Independent Register 608•897•2193
Dean Walz benefit coming August 20 .......................................... 3 Wisconsin FFA reflects on annual golf outing ..........................12 Humane Society takes in dogs from kill shelters .............................16
Anniversar y Party!
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EASY TO GET TO Orfordville, Wisconsin ...HARD TO LEAVE!! 608-879-2011
& Wrestling Fund-Raiser Saturday, August 20th, 2016 STARTS AT 9AM
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Registration at 11 a.m.
All Day
All Cars & Trucks Welcome! Raffle to Benefit the Orfordville Parkview Youth Wrestling!
DJ from 12 noon to 7:00 PM
7- 11 pm
Wisconsin FFA reflects on annual golf outing ..........................12 Humane Society takes in dogs from kill shelters .............................16
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Dean Walz benefit coming August 20 .......................................... 3
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Anniversar y Party!
206 E. Beloit St.
EASY TO GET TO Orfordville, Wisconsin ...HARD TO LEAVE!! 608-879-2011
& Wrestling Fund-Raiser Saturday, August 20th, 2016 STARTS AT 9AM
Car Show!
12 - 3 pm
Registration at 11 a.m.
All Day
All Cars & Trucks Welcome! Raffle to Benefit the Orfordville Parkview Youth Wrestling!
DJ from 12 noon to 7:00 PM
7- 11 pm
Page 2 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register
Cheesemaking Part II
Final Rock County hazardous waste disposal event of 2016 approaching
A discussion with Cheese Days Ambassador Jana Crandall’s Uncle Silvan Blum Hello, cheese fans! This month’s article is part two from a discussion with my cheesemaker uncle Silvan Blum of Chalet’s Deppeler Cheese Plant, giving me the inside scoop on the process of making cheese. At the Deppeler Plant, where cheese is produced five days a week, cheesemakers start with 25,000 pounds of milk for a yield of about 2,300 pounds of cheese on each of those days. But Silvan notes that a high-moisture cheese uses less milk, whereas a low-moisture cheese uses a substantial amount of milk. When making Baby Swiss, a typical yield on 100 pounds of milk would be nine pounds of cheese! On the other hand, Limburger or Brick has a yield around twelve pounds per 100 pounds of milk. The older the milk is, the lower the yield. It makes sense that the price of cheese goes by moisture due to the correlation to yield. There are larger cheese plants that process 13 million pounds of milk a day, seven days a week. I asked Silvan if he has ever had to throw out a batch of cheese. He said, “Swiss cheesemakers who have a 90-
95% success rate are doing well.” The Deppeler Cheese Factory has high standards for quality, taste and texture, as well as the goal of making a product that is safe and wholesome. Did you know that if cheese doesn’t meet texture or taste standards, it goes on for additional processing and may become a product like Velveeta? Silvan also told me that there are now fewer dairy farms in the area, but these farms are now larger and producing more milk. A trend in the last ten years includes young farmers coming back to the family farm, who bring with them ideas for increased automation. What used to take two weeks now might take two days. At our family farm, we used to milk 70 cows and had three or four hired hands. Back in the day, this was considered a HUGE farm. Now, most farms are well over 100 cows, and this change took place so the farms could stay competitive. The cheese industry is moving in the same direction. Cheese plants need to automate various steps in the process to stay competitive. They have to reduce costs, increase ef-
ficiency, and increase output, while maintaining high-quality products. Cheesemaking is an art and always The last Clean Sweep event 200 pounds of unwanted agwill be. To learn more about innovafor the year will be Saturday, riculture chemicals per Rock tions that shaped cheesemaking in the August 20, at the Rock County County farmstead will be acpast while setting the stage for Green garage in Janesville from 9 cepted for no charge for a limCounty’s role in the future of the ina.m. to noon. ited time. Rates apply over 200 dustry, please visit the National HisThis event is for Rock Counpounds. toric Cheese Making Center in Monty residents only. Advance regTo learn what can be reroe. istration is required. Please call cycled and what to save for Cheese Days has a variety of pro608-754-6617, ext. 3, as early Clean Sweep, see our brochure motional appearances coming up. as possible, as we may reach and more program information On Thursday, August 11, I will be at event capacity. at Wisconsin State Fair for the Blue For waste from homes, the servation-clean-sweep (search Ribbon Cheese & Butter Auction. On first small bin is free, and each “Rock County Clean Sweep”) August 12, I hope to see you at the speadditional bin is $5.00 with a or call 608-754-6617, ext. 3, cial Sunset Celebration at Main Street limit of four per household. A during regular business hours. Monroe’s Concert on the Square. bin is about 12 by 18 by 10 Please note that businesses We are less than two months away inches. Additional fees apply and schools must use the busifrom the festival! The official map for larger loads. ness program. has been released, and we are seeking The event will also include Also note that latex paint is volunteers to help with the beer stand, a Farmstead Special. The first not accepted at Clean Sweep. retail tent, and hospitality tent. If you are interested, please visit cheesedays. com and click on the volunteer tab or call the Cheese Days office at 608325-7771. Also, make sure to follow On Sunday, August 14, the Green of Young Democrats. Cheese Days and Cheese Days AmOn Thursday, August 18, County Democrats and Progresbassador on Facebook for the latest sives will hold their monthly meet- the Democratic Party of Green updates. ing at Leisure Lanes in Monroe. County will host an open Social and dining time begin at 5 house from 3 p.m. until 7:30 at p.m., and the meeting will begin their new campaign office located at 6. This month’s topics will in- at 1114 17th Avenue in Monroe. clude the Green County Board, how Campaign signs, buttons, and bumcounty government works, and the per stickers will be available. Renewly formed Wisconsin chapter freshments will be served. by RECAP participants, and refreshments will be served. Produce from the garden will be for sale to the general public during the open house. All charges reported here are merely accusations. A defendant is presumed Proceeds from the sales will go directly toward operational costs and innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The Albany Police reported the following incidents: future projects in the garden. Following the open house will be Saturday, August 6 Arrested for Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of an a farm-to-table dinner from 6 p.m. to 8:30. The dinner will be held at 200 Intoxicant, Prohibited Alcohol Concentration Above .08%, Operation After East Highway 14 in Janesville, ad- Suspension, Possession of THC, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia was jacent to the Rock County Sheriff’s Michael R. Kelly of Janesville. Office. Produce from the RECAP garden will be prepared by Chef Tyler Sailsbery from Blacksheep Local Fine Timothy and Lindsay Goeke of Dakota, Illinois, are the proud parents of Dining and Casual Joe’s of Whitewater. Music will be provided by Kaia a boy, Owen David Gregory, born on July 23, 2016, at the Monroe Clinic Hospital. Fowler. Owen’s grandparents are Gregory and Linda Becker of Juda and David There are 50 seats available at the and Valerie Goeke of Dakota, Illinois. dinner, and tickets cost $50 per perHis great-grandparents are Rodney Becker and Donna White of Monroe son. This event is open to the public, and tickets will be sold on a first- and Gary and Jeanne Wells and Reginald Goeke, all of Dakota, Illinois. Owen joins his proud sister, four-year-old Arlena. come, first-served basis. For more information, contact Barb Guse at 608-322-5141 or Deb Brodhead’s Class of 1976 to hold 40-year reunion Grams at 608-346-0595. On Saturday, August 13, the Brodhead Class of 1976 will reunite at Fibs Come join us for this special Supper Club at 6 p.m. event in celebration of the RECAP If you know of anyone who has not yet been contacted by a class representaGarden’s success and ongoing ef- tive, please ask him or her to contact Chris Searles by email at cksearles@charfort to give back to the communities or Hank Pinnow at or 608-921-6658 for details. throughout Rock County. Friends of 1976 graduates are also welcomed to stop in and say, “Hi.”
Green County Democrats to meet
RECAP Garden to be featured during open house and farm-to-table dinner On Wednesday, August 17, the Rock County Sheriff’s Office RECAP (Rock County Education and Criminal Addictions Program) Garden Project will be hosting its annual open house from 3 p.m. to 5:30. The RECAP Garden has been in operation for nearly 24 years and provides educational services to RECAP participants, while also provid-
Hawkins and Robertson family reunion approaching On Sunday, August 21, members of the Hawkins and Robertson families will gather at Veterans Park in Brodhead from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Attendees should bring a wrapped, White Elephant gift and a dish to pass. Table service will be provided.
ing produce to local food pantries and organizations throughout Rock County. The RECAP inmates put in thousands of hours each year tending to and harvesting produce from the garden and are very proud of the work they do to give back to the community. This year alone, 2,533 hours have been spent tending to the garden. Features of the garden include raised beds, horizontal grows, a natural shelter covered in grape vines, a high tunnel, and much more. The Rock County Sheriff’s Office, along with the garden volunteers, RECAP staff, and participants, cordially invite the public to attend the open house at the RECAP Garden. The garden is located to the east of the Sheriff’s Office off Highway 14 (behind and next to the Youth Services Center) in Janesville. Tours of the garden will be hosted
Public invited to Walk with Walker Join first lady Tonette Walker in a walk to promote health and fitness on Tuesday, August 16 at 10 a.m. This two-mile walk is free and will be held rain or shine at Beckman Mill.
Walk with Walker is hosted by Visit Beloit in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Tourism. Those interested in participating should plan to meet at Beckman Mill at 9:30 a.m. the morning of the event.
Albany Police Report
Birth Announcement
Knute’s is looking for Sand Volleyball Teams for Sat., Aug. 20th during their 18th Anniversary Party
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The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 3
Benefit in honor of Dean Walz happening later this month
Heroes of the Bible VBS coming to Albany this month Albany United Methodist Church will be hosting Vacation Bible School 2016 during the week of Monday, August 15. School will run from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. This year’s theme is Super Heroes of the Bible, and children from age three to those entering sixth grade are invited to attend at
on Saturday, August 20. Walz was critically injured during a work accident earlier this summer. 1773490 – Albany – Check out this duplex. It would be great home plus what a great investment. On a quiet dead-end street, you and your potential tenant will enjoy the location. Each unit has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, first floor laundry rooms, central air, a deck, attached garages and full basements. Call for all the information and for your private showing. $185,000.00.
no cost. The church will provide snacks while children play games and learn about the many heroes of the Bible. To register or for additional information, please call 608-8623206 or 608-882-6897 or email Registration is appreciated but not necessary.
1765965 - Brodhead - This 3 bedroom ranch has 1456 sq.ft. of living area plus an attached 2 car garage situated on a corner lot close to Brodhead Schools. It is must see for only $114,900.00. NEW LISTING - 1782041 – Rural Albany – Better than brand new. This all brick home has more than 3000 sq.ft. of living area on 1.25 acres with country views. 4 large bedrooms, 4 bathroom units, gas fireplace, huge family room in the finished walk-out lower level, covered deck, patio, plus an attached 3 car heated garage with 11’ ceilings and 8’ garage doors. Easy commute to Monroe, Madison and Janesville. $275,000.00.
Albany City-Wide Garage Sales August 12th-13th • 8am-4pm
Albany Thrift Store 206 E. Main St. $3.00 bag sale (Clothing, Shoes, Purses) Teresa Vine N5736 Fiedler Rd. Fri. 4-7, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-3 Boys clothes 14-16, Kids videos and games, play station games, cordless Ryobi tools, paint sprayers, pump jacks, exercise equipment, chains for saws, some horse pack, dehumidifier, dishes and more.
Jeff Gilbertson N5479 Stephenson Lane Golf cart, furniture, clothing, electric range stove, riding lawnmower, 2007 Harley Davidson motorcycle and misc. collectors plates, Misc. items. Dee Patchen N6658 Hwy. E Tools, antiques, many new & used toys, Variety of items.
Neil Stefanik N5925 Marie Ct. Friday and Saturday Couple is downsizing, some old, some like new, too much to mention.
Bonnie Klapper 301 Mineral St. Fri. & Sat. Baby Boy clothes NB-18 Months, Girls some infant – 6T, toys, womans plus sizes, misc. items.
