. Lee, OD Christopher Lievens, OD, MS Scott L. Lyon Willis C. Maples, OD ’68, MS Erie Mathena Dennis E. Mathews, OD Sherry D. Mattingly William Maxwell Patricia S. McCollum Kathryn G. Melonas Terry Milius, MS Bobby W. Montgomery, OD ’68 Debra A. Mooradian Debra M. Moore Sandra C. Morgan Darwin L. Mormon, OD Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 Tyra L. Moss Kenneth Mulholland, Jr. Haylie Lynne Mulliniks, OD ’07 John Michael Neal, OD ’07 Maryke Neiberg, OD James M. Newman, III, OD ’73, MS Erin D. Newman, OD ’98 Zakiya Nicks, OD Leroy Norton, Jr., OD ’87 Richard C. Orgain, OD ’77 Delma Ortiz Deborah E. Pannell Ralph E. Parkansky, OD, MS, MBA Amos C. Pearl Brenda Pearson, MS Brenda M. Phelps Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Guy R. Pike Jennifer J. Pitts, OD ’03 Richard L. Powell, OD ’68 Jared T. Powelson, OD ’96 M. Jo Propst Wayne W. Pyeatt Bill B. Rainey, OD, MS Brenda H. Rakestraw Steven T. Reed, OD ’95 Lewis Reich, OD, PhD Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 Mary B. Rice Phillip V. Ridings Andrew J. Rixon, OD Michael N. Robertson, MEd Jennifer Sanderson, OD Richard Savoy, OD Jeffrey P. Scarpace Anna Schlesselman, OD E. Michelle Sellers Kristie L. Shepard Robert W. Smalling, OD ’74 Denson L. Smith, OD ’50 Daniel E. Smith, OD ’94 Janna Zbozien Smith, OD ’00 F. Mason Smith, OD ’76 Joyce E. Smith Mack Smith, OD ’54 Frank G. Smith, III Gary R. Snuffin, MBA

Bernard L. Kahn, OD ’52 Sue T. Prchal, OD ’79 and Gerald J. Prchal, OD ’79

Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 Deborah Ireland

Mark A. Sowell Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD ’77, MS Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD ’98 Janine G. St. John Scott A. Steel, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 Sandra Stephens Karen J. Stevens Jerry M. Sullivan Dean Swick, MBA Sharon E. Tabachnick, PhD Marc Taub, OD Wyatt R. Taylor, OD ’64 Lisa M. Temple Pearlie Thomas Mary Thornley, EdD Lisa C. Tracy Marlon R. Utech, OD ’78, MS James E. Venable, OD ’89 Lisa Rossmeyer Wade, OD ’84 Penny K. Walker Edward K. Walker, OD ’49 Carolyn J. Warren David West Kimberly A. Wilkins James D. Willis Bruce G. Young, OD ’74

William E. Cochran, OD ’68 Mississippi Optometric Association W. Wayne West, OD ’68

Newly Established Scholarships and Campus Naming

Willis C. Maples, OD ’68 Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

John B. Minnett, OD ’50 Carol and Joe Garbuzinski

Colonel Edward “Buzz” Bzdula, OD ’81 Timothy P. Allen, OD ’70

The following individuals made commitments from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 resulting in the establishment of a new scholarship or campus naming opportunity at Southern College of Optometry.

Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01 Deborah Ireland

Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Chang Freddy W. Chang, OD

James O. Naifeh C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81

Shelvy Coats James R. Coats

Kristin K. Anderson, OD and Chris Lievens, OD Ronald Blum, OD ’72 Freddy W. Chang, OD Charles Retina Institute William M. Dickerson, OD ’79 Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78 Fred H. Mothershed, OD ’75 Richard C. Orgain, OD ’77 PMC Commercial Trust James (Beau) D. Willis

Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78 Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 and Mrs. Marion Rosemore

Irving L. Dunsky Tressa F. Eubank, OD Arnold M. Huskins, OD ’88 Ralph E. Parkansky, OD

Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes David L. Foutch, OD ’87 Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78

Samuel B. Edelstein, OD ’48 Dr. A. Lynn Edelstein Gunn Sidney M. Edelstein, OD ’55

David Damari, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Glen T. Steele, OD ’69 Willis C. Maples, OD ’68 Michael Neff, OD ’68

Susan M. Doyle Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01

Scott B. Steinman, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Sally and James Dumas Janette D. Dumas, OD

Marc Taub, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Janette D. Dumas, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Lisa Temple Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01

Sidney M. Edelstein, OD ’55 Dr. A. Lynn Edelstein Gunn

O. J. Tribble, OD ’47 C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81

Tressa F. Eubank, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

James E. Venable, OD ’89 Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81

John S. Wilder Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes

L. Allen Fors, OD ’69 Willis C. Maples, OD ’68 Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Alison Lee Lindorfer, OD ’03 Sarah and Michael Brandon Maurice Moore, OD ’54 Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes Paul C. Powers, OD ’59 Nathan F. Ford, OD ’50 C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81

