By Marla
By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorDEKALBCOUNTY, Ala. — The World’s Longest Yard Sale returns to DeKalb County on Thursday, August 4 and will last until Sunday, August 7. The event begins each year on the first Thursday in
Follow & Subscribe Visit our website at for daily news updates and pick up your weekly print edition at news stands every Friday.(256)728-8000(256)657-2200(256)638-2200(256)845-6101 SYLVANIA PHARMACY YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams RPHYour Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. AUGUST 5 SAT. AUGUST 6 SUN. AUGUST 7 90 / 69 89 / 69 87 / 69 Hearing Set for Food City ProjectWorld’s Longest Yard Sale DeKalb County Board of Education members stand in front of one of the new air conditioned busses. Marla Jones | Southern Torch No matter what you are in the market for—whether it’s a set of drums or a collection of musical albums—there is a good chance that you will be able to find it if you drive long enough. Worlds Longest Yard Sale. Southern Torch File Photo The Food City Hearing is set for Aug 23. Southern Torch File Photo >See Sale, P5 >See Food, P5 >See School, P7
By Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorRAINSVILLE,Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook)
the event started. The portion that will run through DeKalb County stretches from Gadsden to Chattanooga along the Lookout Mountain Parkway for the most “scenic rural America” in the United States. You can find everything from antiques to programs have been increasing over the past few years. This past summer we had 27 buses on summer routes compared to two in THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, August 5, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 31 / $1.00 Follow & Subscribe Cool Start to School WWW.BOBBYLEDBETTER.COM (256) 844-2210 STOP BY FOR THE BEST DEALS IN DEKALB COUNTY
The DeKalb County Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on July 29. Dr. Keith Atchley brought one of the ten newly purchased air-conditioned buses for the board to view. “Like most industries in today’s world, supply chain issues and labor shortages have impacted bus manufacturing. DeKalb County Schools (DCS) had a great opportunity to save significant money by purchasing buses through a cooperative purchasing agreement. We later learned that the buses were equipped with air conditioning” stated DeKalb County SupervisorTransportationDr.KeithAtchley.
Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE,Ala.--(FullVideoonSouthernTorchFacebook)DuringTuesday’sFortPayneCityCouncilmeeting,FortPayneCityAttorney,RockyWatsonannouncedthatahearingfortheFoodCityprojectisscheduled.ThehearingissetforAugust23at9:30a.m.inCourtroom301,atthe
2019. This year DCS purchased 10 regular route AC-equipped buses at a price of $962,787.00, and four special needs buses at DeKalb County Courthouse. According to Watson, the judge has stated that there will be a limited time allowed for public comment for anyone that wishes to speak in favor of the project. Time was given to those against the Food City project at a previous Council meeting.FortPayne is offering an incentive package to help August and continues for 4 days (Thursday through Sunday). This tradition gives participants the opportunity to travel almost 700 miles from Gadsden, Ala. all the way to Addison, Mich. over the course of those four days and bargain shop until their hearts are content. The event began in 1987. Lookout Mountain Parkway was added a few years after “The Board of Education supported the purchase and we were able to move forward. This comes at a good time since summer a price of $421,000, at an approximate total of $1,383,000.00. I appreciate the support of the Board to help us update our fleet” concluded Dr.Atchley. The RetirementParaprofessional-Geraldine-ItinerantRetirementParaprofessional-ItinerantResignations:followingforFlowersapprovedweekendteachersE-LearningWorkwhichCalendar2022-2023wasupdatedswitchedaTeacherDayandStudentDaytoallowfortohavealongduringbreaks.TheBoardalsoaCNPbidtoBakingCompanybread.TheBoardapprovedtheRetirementsand•AmandaLambert-SpeechLanguageDistrict-•JaniceMorgan-SpecialEducation
Jess Smith Leaves Scottsboro
all the way to 8th grade. Each teacher and student will have the supplies needed to start the school year. Gift cards were staff.“They came and talked to me here a provided by the church to the school’s janitors and Rosalieworkerslunchroomaswell.OnTuesday,Churchof God while back and said they were gonna have all the supplies, but I never dreamed it would be everybody’s supplies they wanted,” said Principal Roberts. “We appreciate it. We really do. It means a lot.”Pastor Haynes and the Rosalie Church family love to support the Rosalie community in any way they can. “There’s a lot that goes undone for Rosalie, and we honor Rosalie,” said Pastor Haynes.
will donate a portion of their proceeds to CASA of North Sand Mountain.Rowell, when talking about CASA, said, “They are just wonderful. I mean, they help so many families and so many children in bad spots and ownershipThestuff.”newsays they are optimistic that Bedlem will be open to the public
held an appreciation lunch at their church for the entire Rosalie SchoolWhenstaff.speaking to the school staff at the lunch, Pastor Haynes said, “We want you to know that you’ve got someone on your side. Anytime you need us, we’re going to be here for you.” He continued, “We’re going to be praying for you all school thetoaboutappreciationalsoPrincipalRosalieyear.”SchoolGeneRobertsspokeatthelunchwhatthismeanthimandtherestofRosalieSchool
The Hollywood 10 Cinema, a ectionately known to our loyal customers as the Holly 10, is scottsboro’s own locally owned and operated movie theater. We o er all stadium seating with high backed rocking loveseats and digital sound and picture. Find us on social media through Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok where we do weekly contests, updates, and givaways.
