Looking back at all the accomplishments made by Southern College of Optometry in 2024, I am incredibly proud of the growth and progress our institution achieved. We continued to build upon our legacy of excellence in optometric education and patient care. Our faculty and staff have worked tirelessly to maintain a rigorous academic environment while fostering a culture of innovation. With the support of our dedicated alumni, partners, and donors, we have made remarkable strides toward enhancing our academic programs, advancing clinical services, and expanding our research initiatives.
We spent a good amount of time this past year looking ahead to this year. Significant work continued on planning for our future. You’ll be hearing more about some of the ideas that we’re undertaking. Considerable progress has already been made in improving security measures around campus. All of this effort is designed to strengthen and enhance SCO’s position as a leader in optometric education.
Above all, we work to provide our students with the skills they need to excel in a rapidly evolving field. Our second-year students saw new opportunities to assist in the surgery service. A new “tele-optometry” system was installed at our FocalPoint at Crosstown Concourse location to educate students on performing remote eye health and vision examinations. Research is flourishing, particularly in the areas of ocular disease, vision science, and public health. These efforts not only benefit the academic community but also directly translate into better care for patients, as we translate research findings into actionable clinical practices.
As we look ahead, I am excited for the opportunities and challenges that await us, confident in the knowledge that SCO is poised to continue leading the way in optometric education.
Lewis Reich, OD, PhD PRESIDENT
SCO was proud to host faculty from 10 different optometry schools as they joined other guests for the American Academy of Optometry’s Ophthalmic Laser & Surgical Procedures SIG’s first ever Educator’s Forum.
SCO led the nation in class size (140) and the most states represented (46) and was one of only five optometry schools that held both GPA and OAT averages in the top third of the nation.
Applications to SCO grew 13 percent over the previous year, demonstrating SCO’s ability to attract highly qualified students who can meet the college’s high academic standards.
SCO acquired and fenced the nearby Alpha Omega property on the western edge of campus, while reclaiming the 1256 Union Avenue building for future usage.
A new layout on the north parking lot added 40 more parking spaces for students. The streamlined design, in addition to new gate access, also improved security features.
Nearly 240 alumni attended Spring CE on campus, with more than 400 others participating at Fall Homecoming.
SCO’s students continued to perform well on their national board exams. SCO scores ranked the second highest in the country as its 97.76% ultimate passage rate for 2023-2024 surpassed the national 85.55%.
The Department of Education announced that SCO had a zero percent default rate on federal student loans, marking 26 out of the last 27 years for this remarkable distinction.
Faculty and staff packed more than 23,000 meals for a food bank, 650 boxes of non-perishable food items for a local charity, visited a local hospital, assisted veterans, and delivered meals to homebound seniors, among others during SCO’s annual Service Day event.
SCO participated in numerous health and wellness fairs and other public events, like Education Day hosted by the Memphis Redbirds, reaching thousands of patients and promoting SCO’s community impact.
With nearly 150 members, SCO’s St. Jude Marathon team was one of the largest teams and resulted in a major news story profiling the college’s participation in this nationally renowned event.
At its Fall 2024 meeting, SCO’s Board of Trustees toured the campus to discuss potential future improvements under consideration as part of the college’s commitment to continuous improvement.
$ 179.1 MILLION
SCO’s overall national economic impact, per a 2024 study
The number of jobs nationally created by SCO’s impact
$ 108.3 MILLION
SCO’s impact directly on the local Memphis economy
The number of jobs locally created in Memphis
“Receiving a scholarship to attend SCO made my decision even easier. I moved to Memphis with my wife and one-year-old daughter to pursue a degree that I had sought, specifically a degree from SCO. I didn’t know that receiving a scholarship was just the beginning of seeing how special the SCO community is. I was grateful to hear that SCO alumni and friends care so much; their generosity was why I received the scholarship.”
Noah Scoffield, ’25
“Receiving the Board of Trustees Endowed Scholarship has already made such an impact on my optometric career. It has allowed me to focus more on my studies and less on the financial burden that comes with student loans. It has been a dream of mine to study optometry and because of my scholarship, I am getting an unrivaled education at an amazing institution.”
In 2024, Steven Reed, OD ’95, became the 15th SCO graduate to serve as AOA president. A longtime supporter of SCO, he visited the patient care suite bearing the names of Dr. Reed and his wife, Kendra. Fittingly, he’s pictured with two student leaders, Emily Gibson, ’26, SCO’s AOSA Trustee, and Landyn Goodwin, ’27, SCO’s AOSA Trustee Elect.
“The moment I entered The Eye Center, I could feel right off these people wanted to help me. They are doing everything within their power to help me move forward and overcome obstacles.”
– A review left by a patient online about SCO’s Clinical Programs.
Jessica Dye, ’25
The Hayes Center for Practice Excellence hosted its increasingly popular OD-Student Meet and Greet event during Fall Homecoming as students enjoyed networking with alumni.
161 The number of employment contracts reviewed on behalf of 4th year students.
152 The number of CV and resumés reviewed to assist students and residents with securing opportunities after graduation.
Made possible by the support of Jerry Hayes, OD ’73, and his family, The Hayes Center also presented Practice of Excellence Awards to three outstanding alumni: Christina Schiller, OD ’14, Blake Jarrard, OD ’14, and Christopher Herring, OD ’17.