Jill Hanson 403 N. Cincinnati St. Multi-Family Sale: something for everyone, matching men & womans speed bikes, household items, tools and hardware, Boys clothes up to 2T, ladies clothes, some new.
Ed Maksym Sugar River Storage Unit #62 Corner of 4th & Cincinnati Moving Sale: Hand Power tools, rug shampooer, extension cords, misc. tools and some household items.
Doug Lerch Estate Sale N550 Deerwood Dr. Thurs. & Fri. 8-4, Sat. 8-2 Cash only. Ruth Marcellus 408 S. Mill St. Western paperbacks, antiques, collectibles, jewelry, records, doilies, antique rocker, cookbooks, lamps, teacups, milk glass. Hazel Ommodt 201 Washington St. Adult and kid clothes. Lots of misc. Cheap! Barb Briggs 506 Mineral St. Fri. 8-4, Sat. 8-4 Multi Family: Stone fountain, coffee table, Fluval water pump, drawing table, designer handbags, housewares, bar. Teri Rupp 202 S. Summit Furniture, Girls up to 2T, Boys up to 6T, household items, ladies and mens clothes, crafting items and Stampin’ Up.
Toni Jones 306 S. East St. Fri. 8-5, Sat 8-Noon Good Stuff-Great Prices.
1771477 - Brodhead - Comfortable bungalow with a detached garage. There is one bedroom and one bath. A good location. A little jewel and priced below the assessed value. $59,900.00.
Dee Walmer W1152 Jericho Dr. Left and Right Compound Bows, 2 bold on jacks, sm. Chest freezer, Xbox 360 and games, toy tractors, Girls 10-12 clothing, mens jeans, books, etc. Girls plus 12-16. Calvin Crull 509 S. Mill St. Fri. & Sat. 8-4 Knick Knacks, jewelry, antique furniture, too much to mention.
lbertson Realty& uction Service
A benefit for Albany’s Dean Walz is scheduled for Saturday, August 20 at 11 a.m. The event will take place at the river-side home of Jay and Rhonda Dailey at 406 South Mill Street in Albany. Walz, who served on the Albany Fire Department for 20 years, was critically injured in a work accident in June after falling 50 feet from a boom truck while cutting trees. Walz was sent to UW-Madison via MedFlight, where he remained in critical condition with injuries to his brain, along with several broken bones. Weeks later, he was transferred to a thirty-day rehabilitation program in Madison. He is now in Milwaukee, completing rehabilitation therapy with a physician specializing in brain injuries. Amber Evans, a very close friend of Walz’s daughter, knew she wanted to do something to help as soon as the incident occurred. “When everything happened, I knew a benefit was something that I wanted to put on,” she said. “Jay Dailey [Walz’s father-in-law] mentioned that he would like to host, and we went from there.” Evans and Dailey, along with Dailey’s wife, Rhonda, went to work planning the event and have been putting it together for the past month and a half. “Dean is like a second dad to me, and he’s my two-year old’s best friend,” Evans said. “I know that if the tables were turned, he and his family would do anything for mine, so I wanted to do everything I could to help.” At the event, pulled pork will be served beginning at noon until it’s
lbertson Realty& uction Service
lbertson Realty& lbertson Realty& WAYNE ALBERTSON WAYNE ALBERTSON uction Service uction Service Real Estate Broker/Owner - Auctioneer - Appraiser Real Estate Broker/Owner - Auctioneer - Ap
Alaina Schindler 403 E. Main St. Men & Ladies clothing, furniture & art.
Gypsy Busjahn N5909 Marie Ct. Fri. & Sat. 8-4 Real Estate Boy, girls and womans clothing all sizes.
Call Jan, Wayne or Barb to help you! Barb Krattiger - Sales Associate - 608-897-2681
WAYNE ALBERTSON Jan Albertson - Sales Associate - 608-558-8007
Barb Krattiger - Sales Associate - 608-89 WAYNE ALBERTSON
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Barb Krattiger - Sales Associate - 608-897-2681 253453 W2409 SWANN STREET
Barb Krattiger - Sales Associate - 608-897-2681
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sold out. Cheesy potatoes, coleslaw, chips, and desserts will also be available. Adult tickets will cost $10 ahead of time and $12 at the door. Children’s hot dog meals are $5. Six-person canoe races will begin at 12:30 p.m. Those wishing to participate in the races should contact Evans at 608-897-5245 to register. Registration costs $30 per team ahead of time and $40 on the day of the benefit. In addition, the event will include a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction. One of the items to be sold in the auction is a signed football from the Green Bay Packers. “Proceeds will be given to the family to help with bills [and] medical expenses and to take some of the weight off their shoulders since Dean was the main provider,” Evans said. She also added that Walz’s wife, Julie, has yet to return to work, and his daughter, Cheryl, resigned from her summer job to help take care of him. Walz’s youngest daughter, Tara, has been helping to keep things in order at home. Anyone wishing to contribute toward the benefit may donate baskets or single items for the silent auction; food, drinks, or baked goods; or tents, tables, chairs, or table service. Volunteers wishing to help on the day of the event should contact Evans. Benefit tickets are available for purchase at Gabriella’s Restaurant, Center Tavern, and Homebound Hairstyling in Albany. Tickets are also available through Evans, DaiCOURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register ley (426-4424), or Tara Walz (214Join area community members in a benefit for Albany’s Dean Walz 9880).
By Siara Schwartzlow
Page 4 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register 253521
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 12th, 13th & 14th Sidewalk Sales during Covered Bridge Days – Saturday, August 13th • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Vendors will be on the sidewalks downtown and businesses throughout town.
Covered Bridge Days schedule
Friday, August 12 Downtown Garden Club display at Bank of Brodhead, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Legion Park Softball tournament, beginning in the evening. Saturday, August 13 Sugar River Trail Fun Run/Walk, 8 a.m. Veterans Park Wildflower Art Festival, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Live music at Veterans Park, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Downtown Garden Club display at Bank of Brodhead, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sidewalk and vendor sales on the square, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Historic Museum, open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Music on the square, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Historic wagon tours, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jaycees’ Kids’ Fun Run, 11:30 a.m. Street Dance on the square, featuring music from Over the Limit, 8 p.m. to midnight. 1201 11th Street “Embrace the Race” exhibit and boat rides along the Mill Race, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Legion Park Softball tournament, all day. South end of town Horse show, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tractor show, 9 a.m. Thresheree, 9 a.m.
Vendor/craft show, 9 a.m. Sawmill demonstration, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Garden tractor expo, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Food stands, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Children’s pedal tractor pull, 10 a.m. Antique tractor pull, 1 p.m. Garden tractor pull, 1 p.m. Antique tractor drive, 4 p.m.
Sunday, August 14 Putnam Park Wildflower Walk, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Veterans Park Open-air church service, 10:30 a.m. Concert in the Park with Brodhead’s Community Band, 6 p.m. 1201 11th Street “Embrace the Race” exhibit and boat rides
along the Mill Race, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Legion Park Softball tournament, all day. South end of town Horse show, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Classic car and motorcycle show, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vintage biplane display, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sawmill demonstration, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vendor/craft show, 9 a.m. Tractor show, 9 a.m. Thresheree, 9 a.m. Garden tractor expo, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Food stands, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parade, 12 p.m. (begins at the corner of East 3rd Avenue and 19th Street) Antique tractor pull, 1 p.m. Garden tractor pull, 1 p.m.
Speakers to present on missions and new church plant before Covered Bridge Days service
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
A rainbow of colors and unexpected critters will be on display during the Wildflower Walk in Brodhead on Sunday, August 14.
Wildflower Walk set for August 14
Three species of monarch-attracting milkweed, plus more than 45 other native plants sporting a rainbow of colors will be highlighted during the Wildflower Walk at Putnam Park from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 14.
The Wildflower Walk is part of the Brodhead Wildflower Festival, which also includes the Wildflower Art Festival at Veteran’s Park on Saturday, August 13. The Art Festival and Wildflower Walk are both paired with Brodhead’s Covered Bridge Days.
Persons taking part in the walk will learn about native prairie plants as well as the critters that are attracted to them. Plan to “expect the unexpected!” The Wildflower Walk is rated as “easy.” All are welcomed to participate.
Covered Bridge Day Sale
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Shop Covered Bridge Days & Sidewalk Sales for Great Deals!
Shop the PIG while attending Brodhead’s Covered Bridge Days
Panasonic Vacuums
The United Methodist Church will provide the Covered Bridge Days church service in Veterans Park on Sunday, August 14 at 10:30 a.m. in downtown Brodhead. Pastor Krystal Goodger will be preaching. Please note that some schedules incorrectly listed the start time as 9 a.m. Dr. Hoyt Lovelace will speak on sharing the love of Christ and on the eye expeditions that he and his wife Dr. Kim Lovelace, have done in Ivory Coast West Africa for the past four years. Pastor Jesse Beernink will speak on a new church plant in Janesville. Dr. Lovelace and Pastor Beernink will be speaking from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m.
Come show your support and patronize these local area businesses during Covered Bridge Days for great deals and sidewalk sales!
The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 5 253522
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 12th, 13th & 14th Sidewalk Sales during Covered Bridge Days – Saturday, August 13th • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Vendors will be on the sidewalks downtown and businesses throughout town.
Covered Bridge Days is almost here! Friday, August 12 through Sunday, August 14
COURTESY PHOTOS Brodhead Independent-Register
Competitors take off in a past Fun Run. This year, a Fun Run for all ages is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Saturday, August 13, and the Kids’ Fun Run, sponsored by the Jaycees, is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. the same day.
Shoppers enjoy live music while perusing booths at last year’s Wildflower Art Festival in Veterans Park. The festival is returning this year during Covered Bridge Days on Saturday, August 13.
Covered Bridge Days is Brodhead’s biggest festival! From the Fun Run/Walk at 8 a.m. to the street dance that runs from 8 p.m. until midnight on Saturday, August 13, the festival is packed with activities for everyone. The Wildflower Art Festival will take place in Veterans Park from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday. Many returning favorites plus several exciting new artists will display their work, the “Ice Cream Man” will be back, and live music will be provided. On the downtown square, you will find sidewalk sales and vendors, live music, food booths, historic wagon tours, a kids’ fun run at 11:30 a.m., the Historical Society Depot Museum, and a Garden Club display at the Bank of Brodhead. Don’t forget about “Embrace the Race,” located close by at the old water tower area, where you can take a pontoon ride up the Mill Race to the Headgates. On the ride, you’ll see not only wildlife like turtles, songbirds, and waterfowl, but also all the great progress that the Pearl Island Recreational Corridor volunteers have completed as they continually work to improve the area for hiking, biking, picnicking, fishing, canoeing, and kayaking. The south end of town will host many attractions, as well, including the 10th annual horse show, a saw mill demo, a tractor show, and the Thresheree. Vendors, a garden tractor expo, tractor pulls, and food stands will also be available. On Sunday, the fun continues! Start the day with an open-air church service at 10:30 a.m. in Veterans Park, learn about the many native plants growing along the Mill Race at Putnam Park from 10:30 until 11:30 a.m., or take that pontoon boat ride that you didn’t have time for on Saturday. The south end of town will repeat all of the Saturday activities, and in addition, there will be a Classic Car and Motorcycle Show from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., a vintage airplane display, and a parade at noon. So much is happening that you won’t want to miss it! You can view and print the entire schedule and a map at the Chamber website: Click on the Covered Bridge Days button on the left side.
Community band to perform August 14
Brodhead’s community band is excited to perform on Sunday, August 14 as part of the Twilight in the Park series. The concert will begin at 6 p.m. at Veterans Park. In case of inclement weather, the concert will move to the high school.
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Come show your support and patronize these local area businesses during Covered Bridge Days for great deals and sidewalk sales!
Page 6 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register 253524
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 12th, 13th & 14th Sidewalk Sales during Covered Bridge Days – Saturday, August 13th • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Vendors will be on the sidewalks downtown and businesses throughout town.
