BROADBAND By press release https://www.,-oregon-creates-$28meconomic-impact-with- ber-each-year
Douglas County, Oregon Creates $28M Economic Impact with Fiber Each Year
Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash
The Fiber Broadband Association (FBA) today announced the rst of its Broadband Community Pro les designed to uncover the economic and societal impact that ber broadband is having on rural communities across North America. The research, conducted by Futuriom Research, shows that Douglas County, Oregon, served by ISP Douglas Fast Net (DFN), has successfully leveraged ber broadband to create jobs, improve quality of living, invest in its future, and even ght forest res all while creating approximately $28 million in revenue or savings each year.
12 | Southern Oregon Business Journal May 2022
“Fiber broadband was a game changer for our community. It has helped our customers reduce costs, our hospitals improve care, our city government reduce costs and enabled students of all ages participate in online learning,” said Todd Way, CEO of Douglas Fast Net. “We know that it’s also playing a key role in helping keep some of our largest employers in the area and attract new businesses and industries to our market.” The rst ber optic service connections were delivered to the local medical centers in Roseburg, including Mercy Medical Center and VA Roseburg Health Care System
at the end of 2000. By 2003, residential services were added and by 2005 DFN had laid ber optic links to most anchor institutions including schools, hospitals and government of ces in Roseburg. Fiber delivers bene ts to regional hospitals that help streamline the sharing of medical records and information to improve patient care. In schools, Fiber supports remote learning programs that proved critical for K-12 students during the pandemic and also enabled local community colleges to create online programs for continuing adult education. In one unique application, DFN