Rosalie Church of God Gives Back
Scottsboro Haunted House
By David Hall with great people to work with. I’m so thankful to everyone. Grateful to my players for believing in me and being coachable. I think the success of Scottsboro baseball is only beginning. I’m proud to have been a part of it and it’s only going to trend goPayne.beforeRussellville’sassistantSmithhiringapprovedCityupward.”TheRussellvilleSchoolSystemSmith’sonJuly26.servedasancoachonstaffhistimeatFort“It’sexcitingtobeapartofthat again,” said Smith. “I always had a special place in my heart for thisprogramtoandthatcominghad,”andthejob,RussellvilledreamRussellvillesaid.Russellville,”startedcontinueinImademeandunderchampionshipRussellville’swasChrisformer2021,2015championshipsthatcontrolRussellville.”Smithistakingofaprogramhasseenfivestatesince(2015,2016,2017,and2022)underheadcoachHeaps.Smithanassistanton2017team.“IwasabletolearnCoachHeaps,itnotonlymadeabettercoach,itmeabetterman.amhonoredtofollowhisfootstepsandwhathehereatSmithHesaysthejobishisjob.“Ibelieveisthebestnootherplacehasresources,support,resultsthey’vesaidSmith.“I’mbacktoaplacefeelslikehome,I’mbeyondexcitedbepartofthisandpartofcommunityagain.”
By David Hall
By David Hall
a chance to be featured in next week's print edition of The Southern
Osborn - Account Executive
published each
Eloise Smith - General Manager Marla Jones - Managing Editor/Sports
Jones - Accounting Robert Crumley - Radio Personality Jenny Wootten Mann - Radio Personality Randy Frawley - Radio Personality David Hall - Reporter
November 5, Canyon Fest - Canyon Fest is an celebrationannualofart and nature featuring local art, crafts, live animal shows, music, food and fun for the entire family. Free and open to everyone. Pets welcome on leashes.
August 13, Whiton School Anual Reunion Whiton school will hold its annual reunion at the old Whinton School House on the second Saturday in august (8/13). The reunuin will begin at 11. interest in my idea and was surprised to see the large uniquerentssaidspringtime.theWintereventattendance.Tupperwaresuchpopularrepresentativespaintings,artsantiques,candles,clothing,children’swatch.monograms,hand-paintedasitemsdiscoverCustomerstrucksvisitorsfairgrounds.bothheldFarmhouseresponse.”40isindoors,utilizingbuildingsattheOutdoorswillfindfoodandlivemusic.willcustommadebyartisanssuchornamentswithwhiletheyLadiesandboutiquehand-pouredjewelry,handmadeandcrafts,andfromcorporationsasMaryKayandareallinTheNovemberisknownastheMarketversusoneheldintheAndrewsthevendorsshespacestoofferitems.“It’sa
September 4, Art Sunday Photography Contest - Mark your calendars for Art Sunday - September 4th from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at King Caldwell Park,,placeorfortheamateurcontest.moredetailsvisitShowvendorfoodvendorarenowaccepted.3artsclub@with
DeKalb Animal Hospital Joseph K McNew D V.M Linda Galbraith, D V.M. Jessica Jones, D V.M Office: Emergency:(256)845-0046(256)845-3031 125 22nd Street NW Fort Payne, AL 35967 Software Approved to Aid First Responders By
Anderson - Radio Operations Manager Nick Vizzinia - Graphic Design Amy West - Account Executive
Friday - August 5, 2022 - 3Southern Torch EVENTS
Submit your upcoming
a covered dish and a friend.
