ST Vol 8 No 28

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By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE,Ala.--


By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorRAINSVILLE,Ala.--

The Council approved the application of several Homeland Security Grants that included (2) ATV for Police & Fire Department, Active Shooter Response Equipment for Police Dept, and for (2) Automated License Plate Readers for Police Dept In other business, the Council: • Accepted Project No.

The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled Council meeting on Wednesday, July 6, due to the Fourth of July Holiday falling on the regular meeting date.A Public Hearing was held for the purpose to discuss the CDBG Program and the proposed applications the City plans to submit to the Alabama Department of Economic & Community Affairs (ADECA) for fundingWhenconsideration.aCommunity

Visit our website at for daily news updates and pick up your weekly print edition at news stands every Friday. Fort Payne (256)845-6101 Rainsville (256)638-2200 Henagar (256)657-2200 Grant (256)728-8000 SYLVANIA PHARMACY YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams RPHYour Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. JULY 15 SAT. JULY 16 SUN. JULY 17 89 / 67 87 / 67 85 / 68 DeKalb Receives Road Improvement Funds Rainsville applies for Sewer Improvement Grant A rezoning request was denied at Tuesday nights Fort Payne Planning Commission for a Super Dollar General >See Funds, P4 >See Grant, P4

FP Denies 6th GeneralDollar out to property owner Marlin Blalock for comment.

The Fort Payne Planning Commission denied the request for the zoning change. After six months, the group can reapply. Southern Torch reached

“I bought the property as an investment to develop” stated Marlin Blalock. “ I plan to develop and pursue other options if the Super Dollar General does not workBlalockout.” went on to state that MapCo had reached out to him about acquiring the property for a truck stop, due to the close proximity of the interstate but that Dollar General had the option currently on the property.

(Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 12. In the absence of DeKalb County Commission President, Ricky Harcrow, President Pro-tem, Chris Kuykendall, conducted the meeting.


On Tuesday, July 12, the Fort Payne Planning Commission held its regular meeting. On the agenda was a request by The Broadway Group to rezone 12.88 acres, owned by Marlin and Ann Blalock, just east of Big Wills Drive and 49th Street NW from R-1 (Low-Density Residential to C-3 (Highway Business District) for the President,Fortneighborhood,beingcommercialconcernsmeetingtheDollardevelopmentcommercialofaSuperGeneralStore.Oversixtyresidentsofarea,attendedthetovoicetheiraboutadevelopmentputinapremieraccordingtoPayneCouncilWalterWatson.

If Rainsville receives the grant in the amount of s $500,000, funds will go toward sewer system work in low to moderateincome areas.

By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE,Ala.--

“With the City doing a Comprehensive Master Plan with GMA, we didn’t feel like it was the best decision to rezone at the time until we can get input from the citizens and from the results of this Master Plan to better facilitate growth for Fort Payne” stated Fort Payne Mayor Brian Baine.

DeKalb County Engineer, Ben Luther updated the Commission on funds that were obtained by House Majority Leader, Rep. Nathaniel Ledbetter for road improvement in our area. $350,000 from the State Road and Bridge Fund, will be available for the improvement of roads in Ider, Valley Head, and the City of Henagar.Luther also presented the Development Block Grant from ADECA is applied for, a public hearing is held.

said Wanda. “One of the horses we raised is going to Nationals for barrel and pole bending competition, with our Whendaughter.”theystarted the farm/ranch they teamed up with those in the know-how to learn the ropes of breeding. “I learned mixing horses known for the speed with lines known for working producedranchesahorse that could go anywhere and do anything,” said Wanda. “I give a lot of credit to Scottie Hairston who taught me a great deal about breeding Bloodlineshorses.”forRockin S Farms include; Hancock, Blue Valentine, Peppy San Badger, Doc Bar, and severalWandaothers.likes horses with color and especially the Blue Roan. A true Blue Roan has a coat of 50/50 mix of white and black hairs, which gives the equine a than other Roan horses. The more common Roans are bay, chestnut, dun, and black, these Roans are also characterized by an even mixture of white and colored hairs while the head and points are mostly

Speaking on Duke’s passing, Dr. Guess stated, “We have recently had the tragedy of losing a superintendent who was much beloved and who was continued,visionary.”veryShe“He had plans for this district and for our students in ways of providing them for more opportunities. My goal is to see his vision carry on and to have opportunitiesthose in the new innovation center we’re working on for our”Guess said there is no time table on her holding the interim position, but while serving the role, she intends to help progress the school district in every way she officialscan.asFrederickwell.has been heavily involved in the community and believes by serving on the council she can offer even more to the city of


David Hall


By Marla Ballard COUNTY,ReporterJACKSONALA. --Rockin S competethatbredversatileraisingtakeorworkingprovenwell-bredTheyathletic,willingthatTheyfoundationfrombloodlineschoosesmorebeenGreggOwners,andhorsesFrenchAustralianandcolor.QuarterperformanceandspecializesFarmsinraisingsellingqualitybredHorseswithTheyalsoraisesellminiatureShepherds,Bulldogs,minianddonkeys,GreatDanes.WandaandGriffithhaveinbusinessforthanadecade.RockinSFarmshorsethatflowprovengenetics.advertisehorsesareeagerandtolearn,andversatile.promotelinesfromaMare,aranchhorse,atrailhorse.“WegreatprideinmodernperformanceQuarterHorsesareabletoatanylevel,”

