ST Vol 8 No 26

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, July 1, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 26 / $1.00

Visit our website at for daily news updates and pick up your weekly print edition at news stands every Friday. Fort Payne(256)728-8000(256)657-2200(256)638-2200(256)845-6101 SYLVANIA PHARMACY YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams RPHYour Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. JULY 1 SAT. JULY 2 SUN. JULY 3 84 / 67 85 / 69 86 / 68 Fort Payne OrdinanceWelcomesOfficer Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Former High School Coach Fort Payne new Ordinance Enforcement Officer, David Smith Collinsville new Police Chief, Andy Brown >See Officer, P4 >See Coach, P7 >See Chief, P3 By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorCOLLINSVILLE,Ala.--AndyBrownrecentlywasnamedthenewCollinsvillePoliceChief,afterRexLeathannouncedhisretirement.Brownstartedhislawenforcementcareerin2009,servinginthereserveunitoftheDeKalbCountySheriff’sOffice(DCSO).Hewenttothepoliceacademyin2012andwashiredasapart-timeofficerwiththeDCSOin2012.In2013,Brownwashiredasafull-timeofficerwithDCSO.BrownservedonallshiftsattheDCSO.HewasgrantedtheopportunitytobecomeaNarcoticsK9handlerin2015,whichheworkeduntilhisK9retiredin2017.In2019,BrownwaspromotedtoSergeantof

By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE,Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The Fort Payne City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 21. Mayor Brian Baine and the Fort Payne City Council welcomed their new Fort Payne Ordinance Enforcement Officer, David Smith to the job.

By David Hall


Brown Named New Collinsville Police Chief WWW.BOBBYLEDBETTER.COM Patrol and served in that position until his resignation to accept the Collinsville Chief of Police position. “I am honored to serve in this capacity as Chief of Police for Collinsville” stated Andy Brown. “ I am also honored to be able to carry on the legacy of my late father-in-law, Gary Bowen, who served as Chief of Police in Collinsville for almost 40 years. I definitely have some big shoes to fill following him and Rex Leath.”Brown’s father-in-law, Gary Bowen began his law enforcement career at the Collinsville DepartmentPolicein1979. He retired from Collinsville on January 31, 2019, as the longest serving Police Chief in the State of Alabama. Bowen then took a job with the DeKalb County Sheriiff’s Office, serving as the School Resource Officer for Collinsville, until his death in 2021. Rex Leath, served as Bowen’s replacement until announcing his retirement eariler this month. Leath will retire, after 40 years in law enforcement on July 31. Leath began his career as a police officer in Boaz in 1984. He was promoted to Captain before taking a position in Guntersville in 1991 at Guntersville. He served as Captain until leaving to serve in Collinsville in 1997. He has served the citizens of Collinsville for twenty-five years.“Next to being a husband, father, and grandfather, being a police officer has been one of the greatest honors of my life. To have risen to the rank of Chief of Police, only increased my awe of the men and women in this

David Smith comes to Fort Payne City with a wealth of knowledge, previously serving as a Police Officer with Fort Payne City and as the Chief Jailer for the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office.Smith’s job will be to make sure Fort Payne citizens are aware of current ordinances and issue warnings and citations when needed.Mayor Baine also recognized expressions is indispensable to life in a free and expressionsRepublic—whetherdiversethosetakeplacein a sanctuary or on a field,” Justice Gorsuch continued, “Both the Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses of the First Amendment protect expressions like Mr. Kennedy’s.”Toavoid the appearance that the school was endorsing a


Showing Respect For The ElderlyBathroomScottsboroVandals

By David Hall weighing a husbands, both of which she was married for 26 years. She is now surrounded by a large family. Linda has a son and twin girls and stepchildren, as well as many grand,friends,goodSheCivitanactiveneedlepointdaysatrainingyearsmemoriesandAlabama,Mississippi,great-grandchildren.andDuringherlife,shehaslivedinTennessee,Louisiana,Wisconsin,theBahamas.Herofthemanyshespenthorsesbringssmiletoface.TheseshedoesandisinhelpingtheClubinPisgah.issurroundedbyneighbors,family,herchurchandherdogLindaisalifeinnotbeingtootodismissanperson.Takingtimetolistentotheofyester-yearbebothandcanwisdomtogenerations.