August 4, 5, 6, & 7th, World’s Longest Yardsalesouthern-mostThe start point of this multi-state yard sale begins in Gadsden and travels 93 miles along the Lookout Mountain Pkwy to Chattanooga, TN. More than 1,000yard sale vendors in North AL offer everything from antiques, collectibles, furniture, 2022.more.produce,jellies,homemadedishwares,jamsandfreshgardenandmuchAugust4-7,
one-stop outAndrews.experience,”shoppingsaid“Itisadaywithfriends,makinggiftpurchases,drinkinghotchocolate,eatingcaramelapplesorpeanutbrittle,andjustchilling.”Previouslytheshoppingaffairtookplaceatanotherlocation,butdrewacrowdsolargethatthevenuehadtoberelocatedtothefairgrounds.OnFridaythedoorsopenat4:00p.m.andcloseat7:00p.m.FridayistheV.I.P.nightwithanadmissionfeeof$10.Guestsreceiveagenerous,varietybagofgoodiesandpictureswithSantaarefree.Saturdayisfreeadmission,hoursare10:00a.m.until4:00p.m.PictureswithSantaClausonSaturdayare$10.Andrewssaidthespringeventisdedicatedtoredecoratingthehomeandwardrobeandchangingthescentsinthehomewithcandleswhilestillofferingawidearrayofmerchandise.ContactAndrewsatfarmhouseforty@gmail.comoruseMessengeronFacebookunderFarmhouse40.ThelocationoftheVFWFairgroundis220CecilStreet,Scottsboro,Al.Marla Jones Managing andinformationhaveallowsRainsville.doisriskdoneanythingincreasedalsoTheoccupancystructurethetogreatlyfinanciallife,structure,occursanyone.firesRainsville.businessesbetterDepartmentRainsvilleMPSpurchaseRainsvillemeeting,AugustscheduledheldRainsvilleFacebook)SouthernALA.--marla@southerntorch.comEditorRAINSVILLE,(FullvideoonTorchTheCityCouncilitsregularlymeetingon1.AtthecounciltheCityofagreedtotheFlowsoftwarefortheFireinordertoservetheinStructurearedevastatingtoWhenafireinacommercialtherisktoproperty,andwell-beingisincreasedduethefactoffuelload,physicalsizeoftheaswellasnumbers.risktofirefightersisgreatlyandthatcanbetoreduceorlimitisessential.ThatwhatFlowMSPwillfortheCityofBasically,thisfirefighterstoallthepertinenttoassisthelpmakecrucial decisions in the event of a fire at commerciala building in Rainsville. MSP is recognized by ISO and will help Rainsville Fire increase the points awarded for having proper pre-plans on commercial buildings inside the city. ISO is the responsible party for grading
August 13, Northeast Alabama Gospel Music Jubilee - General Admission – $30 Artist Circle – 35$ (First Church groups of 10 please contact us to get a group rate discount –Doors at 5 The concert starts at 6 pm. Seats are first come Call/ Text 256-609-3908 Tickets. Tickets can be or Tickets will also be at the door the night of the event. Sat at 6:00PM9:00PM ScottsboroHembreeCenter.GoosepondScottsboroCivic1165EdDrive35768
08-01-2022 (B) which authorized MeetingRegularWilkersontrainingamountLightschangeamountDepartmentforGround/AerialAnnual07-27-2022Dispatch—EffectiveasAugustbeingBoozer$15,000.00)DepositandFreedomperformShenandoahContractLingerfelttheSettlement.AlabamaparticipationRainsville’sintheOpioidInotherbusiness,Council:EmpoweredMayortoSignawithtoattheFest2023send$7500.00(TotalBidoutPavingforRoadwithbidsopenedon31at10a.m.HiredPaxtonJonesFull-TimeApprovedtheLadderTestforLadderstheRainsvilleFireintheof$1,500.ApprovedtheofTennisCourttoLEDintheof$3810.00ApprovedonlineforTaraThenextRainsvilleCouncilwillbeheld Chief
Winter Market Shopping Event In November Collinsville Drugs “Caring for you like family” 588 South Valley Ave P.O. Box Collinsville,498AL 35961 (256) 524-2981 Brandon Boswell, PharmD Pharmacist/Owner P.O. Box 218 • Geraldine, AL 35974 (256)659-2138 YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams PHARMACYSYLVANIARPH Call or Stop By Anytime Give Us Your RX Numbers We Do The Rest! By Marla Ballard ReporterSCOTTSBORO, AL. -- Heather Andrews lives in a FacebookAndrews.Ibuildingpandemic),positionfromme12th.NovemberFridayannualwillAndrewswintertimeScottsboro.Fairgroundseventandhomeitandshowcaseandawasovernight40farmhousewhiteonHighwayinHenagar.Literallyshesayssheinspiredtocreatevenueforvendorsartisanstotheirwarestalentsandnamedafterherhome.Farmhouse40isadécor,gift,food,moreseasonalheldattheVFWinTheeventthatconstructedhaveitsthirdshowingonandSaturday,11THand“TheideacametoafterIwaslaid-offmyteaching(duetothewewereourhome,andwaspregnant,”said“Igotonandjustput a few feelers out there to see if there was any
Staff: Brian Reace Jenna Sue Lindsey
Payne - Account Executive Patti Browder - Radio Traffic
Southern Torch (USPS Periodicals is Friday by Southern Torch, 225 Gault N. Fort 614,SouthernAL.POSTMASTER:PayneSendaddresschangestoTorch,P.O.BoxRainsville,AL.35986. events to for Torch! Bring
five rows guaranteed)
picked up.
or more people
first serve.
approvedamountJMahindrabidaccepted08-01-2022approvedStreet.asSubdivision—PhaseStreet(PinesEdgewoodcall08-01-2022passedconsiderationforsuspendedperannualDepartmentRainsvilleDepartmentbysoftwareCitystakeholdersresourceOverall,insurancehelpcapabilitiesdepartments’fireresponseandcouldinconsumerrates.thisisagreatforallwithintheofRainsville.ThecanbeusedtheRainsvilleFireandthePoliceatacostof$950year.TheCounciltherulesimmediateandOrdinancewitharollvotethatacceptedII)aRainsvilleCityTheCouncilResolution(A)whichthesurplusforthe2018Tractor,from&JMerchants,intheof$33,777.77TheCouncilResolution Willie Mac Wright
discusses new software that will help in commercial fires. Marla Jones| Southern Torch
September 2, DeKalb RetireesEducationAssociationThe DeKalb Education Retirees Association meeting scheduled for this Friday has been rescheduled to September 2nd due to several cases of Covid. The DeKalb Education Retirees Association will meet in the OLD Fellowship Hall of Broadway Baptist Church in Rainsville. Guest speaker will be Michelle Ibsen from The Gathering Place, accompanied by therapy dog, Gravy.
