2 minute read
Choir nurtures young talent
THE Rosebud-based four-part Southern Peninsula Choir is evolving and expanding its repertoire under the guidance of musical director Serena Carmel, who took over after the retirement to Germany last year of Antony Ransome.
Under her direction the choir conducted a workshop in October as part of the Mornpen Positive Ageing Festival.
The choir has a biennial scholarship that aims to promote interest in classical choral singing for young people on the Mornington Peninsula.
Winner of this year’s scholarship program was Ava De Vries, 14, who also won the encouragement award two years ago. Singing teacher Cheryl McDonald began teaching De Vries five years ago and has now seen her accepted into the VOYCE program, a Victoria Youth Opera program for young people up to 25.
De Vries said she was “very excited“ by the opportunity to further develop her voice and was also looking forward to singing at the Southern Peninsula Choir Concert where the scholarship results will be publicly acknowledged and presented.
Charlotte Carr, who won the inaugural scholarship award in 2021, has been awarded an opera scholarship through the Sydney University Conservatorium.
The concert will be held at Rosebud Uniting Church, Murray Anderson Road, Rosebud at 2pm on Sunday 3 December.
For more details about the Southern Peninsula Choir email: southernpeninsulachoir@gmail.com