Area hobbyist to showcase fraction of tractor collection at Covered Bridge Days
By Siara Schwartzlow EDITOR
Andrew Meier, of Monroe, has accumulated a collection of 68 garden tractors and seven full-size tractors, along with many implements. The majority of his collection consists of John Deere tractors, at least eight of which he plans to bring to Covered Bridge
Days this year. Meier has been collecting for nine years now. He began as a senior in high school in 2007. “By 2010,” he said, “I had thirty mowers.” Since he began his collection, he has kept his eyes and ears peeled. He says he acquires most of his tractors through word of mouth, but he also frequents auctions.
Bridges Bar & Grill
1034 1st Center Ave. Brodhead, WI 53520
SATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH GRILLING OUTSIDE! Brats • Jumbo Hot Dogs Roast Beef Sandwiches Serving Regular Menu & Beverages Inside
Chicken Coop Collectibles
Stop at our booth during Covered Bridge Days in Brodhead
Saturday, August 13th in front of FirstMerit Bank Lots of antiques & collectibles, rustic crafts, large selection of vintage & new household decor, some primitive items, unique garden items: assorted buckets, gates, garden chairs & watering cans, linens - old & new, and much, much more. Stop & take a look!
6507 W. Hwy. 14, Janesville, WI. Corner of Cty. H and Hwy. 14
Old Fashioned Prices for an
Old Fashioned Sidewalk Sale!
Friday, August 12th • Noon - 5 p.m. Saturday, August 13th • 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
As many collectors know, collectible tractors are often in need of aesthetic work. Meier has completed the restoration of one his tractors himself, and he has paid for several others to be restored. “I also have a lot of implements that are steel-wheeled,” he said. “I’m restoring those now.” Particularly noteworthy are Meier’s Patio Series tractors because of their rarity. According to an article by Mary Herbers in Green Magazine, a publication centered on John Deere products, the Patio Series was introduced in 1969. “The 1969 model of the custom color series was painted entirely Dogwood White except for the hood and seat,” Herbers wrote. “The customer would choose a color from Patio Red, Sunset Orange, Spruce Blue, or April Yellow. The dealer would then attach the hood and seat in the color they had selected.” According to Herbers’s article, production ended with the 1971 line. The manufacturers quickly realized that John Deere enthusiasts were far more interested in purchasing tractors in the traditional green and yellow. “Many dealers had to paint their remaining units green to even sell them,” Herbers added. “Often during a restoration today, collectors will discover there is white paint under the green on their 1971 (or even 1970) garden tractor.” After seven years, Meier has successfully collected one Patio Series tractor in each of the four colors they were manufactured in. Meier has also undertaken a project that substantially altered one of his lawnmowers, a John Deere 112. It now serves as a display case for toy tractors. Meier came up with the concept, and he was able to execute his plans with the help of some of his friends. He hopes to bring this to the Covered Bridge Days Tractor Show next weekend. “I’ve been to shows all over the Midwest since I was little,” he said. “Brodhead is probably my favorite.” Meier noted how welcomed he feels at Brodhead’s show thanks to Jim Huffman, one of the event’s coordinators, and the rest of the volunteers who help to put the festival together.
COURTESY PHOTOS Brodhead Independent-Register
Andrew Meier transformed this custom John Deere 112 into a display case for toy tractors.
(RIGHT) Meier’s idea to display toys with the 112 was brought to life with the help of several of his friends.
25% off
Gift Department 50% off
all Sidewalk Sale Merchandise ON SALE IN FRONT OF THE PHARMACY.
Hometown Pharmacy
1028 1st Center Ave. • Brodhead, WI 53520 Phone: 608-897-2595 • Fax: 608-897-8301 Email: Web site: www.hometownpharmacy.wi/brodhead
Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8-6, Saturday 8-1, CLOSED Sunday
This collection of 68 lawn and garden tractors belongs to Andrew Meier, a collector in Monroe. Meier plans to bring several of his tractors to Brodhead’s Covered Bridge Days to put on display in the tractor show taking place at the south end of town.
Come show your support and patronize these local area businesses during Covered Bridge Days for great deals and sidewalk sales!
The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 7 253526
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 12th, 13th & 14th Sidewalk Sales during Covered Bridge Days – Saturday, August 13th • 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Vendors will be on the sidewalks downtown and businesses throughout town.
SIARA SCHWARTZLOW PHOTOS Brodhead Independent-Register
Brodhead man builds wooden steam engine
(Left) A crew of volunteers helps Seichter paint the steam engine. Volunteers include Lester Kessler, Lori Seichter, Deb Wolter, Cliff Bollig, Jeremy Manley, Robert Schwartzlow, Derek and Siara Schwartzlow, and Chris, Carson, and Cole Seichter.
Stop by our booth during Covered Bridge Days and check out our specials (West end of Tinker’s Garden)
(Right) Brodhead’s Tim Seich-
ter recently built a steam engine using recycled lumber. He says the idea came from Jim Huffman, who helps organize Covered Bridge Days events on the south end of town. Seichter plans to park the steam engine near the registration tent for children to play on this weekend.
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Do it yourself parts at discounted prices.
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Wagon tours added to Covered Bridge Days festivities
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Saturday, August 13th
Street dance in front of city hall. Over The Limit – 8:30-12:30 253040
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Find A Cure Craft Show Stop in during Covered Bridge Days We specialize in Chester Fried Chicken, Picadilly Pizza and donuts from Fosdale Bakery in Stoughton. Friday Fish Fry beginning at Noon • Full line of liquor & beer products
Embrace the Race Pontoon Rides On the Mill Race 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Saturday & Sunday during Covered Bridge Days.
check in store to see what credit card options are available
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Proceeds to American Diabetes Association For More Information Call:
Come show your support and patronize these local area businesses during Covered Bridge Days for great deals and sidewalk sales!
Historical Wagon Tours will be part of the Covered Bridge celebration in Brodhead on Saturday, August 13 only. These horse-drawn wagon tours will depart from the northwest corner of the square and will go through the northwest part of Brodhead. Tours will begin at 10 a.m. and will run until 3 p.m. Each tour will last about 30 minutes. Learn about the former location of a hotel, stagecoach stop, and school. The Chamber of Commerce sponsors the tours and Historical Society volunteers narrate them. There will be a small charge to help defray expenses. That fee will also gain you entry into events on the south side of town (tractor pulls, thresheree, etc.) Be sure to visit the Depot Museum, as well. The museum will be open extended hours during Covered Bridge Days. It features a permanent railroad exhibit, an exhibit celebrating 125 years of Brodhead’s being considered a city, a one-room school exhibit, a broom shop, and much more. There is no charge to visit the museum, but donations are appreciated and a gift shop is available.
Full Service Auto Repair Auto Sales Tires - ALL KINDS Alignments - Oil Changes Check Engine Lights Brakes - Exhaust Air Conditioning Trailer Repairs Welding
Page 8 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register 253531
Back to School Splittin Hairs HAIR & NAILS
Julie Schmitt Gift Certificates Available 919 W. Exchange Street Brodhead, WI 53520 253239
Look great going back to school with accessories from Pinnow Hometown Pharmacy
SIARA SCHWARTZLOW PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
Playground prepped and ready for 2016-2017 school year
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Hometown Pharmacy
Last month, one of the playgrounds at Albrecht Elementary in Brodhead received an upgrade thanks to Kid Connection, along with many community volunteers and donors. It now features rubber mulch, a safer alternative to wood chips or sand.
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Stuff the Bus helps to provide school supplies to Albany students By Beth Blakemore CORRESPONDENT
The Albany Lions’ Stuff the Bus event was held last Saturday, August 6, to help gather school supplies for local students in need. Throughout the school year, Albany teachers will have access to the materials and will be able to supply them to students as needed. Since this is the event’s third year, organizers have expanded their goals. Laurie Holthau, affiliated with the Lions Club, said that this year’s aim is to fill an entire bus this year with supplies like note-
books, pencils, erasers, rulers, folders, and even packpacks. Every donation helps. According to the Wisconsin Lions, the “2015 estimated cost to send a child to school was $630.” Nearly one hundred dollars of that number is estimated to go toward supplies alone. Those wishing to contribute toward the Stuff the Bus project may donate supplies at Albany Dollar General, Albany Mini Mart, New Image Salon, Town Bank, and Sugar River General Store. Donors may also send checks to Albany Lions Club, P.O. Box 354, Albany WI, 53502.
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The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 9 253532
Back to School Juda School receives facelift over summer
Parkview offers online registration
Families are now able to register their students for the upcoming school year by going to the Parkview School District website at www. Through your Family Access (Skyward) account, you can follow the tutorial, which will take you through the necessary steps of completing the registration process. The online payment system (RevTrak) will accept all school fees. This allows families to eliminate the need of having to write numerous checks. In order to encourage families to complete the registration in a timely manner, the usual online payment fee of $2.00 per transaction (through RevTrak) will be waived now through Thursday, August 18. Don’t wait; beginning on August 19, the $2.00 RevTrak fee will be charged. The Orfordville Public Library offers the option of using their patron computers to those who do not have access to computers at home. Sarah Strunz, Library Director, has received training in the online registration process and can assist anyone who needs help. Please call ahead to the library for their hours of operation (879-9229).
Albany hires new superintendent
Last month, Amy Vesperman was hired as the new superintendent of the School District of Albany. According to the district’s Facebook page, Vesperman served as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, the District Assessment Coordinator, and an Educator Effectiveness Administrator in Wisconsin Heights. Vesperman studied English and history at UW-Platteville and UW-Eau Claire. She later earned a master’s degree in K-12 educational administration from Edgewood College in Madison. Currently, Vesperman is working on a doctorate dissertation focused on issues in education.
Brodhead United Methodist Church to hold Backpack Blessing
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
In July, the floor of Juda’s Palace was refinished and repainted. The floor of the Pit was also upgraded.
Rite Cut
• STYLING • NAIL SALON 224 W. Beloit St. Orfordville, WI 53576 608-879-9300 Closed Mondays 253045
On Sunday, August 28, students and teachers are invited to Brodhead’s United Methodist Church for a Backpack Blessing. Students and teachers are welcomed to bring their backpacks and planners in to be blessed for the upcoming school year. Those returning to school will also learn about several ways to stay connected to God throughout the academic year. For more information, please contact the church at 608-897-2515.
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Page 10 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register 253534
Back to School Safety Tips Advice to Motorists
First Day of School • Albany schools begin Thursday, September 1st. • Parkview schools begin Thursday, September 1st.
• • • •
Be extra cautious near schools, playgrounds and bus stops. Never pass a school bus loading or unloading children. Watch out for children walking, biking or on scooters. Obey posted speed limits and be ready to stop quickly when children are in the area.
Advice to Kids • •
• Brodhead schools begin Thursday, September 1st.
• Juda school begins Thursday, September 1st.
Look both ways before crossing the street and always use the crosswalk. Don’s talk to strangers and use the buddy system as you walk to and from school. Stay seated whenever your school bus is in motion. Tell a parent or teacher if someone is bothering you, or if you hear someone talking about hurting others. Stay away from the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver signals you to enter.
Sponsored by the following community minded individuals and firms: American Family Insurance Randy Licht Agency Arn Brothers Radiator & Towing And Arn’s Auto Service Bob’s Carpets
Bank of Brodhead
NAPA Brodhead Auto Parts
Body Crafters-Auto Body Repair
Pierce Home Furnishings
Kuhn North America, Inc.