70 The number of consultations provided to alumni regarding practice operations and transitions.
271 The number of career counseling sessions provided to 3rd and 4th year students.
78 The number of employment contracts reviewed on behalf of alumni and residents.
1,057 Number of Practice Opportunities posted to Optometry’s Practice Connection.
On the career networking front, The Hayes Center made enhancements to its online career placement portal, Optometry’s Practice Connection (OPC). The coming year will see more progress, as OPC rolls out a new partnership program with other optometry schools. Alumni and friends can access the service at odpracticeconnection.com
$ 3,200,000
Whether it’s expanding our optometric surgery center or enhancing safety measures for our students, SCO’s progress depends in great measure on the generous support of our alumni, friends, faculty, and staff. Your support enables us to meet the needs of our students, including the financial resources needed to fund scholarships and other programs that directly improve the quality of optometric education. On behalf of the entire Institutional Advancement team, please accept my heartfelt thanks.
Edwin F. Adams, III, OD ’76 and Ann Adams
Stephen P. Akre, OD ’75 and Debbie Akre
Dena Amerine-Harris, OD ’84 and Rusty Harris
Allan L. Barker, OD ’75 and Susan Barker
Rick D. Bartlett, OD ’81
Ronald D. Blum, OD ’72 and Kay Blum
Norma K. Bowyer, OD ’77
James Judson Briggs, OD and Tamara M. Briggs
Crystal M. Brimer, OD ’00
Charlene Burnett, OD ’83
T. Joel Byars, OD ’63 and Helen Byars
Charles A. Callaway, OD ’83 and Regena Callaway
J. Bart Campbell, OD ’87 and Dawn Campbell
Wayne M. Cannon, OD ’62
Keydron D. DeRosa, OD ’75
Stanley M. Dickerson, OD ’76 and Patricia Dickerson
Michael T. Dorkowski, OD ’04 and Forest Dorkowski
Patricia Douglas
Tommy J. Ducklo, OD ’78 and Beth Ducklo
Erica Durlacher, OD ’16 and Zachary Curry
Richard D. Durocher, OD ’96
Bonny Lou Eads, OD ’69
Stephen P. Edwards, OD ’87
Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD ’84
Meghan Elkins, OD ’10
Stanley H. Cate, OD ’87 and Laura Cate
Camile L. Chiasson, OD ’81
Christopher Chivetta
Michael Christensen, OD
Jade Coats, OD ’16 and Jeffrey Coats, OD ’14
William E. Cochran, OD ’68 and Carolyn Cochran
Cherry B. Cockrell, OD ’81 and David A. Cockrell, OD ’81
Steven L. Compton, OD ’78 and Jane Compton
Christine Cook, OD ’98
Mark J. Cook, OD ’78
James V. Cornetta, OD ’81
Nora L. Cothran, OD ’13
Gary G. Crook, OD ’72 and Katherine Crook
Arthur R. Dampier, OD ’97 and Joiiya Dampier
Anita A. Davis, PhD and Stacy Hopwood
Cynthia Heard, OD and Walter Clark
Erick Henderson, OD ’17 and Erin A. Keim, OD ’17
Charity Angela Hertzog, OD ’06 and James Mark Hertzog, OD ’06
Darion M. Horner, OD ’20 and Karina Horner
Scott T. Hussey, OD ’03
Jennifer Jabaley, OD ’99 and S. Christopher Jabaley, OD ’99
John Mark Jackson, OD ’99, MS
Harold L. Jennings, OD ’64
Jolynn and Kenneth Johnson
Scott Ensor, OD ’01 and Lisa Ensor
Brian Eveland, OD ’99
Fred Farias, III, OD ’87
Dennis and Vicki Farmer
Patricia Flippin Westfall, OD ’99
Daniel G. Fuller, OD
John A. Gazaway, OD ’67 and Suzanne Gazaway
Charles G. Glaser, OD ’74 and Cathy Glaser
Glenn I. Goldring, OD ’78 and Jamie Goldring
Martha S. Gore, OD ’89
Pinakin Gunvant Davey, PhD, OD ’10
Richard D. Gurley, OD ’80 and Nancy Gurley
Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD ’01
Gene A. Harman, OD ’72
Betty J. Harville Brown, OD and Irvin Brown
Joseph H. Hauser and Sara Hall
Cheryl E. Mengelt, OD
Allyson P. Mertins, OD ’97
George and Rachel Miller
David H. Mills, OD ’78 and Cathy Mills
Nicole Y. Monroe, OD ’99
Harold E. Morrill, Jr., OD ’75
Martha Rosemore Morrow, OD ’74 and Johnny Morrow
Sharon Berger Moscow, OD ’80 and Billy S. Moscow, OD ’78
Deborah L. Moy, OD ’84 and Charles Moy
Brian Naig, OD ’10
Jarrett A. Johnson, OD ’90 and Kevin Berger
Matthew Jones, OD ’09 and Allison Jones
Mark R. Kapperman, OD ’87 and Anita Kapperman
Michelle Sellers Kelley and Eric Kelley
Aaron Kerr, OD ’98 and James Hutto
Helen J. King, OD ’83 and Christopher B. King, OD ’83
Holton S. King, Jr., OD ’85 and Becky King
Charles W. Kinnaird OD
James K. Kirchner, OD and Dee Kirchner
Terry L. Kirkland, OD ’94 and Cynthia Kirkland
Mark and Tracy Lindow
Gregory D. Loose, OD ’06
Jennifer E. Lyerly, OD ’11 and Mark Chen
Ronaldo P. Martin, Jr., OD ’81
Stacey J. Meier, OD ’84 and Sandi Meier
Kevin A. Rogers, OD ’08
Mark D. Ross, OD ’92
Michael S. Rothschild, OD ’97 and Christy Rothschild
Gregory C. Russell, OD ’97
Mehrdad E. Saadat, OD ’05
James D. Sandefur, OD ’65 and Lana Sandefur
Dave and Denise Sattler