WWW.BOBBYLEDBETTER.COM (256) 844-2210 STOP BY FOR THE BEST DEALS IN DEKALB COUNTY @JACKSONBLAZEALFollow&Subscribe Pisgah Anglers Win Class 1A-3A State Championship Goose Pond Colony To Host 40th Annual Celebration

By Marla Ballard

By David Hall


between Saturday night and Sunday morning

combined 10.11 pounds at theoutlivedtournament.two



says they currently have no suspects and ask the public to come forward with any information that could lead them to the atthebeautifulshowspectacularactivities,throughfreedomtoshow.updatedmusicCountry,candisplay,Duringtochairsencouragedallowed.beveragesoutsidetotheamphitheateravailableandDriveHembreelocatedbathrooms.restoresmanagementunknowndamagethechargedsuspect(s)eventHeheldtheandknows“Hopefully,Hamiltonoffender(s).said,someonesomethingwillreportit,soperson(s)canbeaccountable.”alsosaidintheofthebeingrestitution,costtorepairthewillremainuntilparktheAccordingtoon417Ed-Scottsboro.AvarietyofFoodDrinkswillbeatboththeandinparkinglotnextthepool.NoalcoholicwillbeGuestsaretobringandblanketsthecelebration.thefireworksspectatorstuneto98.3Wildforliveandtokeepaboutthe“Whatbetterwaycelebrateourthanmusic,familyandourfireworks-allonthebanksofTennesseeRiverGoosePond authorities, the bathrooms were damaged sometime this weekend.Contact Detective Durham with the Scottsboro

Hamiltonrippeddispensersanddestroyed,CabinetsseverelyplaygroundJacksonbathroomsweekend,responsible.helpforDepartmentthewerepublicdavid@southerntorch.comReporterTwoScottsborobathroomsvandalized,andScottsboroPoliceisaskingthecommunity’sinfindingwhoisOverthebothattheCountyParkweredamaged.wereandsinkstoiletpaperwereoffthewalls.LieutenantScottoftheSPD ArticleSubmitted Pond9:00FireworksstartsJulyheldThefreeAlabama’sfun,entertainment,eveningcontinuesTheinJulyoldestRiver.ofplaceCelebrationFourthhostfacility,resort,municipally-ownedColonyAla.--GooseSCOTTSBORO,PondResort,aandgolfispleasedtothe40thAnnualofJulytakingonthebankstheTennesseeThisistheannual4thofcelebrationheldNorthAlabama.traditionwithafullofmusicalfamilyandNorthlargestfireworkdisplay.fireworkswillbeonMONDAY,4th,2022.Theconcertat6:00PMstartatPMatGooseColonyResort

david@southerntorch.comReporterThePisgahAnglersfinishedinfourthplaceinthesmallschooldivisionattheASABFAClassicthattookplaceJune23-24atNeelyHenryLake.TheteamisalsotheASABFAclass1A-3Astatechampion.PisgahAnglers’top duo, Dallon Phillips and Barrentine,Brantleycaught a total of 10 fish

float to follow and also to keep the


July 17, Benefield Reunion - The annual Benefield reunion has been changed from the 2nd Sunday to the 3rd Sunday of July. This year it will be held on July 17th beginning at 10:30am until 2:00pm. It will be at the Bevile Center in Rainsville, AL. We always have great food at lunch so bring your favorite. Family or friends of the Benefield family are invited.

Friday - July 1, 2022 - 3Southern Torch EVENTS JACKSON BLAZE • 98-3 WILD COUNTRY • 101-7 THE TORCH Staff: Eloise Smith - General Manager Marla Jones - Managing Editor/Sports Brian Anderson - Radio Operations Manager Nick Vizzinia - Graphic Design Amy Thrash - Account Executive Reace Osborn - Account Executive Jenna Sue Payne - Account Executive Patti Browder - Radio Traffic Lindsey Jones - Accounting Robert Crumley - Radio Personality Jenny Wootten Mann - Radio Personality Randy Frawley - Radio Personality David Hall - Reporter Southern Torch (USPS Periodicals #19790) is published each Friday by Southern Torch, Inc. 225 Gault Ave. N. Fort 614,SouthernAL.POSTMASTER:PayneSendaddresschangestoTorch,P.O.BoxRainsville,AL.35986. Submit your upcoming events to for a chance to be featured in next week's print edition of The Southern Torch! Campground Pavilion. July 2, Tennessee RiverLine Stevenson Paddle Event - 8AM - 11AM Stevenson City Park Stevenson, AL 35772 outarekayaks.timers.instructionbepaddlekayaking.ParkatonTeamLocalJacksonTennesseeJoinRiverLine’sCountyLeadershipandvolunteersSaturday,July2StevensonCityforamorningofAcertifiedinstructorwillon-handtoprovidetofirst-Afleetof12Allsafetygearavailabletosignatnocost.

