7/29/22•Diana Street
Managing CustodianFrankiesilenceopenedAugustmeetingregularlyEducationDeKalbFacebookvideomarla@southerntorch.comEditorRainsville,Ala.--(FullonSouthernTorchPage)TheCountyBoardofhelditsscheduledonThursday,25.ThemeetingwaswithamomentofinmemoryofRowellwhowasatCrossville.
Rowell was always in attendance at the DeKalb County Board of Education meetings and will be Superintendentmissed. Wayne Lyles along with the board honored the Employees of the Year for the 2021-2022 School year. The person who nominated each honoree read their submission before the following were awarded:•Support Employee of the Year - Dana Paddock
CitysincerelydismisswasbelieveDoddTorch,statementprevioustoSouthernAttorneyJ.Davidstatedthat“WetheCityCouncilwelladvisedtothecomplaintandhopethatourCouncilwillexercise By
Bus Driver
P.E. Aide
Visit our website at www.southerntorch.com for daily news updates and pick up your weekly print edition at news stands every Friday.(256)728-8000(256)657-2200(256)638-2200(256)845-6101 SYLVANIA PHARMACY YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams RPHYour Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. SEPTEMBER 2 SAT. SEPTEMBER 3 SUN. SEPTEMBER 4 85 / 67 88 / 68 88 / 69 Board Recognizes Employees of the Year Food City Deal Moves Forward Coming to FP At the recent DeKalb Board of Education meeting, several employees were recognized for their outstanding work in the DeKalb County School System. Marla Jones | Southern Torch >See BOE, P4 >See BURGER, P4>See City, P3 • TeacherCo-ElementaryoftheYearPamela Diane Laney • budgetingyear.outlinepresentedOfficer-RenfroeofShannonTeacherCo-ElementaryoftheYear-Pruett•SecondaryTeachertheYear-Dr.Brandon•EducatoroftheYearBrianPoolChiefSchoolFinancialAnthonyCooper,thefirstbudgetforthenextfiscalHestatedthattheisnotcomplete
• Petroleum Products - Cedar Bluff Oil Co. • Paper Bid - Alabama Industries for the Blindlegal advertisement was published in a local newspaper, The Times Journal. This error prompted the City Council to throw out the previously-(Leave 8/1/2212/16/22)--In a Marla Jones Managing
By Jones
By Marla Jones Managing due to all funding not being in. “ We have until September 15 to get the physical year budget approved at the local level by the school system and then sent to Montgomery” stated Anthony Cooper. The following bids were awarded for the school year.
Plainview High School- Resignation
Corporation.MarathonUnderstandingMemorandumapprovedofwithRealty $29.95 per case The granted:resignationsfollowingwere•ChrisSzydlowskiScience Teacher - Fyffe High School
CalledCouncilThemarla@southerntorch.comEditorFORTPAYNE,Ala.-FortPayneCityheldaSpecialMeeting,on August 30. the meeting the Fort Payne City Council to
declare the city-owned property located on Highway WWW.BOBBYLEDBETTER.COM (256) 844-2210 STOP BY FOR THE BEST DEALS IN DEKALB COUNTY THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, September 2, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 35 / $1.00 Follow & Subscribe
8/12/22•Cary Dewayne Hearn
Trouper the Mustang Welcomes Students Back Comeback Kids
“Big Jim” Folsom was one of our few twoterm governors. In the old governorsdays,could not succeed Governor’saGovernor’sliterallyassomeJimgovernor.whileFolsom,child,hadhisinheathroughinwonandwaitedinwasTherefore,themselves.BigJimfirstgovernor1946-1950.Heoutfouryearscamebackandasecondterm1954,andstayed1958.BigJimwasstillyoungmanwhenwasfirstelected1948.Heandwife,Jamelle,theirfirstbornJamesE.Jr.,in1949BigJimwasTherefore,Folsom,Jr.,whofolksreferto“LittleJim,”wasborninthemansion.BigJimhiredmantobethemansion
This is the final version of a three week series of stories that illustrate that Alabama is a Big FrontJamesPorch.E.