Beau Willis Daniel E. Smith, OD ’94

Martha Rosemore Greenberg, OD ’74 Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Linda and Thomas Senter

I n M emo ry of

William B. Henry, OD ’61 C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81

Lynne Amiel R. Keith Amiel, OD ’68

Deborah Ireland Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01

Mary Helen Averitt Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes

Honorable Ned R. McWherter Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes

Anna Belle Clement O’Brien C. Jeff Foster, OD ’81 Brenda Pearson Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01

Clyde Beggs Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87

Jimmy C. Dawson, OD ’72 Curtis L. Farrar, OD ’72

Herbert Tasman Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87

Dr. Greene Keith L. Miller, OD ’86


James D. Sandefur, OD ‘65 Cynthia E. Baker, OD ’83 and Joseph H. Baker, OD ’83

Honorable Milton H. Hamilton, Jr. Virgil L. Rhodes, OD ’50 and Mrs. Peggy Rhodes

Donations July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009

Allan G. Schoen, OD ’72 Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

I n H ono r of Earnestine Barge Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01

Cathy Schwartz Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87

Daniel Houghton, Jr., OD ’53 T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 Larry Decook, OD John A. Gazaway, OD ’67

Joyce Smith Paul D. Mormon, OD ’01

Joel B. Spiegler, OD Ralph E. Parkansky, OD

Charles E. Stansberry, OD ’49 Lynn Rose Coker and R. J. Coker E. B. Copeland James P. Crutchfield, OD ’65 Susan and Lee Iglehart Alice Kincaid Christin and D. Lee McDaniel David L. Smith, OD ’77 Summit Properties Kim and Rodney Williams Barry Winston, OD ’74 Harold J. Winston, OD ’41 Jerry M. Winston, OD ’67

Norwood G. Davis, OD ’73 Dewey E. Raynor, OD ’73

The Russo Family Joyce R. Adema, OD ’49

James H. Burke, OD ’77 M. Jo Propst Gary R. Snuffin

Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Soileau, Sr. Hosea J. Soileau, Jr., OD ’79

John W. Sprinkel, III, OD, ’00 Audra D. Steiner, OD ’00

Robyn Russell, OD Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

Daniel E. Smith, OD ’94 Glen T. Steele, OD ’69

James F. Samet, OD ’40 Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78 Max and Pauline Schulman Murray Schulman, OD ’42

Lena Blum Joseph H. Blum, Jr., OD ’53

Richard A. Goodson, OD ’66 James S. Eubank, OD ’66 Susan K. Hollinger Jared T. Powelson, OD ’96 Lisa M. Temple

W. A. Ritchie, OD ’46 Harold S. Cohen, OD ’47

Fredric M. Rosemore, OD ’48 Ron M. Bannister, OD ’77 Beth and Brad Besner JoAnne and Stanley Besner Patricia Besner T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 Doug Clark, OD William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Mrs. Carolyn Cochran Brandy and Leonard Cohen Sue and Joe Gilliland Whitney H. Hauser, OD ’01 and Joseph H. Hauser Marvin L. Klein, OD ’51 Mildred and Murray Kozinn Linda and Thomas Senter PMC Commercial Trust Lisa and Terry Turner Sheila Walters Harriet and David Whiting Leslie and Robert Williams

Jack Craig Warren, OD ’77 Terry M. Warren, OD ’79 W. Scott Whitaker, OD ’01 Jill C. Browning, OD ’99 Thomas C. Coleman, OD ’01 Joshua M. Trafton, OD ’01 Larry Wolfe Brian A. Kahn, OD ’87 Charles A. Wood, III, OD ’60 Franklin D. Martin, OD ’60

Cheryl D. Johnson, OD ’82 Tressa F. Eubank, OD Daniel G. Fuller, OD Jolynn and Kenneth Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Johnson Lisa M. Temple

Annual Report



SCO celebrations

SCO’s Achievements Shine at Convocation Alumni joined faculty, staff and fellow

faculty and from the staff, Danny Anderson,

students in welcoming 124 first-year students into

Physical Plant Director. Dr. Phillips also presented

the profession during the college’s 24th annual all

J. Bart Campbell, OD ’87, and Amanda Nadolski, ’10,

school Convocation ceremony in October. James E.

with Board of Trustees resolutions honoring their

Venable, OD ’89, led 124 first-year students in leading

service to the board.

the optometric oath. The students, all members of

Jason Duncan, OD ’96, received the Burnett

the Class of 2013, also received their white coats,

Faculty Recognition Award from his fellow faculty

provided by Marchon Eyewear, to welcome them

members. Established by Charlene Burnett, OD ’83,

officially into the profession of optometry.

and Fred Burnett, OD ’80, the award recognizes an

SCO President Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78,




outstanding faculty member.

presented two distinguished

A number of faculty members were also

alumni, Board of Trustees

recognized with 2008-2009 Faculty of the Year

member Howard F. Flippin, OD

Awards. BSK and the classes of ’10, ’11 and ’12

’59, and Professor Emerita Lisa

presented awards to Michael Gerstner, OD ’97

Rossmeyer Wade, OD ’84, with

(two awards), Daniel Smith, OD ’94 (two awards),

SCO’s Lifetime Achievement

Jason Duncan, OD ’96, Gerald Eisenstatt, OD ’84,

Award, the highest award bestowed by the

Christopher Lievens, OD, Jim Newman, OD ’73, and


Rob Drescher, OD.

