The Cade Report: J.B. Cade Library News & Events Fall 2022

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Cade Library Partners with Smithsonian's National Museum for African and African American Culture

John B. Cade Library has partnered with the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Center for Digitization and Curation of African American History. The Museum’s Center for the Digitization and Curation of African American History is funded by philanthropist Robert F. Smith and comprises four key components: The Robert F. Smith Explore Your Family History Center, the Community Curation program, the Great Migration Home Movie project, and the Internships and fellowships program. Cade Library has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the center’s Community Curation program for assistance with preserving some of the University's community archival photographs and manuscripts.

The Museum’s community curation program was established to help non-profit institutions and educational organizations, including independent and universitybased archives and libraries digitize, preserve, and provide free public access to their collections. In addition to professional digitization, the staff of the Smith Center also train staff, students, and volunteers in assessing the condition of photographs and audio and audiovisual recordings, to begin complete inventories of materials.

“This is a great opportunity for Cade Library Archives,” says Library dean Dawn Kight. “The library’s archives have digitized several collections, but the additional resources that will be available to us through the Smithsonian program will be invaluable to preserving some of the rich history and culture of the University.”

The Center provides various digital resources to support preservation and digitization work. According to Museum curators, the Smithsonian Museum's digitization services is brought to diverse communities across the country and creates a unique online platform for sharing.

Kight, archivist Angela Proctor, Cade librarians Maya Banks, Vanissa Ely, and Louis Metevia, together with Cynthia Bryant, SUBR dean of humanities and interdisciplinary studies, and several SUBR students representing the departments of history, English, and digital media and arts, visited with Museum representatives on October 25-26 to observe and assist with preservation and digitization work for Dillard University of New Orleans.

Using innovative technology, the Museum seeks to expand access to AfricanAmerican history by preserving and cultivating interest in African-American history and culture.

FALL 2022 • ISSUE 2 • VOLUME 3
Library Open House page 7 CONTENTS Homecoming Poetry Slam page 6 New Employee Spotlight page 5 Dean's Corner page 2

Thanks for Giving

As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, I would like to thank the University community for supporting the work of the Library. It truly takes a collaborative effort to make sure that our students are maximizing their learning potential


Partnership is at the center of what we do every day-- with other departments, with each other, with students, with the community and external constituents. I am extremely pleased with the recent partnership with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture. This partnership will help to address the unmet conservation needs of photographs, prints, and other manuscripts

in the library’s archives as well as provide assistance in digitizing the resources so that materials are accessible to students

The Library continues to evolve, and our hope is that the changes we are implementing will help our students become more successful in their studies and better equipped for the future. Please continue to pardon our progress as the Library has embarked on several internal renovation projects that will come to fruition over the next few years. These projects will help us as we provide users with a more welcoming environment for study space, collaboration, and teaching spaces that include a large-scale digital multimedia facility. The Library is offering a more diverse atmosphere as well, in that we provide a variety of learning space modalities: individual study, collaborative study, quiet areas, and “noise-friendly” spaces. We want to thank you for your continued patience as we grow.

This month’s e-newsletter features several Library faculty and staff employees who are achieving in the library profession and the local arts community; new Library team members as well as the Library’s various programming events including open house, homecoming poetry slam contest, breast cancer awareness, and the Discover a Whole New World event in celebration of International Education Week. Through these initiatives, we enriched students’ experiences by increasing opportunities to learn in a creative environment while simultaneously utilizing library space to optimize student learning.

CHECK OUT THE CHECK OUTS Did you know that you can check out iPads, laptops, cameras, and more? Visit the Ask Here desk on the first floor. SUPER STUDY SPACES Like peace and quiet for studying? There is a dedicated quiet study area as well as several quiet spots throughout the Library. Also, did you know that you can reserve individual study carrels as well as group study rooms? Visit the Ask Here desk on the
floor to reserve one today. SUBJECT GUIDES AND SUBJECT SPECIALISTS Impress professors by using the best sources. Subject guides can help you find the best databases by classifying by subject matter. You should also connect with librarians who have expertise in your area of research.
Three Reasons to Visit Cade Library
that are
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and faculty researchers.

