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Ask Abbey: What are the township's boards and commissions?

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Ask Abbey: What are the township's boards and commissions?

Abbey Scheerer is an administrative assistant with South Fayette Township.

South Fayette Township has eight boards and commissions made up of elected officials and volunteer appointees. Here is summary of who they are and what they do.

Board of Commissioners

The South Fayette Township Board of Commissioners is elected and, in turn, appoints volunteers to the other commissions, boards, councils and committees.

The 5-member Board of Commissioners is elected by the citizens of South Fayette Township. Commissioners have 4-year terms and serve at-large, meaning they represent the entire community. This structure is guided by Pennsylvania’s First-Class Township Code. The commissioners establish policy, enact ordinances and resolutions, adopt budgets and set township taxation rates. The board normally holds a public meeting at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month.

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is made up of appointees. The commission meets as needed to conduct business related to testing and selecting police officers.

Environmental Advisory Council

The Environmental Advisory Council consists of three volunteers, a township commissioner and a township staff member. Members serve 3-year staggered terms. The council researches environmental issues, meeting as needed.

Fire Services Advisory Committee

The Fire Services Advisory Committee makes recommendations about the future of fire service in the township's four fire departments: Fairview, Oak Ridge, South Fayette and Sturgeon. The committee is responsible for providing guidance on all facets of fire department needs.

Parks and Recreation Board

Seven members of the Parks and Recreation Board work with the township's Parks and Recreation Director to make recommendations about township parks and recreational amenities. The advisory board usually meets at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is made up of five volunteers who review building projects and other issues related to planning and land use. Members review applications for minor and major subdivisions, conditional use applications and land development, and they make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month.

Standards Board

The Standards Board meets as needed to hear appeals related to the township's interpretation of building code issues.

Zoning Hearing Board

The Zoning Hearing Board, with three members and two alternates, is a quasi-judicial body—meaning the board holds courtlike proceedings and makes determinations like a judge. The board is a separate entity from the township and is responsible for holding public hearings to review zoning applications and make decisions about whether to approve variances, appeals of zoning officer determinations, challenges to the validity of a zoning ordinance or map, and other issues. The board generally meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday.


Public meetings are held at the South Fayette Township Municipal Center, 100 Township Drive, unless otherwise advertised.

Find meeting schedule updates at southfayettepa.com/calendar.

Review meeting agendas and minutes at southfayettepa.com/agendacenter.

Learn more about boards at commissions at southfayettepa.com/boards. When openings are available on appointed boards, residents can apply at southfayettepa.com.

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