Piggly Wiggly
LPL Financial Lon Lederman
Zettle Heating & Air Conditioning 253242
The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 11
Tradition continues at Oakley Union Church
For decades, churches have held ice cream socials during the summer. These events were usually held outside, picnic-style, and in most, cases the ice cream was hand-churned. These socials provided many opportunities for area families and the church. These included the chance for community members to come together to discuss current events and the great opportunity for some of the best pie makers in the area to show off their skills. For youth, it was a chance to see their friends again and remember that school was out for the summer (they didn’t have cell phones back then). Finally, it was a way to raise some much needed money for the church. Over the years,as our times have changed, the ritual of these ice cream socials has declined; however, there are still some churches in our area that continue to uphold the tradition of this event. The Oakley Union Methodist Church is one of them. For years, the church has held their Ice Cream Social around midsummer, with the hope that people from the surrounding communities will come to their little church on the hill for a wonderful meal and a slice of heaven in the form of a pie. The Oakley Union Methodist Church of rural Juda will again be hosting their annual Ice Cream Social tomorrow, August 11. The event will run from 4:30 to 7:30 pm that evening. Pies of all types will be served alongside BBQ, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, fruit salad, and beverages. The cost of this meal is just $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for kids 10 years old and under. New this year will be a pie auction starting around 5 p.m. All proceeds from this event will go directly back to the church. Make sure you take a drive into the country on Thursday evening for a slice of pie with a scoop of ice cream along with a meal that will not leave you hungry. You can find the church at the corner of Gerber and Union Roads, just a few miles southeast of Juda.
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
Members of the State 4-H Dairy Judging Junior Team are Nicholas Roe, Marissa Vosberg, Emma Hendrickson, Natalie Roe, and Coach Aaron Breunig.
Green County Juniors place at State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest The 2016 Wisconsin State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest was held at the Jackson County Fairgrounds in Black River Falls in conjunction with the State Guernsey and Ayrshire show on Monday, July 18. Green County’s 4-H Junior Dairy Judging Team qualified to attend this contest by earning second place at the 4-H Area Animal Science Day contest earlier in July.
For these contests, the youth use their knowledge of dairy to place four animals in each class based on breeding characteristics and to participate in group reasoning justifications. The purpose of this program is to further youth’s knowledge of animals while providing them an opportunity to expand their communication and decisionmaking skills.
Green County 4-H’s qualifying Junior Team took seventh place at the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. The team was made up of Marissa Vosberg, Natalie Roe, Emma Hendrickson, and Nicholas Roe and was coached by Aaron Breunig. Congratulations to all of our 4-H Dairy Judging youth and coaches on another successful year!
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Page 12 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register
Wisconsin FFA Foundation celebrates 2016 Golf Outings’ success The Wisconsin FFA Foundation is excited to announce the results of another successful round of summer golf outings. The three 2016 events raised $26,000 to support agricultural education and FFA throughout Wisconsin. On Monday, July 11, the 2016 Northwest Outing took place in Eau Claire, followed by the Northeast event in De Pere on Tuesday, July 12 and the Southern outing in Prairie du Sac on Monday, July 25. The support for FFA was clear. Nearly 90 area businesses, agricultural organizations, or individuals donated their resources as hole sponsors or through in-kind items, while 240 golfers attended the three July events. The proceeds from the combined golf outings contribute significantly to the foundation’s annual fund, a vital source of financial provision for FFA programs. During the 201516 year, the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s annual fund supplemented
27 proficiency award areas, career development events, and speaking contests. It also significantly aided in the 2015-16 state officer team training and leadership training materials. “There was such a positive, contagious energy at this year’s golf outings,” said Sara Schoenborn, Wisconsin FFA Foundation executive director. “All three events were a great success! It’s because of generous agricultural advocates around the state that we can continue to truly advance the mission of the Wisconsin FFA organization through these outings.” Mark your calendars for the 2017 Wisconsin FFA Foundation Golf Outings. The Northwest Outing is scheduled for Monday, July 17, the Northeast for Tuesday, July 18, and the Southern for Monday, July 24. For more information on registration and sponsorship opportunities, watch the events tab at
Rock County 4-H Fair’s meat animal sales tallied
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
This year’s golf outings, held last month, raised a total of $26,000 for the Wisconsin FFA Foundation.
A total of 463 animals were sold at this year’s Meat Animal Sale. This year, 47 Steers, 291 Barrows, and 125 Lambs were auctioned off for a gross total of $442,331.25. The following is a data set collected from the sale: Top business/buyer • Chambers & Owen: $32,623 • Woodman’s: $21,215 • Seneca Foods: $20,350 • E&D Waterworks: $12,846 • Mary Gilbank Peterson, Shorewest Realty: $12,568 • Gilbank Construction: $10,658 Top producer/booster/alumni group • Clinton FFA Alumni: $12,323 • Rock County Beef Producers: $11,287 • Rock County Pork Producers: $9,572 • Evansville FFA Alumni: $9,045 • Edgerton Boosters $8,165
Orfordville to host community strength training program The cost for the UW-Extension’s Strong Women program is $30 ($35 for new attendees). Men can also participate. Scholarships are available.
If you are interested in participating in the Strong Women Program, please contact UW-Extension for the paperwork and equipment required.
Sunday, August 21st, 2016 •– 8am-3pm – EDUCATIONAL Pre-Historic American Pre-Historic American Blackhawk Center, 1101 Jefferson St., Oregon Pre-Historic American Artifact Show Artifact Show Artifact Show FREE Admission, Public Welcome – EDUCATIONAL –
6 p.m. Football practice, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Spirit Squad practice, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 Show choir camp, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cross country practice, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Volleyball practice, 3:40 p.m. to 6 p.m. Football practice, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Spirit Squad practice, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 Show choir camp, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cross country practice, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Volleyball practice, 3:40 p.m. to 6 p.m. Football practice, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Spirit Squad practice, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 Spirit Squad practice, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Football practice, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Spirit Squad practice, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Viking Youth baseball and softball practice, Diamond B, 6 to 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 Varsity and JV football against Cambridge, 5 p.m. Viking Youth baseball and softball practice, Diamond B, 6 to 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 No events scheduled SUNDAY AUGUST 14 Show choir camp, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. MONDAY, AUGUST 15 Show choir camp, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Cross country practice, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Volleyball practice, 3:40 p.m. to
Sunday, 2016••8am-3pm 8am-3pm Sunday,August August 21st, 21st, 2016 Sunday, August 21st, 2016 • 8am-3pm Sunday, August 21st, 2016 • 8am-3pm •Blackhawk See thousands authentic prehistoric Center, 1101 Jefferson St.,Oregon Oregon Blackhawk Center,of 1101 Jefferson St., Blackhawk Center, 1101 Jefferson St., Oregon Indian artifacts, many from this Blackhawk Center, 1101 Jefferson St.,area Oregon FREE Admission, Public Welcome FREE Admission, Public Welcome • Bring your artifact finds for FREE expert FREE Admission, Public Welcome FREE Admission, Public Welcome • See•thousands of authentic prehistoric Indian artifacts, many from this area! See thousands of authentic prehistoric identification. • See thousands of authentic prehistoric • Bring your finds for FREE expert identification! • See thousands of authentic prehistoric artifacts, many from this area • Indian Seeartifact thousands of authentic prehistoric Sponsored by the Illinois State Indian artifacts, many from this area Indian artifacts, many from this artifacts, many from this area Sponsored the Illinois State Archaeological Society Archaeological • Indian Bringby your artifact finds forSociety FREEarea expert • Bring your artifact finds for FREE expert • Bring your artifact finds for FREE expert identification. • Bring your artifact foratFREE expert Questions? Call Joelfinds Bowling 815-332-4001 the Illinois State identification. Sponsored identification. Archaeological Society Sponsored by Illinois State Sponsored by the the Illinois State Sponsored by the Illinois State Archaeological Society Archaeological Questions? Call Joel BowlingSociety at 815-332-4001 Archaeological Society
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On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m. and again from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m., the UWExtension of Rock County will be offering the Strong Women Program, an exercise program for middle-aged and older adults. Classes will begin Tuesday, September 6. All instructors have been trained in the Strong Women program and have had personal successes participating in and leading strength training. Each class includes progressive weight training, flexibility focus, and balance activities. The program is appropriate for both sedentary and active women Strong Women classes are also being offered in Janesville, Beloit, Clinton, Milton, and Evansville. Angela Flickinger, UW-Extension Family Living Educator and Strong Women Ambassador of Wisconsin, is coordinating these county-wide programs. The Strong Women Program was developed by Miriam Nelson, Ph.D., an associate professor at the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. The program is based on years of research on how strength training and proper nutrition improves the health of women of all ages. “Strength is a critical factor in living healthier, more active lives,” Nelson said. “Our research shows that a program of strength training not only improves bone density but reduces falls, improves arthritis symptoms, and increases flexibility and strength.” Over 500 individuals in Rock County have participated in the Strong Women program. Results indicated that these participants gained physical strength, flexibility, balance, and knowledge of nutrition and health. These women have also indicated that they have benefited socially from meeting and getting to know new people.
The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 13
Albany’s Ainsley Krueger attends Change Lives, Teach Agriculture workshop On June 14, during the Wisconsin FFA State Convention, FFA members from across Wisconsin were invited to participate in the annual “Change Lives, Teach Agriculture” workshop, put on by the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators. Ainsley Krueger of the Albany FFA Chapter submitted a proficiency application in the area of agricultural education and was invited to attend this event. The presenters kicked the workshop off with an activity that got all the students involved and allowed them to get to know one another. The activity also mixed up the room to prepare participants for the discussions that followed. Following the activity, students were able to hear first-hand the details involved in a career in agricultural
education. A panel of current agricultural education instructors, university professors, and students majoring in agricultural education shared experiences, answered questions, and gave their perspective on their careers. After the panel, participants were given the opportunity to speak with fellow students interested in becoming agricultural instructors and were encouraged to take time to discuss their questions one-on-one with panel members. The experience covered both the highs and lows of the agricultural education profession, giving students a true feel for what may lay ahead. According to the New Richmond instructor, Rachel Sauvola, the workshop gave an “accurate portrayal of what might be coming down the road for them. With the panel, students got to hear from teachers who have been in the classroom.” For those deciding
Upcoming events at Albertson Memorial Library
Following is a list of events scheduled for August and September at Albertson Memorial Library in Albany: Monday, August 15 Movie showing: 1:30 p.m. (Soul Surfer, rated PG)
Tuesday, August 16 Movie showing: 6:30 p.m. (Eddie the Eagle, rated PG-13) Thursday, August 25 Adult Craft Night with wine corks, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 31 Natural Nutrition presentation:
Ice cream social successful in Albany
By Beth Blakemore
After a hot day, community members came to the Albany United Methodist Church Ice Cream Social last Wednesday, August 3. The church offered BBQ beef, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, baked
beans, and ice cream, as well as lemonade, milk and coffee to drink. Additionally, homemade pies baked from scratch were available in apple, cherry, or triple berry flavors. Money raised from this event will benefit a youth mission trip to West Virginia or South Dakota.
Gap Church to host Hymn Sing and open house The 2016 Gap Church Museum, Inc., Old Fashion Hymn Sing will be held on Sunday, August 21 from 2 p.m. until 4. Returning for the third year is the group called Finally Here. Making up the group are Al Watson of Albany (bass), Randy Tackett of Monroe (acoustic guitar), and Jeff and Liz Wagner of German Valley, Illinois (acoustic guitars and vocals). Some of the documents available for viewing at the open house are copies of the original membership list from 1850 to 1969, church records beginning in 1850, minutes of the Soldiers Aid Society that
began in 1862, and more. Information about the cemetery will also be available. Refreshments will be served after the Hymn Sing. There is no charge for this event, but a good will offering will be accepted. All money received will be used for the repairs of the church building. The church and cemetery are located four miles west of Albany on Highway 59. For further information, contact Craig Roth at 608862-4334, Laurie Exum at 608-8978261, or Jane Copus at 608-2148289, or email jcopus1@frontier. com.
