2 minute read
Welcome to the first issue of 2020 and the start of our third year sharing the stories of our local sustainable food system!
Our first year of publication, my primary focus was simply creating a quality product. Taking something that had lived and developed in my mind over the course of a few years and putting it out into the world to have a life of its own! Year two was about connecting with people - finding and building an audience. Year three is dedicated to growth!
From the beginning, this business was caught in a bit of a catch-22. Every business needs a financial income; for publishing like this, that income can come in the form of subscriptions and advertising. Because one of my primary goals is to promote our local food system, I never saw subscriptions as a viable option.
We want to reach people and educate about the importance of issues such as: sustainability, humane animal practices in farming, and the importance of not introducing more chemicals into the environment. Charging subscriptions would only create a barrier to sharing this news and to being an effective advocate for local farming.
That leaves advertising.
To sell advertising, you need an audience. To have an audience, you need a publication. To create a publication you need income. To have income, you need to sell advertising.
Well, you see the challenge.
I’m so grateful for those early advertisers who made a leap of faith with me and in the process helped make it possible for Southern Soil to become a reality. As you read each issue, I would ask that you pay attention to the ads. Click on the links, visit their pages, give them your business when it makes sense to do so! These are the businesses that are not only investing in their own futures, but are investing in our local food system and in a brighter tomorrow for us all.
If you have a business and would like to reach a great group of conscientious consumers who are right here in our little corner of Georgia, please consider becoming an advertiser! We now have two major pieces of the puzzle in the place: a quality product and an appreciative audience! We just need your business to make it complete!
Let’s grow together.
LeeAnna Tatum, Editor
P.S. The bird photos are here for no other reason than I really like birds and am particularly proud of these photos I got in my front yard!