In recognition of exemplary service to SCO,

A number of students were honored with

Dr. Phillips presented the President’s Special Recog-

scholarships and awards for their academic and

nition Award to Beth Sparrow, OD ’98, of the

clinic achievements and are listed at right.

Military Services Scholarships

Mauldin Family Scholarship ($1,000)

U.S. Air Force

FCO Spirit Award ($500)

Jay Butler ’11 Rob Carlsen ’10 Carli Murphy ‘11 U.S. Navy

Brent Collins ’10 U.S. Army

Seth Baldwin ’11 Brian Finley ’10 Chynna Chandler ’11 Mark Medley ’11 Veterans Administration

Shane Clark ’11 Hayden Sowers ’11 President’s Merit Award ($500)

Tyler Groce ’13 Zophia Rendon ’13 James and Edna Duncan Award ($500)

Tripper Robinson ’11 NOSA Spirit Award ($500)

Tiffany Griffin ’11 The W. David Sullins Endowed Scholarship for Leadership ($1,000)

Lauren Goldsmith ’10

Dave Daughtry ’10 Indian Health Services

John Ketcher ’10

Classes of ’54,’56,’59 Scholarship ($1,000)

Nicole Kosciuk ’11 Classes of ’60,’61,’63 Scholarship ($1,000)

Stephanie Cullinan ’12 Classes of ’64, ’65,’66 Scholarship ($1,000)

Brigitte Keener ’11 Classes of ’67,’68,’69 Scholarship ($1,000)

Dustin Honeyman ’10 Classes of ’70,’71,’74 Scholarship ($1,000)

Meghan Elkins ’10 Kinsey Rives ’10 Class of 1977 Scholarship ($2,000)

Mark Smith ’10 Vision Service Plan Scholarships ($4,000)

Michelle Brennan ’10 Thomas Chwe ’10 UPS Scholarships ($1,700 and $1,000)

Jeni Holman ’10 Shane Clark ’11

1st Year Clinical Science Awards

Jed Burkey Kendra Dalton Scott DePoe Lacey Hedges Raymond Lambert Meredith McCormick Mai Lan Pham Jennifer Snyder Riley Williamson Mary Kathryn Wilson

Varilux Student Grant ($1,000)

Meghan Elkins ’10 Wal-Mart Scholarship ($3,000)

State and Professional Associations AOF-Carl Zeiss Vision Fellowship ($5,000)

Class Scholarships

Vistakon Acuvue Eye Health Award ($1,000)

Jessica Ellis ’10 AOF-Antoinette M. Molinari Memorial Scholarship ($6,000)

Erin Hocking ’11 Germantown Lions Club ($1,000)

Amy Slama ’12 Tennessee Optometric Association Scholarship ($1,000)

Jessica Bintz ’11 Kansas Optometric Scholarship ($1,000)

Nick Richmond ’11 Kentucky Optometric Association Scholarship ($1,000)

Aubrey Harlan ’10 Jeff Lynn ’10

Gene Wong ’10 Katy Falk ’10

Kelly Collins ’10 Precision Optical Laboratories Endowed Scholarships


Scott Gibbons ’11 Jessie Bisgrove ’11

2nd Year Basic Science Awards

Elissa Eblin Katie Emge Andrea Giardina Heidi Hunt Nicole Kosciuk Reena Lepine Jennifer Lyerly Crystal Mirza Carli Murphy Blake Rust

Ocular Instruments Award ($250 in product)

Melissa Rasmussen ’10 Andrea Giardina ’11 Mai Lan Pham ’12 Welch Allyn Co. Award (Panoptic

Ophthalmoscope, $700 value)

Heidi Hunt ’11 Heine USA Award (hand-held slit lamp,

2nd Year Clinical Science Awards

Jessica Bintz Kelly Conyer Liz Dow Lauren Eaton Andrea Giardina Heidi Hunt Nicole Kosciuk Jessica Stephenson Sarah Sweeney Matt Willis

$973 value)

Meredith McCormick ’12 Keeler Instruments Award

(Professional Combi Retinoscope, $663 value)

Blake Rust ’11

Class of 1984 Scholarship ($1,000)

Basic Science and Clinical Science

Amanda Rogers ’12 Jimbo Bearden ’10

1st Year Basic Science Awards

Alumni and Friends Rosemore Family Endowed Scholarships ($2,000)

Janna Iyer ’11 Amanda Nadolski ’10 Matt Willis ’11 National Board of Examiners in Optometry Award ($1,000)

Kelly Collins ’10

Corporate Partners and Ophthalmic Industry Review of Optometry Award ($500)

