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Ode to a Farm Wife
Ode to a Farm Wife
By Brandon Chonko
It is no easy task being married to a farmer. Faint of heart need not apply. It is a job fraught with peril. Dizzying highs, terrifying lows. Through my career in agriculture my wife has shown me time and time again what true love looks like.
Let’s face it. The days of man and wife working side by side with the children on the family farm have largely disappeared. These days, more than likely one spouse works off the farm. The extra income is essential for the family and without it there actually would be no farm.
My wife works days leading the beautiful choir and music program at Saint Marys United Methodist Church in Saint Marys, Georgia. By night she wrangles children to bed, helps with homework, shuttles to and from sports and dance.
She wears no cape but indeed she is a superhero of the highest order. She is the glue holding this modern family together.
You see, the farm was my dream. I have learned through her that each human on earth is entitled to their own hopes and dreams.
Farming can be like an addiction. In times of plenty you tend to think that you’ve finally turned that proverbial corner. In the lean times the desperation and stress can literally be too much to bear.
Through it all I have my wife. There to cheer me on. Pick me up. The voice of reason. She has fed chickens, watered hogs, collected past due invoices. S
he has sacrificed much to be married to this profession. A million thank yous would not be enough. From myself, the kids, all I can really say is, I cannot imagine where we would be without you.
Nadia and Brandon Chonko