Richard Savoy, OD
Robert H. Scaife, OD ’00
Mark E. Schaeffer, OD ’11
Keith A. Schrunk, OD ’03 and Angie Schrunk
Kenneth M. Nash, OD ’74
David Olive, OD ’99
Morgan Ollinger, OD
Richard C. Orgain, OD ’77
Brady M. Palmer, OD ’01
Janette D. Pepper, OD
Francis L. Pinard, OD ’87 and Mary R. Pinard
Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD ’02 and Amy Powell
Daniel R. Powell, OD
Amy A. Puerto, OD ’15
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Rafieetary
Malika R. Rajendra, OD ’12
Rod L. Rallo, OD ’80
Tracy Powell Ray, OD ’87 and Shawn Ray
Steven T. Reed, OD ’95 and Kendra Reed
J. Martin Regan, Jr.
Lewis Reich, OD, PhD and Diane Reich
Felicia Rinken, OD ’10
LeRoy W. Robinson, III, OD ’11
Lynn T. Shaw, Sr. and Lisa Shaw
Gary C. Simpson, OD ’64 and Gloria Simpson
Emily J. Sprague, OD ’04
Belinda R. Starkey, OD ’04 and Clay Starkey
Kurt T. Steele, OD ’95 and Sacha Steele
Audra D. Steiner, OD, FCOVD ’00
Sandra Stephens
Jerome Sude, OD ’72
Dean Swick
Robert R. Szeliga, OD ’05 and Amy Szeliga
Marc Taub, OD, MS
Charles E. Thomas, OD ’84 and Sharon Thomas
Sharon Holden Thomas, OD ’83 and Stuart J. Thomas, OD ’84
Lisa M. Traunero, OD ’07
James E. Venable, OD ’89
Christina Vranich Miller, OD ’09
Lisa Rossmeyer Wade, OD ’84 and Martin Wade
For more information or to join the President’s Circle, please contact Lauren Trowbridge at 901-722-3339 or email at ltrowbridge@sco.edu. OF SCO’S ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION REVENUE COMES FROM PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE MEMBER SUPPORT.
Tom Watkins, OD ’90
David J. Wayland, OD ’97
David and Susan West
Keith E. Whaley, OD ’96
David J. Wichnoski, OD ’96
Barry A. Winston, OD ’74 and Annette Winston
David L. Wolf, OD, PA ’68 and Lisa Wolf
Amanda A. Wood, OD ’02 and Jarod R. Wood, OD ’02
J. Alan Yates, OD ’94
Bruce G. Young, OD ’74 and Ruth Ann Young
Chris W. Wroten, OD ’02
“My father loved optometry and it provided him a fabulous career. He had a philosophy that said to work hard, study hard, and then your goals can be achievable. I think he would be pleased knowing that optometry students will continue to benefit from the successful career that made his gift possible.”
- Cathy Holland, daughter of Orman Campbell, OD ’49
One significant SCO accomplishment in 2024 could trace its roots to 75 years ago with the graduation of Orman Campbell, OD ’49. Dr. Campbell was one of three siblings to attend SCO in the late 1940s, with Edwina Campbell, OD ’47, and Norman Campbell, OD ’48 (Dr. Orman Campbell’s twin), all having been encouraged by their mother to pursue careers that would help others.
“My dad coming up during that Depression era and being a Navy veteran coming out of SCO, he had a very strong work ethic,” said Dr. Campbell’s daughter, Cathy Holland. “My aunt and uncle did, too. Their optometry careers were extremely successful, and that allowed them to invest wisely.”
Dr. Orman Campbell went on to enjoy a long and successful practice in Henderson, Tennessee. Dr. Campbell’s retirement in 1986 saw the practice pass to another SCO graduate, Stuart Rogers, OD ’82, who continues to practice today.
After his retirement, Dr. Campbell and his wife of 73 years, Maerene, spent the next four decades traveling the world. In late years, they attended World War
II Navy reunions and events. Their daughter, a now retired executive at the Nashville International Airport, accompanied Dr. Campbell on an honor flight to the World War II memorial in Washington.
After his wife passed in 2020, Dr. Campbell reconnected with SCO during the pandemic and asked if there were needs that he might be able to help fund.
“He always talked about SCO with deep fondness and love,” Holland said. “He also understood that other people need the opportunity for a career. He was a very kind soul.”
Before his passing in 2022, Dr. Campbell funded a trust that has since established two $100,000 scholarships, the Orman Campbell, OD Scholarship, and the Lillia McCorkle Cawthon Scholarship for minority students and named in honor of Dr. Campbell’s caretaker in his later years.
In 2024, Dr. Campbell’s plans came to fruition as Michelle Zhang (’28) of Georgia became the first recipient of one of the two scholarships established by his trust. More than 75 years after he graduated from SCO, Dr. Campbell’s legacy will continue to impact new generations of optometry students for years to come.
Dr. Orman Campbell, pictured at the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. Henderson, Tennessee gave Dr. Campbell its Outstanding Citizen Award in 2018.
Cathy Holland with her father, Dr. Campbell.
