Curriculum Strategy 2021-25
2. Introduction
This strategy sets out SRC’s key curricular priorities over the next four year period. These priorities are strongly influenced by a number of ‘external’ strategies developed by the Department for the Economy (DfE) and should be read in conjunction with these.
These include: •
Further Education Strategy;
Youth Training – ‘Generating our Success’ ;
Apprenticeships – ‘Securing our Success’ ;
Higher Education – ‘Graduating to Success’ and ‘Access to Success’;
Northern Ireland Skills Barometer -July 2019;
UUEPC Belfast City Region Future Skills Needs;
A Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland – Skills for a 10x Economy;
10 X Economic Strategy.
The College aims to address three important areas through its curriculum offering and business support activities. 1. Economic development through the provision of courses designed to meet the needs of the local and regional economy. 2. Personal development through lifelong learning opportunities for further study and learning at all levels in preparation for working life. 3. Social inclusion – providing opportunities for all, including those who face barriers to education and training.