Library Faculty Highlights

Cade Library Team Receives

Timely Librarianship Award

CadelibrariansandLibrarysupportstaffwere honoredwiththeTimelyLibrarianshipAward duringtheLOUISUsersConference2022heldat thePenningtonBiomedicalResearchCenteron October12-13. LOUIS-TheLouisianaLibraryNetwork isaconsortiumofacademiclibrariesinthestateof LouisianamanagedbytheLouisianaBoardof Regents.

TheCadeLibraryprojectteamincludedlibrarians MayaBanks,VanissaEly,CharlotteHenderson, MalettaPayne;LibrarydeanDawnKight,andLibrary supportstaffmembersRenaDarensbourgand ChristopherRussell.ThethemefortheTimely LibrarianshipAwardthisyearwasPromoting WellnessatYourLibrary

TheCadeLibraryTeamwasrecognizedfortheir projectAccesstoHealthLiteracyforLife:Learning theNationalLibraryofMedicine’sResources OnlineinpartnershipwithSUBRSchoolofNursing professorCherylTaylor.TheNationalLibraryof Medicine’s(NLM)EnvironmentalHealth InformationPartnership(EnHIP)Engagement Initiativefundedtheproject.

Eddie Hughes named to state archives board

Eddie Hughes, Black Heritage librarian, John B. Cade Library, was elected to the Board of the Friends of the Louisiana State Archives.

Friends support the various outreach, research and conservation efforts of the Louisiana State Archives. Membership includes receipt of the Friends newsletter, and invitations to workshops, lectures, exhibits, and special events hosted by the Louisiana State Archives.

The Cade Report E-News page 3
(pictured l to r) Laurie Blandino, executive director and associate commissioner, LOUIS; Cade Library project team members Librarian Charlotte Henderson, Cade Library dean Dawn Kight, librarian Maletta Payne, library assistant Rena Darensbourg, Vanissa Ely, and Maya Banks. Also pictured is Dan Sherman, chair, LOUIS executive board and library dean, LSU-Shreveport (in rear) who served as moderator for the LOUIS awards program.

Cade Report managing editor Maya Banks will develop stories about libraries and librarians. The editorial will focus on library-related themes and issues covering the experiences of library users and showcase the remarkable people who work in libraries near and far. Banks received a bachelor's degree in English (SUBR) and master's degree in Library and Information Science (LSU).

Giving Back

AsIpreparetocelebratetheholidayswithfamilyandfriends,Ireallywanttopauseandreflectonthe thingsthatreallymatter.Itiskindofhardnottogetcaughtupinthehustleandbustleofitall.Ihavea tendencytogooverboard,accordingtomyhusband.ButIlikeallofit...thepreparations,thedetails,the food,shopping,andmakingsureeverythingisperfect.However,asIreadthelocalnewspaperrecently, mysoulleptwhenIranacrossastoryaboutReginaldDwayneBetts,apoetandlawyer,andthefounding executivedirectorofFreedomReads.Hisstoryisonethatmakesyouthinkseriouslyaboutthepowerof thewrittenwordandthevalueofsowingintothelivesofothers.

Bets'andhisFreedomReadsteamiscriss-crossingtheglobetocreatelibrariesinthesleepingquarters ofpenalinstitutions.AlreadyhehascollaboratedwiththeleadersoftheDepartmentsofCorrectionto bringFreedomLibrariesintomultipleprisons.Massachusetts,Louisiana,NewYork,andColoradowerethe firststatesselectedforthedonatedcollections.Heplanstoduplicateeffortsinall50statesandPuerto Rico.TwolibrarieswereaddedrecentlyatDixonCorrectionalInstitute,twoatLouisianaCorrectional InstituteforWomen(currentlythesiteoftheformerJetsonCenterforYouthinBaker),andthree additionallibrariesatLouisianaStatePenitentiaryatAngola.ElaynHuntCorrectionalCenterwasoneof thefirstprisonsinthestatetohouseaFreedomLibrariescollectioninFebruary2022.

AccordingtotheFreedomReadswebsite,TheFreedomLibraryistheorgnization'scentralinitiative,and "itplacesacurated500-bookcollectionwherepeopleinprisonspendguaranteedtime:inthehousing units,wheretherearen’tbarrierstoaccess:wherereachingforabookcanbeasspontaneousashuman curiosity."BettsbelievesthatFreedomreads"empowerspeoplethroughliteraturetoconfrontwhat prisondoestothespirit."

