South Philly Review 9-11-2014

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Vol. 67 NO. 37 ■ SEPTEMBER 11, 2014

page 23

New year, new look


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■ The South Philly Review is seeking nominations from its loyal readers for the 2014 class of Difference Makers to be profiled this fall. See page 4.


Madani, 10, from left, Krishala, 11, Hanna, 11, Nada, 11, Xavier, 11, and Dylan, 11, pose in front of a “Stay Curious” mural near the cafeteria. S ta f f P h o t o b y B i l l Chenevert

Digitas Health LifeBrands gave Southwark School much more than a coat of paint. ■ By Bill Chenevert R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r

“I ■ An East Passyunk Crossing resident will honor his late stepmother by participating in a bicycling fundraiser. See page 46.

wanted them to add this ‘South Philadelphia,’” Andrew Lukov, the principal of Southwark School, 1835 S. Ninth St., said when holding open a mock-up of the new and improved welcome signage that now greets students and parents at the entrance of the K-8 building in East Passyunk Crossing. “Because we have so much pride in being in this neighborhood.” His building, which is now officially more than 100 years old, was in need of some help, and he found it in Digitas Health LifeBrands — a Philadelphia-based health care communications agency

with offices in Philly, New York, San Francisco and London. Personnel came in on, Aug. 15 and gave Southwark an instant and thorough facelift. More than 300 employees volunteered as part of the company’s annual Community Service Day to paint hallways, install murals, clean classrooms and revitalize a building that, just this week, opened its doors for a new school year. “Now I know how they built the pyramids,” Lukov joked. “If you’re organized, you can get so much done in such a short amount of time – I essentially got out of the way. They really knew what they were doing.” The response has been overwhelmingly positive, from staff and community members alike. “Oh, my God, it is beautiful and I can’t even ex-

Fast food, sluggish wages

See NEW LOOK page 10 >> Workers from area franchises marched on Broad Street to protest unfair pay and practices.


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Layers of influence

2 large pizzas w/ 1 free topping

By Joseph Myers

A Marconi stylist will mark her 10th year of supporting cancer and HIV/ AIDS research.



extra large pizza



Police Report: Woman clinging to life

6 16

By Joseph Myers

A female suffered two gunshot wounds from a likely domestic argument Monday.

riBeye steak, potato, garlic Bread, salad



plus tax

porterhouse steak dinner $24.99

Shrimp, potato, SalaD, garlic breaD

t-Bone steak dinner $18.95

plus tax

By Tom Cardella

I know there are a lot of important issues we could discuss today.

Restaurant Review: Caribou Café By Phyllis Stein-Novack

more inside Around South Philly . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Family Fun Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Horoscopes/Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . 44 Letters/Looking South/Word . . . . 4 Menu Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Neighborhood Gatherings. . . . . . 12 News Brief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Social Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . 18


EDITOR Bill Gelman-ext. 121 MANAGING EDITOR Joseph Myers-ext. 124 ADVERTISING MANAGER Daniel Tangi-ext. 129 SOCIALS AND OBITUARIES-ext. 100 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cathy Semeraro-ext. 103


12th & Porter streets Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 (215) 336-2500 Fax (215) 336-1112 Community Papers Circulation Verification Service Website: Editorial e-mail: CHAIRMAN & CEO Anthony A. Clifton CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER John C. Gallo VICE PRESIDENT James Stokes 3d

DISTRIBUTION-ext. 190. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising submitted. Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors made except to reprint that portion of any ad having an error. Display ad rates available upon request. Advertisers: Check your ads weekly. The Review can be responsible only the first time an ad appears.