Thanks to the generosity of SCO alumni and other supporters, a significant number of first-year students received donor-funded scholarships in the fall of 2024.
These students appreciate the impact made on their first year at SCO:
Ryan Auzenne,
Annabree Corlew,
Marissa Driesen,
Gurvir Khangura,
Rebekah Tuchscherer,
A total of 87 first-year students received 98 scholarships totaling more than $900,000.
More than 63% of SCO’s entering class received a scholarship or state contract seat.
Donor support helps students reduce their debt levels and ultimately graduate with more financial freedom to pursue practice excellence.
Mallory Dyer, LA
Dr. Mark W. Franks
Amanda Everhart, MO
Anna Claire Griffin, IL
Claire Gulley, KY
Colby Hughes, TN
Jacob Johnson, TN
Canon Presson, TN Southern Council
Erika Quintero, TN
Dr. Thomas Gallaher and Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher Endowed Scholarship
Heidi Reed, LA Dr. Mark W. Franks
Mary Franks Scholarship
Youana Rezkalla, TN
Alyson Robinett, WV
Diane Sanders, SC
Emily Williams, GA
Dr. J. J. Horton
Amy Yin, AR
Zach Zeringue, LA
Michelle Zhang, GA
SCO is proud to recognize the many alumni who supported the college through scholarship, clinical care, research and unrestricted dollars during the past year. The generosity of SCO’s graduates allows the college to continue its mission to educate the best possible healthcare providers entering the profession of optometry.
Richard C. White, OD
Edward L. Robbins, OD
H. Harlan Sears, Jr., OD
David R. Floyd, OD
Wayne M. Cannon, OD
Anton L. Young, OD
Ronald D. Allen, OD
T. Joel Byars, OD and Helen Byars
Kenneth W. Cottrell, OD
John A. May, OD
William C. Oliver, OD and Nancy Oliver
Harold L. Jennings, OD
Terry M. Swinger, OD
Fred S. Cloninger, OD and Anne Cloninger
Barry J. Davis, OD
Jerry P. Gibson, OD
James D. Sandefur, OD and Lana Sandefur
Paul D. Michalove, OD
Ray D. Williams, OD
John A. Gazaway, OD and Suzanne Gazaway
Richard L. Hill, OD
Edward R. Hoge, Jr., OD
C. Ellis Potter, OD
S.W. Robertson, OD
Joseph J. Beaman, OD
Gerald P. Birkmann, OD
Larry E. Blackmon, OD
Edward L. Boshnick, OD
William E. Cochran, OD and Carolyn Cochran
Henry J. Decker, III, OD
Larry J. Housley, OD
Ray H. Johnson, OD and Linda Johnson
Michael Neff, OD and Jane Neff
David L. Wolf, OD, PA and Lisa Wolf
Walter F. Cygan, OD
David Dick, OD
Bonny Lou Eads, OD
Ronald J. Fornelli, OD
Jane Watson Lamb, OD
Ralph C. Patterson, OD
Joe A. Chambers, OD
Paul W. Derrick, OD
Douglas V. McKillip, OD
Randall D. Bowling, OD
Michael D. Jones, OD
Ronald D. Blum, OD and Kay Blum
Jeffrey H. Cohen, OD
Gary G. Crook, OD
Gene A. Harman, OD
Donald P. Humphrey, OD
Gary L. Schreiner, OD
Jerome Sude, OD
Jerry D. West, OD
William J. Yearta, OD
Alan L. Blatterman, OD
Keith P. Bowen, OD
James M. Newman, III, OD, MS
Phillip L. Patterson, Sr., OD
Kenny J. Wyatt, OD
Richard C. Bedell, OD
Robin S. Blair, OD
David H. Dow, OD
Charles G. Glaser, OD and Cathy Glaser
Harold C. Herring, Jr., OD
Paul R. King, OD
John B. Lewis, OD
Thomas J. Marquardt, OD
Martha Rosemore Morrow, OD and Johnny Morrow
Kenneth M. Nash, OD
Bob G. Roberts, OD
Fred R. Shanks, OD
Robert W. Smalling, OD and Jan Smalling
Ronald J. Stone, OD
Charles J. Stuckey, Jr., OD
John E. Stuckey, Jr., OD
John F. Thompson, OD
Barry A. Winston, OD and Annette Winston
Bruce G. Young, OD and Ruth Ann Young
Stephen P. Akre, OD and Debbie Akre
Allan L. Barker, OD and Susan Barker
Robert M. Bishop, OD
Larry W. Bloomingburg, OD
Robert B. Bower, OD
Keydron D. DeRosa, OD
Jerry D. Jenks, OD
Harold E. Morrill, Jr., OD
Richard D. O’Connor, Jr., OD
Charles A. Rice, OD
J. Scott Simpson, OD
William E. Sterling, Jr., OD
Mike Tannehill, OD
Morris H. Weaver, OD and Lavonne Weaver
Edwin F. Adams, III, OD and Ann Adams
Stanley M. Dickerson, OD
Alan L. Ginsburg, OD
W. Carter Glass, OD
Thomas Lentz, OD
Howard B. Levinson, OD and Barbara Levinson
Kenneth W. Nix, OD
F. Mason Smith, OD
S. Michael Veach, OD