Betts'storyisinspiring.Hislifecouldhaveturnedoutverydifferently,buthewasdeterminedtogoina newdirection.Whenhewas16,hewastriedasanadultandhandeda9-yearprisonsentencefor carjacking,butonebookchangedhismindandhislife.DudleyRandall’sTheBlackPoets,introducedhimto thepoetsthathadhimbelievingwordscouldbecarvedintoakindoffreedom.Inadditiontodonating collectionsFreedomReadsorganizesauthorvisits,andsetsupbookcirclesinprisonsandjuvenile detentionfacilities.

BettsisapracticingattorneyhavingearnedalawdegreefromYaleUniversitySchoolofLaw;heisan authorwiththreepublishedpoetrycollections,andheisa2021MacArthurFellow.Heisgivingbackina waythatwillinspireotherstogrowandtohavehopeandtobeinspiredbythewrittenword.Betts'legal advocacyworkhasalreadyaidedtwoinmatesthathemetwhilehewasincarcerated.Andhecontinuesto fightasaproponentforclemencyandparoleforindividualsfacinglengthysentences,forendingcashbail, limitingsentencelengths,andprohibitingthepracticeofsendingjuvenilestoadultprisons.

So,asyoupausetogivethanksthisseason,bemindfulofothers,helpwheneveryoucan,andalso remembertheprofoundeffectreadinghadonReginaldBettsandthelifelongimpactheismakingby continuingtousethepowerandjoyofreadingtohelpothers.

For more information about Freedom Reads and the work of Reginald Betts visit

Also check out Betts' MacAuthor fellows video and MacAuthor Fellows profile.

Editorial Feature
Maya Banks, Head, Public Services and Reference Librarian, Cade Library Reginald Dwayne Betts, poet, lawyer, MacAuthor Fellow, and founding executive director of Freedom Reads.

New Employee Spotlight

Meet Miketreiana Rouchon, library associate

I am Miketreiana Rouchon, A 24-year-old-small town girl from Franklin, Louisiana.

I have a degree in criminal justice, which I obtained here at THE Southern University. I have always been determined when it pertains to achieving the things my mind is set upon.

I am kind and I love helping others. Personally, I enjoy encouraging others to reach their dreams and I am “big” on making people believe in themselves and all that they want to accomplish in life.

It’s an honor to be a part of the John B. Cade Library team as a library associate and I am happy to be a part of the SUBR campus on a daily basis.

Meet Ashley George, cataloging librarian

Hello, everyone! My name is Ashley and I am a new cataloging librarian at John B. Cade Library.

I was born and raised in Baton Rouge. I completed my undergraduate years at LSU, earning a few bachelor's degrees in history, classical studies, and psychology, and went on to earn a master's of library and information science (MLIS) at Wayne State University.

I have worked in diverse fields including an art gallery, law firm, and most recently as a reference librarian at the Bluebonnet Regional Branch of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library where I helped a diverse population of people find information on a wide variety of topics.

In my free time I enjoy baking, sketching, and escape rooms. I am excited to bring my experience to John B. Cade Library and work alongside this wonderful team.


Cade Library hosts Poetry Slam

CadeLibraryhosteditsannualhomecomingpoetryslamcontest Thursday,October20,2022,ontheLibrary’sbreezeway.LibraryDeanDawn Kightwelcomedthecrowdofstudentsandothersupportersinattendance andpresentedemceeDonovanSegura,associatevicechancellorfordiversity, equityandinclusion,SUAgriculturalResearchandExtensionCenter,who movedthecontestforwardand presentedtherulesofengagementto contestparticipants.

Participantsperformedinthreeroundsofplayforthecontestand ultimatelyfreshmanbusinessmajorDavidCobbemergedaswinner SophomorepoliticalsciencemajorShemiyaAllenwasthe2ndplacewinner whilesophomoremusiceducationmajorKeaondraAnthonyclosedoutthe competitionat3rdplace.OthercontestantsincludedImaniBadie, sophomore,masscommunication;TerrellSmith,senior,familyandconsumer sciencewithaconcentrationinapparel,merchandisingandtextiles;and SUBRalumsLynwoodAlbert,masscommunication,andMarkresha McFashionReneau,marketingmajor.