Burglary – Occurred at 907 Williams Ave NE, Xbox console, push mower, tv, hair extensions and cleaning supplies were taken, valued at $1200.00
Damaged Property – Occurred at 2001 Glenn Blvd SW, a door and quarter panel were damaged on a 2021 KIA Telluride, valued at $2000.00
Pamela Diane Abernathy, age 54 of Cedar Bluff, was arrested for Criminal Trespass at 4:51 pm 1 Accident with 0 Injuries
son, Jack, came out and Big Jim said, “This is my boy...” He stammered around trying to think of his name. Finally, he blurted out, “Boy what is your name?” The television folks dropped the idea of trying to introduce the rest of Big Jim’s family after that. They let him start talking again. He was weaving back and forth. The long strand of hair was hanging right over his nose. He was now pontificating on the virtues
Saturday July 16 3
on last at 8:00 p.m. That was probably too late for Big Jim. They had him sitting on a sofa that was too small for him. His knees jutted up almost to his chest. Television advisors will tell you to look squarely into the camera. Obviously, the last thing Big Jim had been told before he went on the air was to look right into the camera. He hunkered down like he was staring a hole in the viewer the way he stared at the forgottentheUnfortunately,camera.advisorhadtotell Big Jim to comb his hair. He had a wayward strand of hair hanging right down in hisHisface.first words portended what was to come. His speech was slurred, and he was clearly drunk. After his fourstatementopeningofaboutminutes,even
Arrests Regina Marie O’Dell, age 39 of Gaylesville, was arrested for Disorderly Conduct at 4:09 am Federio Virves Pedro, age 46 of Valley Head, was arrested for DUI at 4:17 am Catherin Elizabeth Cissna, age 35 of Fort Payne, was arrested on a Warrant for Outside Agency at 10:50 pm
An accident occurred at Gault Ave N and 8 th Street NE, Jacqueline Suzanne Dubose, age 45 of Fort Payne, driving a 2017 Mazda CX5, struck Jarmichael Cortez Hardwick, age 30 of Fort Payne. Hardwick was transported to Dekalb Regional by Dekalb Am balance Service.
Leonard Terry Matthew Weaver, age 46 of Rainsville, was arrested on Two Warrants for Failure to Appear at 1:30 pm
Wednesday July 20 th Incidents
Arrests Miguel Andres, age 18 of Fort Payne, was arrested for DUI at 3:10 am Rhonda D Lacy, age 59 of Section, was arrested on a Warrant for Failure to Appear at 8:40 pm 1 Accident with 0 Injuries
Geoffrey David Saylor, age 44 of Pisgah, was arrested for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Obstructing Government Operations at 9:34 pm
Damaged Property – Occurred at 1-59 218 northbound ramp, a door on a 2016 Toyota Camry was damaged, valued at $500.00
3 Arrests Charles Lee Marler, age 41 of Fort Payne, was arrested for Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Public Intoxication at 6:22 pm
bird for trying to steal his platform. He waved his arms wildly for three solid minutes on statewide television mimicking a cuckoo bird. Folks around the state had heard tales and rumors about Big Jim’s drinking for years. They had dismissed it as political talk. However, seeing Big Jim live and drunk on tomuchBigstorydruggedWallace’sinbeattheedgedandWallacerunofffailednevereyeopener.televisionstatewidewasanHerecovered.Hetomakethethenextday.ledtheticketDeGraffenreidBigJimoutofrunoff.WallaceDeGraffenreidtherunoff.Later,BigJimsaidpeoplehim.Thisisnotlikely.Jimhadprettysuccumbedalcoholbythis time in his life. The night Big Jim came on television drunk was the end of his political career but it was a heck of a show.Some old time political observers contend Big Jim would have won that 1962 race had he not come on television drunk the night before the election. I disagree. George Wallace was going to win that year because he had captured the race issue and exploited and demagogued it to get to the governor’s office, which he aspired to more than life itself. Big Jim would have finished second but Wallace would have pounded Big Jim in the runoff. Big Jim was soft on the race issue. He was a true
Thursday July 21 st Incidents
Damaged Property – Occurred at 631 67 th Street NW, paint on a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado was damaged, valued at $500.00 2 Arrests
Sunday July 17 2 Accidents with 0 Injuries Monday July 18 th Incidents
Regina Crane O’Dell, age 39 of Fort Payne, was arrested for Unlawful Breaking and Entering a Vehicle at 10:18 am
The Governor’s1962Race was between George Wallace, James “Big Jim” Folsom, and newcomer
Sandra Lee Jackson, age 26 of Flat Rock, was arrested on a Warrant for Failure to Appear at 3:56 pm 3 Accidents with 0 Injuries