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608-897-8645 • Like us on Facebook!
whether or not to declare the major, the workshop was an eye-opening experience into helping with that decision. The Wisconsin Association of FFA is a leading student organization due to the efforts of more than 20,400 students across the state. With a focus on premier leadership, personal growth, and career success, students’ FFA activities complement agricultural classroom instruction by giving them an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge while gaining real-world experience. These activities are dependent on donor funding through the Wisconsin FFA Foundation. For more information about Wisconsin FFA and the Wisconsin FFA Foundation, visit or Become a fan of Wisconsin FFA Foundation on Facebook, or call 715-659-4807.
homemade yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha, 6:30 p.m. Monday, September 5 Closed Tuesday, September 6 Board meeting, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 7 Children’s Storytime, 9:30 a.m. (ages 0 through 5) Tuesday, September 13 Albany Library Book Club, 7 p.m. (All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren) September 17 through October 1 Annual fall silent auction Tuesday, September 20 “Barns of Wisconsin” presentation and book signing by Jerry Apps, 7 p.m. This event is cosponsored by the Albany Historical Society. COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register Wednesday, September 21 Ainsley Krueger and the rest of the Albany FFA regularly attend Children’s Storytime, 9:30 a.m. workshops focused on personal growth. Last June, Krueger attend(ages 0 through 5) ed a workshop focused on careers in agricultural education. Thursday, September 22 Wisconsin Humanities Council grant-funded “Civil War Hijinks” presentation by Judy Cook, 7 p.m.
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THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 *No events scheduled FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 *High school football scrimmage at Monroe, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 *No events scheduled SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 *No events scheduled MONDAY, AUGUST 15 *Cross country and volleyball practices begin TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 *No events scheduled WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 *No events scheduled * Denotes an Albany School program. For more information, please call 608-862-3225. - Denotes an Albany Community Center event. For more information, please visit the Albany Community Center page on Facebook or call 608-862-2488.
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Page 14 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
2016 Premier Exhibitor Winners.
Green County Premier Exhibitor Competition results released The sixth annual Green County Premier Exhibitor contest was held at the 2016 Green County Fair last month. This event is designed to recognize 4-H and FFA members who have shown exceptional involvement and knowledge in their respective project areas. The Premier Exhibitor contest is open to any exhibitor in the beef, dairy, goats, poultry, rabbits, sheep, and swine projects. The contest was divided into two age divisions. The junior division was for exhibitors in grades three through eight, and the senior division was for exhibitors in grades nine and up. During this event, contestants participated in showmanship and a skill-a-thon, and took a multiple-choice knowledge exam. The skill-a-thon consisted of four stations: breed identification, equipment identification, meat and cheese identification, and feed identification. The following are the 2016 Premier Exhibitor results: Beef Junior Division First place: Alexa Bader, Young Americans Second place: Luke McCullough, Young Americans Third place: Austin Wojtkunski, Pecatonica FFA Senior Division First place: Aspen Bader, Young Americans
Sheep Senior Division First place: Alan Woller, Dayton Dairylanders Swine Junior Division First place: Mitchell Grossen, Next Generation Second place: Reece Rufer, Hiawatha Third place: Nicholas Roe, Washington Center Senior Division First place: Cody Kuhlmyer, Monroe FFA Second place: Garrett Grossen, Washington Center Third place: Libby Beck, Dayton Dairylanders Junior-age division winners were awarded an embroidered blanket, the senior-age division winners were awarded a portable charger, and the second- and third-place participants in each division received $30 and $20 Nasco show supply gift cards, respectively. Thank you to our sponsors who support development in youth in agriculture: Colony Brands Inc., Ischi Family Poultry Farm, Hesgard Collision LLC, Green County Holstein Breeders, Green County Jr. Holsteins, Green County Beef Producers, Green County Pork Producers, Green County Sheep Producers, and the Green County 4-H Goat Committee.
Second place: Caleb Novak, Clarno Third place: Trevor Gilson, Pecatonica FFA Dairy Junior Division First place: Avery Hauser, New Glarus 4-H Second place: CJ Kamholz, Juda Jolly Juniors Third place: Austin Nimtz, New Glarus 4-H Senior Division First place: Rachel McCullough, Juda FFA Second place: Andrew Nimtz, New Glarus 4-H Third place: Nicole Kamholz, Juda Jolly Juniors Goats Senior Division First place: Sharlene Swedlund, Juda FFA Rabbits Junior Division First place: Kelli Polnow, Cheese Country Clovers Second place: Anna Polnow, Cheese Country Clovers Senior Division First place: Haley Reeson, York 4-H Poultry Junior Division First place: Bryce Grossen, Next Generation
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The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 15
Green County Master Showman results released The 2016 Green County Fair Master Showman was awarded to Marley Malkow of the Albany FFA, and Reserve Master Showman was awarded to Kelsey Klitzman of the Dayton Dairylanders at the eleventh annual “Master Showman” competition last month. The Master Showman contest brings together the top senior (grades ten and above) showmen to determine who is the best at showing and handling all of the different species. Two exhibitors from beef, dairy, goats, sheep, and swine participated in the contest, and one exhibitor from the rabbit and poultry division competed. Each exhibitor brought their animal of the species in which they qualified. The twelve showmen then rotated animals and showed them to the best of their ability. The youth were judged by qualified showmanship judges in the Green County community. The judges tested the exhibitors’ knowledge on the species and observed their showing abilities. The judges’ scores were tallied, and the exhibitor with the highest score became the 2016 Green County Fair Master Showman. The following are the 2016 Master Showman participants: Beef Division Rhett Katzenberger, Young Americans Traiten Gorr, Monroe FFA Dairy Haley Reeson, York Rachel McCullough, Juda FFA Goats Sharlene Swedlund, Juda FFA Jessamine Burch, New Glarus 4-H Sheep Colin Novak, Clarno
Jacen Wilinski, New Glarus FFA Swine Abby Klahn, Oregon FFA Kelsey Klitzman, Dayton Dairylanders Rabbits Abby Bethke, Cheese Country Clovers Poultry Marley Malkow (Albany FFA). The top ten participants received medallions and t-shirts for being qualifiers in the event, while the Reserve Champion winner received a medallion and plaque. The overall winner received a plaque as well as an embroidered fleece jacket. The Green County UW-Extension coordinated the 2016 Green County Fair Master Showman Competition with sponsorship from Badgerland Financial, Union Bank and Trust, Colony Brands, and the Green County Farm Bureau. Thank you to the Green County Ag Chest for handing out tasty treats during the event and to Dan Ziegler, New Glarus Agriculture teacher and FFA advisor, for announcing the event. Master Showman judges were: Beef Mackenzie Cash, Beloit Dairy Sara Harn, Brooklyn Goats Hannah Shilts, Orfordville Poultry Laura Jorgensen, Brooklyn Rabbits Bob Dietzman, Evansville Sheep Jillian Miller, Brodhead Swine Rob McConnell, Clinton Thank you to our judges for donating their time and expertise to the event.
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
Bottom row, left to right: Jessamine Burch, Abby Klahn, Kelsey Klitzman, Marley Malkow, Traiten Gorr; top row: Green County Dairy Princess Emily Streiff, Sharlene Swedlund, Rachel McCullough, Haley Reeson, Rhett Katzenberger, Jacen Wilinski, Colin Novak, Abby Bethke, and Green County Dairy Queen Libby Beck.
Green County Herdsmanship awards announced The 2016 Herdsmanship contest recently took place at the Green County Fair. Herdsmanship is an event that allows the exhibitors to be the judges. They have the chance to score the other clubs/chapters in their species based on the preparation of the exhibit, appearance and attitude of the exhibitors, and the care of the exhibit. It encourages the exhibitors to work as a club or chapter in order to maintain a clean exhibit and share their knowledge on their projects with fair-goers. Projects that participate in Herdsmanship include beef, large-herd dairy, small-herd dairy, goats, rabbits, sheep, and swine. Last year, the Rock Valley Veterinary Medical Association kindly donated a plaque that will display the winner for each species for 10 years and will sponsor the addition of every first-place club or chapter every year. This plaque is displayed in the Youth in Action Building dur-
ing the Green County Fair and stays in the Fair Office for the rest of the year. This year’s top two clubs and chapters were: Beef First place: Next Generation Second place: Clarence Bridge Pioneers Dairy: small herd First place: Spring Grove Honest Workers Second place: Clarno Dairy: large herd First place: Clarence Bridge Pioneers Second place: New Glarus 4-H Goats First place: Washington Center Second place: Spring Grove Honest Workers Rabbit First place: Cheese Country Clovers Second place: Spring Grove Honest Workers
Sheep First place: Clarno Second place: Dayton Dairylanders Swine First place: Next Generation Second place: Washington Center. The clubs/chapters with the top two scores won a monetary prize. The clubs with 75 out of 100 points received an ice cream coupon. Thank you to the clubs and chapters, superintendents, and fair board members who took the time to score the clubs and chapters. Thank you to our sponsors who support the development of youth in agriculture: Tom and Rose Durtschi Family, Don and Bonnie Barker Family, Swiss Valley Farms, Burgy Century Farm, Kuhn North America, Inc., Pleasant Grain, LLC, Pfeuti Farms/Pfeuti Trucking, Carter and Gruenewald Co., Voegeli Farm, Inc., Colony Brands, Inc., and Ken’s Agri Service, Inc.
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Page 16 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register
Humane society rescues dogs from beyond our borders The Green County Humane Society is delighted to announce that they received a second transport of dogs from high-kill shelters last weekend. “The public support for our last transport was overwhelming, and applications far exceeded the number of animals available,” said Laci Westgard, Executive Director of Public Affairs with the hu-
mane society. “We’re so thankful for such a wonderful community.” The majority of the transport dogs are available to meet potential new owners. Stop in anytime during the humane society’s open hours to see and meet the pups. Those wishing to adopt may submit applications at any time.
Junior is a male Chihuahua mix between three and five years old.
COURTESY PHOTOS Brodhead Independent-Register
Sandy is a female collie mix between 12 and 18 months old.
Independent Register Each Week you will get:
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Fanny is a young adult female shepherd/collie mix.
June is a female shepherd/black-mouthed cur mix puppy around 4 months old.
12 Months for $30.00 $2.00 Discount ___ Credit Card
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Independent Register
Jaci is also a four-month-old shepherd/black-mouthed cur mix. She is from the same litter as June.
Welcome home Honor Flight travelers next month
Join the Behring Senior Center on Saturday, September 24, as we head to the Dane County Regional Airport to welcome home the veterans on the Badger Honor Flight. A bus will depart from Behring Senior Center at 6 p.m. and will return at 11:30 p.m. The cost of this event is $16.50, which includes bus fare to and from the airport. The bus will not be stopping for a meal, but event goers are welcomed to bring food onto the bus or purchase items at the airport’s concession area. Please keep in mind that chairs may not be available for everyone at the airport. Space is limited, so call (608)325-3173 for more information or stop at the Behring Senior Center’s front desk to sign up.
Pressure canning gauge checks available
Pressure canning valves can now be tested at the UW-Extension Rock County Office. Please note that only lids with gauges may be tested. To be sure that foods are being processed correctly, gauges must be properly calibrated. Bring valves or lids with gauges in for testing between 8 a.m. and noon and between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Learn the gauge’s accuracy and whether it is safe to use. Contact the UW-Extension office at 608-757-5696 with any questions.
Hunter education course available
Sheriff Spoden is pleased to announce that the Rock County Sheriff’s Office, in partnership with the Edgerton Conservation Club, is offering two fall D.N.R. Hunter Safety Education Courses starting this month. It is recommended that participants be at least 12 years of age, or turn 12 shortly following completion of the class. There is a class fee of $10.00 per student, which will be collected at the time of registration. A parent/ guardian signature is required for all persons under the age of 18, and the underage student must be present with an adult parent or guardian at time of registration. Class size is limited to thirty students, and registration is available online. After completing the online portion, you will receive an email with confirmation and additional registration information. Enroll online at http://www. This Hunter Safety Education Course will be held on the following dates: Class #1: Mandatory registration: Monday, August 29, at 6 p.m. at the Rock County Sheriff’s Office. Class: Saturday and Sunday, September 10 and 11 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Edgerton Conservation Club. Class #2: Mandatory registration: Monday, September 12, at 6 p.m. at the Rock County Sheriff’s Office. Class: Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Edgerton Conservation Club. Any questions concerning registration or the course should be directed to Deputy Krahn at 608757-7932.