Jennifer Ratliff ’10 Walman Optical and X-Cel Contacts Scholarship ($1,900)

Shira Pierce ’11 Murray Pratt ’11

3rd Year Clinical Skills Awards

Jimbo Bearden Michelle Brennan Tom Chwe Katy Falk Dustin Honeyman Amanda Nadolski Melissa Rasmussen Jennifer Ratliff Kinsey Rives Mark Smith

Morgan Berry Zach Brown Jed Burkey Kendra Dalton Jenny Duncan Raymond Lambert JJ Lant Jay Nail Obie Pennington Jennifer Snyder

Annual Report



SCO celebrations

<< Class of 1959

Class of 1969

<< Class of 1979 28



SCO Homecoming, Fall CE and Reunion 2009 Friends enjoyed some new events at this year’s Homecoming, Reunion and Fall CE event. A big turnout attended SCO’s inaugural Alumni Kick-off Party at the Peabody Memphis on Thursday night following Convocation. Howard Flippin, OD ’59, and Lisa Rossmeyer Wade, OD ’84, Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, were honored with a reception and again at the Alumni Luncheon. In addition to an evening of barbecue and family-friendly activities, several hundred alumni and guests enjoyed a Mississippi Riverboat cruise that saw great weather, dancing to the oldies and fellowship. Mark your calendars – next year’s Homecoming weekend will be held September 30-October 3, 2010.

Class of 1989

Class of 1999

Annual Report




Send us news of your accomplishments along with a photo. Items will appear in the magazine or in our monthly alumni e-newsletter, SCOnline. Send news to the Office of Institutional Advancement, 1245 Madison Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104-2222; fax 901-722-3379 or email


Wallace Russell, OD ’48, recently was inducted into the Bolivar (Missouri) High School Hall of Fame. Dr. Russell, a member of his 1942 high school class, practiced optometry for 42 years. During World War II, he received the Combat Infantry Badge, the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart.

’60s W. Earl Malone, OD ’69, was recently named OD of the Year by the Mississippi Optometric Association. James Trudeau, OD ’69, is celebrating his 40th anniversary of practice in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Dr. Trudeau, who practices with his daughter, Amanda Townsend, OD ’08, was recently profiled by his hometown newspaper upon the occasion.

’70s Gary Crook, OD ’72, was recently profiled in a Georgia newspaper article focusing on the growth of the two-location practice he started in 2003, 1 Hour Optical. One of his partners is Andrea Capps, OD ’97. The practice has 28 employees. Dr. Crook shared that he enjoys practicing optometry after working in politics in the 1990s, including service as chief of staff for Congressman Newt Gingrich. Charles J. Stuckey, Jr., OD ’74, executive director of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association, received the 2009 Virgil Deering Optometric Executive Director of the Year Award. The award was presented by the North Central States Optometric Council. Dr. Stuckey has served as the POSA’s executive

director for 12 years. The award recognized his role in advancing optometry through legislative advocacy and innovative programs involving third-party payers, pediatric vision and diabetes. Max Venard, OD ’77, was recently inducted into the Pioneers in Optometry Hall of Fame by the Oklahoma Association of Optometric Physicians (OAOP). Dr. Venard has been active in the AOA and the OAOP, including service as district representative, vice president and president.

’80s Steven Malone, OD ’80, is serving as Chair of the Board of the Tennessee Optometric Association. Steven Sutton, OD ’83, recently launched a new practice, Foothills Vision Center, in Alcoa, Tennessee. Keith Miller, OD ’86, recently purchased Wind River Eye Care, his first private practice. The clinic

is located in the historic Columbia River Gorge in Stevenson, Washington. Scott Philippe, OD ’88, was recognized as OD of the Year by the North Carolina Optometric Society.

’90s David Dortch, OD ’93, sponsored a Rotary Club project to provide visually impaired residents with an accessible computer station at the library in Murrieta, California. Dr. Dortch’s effort led to the addition of a dedicated station with a computer that offers a special keyboard and ZoomText software to magnify text on a large-screen monitor. Brad Altman, OD ’94, was recently named the Tennessee Optometric Association’s OD of the Year. Kurt Steele, OD ’95, was recently honored by a joint Tennessee House-Senate Resolution in recognition of being last year’s OD of the Year recipient in the state. Reggie Dampier, OD ’97, and his wife, Jeanna, recently attended the Hollywood premiere of Walt Disney Pictures’ newest animated film, The Princess and the Frog. Dr. Dampier’s daughter, Elizabeth, 10, provided the voice of the young Tiana, a New Orleans girl who grows up to be a princess. Elizabeth has also appeared in TV commercials in Mississippi.

Rene Pigeon, OD ’54, left, and Gordon Butterfield, OD ’54, visit the room recently named by the Class of the 1954, the first SCO class to name a room in The Eye Center.




Stuart Berry, OD ’98, and his wife, Joy Berry, OD ’99, announce the birth of their second daughter, Morgan Elisabeth Berry, born September 18, 2009. She joins big sister, Hannah.