Brunswick R. Wong, OD
Norma K. Bowyer, OD
M. B. Davis, Jr., OD
Robert W. McCullough, OD
Henry B. Miller, OD
Terry D. Moehnke, OD
Ralph H. Mullins, OD
Richard C. Orgain, OD
Lawrence A. Routt, OD
W. David Spruill, OD and Mae Spruill
Kenneth A. Weinberg, OD
Ernest A. Wilbur, III, OD
James S. Campbell, OD
Richard N. Clem, OD
Steven L. Compton, OD and Jane Compton
Mark J. Cook, OD
Al H. Covington, OD
Daniel D. David, OD and Pam David
Tommy J. Ducklo, OD and Beth Ducklo
Glenn I. Goldring, OD and Jamie Goldring
David H. Mills, OD and Cathy Mills
Henry V. Sawyer, Jr., OD
Danny J. Payne, OD
Sue T. Prchal, OD and Gerald J. Prchal, OD
Michael W. Alexander, OD and Libby Alexander
Sharon Berger Moscow, OD and Billy S. Moscow, OD
Errol M. Bloom, OD
Gilan L. Cockrell, OD
Ira N.B. Davis, Jr., OD
Richard D. Gurley, OD and Nancy Gurley
Ben E. Hampton, Jr., OD
Jay R. Kimberley, OD
Lawrence J. LaTour, OD
Lee R. Moore, Jr., OD
Rod L. Rallo, OD
Charles A. Rosenthal, OD
Brian C. Sommer, OD
Anthony L. Aker, OD ‘81
Rick D. Bartlett, OD ‘81
Camile L. Chiasson, OD ‘81
Cherry B. Cockrell, OD ‘81 and David A. Cockrell, OD ‘81
James V. Cornetta, OD ‘81
Max M. Downey, OD ‘81
Alvin L. Frey, Jr., OD ‘81
Marion M. Kenney, OD ‘81
Ronaldo P. Martin, Jr., OD ‘81
Sam R. Silverblatt, OD ‘81
James O. Cloepfil, OD
W. Michael Jamison, OD
Robert W. Seidel, OD
Dean N. Shissias, OD
Cynthia E. Baker, OD
Philip T. Bell, OD
Charlene Burnett, OD
Charles A. Callaway, OD and Regena Callaway
Edward Lemon, OD
Rhett H. Richardson, OD
Paul D. Trapeni, Jr., OD
Steven R. Wilkins, OD
Dena Amerine-Harris, OD and Mr. Harris
Louis A. Cloutier, Jr., OD
Gerald A. Eisenstatt, OD
J. Dale Grant, OD and Carolyn Grant
Warren S. Johnson, OD and Kay Johnson
Stacey J. Meier, OD and Sandi Meier
Deborah L. Moy, OD and Charles Moy
Vaughn D. Parfitt, OD
Charles E. Thomas, OD and Sharon Thomas
Sharon Holden Thomas, OD and Stuart J. Thomas, OD
Terry L. Tucker, OD and Carol Tucker
Lisa Rossmeyer Wade, OD and Martin Wade
Kathryn M. Beggs, OD
Holton S. King, Jr., OD and Becky King
Jon O. Olson, OD
R. Max Raynor, Jr., OD
J. Curtis Taylor, OD
Keith L. Miller, OD
J. Bart Campbell, OD and Dawn Campbell
Stanley H. Cate, OD
William Y. Cuthbertson, OD
Jennifer B. Eaddy, OD
Stephen P. Edwards, OD
Fred Farias, III, OD
David L. Foutch, OD
Audrey L. House, OD and Charles G. Thomas, OD
Mark R. Kapperman, OD and Anita Kapperman
Treg M. Long, OD and Tricia Long
Jeffrey I. Musler, OD
Leroy Norton, Jr., OD
Francis L. Pinard, OD and Mary R. Pinard
Tracy Powell Ray, OD and Shawn Ray
Stephen M. Richardson, OD and Terri Richardson
Audrey L. House, OD and Charles G. Thomas, OD
Linda Anderson Drake, OD and Scott A. Drake, OD ‘91
Martha S. Gore, OD
Michael V. Johnston, OD
James E. Venable, OD
Sara H. Milici-Bopp, OD
Michael A. Cusumano, OD
Jarrett A. Johnson, OD and Kevin Berger
Creighton A. Simmons, OD
Tom Watkins, OD
Timothy K. Tippett, OD
Eric K. Botts, OD
James Shawn McBride, OD
Mark D. Ross, OD
George Rod Alberhasky, OD
Jesse B. Mize, OD
J. Eric Raynor, OD
Laura L. Flockencier, OD
James D. Jaco, OD
Terry L. Kirkland, OD and Cynthia Kirkland
Jeffrey A. McMillian, OD
J. Alan Yates, OD
Marilyn S. Burich, OD
Philip L. Nicholson, OD
Belinda R. Patrick, OD and Tommy Patrick
Steven T. Reed, OD and Kendra Reed
Richard D. Durocher, OD
Elizabeth C. Hudson, OD
Mark D. Jackson, OD
Keith E. Whaley, OD
David J. Wichnoski, OD
Stephanie B. Willett, OD and Jason Willett
Arthur R. Dampier, OD
Steven E. Goldenberg, OD
Allyson P. Mertins, OD
Michael S. Rothschild, OD and Christy Rothschild
Gregory C. Russell, OD
Malissa J. Thompson Mathis, OD
Christopher T. Walls, OD
David J. Wayland, OD
Christine Cook, OD
Aaron Kerr, OD and James Hutto
Mary Lee Pemberton, OD
Janice McMahon, OD
Kayla S. Melton, OD and Derek J. Melton, OD, FAAO
Tchula M. Ripton, OD
April D. Smith, OD and Brian D. Smith, OD
Sylvia E. Sparrow, OD
Brian Eveland, OD
Patricia Flippin Westfall, OD
Jennifer Jabaley, OD and S.