Spaghetti ravioli manicotti

$9.95 $10.95 $11.50

one cup of Soup w/meal

Mixed seafood w/pasta

reD or white



plus tax

Buckets of Mussels Small $9.95 • large $16.95



plus tax

and green peaS $15.95 +tax incluDeS SalaD, roll anD butter

Homemade escarole soup avail. by tHe gallon


eggplant parm Dinner $12.95 +tax eggplant parm SanDwich $6.95 +tax

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Broadway-bound musicals and plays used to “try out” in a few cities, especially in Philadelphia.

pasta dinner

3 cheesesteaks or 3 Spaghetti and clamS $13.95+tax Mixed hoagies • italian Spaghetti and muSSelS $13.95 • haM • turkey Spaghetti and calamari +tax

SalaD, potato, garlic breaD

Cardella: Did Tony Soprano die or what?


plus tax

8 pc fried chicken, potatoes, free MediuM salad $1895 +tax

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Word on the Street

How do you feel about the NFL’s handling of the Ray Rice situation?

“It was wrong for [Ray Rice] to [hit his wife], but the punishment is too harsh. They took away the man’s livelihood.” Vern Renwrick, Broad and Jackson streets

“The NFL handled it in a way that they should have, but I don’t think he should have [been banned indefinitely] over it.” Michelle Lavell, Eighth and Wolf streets





Vivid visions of Ventnor

To the Editor: I so enjoyed Ms. Novack’s article about her memories of Ventnor, N.J. (“Childhood memories of the Jersey Shore,” Aug. 21). I too had a home on Hillside Avenue in Ventnor. When I was 15, my grandparents purchased a huge five-bedroom home for their children and 13 grandchildren. After our grandparents died, my family kept the big house going, and my husband and I purchased our own home on Hillside Avenue. Tragically one night during a huge snowstorm, my grandparent’s house burned to the ground as the firefighters, hampered by the snowdrifts, tried unsuccessfully to get to it. Ms. Novack may remember the fire. No one was hurt that night. Although we lost our grandparents’ wonderful house, we have

never lost the memories. When I was a child, my grandmother often took me to stroll on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. No jeans or T-shirts — she dressed me in pretty dresses and knitted shawls. I loved the Traymore, Shelburne and magical lit-up fountain. I was thrilled to see the diving horse on the Steel Pier, and I saw Ricky Nelson perform in person. I loved the Italian Village on Million Dollar Pier. Summers were magical. My family loved to order giant corned beef sandwiches from Lou’s followed by fantastic sundaes and banana splits at Lamberts. My father loved Hackney’s and treated everyone for his birthday. I still go to The White House when visiting Atlantic City, although my first love is Sacco O’

Carol DePrisco South Philly

Looking south Comment at

Subs in Ventnor. My uncles often went crabbing and in those days, when the sea was full of crabs they always came home with a bushel of fresh ones that my grandmother would cook with spaghetti for the entire family. I saw “Psycho” at the Ventnor movie theater right down the street. Who can forget the homemade candy store at Hillside and Ventnor avenues? The Knife and Fork Inn was our favorite restaurant. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated this article. I felt like I could have written it myself. Apparently Phyllis, we walked in the same footsteps down the shore. Due to a divorce, I no longer go to Ventnor and miss it terribly. Thank you so much for the opportunity to relive my memories.

By Corey Carter

Comment on these letters or topics at


s o u t h p h i l l y rev i ew. co m

Incident triggers verbal shots “He punched his wife. I wouldn’t want to have anyone on my team with a reputation like that.” Nicholas Emerson, Sixth Street and Oregon Avenue

“They should have investigated it properly before they made a decision. Why didn’t they find [this video] before time?” Agnes Macmahon, 12th and Ritner streets

Interviews by Chris Isaac Photos by Corey Carter

Tell us your thoughts Comment at southphillyreview. com/opinion/word-on-the-street.

“My friend was shot with a pellet gun (“Trio of juveniles busted,” Sept. 4) walking around University City. He got shot in the face randomly from a fourth-story window from a white college kid doing it for laughs. Point being, race doesn’t really matter. There’s idiot kids everywhere of all races, and yes, their parents should be raising them better.” Anonymous South Philadelphia

GROWING THE COMMUNITY: People of all ages braved humidity and rain Saturday for 2nd District Councilman Kenyatta Johnson’s annual Point Breeze Community Appreciation Day. The pictured youth definitely seemed impressed with his towering companion, while others reached new heights of enjoyment through numerous musical performances. Johnson, a native of 18th and Dickinson streets, has staged the event since his days as the 186th District state representative. SPR