The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 17
Pet of the Week
Romeo is an American Staffordshire Mix. He is neutered, and he is four years old. Romeo is a handsome, affectionate boy looking for a place to call his own. He is very energetic and walks very well on a leash. Romeo wants to be with you wherever you go; he loves being by your side. Romeo is looking for a forever home where he can play, go on long walks, and cuddle up next to you on the couch. He would also benefit a forever home that will continue his training, as he is a very smart pup who loves to show off for his people. The shelter is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and all holidays, with afternoon hours only Wednesday through Sunday. See website: for new arrivals of cats
and dogs, adoption fees, and upcoming events. The shelter’s material needs include: For the Dogs: hot dogs, canned dog food, Mounds Dog Power, rawhide retriever sticks, Kongs, Frisbees, tennis balls, and peanut butter. For the Cats: Kitten Milk (formula), Mounds Purrfect Cat, and canned cat food. Misc Supplies: laundry detergent, Dawn Dish Soap, Clorox Bleach, paper towels, stamps, copy paper, hand sanitizer, aluminum cans, and hand soap. The Green County Humane Society thanks those who donate. COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
(Right) Romeo is waiting to cuddle in his forever home.
Legal Notices
STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANNAbEllE O. pRESTON Deceased Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) Case No. 16-PR-64 PlEASE TAkE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth May 3, 1927 and date of death July 7, 2016 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 703 W. Third Avenue, brodhead, WI 53520. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is November 1, 2016. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin. JAMES R. BEER Circuit Court Judge July 25, 2016 Attorney Scott Jacobson Kittelsen barry Wellington Thompson & Schluesche 916 17th Av., box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608/325-2191 bar Number 1031617 The Independent Register 8/3, 8/10, 8/17/2016 WNAXlp 252186
at W1455 brooklyn Albany Road, Section 4, T3N-R9E, Town of Albany. The public hearing will be held in the County board Room at the Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. All those who are concerned or affected by such action are urged to attend. GREEN COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATION ADAM M. WIEGEL Adam M. Wiegel Zoning Administrator The Independent Register 8/10, 8/17/2016 WNAXlp 253110 SCHOOl DISTRICT OF JUDA Collaboration Meeting August 10th at 6:30P.M. The Juda School Collaboration Committee will have a meeting on Wednesday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the library. AGENDA I. Call to order by Chairman II. Roll Call III. Review of Teacher Handbook IV. Adjournment The Independent Register 8/10/2016 WNAXlp 253205
July 13, 2016 (Action) 2. Treasurer and Financial reports (Action) 3. Approval of Contracts: (Action) a. 66:0301 School psychologist 4. Resignations (Action) VIII. Reports 1. School board president’s Report -Annual board Convention 2. Administrative Reports 3. Recreation Department Report 4. Collaboration Committee Report • Staff handbook 5. policy Committee Report: Discussion/Action • Filling board Vacancies-131.3 Revision • High School Graduation Requirements 344.6-Revision • School board Member Code of Conduct 165-Revision • Conflict of Interest-New policy (proposed-166) • philosophy of Education 110-Review IX. Referendum Updates: (discussion/action) X. “Resolution Authorizing State Trust Fund loan in an amount Not to Exceed $110,000 and levying a Tax in Connection Therewith” : Discussion/Action XI. Acceptance of Donations: Discussion/Action XV. Five Minute Recess XVI. Adjourn into Executive Session according to Wis. State Statutes 19.85 (1) (c) for consideration of administrative evaluations. XVII. Reconvene into open session and take appropriate action as necessary XVIII. Future board agenda items and meetings: (discussion) • Regular board Meeting: September 14, 2016 XIX. Adjournment The Independent Register 8/10/2016 WNAXlp 253207
SCHOOl DISTRICT OF JUDA Policy Meeting August 10, 2016 6:00 P.M. The Juda School policy Committee STATE OF WISCONSIN will have a meeting on Wednesday, CIRCUIT COURT August 10th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The GREEN COUNTY meeting will be held in the library. IN THE MATTER OF THE AGENDA ESTATE OF I. Call to Order in District Office by STEVEN l. HARRY Chairman Deceased II. Roll Call Notice to Creditors III. Filling board Vacan(Informal Administration) cies-131.3-Revision Case No. 16-PR-65 IV. High School Graduation RePlEASE TAkE NOTICE: quirements 344.6-Revision 1. An application for informal adV. School board Member Code of ministration was filed. Conduct 165-Revision 2. The decedent, with date of VI. Conflict of Interest-New policy birth November 29, 1955 and date (proposed-166) of death June 1, 2016 was domiVII. philosophy of Education CITY OF BRODHEAD ciled in Green County, State of 110-Review PUBlIC HEARING NOTICE Wisconsin, with a mailing address VIII. Other plEASE TAKE NOTICE that a of N2855 County Road GG, brod- The Independent Register public Hearing will be held by the head, WI 53520. 8/10/2016 City of brodhead board of Appeals 3. All interested persons waived WNAXlp 253206 on Thursday, August 18, 2016 at notice. 7:00 p.m. in the brodhead City Hall 4. The deadline for filing a claim SCHOOl DISTRICT OF JUDA (1111 W. 2nd Avenue, brodhead), against the decedent’s estate is Regular School Board Meeting to consider the following requestNovember 1, 2016. August 10, 2016, 7:00 pm for variance to the zoning/building 5. A claim may be filed at the library codes: Green County Justice Center, 2841 The policy Committee will meet at 1) Request by Richard peach for 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin. 6:00 pm before the regular board a variance to Section 480-15(D) 4 THOMAS J. VALE meeting in the library. R-2 One and two family residenCircuit Court Judge The Collaboration Committee will tial districts rear yard setback of July 26, 2016 meet at 6:30 pm before the regular 25 feet. The applicant is requesting Attorney R. Scott Jacobson board meeting in the library. that in order to meet state code he Kittelsen barry Wellington AGENDA be allowed to place a rear exit on Thompson & Schluesche I. Call to Order by president pfing- the building in unit b. legal de916 17th Avenue, box 710 sten scription is: Original plat block 37 Monroe, WI 53566 II. Roll Call: W ½ lots 2 & 4; Also W 12 Ft of E 608/325-2191 Dennis pfingsten Eric Makos ½ of lot 2 (602 b W 3rd Ave). bar Number 01031617 pat Daniels Joanne Goecks All persons, their agents or attorJoanne Salzwedel neys will be given an opportunity to The Independent Register Sue Trotter Stefanie baum 8/3, 8/10, 8/17/2016 be heard in relation thereto. III. pledge of Allegiance WNAXlp 252332 Teresa Withee, City Clerk IV. proof of Notice City of brodhead V. Acceptance of Agenda lEGAl NOTICE: The Independent Register VI. Open Forum There will be a public hearing be8/10/2016 fore the Green County board of AdVII. Consent Agenda-Consent WNAXlp 253325 justment to consider an application agenda items will be approved in for a conditional use permit from on motion: however, any Board CITY OF BRODHEAD Center Stage Sport Horse llC, member may ask that any individuPUBlIC HEARING NOTICE landowner: for the operation of a al item be acted on separately. plEASE TAKE NOTICE that a horse training & lesson. The land 1. Approval of the minutes of public Hearing will be held by the is zoned agricultural, and is located the regular board meeting held on City of brodhead board of Appeals
on Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the brodhead City Hall (1111 W. 2nd Avenue, brodhead), to consider the following requestfor variance to the zoning/building codes: 1) Request by Curt Gratz for a variance to Section 480-15(B) 4 R-2 One and Two Family Residential District states one accessory building in the rear yard only, not to exceed 120 square feet in floor area. The applicant is requesting to convert an existing garage into a workshop. The current garage area is 320 square feet. legal description is: Original plat block 64 lot 3, Exc. S 76 Ft of N 160 Ft Also S 13.73 Ft Ot E 198 Ft lot 2 (901 W 3rd Ave) All persons, their agents or attorneys will be given an opportunity to be heard in relation thereto. Teresa Withee,City Clerk City of brodhead The Independent Register 8/10/2016 WNAXlp 253326
MEETING NOTICE The Town of Spring Grove Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 6:00 p.M. at the Town Hall, N2475 Hwy GG, brodhead, WI. MEETING AGENDA: 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda and/or changes 3. Reading of July Meeting Minutes 4. Treasurers Report 5. Review of Monthly bills 6. public Input 7. Discuss & possible vote on United to Amend Resolution 8. Road projects 9. Driveway permits 10. primary Election Results 11. Adjournment DEb ClINE, ClERK The Independent Register 8/10/2016 WNAXlp 253375
TOWN OF DECATUR REGUlAR MONTHlY MEETING Monday, August 15, 2016 – 7:00 PM At the Town Hall 1408 14th Street AGENDA: 1. Call to Order 2. pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Additions/Corrections to Agenda 4. Approval of Minutes 5. Treasurer’s Report 6. payment of bills 7. Citizen Concerns 8. Manure Application and Transportation Ordinance 9. Discussion on Conditional Use permit compliance for Crazy Horse Campground 10. Roadwork a. propane Contract b. Other 11. “Just Fix It” Resolution 12. Sealcoating of parking lot @ Town Hall 13. Sharing of Information/Correspondence 14. Future Agenda Items 15. Set dates for future meeting 16. Adjournment Ann l. Schwartz Clerk/Treasurer The Independent Register 8/10/2016 WNAXlp 253394
Page 18 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register
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numerOus pOsiTiOns AvAilAble On 2nd shifT
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We Offer
Shift Premium
• $.50 Second Shift • Performance Based Bonuses
Applicants should send a letter of interest, qualifications (coaching experience) and resume to:
Mrs. Gloria Kopp, District Secretary School District of Albany PO Box 349 Albany, WI 53502
On-site Health & Wellness Services Offered!
FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN School District of Brodhead
The School District of Brodhead has an opening for a full-time year around custodial position at Brodhead Middle School. Advanced knowledge and work related experience required in: floor care, carpet care, and general knowledge in all aspects of sanitation and cleaning of buildings. This is a full-time position. Hours are 2:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Occasional overtime and weekend work may be required. Apply to John King, Building & Grounds Supervisor, School District of Brodhead, 2501 W. Fifth Avenue, Brodhead, WI 53520, or call 608-897-2141 Ext. 171. Job description and application forms are available in the District Office, 2501 W. Fifth Avenue, Brodhead, WI 53520, or on the District Web Site.
CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888776-7771.
Misc Services A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service us FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800217-3942 ADVERTISE HERE! Advertise your product or recruit an applicant in over 178 Wisconsin newspapers across the state! Only $300/week. That’s $1.68 per paper! Call this paper or 800-2277636 (CNOW)
1 & 2 BEDROOM Apt. Stove, refrigerator, water, sewer, a/c included. No pets - $310 or $350/ mo. plus deposit. 608-862-3982
851 1st Ave. in Monroe 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday-Friday Apply On-Line:
HURRY TO ALBANY today and check out the 1 BR apartment— new appliances, cabinets & flooring! Brand new laundry facilities on site! All for just $450/mo. Call 800-944-4866 Ext. 1126. Equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity.
(800) 487-9477
Brodhead for Rent
HOT JOBS! S&R Clerk, Maintenance Techs, Production, Packaging and Sanitation – Great starting pay! • 608-329-2600
Other Services Offered
HAILE TREE SERVICE licensed and insured, aerial bucket and stump removal. 24 hr. emergency service. 608-879-9014
What A Deal Classifieds SERVICES MUSIC LESSONS Piano/ Strings. 608-897-4380
Call 608-897-2193 to have your Help Wanted ad included in the Independent Register’s weekly classifieds.
2 BEDROOM CONDO with garage, includes all major appliances plus fireplace & Central Air. Upper unit, just 3 miles north of town near golf course. Available Sept. 1 or possibly sooner. No Pets. $700/mo. 608-862-3624 2-3 BEDROOM CONDO 2100 sq. ft., 2 full baths, lg. garage, basement, located near Decatur Lake Golf Course. Included are: all appliances, washer/dryer, fireplace, central air. No Pets. $925/ Mo. Available Aug. 1. 608-8623624 BRODHEAD, 2 BEDROOM house for rent. Available immediately. No Pets. Non-Smokers only. $650 per month plus s/d. Call 608-862-1636 after 6:00 pm.