Christopher Jabaley, OD
John Mark Jackson, OD , MS
Kiana Kaymanesh, OD
Christopher Keats, OD
Nicole Y. Monroe, OD
David Olive, OD
Michael L. Presley, OD
Shawn Tab Sussmane, OD
Bradley M. Thompson, OD
David B. Auer, OD
Crystal M. Brimer, OD
Karen Joyner Douglas, OD and Joseph Kent Douglas, OD
Edward Lewis McDonald, OD
Robert H. Scaife, OD
Audra D. Steiner, OD, FCOVD
Quang Khac Tran, OD
Thomas C. Coleman, OD
Christopher E. Deitrick, OD
Scott Ensor, OD and Lisa Ensor
Tonyatta T. Hairston, OD
Nikki S. Meadows, OD and Marcus L. Meadows, OD
Brady M. Palmer, OD
Pamela H. Schnell, OD and David Schnell
Chad William Cullison, OD
James Fleming, OD
Keith Richard Hamm, OD M. Shay Murphy, OD
Nicole A. Patterson, OD
Geoffrey Ryan H. Powell, OD and Amy Powell
Amanda A. Larson, OD and Jarod R. Wood, OD
Chris W. Wroten, OD and Sarah F. Wroten, OD
Virginia Ellen Fitzgerald, OD
Scott T. Hussey, OD
Derek A. McTyier, OD
Adam Michael Paddock, OD
Keith A. Schrunk, OD and Angie Schrunk
Andrea E. Shelton, OD
Sonya Nelmes Smoak, OD
Min H. Son, OD
Michael T. Dorkowski, OD and Forest Dorkowski
Matthew Theodore Drew, OD
Timothy L. Gibbons, OD
Adam S. Melton, OD
Emily J. Sprague, OD
Belinda R. Starkey, OD
Tarra L. Vander Leest, OD
Jen F. L. Weigel, OD
Jason L. Diamond, OD
Drew A. Provost, OD
Mehrdad E. Saadat, OD
Robert R. Szeliga, OD and Amy Szeliga
Angela L. Dabbs, OD
Charity Angela Hertzog, OD and James Mark Hertzog, OD
Jennifer L. Jones, OD
Carrie D. Lebowitz, OD
Stefan Kristoph Young, OD
Christopher T. Bullin, OD
Erika Patrice Cox, OD
Colby Blair Curtis, OD
Lindsay M. Elkins, OD
Terri L. Steddum, OD
Lisa M. Traunero, OD
Amanda R. Dellinger, OD
Jaymini Nayee, OD
Kevin A. Rogers, OD
William B. Teague, OD
Lauren S. Woodworth, OD
Jarrod E. Davies, OD
Lauren M. Grahl, OD
Matthew Jones, OD
Christina Vranich, OD
Jordan Ballantyne, OD
Jonathan Bowman, OD
Ginger Delafosse, OD
Meghan Elkins, OD
Pinakin Gunvant Davey, PhD, OD
Dustin J. Honeyman, OD
Brian Naig, OD
Felicia Rinken, OD
Esla Speth, OD
Erin R. Swichkow, OD and Seth Cooper
Amanda N. Dailey, OD
Jennifer E. Lyerly, OD and Mark Chen
Nicklaus J. Richmond, OD
LeRoy W. Robinson, III, OD
Mark E. Schaeffer, OD
Joanne P. Smith, OD
Alicia E. Byers, OD
Jenny H. Duncan, OD
Justin W. Johnson, OD
Taylor N. Keys, OD
Timothy J. LaFreniere, OD and Courtney M. Shay, OD
Brett A. Miller, OD
Heather L. Hildebrand, OD
Jared P. Quesenberry, OD
Malika R. Rajendra, OD
Brent L. Adamson, OD and Sandra Adamson
Derek A. Black, OD
Nora L. Cothran, OD
Jennifer T. Elder, OD
Seth Jenkins, OD and Aliesha Jenkins
Maria L. Kirkpatrick, OD
Joel Weis, OD
Mary G. Hoang, OD
Brian Knight, OD
Andrew Loudon, OD and Lona Loudon
Chelsea Spalding, OD
Autumn E. Adams, OD
Heather Atcherson, OD
Andrew J. Hawkins, OD
Barbara A. Jodoin, OD and Richard Wyse
Amy A. Puerto, OD
Jade Coats, OD
Lee A. Compton, OD
Erica Durlacher, OD
Leah J. Lentz Herron, OD
Tabitha M. Margritz, OD
Kay C. Powell, OD
Shaleen B. Ragha, OD
Taylor R. Brigham, OD and Daniel Brigham, OD
Emily Eisenhower Baxter, OD and Nicholas Baxter
Erick Henderson, OD and Erin A. Keim, OD
Derek B. Hennig, OD and Lauren Hennig
William Z. Inboden, OD and Candice Inboden
Tyler D. Lefeber, OD
Peyton E. Richlin, OD
Sarah L. Vrotsos, OD
Theresa K. Cassidy, OD
Catherine E. Danko, OD
Laurel E. Kelley, OD
Morgan L. Kickliter, OD
Whitney J. Stock, OD
Blair B. Flint, OD and James Holden
Suzanne M. Johannes, OD