welcome on leashes. July 1, DeSoto State Park’s EventsIndependenceAnnualDay2nd,p.m.Social2021.onwillDayParty!SplishfunPoolparticipate.agesthisflagownContestMakeDay-IndependenceFlag-Makingyourhomemadetobejudgedinfuncontest.Allarewelcometo-Splish&SplashParty.Jointheatour9thAnnual&SplashPool-IndependenceParade.Paradestartat3:00p.m.Saturday,July2,-IceCreamSocial.startsat4:00onSaturday,Julylocatedatthe FP Police Station Update By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE,Ala.--TheFortPayneCityCouncilheldaSpecialSessiononTuesday,June28.ThepurposeofthespecialcalledmeetingwastohearaprogressupdatefromarchitectCraigPeavey,fromthefirmTinkerMa,regardingthescopeoftherenovations. The station will have a full theforbeCouncil.thebyshouldstorage.changingcompletehaveandfloortheoperationsserveroomandadministrativelobby,offices,aconferencewhichcouldasaemergencycenteronfirstfloor.Thesecondwillwillhaveofficesatrainingarea.ThebasementwillarestroomwithareaandThefinalplanbepresentedtheendofJulyforreviewoftheBidsshouldsentoutbyOctoberdifferentstagesofproject.presented for review which will completedbeafter all demolition is complete. Fort Payne Police Chief David Davis stated that plans were to utilize everything that they could from the present structure and to be complaint as they possibly could be. Collinsville Drugs “Caring for you like family” 588 South Valley Ave P.O. Box Collinsville,498AL 35961 (256) 524-2981 Brandon Boswell, PharmD Pharmacist/Owner P.O. Box 218 • Geraldine, AL 35974 (256)659-2138 YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams PHARMACYSYLVANIARPH Call or Stop By Anytime Give Us Your RX Numbers We Do The Rest! Fort Payne Kiwanis Josh Hughes, DeSoto State PicturedJuneKiwanistheSuperintendent,Parkwasspeakeratthemeetingon22,2022.lefttoright Rickey

New Police Chief, Andy Brown with retiring Chief Rex Leath

August 13, Northeast Alabama Gospel Music Jubilee - General Admission – $30 each. Artist Circle – 35$ each (First five rows guaranteed)

Kiwanis meetingClubonJune

November 5, Canyon Fest - Canyon Fest is an celebrationannualofart and nature featuring local art, crafts, live animal shows, music, food and fun for the entire family. Free and Pets West was the at the 8, Fort Payne City Councilman Walter Watson was the speaker at the Kiwanis Club are Kiwanian George Weatherly and Mr. Hughes. The Kiwanis Club meets every Stampede.morningWednesdayatCattle 2022. Pictured left to right are Rickey West and Kiwanian Eddy Everett. meeting on June 15, 2022. Pictured left to right are Kiwanian Kyle Burt and Mr. Watson. profession and my appreciation for the people who call Collinsville, Alabama, home” stated Chief Rex fortunate,“I’veLeath.beenindeed, but I’ve always known that wearing the badge of this police department would be but one part of my career. So far, its encompassed all of my adulthood, and now it’s time to move on to another opportunity for ChiefFROMPAGE 1 which I’m grateful. July 31, will be my last day of duty, after which, I’ll have to start figuring out what normal people wear to work” Leath concluded.

Church groups of 10 or more people please contact us to get a group rate discount –Doors open at 5 pm. The concert starts at 6 pm. Seats are first come first serve. Call/ Text 256-609-3908 for Tickets. Tickets can be mailed or picked up. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event. Sat at 6:00PM9:00PM Scottsboro Goosepond Civic Center. 1165 Ed Hembree ScottsboroDrive35768

July 4, Sand Mountain Potato Festival - The Sand Mountain Potato Festival is the pride and joy of Henagar. A community tradition since 1983, this festival is a small-town celebration with a lot of heart! Come and join us on Monday, July 4th, 2022 for a day of family fun! The day begins with a patriotic parade that ends in the city park, drawing attendees to the stage for an opening ceremony where the local boy scout troop will raise the American flag.

open to everyone.

Alabama AttorneyHeinhistoricalcareerforgedDemocrat.asHethehadprogressivewasdownBaxley.WallaceWallace.GovernortocertainlysuchandwithanembracedHeSouthernawasbecauseexpediency,didwinlaborcourtedandGallion,overGeneral’sthestatesman.politicalWhenBaxleywon1970AttorneyraceMacDonaldheopenlyunashamedlyliberals,andblackstotherace.Henotdoitforbuthisheartinit.BaxleywastrueprogressiveDemocrat.openlycourted,andbuiltovertfriendshiplaborleadersblackleadersasJoeReed.Baxleywasacontrastourrace-baitingGeorgeIronically,lovedDeepWallaceahardcore,wholivedthroughDepression.cuthisteethaNewDealBaxleyapoliticalwithepicmilestonesAlabamapolitics.waselectedGeneralin