IN Memoriam

’00s Lara Orton, OD ’00, and her husband, Bryan Bowen, announce the birth of their son, Kyler Austin Bowen, who was born September 11, 2009. Dr. Orton practices with Summit Eye Associates in Hermitage, Tennessee, and with her father, Joel Orton, OD ’73, in Pulaski, Tennessee. She is currently serving as president of the Middle Tennessee Optometric Association. Chris Eiler, OD ’01, was recently elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Tennessee Optometric Association.

Paul Mormon, OD ’01, was recently elected President of the Tennessee Optometric Association. Chris Wroten, OD ’02, was recently elected president for the 2009-10 year by the Optometry Association of Louisiana. Dr. Wroten is a partner with Bond Eye Clinic and currently practices in Hammond, Denham Springs, and Amite, Louisiana.

Rebecca Williamson Brown, OD ’03, has been named the 2009

Ohio Young Optometrist of the Year. She was also elected to a two-year term on the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Optometric Association. Dr. Brown practices at Howland Eye Center in Warren and Modern Optical in Austintown. She serves on the Board of Directors for the YWCA of Salem, and she is a member of the Salem Preservation Society, Kiwanis Club, and the St. Paul’s Home and School Association. Stephanie Southerlin, OD ’03, and her husband, Kenny, report the birth of their second son, Daniel Liam, born July 7, 2009.

1948 Henry J. Fernandez, OD, Tampa, Florida Barney G. Russell, Jr., OD, Magnolia, Arkansas

1949 James F. Koetting, OD, Kerrville, Texas Carter B. Norman, OD, Minden, Lousiana

1950 John Van Hoy, OD, La Crosse, Virginia

1951 Lawrence B. Ellison, OD, Aberdeen, Washington

1952 Travis Pierce, OD, Amory, Mississippi

1963 Clyde Croom, OD, Raleigh, North Carolina


Dana Greenberg Biederman, OD ’05, was recently chosen as Frisco, Texas’ Best Optometrist.

James C. Childress, Jr., OD, Marksville, Louisiana

Allison Jones, OD ’05, and her husband, Chuck, announce the birth of their son, Tanner Russell, born July 29, 2009.


Christina Smith, OD ’06, and her husband, Anthony, announce the arrival of a son, Carter Anthony, born September 9, 2009. Megan Sumrall, OD ’06, was recently named Young OD of the Year by the Mississippi Optometric Association. Jeremy Diamond, OD ’07, and his wife, Candace, recently welcomed their first child, a son, Jeremy Luke. Dr. Diamond was recently named the Tennessee Optometric Association’s Young OD of the Year. Kim Oncavage, OD ’08, and her husband, Chris, recently welcomed a son, William Christopher Oncavage, born September 6, 2009. The family is

1980 Douglas M. Condry, OD, Knoxville, Tennessee Gregory E. Smith, OD ’85, Littleton, Colorado Charles Smart, OD ’64, passed away on November 20, 2009. After his graduation from SCO, he served as an officer in the United States Army Medical Service Corps until 1964 when he moved to Dickson to practice. Dr. Smart was a member of the Middle Tennessee Optometric Society, Tennessee Optometric Association (TOA), the AOA, and the Tennessee Academy of Optometry. He was a past president of the TOA and the Tennessee State Board of Examiners in Optometry. Dr. Smart’s survivors include his wife, Mary, and their five children, Bill, Paul, Jean Marie, Daniel and John.

living in Lake Waccamaw, North Carolina, where Dr. Oncavage practices with her father, John Lewis, OD ’80. Nary Chum, OD ’09, and her husband, Ninh, were wed this past July at a ceremony held at the home of Dr. Chum’s sister in Modesto, California. Steven Cress, OD ’09, recently joined Champion Eye Center in Asheville and Arden, North Carolina.

Eric Gengenbach, OD ’09, and Tori Gengenbach, OD ’09, recently joined Tim Meyer, OD ’81, to practice at First InSight Eyecare in Grant, Nebraska. Eric Von Holdt, OD ’09, has joined Eye Professionals Group of Fargo, Noth Dakota, to work at their satellite clinic, Eyes on Columbia, in Grand Fork.

Annual Report




SCO Welcomes New Faculty Bill Edmondson, OD, MAT, has joined the faculty as a Professor. Dr. Edmondson spent a number of years on faculty at the Oklahoma College of Optometry, Northeastern State University, where he was also chief of the Contact Lens Service. A graduate of Pennsylvania College of Optometry, he is a member of the AOA and the Academy.