Brodhead: Maderia Kourt. Now available 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. There is rental assistance available which means your rent is based on 30% of your gross adjusted income which includes water, sewer and garbage collection, along with off street parking and laundry facilities. Call today at 1-800-938-3226. This institution is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider and employer.
Footville for Rent FOOTVILLE 1 BEDROOM apartment for seniors or handicapped. Rent based on 30% of income with medical, sewer and water deductible.
Equal Housing Provider.
Call 608-751-6502
Cash for unexpired, DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 Habla Espanol.
Albany for Rent
Walk-In Interviews Welcome
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Continued growth within our group of weekly newspapers and shoppers has caused the need for additional graphic designers at our Delavan, Wis. facility. Part-time and possibly full-time positions are available. Proficiency in Adobe InDesign necessary; prior newspaper experience preferred. Email resume with salary requirements to
Health / Medical
Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-737-9447 18+
Real Estate
Apply TOdAy
Deadline for applications is August 12, 2016. The School District of Brodhead is an equal opportunity employer.
EMU PRODUCTS available from the website. Emu oil, emu products & emu meat can be pickedup “by appointment” at the farm 8 miles SW of Brodhead. Ph: 608897-8224 or visit or www.facebook. com/SugarMapleEmus
CRUISE VACATIONS - 3,4,5 or 7 day cruises to the Caribbean. Start planning now to save $$ on your fall or winter getaway vacation. Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, Carnival, Princess and many more. Great deals for all budgets and departure ports. For more info. call 877-270-7260 or go to
NOW HIRING DRIVERS FOR DEDICATED RUNS! Dedicated Fleet, Top Pay, Newer Equipment, Monthly Bonuses WEEKLY HOMETIME! CDL-A, 6mos. OTR exp Req’d EEOE/AAP LIMITED POSITIONS! APPLY TODAY! 866370-4476 www.drive4marten. com (CNOW)
ALL INCLUSIVE RESORT packages at Sandals, Dreams, Secrets, Riu, Barcelo, Occidental and many more resorts. Punta Cana, Mexico, Jamaica and many of the Caribbean islands. Book now for 2017 and SAVE! For more info. call 877-270-7260 or go to
The Independent-Register / August 10, 2016 - Page 19
For Sale
Employment YALE FORK LIFT 8,000lbs, $1,800, 847-438-4092.
Rock Valley Publishing, L.L.C. is looking for a sports reporter to cover fall high school games at Hononegah, Harlem, North Boone and Belvidere North. A camera is a plus.
CLASSIFIED IN-COLUMN ADS cannot be credited or refunded after the ad has been placed. Ads canceled before deadline will be removed from the paper as a service to our customers, but no credit or refund will be issued to your account.
Harlem and Hononegah contact Melanie Bradley, managing editor (815) 654-4850
North Boone and Belvidere North contact Kathryn Menue, editor 251691 (815) 547-0084
1983 MERCEDES 300D turbo, diesel, 237k, $2,000, Call 262534-5757.
PART-TIME OFFICE CLERK The Independent Register has an immediate opening for a part-time office assistant. We are looking for a friendly individual with a flexible schedule. Keyboard skills and quick learning are needed. Scheduled hours will be 1 afternoon a week with additional hours on a fill-in basis. Duties include greeting and assisting walk-in customers, answering the phone, taking classified ads as well as other assigned duties. Email your resume to
Real Estate
For Sale
Orfordville for Rent
Albany Garage Sales
ORFORDVILLE—1BR STARTING at $545. New appliances, cabinets, counters & flooring, plus new laundry facility on site! You’d better call now! 1-800-9444866 Ext. 1126. Equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing Opportunity
408 S. MILL STREET Aug. 12 & 13, 8:00-4:00pm Barn & Garage Sale: Antique collectibles & furniture. Much More!
Storage Rental STORAGE SHED FOR Rent - 12 x 18. $25/mo. 608-289-9491
Homes for Sale
Pat Bushek • 608-444-9777
N4235 Pandow Dr. • Decatur 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch near Decatur Lake Golf Course featuring: 1798 Sq Ft home on beautiful 0.9 acre lot, 2 car garage plus 16x16 garage, Priced to sell @ $187,000.
Other Real Estate GREEN COUNTY WILL have for sale the following: TAX PARCEL NUMBER 23-206-0371.1000: Located in the City of Brodhead, this property is a former church located at 905 10th Street. Property is offered “as is.” Minimum proposal is $20,000.00. Sealed proposals for the property will be accepted until 4:30 p.m., Thursday, August 25, 2016 at the Green County Clerk’s Office, Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566, telephone 608-328-9430. Additional information for the property is available at the Clerk’s office. Green County reserves the right to accept proposals deemed most advantageous to the County, and may reject any and all proposals. PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familiar/ status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-900669-9777. The toll-free tele phone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY
N6178 CONSERVATION RD. Aug. 12-13 8:30-5:00pm. ESTATE & 4 FAMILY garage sale (turn left at Mobil station onto E, go to next left on EE and go straight to Conservation Rd. - follow signs.) Kitchen items, furniture, boys 3-8, girls 3-10 1/2, boy & girl infant 3 mo-2, women’s S-3X, mens S-2X, fishing/hunting items, toys, Christmas stuff, home decor, DVD, VHS tapes, Knick Knacks, golf clubs, girls bike, handicap bathroom equipment.
Orfordville Garage Sales 3220 S. DICKEY RD. Aug. 12 & 13, 8-3 PM. 3 miles east of Brodhead. Items include indoor and outdoor tables and chairs, furniture, gardening tools, stove and household items.
Announcements DISCLAIMER NOTICE This publication does not knowingly accept fraudulent or deceptive advertising. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all ads, especially those asking for money in advance. HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at www.
Electronics DISH TV 190 channels plus Highspeed Internet Only $49.94/mo! Ask about a 3 year price guarantee & get Netflix included 1 year! Call Today 1-800-686-9986
Hunting OUR HUNTERS WILL Pay Top $$$ To hunt your land. Call for a Free Base Camp Leasing info packet & Quote. 1-866-309-1507 (CNOW)
Lawn & Garden RIDING LAWN MOWER Yard King, 14.5hp, 42” cut, $250, Call 608-295-1545.
2011 5TH WHEEL SABRE has three sides. Real nice. $18,000 OBO 608-426-4036 2014 WINNEBAGO ONE 30 RE Travel trailer. 34ft, beautiful, like new. $24,900. Call Terry Franklin at Winnebago Motor Homes. 815964-5591. COLEMAN NIAGARA ELITE POP-UP CAMPER - 2001 - top of the line. Great Family Camper - sleeps 6+. 2 King beds w/ sheets, slide out dinette, indoor toilet/shower, refrig/sink, heat/AC, indoor & outdoor cooking, new tires, repacked bearings, well maintained. Smoke free. Woodsy interior in great shape. 262-7634279 or Saturday, July 30 anytime from 9-3 - 440 Ridge Avenue, Burlington.
2002 KAWASAKI VOYAGER XII 86,000 miles $2,500 OBO 815541-9419 2004 HONDA VTX 1800C new tires, af exhaust back rest, 6,200 miles, windshield, $5,800 OBO Call 262-607-0406. 2007 ZHEN SCOOTER yellow & black, new battery, low miles, $900 OBO. Call 262-221-5748 2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON FATBOY LO new rubber, extras, $15,500, 414-651-2134. ‘79 HARLEY DAVIDSON lowrider-all original, forward controls, $4000/OBO. Kept in garage. 608-934-5562
1999 CHRYSLER CONVERT Sebring loaded. V6 duals, $3300, trade4WD? 847-987-7669
BRILLION STALK SHREDDER 180”, excellent condition. $8,000 - 608-876-6910
WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYLES KAWASAKI Z1-900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ1000MK2 (1979,80), W1-650, H1-500 (1969-72), H2-750 (19721975),S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI GS400, GT380, HONDA CB750K (19691976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH !! 1-800-772-1142, 1-310721-0726 usa@classicrunners. com
2000 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4 door, silver, fully loaded, $2,250 OBO Call 262-949-2337.
KUBOTA RTV 900 4x4 diesel, hydro-bed lift w/liner, work light & signals, windshield. $6,300 262620-1156.
Sports/Classic Cars
STIHL FS 90 Brush Cutter/Combination String Trimmer. Like New-$275. 608-876-6910
1978 JEEP J-10, 360 4BBL, 4 speed, short box Colorado truck, make offer, 262-989-4112
1979 AUSTIN MINI with parts to convert to rear wheel drive, w/215 alum., V8 & 5 speed, wt. 1,500lbs Call 847-838-1916.
1987 OLDS TORONADO, rare, original, V6 FWD. Car show beauty. New factory wheels, new tires. $2400. 847-395-2669
2010 CIKIRA 18’ DBL AXLE mint condition, $9,000, Kit/Bath, sleeps 5-6, many extras, 262492-0213 or 262-492-8868.
1998 VOLVO S70, 4 DOOR runs, drives great. nice body, auto, loaded,leather. cold air. tradeup?convert $2200 847-987-7669
2001 MITSUBISHI DIAMANTE LS 80k, looks brand new, inside and out, recent work done: new exhaust, tires & brakes, new transmission 7,000 miles ago, new tire rods & ball joints, 3.5 24 valve V6, power everything, second owner, CARFAX perfect, Loves Park, IL, asking $3,500 firm. Call John 815-262-5956. 2001 RED MUSTANG 125k, $4950; 2000 Odyssey mini van, 166k, $1950, (262) 210-1668 2002 BUICK LE SABRE V6, auto trans., good condition, $3,200 Call 262-654-6207. 2004 G35 COUPE INFINITY 64,000 mi., excellent shape, $9,000, 2-door, 414-588-6996 2004 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 4.6L, V8, Beige int. & ext. Everything works. 162K. $5800 OBO. 262-607-0406.
Farm Machinery
1983 HONDA GOLDWING 1100 cc, very good condition, $2,500 OBO, 262-989-0445 1999 HD FLSTC asking $7,200 OBO, 33K, SE eng mod, extras. Call Don 414-460-5979 2002 HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 custom, excellent condition, low mileage, 5k, two-tone paint diamond ice & white, recently tuned up by Harley Davidson Service Center, $4,500 OBO 262-332-0916.
GRANDMA’S 94 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham, very good condition, clean, low miles, $5,200 OBO Call 815-282-3146.
Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED We buy it all, if it has wheels call. The good, bad, and the ugly. Jim 262-208-9490 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now:1-888-4162330 CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2000 and Newer. Nation’s Top Car Buyer! Free Towing From Anywhere! Call Now:1-800-864-5960 Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-2450398
SOUTHERN ANTIQUE, smaller Toronado. Seats 6. V-6, FWD. new wheels, tires, rare. TRADE? $2200 847-395-2669
1986 F350 FORD 10’ flatbed, Dually, Diesel, excellent work truck $2,000. 1977 Mercedes 450 SL, 2 door Roadster - $5,000. 815334-7717
1997 DODGE DAKOTA low miles, needs some work, $1,200, 262-221-5748
2000 F350 7.3 diesel. New motor & other parts. Crew cab. 4x4. $12,000 815-601-9669
2002 CHEVY AVALANCHE loaded, leather, roof, Z71. 4 door. 8’ Western plow. 847-987-7669.
2002 F250 SUPER DUTY 5.4 gas, 128K, pw, ps, cc, bd, de. Florida truck. Topper. 262-6070406.
2003 GMC SIERRA 2500 HD, w/8’ Snow Way Plow, very clean, $12,000 OBO Call 262-767-0926.
2007 CHEVY COLORADO 140K miles $2,999 815-369-4690 after 5. Leave msg
2012 F350 KING RANCH loaded, 38,500 mi. short box. Asking $46,900. 262-492-7260.
2014 FORD F150 XLT 4X4 Super Crew 3.5L V6 Ecoboost, 28k, exterior: tuxedo black metallic interior: gray cloth $29,900 Call or text 262-903-6098.