year. Bill Baxley left politics after that race and did what he really loved. He became one of the most prominent trial lawyers in Alabama. He loves the practice of law. He was born for it. For the last 36 years, he has been one of Alabama’s top lawyers and probably one of the most,grewYoungHoustonearliestandaTheJudgerespectedBaxley,Hisandstate.casestakesinBaxleyexpensive.nowresidesBirminghamandprominentallovertheBaxleywasbornraisedinDothan.daddy,Keenerwasawell-CircuitinDothan.Baxley’swereprominentfamilyamongthesettlersofCounty.BillBaxleyuplovingthepoliticsandHegrewinhisDaddy’sinDothanlearnedtolovelaw.Therewasanydoubthismindthathebealawyerbybecauseprobablywasnot going to be a major league baseball player, which was every young boy’s dream at that time. He was always week.thisBillbelievehistory.aTheGeneralelectedyearsoldCountiesHoustonDistrictlaw.toschool,atAlabamaandcollegeHeAlabamathe15.highschoolskippedmemory.awasacademically,brilliant,andgiftedwithphotographicHeagradeinandfinishedschoolatageHeenteredUniversityofatage16.graduatedfromatage19theUniversityofLawSchoolage22.AfterlawhereturnedDothantopracticeHewaselectedAttorneyforandHenryattheripeageof25.ThreelaterhewasAttorneyofAlabama.restishistory.BillBaxleyhasplaceinAlabamaItishardtothatyoungBaxleyturns81month.Seeyounext

passed abatementsgranted2022-26,Resolutionwhichtaxtothe Fort Payne

Randy Garrison, and Chaundra Greathouse, with plaquesretirementfortheir 20 the City of Fort Payne. Paving, within the city, is scheduledtentativelytobegin

on July 5, if materials can be


4 - Friday - July 1, 2022 Southern Torch OfficerFROMPAGE1

bamabell62@gmail.comReporterJanieHaleisaninspirationtomanypeopleduetoherweightloss,motivationalattitude,andopeningayogastudioinFortPayne.SoulShineYoga&WellnessStudioislocated20135thSt.NEFortPayne.ThebusinessofficiallyopenedonMay26.Thebenefitsofyogainclude;Improvingstrength,balance,andflexibility.Slowmovementsanddeepbreathingincreasebloodflowandwarmupmuscleswhileholdingaposecanbuildstrength.Regularyogatherapyinducesrelaxationofthebloodvessels,reducesbloodpressure,andincreasesbloodflowtotheheartmuscle.Itisalsoadvertisedtoboostmetabolismduetobuildingupmusclestrengthandencouragessynovialfluidtohydratethespine.“Ourclassesareaimedatrelaxationandreconnectionwithourselves,”saidHale.“Thiscanbeespeciallyimportantafteralong day at work,” Janie said her classes are aimed at releasing tension from the mind and body and focusing on stretching,breathing,and are directed at calming both the mind and body. While Janie’s Soul Shine yoga offers meditation during yoga postures, she does not implement any Hindu or Buddhist spirituality. While yoga has its roots in religion it is not in itself a religion and is understoodbetteras a spiritual movements.injuriesworkingisthenewbies,Leveleveryone.YummliciousIntensity,AhhhhhhIntermediate,Beginner,LevelatClassandReleaseCrazy!,thePraiseUnwindComesSweetClassespractice.include;SoulFlow,HeretheSunFlow,theMindFlow,Flow,RestoreSoulFlow,Let’sGoMyofascial&Restorative,YogaontheBrow.levelsareratedLevel1–Beginner,2–ExperiencedLevel3–Level–LowestandFloforSweetFlowis1andisbestforitintroducesfundamentalsandgoodforthosethroughwithgentlerHere

DeKalb Animal Hospital Joseph K McNew, D V.M Linda Galbraith, D V.M. Jessica Jones, D V.M Office: Emergency:(256)845-0046(256)845-3031 125 22nd Street NW Fort Payne, AL 35967

Yoga Studio Opens in Fort Payne

By Marla Ballard

years of service to


By Steve Flowers

national publications like Time Magazine, who featured him as one of the brightest rising stars in the nation. His brilliance gave new meaning to the word prodigy. It was ownbought.HeexpedienthaveevenDemocratichisbackedneverstate20-yearconcernsenvironmentalpollutionU.S.insuedinforconsistentlytheandMulesattackingbegandidGeneral.asprogressiveelectedthatvotersapparentimmediatelynottotheofAlabamatheyhadatrueliberaltheirAttorneyTheysoonwhenBaxleyaggressivelytheBiginBirminghamthroughoutstateandfoughtthedowntroddenthestate.HeeveryBigMulesight,includingSteel,forandotherduringhiscareerinpolitics.Baxleydeviatedordownfromprogressiveideology,whenitmightbeenpoliticallytodoso.couldnotbeHewashismanandatrue