ServingasjudgesforthecontestwereTamekaRoby,librarian,EastBaton RougeParishLibrary;AdrienneWebber,dean,GramblingStateUniversity DigitalLibrary;CarltonB.Jones,nationalpresident,SUAlumniFederation; MelanieJohnson,associateprofessor,NelsonMandelaSchoolofPublicPolicy; andSGArepresentativeDemetriusLamb.Thetopprize,Twobunkerpasses andtwogameticketstotheBayouClassicfootballgamewenttoDavidCobb; 2ndprize,adigitaltabletwasawardedtoShemiyaAllen;and3rdprize,a RaisingCane’sgiftbasketandgiftcardwaspresentedtoKeanodraAnthony. ThetopprizewasprovidedcourtesyoftheSUSystemFoundation,Alfred Harrell,CEO.

Adrienne Webber (l) Grambling State University library dean poses with Cade Library Dean Dawn Kight after the contest. Contestparticipantspictured(ltor)MakreshaReneau,LynwoodAlbertJr.,Terrell Smith,KeaondraAnthony,3rdplacewinner,DavidCobb,1stplacewinner,Shemiya Allen,2ndplacewinnerandImaniBadieandCadeLibraryDeanDawnKight.Librarians MayaBanksandVanissaElystandintherear. EmceeDonovanSeguraprovidedinstructions tocontestparticipantsandtojudges. Spokenwordenthusiastsenjoythecontest andmusiccourtesyofDJCourtland Jackson. The EBR Parish Bookmobile was on hand thanks to contest judge Tomeka Roby who registered library users for the parish library and distributed promotional items to students before the contest. Contestjudgesdeliberate.Pictured(ltor)CarltonJones,nationalpresident,SUAlumni Federation;MelanieJohnson,SUBRpoliticalscienceprofessor;DemetriusLamb,SGA Representative;AdrienneWebber,GramblingStateUniversityLibrarydean,andTomeka Roby,EastBatonRougeParishLibrary.

Annual Open House Event Held

Cade Library welcomed new students and Library users to the Fall 2022 semester with its Tailgating in the Library open house. Students were encouraged to take a self-guided tour of the Library and to interact with Library faculty and staff as they navigated the Library building. Participating students were able to enter a drawing for several prizes including gift cards to local restaurants and SU paraphernalia.

"This hands-on activity allows students to learn about the resources available to them in a fun and welcoming atmosphere," says Maya Banks, Head of Public Services.

Tailgate tents were set up at several Library service points, such as reference and circulation. As students entered the building, they received a “tour sheet” and they were invited to visit each tent in order to learn about the station and to have their tour sheet signed. Students turn in their completed tour sheets in order to be eligible for door prize drawings.

The Library's programming committee organized the event. Librarian Eddie Hughes is chair and committee members include Barry Arceneaux, Maya Banks, Rena Darensbourg, Vanissa Ely, Angela Proctor, Edwia Richardson, and Ashley Weir-Matthews. Cade Library student workers assist their peers in navigating the Library building. Cade Library Dean Dawn Kight talks to SUBR students and faculty during the library's open house event. School of Nursing faculty Dr. Cheryl Taylor distributes health information to Library users. Librarian Vanissa Ely explains the open house format for the Tailgating in the Library event.
Display of tokens of appreciation for student participants. Music Librarian Joanne Holliday assists students at the Ask Here desk.

Partners in Bridging the Digital Divide

SU Law Center Supports Student Success

SU Law Center Chancellor John Pierre recently demonstrated his commitment to student success by improving digital equity within the Southern University System. Cade Library Dean Dawn Kight serves on the LA Board of Regents Digital Equity taskforce and she was pleased to receive the generous donation of 125 laptops that will be added to Cade Library's Laptop Loaner program.

"The loaner program helps many students complete assignments, conduct research, attend online classes, and access resources that aid in learning," Kight said.

Chancellor Pierre and SULC associate vice chancellor Lata Johnson were instrumental in securing the additional devices that will be circulated within the SUBR community.