Unlawful Breaking and Entering a Vehicle – Occurred at 1706 Glenn Blvd SW Suite 5, a bank bag, knife, checkbook, watch and $14.00 in currency was taken, valued at $74.00
Keara Monate Martin, age 21 of Fort Payne, was arrested for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia at 12:05 pm
Crime Report
Scam – Occurred at 805 Godfrey Ave NE, $100.00 was paid for a purchase and it was a scam 3 Arrests Brandi Sloane Miller, age 28 of Rainsville, was arrested for Public Intoxication at 7:04 pm
4 - Friday - August 5, 2022 Southern Torch
Damaged Property – Occurred at 2505 Gault Ave S, a fence and dumpster were damaged, valued at $4200.00
though I was only 11, I could tell Big Jim seemed impaired. I walked back to my mama’s bedroom door where she was reading and I said, “Mama, you need to come in the living room and see Big Jim on TV. I believe he is drunk.” She walked in, glanced at him and assured me that was just Big Jim’s personality. She said he was putting on a show for the badly.tousleJim.”“Thisprettyoutone.hishavetheyseveralshow.thesettledwasforsheaudience.televisionIthinkwastakinguphimbecausesheforhim.So,IbackinforremainderoftheBigJimhadchildren,soweregoingtohimintroducechildrenone-by-LittleJimcamefirstandhedidwellwithhim,ismylittleboy,AlthoughhedidhishairprettyThesecond
By Steve Flowers
Brayan DeJesus De La Cruz, age 23 of Crossville, was arrested on a Warrant for Failure to Appear at 2:58 pm 3 Accidents with 0 Injuries Tuesday July 19 th Incidents
Theft of Property – Occurred at 412 Glenn Blvd SW, 4 Z71 aluminum wheels, 4 Volkswagen aluminum wheels and 6 radiators were taken, valued at 2$280.00Arrests
Devin Wade Graves, age 36 of Fort Payne, was arrested for on Three Charges of Larceny at 2:42 pm 3 Accidents with 1 Injury
said companiesWhileBruno.someend the relationship with the customer installation,afterAncro says they will handle any warranty issues instead of telling the customer to talk to the manufacturer. “We try to make the entire process as hassle-free as possible for the customer,” said Bruno. “They just need to decide which door they prefer and leave the rest to us.” The company also does repair work on damaged doors when the parts are still available. Many garage doors come with a lifetime warranty. The Fort Payne store is located at 605 Gault Ave. N. Phone –a.m.MondayBusinessandFollowWebsite:256-845-1112.www.ancro.coonFacebookInstagram.hours:–Friday8:00–4:00p.m.
The City of Fort Payne recognized the FP 12U State Championship Team. Left to right: Brilee Patterson, Layla McBryar, Emma Argo, Addi Burt, Ava McGinnis, Harleigh Morgan, Gracelyn Gilstrap, Miley Cruz, Gracie Graben, & Brylee Parks
ThefamilybusinesspurchasedBrunoAndersonowners,andCrow.andDunnthefromthe11yearsago.companycaters to other areas outside of the locations of their stores Chattanooga.Huntsville,Birmingham,Scottsboro,includingandOnceupona
By Marla Ballard
customer see the various doors they want on their home. “We take a picture of the customer’s home and then let them see how the different types of doors would look on their house via the computer,” said Bruno. Bruno also said that most customers prefer to shop online, but Ancro does offer hardcopy brochures for customers who prefer that method of shopping.Bruno said what he wants to be known for the most is weandupourinstallation.door,framingdooptionofferssaiddoor,disposecustomersatisfaction.”“customer“Ifthewantsustooftheoldwearehappyto,”Bruno.Ancrothecustomertheoflettingthemthewoodworkandofthegaragenotjustthe“Wetraininstallerstocleanafterthemselvesmakeitlookasifwereneverthere,” be placed in the 2023 fiscal year budget. James Payton of Ladd Environmental set the pipe bids for the lower portion of the sewer upgrade project. Bids are due by August 18, 2022. Mayor Brian Bain reminded everyone that school will be starting on Friday, August 5. He asked that drivers be mindful of school zone speed limits. He also asked that everyone be patient as it may take a few days to get the traffic routine down pat.Mayor Bain also encouraged everyone to attend the Annual Pete the Cat Day on Saturday, August 6, from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Coal and Iron Building. Pete the Cat will be present and activities for the children to enjoy In other business, the Fort Payne Council: • Approved the curbing request for Spencer Reed, on 2310 Gault Avenue North • Tabled the activity permit for AnonymousNarcoticsMeeting in Hawkins Spring Park, every informationFridayWednesday,Monday,anduntilmorecould be reviewed.