By Marla Jones Sports
Lexington scored again to increase their lead to 28-7. The Eagles answered back with a touchdown run by Fox connectedHolcombTinker.thenwith Luke Gilbert for Johnson.connectionHolcombremainingscorebytwo-pointtouchdown.theTheconversionHolcomb,madethe28-22.With2:38inthegame,madeapasstoDaltonTheEagles
is trained by his owner Amber recognizedMathewson.RainTrouperison campus with a life-sized statue also featuring Roscoe, Northeast’s unofficial mascot and late campus dog. Roscoe passed away earlier this Theyear.statue shows Trouper and Roscoe facing each nose-to-nose,otherwhich
He stayed through different inbuddiesfriendsclosestJimyear,duringsessionsandtrulyJimstudentAlabama.atfromwife,wasWecloseonlycareer.entirewithgovernorwaslikecomeDaveJr.butler,Governor’sPerryyearshappens?Governor.Wallaceincludinggovernors,alloftheyearsasGuesswhatFortyafterDavebecamethemansionJimFolsom,becamegovernor.Perry’sboyhadhome.Itwasoldhomeweek.JimFolsom,Jr.myfavoritetoserveduringmylegislativeHewastheonewhowastomyage.werefriends.IfriendswithhisMarshaGuthrieCullman,whiletheUniversityofShewasaleader.So,andMarshawerefriendsofminestillare.Duringlegislativeandeventherestoftheoccasionallywouldinvitehislegislativeandpoliticaltojoinhimthe“Library,”a Jim beat Faulkner handily to win his second term as governor. The other two contestants in that governor’s
butler and overseer of the mansion on Perry Street. The gentleman’s name was Dave Perry. He looked the part. Dave Perry was a tall,
By David Hall
backroom in the center part of the mansion. We would talk politics in the same room that his daddy held court in 40 years earlier. Guess who would join us sometimes? Mr. Dave Perry would tell us Big Jim stories we had never heard. Dave passed away a few years ago in his hometown of Montgomery. He was an Alabama legend. The Alabama Front Porch narrative appears to be poised to transcend to a new generation of newspapers.southwestownedofhadSenatorJimmyCountyFolsombetweenGovernor’saroundgoesthisrecentlyMontgomery,BillMyAlabamians.lifetimefriend,BlountofsharedstoryofwhataroundcomesinAlabama.The1954racewas“BigJim”andBaldwinStateSenatorFaulkner.FaulknerbeentheMayorBayMinetteandseveralAlabamaBig race, whose to Caroline Camp, who happens to be Jimmy Faulkner’s great week.BigAlabamaadageandwouldtransition.generationalwouldTuckernamefact,candidate.whoinfromwasTheirJessesons,withbrothersWilcoxcandidatetheBrucegranddaughterwhodatesofbrother,Further,granddaughter.Marshall’sFrankBirmingham,NickieReeseisthegreatofHendersonaforementionedfromCounty.Lastly,theLonggrewupBillBlount’sWilsonandBlount.greatuncleKarlHarrisonColumbianaShelbyCounty,wasalsoaMatterofJess’smiddleisHarrison.KathrynWyndhamenjoythisShesimplysmileagreethatherliveson–isindeedaFrontPorch.Seeyounext
according to the statue’s designer and NACC Associate Dean of Instruction, Barbara Kilgore, is a NACC’srepresentationperfectofmessage.“Theyarenose to nose, looking at each other. The mood is one of love and respect: the essences of NACC,” said Kilgore. The fall semester at NACC began on Tuesday, August 23. went ahead with their extra-point attempt. Lexington converted a third down and then had a interferencepass penalty to get into field-goal range. The 37-yard field goal was not good, giving the Pisgah Eagles the 29-28Thewin.Pisgah Eagles will begin region play on the road, as they travel to take on Sand Rock. By Steve Flowers
Inside The Statehouse
Photos courtesy of DJ Gray
DeKalb Animal Hospital Joseph K McNew D V.M Linda Galbraith, D V.M. Jessica Jones, D V.M Office: Emergency:(256)845-0046(256)845-3031 125 22nd Street NW Fort Payne, AL 35967 www.dahvets.com
Submit your upcoming events to nicky@southerntorch.com for a chance to be featured in next week's print edition of The Southern Torch! September 3, Sandstone Glade Plant Hike - Meet at the Nature Center, next to DeSoto’s County Store & Information Center on County Road 89. Fee: pre-registrationFree, is required so to know how many to expect. Hike is open to ages 6 to adult. dcnr.alabama.govBrittney.Hughes@Email for more info or to preregister. September 4, Art ContestPhotographySunday-Mark your calendars for Art Sunday - September 4th from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at King Caldwell Park, questions.gmail.comContactbeingapplicationsandcom.scottsboro3artsclub.ForphotographythingaSubmitScottsboro.an8x10ofperson,placeorfortheamateurcontest.moredetailsvisitShowvendorfoodvendorarenowaccepted.3artsclub@with
a significant cultural event for our city celebrating Fort Payne’s andhistoricalthetiewithrichhonorsHeritage130beginningsuniquenearlyyearsago.BoomDaysCelebrationFortPayne’sculturalpasteventsthatthehistorytopresent,greatartifactsclothingatthe Fort Payne Depot Museum, a miniature railroad system in the original office of the Coal and Iron Company, music covering all musical genres. November 5, Canyon FestSeptember 2, DeKalb RetireesEducationAssociation The Gravy.byPlace,frombeGuestChurchBroadwayFellowshipmeetAssociationEducationCovid.toSeptemberrescheduledFridayscheduledAssociationEducationDeKalbRetireesmeetingforthishasbeento2nddueseveralcasesofTheDeKalbRetireeswillintheOLDHallofBaptistinRainsville.speakerwillMichelleIbsenTheGatheringaccompaniedtherapydog, Me and My ShadowCityFROMPAGE 1 Collinsville Drugs “Caring for you like family” 588 South Valley Ave P.O. Box Collinsville,498AL 35961 (256) 524-2981 Brandon Boswell, PharmD Pharmacist/Owner P.O.