Miller Retires After 28



Farm Offers Variety of Animals

david@southerntorch.comReporterDonnaFredrickhasqualifiedtorunintheScottsboroMunicipalElectionforthePlace5seatontheScottsboroCityCouncilonAugust23.“OnegoalIhopetoaccomplishwillbetokeepScottsboroasafeandthrivingcommunityformygrandchildrenandyourchildrenandgrandchildren,”statedFredrick.Attheageof10,Frederick’sandherparents,DonandWandaVest,movetoScottsboro,JacksonCounty,Alabama......TicketsarenowavailablefortheAnnualRollTideBBQ.TheycanbepurchasedattheMountainLakesChamberofCommerce,theLackeyLawFirm,orfromanyExecutiveCommitteemember.TheJacksonCountyChapteroftheUniversityofAlabamaNationalAlumniAssociationhasscheduledtheirAnnualRollTideBBQforThursday,August11,2022,at6:00pm.The for so long, I was hoping that I could be of help.”Dr.Guess will be serving the role the late Kevin Dukes, who sadly passed away last month,

By David Hall


Years of Service

By David Hall December 1997 and was influential in the implementation of a new CAD (Caller Aided Dispatch) system that was installed in the earlyShe2000’s.took over duties of office manager for the police department in April 2019.Police Chief Ron Latimer said, “Cheryl has been a valuable employee of the Scottsboro retirement.”allfutureWebeenimportantly,continued,Department.”PoliceHe“Moreshehasagoodfriend.wishherwellinherendeavors,andthebestin


Jackson County Board Elects Interim


Managing Editor/Sports

General Manager

Southern Torch (USPS Periodicals #19790) is published each Friday by Southern Torch, Inc. 225 Gault Ave. N. Fort 614,SouthernAL.POSTMASTER:PayneSendaddresschangestoTorch,P.O.BoxRainsville,AL.35986. Submit your upcoming events to for a chance to be featured in next week's print edition of The Southern Torch! the Plainview coaching staff Enrollees will pay upon arrival.

August 4, 5, 6, & 7th, World’s Longest Yardsalesouthern-mostThe start point of this multi-state yard sale begins in Gadsden and travels 93 miles along the Lookout Mountain Pkwy to Chattanooga, TN. More than 1,000yard sale vendors in North AL offer everything from antiques, collectibles, furniture, produce,jellies,homemadedishwares,jamsandfreshgardenandmuch more. August 4-7, 2022.

August 13, Northeast Alabama Gospel Music Jubilee - General Admission – $30 each. Artist Circle – 35$ each (First five rows guaranteed) Church groups of 10 or more people please contact us to get a group rate discount –Doors open at 5 pm. The concert starts at 6 pm. Seats are first come first serve. Call/ Text 256-609-3908 for Tickets. Tickets can be mailed or picked up. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event. Sat at 6:00PM9:00PM ScottsboroHembreeCenter.GoosepondScottsboroCivic1165EdDrive35768

July 18, Plainview Football Youth Camp Monday 7pm - 9pm. Students entering grades K - 6th. Cost is $30. Located at the Plainview game field. The camp will be organized and run by (WKEA 98.3 and WMXN 101.7), a weekly newspaper, and online news. Southern Torch o ers one of the most competitive commission structures in the industry! Our market footprint is large and untargeted, therefore the right go-getter has unlimited growth opportunities. If you are eager to get to work, apply your creativity, and help businesses expand their brand and succeed, let's get together! No phone calls, please. Southern Torch is a member of the Alabama Broadcasters Asociation & Alabama Press Association. Southern Torch is an equal opportunity employer. Submit resumes to

Radio Personality

July 17, Benefield Reunion - The annual Benefield reunion has been changed from the 2nd Sunday to the 3rd Sunday of July. This year it will be held on July 17th beginning at 10:30am until 2:00pm. It will be at the Bevile Center in Rainsville, AL. We always have great food at lunch so bring your favorite. Family or friends of the Benefield family are invited.



Sales Representative DeKalb County Hospital Association dba DeKalb Ambulance Service will hold their regularly scheduled board meeting on July 21, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. in the Carson Educational Building at DeKalb Ambulance Service, 208 Airport Road W, Fort Payne, AL. The public is invited to attend.