Faculty Promotions Cheryl Ervin, OD, Associate Professor, has been named Director of Residency Programs after serving as interim director. Dr. Ervin has announced four new residency programs in Family Practice, Cornea and Contact Lens-Refractive Surgery, Primary Eye Care, and VT and Rehabilitation. Visit SCO’s residency site at for more details. Christopher Lievens, OD, MS, Associate Professor, has been named Chief of Staff at The Eye Center at SCO after previously serving as Interim Chief. He formerly served as Chief of Adult Primary Care. Dr. Lievens was also recently appointed to the NBEO Part III Council. He has served on the Clinical Skills Examination Development Committee for the past four years

Faculty Highlights J. Bart Campbell, OD ’87, Professor, has been appointed to the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education (ACOE), the accrediting body for professional optometric technician programs in the U.S. and Canada. He is one of only eight ODs among the 11 members of the ACOE. Patricia Cisarik, OD, PhD, Associate Professor, recently presented a poster entitled, Revitalizing the Human Subjects Protection Program at a Small Independent Specialized Health Care Education Institution. The presentation was made at the annual conference of Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research in Nashville, Tennessee. David Damari, OD, Professor, and Christopher Lievens, OD, MS, Associate Professor, have been appointed to the ASCO Committee to award the Dr. Lester Janoff Award, given for an outstanding research article. Dr. Damari was formally installed as President-Elect of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) at October’s annual meeting. Dr. Damari recently made a presentation on “Visual Abilities and Disabilities in the Classroom” at a conference in Memphis that drew 80 teachers and parents of children with special needs. Pinakin Gunvant, BS Optom., PhD, Assistant Professor, recently appeared on a Memphis radio station’s talk program to discuss his glaucoma research in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Memphis. Dr. Gunvant and his colleagues were also interviewed about their work in the Memphis Business Journal. Sharon Lee, OD, Instructor, and Marc Taub, OD, Assistant Professor, recently attended the Envision Low Vision Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Christopher Lievens, OD, MS, Associate Professor, appeared as a guest on the Memphis PBS affiliate’s Best Times TV program to discuss senior eye and vision health issues.




Jill Pitts, OD ’03, Instructor, recently published her first article, co-authored with Christopher Lievens, OD, MBA, Associate Professor, in the October issue of Review of Optometry. The article is entitled, “Put the Squeeze on Meibomian Gland Disease.” Scott Steinman, OD, PhD, Professor, reports that his educational software is being used at six optometry schools, Vanderbilt, and in seven countries. His DEM reading eye movement test scoring program will be distributed by Bernell Corp. with the DEM test. Jim Venable, OD ’89, Assistant Professor, Pinakin Gunvant, BS Optom., PhD, Assistant Professor, and Jason Duncan, OD ’96, Assistant Professor, visited with alumni at the annual meeting of the Tennessee Optometric Association, in Gatlinburg. Drs. Duncan and Gunvant also led CE courses for ODs in attendance. Jim Williamson, OD ’97, Assistant Professor, just finished his five-year involvement as a certified ophthalmic photographer for the national ACCORD study.

COVD, October 2009 P o s te r s

Janette Dumas, OD, Assistant Professor Introduction of Vision Therapy Laboratory at Southern College of Optometry W. C. Maples, OD ’68, MS, Professor, Murray Pratt, ’11, BS Prismatic Effects Under Closed-eye Conditions Ashley E. Schuelke, OD ’09, Resident, Karen Kehbein, OD, Resident Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum and Visual Function Marc B. Taub, OD, Assistant Professor, Janna Iyer, ’11 Validation of the Vision Print System and Comparison to the NSUCO Test of Saccades in Children Marc B. Taub, OD, Assistant Professor, Erik Romsdahl, ‘10 Does Performance on the Readalyzer Correlate with Performance on Flash Focus “Symbol Check” activity for the Nintendo DS Marc B. Taub, OD, Assistant Professor Primary Care Pediatric Residency at the Southern College of Optometry L ectu r e s / Pr e s entation s

W.C. Maples, OD ’68, MS, Professor Road to Fellowship in COVD Scott Steinman, OD, PhD, Professor New Perspectives on VEP Testing of Pre-verbal Infants Dustin Dixon, ’12, Marc Taub, OD, Assistant Professor, and W.C. Maples, OD ’68 , Professor A Comparison of Short and Long Reading Passages in Symptomatic vs. Asymptomatic Subjects

AAO, November 2009 P o s te r s

Rebecca Marinoff, OD, Resident, Cynthia Heard, OD, Associate Professor, David Damari, OD, Professor Referral Patterns in Low Vision: A Survey of Mid-South Tri-State Eye Care Providers

Pinakin Gunvant, BS Optom., PhD, Assistant Professor, Elliot M. Kirstein OD, Robert Sorrel, OD Effect of Phacoemulsification on Measured Intraocular Pressure John Mark Jackson, OD ’99, MS, Associate Professor, Lindsay Elkins, OD ’07, Instructor Evaluation of a Novel Device to Measure Soft Toric Lens Rotation Maryke N. Neiberg, OD, Assistant Professor Cause and Effect: Branch Vein Occlusion, Macroaneurysms and Macular Edema Bernard I. Sparks, III, OD ’77, MS, Professor Hyperthermia as Presumed Etiology of a Sixth Nerve Palsy in a Pediatric Patient Sharon E. Tabachnick, MSLS, PhD, Associate Professor Association of Vision Science Librarians