Realty wants to build the development.proposedtoUnderstandingMemorandumpassCouncilbusinessfromhourscompetition.”upagiving“Westatedoffergroceriesharder,makestheCompetitioncompetition.individual.ownedDevelopment,ownedtheBrisendineofAttorneyDevelopment.DrinkardPayne,theSheetaccordingdevelopment,toaFactpresentedbyCityofFortisownedbyAccordingtoAlanDoddScruggs,Dodd&lawfirm,propertyisnotbyDrinkarditisbyan“Weareforhelpscustomer,itthemtrypricelower,andmoreservices”AlanDodd.areagainstthiscompany3milliondollarlegontheAfternearlytwoofcommentscitizensandowners,theagreedtotheofandproceedwiththe
Friday - September 2, 2022 - 3Southern Torch EVENTS JACKSON BLAZE • 98-3 WILD COUNTRY • 101-7 THE TORCH
By Marla Ballard ReporterDEKALB COUNTY, ALA. – When Officer Josh Wigley talks about his “Shadow” he is referring to his K-9 partner on the police force. Wigley has been an officer since 2009 but has only had the K-9 Labradoodle for 15 months. Shadow came to live with Wigley at eight weeks of age. Shadow, like many of the canines in the Sherriff’s Department, came from Pineapple Farm Kennels in Boaz, they have a long history of providing service dogs. Shadow meets with certified trainer, McCleary,Micahonce each week for ongoing training. Wigley said he learns daysandShadowalongsideduringtrainingusesthefollowingtocontinue reinforcing newly learned behaviors. The DeKalb County Sherriff’s office has several K-9 dogs for various reasons. Some of the police dogs serve for detection,drugbut the plan for Shadow is to be trained to be a search and rescue dog. Search and rescue dogs are used, in part, to assist in finding senior citizens, small children, or special needs individuals who have wandered off and becomeCurrently,lost. Wigley is assigned as a School Resource Officer and finds that having Shadow with him on the job is a comfort to the young people at the school where he serves. “Just spending some time with Shadow has proven to be a huge benefit to children who are going through situations,”difficultsaid Wigley. “We have taken Shadow into the counselor’s office on occasion when the counselor is trying to help a child dealing with a leashes.Petsopenfamily.andshows,crafts,featuringofannualCanyonowntheymanytheconsideredStates.footholdenforcementdogsthebobbiesForcetheLabradorspeciallyintroducedSouthlargestdogsGermanywork.trainingstartedGhent,onaccompanyallowedduringRippersearchingbloodhoundsEnglishforenforcementusedorg,dogsforlawenforcement.theirthewell-roundedShadowfriendlyalongproducesLabradorPoodlecombinationWigleyproblem.”saidtheofthewiththeRetrieverasmartdogwitharelaxed,demeanor.livesalifewithWigleyfamilyandotherdogs.Accordingto“Dogshavebeenbylawagenciesover100years.TheusedwhileforJackthein1888,andthattimetheycaninestobobbiespatrol.In1889,inBelgium,policeformallydogsforpoliceBy1910,hadpoliceinover600ofitscities.In1938,LondontwotrainedRetrieverstoMetropolitanPolicetoaccompanyonpatrol.In1970stheuseofinlawtookaintheUnitedNowtheyareapartofpoliceforce,andindepartments,evenhavetheirbadges.”Festisancelebrationartandnaturelocalart,liveanimalmusic,foodfunfortheentireFreeandtoeveryone.welcomeon better care of the taxpayer’s money in the hearingAfuture”.newpublicwasheld on Tuesday, August 30 for those on both sides of the debate. All council members and Mayor Brian Bain were present, with the exception of John M. Smith who recently had surgery. While there was some present for the hearing that was in favor of development,proposedthe the majority were against it. Opponents stated that while they were not competition,against they felt that if Food City wanted to open up new development, it should be on “their own dime…not Fort Payne incentivemillion,willCityUnderstanding,MemorandumOffice.AttorneyStateFoodbroughtcaseaAdditionally,questions.answermembersheard,voicesconcernedOtherstaxpayers”.werethattheirwerenotasCouncildidnottheirthereispendingopioidthathasbeenagainstCitybytheofTennesseeGeneral’sInthenewoftheofFortPaynestillpay$3.1asantobringthe development to Fort Payne. This amount is to be paid in installments as the development meets certain benchmarks. If Food City fails to open or if it closes within five years, it must repay all funds received from the City, with interest. In reaching the agreement to pay $3.1 million, the City stated that consideredtheythe new jobs that will be created, increased sales tax revenue, and the overall impact on the City’s whichPayne”.theDeKalbthesignificantCityconcludedAlabamaUniversitystudycommissionedAuthorityDevelopmentCountyeconomy.TheDeKalbEconomicabytheofwhichthatFoodwould“haveaimpactoneconomyofbothCountyandCityofFortThepropertyonMarathon
September 17, Boom Days Heritage Celebration - Fort Payne Boom Days Heritage Celebration has a much deeper breadth of events and activities and a much further reach bringing in tourists from all over the region. It’s Box 218 Geraldine, AL 35974
Eloise Smith - General Manager Marla Jones - Managing Editor/Sports Brian Anderson - Radio Operations Manager Nick Vizzinia - Graphic Design Amy West - Account Executive Reace Osborn - Account Executive Jenna Sue Payne - Account Executive Patti Browder - Radio Traffic Lindsey Jones - Accounting Jenny Wootten Mann - Radio Personality Randy Frawley - Radio Personality Steve Malcom - Radio Personality David Hall - Reporter
Staff: Southern Torch (USPS Periodicals #19790) is published each Friday by Southern Torch, Inc. 225 Gault Ave. N. Fort 614,SouthernAL.POSTMASTER:PayneSendaddresschangestoTorch,P.O.BoxRainsville,AL.35986.
(256)659-2138 YOUR FRIEND, YOUR (256)638-6070DRUGSTORE! Rodney Williams PHARMACYSYLVANIARPH Call or Stop By Anytime Give Us Your RX Numbers We Do The Rest!
Please send letters and receivedCountyCommissionJacksonapplicationsboardofinteresttotheCountyOffice.Lettersandapplicationscanbehanddelivered,mailed,oremailed.Boardapplicationscanbelocatedunderquicklinksonourwebsite(jacksoncountyal.gov).Pleaseaddresslettersandapplicationsto:BillNanceJacksonCommissionAttn:KacyKing102E.LaurelSt.Suite47Scottsboro,AL35768Letterscanbeemailedtocommission@jcch.netwiththesubjectheading:LetterofInterest.AlllettersmustbebyMonday,September12,2022by4:30PM.