Radio Operations Manager Nick

Rainsville Announces Curfew Tax-Free Weekend Baseball Team Gives Back Chief Michael Edmondson. 588 South Valley Ave P.O. Box Collinsville,498AL 35961 (256) 524-2981 Brandon Boswell, PharmD Pharmacist/Owner P.O. Box 218 • Geraldine, AL 35974 (256)659-2138 YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams PHARMACYSYLVANIARPH Call or Stop By Anytime Give Us Your RX Numbers We Do The Rest! By Marla Jones Managing BytheonereasonpropertydisrespectloudleftstatedPoliceSchoolstheannouncedRainsvilleAla.--marla@southerntorch.comEditorRAINSVILLE,TheCityofhasacurfewatDeKalbCountyColiseum.TheRainsvilleDepartmentthattrashwasintheparkinglot,music,andoftheasthemainforthecurfew.After9:00p.m.nowillbeallowedongroundsofthe Marla Jones Managing Despitejobscompletedpicktogethertodonatedteam.fromBatesdinnerfundraisingAuctionTeamyearmarla@southerntorch.comEditorIDER,Ala.--EachtheIderBaseballhostsaDinneraspartoftheirprogram.Atthisyear’sauction,J.A.wonaworkdaytheIderBaseballThisweek,hehisworkdaytheTownofIder.Theteamgatheredtoweed-eat,uptrash,andvariousthroughoutIder.thehigh By Marla Jones Managing Editor DeKalb SchoolsCountyColiseum.“Ihatetodothis to the ones who were respectful responsibleandbut I had no choice” workers,themgraduateallCaseyHeadthetodaymuchwheretimeourcontinueslivemuch.supportscleanthroughoutteamtemperatures,statedtheworkedendlesslythedaytoupthetownthatthemso“Iamthankfultoinaplacethattosupportyouth,timeandagain!Inaworldthereissobad,dayslikegiveuphopeforfuture”statedIderBaseballCoachGaddis.“Iremindourguysthetimewhentheymygoalforistobehardcreatehabits This holiday allows shoppers to save Rainsville Police Chief Michael Edmondson. in theComputers,event. DeKalb Animal Hospital Joseph K McNew D V.M Linda Galbraith, D V.M. Jessica Jones, D V.M Office: Emergency:(256)845-0046(256)845-3031 125 22nd Street NW Fort Payne, AL 35967 Are you professional, creative, and focused on excellent customer service? #SOUTHERNTORCH has an immediate opening available. We are building our sales team and looking for individuals with a strong sales background, balanced by over-the-top customer service skills. Experience in radio, newspaper, or digital sales is a plus! Southern Torch is a multi-platform company, operating two FM radio stations

Account Executive Patti

Account Executive

- Reporter

Friday - July 15, 2022 - 3Southern Torch


Graphic Design


Staff: SmithMarla JonesBrian AndersonVizziniaAmy ThrashReace OsbornJenna Sue PayneBrowder - Radio Lindsey JonesRobert CrumleyJenny Wootten Mann - Radio Randy FrawleyHall

Radio Personality David



July 23, Riley’s Run - 15th Annnual Riley’s Run. Registration @ 10am with lunch provided at 11am. Ride at own pace or ride in main group. Kickstands up for main ride @ 12 noon. 1st bike out at 11 am and last bike in at 4pm. Ride starts and ends at American Cruisers Clubhouse 3643 Tammy Little Drive, Secton, AL. $20 first hand $10 for additional hands. 50/50 Drawing, Door prizes. Sponcered by American Cruisers MC. July 30 & 31, Ider PTO - Ider PTO is hosting 2 work days at the school. Saturday July 30th 7 to 11am. Sunday July 31st 5 to 7pm. Bring some work gloves. We will provide waters and lunch on Saturday. All help appreciated!

Account Executive

seven year old Sean Ross ran the Katie Britt emergedRepublican73%beatMcClendon.statetheStatestarandisPriscillatheimpressiveattorney,aMerikaRepresentativeStateinfourconsulting.inisfromrecommendationhiswhenaAlabama.fromwasyearscampaignsTwinkleHeabsolutelymasterfully.campaignHeisbrilliant.ranoneofCavanaugh’sfourago,whenhejustgraduatingtheUniversityofKatiedidgoodsday’sworksheacquiredserviceswithaTwinkle.HethehottestitemAlabamapoliticalTherewerevacanciestheAlabamaSenate.StateColeman,BessemerwonaveryvictoryforseatofretiringDunn.SheyoungandbrilliantisgoingtobeaintheAlabamaSenate.LanceBellwonseatofretiringSenatorJimBellhisopponentto27%inthisseat.KeithKelleyvictorious have become the new stars on the scene.Wes politics.arenapoliticalbehindarrivedsuperstarisstarWesAinsworthisRockstarhorizonyoungfuture.officeholdersyoungWillLieutenantTheypoliticalonareago.thisAlabamamembersbecomewereSorrellStateGloverCookeSorrellStateinpolitico,defeatedAllenveteranJimZiegler,theSecretaryofrace.AndrewbestedStanandRustytobecomeAuditor.BothandAllenabouttofreshmenoftheHousetimefouryearsNow,theythenewstarsthestatewideblock.willbejoiningGovernorAinsworthasconstitutionalwithaYouhavefourstarsontheinthestate.KatieBritt40,superstarWillis41,starAllenis46andAndrewSorrell36.AnotheryounghasonthethescenesconsultinginAlabamaTwentyover Wendy Ghee Draper in the Anniston Republicanbasedseat of retiring veteran state Senator Del Marsh. In probably the biggest upset surprise of the 2022 primary season was the victory of Josh Carnley to fill the financedchallengedDantermCarnley’smasterfulMoweryconsultantandoverwhelmingly,ofhisCarnleyendorsement.businessvictoryexpectedAndalusiaMikeHouseyearcounties.PikeofdistrictJimmypowerfulforSenateSoutheastRepublicanAlabamaSeathelddecadesbytheandpopularHolley.ThisiscomprisedCoffee,Covington,andpartofDaleTwelve-veteran,Statemember,JonesofwastowaltztohavingeverygroupscarriedhomecountyCoffee,veteranpoliticalDaviddidajobwithads.Popularfirststatesenator,Roberts,wasbyaself-urologistin

award of Liquid Calcium Chloride Bid to RoadSoutheasternTreatment, with only a 10-to 12% increase from years past.Two damage claims ranging from busted tire and rim to a windshieldbusted on CR 85 and CR 86 were submitted to the County insurance carrier.Tom