Jones Joins SCO Board of Trustees Brian Jones, president and senior consultant of CSG Holdings, LLC, in Memphis, was recently named to the SCO Board of Trustees. Jones serves as the managing director of CSG’s institutional client group and is responsible for the oversight and development of the firm’s institutional client relationships. He is the lead consultant on several foundation/ endowment, private family, and pension client relationships. In 1990, he joined CSG as a financial analyst, and in 1995 he transitioned into the financial consulting role. In 1999 Jones accepted an ownership position in the firm and was promoted to the level of senior consultant. He became the president of CSG in 2003. Before joining CSG, he was a part-time faculty member for the

Marc B. Taub, OD, Assistant Professor Student Assessment of an Optometric Institution Based Vision Screening Program

Department of Economics at the University of Memphis. In addition, he worked for the State of Tennessee Senate Finance Committee and for the U.S. House of Representatives for the Ways and Means Committee. Jones graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in

Pr e s entation s / L ectu r e s

David Damari, OD, Professor, and two colleagues presented at the AAO’s Optometric Education Section Symposium, the theme of which was “The Challenging Student: Common challenges and the role of the responsibility of the faculty.”

economics and holds a master of business administration degree from the

David Damari, OD, Professor, Marc Taub, OD, Assistant Professor, and Janette Dumas, OD, Assistant Professor Vision Therapy for the Primary Care Practice

Association and recently served on the board of the Center for Economic

University of Memphis. He is also employed by Trading Services Group, LLC (TSG) and holds Series 7 and 63 licenses. He is an active member of the University of Memphis Alumni Education at the University of Memphis.

Keep Informed with SCO’s New Blogs A number of new informative blogs have been launched to provide readers with timely information about different areas and news from the college. The Alumni News blog will provide you with up-to-date headlines about the accomplishments of SCO’s graduates. If you’re interested in learning more about the perspectives of today’s optometry students, Student Services has recruited several different students to write about the student life experience. Dr. Phillips also has a blog so he can communicate with alumni, friends of the college and the community. There’s an SCO News site with news about faculty, staff and student accomplishments, while a residency blog is also under development. Readers may subscribe to receive automatic updates via email through RSS feeds. News and photos may also be shared by social media such as Facebook. Older entries are also archived. To learn more and start exploring the features that these new blogs offer, visit the new blog section of the SCO home page at And don’t forget – SCO also sends out a monthly e-newsletter for alumni, SCOnline. To register for these updates, please send an email to You’re also invited to register your placement opportunities online or to register for SCO’s online Alumni Directory, all on the alumni page section of the SCO website.

Annual Report



news briefs

Dr. Steele Visits England Glen Steele, OD ’69, Professor, recently led a two-day seminar for the British Association of Behavioral Optometry in Warwick, England. The topic was early infant development, including examination techniques and observations during the examination. A second major theme of the seminar was retinoscopy. During the seminar, observations that could be made with retinoscopy were video recorded. “There were 32 British ODs for the two days, and they were very engaged during the entire seminar,” Dr. Steele said. During his visit, Dr. Steele was also able to visit the practices of three optometrists. “One was an optometrist that I have been consulting with via email about patients she has been seeing, and I was actually able to assist as she examined this patient.”

patients in need. Between the four groups, 3,197 patients were seen, and more than 4,000 pairs of glasses and sunglasses were distributed over four clinic days. Kyle Dohrman, SVOSH President for 2009-2010, said the effort demonstrated that SCO’s students will do what it takes to finish their work, even if it means working around a flu pandemic.

Anatomy Lab Conducted Daniel Taylor, OD ’06, MS, Instructor, assisted with an on-campus Cadaver Lab in October. All 123 first-year students went through the lab to learn about the anatomy of the face and central nervous system. This was the second year that first-years have enjoyed access to this special Saturday lab made possible by a grant from MERI.

Service Above Self A team of 30 faculty, staff and students pitched in to help the Memphis Rotary Club in holding its first Stop Hunger Now packaging event in November. The group utilized an assembly line method of placing rice and other dehydrated food products into bags that are then sealed for shipment to Haiti and other countries. Aiding a large group of Rotarians, SCO’s volunteers packed 21,800 meals in the course of one evening. “We proved that ‘Service Above Self’ is not limited to Rotary International,” said SCO President Richard W. Phillips, OD ’78, himself a member of the Memphis Rotary Club. The Rotary chapter has committed to packing 110,000 meals by June 30, 2010. Rotarians will visit countries that will be receiving the food. They will install clean water systems. Two of Rotary’s service areas include clean water and hunger relief efforts. Stop Hunger Now is an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food and life-saving aid around the world. Stop Hunger Now’s meal packaging program provided SCO’s volunteers with the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others by packaging nutritious meals to be used in countries that need it most.