Burt Funeral Homes

1970 and again in 1974. He ran second for Governor in 1978 when Fob James came out of the blue to upset the “Three B’s” – Bill Baxley, Albert Brewer, and Jere Beasley in the governor’s race. Bill Baxley came back in 1982 and was elected Lt. Governor. He served closely with George Wallace, who was serving his fourth and final term as Governor. They had a special friendship and spoke on the phone constantly. I think admiredWallaceBaxley for being true to his principles. He also respected ReconstructiongovernortheHunt,Hegovernornomineetheyou.”thealsoisthatrulessomeunderstandingBaxley’sofofthegoldenofpoliticsandis“yourwordyourbond”and“youdancewithoneswhobrungBillBaxleywasDemocraticforin1986.wasupsetbyGuywhobecamefirstRepublicansincethat

The madesuchHishadInauguration.inwhenGeneralyoungestBaxleyinMacDonaldAttorneyHefromdistrictwasupset.victoryBrewertitanicradarraceAttorneyofAttorneyBaxleyinburstpoliticalAlabama’sHowever,inotherovershadowedAlbertWallacebetweenGovernor’s1970RaceGeorgeandBrewereverypoliticalracethestatethatyear.oneoflegendaryfiguresonthescene1970,whenBillwaselectedGeneralAlabama.TheGeneral’swasbelowthescreenofthewarwagedbyandWallace.BillBaxley’swasamajorBaxleya28-year-oldattorneytheWiregrass.beataveteranGeneralGallionacloserace.becametheAttorneyinthenationhewasswornattheJanuaryHejustturned29.historicriseatayoungagehimfodderfor

Inside The Statehouse LEGALS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY, ALABAMA EULALIA daywhoseMANUELMANUELMANUELTOMAS,ESTEBANPlaintiff,vs.DENICOLAS,Defendant.CASENO.:CS-22-900050NOTICEOFCUSTODYPROCEEDINGSNOTICETO:MANUELDEMANUELNICOLASMANUELDENICOLAS,whereaboutsareunknown,mustanswerthePetitionforCustodyandotherrelieffiledbyPlaintiff/Mother,EulaliaEstebanTomas,bythe1stofAugust,2022,or,thereafter,ajudgmentbydefaultmayberenderedagainsthiminCaseNo.:CS-22-900050,intheDistrictCourtofDeKalbCounty,Alabama.SaidnoticetobepublishedJune10,17,24&July1 Get SubscriptionYourToday $15 for 6 months $30 for a full year $25 for vets & seniors

Comes the Sun Flow is Level 2 is a moving mediation class. Unwind the MindFlow and Restore My Soul are both Ahhhhhh.LevelPraise Flow is high you,”andfromoverwhelmingreceivedexperience.out-of-doorsclose-to-natureshelterParkMentonealsoclasses.timesFacebookWellnessSoul256-630-6998.upinformationclass.reservebeforeup“Studentsstudents,”feedbackmonthlymuscleflexibility,focusesReleasemusic.theandGoChristianaccompaniedenergybymusic.Let’sCrazy!Israting3isaccompaniedbyartistPrince’sMyofascial&Restorativeonmobility,andreleasingtension.“ClasseschangebasedonthefromsaidHale.needtosignaheadoftimeclassesfilluptotheirspotinaFormoreandtosignforaclasscallFollowShineYoga&StudioonforupdatedandopeningsinClassesareofferedinattheBrowwhereonlyaallowsfora“IhavesupportthecommunitywanttosaythanksaidHale.

“Tim” Tinker - 52 of Flat Rock, finished his race on Friday, June David L Hawkins - On June 21, 2022 David L. Hawkins of Dutton, Al, husband, father, and grandfather passed away at the age of 64. Funeral service will be Friday, June 24, 2022 at

Billy Ray Smith - 47 of Fyffe, passed away Friday, June 24, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 3pm on Sunday, June 26, 2022. William Herbert “Bill” Orr - 61, of Boaz passed away on Sunday, June 26, 2022. Funeral services are set for 2pm Thursday June 30, 2022.

Friday - July 1, 2022 - 5Southern Torch

Rhonda Worley Gipson - 59 of Fyffe, passed away Sunday, June 26, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 3pm on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 from W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel with burial to follow.

Marla Jones (256)605-4427OBITUARIES 24. Tim was born on August 17, 1969. Family will receive friends from 5 to 9 PM ET on Saturday and 11 AM ET until service time at 3 PM ET on Sunday, June 26. Rodger Dale Price - 70 of Flat Rock died Sunday, June 26 at Dekalb are Friday at 2 PM CT at Corner Stone Funeral Chapel. Burial will follow. 3:00PM.