The Jackson followingCommissionCountyhasopeningsontheboards: Alabama Mountain Lakes AssociationTourismBoard
Southern Torch
Teacher at Ruhama Jr. High School to Itinerant InstructionalARI Coach at Ruhama Jr. High School (Effective 8/2/22)•Melissa Warren from Itinerant Special Education Teacher at Ruhama Jr. High School to Elementary Teacher at Ruhama Jr. High Crossville-School-8/16/22-12/16/22)(LeaveParaprofessionalEducation-Support(EffectiveHighTeacher(EffectiveElementary--8/26/22)School-Counselor-8/11/22)School-ElementaryHudgens(Effective-TeacherAshley8/2/22)SchoolCrossvilleArts-School-9/6/22-12/16/22)(LeaveElementaryCertifiedcertification)appropriatedrugpre-employmentcriteriameetingbackgroundmadeplacementsmade:Placements8/23/22)SchoolFyffeParaprofessionalEducationItinerantServicesatEducationItinerantWilbanks(EffectiveCoachSecondarySchoolCollinsvilleTeacherLanguageJones8/2/22)SchoolRuhamaEducationItinerantElementaryTeacherfrom(EffectiveSchool8/2/22)•MistyBeasonElementaryatCrossvilleSchooltoSpecialTeacheratJr.High(EffectiveDonnafromEnglishArtsatHightoItinerantLiteracyfortheDistrict8/4/22)•PeytonfromSpecialBusAideFyffeSpecialCentertoSpecialatElementary(EffectiveThefollowingwere(Allarependingareviewsuitabilityandnegative,screenand•DavidHall-TeacherfromPlainviewHigh•BrittanyKeithEnglishLanguageTeacher-High(Effective•DevinWilson-Science(TEAMS)FyffeHighSchool8/15/22)•AshleyLewis-TeacherGeraldineHigh(Effective•SavannahKillianMiddleSchool(9-month)CrossvilleMiddle(Effective•BrooklynHicksElementaryTeacherCrossvilleSchool8/5/22)•AprilIvey-EL-CollinsvilleSchool8/26/22)•ShannonLightItinerantSpecialfromPlainviewHigh•SethLowreyCNPWorker-Middle/ High -SchoolGeraldine-BurtMcKenzieBryantRowell-Tramel-BaseballCauseySchoolCrossville-HernandezPettyMcElrathWills----Jones---SchoolCollinsvillewereVolunteer(EffectiveElementary-ParaprofessionalEducationItinerant8/26/22)School-ParaprofessionalEducationItinerantSchool-8/15/22-12/16/22)AideWilloughby8/19/22)School-EducationItinerant(EffectiveElementaryCrossville-8/5/22)School-ParaprofessionalEducationItinerant8/5/22)School-ParaprofessionalEducation-(EffectiveSchool8/5/22)•HannahBiddleItinerantSpecialSylvaniaHigh(Effective•JodiHill-SpecialGeraldineHigh(Effective•RobertSinclairBusDriver-School8/11/22)•JudyJones-SpecialBusAideCollinsvilleHigh(Effective•John-P.E.(LeavefromPlainviewHigh•BrooklynSelf-SpecialCollinsvilleHigh(Effective•FaithCrump-SpecialCrossvilleSchool8/2/22)ThefollowingCoachesapproved:High•ShannonGriggsSoftball•KelvinStewartBaseball•TeddyHelmsBaseball,Football•Bear-Basketball•JeffChandlerBaseball•BryanDebterGolf•PedroSierraSoccer•JamesCokerSoftball•Chad-Softball•Mike-Football•Lydia-Volleyball•David-Soccer•SandraVazquezSoccerHighJoshuaTyler-Football,FyffeHighSchool•ErikMagnussonTrack•Ryan-Golf•TylerWilks-Golf•SummerGuinnSoftball•Brant-Baseball•Ricky-Basketball•Logan-Baseball•Dallas-Softball•TommyMayesBasketballHigh•RussellHatleyFootball•CarlosBenitezSchool - Resignation9/16/22•Josh StrangeCustodian (12 SchoolResignation Collins - CNP WorkerCrossville Middle School - Resignationfrom(EffectiveHighTeacherSchoolatInstructionalfromfollowingapprovedHighCustodianapproved:the-SchoolTeacherGilbert-School-Sciences--SchoolGeraldineHighWanninger-SchoolRuhama--CenterCareerDeKalbStore-SchoolHighCrossville--SchoolCrossville--SchoolHigh--School---SchoolGeraldine--SchoolHighBus-TeacherBusiness-School--wereLeaves9/15/22ThefollowingofAbsenceapproved:•BrendaDouglasCounselor/TeacherCrossvilleHigh8/15/22-10/13/22•MegJones-Education-Crossville9/1/22-5/26/23•HarryKeller-Driver-Ider8/5/22-8/22/22•RitaNugentCNPWorker-High8/1/22-9/30/22•RobertBryantAssistantCustodianCrossvilleMiddle8/5/22-9/20/22•AmandaMcKeeCNPWorker-Fyffe8/1/22-8/29/22•MayraOlivaresTranslator-Middle8/8/22-10/17/22•KarenHolcombBusDriver-Middle/8/5/22-11/30/22•AliceDurham-Worker-CountyTechnical8/30/22-10/12/22•AmberSmithSchoolNurse-Jr.High8/10/22-9/21/22•Ashlei-JuniorCounselor-High11/8/22-3/10/23•BarbaraNeelFamilyConsumerTeacherValleyHeadHigh8/23/22-12/16/22•Megan-Science-IderHigh9/26/22-11/18/22ThefollowingOnJobInjurywas•EddieHill--SylvaniaSchool-5daysTheBoardtheTransfers:•LezliePopeItinerantARICoachRuhamaJr.HightoPre-KatPlainviewSchool8/2/22)•EmilyFergusonElementary