Shelby N. May, OD
Royce V. Miles, OD and Anna C. Miles, OD
Joel E. Saslawsky, OD
Karen E. Ezelle, OD
Darion M. Horner, OD and Karina Horner
Christopher E. Muegge, OD
Brian T. Post, OD
Elyse Rayborn, OD
Michaela J. Sasse, OD
Christopher A. Tollett, OD
Kory A. Allen, OD
Pooja Alloju, OD
Grant J. Criger, OD
Hunter M. Edwards, OD
Tara M. Elam, OD
Lindsey D. Caudle, OD and Dr. Jonas Funderburk
Marie E. Huegel, OD
Nathaniel J. Jensen, OD
Joseph LeMay, OD and Arianna T. LeMay, OD
Natalie G. Nibert, OD
Casey S. Oltman, OD
Kelly J. Sieps, OD
Caitlyn A. Stakeley, OD
Alec Waters, OD
Alexis N. Williams Smith, OD
Maria R. Bontrager, OD
Collin M. Simmons, OD
Rachel D. Slater Whitt, OD
Hannah M. Fairchild, OD
Jacqueline A. Malish, OD
Morgan L. Mathis, OD
Caitlin E. Millsaps, OD
Mary T. Taormina, OD
Braiden J. Werth, OD and Mindy Werth
Addy E. Adkisson, OD
Derek B. Anderson, OD
Peter J. Anderton, OD and Markaye Anderton
Madison L. Bailey, OD
Sabina D. Banit, OD
Trenton C. Bateman, OD
Joseph H. Bateman, OD and Raechel Bateman
Sydney S. Biette, OD and Leo Biette
Michael C. Bifano, OD
Kristen Y. Black, OD and Alex Aguirre
Jacob S. Blackman, OD
Mark C. Brezinka, OD
Austin M. Brian, OD
Philip M. Brock, OD and Brooke Brock
Lindsey K. Buckholz, OD
Noble L. Chun, OD
Kayton L. Coffee, OD
Grace K. Dalton, OD and Berek Dalton
Nancy R. Fisher Broussard, OD and Brayton Broussard
Benjamin A. Friedman, OD
Grace F. Gillispie, OD
Mallory G. Clark, OD and Richard Clark, OD
Tracie L. Goodenberger, OD and Alan Goodenberger
Zach D. Groves, OD
Tanner B. Harsin, OD and Allie Harsin
Paige E. Harvey, OD and Taylor Harvey
Morgan J. Heimes, OD
Patrick J. Huettemann, OD and Nina Kalpakis
Zachary C. James, OD
Emily A. Kyle, OD
Kellianne P. Lambert, OD and Carson Lambert
Duyen K. Le, OD
David J. Y. Lee, OD
Linda D. Luu, OD
Ghazal Mansouri, OD
Serena McArthur, OD
Aideen E. McEnaney, OD
Matthew J. Moe, OD
Emily M. Moore, OD
Kaitlin M. Moseberth, OD
Andrew B. Murphy, OD
Turner P. Musgrove, OD
Todd A. Myers, OD
Laura G. Niederbrach, OD
Dillon J. Pankey, OD and Mary Lou Puglese, OD
Olivia K. Parker, OD and Cory Parker
Shivam A. Patel, OD
Katelyn E. Perez, OD
Tori N. Pierce, OD and Devin Pierce
Maxwell E. Prosser, OD and Creighton Prosser, OD
Weronika Przepiora, OD
Samantha R. Rau, OD and Frank Rau
Collin Q. Rounsavall, OD and Emma Rounsavall
Jamie L. Schmauder, OD
Madison M. Schnell, OD
Emily L. Seuferer, OD and Daniel Armstrong
Amanda Soukup, OD
Ryan A. Stewart, OD
Kate N. Stubbs, OD
Andrew J. Sweeter, OD and Emily Sweeter
Mason S. Taylor, OD and Brooke Taylor
Samantha J. Thompson, OD and Peter DeTar
Cindy Tran, OD
Alexander J. Vaughn, OD
Nithya R. Vemula, OD
Marcus L. Wise, OD
Mallory E. Wright, OD
Katelyn D. Yates, OD and Nate Yates
Cory V. Zwahlen, OD and Brooke Zwahlen
Martin Abroms
James “Trey” Adams
Lanell Alphin
Frances Anthony
Taylor Austin
Michael J. Bailey
Aleathea Benson
Timika Blakley
Christopher Borgman, OD
Karen A. Bowyer, PhD
Danyelle Bradley
Randy Brafford
Delrita Branch
Kim A. Branscomb
Renee Brauns
Jay and Tina Brezinka
Morgan Bromley
William B Brookshire
Nineteen state and regional associations attended State Day. Dr. Steven Reed (’95), past SCO Board Chair and current American Optometric Association President, was the keynote speaker. A panel discussion focused on rural optometry with Drs. Reed, Mallory Collins (’19), Alex Compton (’16), and Matt Jones (’09).