By Steve Flowers In observationsmy of Alabama politics, every election year brings an underlying election year surprise or two. The DemocraticthefinishersandforwillfirstElection.NovemberFlowers,nominee,femaleShenomineeastermaGovernortheWallaceofelectedsecondIveythearrivedthatarenaAlabamaemergingprevailingunderlyingthemefromthepoliticalthisyeariswomenhavepoliticallyinHeartofDixie.GovernorKayisonlythefemaleGovernorAlabama,Lurleenbeingfirstin1966.Iveywondecisivesecond-nominationtheRepublicaninMay.willfaceanotherDemocraticYolandaintheGeneralThisisthetimetwowomenfaceeachothergovernor.Infact,thefirstsecondplaceinbothRepublicanandprimaries were Governorwomen.Ivey was followed by Lindy Blanchard, who finished second in the GOP primary. Dr. Yolanda Flowers, a retired andrunoffs.fromasarrivingnewweofthealsosenator,beNotstarSheAlabamayoungBrittAlabama.U.S.electedbeexpected,November,andU.S.fromemergedDemocraticFortierMalikafemaleplacerunoffeducator,BirminghamwasinawithsecondDemocraticStateSenatorSandersintheprimary.KatieBrittvictoriouslytheRepublicanSenatecontestifelectedinasisshewillthefirstfemaletotheSenatefromKatieisthebrighteststarinpolitics.isthenewrockofthestate.onlywillshethefirstfemalebutsheistheheadlinerforsecondtheme2022.Thatis,haveapairofyouthfulstarsonthescenethedustsettlestheJune21WesAllenAndrewSorrell

IN THE PROBATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY, DatedNELSON,EXECUTRIX’ALABAMANOTICETOFILECLAIMSINTHEMATTEROFTHEESTATEOFBOBBIESUEDECEASEDCASENO.:2022-248LettersofTestamentaryontheEstateofBobbieSueNelson,Deceased,havingbeengrantedtotheundersignedonthe8dayofJuly,2022,bytheJudgeofProbateofsaidcounty,noticeisherebygiventhatallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaidestate,areherebyrequiredtopresentthesamewithinthetimeallowedbylaw,orthesamewillbebarred.SaidnoticetobepublishedJuly15,22,&29PromissoryNote.PleasebeadvisedthatifyoufailtofileananswertothelawsuitbySeptember2,2022,thenadefaultjudgmentmaybeenteredagainstyoufortheamountdueonthepromissorynotes,interest,attorney’sfees,andcosts.thisthe1stdayofJuly,2022.SaidnoticetobepublishedJuly8,15,22,&29


Commission:approvedtransfersfollowingpersonnel,positionopenJustinMcCormickKristopherresignationHunterresignationresignationMeadowspositionNortonresignationKatilynpositionLawsonresignationDevinpositionWoodallresignationbySgt.BoboOfficerSgt.personnel:hiresresignationsOfficeCountyinsomearemilesapproximatelyroads.requiredtreatmentthethebetheBroylesSuperintendentbutstatedthatcostwouldnoteconomicalforCounty,duetoparticularthatisondirtThereare350ofroadsthatdirtorwithouttypeofpavingtheCounty.TheDeKalbSherrif’shadseveralandinjail•ResignationofBrandonVaughn•PromotedDawsontotherankoftofillavoidleftBrandonVaughn’s•HiredSuzannetofilltheleftbyHarris•HiredAlantofillvoidleftbyWaldrop•HiredPhyllistofillvoidleftbyLee•AcceptedofOfficerWalker•AcceptedofOfficer•MovedOfficerBaileytofillTransportInSherrif’sOfficethehiresandwerebythe CityCameraforCulvert)ConcretebyDouble(ConstructionCRP-BRZ-2021-01beginningheldCommissionDeKalbmeetingAging.thetransitDanielapprovedEmergencyupgradea.m.26,workannouncedinrecertificationHairstonGreesontobyandapprovedtheDelvinSROWestreplaceSROBryanneededHairstoninvestigatorinvestigationsSRORichiedispatcherpart-time•TransferedGoldinfromtopart-time•Movepart-timeAndytoas•HiredDannyaspart-timeatHenagartoRichieGoldin•HiredKristyasfull-timeatCrossville•TranferedTimtoSROatIderInotherbusiness,CommissionthetraveltrainingrequesttheSherrif’sofficesendWesleyandJoshtoaclassOrlando,Florida.TheCommissionaspecialsessiononJulybeginningat10todiscusstheofBids.TheCommissionthehireofDobbsforapositionwithCouncilonThenextregularoftheCountywillbeonAugust9,at10a.m.ofaBarrel10ft6ftReinforcedBridge•QuotefromFTCCitywideSecurityUpgradeforHall,Park,and sessionp.m.beginningwithmeetingitsCity$40,000anlineRepairTreatmentatMechanicalBidright-of-waystoamountsteererPurchaseSanitationPositionFull-TimeEffectiveSanitationResignationrland$139,244.00amount(Sourcewell)IngramSanitationWesternpurchase$3,111.98fromPrinters/(6)DepartmentRainsvilleCrumRequestTravel/Training$13.03JulyDispatchJones$12.97JulyFirefighterFull-Timeeffective6atarateofperhour•HiredPaxtonasPart-Timeeffective13atarateofperhour•ApprovedforMattofthePolicePurchased(2)TraysSHI—Annex•Approvedtheofa2017StarTruckfromEquipmentintheofAcceptedGa•Frazier’sfromtheDept7-15-2022•PostedaCDLDriverintheDept•Approvedtheofaskidintheof$104,000helpcleanup•ApprovedtheoutofScreentheWasteWaterPlant•ApprovedtheoftheseweronParkLaneatestimatedcostofTheRainsvilleCouncilwillholdnextregularonJuly18,aworksessionat4:00andaregularat4:30p.m.