LEGALS CLASSIFIED COURT DEKALB COUNTY, ALABAMA CASE NO.: 2022-316 IN RE: ESTATE OF BILLY TERRY COLLEY, allowedhavingADMINISTRATOR’SDECEASEDNOTICETOFILECLAIMSTAKENOTICEthatLettersofAdministrationbeengrantedtoWilliamEricColley,asAdministratorAdColligendumoftheEstateofBILLYTERRYCOLLEY.deceased,onthe24dayofAug,2022bytheHonorableRonnieOsborn,ProbateJudge.NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatallpersonshavingclaimsagainstthesaidestateareherebyrequiredtopresentthesamewithinthetimebylaworthesamewillbebarred.SaidnoticetobepublishedSeptember2,9,&16
- 8/19/22 • Michelle
Please send letters and available.informationtoTorchForttastyofnohamburgers.thatandchain,foodanfranchise.atheProperties,totobehalfintoauthorizedBaineneededandrestaurantformer35,receivedCountymailed,beOffice.JacksonapplicationsboardofinteresttotheCountyCommissionLettersandapplicationscanhanddelivered,oremailed.Boardapplicationscanbelocatedunderquicklinksonourwebsite(jacksoncountyal.gov).Pleaseaddresslettersandapplicationsto:BillNanceJacksonCommissionAttn:KacyKing102E.LaurelSt.Suite47Scottsboro,AL35768Letterscanbeemailedtocommission@jcch.netwiththesubjectheading:LetterofInterest.AlllettersmustbebyMonday,September12,2022by4:30PM.besidetheJefferson’sassurplusnolongerforCityuse.MayorBrianwastoenteracontract,onofthecity,sellpropertyMahoganyLLC,developerofWhataburgerWhataburgerisAmericanfastrestaurantheadquarteredbasedinTexas,specializesinWhilethereissettimeframewhencangetahamburgerinPayne,Southernwillcontinueupdateasmorebecomes
4 - Friday - 2, 2022
months) - Geraldine High
Tony’s Body Shop in need of an auto filler.havetechnician.bodyMustexperiencewithautobodyCallTonyat(256)844-6671
The Jackson followingCommissionCountyhasopeningsontheboards: Department of HumanBoardResources
IderFootballHigh School Building.thethebeginBudgetsession5:00meeting8.heldnext-AideBusWestbrookapproved:ContractFrostBenefield--KirbySmithKirbyBasketball,Bethune-SchoolValleyParnell--CountryBasketball,-HaneySylvaniaWhiteYork-Wilks---PriceFreemanTraylor-SchoolPlainview-Whitaker---Whitaker--Traylor-MasseyFinch•Seth-Football•John-Football•RobertElliottSoftball•Shawn-Softball•AlexCarpenterBaseball•StevenWhiteBaseball•Jeff-Baseball•TimothyA.•DaltonCheerleading•ColeWoottenBasketball•RogerD.PruettBasketball•PaigeHallCheerleadingHigh•SierraMurdockVolleyball•Jason-Softball•Brandon-Softball•Monty-Softball•KennediTraylorSoftball•BlakeHollowayFootball•PhillipJacksonFootball•Kevin-Golf•TaylorSeymourFootball•Josh-Football•Elijah-BaseballHighSchool•Ryan-Football•TravisWeldenSoftball•DerekTalley-Cross•LabronHill-Golf•WestleyKingBasketball•IsabellaCorbinCheerleading•Collin-BaseballHeadHigh•CobyHarrisonFootball•Rayford-Football,Softball•John-Football•Josh-Football•Ben-Football•KevinWortheyBasketball•CraigHulganFootball,Baseball•Seth-Football•GeorgeWesley-FootballThefollowingwas•Rebecca-Nurse8/5/22-5/25/23ThedateofthemeetingwillbeonSeptemberTheregularwillbeginatp.m.,AworkandSecondHearingwillat4:30p.m.inMeetingRoomatFacilities
• • • • • • (256)845-9150 3801 Gault Avenue, North, Fort Payne,
Hilborn Bunnell Green - 88, 04/03/19432022Tuesday,Graveside08/26/2022Service:August30,at12:00P.M
Friday - September 2, 2022 - 5Southern Torch
Rembert “Red” Lacy - 96 of Henagar Alabama, passed away on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at his residence. Funeral Service is Saturday, August 27, at 2:00pm. Doug Carson - 76 of Henagar, passed away on Friday, August 26, 2022, at Memorial Hospital. Memorial Service will be held at a later date. Marie Royal Black - 74 of Monday,passedHenagarawayonAugust 29, 2022. Funeral service is SeptemberThursday,1 at 12pm.
BUSINESS (256)Scottsboro259-2211 (256)845-5680 Hometown banking, wherever you are! W.T. Wilson PHONE: (256)638-2700 FAX: (256)638-3488 Simple, Convenient & Less Expensive QUALITY JEWELRY 1706 Glenn Blvd., Suite 4 Fort Payne, AL 35968 • (256) 997-7591 James Allensworth • allensworth@aol.com Shari Jones - Agent Kim Horton Reality P.O. Box www.greateralabamamls.com35986Rainsville,2315AL 256-638-5281 24/ 7 SERVICEEMERGENCY DO YOU HAVE A MOLD PROBLEM? (256)273-4900 AMY amy@southerntorch.comTHRASH ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE O ce: (256)638-4040 Cell: (256)996-0460 KANDIELAND DAY CARE CENTER 333 DILBECK RD IN (256)638-4848RAINSVILLE Advertiseherefor$12.50Advertiseherefor$12.50
Bobby Franklin “Frankie” Rowell - 50 of Fyffe, passed away Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Services will be held at 4pm on Thursday, August 25.