ReporterFORT PAYNE, ALA. -- David Bruno and Richard Dunn are the owners of the privately owned company Ancro Garage Doors. Bruno operates the Fort Payne location and Dunn oversees the Rainbow City store. The company opened in 1981 and offers both commercial and residential garage doors. The name of the company is derived from the previous
BUSINESS (256)Scottsboro259-2211 (256)845-5680 Hometown banking, wherever you are! W.T. Wilson PHONE: (256)638-2700 FAX: (256)638-3488 Simple, Convenient & Less Expensive QUALITY JEWELRY 1706 Glenn Blvd., Suite 4 Fort Payne, AL 35968 • (256) 997-7591 James Allensworth • Kim Horton Reality P.O. Box www.greateralabamamls.com35986Rainsville,2315AL 256-638-5281 24/ 7 SERVICEEMERGENCY DO YOU HAVE A MOLD PROBLEM? (256)273-4900 24/ 7 SERVICEEMERGENCY DO YOU HAVE A MOLD PROBLEM? (256)273-4900 AMY amy@southerntorch.comTHRASH ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE O ce: (256)638-4040 Cell: (256)996-0460 KANDIELAND DAY CARE CENTER 333 DILBECK RD IN (256)638-4848RAINSVILLE Advertiseherefor$12.50Advertiseherefor$12.50 Marla Jones (256)605-4427Family Business Offers Decades Of Experience fresh produce and furniture on the more than 1,000 vendors in Alabama alone! The event is free to the public and on-sale times at everyone’s homes typically begin around 8 am and operate until late into the,vendorsinformationForevening.moreregardinganddrivingpleasevisit SaleFROMPAGE 1 FoodFROMPAGE 1 offset the cost of making the property at the South Y, which is in a flood zone, suitable for the new 2022wastheforapproximatelyyear,theforrecord.ChampionswereTournamentPaynealsodevelopment.TheCityCouncilhonoredtheFort12UAll-StarTeamwhonamedStatewitha16-1TheCouncilvotedaCDLpayraiseforremainderoftheatacostof$20Ktheremainderofyear.Theraisenotincludedinthebudgetbutwill
Friday - August 5, 2022 - 5Southern Torch
basically white and had the same design, not true these days. “We have a selection of over 180 different colors of garage doors to choose from,” said Bruno. “Matching the trim of the home is as simple as going to the manufacturer of the paint, getting the code, and passing that on so that the door can be spray painted and baked before it is brought to the home.” The look of wood or actual wood is becoming a popular accent in modern homes. “The faux wooden doors are indistinguishablealmost from real wood,” said Bruno. “They even feel like real wood to the touch.”Shopping for garage doors is made simpler companyBrunogeneratedmocked-upwithcomputer-imagery.saidhiscanletthe
time all garage doors were
RAINSVILLE – Northeast Alabama Community College (NACC)
Marla Jones Managing marla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE-ALSonnyMartinwasrecentlyawardedthe
Sheriff’s Office Aviation Unit.Sonny will be attending Auburn University this Fall. He will be majoring in Computer Engineering. NACC’s proposed workforce center is estimated to cost 25 million. Though not formalized yet, bids for the building should go out within the next few for Workforce (256)845-9150
Rebecca Lynn York - 67 of Rossville, GA died Wednesday, July 27 at CHI Memorial of GA. Funeral services are Sunday at 3 PM ET. Burial will follow in Payne Gap Cemetery. Geneva White Phillips- 67 of Stevenson died Friday, July 29 at Hospice Family Care, Funeral services are Sunday at 11 AM CT at Corner Stone Funeral Chapel with Bro. Glenn York officiating. Burial will follow.
Cemetery. Diane ZimmermanMarie-66 of Scottsboro, passed away Monday, July 25, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 11am on Saturday, July 30, 2022 from W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel with burial to follow. Dioma Lola Parker - 85, of Dawson passed away on Monday, July 25, 2022. Funeral services are set for 2pm Thursday, July 28, 2022. Burial will be in Liberty Cemetery at McEstes. Brandon Eugene Cagle - 21 awayCollinsville,ofpassedTuesday,July 26, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 2pm on Friday, August 5, with burial to follow in Lebanon Cemetery. Michael Wilbur Johnson - 56 of Fyffe, passed away Tuesday, July 26, Memorial2022.Services will be held at 4pm on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 from W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel. Patsy Fuller Mauldin - 78 of Rainsville, passed away Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 2pm on Friday, July 29. Karen Lynn Cooper - 52 of Albertville, passed away Wednesday, July 27, 2022. The family will be having a memorial service at a later date. Nettie Lou Gilbreath - 80, of Logan, Al passed away on Friday, July 29, 2022. 2pmservicesGravesidearesetforTuesday.
Clinton Wright - 29 of Section Alabama, He passed away on Friday, July 22, 2022, at his Memorialresidence.Service is Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 6pm in Kerby Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Dewayne Phillips and Bro. Randy Grider officiating. Family will receive friends, August 4th from 4pm until 6pm.
JeanetteWillodeenTidmore - 98 of Fyffe, passed away Monday, August 1, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 3pm on Wednesday, August 3.
3801 Gault Avenue, North, Fort Payne,
friends on Friday beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the funeral home. Roy Lee Matthews - 75, of Hollywood, AL, passed away on Saturday, July 30, 2022.
more.currentannouncements,withLinkedInInstagram,NACCPlayAppleOneACCSdownloadvisitCommunityNortheastinformationmonths.FormoreaboutAlabamaCollege,nacc.eduortheappintheStoreorGoogleStore.FollowonFacebook,Twitter,andtokeepupthelatestevents,and NACC Receives Appropriation
William Wayne “Bill” Burns - 70 of Fort Payne, passed away Tuesday, July 26, 2022. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Friday at Wilson Funeral Home with Rev. Darrell Morgan officiating. Burial will follow in Glenwood Cemetery.