SVOSH Finishes 2009 Trips When the H1N1 flu outbreak forced SVOSH to cancel four of its six mission trips in May, the group vowed to finish their work later in the summer. On August 23rd, their work was completed when groups departed to Meridia and Villahermosa, Mexico, Barranquilla, Columbia, and Belmopan, Belize. Students worked with local Lions Club in their hosts cities to set up remote clinics, give free eye exams and distribute free glasses to




SCO Students Volunteer for RAM Jared Quesenberry, ’12, recently organized efforts to allow 10 SCO students to participate in a Remote Area Medicine (RAM) clinic in Pikesville, Kentucky. Beth Sparrow, OD ’98, Assistant Professor, accompanied the group as faculty supervisor. “Thanks to their efforts to organize and supervise this trip, many people that could otherwise not afford services were able to receive free eye exams and glasses,” said participant Jed Burkey, ’12.

SCO Walks and Races for Good Causes The SCO community enjoyed two same-day events and opportunities for service in October. More than 300 students, faculty and staff participated in the 2nd Annual Memphis VisionWalk. SCO had the most in attendance and took the t-shirt design prize for shirts promoting The Eye Center at SCO. Later in the same day, more than 100 runners, including many students, faculty and staff, ran in

SCO Default Rate Remains at Zero SCO fared very well again in the Federal Department of Education’s most recent student loan cohort default rate for all colleges in the country. SCO’s cohort default rate – the percentage of a school’s borrowers who default on their student loans) – remained at 0% for the 13th consecutive year. The national average was 6.7%, up from last year’s rate of 5.2%. “Our graduates continue to enjoy great success practicing optometry and repaying their student loans,” said Cindy Garner, SCO’s Director of Financial Aid. The cohort default rate is an important measure of a school’s overall quality, Garner said. “It reflects our success in preparing our students to practice optometry.”

SVOSH’s 8th Annual Eye Five 5k Run/Walk.

organizations also competed to see which could decorate the best themed suites. The Class of 2010 and FCO took the top prizes for their designs, a haunted Old West saloon and a demonstration of the human eyeball.

Alumni Council Meets SCO’s Alumni Council met in October in Memphis to discuss a number of ideas and initiatives, including alumni/student networking opportunities. Council members in attendance included Allan Barker, OD ’75, Judith Clay, OD ’70, Steve Compton, OD ’78, Stan Dickerson, OD ’76, Lowell Gilbert, OD ’65, Howard Levinson, OD ’76, Larry Otten, OD ’77, and Sallye Scott, OD ’78.

Eye Center Hosts Patient Event As part of a developing effort to reach out to the surrounding community, The Eye Center hosted its first ever Halloween event this year. Mailings and signage alerted patients of the opportunity to schedule exams for children. Patients were invited to wear costumes. Many of the faculty, students and clinical staff wore family friendly costumes. Student

Students Visit with Tom Sullivan Noted inspirational speaker and entertainer Tom Sullivan recently took time to visit with a group of SCO first-year students. Sullivan was the speaker at the Arkansas

Optometric Association’s fall meeting in Memphis. Forty first-year students were invited to hear him speak. In 2008, Sullivan spoke at commencement and convocation, so the meeting was an opportunity for him to win over new fans from the Class of 2013.

CE Courses Now Online SCO is pleased to announce the launch of a new online CE course program. Alumni and friends may access SCO’s first COPEapproved online CE course at www.sco. edu/ce/online. You must register to receive CE credit and to take the post-test. SCO is pleased to offer online CE at no charge during the inaugural year of the online CE program. SCO’s pediatric and vision rehabilitation residents lead the inaugural course, a discussion of anisometropic myopic amblyopia and the use of technology to aid in the diagnosis. This initial offering was developed during SCO’s annual Resident’s Day, a Grand Rounds session event in which residents share case reports.

Annual Report



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Out and About SCO is committed to interacting with its alumni. We hope to see many of you at:

December 10-13 South Carolina Optometric Association Myrtle Beach, SC

February 10-14 SECO Atlanta, GA

February 12-14 Heart of America Contact Lens Society Kansas City, MO

Continuing Education February 10–14, 2010 Optometry’s Marketplace at SECO™ February 11–13, 2010 Location Georgia World Congress Center Atlanta, Georgia USA Continuing Education Registration Information • Optometrists • Opticians • Certified Ophthalmic Technicians • Paraoptometric Professionals

Southern College of Optometry invites all alumni and friends to join us in Atlanta as SECO 2010 “Embraces the Generations.”

March 12-14 Southwest Council of Optometry Dallas, TX

Mark your calendars and plan on joining what has become one of the annual highlights of SECO, when SCO

March 27

hosts its reception for alumni and friends on the evening of

Optometry Association of Louisiana

February 12, 2010.

Baton Rouge, LA

Visit our website for more updates and send an email to to subscribe to SCOnline, SCO’s monthly SECO International would like to thank CIBA VISION for its support in the production of this brochure.

e-newsletter, for additional information as the event nears. See you in Atlanta!

April 9-11 SCO Spring CE Weekend Memphis, TN

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