Dennis Dale Hancock - 84 of Scottsboro, passed away 2022.Thursday,beFuneralAugustWednesday,24,2022.Serviceswillheldat11amonAugust25,
Patsy Charlyn Shankles - 65, passed away Saturday,beFuneralAugustWednesday,24,2022.Serviceswillheldat2pmonAugust27.
Hedy Enns - 91 of Rainsville originally of Ontario, Canada Julie -Gentry-Michaels(Buko) passed August 22nd of 2022. A graveside Dorothy Mae Howard Godwin - 85 of Grove Oak, passed away Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 1pm on Friday, August 26, 2022.
Marla Jones (256)605-4427AL
Charlotte Beatrice Smith Scott - 66 of Bridgeport died Sunday, August 28 at Cumberland Health Care. Funeral services are Wed. at 1 PM CT. passed away on Thursday, August 25, 2022. Funeral service will be held on Sunday, August 28, at 2:00 pm. Shawn Lee Ewing - 31, passed away on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at his residence. Funeral service will be held on Monday, August 29, at 2PM. Linda Benson - 78, passed away on Friday, August 26, 2022. Funeral service will be held on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 11:00AM. Wanda L. Hancock - 86, passed away on Saturday, August 27, 2022. Funeral service will be held on Monday, August 29, 2022 at 11:00 am. Glenn Earl Wells75, passed away on Saturday, August 27, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 2PM. MaldonadoVictoria Perez - 70, passed away on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 11:00AM. service will be held on Friday, August 26, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Albert Donald Avans - 72, passed away on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, August 27, at 3:00 p.m. McCameyElizabeth-75, of Scottsboro, passed away on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Service will be held on Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Billy Ray Corbitt79, passed away Saturday, August 27, 2022. A graveside service will be at 2 p.m. August 30. Allan Trent Lewis - 56, passed away on Monday, August 29, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Friday, Sept. 2, at 2:00 p.m. Jo Ann Vest - 62, of Scottsboro, passed away on Monday, August 29, 2022. Service will be held on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Memorial Service on Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 2pm. Felix Beene - 72, of Chattanooga, TN passed away Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Funeral: Friday, August 26, at 2:00 PM. Dave Burl Blalock - 84, of Mentone, joined his Lord and Savior and bride of 64 years on Saturday, August 27, 2022. Funeral: Tuesday, August 30, at 1 PM. Friday, September 2 at 5 PM CT. Dorothy Mae “Aunt Dottie” Wilhoite - 93 of Chattanooga died Saturday, August 27 at CHI atThursday,GravesideMemorial.servicesareSeptember12PMET.
Marie Boatner Moore - passed on August 23, 2022. Funeral services are Saturday, August 27 at 2 PM ET. Bettye Sartin Crider - 69 of Ider died Wednesday, August 24 at CHI FuneralMemorial.services are Saturday at 5 PM CT. Johnny Davis Barnett - 80, died Friday, August 26 at Highland’s Medical Center. A memorial service will be held
Johnny Wayne Wright - 61, passed away servicesAugustWednesday,24,2022.willbeheld at 12 p.m. Saturday, August 27. Nina Atkins2022Wednesday,Graveside10/31/1940-08/28/202282,Service:August31,at3:00P.M.
Cornerstone Burt Kerby
Barbara King McDowell - 83, passed away on Thursday, August 25, 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama. The family will have a private service.
Meagan Elizabeth Myrick - 32, of Soddy Daisy, TN, passed away on Tuesday, August 23, 2022.
Rainsville Scottsboro W.T. Wilson
Barbara “Granny” McSpadden - 80, reached her heavenly home on Thursday, August 25, 2022 in the loving presence of her servicesfamily.Memorialwillbe held at 2pm - Sunday, August 28, 2022. Timothy Edward Burt - 66 of Fort Payne, passed away Saturday, August 27, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 4pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Paul David Lands - 64 of Fyffe, passed away Monday, August 29, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 2pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
finish drives. We should have put up more points than we did.”The Rams’ defense again pressured Saks after a few short Wildcat gains to force a punt.McKeehan, a sophomore, gained 38 yards on a pass from Smith, and Parham took a flip from Smith and moved the Rams to the Saks 6-yard line. Smith couldn’t connect on a pass to Kittle in the end zone, and another holding penalty stalled the drive. Andrade was a little short on a 38-yard field goal attempt and Sylvania again turned it over on downs. Griffin Haygood made a interceptiondivingon the next play to end Saks’ drive and momentumshiftback to Sylvania just before the end of the third quarter.“Ithought we tackled well, and made some tackles in space,” Vann said. In the fourth quarter, Sylvania just missed a scoring toss to Thomas and again turned the ball over on downs with 9:57 in the fourthSaksquarter.found room to move the ball in the fourth quarter. Doss, a junior, completed a pass to Hopkins for the touchdown with 8:09 with 6:16 remaining in the game. The two-point conversion failed but added to the Eagles’ lead, 36-0 lead. With less than a minute to play, Henry Harrison recovered a Success fumble and brought it in for the Eagles’ touchdown. The conversiontwo-pointby Tristian Johnson was good to make the final score of the night, Cornerstone44-0. will host Jacksonville on Friday night.
By Amy Thrash Sports
Sylvania Braiden
Etowah Blue Devils 26-14 on Friday night. Etowah struck first, from 2-yards out, to take the 7-0 lead with 2:24 left in the first quarter.