Police Department in the amount of $14,983.•Hired Sam Young as

• Hired Sydney McKay as

4 - Friday - July 15, 2022 Southern Torch

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Harris asked about the cost of treating dirt roads in his district


$15 for 6 months $30 for a full year $25 for vets & seniors

Roberts’ silk week.newintactSenate35-memberpart,Whatleyincumbentseat,CountyTallapoosa/RusselltheSelma.RobertHeBlacknineSandersFortier.MalikaaforementionedhisseattofailedHankVeteranAlabamaBlackrepresentingwillinwondistrictJefferson/ShelbystockingbutRobertshandily.Forthefirsttime40years,therenotbeaSanderstheBeltintheSenate.SenatorSandersinhisbidtakebackhisheloanedtodaughter,theSandersHankhadservedtermsastheBelt’ssenator.wasdefeatedbyStewartofJayHoveywoncovetedLee/StateSenateprevailingoverTombyonevote.ForthemostthepowerfulStatewillreturnwithonlyfewfaces.Seeyounext

Lester Lamar Boman - 80 of Crossville passed away Sunday, July 10, 2022 at Marshall Medical Center South. His funeral service will be at 10 Wednesday,a.m. July 13 2022 at theonfriendsTheBethsaidaBurialMemorialCrossvilleChapel.willfollowatCemetery.familywillreceivefrom5until8Tuesdayeveningatfuneralhome.


Shirley Marie Edmonds Deerman78 ended her earthly journey on May 25, 2022. She was a life-long resident of Scottsboro. Memorial service will held on Saturday, July 16, 2022. Visitation will be at Scottsboro Funeral Home from 1:00 – 3:00 pm followed by the service at 3:00 with her brother, Rev. Charles familyofficiating.EdmondsPrivateburialwillfollow.

Willam Howard Gilbert - 81, of Gadsden passed away on Sunday, July 10, 2022. Funeral services are set for Wednesday,2pmJuly 13, 2022 from the W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel with Bros. Max Roden and Noah Medders officiating. Burial will be in Kelly’s Chapel Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 5 until 8pm Tuesday at East Gadsden Baptist Church, and from 12noon until service time Wednesday at W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel. He is survived by his wife, Sue Gilbert; daughters, Teresa Swindall,(Phillip)Dana Gilbert and Amy LaCount; sister, grandchildren,Simpson;Dorothy Kio (Matt) Burrell, and Tansley (Eric)


Crossville Scottsboro

Collinsville Health and Rehab. 11toreceiveCemetery.followofficiating.withStoneatservicesFuneralareSaturday1PMCTatCornerFuneralChapelBro.MarvinGlassBurialwillinNewHopeFamilywillfriendsfrom48PMonFridayandamuntilservicetime.

Renee Holm Rouse - 67 of Skyline, passed away Monday, July 11, 2022 at her home, surrounded by her family. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at Skyline Free Holiness Church. Burial will follow in a.m.TuesdayChurchSkylinewillCemetery.SkylineThefamilyreceivefriendsatFreeHolinessfrom4-8p.m.andfrom10

Sharon D. Stiefel - 65 of Saturday,passedHenagarawayonJuly9, 2022 at Huntsville Hospital. Funeral service is Monday, July 11, 2022 at 2:00PM in Rainsville Funeral Home Chapel. Billy T. Colley - 82 of Henagar departed from his life on Tuesday, July 12, 2022. A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Robert “June” Keef - 89 of Fort Payne, Thursday,passedAlabamaawayonJuly7, 2022 at Collinsville Nursing Home. A graveside service will be Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 4:30PM in Rainsville Memorial Park with Bro. Robert Keef officiating.


William “Larry” Helton - born April 23, 1944 in Berryton, GA, passed away on Sunday, July 10, 2022 at Floyd E. Tut Fann VA Nursing Home in Huntsville, AL. Larry was a lifelong resident of Chattanooga, TN area; graduated from Ringgold High School. He was a medical records clerk in the US Army. He retired after 50 years of being a truck driver. No services are planned.

