1 minute read
Inside The Statehouse 2026 Governor’s Race Has Begun
from ST Vol 9 No 13
CASE NO.: 2023- 84
Letters of Testamentary on the Estate of Billy Roy Denton, Deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on the 21 day of March, 2023, by the Judge of Probate of said county, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.
Said notice to be published March 24, 31, & April 7
Today $15 for 6 months $30 for a full year $25 for vets & county has had six governors hail from there. George Wallace is, of course, the most prominent Barbour County Governor but they also have Chauncy Sparks, John Gill Shorter, William Jelks, Braxton Bragg Comer and Jere Beasley. Barbour County and Tuscaloosa both claim Lurleen Wallace. She was born and raised in Northport in Tuscaloosa County, but married George Wallace and moved to Barbour County.