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Senior citizens group resumes activities

Senior citizens group resumes activities

Text & photos by Andrea Iglar

The South Fayette Area Senior Citizens Association has resumed activities following a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Joyce Direnna

During their luncheon meeting in July, members enjoyed a concert with former South Fayette High School band director Clem Rolin, who sings and plays trombone. Along with saxophonist John Pastin, a retired conductor of the U.S. Navy Band, Mr. Rolin performed a mix of classic tunes and sing-alongs.

Clem Rolin & John Pastin

The senior citizens group, for adults age 55 and over, meets in the South Fayette Township building, 515 Millers Run Road.

Janet Johnson & Bob Kraus

Here is the activity schedule:

• Third Monday of each month, 12:30 p.m., Luncheon

• Mondays & Thursdays, 6 p.m., Euchre

• Tuesdays, Noon, 500 Bid

• Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., Mah Jongg

• Thursdays, Noon, 500 Bid (except third Thursdays)

• Third Thursdays, 10:30 a.m., Mah Jongg

• Fridays, 12:30 p.m., Bingo

For details, call Margie Smith, group president, at 412-221-3730 or visit southfayettepa.com/seniors.

Bonnie Moore, Nancy LaSota, Gloria Duchess & Mary Heinrich

Trombonist Clem Rolin, left, grew up on National Hill in South Fayette with Margie Smith, who is president of the South Fayette Area Senior Citizens Association.

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