Robert L. “Bob” Campbell - 71 of Fyffe, passed away Tuesday, July 5, 2022. Memorial Services will be held at 1pm on Monday, July 11, 2022 Cumberlandat Health and Rehab in Bridgeport. A private burial will be held at a later date and time. Wendell Lee Benefield Sr - 78 of Fort Payne passed away July 5, 2022 at his residence. Mr. Benefield was a retired Captain with Fort Payne Police Dept. and served in US Navy. He was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason and Past Master of Fort Payne Lodge #437 F&AM. A Celebration of Life will be held Friday July 8, 2022 3pm till 6pm at Minvale Family Life Center. Jason Brent Barclay - 49, of Boaz passed away on Wednesday, July 6, 2022. Funeral services are set for 2pm Thursday, July 7, 2022 from the W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel with Bro. Joe byhome.ThursdayfromwillCemetery.beofficiating.EdmondsonBurialwillinBelcher’sGapThefamilyreceivefriends12noonuntil2pmatthefuneralHeissurvivedhissister,Karen Fax: 256-845-5165 Jones (256)605-4427Haney - 78 of

226 Gault Ave. N • Fort Payne, AL 35967 Phone: 256-845-5680 Fax: 256-845-5165 Hometown banking, wherever you are! W.T. Wilson PHONE: (256)638-2700 FAX: (256)638-3488 Simple, Convenient & Less Expensive QUALITY JEWELRY 1706 Glenn Blvd., Suite 4 Fort Payne, AL 35968 • (256) 997-7591 James Allensworth • Shari Jones - Agent Kim Horton Reality P.O. Box www.greateralabamamls.com35986Rainsville,2315AL 256-638-5281 24/ 7 SERVICEEMERGENCY DO YOU HAVE A MOLD PROBLEM? (256)273-4900 AMY amy@southerntorch.comTHRASH ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE O ce: (256)638-4040 Cell: (256)996-0460 KANDIELAND DAY CARE CENTER 333 DILBECK RD IN (256)638-4848RAINSVILLE Advertiseherefor$12.50Advertiseherefor$12.50 Marla

Don Lawson - 90, of Scottsboro, passed away on Thursday, July 7, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at Scottsboro Funeral Home with Bro. Randy Jones officiating. Burial will follow at Cedar Hill Cemetery. The family will receive friends beginning at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. Marcus “Reggie” Brown - 38, of Scottsboro, AL, passed away on Saturday, July 9, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at Scottsboro Funeral Home. Burial will follow at Hytop Cemetery.

Raymond Michael “Mike” Fraley - 68 of Henagar Thursday,diedJuly 7 at his residence. A memorial service will be held Sunday at 3 PM CT at Corner Stone Funeral Chapel. Family will receive friends from 1 PM until service time. Lester Enos Durham - 82 of Henagar died Friday, July 8 at his residence. Graveside services are Sunday at 11 AM CT at Mountain Cemetery.HomeFamily will receive friends from 4 to 7 PM Saturday and Sunday from 9 am until

OBITUARIES 10 am at Corner Stone Funeral Chapel. Robert Dexter “Rabbit”

Lacey Lynn Black - 40, of Fort Payne, formerly of Springfield, Illinois, passed away Monday, July 4, 2022 at Gadsden Regional Medical Center. A Celebration of Life service will be planned at a later date.

BUSINESS (256)Scottsboro259-2211 226 Gault Ave. N • Fort Payne, AL 35967 Phone: 256-845-5680

Friday - July 15, 2022 - 5Southern Torch

Alice Faye Tigue Powell - 77 of Ider died Tuesday, July 12 at

W.T. Wilson


The family will receive friends on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home.


Annie Marie Kerby Tucker - 91 of Mentone, passed away Friday, July 8th at Dekalb laterprivatefamilyhonorMelissa8th,wasMedicalRegionalCenter.ShebornDecember1930toJeffandHuntKerby.Toherwishesthewillhaveaserviceatadate.

Henagar passed away on Saturday, July 9 at Gadsden Regional Medical RoadoflocatedHomeatServiceGravesideCenter.MemorialwillbeMonday1PMCTatMountainCemeteryatintersectionHwy117andCounty729inHenagar.

(David) Barclay.sister-in-law,Goldiehisprecedednephews.Heseveral(Marsha)Barclaybrothers,Ramey;KennyandRodneyBarclay;andniecesandwasindeathbyparents,EstonandBarclay;andJoyce