Cornerstone Defeats Success
By Roger Scott Sports
FP Wins in Nail Biter
Sylvania’s defense clogged the middle on the Wildcats’ first drive and forced a punt at 7:28 left in the first quarter, as Saks couldn’t find much room to run. The Rams chewed up more yards on the ground behind Smith, Thomas, pointtouchdown.passhauledreceiverAnderson,andThomasinthejustWildcatspossession.passescoupleGavinpressuredVannearlydefense]movedleftleadbringingAndradeextraendandthenline.downKittleseniorSmithParham.sophomoreandAidenA20-yardcompletiontotightendBrantmovedtheRamstothe5-yardZackAndersontookahandoffranaroundrightforthescore.ThepointbyConnorwasgood,Sylvania’sto13-0with3:32inthefirstquarter.“Offensively,we[theSakswellupfrontinthegame,”said.TheRams’defensequarterbackDossintoaofincompleteonSaks’nextThepuntedwithover1:00left,andquarterended13-0favorofSylvania.AfterrunsbyandParhamacompletiontosophomoreJoshScottina29-yardfromSmithfortheTheextrawasnogood,
another incompletion and forced the change of possession. At the half, Sylvania led 19-0. “We made toVanncleantimes,playedleft31-yarditdrive.penaltiesandParham,behindtoRamsSylvaniaopportunitiesfeaturedkeyVanntowhichone-dimensional,themiswhatyouwantdoondefense,”said.Thatwastooursuccess.”Thesecondhalfmissedfortheoffense.ThemovedtheballtheSaks15-yardlineThomasandbutholdingfalsestartstalledtheSylvaniaturnedoverondownsatthelinewith4:30inthethirdquarter.“Theoffensereallywellatwejusthavetouppenalties,”said.“Wehavetolearnfightthroughitand
going into the half. With remaining7:36inthe third quarter, Trey Stewart made his second catch of the night for an Eagle touchdown. The two-point conversion by Jake Nelson gave the Eagles the 22-0 cushion over Success. Owen scoredfumble,leadquarter,totouchdowncashedMeadowsinonareceptionendthethirdwitha30-0fortheEagles.AfteraSuccessLucasHalefortheEagles
and Sylvania held a 19-0Withcushion.6:40 left in the second quarter, Saks picked up its first first down of the game on a Gavin Doss pass and then pushed to the Rams 40-yard line on a run up the middle. The Wildcats’ offense couldn’t gain more yardage and were forced to punt. Saks’ defense then forced a short punt on Sylvania’s possession and started a drive at the Rams’ 30-yard line. Doss completed a pass to receiver Trent Hopkins for a 10-yard gain. The Wildcats pushed to the Sylvania 2-yard-line for a critical fourth-and-2 with :25 seconds left in the first half.A host of Rams pressured the Saks quarterback into left in the game. The extra point was no good, leaving the score at 19-6 in favor of the RegionSaksat3A,thereception.withScottandrushingAndersonyardsSmithyardsParhamonattackSylvania’sofmoresaid.ofwinup…thatthepunted,timewerefinishthepassthepunt.Townsel’s4-yardwaspossession,offensestoppedTheRams.WildcatstheRamsonitsnextbutSakspinnedonitsownlinebyDrenon50-yardSaksagainmovedballwithalongtoHopkins,butWildcatscouldn’tthedriveandforcedtopunt.Sylvaniathenranofftheclock,andclosedoutgameondefense.“Therearethingswehavetocleanbutwewilltakeaoveralossanydaytheweek,”VannTheRamstotaledthan400yardsoffense.Thomasledgroundwith126yards22carries,whileearned69on10carries.finishedwith172throughtheair.scoredatouchdown,McKeehanandeachfinishedatouchdownSylvaniagoesonroadforacriticalRegion6matchupPiedmontthisweek.willhostits4foeBeulah.
Thomas stiff-arms a Saks defender. | Mandy Helton / Special to Southern Torch Tristan Johnson eludes the Success Unlimited Academy Mustangs and enters the endzone. Fort Payne 26, Etowah 14 Scottsboro 27, North Jackson 18 Sylvania 19, Saks 6 Fyffe 34, Geraldine 6 Ider 28, Asbury 0 Pisgah 29, Lexington 28 Cornerstone 44, Success 0 Valley Head 26, Section 20 (OT) Dade Co 50, NSM 13 Saturday Game: Collinsville 33, Crossville 7
Sylvania Dominates Over Saks Football Finals for August 26, 2022
By Marla Jones Sports
In the second quarter, with 7:36 remaining Jacob Barnes connected with Marcus Ledford, for a touchdown to tie the game 7-7. Conner Hughes then nailed a 36-yard field goal to give the Wildcats the 10-7 lead going into the Inhalf.the third quarter, Bennet Blanks dove in from 1-yard out, to extend the Wildcat’s lead 17-7, with 5:28 left in the third. The Blue Devils returned the kickoff for a 65-yard touchdown, making the score 17-14 with 5:13 remaining in the third quarter. Hughes hit another field goal making the score 20-14 at the end of the third.With 7:20 left in the game, Barnes scored to give the Wildcats the 26-14 win over the BlueTheDevils.Fort Payne Wildcats will travel to Huntsville to take on Mae Jemison on Friday night.