Bobbie Sue Nelson - 82 of Rainsville, AL passed away on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at her residence. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 11AM. day, Friday, June 24, 2022, Virginia Gayle Ellis Lovingood, age 96, of Scottsboro, AL, passed from this life on earth, to her Heavenly home. John “Pops” Thomas Tabb - 51 of Section, Al. passed away Friday June 24, 2022 at 4:30pm.JuneServiceHospital.HuntsvilleTheFuneralwillbeMonday27,2022at


Frances Langston Day - 81 of Section, AL formerly of Mentone passed away on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at her residence. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 11AM at Rainsville Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Joey Carroll officiating. Burial will follow in Smith Cemetery with Rainsville Funeral Home, Inc. directing,

Billy P. Gross - 92, of Scottsboro, AL passed away on Thursday, June 23, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. Garry Sims - 67, of Woodville, passed away on Thursday, June 23, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. Burial will follow at Union Cemetery. Ina White - 95, of Scottsboro, AL, passed away on Thursday, June 23, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Virginia Gayle Ellis Lovingood - On this

226 Gault Ave. N • Fort Payne, AL 35967 Phone: 256-845-5680 Fax: 256-845-5165 Hometown banking, wherever you are! W.T. Wilson PHONE: (256)638-2700 FAX: (256)638-3488 Simple, Convenient & Less Expensive QUALITY JEWELRY 1706

Phyllis Carol Ayers Rainwater - 72, of Rainsville passed away at her home on June 22, 2022. Services will be held at 2pm Sunday, June 26, 2022.


QUALITY JEWELRY 1706 Glenn Blvd., Suite 4 Fort Payne, AL 35968 • (256) 997-7591 James Allensworth • Shari Jones - Agent Kim Horton Reality P.O. Box www.greateralabamamls.com35986Rainsville,2315AL 256-638-5281 24/ 7 SERVICEEMERGENCY DO YOU HAVE A MOLD PROBLEM? (256)273-4900 AMY amy@southerntorch.comTHRASH ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE O ce: (256)638-4040 Cell: (256)996-0460 KANDIELAND DAY CARE CENTER 333 DILBECK RD IN (256)638-4848RAINSVILLE Advertiseherefor$12.50

W.T. Wilson

Donnie Mac Myers - 80 of willJunebeFuneralOctoberMr.afternoonpassedCollinsville,awayTuesdayathishome.Myerswasbornon28,1941.serviceswill3p.m.,Saturday,25,2022.Burialfollow.

Carl Thomas “C.T.” Rogers - 77 of Henagar, passed away on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at his residence. Carl was a devoted and loving husband, father, grandfather, and brother. His family was always first, which included the love he had for his pets. He enjoyed his time outside, whether it was in his garden, in the woods, on the water or on a motorcycle.

Lois Troxtel Moore - 88 of Fort Payne passed away on Saturday, June 25 2022 at her residence. Funeral service will be Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 1:00 pm in Rainsville Funeral Home Chapel with Terry Kisor, David Durham, Fred Bullard, and Thomas Cagle officiating.Burialwill follow in Fuller Cemetery with Rainsville Funeral Home, Inc. directing,



Wilson Timothy Joel

Glenda Sue Lawson - 61 of Fyffe, passed away Thursday, June 23, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 3pm on Monday, June 27, 2022.

Jeremy David Hulgan - 45, of Rainsville, passed away Monday, June 27, 2022 at St. Vincent Medical Center in Birmingham. He was a fork lift operator at GameTime/Play Core. A memorial service will be planned at a later time. Ada Elaine Burt McKinney - 55, of Fort Payne, passed away Tuesday, June 28, 2022. She was born April 13, 1967 to the late Franklin Burt and Nola Mae Burt. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Friday at Wilson Funeral Home. (256)Scottsboro259-2211 Glenn Blvd., Suite 4 Fort Payne, AL 35968 • (256) 997-7591 James Allensworth •


Cornerstone Rainsville Scottsboro

Janice Martin Warren - 64, of Fort Payne passed away peacefully MedicalDeKalbJuneWednesdayonmorning,22,2022atRegionalCenter.

DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden said of the incident: “I would like to thank the DeKalb InvestigationsCountyUnit for a wonderful job well done. I would also like to thank Scottsboro Police Department for their willingness to FORT PAYNE, Ala. — On Thursday, June 16th, John Devall Burris (66 of Rainsville) was brought in on a Fugitive from Justice Warrant. Burris was discovered to have been hiding in Jackson County. Burris was charged with Fugitive always step in and lend a helping hand. I am so thankful and grateful for the great working relationships that we Welden.Concluded“Godhave.”Bless!”Sheriff

Performer of the Year.