Diane Rosson - 60 of Rainsville passed away on Monday, July Arvada Venable Stultz - 88, of Scottsboro, AL, passed away on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Arvada was a member of Center Point Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held on Friday, July 29, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. at Scottsboro Funeral Home. Burial will follow in Center Point Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive W.T. Wilson Kathy McAllisterLynn67 of Hobart, Indiana, passed away Monday, July 25, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 10am on Saturday, July 30, 2022 from the graveside of Cedar Hill 25, 2022 at her residence. Private services will be held at a later date.
Development Fyffe Red Devils 12th Annual Champ Camp Martin Awarded Scholarship FuneralBurtHomes
M.C. Kimbrough84 of AlabamaWoodville,passed away Saturday, July 30, 2022 at his home. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, August 3, 2022. Burial will follow. Ralph Bailey - 64, of Baileytown, AL, passed away on Saturday, July 30, 2022. Funeral services will be held Wednesday,onAugust 3, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at Scottsboro Funeral Home with Rev. Jeff Arnold and Bob Dean officiating. Burial will follow.
Friday, July 29. Sixty young men registered to learn from the man who was voted Best Coach in the State by his peers.“Wehad a really great time with our Airborne Public Safety Association, Southeast Region Scholarship. He has spent many late nights at the hanger helping to build the Dekalb County
Loretta Twilley - 91 of Fort Payne passed away on Thursday, July 28, 2022 at Crowne Health Care. Funeral service will be held on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 3:00PM in Rainsville Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Will Ramage officiating. Burial will follow at Cemetery.Stewart
By Marla Jones Sports Bymarla@southerntorch.comEditorFYFFE-ALTheFyffeRedDevilsheldtheir12thAnnualChampCampon
Sidney “Sid” Parker - 64 of Geraldine, passed away Tuesday, August 2, 2022. Memorial Services will be held by the family at a later date. Sonny Martin is shown with his dad Matt Martin of the DeKalb County Sheriffs Office. Contributed photo
Robert McElyea79 of Dutton passed away on Thursday, July 28, 2022 at Huntsville Hospital. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, July 30, 2022 at 2:00PM in Rainsville Funeral Home Chapel with his family officiating. Burial will follow in New Canaan VisitationCemetery.isFriday, July 29th from 5PM until 8PM and Saturday, July 30th from 10AM until 2PM.
Nathaniel Ledbetter (District 24), were key supporters. Dr. David Campbell, President of NACC, stated: “We can’t say enough good things about Senator Livingston’s support financially of workforce training in our area. He knows that this is the way of the future for his constituents in regard to workforce and is caring for their best Campbellinterests.”also added that Senator Livingston and Ledbetter’sRepresentativesupport in the legislature is opening up a new day of training through NACC and the 24 college System.CommunityAlabamaCollege kids. it was a great group of kids who really paid attention to our coaches and hustled” stated Fyffe Head Coach Paul Benefield. “I hope they all had a great time”.
6 - Friday - August 5, 2022 Southern Torch • • • • • •
John Sherwood Baty - 86, of Mentone, Alabama, passed away at his residence on Thursday, July 28, 2022. Date of Funeral: Saturday, July 30, 2022.
Vernon Allen Spriggs - 65 of Falkville, passed away Saturday, July 30, 2022. ServicesMemorialwillbe held by the family at a later date. Danny Ray Patton - 59 of August11amServicesJulypassedDawson,awaySaturday,30,2022.FuneralwillbeheldatonThursday,4.
Billy Mack Hancock - 41, from Section AL. Funeral Service: Friday, July 22, 2022. 2:00 PM. Section Funeral Home Chapel. Burial at Macedonia Cemetery Visitation: Thursday, June 21, 12:00-9:00PM 9:00AMFriday, - 2:00PM.
The DeAngelus and Morgan Property .6 Acre, Four Room, One Bath House in Cherokee County, AL 2350 County Road 83 | Centre, Alabama
The Wilbanks & McKenzie Property 10 Acres in 2 Tracts, 3 Bedroom House, Large Garage Building in DeKalb County, AL 895 Brandon Street | Sylvania, Alabama
The property is located at 895 Brandon Street (County Road 213) in Sylvania in DeKalb County, Alabama. The Clayton Property LAND! LAND! LAND! 87 Acres in 7 Tracts on Sand Mountain | Henagar, AL
Check our video on YouTube
Court Ordered Sale