Cade Library Celebrates International Education Week

Cade Library invited library users to Discover a Whole New World during a celebration of International Education Week on Thursday, November 17.

Students were issued a Cade Library passport to travel to strategic locations in the Library to hear short presentations by students who represented various countries internationally. Students dressed in native attire and decorated each destination with artifcats and other items reflective of their respective countries.

"The Library enjoys collaborating with other academic support units and departments to ensure that our services and resources are reflective of library users," says Cade Library Dean Dawn Kight.

Cade Library Dean Dawn Kight (l) and SU Law Center Chancellor John Pierre pose with laptops that were donated by the SU Law Center to Cade Library for its laptop loaner program. Pictured (left to right) Esther Clementine, Democratic Republic of Conogo; Entisar Elshawarby and Heba Elshawarby, Sudan; Cade Library Assistant Rena Darensbourg; Takalani Molaoa, South Africa; Amanda Nwogu, Nigeria; and Cameron Idusuyi, Nigeria. Library users receive instruction from Librarian Eddie Hughes. Library users prepare to get their passports stamped.

Grants Outreach

Cade Library is an active partner in the project, Stemming the Pool of Future Minority Clinicians at the Timbuktu Academy (SP-FMC@TA). Assistant University Librarian Charlotte Henderson is providing significant support to the project for information technology and outreach activities. The team participates in many activities to reach the University community including the University's commencement exercises and associated activities, faculty convocations, Jaguar Previews, and other orientation programs. SP-FMCTZ is funded by the Louisiana Department of Health. The project team continues to disseminate COVID resource material, KN95 masks, disenfectant spray, hand sanitizer, and SU promotional items.

Happy Happy Holidays! Holidays!

Wishing you a season full of Wishing you a season full of light and laughter for you and light and laughter for you and your family. your family.

"Best wishes for a joyous "Best wishes for a joyous Christmas and Happy New Christmas and Happy New Year filled with love, happiness Year filled with love, happiness and prosperity!" and prosperity!"

Dawn John B. Cade Library John B. Cade Library


Library database focuses on Black Life in America

Information resources continue to grow and expand at Cade Library in part because of its membership in LOUIS, The Louisiana Library Network. Cade Library is able to share resources and pool resources with academic libraries in the state to provide the best possible return on investment. The Louisiana Library Network is a library consortium widely recognized as a model for cost-effective collaboration in higher education.

The Black Life in America series offers wide-ranging coverage of the African American experience from the early 18th century to 1975. From Black-owned newspapers to mainstream publications, this primary source collection offers an expansive window into centuries of African American history, culture and daily life—as well as the ways the dominant culture has portrayed and perceived people of African descent. Packed with information unavailable elsewhere, Black Life in America is sourced from more than 19,000 American and global news sources, including over 400 African American publications. At a time when social justice is a prevalent topic, this ollection is an invaluable resource for exploring issues of equity, race, and related topics.

Access Black Life in America from Cade Library's A-Z list of databases.

"Black Life in America: The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media, since 1704."

Your Home... Away from Home

New Dining Options

Cade Library's Student Center is fully operational as of the Fall 2022 semester. Eateries Shake Shack, Bento, and the 1880 Café, which features Starbucks products, are a popular destination for campus students and faculty. The ribbon cutting ceremony for the 1880 Café, which is the final addition to the new line up of dining options was held November 1. Please visit when your schedule permits.

THE CADE REPORT Editorial Staff Managing Editor Maya Riley Banks Contributing Editors Dawn Kight Charlotte Henderson Maletta Payne Contact us by phone @ 225-771-2841 Or email: Visit the website:
Café'1880RibbonCutting -CadeLibraryfacultyandstaffposewith SUSystemPresdentDennisShieldsandAramarkGeneralManager RandallAndré. Pictured(ltor)RenaDarensbourg,libraryassistant; CadeLibraryDeanDawnKight;ChristopherGrimes,assistanttothe deanoflibraries,PresidentShields,andAndre'.
The Cade Library Student Center located on the first floor provides students and faculty a place to enjoy light snacks, coffee, or other beverages. Photos courtesy SU Office of Communications.

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