I don’t care what color they are ... I just want to be able to walk around MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD without fear of being shot at by CHILDREN or any one else for that matter. What a ... world we are living in. So sad.” Anonymous South Philadelphia

South PhillyReview

Difference Makers final call


he fifth annual Difference Makers issue will be hitting doorsteps this fall. Just like the last four years, the South Philly Review is seeking nominations from its loyal readers. Who are the Difference Makers in your community? Who are the people who go above and beyond the call of duty to assist others? Here is your chance to tell us their stories. They can be teachers, volunteers, coaches, doctors or any other profession. All entries will be reviewed by our selection committee, with the best ones being profiled in our very special Oct. 9 Fall Guide. Those who were selected previously are not eligible. In 250 words or fewer, tell us the story of your worthy candidate who resides or works in South Philadelphia, and send it our way via e-mail, fax or regular mail. The entry deadline is 5 p.m. Sept. 15. South Philly Review 12th and Porter streets, Philadelphia, PA 19148 Phone: 215-336-2500 ext.121 Fax: 215-336-1112 E-mail: Comment on these letters or topics at

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3 ½ lb. USDA Prime Roast Beef 2 lb. Perdue Chicken Cutlets 3 lb. Spare Ribs 3 lb. Perdue Drumsticks & Thighs 2 lb. Ground Sirloin 1 lb. Fresh Cut Chip Steak 2 lb. Homemade ltl. Sausage 8 Center Cut Boneless Pork Chops 10 Dietz & Watson Franks



2 lb. Butter Steaks 4 lb. Roast Beef (Prime) 3 lb. Perdue Chicken Cutlet 4 lb. Baby Spare Ribs 2 lb. Dietz & Watson Franks 3 lb. Homemade Italian Sausage 3 lb. Fresh Ground Sirloin 3 lb. Drumsticks & Thighs 10 Boneless Pork Chops




■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

Woman clinging to life Out of order

phone to call for help. Upon her retrieval of the phone, the intruder left through an opened kitchen window, taking nothing with him, Tolliver said. A description of the figure was not available as of press time. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

A female suffered two gunshot wounds from a likely domestic argument Monday. ■ By Joseph Myers Review Managing Editor


olice are looking for the shooter of the 32-year-old victim, whose body they found on the floor of a residence within Courtyard Apartments at Riverview, 1021 S. Fourth St., just after 10 p.m. They arranged for her transport to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where, as of press time, officials had her listed in critical condition for shots to her face and left arm, the Police Public Affairs Unit said. Inside the Queen Village location, authorities saw signs of a violent struggle, including overturned televisions and smashed furniture, but noticed no signs of forced entry. Police stated they believe the incident resulted from a domestic dispute with her 32-year-old mate, and they have deemed him a person of interest, having collected six spent shell casings and a semi-automatic pistol. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

Burglarized of peace A woman interrupted an intruder in her Point Breeze home Monday, leading him to leave minus any possessions. At approximately 3:32 a.m., the complainant notified authorities that as she was asleep on her living room sofa, she heard a noise coming from the kitchen, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. She saw a man when looking into the room and picked up her

Police are seeking three males for robbing a deliveryman in Grays Ferry Sunday. At 10:35 p.m., the employee of Southside Pizza, 917 S. 20th St., was delivering food to the 1600 block of South Napa Street when he noticed that the intended destination appeared unoccupied, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. He called the number on the slip and learned a male would be there immediately. As he waited in front of the location, three unknown figures approached him, with the first two wielding handguns, Tolliver said. They demanded that he hand over his money and watch, with their accomplice taking the food. The first two offenders fled on foot, last seen heading northbound on Napa Street, then eastbound on Fernon Street. The food thief fled southbound on Napa Street toward Morris Street. The victim, who did not sustain any injuries, parted with $129 and a silver Fossil chronograph watch. He described the first individual as black, 18 years old, 5-foot7, 165 pounds, cleanshaven; having a thin build, a dark complexion and short black hair; wearing a black short sleeve T-shirt, dark gray jeans and sneakers; and carrying a small gray semi-automatic handgun; the second as black, 19 to 20 years old, 5-foot8, 165 pounds, cleanshaven; having a thin build, a dark complexion and short black hair; wearing a gray short sleeve T-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers; and possessing a small black semi-automatic handgun; and the third as black, 21 to 22 years old, 5-foot-9, 180 pounds cleanshaven; having a heavy build and a dark complexion; and wearing a dark gray hoodie and blue jeans. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