The Oak Ridge Boys


the production saying, “The Zoo Story is a play that addresses themes of loneliness, isolation, and our need for human connection. I think audiencesNACCwill relate to this play after the shared experiences we have faced during the pandemic. I hope that seeing The Zoo Story will inspire everyone to reach out and truly connect with the people in their lives.” Finally, Smith is grateful for the support given to the NACC Theatre. “We would like to thank the amazing cast and crew for their tireless efforts to bring the magic of theatre to life. They have poured so much time, energy, and love into this show! A huge thank you to our biggest supporter and president of Northeast, Dr. David Campbell, as well as the entire NACC family, for their belief in, and support of creating quality live theatre for those we serve. We could not do what we do without your advocacy for the arts.”For OneACCSdownloadvisitCommunityNortheastinformationmoreaboutAlabamaCollege,nacc.eduortheappintheAppleStoreorGooglePlayStore.FollowNACConFacebook,Instagram,Twitter,andLinkedIntokeepupwiththelatestannouncements,currentevents,andmore.

Alan Jackson. It all makes for a sound that’s familiar -- like your favorite 90’s country -- yet uniquely fresh.Centre native Chad Steed will also be performing. Growing up in a small town in northeast Alabama, Chad Steed has been deeply rooted in music

praisedcontinuallyhasbeenforhisenergyandcharisma,bringinghissoutherncharmandboyishexcitementtoeveryperformance.Leesburgsinger/songwriterLoganGraveswillalsobeperforming.CedarBluffsinger/songwriterAubreyItsonwillbepreformingaswell.Admissiontotheshowisabsolutelyfree!Nocoolersoralcoholwillbeallowed.Vendorswillbeavailable.BringalawnchairandjoinusonSaturday,August6thatEstesField.Gateswillopenat4:00p.m.Showstartsat6:00p.m. The Zoo Story he decided to try and poison the dog, which was theproductionsstaffmembers,students,andtechnicalstate-of-the-artusedKayleighDirectorDepartment,anddehumanization,isolation,miscommunication,loneliness,TheYork-basedbetweenaaboutpeace,thetwoargumentculminatesdissolvePeterbetweenstorydoesn’ttriesuncomfortablePeterunsuccessful.beginstofeelandtoleave,butJerrylethim.TheandrelationshipJerryandcontinuetountilitinanbetweenthethatleavesoneofcharactersatalonelypeace.TheZooStoryismuchmorethansimpleconversationtwoNewcharacters.playisaboutlife,death.NACC’sTheatreledbyofTheatreSmith,hasthecollege’sequipmenttalentedtheatrecommunityandcollegetobringin-personbacktoarea.Ms.Smithspokeon

“Front Porch Singing Tour”

The Weiss Lake Music Festival is proud to present The Oak Ridge Boys “Front Porch Singing Tour” live at Estes Field in Centre on Saturday, August 6th. The group has scored 5-time Grammy Award winning, 12 gold, three platinum, and one double platinum album—plus one double platinum single—and had more than a dozen national Number One singles and over 30 Top Ten hits. The Oak Ridge Boys have spawned dozens of Country hits and a Number One Pop smash, earned them Grammy, Dove, CMA, and ACM awards and garnered a host of other industry and fan accolades. Every time they step before an since

6 - Friday - July 1, 2022 Southern Torch • • • • • •

Rainsville Man Arrested on Production of Porn with Minors from Justice and Production of Porn with Minors (x3). After Burris serves his time in DeKalb County, he will be extradited Tennessee,towhere he will face numerous charges of ExploitationSexualofaMinor.

pairs well with his country influences like Alabama and Travis Tritt.In 2016, Chad left the world of higher education to pursue his love of performing. After nearly a decade in academia, Chad followed his passion and found himself at Dollywood, Dolly Parton’s Theme Park in Pigeon Tennessee.Forge,While at Dollywood, Chad performed on numerous stages and showcased his ability to engage audiences with his captivatingpersonalityelectricandfoot work. In 2018, Chad was nominated for an IAAPA Attractions)AmusementAssociation(InternationalofParksandAwardfor Chad

audience, the Oaks bring four decades of charted singles, and 50 years of tradition, to a stage show

NACC Presents



ArticleSubmitted NACC Theatre Presents The Zoo Story: “Edward Albee is our playwright,greatestdelivering a genuinely fascinating, first-class drama that calls out to be 638-4418creditticketsLyceum.FloorisTheintoStoryNACCLyceumbeThematinéesperformances7:00nightsFridayPerformances15-17,onperform(NACC)CommunityNortheastRAINSVILLEseen”.–TheAlabamaCollegeTheatrewillTheZooStoryJuly8-10,andJuly2022.onandSaturdaywillbeheldatp.m.Sunday’swillbeat2:00p.m.performanceswillattheTomBevilllocatedonthemaincampus.TicketsforTheZoowillbeavailablepurchasebyphone,person,oronline.TheatreBoxOfficelocatedonthe2ndoftheTomBevillToorderbyphonewithacardcall:(256)ext.2218.To order tickets online visit $8 each.The Zoo Story off-Broadwaypremiered at the PlayhouseProvincetownon January 14, 1960, in a production by Theatre 1960. The Zoo Story, by Edward Albee, features a small cast of two characters named Peter and Jerry. The two distinctly different men meet at a park bench in Central Park on a Sunday afternoon and engage in a conversation filled with dogs, cats, neighbors, junk, and a trip to the zoo.The dogtrieddoglandladytellingzoo.aboutpromisingaboutcontinuingmainlytwocontinuesconversationbetweenthemen,dominatedbyJerrytotellPeterhislifewhiletotellhimhistriptotheJerrycontinuesstoriesabouthisandhowherattackedhim.Hetobefriendthemultipletimesuntil