Vans, Mini Vans
1999 FORD WINDSTAR LX 1 owner, garage stored. 122K, burgundy w/tan interior, pw, pl, a/c, am/fm cassette, tow pack., luggage rack, some rust. $1,800. Call 262-878-5384
1997 S10 BLAZER 4WD, 145K, runs, good tires, needs work, $1,200 Call 262-763-4887.
$$$ $$$
Trucks & Trailers
Sport Utilities
2005 DODGE VAN 303 engine, new water pump, serpentine belt, antifreeze, air works, runs great, $2,250 Call 262-767-0607 or 262-757-3374. 2006 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER AWD, 132,000 mi., runs great, new tires/brakes, $2500 OBO, call Rich 262-812-6850
1979 CHEVY CORVETTE 350 CI automatic, extra set of T-tops. $9,500. Call 262-763-6528.
2007 RED MAZDA CX7 SUV AZ car, well maintained, full power, sun roof, 126k, $5,880, 623-4442589.
$$$ $$$
$$$ $$$
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14’ LUND BOAT, newer trailer, new spare/water pump & shop tuned, $1,500, 262-758-4968 17 FT DECK BOAT HURRICANE 1993 135 HP MERC.1999 Trailer, bimini top. Call 414-313-0937
Campers and RVs 2008 KEYSTONE COUGAR model 311RLS 5th Wheel camper. Great shape. No smokers or pets ever! Asking $18,500 or best offer. Call 262-878-9485.
Misc. For Sale
2009 PILGRIM OPEN ROAD 5th wheel cherry wood, 4 slides, King bed, dual pane windows, 2 flat screens, fireplace, central vac. power jacks 40’ MUST SEE $30,000 815-947-2898
AIR COMPRESSOR $75. Grain Drill-$250. Antique HD John Deere - $250. Call 608-426-0034
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Rock Valley Publishing
Page 20 - August 10, 2016 / The Independent-Register
Green County Sheriff’s Report
All charges reported here are merely accusations. A defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sheriff’s deputies reported the following incidents occurred. Sunday, July 31 Motor vehicle crash At 3:27 p.m., deputies, Albany Police, Albany Fire Department, Albany EMS, and Monroe EMS responded to the West 2300 block of County Highway EE in the Town of Albany for the report of a motorcycle accident. Paul A. Ramsey Jr., 67, of Rockford, Illinois, was operating a motorcycle that was traveling eastbound on County Highway EE with a passenger, Catharine M. McClure, 58, also of Rockford. Ramsey entered the south shoulder of the roadway after traveling over a hill and into a curve. Upon entering the gravel shoulder, Ramsey lost control of the motorcycle, which rolled onto its left side. The motorcycle continued to travel into the south ditch where it came to a rest. Ramsey sustained injuries and was transported to St. Anthony›s Hospital in Rockford by Flight for Life. McClure sustained injuries and was transported to the Monroe Clinic ER by Monroe EMS. Ramsey and McClure were not wearing helmets. The motorcycle
sustained severe damage and was towed. Domestic dispute At 4:26 p.m., deputies responded to a residence on Five Corner Road in the Town of Clarno for a domestic dispute. Ryan M Kundert, 30, of Monroe, was arrested for DomesticRelated Disorderly Conduct and Battery. Kundert posted bond and was released pending court. Motor vehicle vs. deer Mary K. Dorn in the North 8400 block of Zentner Road in the Town of New Glarus. Monday, August 1 No newsworthy incidents. Tuesday, August 2 Warrant arrest At 9:46 a.m., deputies arrested Phillip S. Dunn, 29, of La Crosse, in the 100 block of North Main Street in the Village of Monticello. Dunn was arrested on a felony warrant for dangerous drugs that was issued by the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office in Minnesota. Dunn was jailed. The Monticello Police Department assisted at the scene. Motor vehicle crash At 2:25 p.m., deputies responded to a one-vehicle crash in the North 900 block of Union Road in the Town of Spring Grove. An investigation re-
vealed that a vehicle operated by a minor was southbound on Union Road when he lost control of his vehicle. It entered the ditch, colliding with a fence and several small trees. The minor failed to report the crash to law enforcement. The driver was not injured in the crash and was wearing his seatbelt. The air bag did not deploy. The vehicle sustained minor, front-end damage and was driven from the scene. The driver was cited for Failure to Maintain Control of a Motor Vehicle and Failure to Report Crash to Law Enforcement. He was released pending court. Warrant arrest At 4:30 p.m., deputies arrested Sarah J. Anderson, 36, of Brodhead, at a residence in the 700 block of 17th Street in Brodhead. Anderson was arrested on a warrant that was issued by Green County for failure to pay child support. Anderson was jailed. Wednesday, August 3 No newsworthy incidents. Thursday, August 4 Driver’s license violation At 6:16 p.m., Heather C. Carolan, 29, of South Wayne, was cited for Operating a Motor Vehicle without a Valid Driver’s License in the West 8200 block of County Highway B in the
Monroe Clinic welcomes new residents with local roots Two new residents and two new fellows have joined Monroe Clinic’s medical team as they pursue their medical training. Launched in 2015, Monroe Clinic’s family medicine residency program has attracted two new faces to the medical team: Brittany Blomberg, DO, and Mark Patterson, DO. However, these new faces are actually familiar to the region. Both have roots in Northern Illinois and rotated with Monroe Clinic as medical students. Dr. Patterson grew up in Dixon, Illinois. Before earning his medical degree, he worked as an Intensive Care Unit nurse. Dr. Blomberg is a Freeport, Illinois, native and a Highland Community College alumni. “As incoming residents, they already have a good understanding of Monroe Clinic’s culture and mission,” said Lori Rodefeld, Medical Education and Residency Coordinator for Monroe Clinic. She credits their positive experience as medical students at the organization as the reason they chose to return to Monroe Clinic as residents. A resident physician is a physician in training who has graduated from an allopathic (MD) or osteopathic (DO) medical school. Residents spend three years of postgraduate training to learn family-centered care in a rural setting. Resident physicians are supervised by boardcertified physicians at Monroe Clinic. In addition to Monroe Clinic’s second class of residents, two new fellows join the organization. Michael Yeh, MD, comes to Monroe Clinic as an emergency medicine fellow, and Ather Ali, MD, as a hospitalist fellow. To train for a specialty, doctors enter a fellowship for one to three years after their residencies and are known as “fellows.”
COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register
Mark Patterson and Brittany Blomberg.
“Monroe Clinic’s fellowship program began in 2013, and two years later, we launched our residency program, which officially made Monroe Clinic a teaching hospital,” said Rodefeld. “It’s incredibly rewarding to nurture these doctors’ interest in rural medicine during the early stages of their careers. And whether their training leads them to a successful practice here or somewhere else, it’s satisfying to know Monroe Clinic’s dedicated team of caregivers has a hand in shaping the next generation of physicians.”
Town of Cadis. Carolan was released pending court. Friday, August 5 Driver’s license violation At 4:18 a.m., Alfonso NogalMatias, 44, of Beloit, was cited for Operating a Motor Vehicle without a Valid Driver’s License in the West 200 block of State Highway 81 in the Town of Spring Grove. Nogal-Matias was released pending court. Probation/parole warrant At 1:57 p.m., deputies arrested Anthony Paul Alongi, 26, of Monroe, on a Department of Corrections warrant at the Green County Justice Center. Alongi was jailed. Motor vehicle crash At 5:20 p.m., deputies, Wisconsin State Patrol, Brodhead Fire/EMS, Davis Fire/EMS and, Stephenson County SO, responded to County Highway G at Stateline Road in the Town of Spring Grove for a motorcycle crash. A motorcycle operated by Deborah R Stietz, 49, of Winslow, was traveling south on County Highway G when she failed to negotiate a curve and entered the gravel ditch. This caused the motorcycle to overturn. It came to a stop by striking a guardrail. Stietz was ejected from the motorcycle. She sustained injuries as a result of the accident and was transported by EMS to a Rockford Hospital. Stietz was not wearing a helmet but was wearing eye protection. The motorcycle sustained moderate damage and was towed from the scene. Saturday, August 6 Alcohol violation At 1:40 a.m., deputies stopped a motor vehicle in the North 4700 block of State Highway 69 in the Town of Monroe for a traffic violation. The driver, Brock A. WestbyHess, 20, of Monticello, was arrested for Absolute Sobriety and Resisting Arrest. Westby-Hess posted bond and was released. OWI At 3:28 a.m., deputies responded to the report of a vehicle that was parked in the lane of traffic in the North 1300 block of County Highway K in the Town of Jefferson. Deputies arrive on scene and arrested Scott M. White, 30, of Monroe, on a charge of OWI,
BEATRICE “BEA” ANDERSON Beatrice “Bea” Anderson, 92, of Brodhead, died Tuesday, August 2, 2016, at Woods Crossing in Brodhead. She was born on December 27, 1923, in Janesville, the daughter of John and Lillian (Risch) Roehl. She graduated from Janesville High School. Bea married Vance L. Anderson on January 26, 1946, in Janesville. She worked as a bank teller at Green County Bank and later worked as a
Second Offense, Alcohol-Related. White was released pending court. Motor vehicle vs. deer Stephen P. Morstad on County Highway north of County Highway Y in the Town of Jordan. Philip L. Jones in the West 2300 block of Purintun Road in the Town of Albany. Bail jumping At 3:04 p.m., deputies responded to the Crazy Horse Campground in the Town of Decatur for a welfare check. An investigation resulted in Kathleen E. Kemmer 49, of Beloit, being arrested for Bail Jumping. Kemmer was jailed pending bond or court. Warrant At 7:29 p.m., deputies arrested Clyde L Leverton, 45, of Browntown, on a Department of Corrections Parole/Probation Warrant in the Village of Browntown. Leverton was jailed. Motor vehicle crash At 9:18 p.m., the Green County Sheriff’s Office was informed by Wisconsin DNR staff at the Yellowstone State Park of a motorcycle accident that occurred at approximately 2:00 p.m. in Green County. An investigation determined that James K. Hawley, 26, of Cottage Grove, was operating a motorcycle eastbound in the West 7800 block of State Highway 39 in the Town of York. Hawley reported that a silver-colored vehicle that resembled a Chevrolet Traverse with an unknown license plate pulled out in front of him, causing his motorcycle to strike the vehicle. Hawley reported that his motorcycle entered the north ditch, where it flipped over and came to a rest. Hawley reported that the other vehicle left the scene and that his vehicle sustained minor frontend and right-side damage. Hawley reported that he was not injured and was wearing a helmet with eye protection. Hawley then contacted a friend who picked him up and towed his motorcycle from the scene. Hawley will be cited for Failure to Report a Motor Vehicle Accident to Law Enforcement, No Motor Vehicle Insurance, and No Motorcycle Endorsement.
secretary for Woodbridge Corporation. She was a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. She enjoyed collecting dolls. Bea is survived by two sons: Terry (Mary) Anderson of Detroit, Michigan, and Greg Anderson of Brodhead; four grandchildren: Dionne (Joe) Vondra of Reno, Nevada, Ty (Gidget) Anderson of Brodhead, and Tara (Jeff) Trees and Wendy Anderson, both of Detroit; and eight great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and husband, Vance. Private funeral services were held Friday, August 5 at Everson Funeral Home, with Pastor Peder Johanson officiating. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.
School Supply Drive August 1 - August 13 Benefiting Local Schools
Drop off your new or gently used donation at any one of our local branches Items needed include: facial tissue, pocket folders, pencils, pens, notebooks, binders, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, pink erasers, pencil boxes, and backpacks.
Belleville 12 North Shore Dr. Belleville, WI 53508 608-424-1520
Brodhead 2006 1st Center Ave. Brodhead, WI 53520 608-897-8607
Juda W2903 Main St. Juda, WI 53550 608-934-5151
Monroe 250 N. 18th Ave. Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-3025
New Glarus - Branch 1101 State Rd. 69 New Glarus, WI 53574 608-527-5275
New Glarus - Main 501 First St. New Glarus, WI 53574 608-527-5205