Stomaching the news A man suffered a gunshot wound to his stomach in Dickinson Square West Tuesday.

At 10:43 p.m., police received multiple person-with-a-gun radio calls originating in the area of the 500 block of McClellan Street and learned of a injured male on the 400 block of Sigel Street, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. They found the figure, who told them someone had shot him, with a towel to his stomach and had him transported to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Interviewing him at the location, they learned he had been talking with a friend on the 500 block of McClellan Street when he heard a yell and then gunshots, Tolliver said. He began running eastbound on McClellan Street before realizing he had suffered a wound. He then banged on a door on the 400 block of McClellan Street for help. He described the shooter as a black male with a dark complexion and wearing all black clothes, a black hoodie and a black hat. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

It’s a conspiracy

Cab conundrum A taxicab passenger robbed his driver in

Marconi Saturday. The motorist picked up the offender at Broad Street and Snyder Avenue at 4:30 a.m. and received instruction to take him to the 1500 block of Ritner Street, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. When they arrived, the rider asked for the driver to go to the middle of the block and asked for change for a $50. As the operator reached in his front breast pocket to honor the request, the man placed his right hand in the rear windshield of the cab and said “I have a gun. Don’t talk too much and give me the money,” Tolliver said. The victim gave him $100 before the thief left the ride and fled, last seen heading eastbound on Ritner Street toward Broad Street. He described the figure as white, in his late 20s to early 30s, 5-foot7 to 5-foot-10 and cleanshaven; having a thin build, close haircut and a skinny face; and wearing a white T-shirt. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit

Money grabbers Two men teamed up to strike and rob another male in Lower Moyamensing Tuesday. At 1:21 a.m., the complainant reported he pulled up to Lukoil, 2101 S. 11th St., for gas and that as he started to walk across the parking lot to pay the attendant, two unknown figures approached him from behind, Detective Danielle Tolliver of South Detective Division said. One punched him in the face, while his partner grabbed cash from his hand. The men pulled the victim to the side of the building and asked him what else he had. He tried to fight back and delivered a face punch to one of the aggressors, but they escaped by fleeing on foot across Snyder Avenue toward McKean Street, Tolliver said. The complainant did not seek immediate medical treatment for an injury to the right side of his face and neck and described the first attacker as black, 5-foot-7, 170 pounds; and wearing a black hoodie and gray pants; and the second as black, 5-foot-10, 180 pounds; and wearing a gray hoodie. Authorities said Lukoil captured the matter on its video surveillance system. To report information, call South Detectives at 215-685-1635, text PPDTIP (773847) or visit /forms. SPR Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at jmyers@ or ext. 124. Comment at

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A man who conspired with a Philadelphia police officer to steal drugs in Lower Moyamensing received a 10-month sentence two weeks ago. According to U.S. Attorney spokeswoman Patty Hartman, the charging document stated that Robert Nagy united with an unnamed cop “to extort drugs and/or money from drug sellers.” It explains that in May 2012, the now-26-year-old arranged to buy Oxycontin from a distributor known as “L.C.” at 12th and Fitzgerald streets. Once the initialed figure arrived, the uniformed officer pulled up in his police car and claimed to have seen a drug transaction, though none had occurred. The law enforcement worker, identified in the explanation as “C.S.,” prompted the supposed dealer to retrieve the bag of pills that the latter had dropped to the ground and pretended to arrest Nagy, driving off with him in his automobile. In February, authorities charged Nagy by “criminal information,” a process indicating that he would likely plead guilty, which he did in April on a conspiracy to commit extortion count. For cooperating with the government, Nagy, who could have faced 15 to 21 months in jail, received the reduced sentence, with the sentencing document ordering him to continue to interact with federal officials.