Pam Brown
Tiffany Brown
Jeffry Bunnell
Brooke Caldwell
Clark Chang, OD
Beth Chapman
Patricia Cisarik, OD
Avery Cunningham
Tabatha Dailey
Tony Deener
Troy David Dix
Haley Dixon
Kela Doyle
Todd Eglow, DC
Patricia Estes Walker, OD
Sunnie Ewing
Jeffrey Farris
Beth Fisher
Pateaka Franklin
James Franklin
Janice Frazier-Scott
Chrissy Glasgow
Veronica Gomez
Rachel Grant, OD
Bailey A. Gurley
David K. Hall, OD
Emily Hall
Kenji Hamada, OD
Melissa A. Hansbro
Desmond Hardy
Kristina Haworth, OD
Denise E. Henson
Jessica Hill
Leslie Holland
Jim Hollifield
David Hollis
William Hopper
Mona Howard
LeChelle Hunt-Davenport
James B. Jalenak and Natalie Jalenak
Jennifer A. Jerrolds
Delores Johnson
Clifford Johnson
Jimmie Jones
Clay Jones
Stacy Knight
Krysta Koehler
Masherrill Koonce, OD and Donnie Koonce, OD ’24
Harold Lashlee
Mike Lawson
Kelly and Suk Lee
Candis Lee
Shawn Lemonds
Kristin K. Anderson, OD and Chris Lievens, OD
Raquel Logan
Diane G. Markee, M.Ed.
Katlyn Martin OD
Misty Massey
Erie Mathena
Eronda Mayes
Beth A. McCarthy
Wilson W. McGriff, OD
Mike McKeever
Marcus S. Mitchell
Zachary Mngo, PhD
Debra Mooradian
Sandra Morgan
Christina Newman, OD
Spencer Nichols
Carla O’Brian
Everest Pandya
Tara Pannell
Reginald Pegues
Donald Pike
Melissa Powers
Greta Presley
Luke and Shelly Ranck
Michael Robertson
Tammie Robinson
Diane Rudner
Jennifer Sanderson, OD and Andrew J. Rixon, OD
Taelor Scott
Linda Senter
Barry L. Shulkin, MD
Donna Simpson-Webb
Rebecca Smietana
Joyce Smith
Melinda Smith
Diana Smith Hartbank and Chris Hartbank
Karen Squier, OD
Jerry Sullivan
Lisa D. Sumler
Wanda M. Taylor
Janine Tenorio
Philip Tribble
Monique Trotter
Lauren Trowbridge
Elaine Turcotte
Amber Tyrus
Francesco Valentino
Penny K. Walker
Michael Ward
Carolyn J. Warren
Debra Watson
Alexis S. Williams
Shuntae Williams
Jason Williams
Susan Williams
Molly Williamson
Eric Williamson
Eden Winters
Valerie Wise, OD and Mark Wise
Antonio Wise
Gregory S. Wolfe, OD
Craig Wright
Alexandres D. Wright
Melissa Zarn Urankar, OD and Frank Urankar
AbbVie Inc.
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
American Academy of Optometry
American Board of Optometry
Bausch & Lomb
Briggs Vision Group
ClearVision Optical
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
Continental Optical
Costa Del Mar
Essilor Luxottica
Europa Eyewear
First Horizon Foundation
Healthy Vision Association
Jobson Medical Information, LLC
Johnson & Johnson
Vision Care, Inc.
Kansas Optometric Association/Foundation
Kentucky Optometric Foundation
Lakeland Lions Foundation
L’amy America
McGee Group
National Vision, Inc.
Ocular Instruments, Inc.
SECO International, Inc.
SHO Eyeworks
St. David’s Foundation
The Bane Foundation
The Estate of Charles Jeffrey Foster
The Jelks Family Foundation, Inc.
University of California
School of Optometry
Vision Service Plan
WM Health Wellness HR
SCO’s donors are acknowledged online at
Whether it’s SECO in early spring, the AOA meeting in the summer, or Academy in the fall, SCO enjoys hosting events for alumni as we express our appreciation for the positive representation that SCO’s graduates make on our profession.
Your donation makes all the difference in helping us fulfill SCO’s mission to educate the best possible healthcare providers.
Gifts of securities that have appreciated in value allow you to avoid capital gains taxes while receiving a tax deduction.
There are many ways to give back! Explore Estate and Planned Gifts. Take advantage of IRA RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions), and even gift your vehicle.
Alumni and friends can create their own scholarship fund or give to one that is already established. Make your donation over the phone. You can reach us at 901-722-3216.
You can mail a check or credit card gift to: Office of Institutional Advancement Southern College of Optometry 1245 Madison Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38104-2222
Gifts that support the greatest priorities.
Include SCO as a beneficiary in your will, retirement accounts (401k or IRA), life insurance policies, living trusts (Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust) or DAF (Donor Advised Fund).
Premier giving society designed to recognize those who give $1,000 or more annually.
Give fast and easy at sco.edu/give
There are many opportunities for alumni to network and get together in 2025. Major events include:
Be sure to visit SCO’s website to update your contact information, and follow the school on social media, newsletters, and our alumni magazine.
We welcome your news to share with your classmates and future graduates!
David A. Cockrell, OD ’81
Allan L. Barker, OD ’75
Renee Brauns
Betty Harville Brown, OD
Arthur R. Dampier, OD ’97
Anita Davis, PhD
Vicki Farmer
Charles G. Glaser, OD ’74
Mark R. Kapperman, OD ’87
Charles W. Kinnaird, OD
James K . Kirchner, OD
Jennifer E. Lyerly, OD ’11
Stacey J. Meier, OD ’84
Lynn T. Shaw
Stuart R. Tasman, OD ’80
Carrie Lebowitz, OD, ’06
Kimberly Pham, ’26
Lewis Reich, OD, PhD PRESIDENT