3801 Gault Avenue, North, Fort Payne, AL

Substance and 3 warrants for Failure to


ControlledManufacturingUnlawfulParaphernalia,ofUnlawfulMarijuanaPossessionSubstance,ofUnlawfulwas(31MichaelExposingEndangermentChemicalSubstanceofUnlawfulSubstanceControlledManufacturingUnlawfulParaphernaliaofUnlawfulMarijuanaPossessionSubstance,ofUnlawfulchargedofCharleshome.childscene,wasweregrowingandmethamphetaminesearch,Payne.RoadresidencewarrantconductedNarcoticsDeKalbJunewereNarcoticsSubstance.ControlledAgentscalledtoassist.OnWednesday,22nd,theCountyAgentsasearchataonCounty51inFortDuringtheamarijuanaoperationfound.DHRcalledtotheduetoasmallbeingintheDerickRobbins(31FortPayne)waswithPossessionControlledUnlawfulof1st,PossessionDrug(x3),of1st,DistributionControlled(x2)andofaChild.RyanHulganofFortPayne)chargedwithPossessionControlledUnlawfulof2nd,PossessionDrugof possession paraphernalia.andmethamphetamineofdrugBradleyShaneWhite(48ofRainsville)waschargedwithUnlawfulPossessionofControlledSubstance,UnlawfulPossessionofMarijuana1st,DUI(controlledsubstance),andUnlawfulPossessionofDrugParaphernalia.OnTuesday,July5th,NarcoticsAgentsattemptedtoconductatrafficstopintheMt.Vernonareawiththevehiclefailedtostop.Afterashortvehiclepursuit,thedriverstoppedandwasfoundtobeinpossessionofmethamphetamineanddrugparaphernalia.JustinTylerNorris(34ofCedarBluff)waschargedwithUnlawfulPossessionofControlledSubstance,UnlawfulPossessionofDrugParaphernalia,andanAttempttoEludePolice.Again,onTuesday,CollinsvillePoliceOfficersconductedatrafficstopfindingthedrivertobeinpossessionofmethamphetamineanddrugparaphernalia.AnabelMcKenzieCraig(21ofFortPayne)waschargedwithUnlawfulPossessionofControlledSubstances,IllegalPossessionofCredit/DebitCard,andTheftofProperty3rd.NarcoticsAgentswerecalledtoassist.

Sheriff Nick Welden: FORT PAYNE, Ala. — During the last three weeks of June and the first week of July, 16 were arrested charges.drug-relatedonWe would like to thank the DeKalb


Marijuana Grow Operation Discovered on County Road

Substance, Unlawful Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Tampering with Physical Evidence.

6 - Friday - July 15, 2022 Southern Torch CRIME


marijuana and drug paraphernalia in the residence.

Marvin Pearson Chadwick III (25 of Ider) was charged with Unlawful Possession of ParaphernaliaDrug and Unlawful Possession of

Paraphernalia, and 3 warrants for Failure to Appear. Coley was charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 1st, Unlawful Possession of methamphetamine,theyParolee.followRoadresidenceOfficersTuesday,wereNarcoticsSubstance.ofUnlawfulParaphernaliaofUnlawfulcharged(32Dillonfoundparaphernaliaandmethamphetamine75.trafficOfficers21st,Paraphernalia.PossessionandofUnlawfulSubstanceofUnlawfulcharged(53Michaelparaphernalia.andmethamphetamineRoadresidencesearchAgentsCountyThursday,pending.morecasewithoutPistolSubstance,ofUnlawfulParaphernalia,DrugPossessionControlledandConcealedPermit.ThisisongoingwithchargesAlso,ontheDeKalbNarcoticsconductedawarrantataonCounty4,findingdrugShaneMimsofBoaz)waswithDistributionControlled(x4),PossessionMarijuana2nd,UnlawfulofDrugOnTuesday,JuneIderPoliceconductedastoponAlHwyDuringthestop,drugwereinthevehicle.JarminMorganofIder)waswithPossessionDrugandPossessionControlledAgentscalledtoassist.Again,onProbationwenttoaonCounty141inIdertoupwithaWhiletherefound

Joseph Michael Boone (32 of Boaz) was charged with Unlawful Possession of Marijuana 2nd and Unlawful Possession of trafficAgents4th,assist.wereNarcoticContrabandPromoteMarijuanaPossessionSubstance,ofUnlawfulParaphernalia,ofUnlawfulPrescriptionPossessionViolencewithKoskaparaphernalia.marijuana,medication,prescriptionmethamphetamine,possessionfoundsheViolenceOfficersHenagarDetentionDeKalbbroughtof3rd,wereNarcoticsOfficersCrossvilleofUnlawfulParaphernaliaofUnlawfulchargedAlbertville)MondayChristyParaphernalia.DrugMichele(41ofwaswithPossessionDrugandPossessionMarijuana2nd.PoliceandAgentscalledtoassist.OnSunday,JulyDorotaKoska(31Henagar)wastotheCountyCenterbyPoliceforDomestic3rd.Afterarrived,shewastobeinofanddrugwaschargedDomestic3rd,IllegalofDrugs,PossessionDrugPossessionControlledUnlawfulof2ndandPrison2nd.AgentscalledintoOnMonday,JulyNarcoticsconductedastoponHwy

