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Code Corner: Recreational Fires

Allegheny County regulates outdoor burning

Keep size and smoke under control when you have a recreational fire

By South Fayette Township Staff

Fire pits are a great place to bring together friends and family for a social gathering. You can fire up a toasted marshmallow or cook a full-on dinner.

However, there are restrictions on outdoor fires, known as open burning.

Fires may be no larger than 3 feet wide by 3 feet long by 2 feet high.

Open burning in South Fayette Township is governed by the regulations of Allegheny County and enforced by the South Fayette Township Police Department and the Allegheny County Health Department.

Recreational burning or cooking does not require a permit when it meets county rules “and is done in a manner which contributes a negligible amount of air contaminants,” according to the health department.

You can have a recreational fire in your fire pit, outdoor fireplace, chiminea or grill if you follow these guidelines:

• Fires may be no larger than 3 feet wide by 3 feet long by 2 feet high.

• Permitted burning materials are clean wood, propane and natural gas, as well as commercial fire logs, paraffin logs or wood pellets for outdoor fireplaces.

• Paper or commercial smokeless fire starters are permitted for the purposes of starting a fire.

• Charcoal may be used only for the preparation of food.

All wood burning activities are prohibited on Air Quality Action Days, with the exception of burning for the commercial preparation of food.

Sign up to receive notifications of no-burn days at alleghenycounty.us/alerts.

Smoke is a surefire way to generate complaints from your neighbors and could result in a visit from the police.

When burning, please aim to minimize the amount of smoke. Burning fires for extended periods of time, or burning too frequently, may be considered nuisances due to the severity of the amount of air pollutants.

You also should consider the topography of the surrounding land and the weather conditions to keep smoke from bothering your neighbors.

Trash burning always is prohibited. Fires are not allowed in township parks.

The county health department issues permits for other types of open burning, such as ceremonies, the fostering of agriculture and firefighting instruction.

If you have an immediate complaint about smoke from an outdoor fire, call 911 for the South Fayette police.

Complaints about nuisance fires also may be directed to the health department by calling 412-687-2243 or visiting callcenter.alleghenycounty.us.

Outdoor Fires

Recreational Fire Size:

Maximum 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet high


Allegheny County Health Department, Article XXI §2105.50, Open Burning


To protect from the negative health effects of outdoor fires


South Fayette Township Police Department and Allegheny County Health Department

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