However, the opposing side’s main argument was not that Kennedy could not pray after the games, but that his public and prominent manner was coercive to rightselevatesmisguidedisandseparationcommitmentlongstanding“thetheand“disservice”callSotomayerdissent.SoniaSupremeimpermissible,”isofficialsrecognized“consistentlyincompelledstudentshimself,lookthoseofficials,believesKennedy’sstudent-athletes.youngoppositionschoolespeciallywhostudentsuptosuchascouldmakefeeltojointhemprayer.ThecourthasthatschoolleadingprayerconstitutionallywroteCourtJusticeSotomayerinaJusticewentontotherulingatoschoolsstudentsaroundcountry,aswellasnation’stotheofchurchstate.”“Today’sdecisionparticularlybecauseitthereligiousofaschool

official, who voluntarily accepted employmentpublicand the limits that theTheignoreslocation.theathletesyearshisinvitedKennedytheondemonstrativepracticehadrevealsthequiet,prayersJosephportraysdegreecontinues,Justiceprotection,”andparticularlyrecognizedCourtschoolrequiredstudents,overemploymentpublicentails,thoseofhiswhoaretoattendandwhothishaslongarevulnerabledeservingofwroteSotomayer.JusticeSotomayer“TothetheCourtpetitionerKennedy’sasprivateanditmisconstruesfacts.TherecordthatKennedyalongstandingofconductingprayersthe50-yardlineoffootballfield.consistentlyotherstojoinprayersandforledstudentinprayeratsametimeandTheCourtthishistory.Courtalsoignoresseveredisruption to school events caused by Kennedy’s conduct.”Former Vice President Mike Pence commented on the ruling, “Americans of faith do not turn their devotion off and on like a light switch, and we must reject any attempt by governmenttheto control private especiallyexpressionreligious—those who call on their faith when answering the call to participate in public service.”Following the court’s ruling, Kennedy said, “All I’ve ever wanted was to be back on the field with my guys.” He continued, “I thank God for answering our prayers and sustaining my family through this longKennedybattle.” currently lives in Florida but indicated before the ruling that if the court ruled in his favor, he would return to coaching. local with their


of 40 high schools earning


legislators presented the Crossville Lady Lions Basketball team a donation to help

program. CoachFROMPAGE1 Crossville Basketball Receives Donation Coaches, please send your All star piCtures, stAts, and schedules to: to be feAtured in our sports section!

Crossville High School is being recognized at the 2022 National Strength Association National Convention as 1 their Excellence! Congratulations to the Fyffe 10U Baseball Team! The guys brought home the Gold Runner-Up at State this past weekend. Pictured- Front row left to right is Jesse Jones, Parker Boyd, Justin Chastain, Ryder Pendergrass, Jaden Patterson. Back row:Bronson Mays, Andrew Steifel, Jace Graben, Connor Justice, Trevor Lawrence. Coaches left to right Brad Graben, Colby Lawrence, Judd Steifel and William Chastain

National Program of

Friday - July 1, 2022 - 7Southern Torch SPORTS DeKalb County Sports Hall of Fame

Photo courtesy of Ann Nelson Photography

High School

By Marla Jones Sports to: Stanley WilliamsBoys’dliketosomeonetoDeKalbCountyHallofFame,gototheirhttps://dcshof.andfilloutthe religious schooldidreligiousrepresentedcompletelyactionsexplainingSupremereligiousfreeviolatingschoolKennedyfootballrenewalapplydistrict.reviewpooreventuallyKennedylineprayersKennedySchoolhisclaimedafteropenlyheDistrictBremertonviewpoint,SchooltoldKennedycouldnotpraysoandpubliclygames.Kennedythisviolatedreligiousfreedom.TheBremertonDistrictwarnedtoendhisatthe50-yardaftergames.refusedandreceivedaperformancefromtheschoolHedeclinedtoforcontractafterthe2015season.thensuedthedistrictforhisrighttoexpressionandfreedom.KennedyurgedtheCourtbythathiswerehisown,onlyhisbeliefs,andnotrepresenttheinanyway.

8 - Friday - July 1, 2022 Southern Torch

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