running back
by Eian Bian is good, to give Valley Head the 14-12 remainingWithadvantage.10:38inthe game, Cameron Summerford gallops into the endzone from 27 yards out for the Section Lions. The two-point conversion was good, to give the Lions the 20-14 lead. With 25.4 seconds remaining in the game, Hunter Robinson sails in to tie the game, 20-20. The Mason McAteer made the 19-yard pass connection to Kyler Beene for the Panther touchdown with 4:52 remaining in the third quarter. The extra point attempt failed but put the Panthers up 26-0. chargedMcAteerdown the field for 22-yards on a quarterback keeper to add to the Panther’s lead, touchdowns,yardsrushedKeatonbyoutgained33-7.makingRodriquezThetheinNoahremainingtouchdown.Crossville’soffourLions’The33-0.CrossvilledefenseforcedturnoverswithonethoseleadingtoonlyWith3:33inthegame,Causey,dashedfrom2-yardsoutforLion’stouchdown.kickbyChristianwasgood,thefinalscoreCollinsvilleCrossville300yards.ForCollinsville,DeBoard14timesfor144andtwomaking
By Marla Jones Sports
By Marla Jones Sports
two-pointsecondremainingboardtheontheIdermarla@southerntorch.comEditorIDER,Ala.--TheHornetsshutoutAsburyRams28-0Fridaynight.TheHornetsputfirstpointsonthewith11:47inthequarter.TheconversionBy Marla Jones Sports CoachHeadHammonwithwincoachingagainstgameSectionTigersAla.--marla@southerntorch.comEditorVALLEYHEAD,TheValleyHeaddefeatedtheLions,inathatputbrotherbrotherintheduties.TheevenedtheseriesCoachCharlesofValleyandSectionChrisHammon.
Friday - September 2, 2022 - 7Southern Torch
two-point conversion failed to go into overtime.EianBaine scored from 20-yards out in overtime, to give the Valley Head Tigers the 26-20 nightWeek.TorchawardedHeadvictory,Forvictory.theirovertimetheValleyTigersweretheSouthernTeamoftheBainfinishedtheforValleyHead
Saturday Night Lights Hornets sting the Rams Devils Get Revenge on the Dogs Valley Head: ST Team of the Week
By Marla Jones Sports
him the Southern Torch Standout of the GuntersvilleroadLionsFridaySectionPanthersgreatCondeCollinsville’sCoachstatedseveralWeandcamebothwasSaturdayErniehome”thetotouchdown.hadandpassedMasonQuarterbackNight.McAteerfor42yardsatouchdownanda27-yardrunfora“ItisalwaysgoodgetthatfirstwinofseasonandatstatedCoachWillingham.“Thenightcrowdreallygoodforteams.”“Ithoughtthatweoutathalftimereallyplayedhard.wereabletoforceturnovers”CrossvilleHeadRileyEdwards.“Coachalwaysdoesajobondefense.”TheCollinsvillewillhosttheLionsonnight.TheCrossvillewillbeontheastheyfacetheWildcats. for the Red Devils, from 16-yards out, with 9:40 remaining in the game. The extra point attempt failed, making the score 27-6. Geraldine fumbled on their own 27, with 8:23 remaining in the game. Fyffe recovered the ball. Blake Dobbins brought it in from 17 yards out for the score, with 7:24 remaining in the fourth quarter. The extra point was good, to make the score 34-6. After a turnover on downs, Fyffe took a knee to make the final, 34-6.Logan Anderson rushed for 186 and four touchdowns. He was chosen as the Southern Country.WeekRegionalgamePlainviewtravelregionGeraldineonNorthgame.StandountTorchfortheFyffewillhostSandMountainFridaynight.willbeginplayastheytotakeontheBears.ThatwillbetheGameoftheon98-3Wild remaining in the third quarter. The Tigers went for two but were stopped by the Lions. With 8:44 remaining in the third, J. R. Walker bulldozes his way down the field for a 32-yard touchdown. The extra point attempt failed but gave the Lions the 12-6 lead. With 5:25 remaining in the third, Hunter Robinson runs one in from 6-yards out. The two-point conversion with 230 yards on 27 carries.For
The Collinsville Panthers tamed the Crossville Lions under the Saturday night lights. Marla Jones|Southern Torch Cheryl Boyston |Southern Torch was good to take the 8-0 lead. After Asbury turns the ball over on downs, the Hornets cash in on touchdown.a The point after was food, giving the Hornets the 15-0 lead going into the half.Ider scored with 9:23 remaining in the third. The point-after attempt failed ut gave the Hornets the 21-0 advantage. After an interception the Hornets brought it in, to take the 28-0 lead. After a long delay for an injury, the game wasThecalled.Ider Hornets will begin Class 2A, Region 7 play on Friday as they take on Whitesburg Christian Academy on the road.
The extra point attempt failed but gave the Red Devils the 8-0 advantage going into the Afterhalf. a bad punt, Geraldine recovered the ball at the Fyffe 35. Jonathan 34-yardconnectedColvinwithpassto Cody Satterfield on the next snap, to set first-and-goalupat the 1. Colvin scored on a quarterback keeper with 9:45 remaining, to narrow the Fyffe lead, 8-6. Fyffe’s Ryder Gibson brought down Colvin on the 2-point conversion attempt. With 2:25 remaining in the third, Anderson powers in for Fyffe, from 4-yards out. The extra point attempt was good to give the Red Devils the 15-6 lead. After a turnover on downs by Geraldine, Andersonpossessionpunt,thewithmakingpointtouchdown.fieldstampededAndersondownthefora50-yardTheextrawasnogood,thescore21-6,:35remaininginthirdquarter.Aftera55-yardFyffetookatthe23.broughtitin
Section wasted no time scoring on a 64-yard connectionpassfrom Dylan Pope to scoreyardstouchdowncashedhalf.ballTigersleadLionsintoWilliams,Brayden:46secondsthegame.Thecarriedthe6-0intothehalf.TheValleyHeadreceivedthetostartthesecondHunterRobinsoninonaTigerfrom23out,totiethewith10:54
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