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r ev i ew.c o m



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■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

Fast food, sluggish wages Workers from area franchises marched on Broad Street to protest unfair pay and practices. ■ By Bill Chenevert R e v i e w S ta f f W r i t e r


t about noon on Sept. 4, a few hundred Philadelphians marched down North Broad Street from a McDonald’s on Girard Avenue to another franchise at Broad and Arch streets, just north of City Hall. Past the burgeoning North Broad dining district, past a Dunkin Donuts, the School District of Philadelphia headquarters and Benjamin Franklin High School, they marched and shouted for a fairer pay wage and action from their employers to improve their lives. Workers from McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Popeye’s marched with signs and received support from Philadelphia City Councilman-at-Large W. WIlson Goode, Jr., Pastor Larry Patrick, the Philadelphia chapter of a national movement called 15 Now, as well as representatives from PA Working Families and the Philadelphia Unemployment Project. “Philadelphia will be one of over 150 cities on strike across the country. Workers will be escalating their fight with a dramatic action at Broad and Arch following a rally with speaker and supporters” reads the press release from Fight for Philly, “a grassroots organization fighting for good schools, good jobs, a fair economy, and a city that works for all of us.” What started in New York City in 2012, with 200 fastfood workers demanding $15 an hour and the right to form a union without fear of recourse, has spread throughout the country. Philadelphia joined the fight last spring, and, last week, about a dozen workers were arrested in an act of civil disobedience. “This is not a sudden thing. This has been building for over the last couple of years. Pay has really stagnated for people, especially at the lower end, for really the last 30 years or so,” Mike Leeds, the Director of graduate studies in Temple University’s economics department and a professor of labor economics, said. “On the one hand, the people at the top are not being honest,” he added, but Leeds stressed that spending patterns reinforce existent patterns. “The fault is in ourselves. That we are telling these people ‘Yeah, we want the low prices of a McDonald’s or a Walmart, but we’re upset when the workers are mistreated, and we’re upset when you have low pay’ — you can’t have both,” he contended. The Pennsylvania minimum wage is $7.25, $2.83 for tipped employees who make more than $30 a month in tips (the employer has to compensate if the tips and the $2.83 per hour do not combine to reach a minimum wage). Pennsylvania is the only state in the mid-Atlantic not to have raised the minimum wage by some margin. Five states have raised it to $8.50 or more; New Jersey’s minimum wage sits at $8.25; Delaware $7.75; New York is at $8; and West Virginia’s tipped wage is at $5.80 per hour. Many states’ minimum and tipped wages match. It’s not enough. Working families struggle to provide their

Arrested protesters celebrated their citations for civil disobedience and will appear in court later this month. They fight for a higher minimum wage and better working conditions. P h o t o s b y K at i S i p p

children with adequate child and health care. Employees are strategically scheduled to avoid breaks and overtime; they can’t afford to take a sick day. “Our managers talk to us like crap,” Shymara Jones, a 21-year-old mother of a 1-year-old son, who worked at the Popeye’s, 800 S. Broad St., for five years before she found a better job at the Philadelphia International Airport pushing wheelchairs, said. “After I’ve been working there for five years, nothing got better. All it did was get worse.” The Newbold resident was one of the disobedient and arrested. “There were eleven of us that didn’t move, so they went one by one and asked us to move. When we didn’t move they told us we were under arrest,” she said, noting that the arresting officers were protest police and civil themselves. “They’re one of the biggest corporations in the world; they’re extremely profitable,” John Doddes, the director of the Philadelphia Unemployment Project and a Sept. 4 rally speaker, said. “It’s a question of how much they can exploit from people who are in fairly desperate circumstances, so the more workers that stand up, the less they’re gonna get away with.” Workers talked about how hard it is to make a living, and Doddes requested a moment of silence for 32-year-old Maria Fernandes, a Newark, N.J. resident who died from carbon monoxide just weeks ago after napping between two of her four jobs. Kati Sipp, the director of PA Working Families, was in attendance, too, and is hopeful that change is in the air. “It feels like there’s a lot of potential to change right now,” she said, and pointed towards Starbucks’ recent agreement to alter its scheduling practices. A computerized system, it allowed the company to schedule employees for maximum profit with as little humanity as possible.