Friday - August 5, 2022 - 7Southern Torch made: (All placements are made pending a background review, meeting suitability criteria and Middlemonth)-CrossvilleSchoolBuchannan-fromHighEducation-ItinerantSchoolCrossvilleElementaryElementaryTeacher-CrossvilleJohnson-ElementarySchoolTeacher-FyffeEnglishMashburnCrossvilleSchoolHighTeacher-CrossvilleSpecialBarkley-CrossvilleEducationItinerantHighTeacher-CrossvilleMiddleTeacher-CrossvilleComputerMiddleTeacher-CrosslleComputerMiddleP.E.certification):appropriatescreenpre-employmentnegative,drugandCertified:•JesseChandler-Teacher-CrossvilleSchool•DanielSigler-ScienceSchool•KaylaAndrew-ScienceSchool•MilesKeith-P.E.School•KenBrown-SpecialTeacher-HighSchool•KassandraItinerantEducationSchool•StaciGilbert-HighCounselor-HighSchool•LindseyDavis-LanguageArtsHigh•LeannaSchool•StarlaWilks-Teacher-Elementary•DonnaGarrison-SpecialPlainviewSchool(Leave8/10/22-9/21/22)•DanielleMiddleCounselor(9School•TerriBeth Goodman- English Language Arts Teacher- Geraldine High Worker-GeraldineCofield-CNPSchoolWorker-IderHemphill-CNP•Support:SchoolConnieHigh•Lindsey High Wilbanks-School•PeytonItinerant Bus Aide-Fyffe Special Service Center • 5:00regularatworkonholdBoardHighContract-PlainviewFootballHighWorker-CollinsvilleSubstituteHighWorker-RuhamaContractHighWorker-RuhamaContractBoard:approvedContractsGraben-School-approved:VolunteerSchoolDriver-CollinsvilleHighWorker-CollinsvilleMassey-CNPLornaSchoolJustinFoster-BusHighThefollowingCoachwas•FyffeHighStephaineVolleyballThefollowingwerebythe•LoriWillyard-CNPJr.School•PatriciaKing-CNPJr.School•JoMcCorkle-CNPSchoolDalePruitt-HeadCoachingSchoolTheDeKalbCountyofEducationwillitsnextmeetingAugust25.Thesessionwillbegin4:30p.m.andthemeetingatp.m. 800-222-5003 James Givens AL Broker Lic Q4D 8246 James Givens AAL 1218 A Jame s Licensed• Bonded• Insured 16 Commerce Court Rome Georgia Saturday August 27th 10:00AM 87 Acres in 7 Tracts 0n Sand Mountain in Henagar, Alabama Real Estate Terms: A 10% Buyers Premium will be added to the highest bid and will be paid the day of the sale. The balance is due on or before closing within 30 days. For more information: Call Jim Givens at Auctions United, 800-222-5003, Wilson Realty, 256-845-1530, Randy Wilson, 256-997-6972, or Beau Wilson, 256-844-7298 Co-Broker Wilson Realty 256-845-1530 Directions: From the intersection of Alabama Hwy 75 and Hwy 40 in Henagar go north on Hwy 75 for 4 miles, turn right on Crabtree Lane, go 0.3 miles, turn right on Co Rd 715 and go 1 mile. The property will be on both sides of the road. Look for the Auctions United signs.
Court Ordered Sale
SATURDAY AUGUST 13th 11:00 AM SATURDAY AUGUST 20th 10:00 AM SATURDAY AUGUST 20th 2:00 PM SATURDAY AUGUST 27th 10:00 AM FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL JIM GIVENS AT AUCTIONS UNITED, 800-222-5003, Wilson Realty, 256-845-1530, Randy Wilson, 256-997-6972, or Beau Wilson, 256-844-7298 800-222-5003 16 Commerce Court Rome, Georgia James Givens AL Broker Lic. Q4D 8246 James Givens, AAL 1218 10% Buyers Premium Co-Broker: Wilson Realty | 256-845-1530 Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Elizabeth Selena Smith-Pre K TeacherPlainview PlacementsGeraldineAssistantElementaryChamblessSchoolatCounselor/1/2Artsfromapproved:Transfers(8/5/22-9/20/22)Middle(9-month)AssistantFyffeGuinn-StoreIntermittent)(8/1/22-12/1/226/22Education-SylvaniaItinerantgranted:LeaveSchool-ResignationCrossvilleElementarySpurginResignationTeacher-Geraldine-LanguageRampage-EnglishSchool-ResignationMiddleWorker-CrossvilleSchool-ResignationMiddleCounselor-CrossvilleMiddleSchool-ResignationHigh•LeslieBrown-School•KristiBrown-CNP•MeaganArts•AlexandriaLankford-Teacher-ElementaryThefollowingofAbsencewas•LoriMiller-Special•RebeccaWorker-(8/1/22-8/26/22)•RobertBryant-CustodianCrossvilleSchoolThefollowingwere•BrendaDouglasEnglishLanguageTeacherto½TeacherCrossvilleHigh•CrystalfromTeachertoPrinicipalatHighSchoolTeacherThefollowingwere SchoolFROMPAGE1
“The Clayton Property, Henagar, Alabama”
The property is located six tenths of a mile off Highway 411 just outside of Centre, Alabama in Cherokee County.
Auction Site: On the property site on County Road 715. From the intersection of Alabama Hwy 75 and Hwy 40 in Henagar go north on Hwy 75 for 4 miles, turn right on Crabtree Lane, go 0.3 miles, turn right on Co Rd 715 and go 1 mile. property will be on both sides of the road.
The Clayton Property under
Auction Site: On the property site on County Road 715 County Road 715
2021 Chevrolet Silverado 15002021 Honda Accord Sedan 2020 Chevrolet Suburban Premier 2020 Toyota Avalon 2022 Chevrolet Tahoe 2020 Chevrolet Equinox 2021 Honda Accord Sedan2021 Chevrolet Silverado (256)844-22101500 WWW.BOBBYLEDBETTER.COM 1015 Gault Avenue South, Fort Payne, AL 35967 901 1st Ave, Gadsden, AL 35901 Monday - Saturday 8:30AM-6PM