Store. “Hall’s had everything from men’s suits to coffins for sale,” said Bartley. “Back in those days, there were no cashier stations mosttelevision.inauguratedEisenhowerhometakenthefieldsaidtheatresocietyseeawheretotookattendedtown,”differentTrade“Itwo-storynearthestoreatDepartmentCollinsvillechange.”downwouldthensendyourandfromboxpulllikethroughoutlocatedthestorenow.Aclerkwouldastringandalittlewouldcomedowntheupperfloortheywouldputmoneyinitanditbackupstairs,thelittleboxcomebackholdingyourBartleysaidtheWaterislocatedthesitewhereHall’susedtobeandpolicestationiswheretheschoolwas.canrememberwhenDaywasataplaceinsaidBartley.TheschoolsheinCollinsvilleheronafieldtripthemovietheatre10centsboughtseat.“IwasgladtothehistoricalrestoretheoldinCollinsville,”Bartley.Anothertripconsistedofchildrenbeingtoherteacher’stoseeonAtage68,whenpeopleare

By Marla Ballard

RAINSVILLE – Northeast Alabama Community College (NACC) is extremely excited to announce this year’s Music on the celebrationMountainwill feature the acclaimed country music The event will be held Thursday, July 28, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Tom Bevill Lyceum on NACC’s NACC’scampus.Musicon the Mountain 2022 is one stop Shenandoah’son 35th Anniversary Tour and is sure to be a wonderful night of music for ofappreciateknowmusicalareaDavidNACCShenandoah,”withonpleasedcommunity.the“WeareextremelytobringMusictheMountainbackthebandstatedPresidentDr.Campbell.“Ourhasaveryrichheritage,andIpeoplewillthemusicthisgreatband.”

When country music lovers talk about the greatest groups in the Shenandoahgenre, is always at the forefront of any discussion. Fueled by Marty distinctiveRaybon’svocals and the band’s thefamilyimportancecelebrateddeliveringbecameacountryleftMusclechart.Hotsinglesgold)albumsrecordedtoandCumberland“Church“TwodeliveringwellShenandoahmusicianship,skilledbecameknownforsuchhitsasDozenRoses”,onRoad”,“NexttoYou,NextMe”.Shenandoahhastenstudio(3certifiedandplaced26onBillboard’sCountrySongsTheboysfromShoalshaveapotentlegacyatradiowithoverdozen#1records.Shenandoahknownforsongsthattheoffaithandwhilerevelinginjoysofsmall-town life. “Next to You, Next to Me” topped the charts for three weeks and “Somewhere in the Vicinity of the Heart,” a beautiful duet with Alison Krauss, won a Country Music Association Award for Vocal Event of the year and a Grammy for Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal.Shenandoah also won the Academy of Country Music’s Vocal Group of the Year in 1991.Music on the Mountain has been entertainmentproviding for the local community for quite some time and has become a treasured community event. Tickets for Music on the Mountain are $20 and will go on sale Friday, June 3rd at 9:00 a.m. Tickets may be purchased online by David Hall a 4-0 record in seven starts and three relief appearances. He recorded 55 strikeouts, while only allowing 11 walks, 41 hits, and 15 earnedSpeakingruns. on joining the HerberholzSEC,said, “It’s the best thistimesHerberholzappearance,Worldcomingexciting.”country,conferencebaseballinthesothat’sreallyAuburn,whoisoffaCollegeSerieswatchedpitchmultipleforSouthernUnionpastseason.HerberholzsaidwhenAuburnoffered,heknewitwastheplaceheshouldgo.

NACC to Host Shenandoah at Music on the Mountain

Friday - July 15, 2022 - 7Southern Torch • • • • • •

Inspirational Woman Walks Down Memory Lane


retiring, Bartley became a Real Estate Broker and opened her own office in Centre, where six agents work under her as a Broker. “I call real estate my third career,” said Bartley. “Before real estate, I worked at two someone.educationfor“stick-with-ittaught.”“caughtthatwantsalife.she’shappyissuesanddeathwantscareersaysstatuscurrentlyeducation,continuingstillUniversityyearscertificate.acquiringschoolablethirtiesother.”becameheadreachedbothcompanies.manufacturingIstartedatentry-levelanddepartmentatoneandatrainerattheBartleywasinherbeforeshewastofinishherhigheducation,aG.E.D.Overtheshehastakencoursesandplansonhersheisatjuniorlevelincollege.Sheshehasafourthplanned;shetobeawriter.Shehasfacedtheoflovedonesherownhealthbutsaysshe’sfortheroadtraveledthroughShe’samotherofpoliceofficerandparentstoknowprincipalsaremorethanShehopesherattitude”employmentandwillinspire

david@southerntorch.comReporterFormerScottsboropitcher,ChristianHerberholz,willcontinuehisbaseballcareeratAuburnUniversityforthe2023season.Herberholzsufferedaninjuryduringtheopeninggameorthe2021seasonanddecidedtolookforafreshstarttohisbaseballcareer.Afterashortened2020seasonduetoCOVIDandashortened2021seasonduetoinjury,HerberholzleftTennesseeTechtogopitchforSouthern Union,ConferenceCommunityleadingSouthern2022CollegeCommunityinWadley.AfteranimpressiveseasonwithUnion,theAlabamaCollegeinERAHerberholzwillforAuburnHerberholzposted

Carter’s Orthodontist recently held a ribbon cutting at their new location on Hwy 35 in Rainsville

Fort Payne Police Chief David Davis recently spoke to the Lions Club. He updated the club on the many projects the Fort Payne Police Department is doing for the community.

Scottsboro Alum to Pitch for Auburn Ribbon Cutting Davis Speaks to Lions Club By

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