“You can’t have a second job if you don’t know what your schedule is going to be like a week in advance,” Sipp said of a notion she’s familiar with. “As somebody who is a working parent, I know that I need predictability for if I can pick my kid up after school or if someone’s going to feed my kid at night if I’m at work.” Sipp noted that, in Pennsylvania, it’s not lawful to raise a City wage above the state minimum wage, an archaic problem. “Philly has a higher cost of living” than, say, rural Western Pennsylvania, Sipp said. She’s not unrealistic, though. “It would be much easier to get by on $15 per hour, [but] I think it’s unlikely that the state’s going to double the minimum wage,” she said. SPR Contact Staff Writer Bill Chenevert at or ext. 117. Comment at features.

Formally speaking

Before a crowd of neighbors on the 2300 block of St. Alban’s Street Saturday, Terry Gillen, third from left, officially announced her candidacy for the 2015 mayoral race.

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NEW LOOK continued from page 1 plain it,” Johanna Bogdan, a Fishtown resident and nineyear veteran as a counselor at the school, said. “I feel like it totally energizes the building, and it gives a new pride to the building. Your environment can change your whole attitude about the place, and it’s gonna make a big difference, I feel.” At a time when building administrators and educators are improvising to bridge resource gaps that plague the School District of Philadelphia, it seems pretty clear that the building would’ve gone on in its now-former state indefinitely if Digitas hadn’t stepped in. “The interior didn’t look like a school,” Lukov said, joking that, in its former state, it would’ve been a school to take students on a field trip to show them what schools looked like 100 years ago. Now, though, “it feels like a school and people in the community were so excited about it; our teachers are so excited about it, it’s wonderful.” Lukov admitted that when the work started to progress in the building, he got a little choked up. “We have some bright, cheerful colors in the building now, and when they were putting up the murals, I got very emotional. I had to leave the building for an hour to compose myself and get something to eat — it was almost too much.” Digitas Health LifeBrands, with a small army of design and art experts in its fold, was well-prepared to install at least seven murals throughout the building and outside of it, revamp the school’s logo, paint most of the interior hallways, touch up elements of the gymnasium and art classroom and revitalize a small garden. “I think part of our goal is for it to look nice for the students, the staff and the parents, but hopefully, it also inspires creativity for students who have an interest in art,” Alaina Megill, a Human Resources manager at Digitas, said. “We are a creative advertising agency, we have a lot of designers and art directors and creative directors, so it’s an opportunity to showcase their creativity. Hopefully, students will see these murals, and it will inspire their own creativity in whatever direction they want to go into.” IN ITS SIXTH year now, Digitas has brightened up a handful of other South Philly buildings, as well: Marconi’s F.

Branching out ■ Charles Santore Branch: One-hour one-on-one Computer Tutoring for Seniors by appointment; Beginner English as a Second Language Class 12:30 p.m. Sept. 11; English as a Second Language Let’s Talk Conversation Group 1 p.m. and Yoga for All Levels 6:30 p.m. Sept. 15; Baby Storytime 10:15 a.m., Toddler Storytime 11 a.m. and Beginner English as a Second Language Class 12:30 p.m. Sept. 16. 932 S. Seventh St. 215-686-1766. ■ Fumo Family Branch: Civics Course 2 to 5 p.m. Sept. 11 and 16; Sleepy-time

Students from Southwark School heart art, too, and are benefiting from Digitas Health LifeBrands’ generosity with fresh murals and a bright coat of paint in nearly every hallway. S ta f f P h o t o b y B i l l C h e n e v e r t

Amedee Bregy Elementary, 1700 Bigler St.; Lower Moyamensing’s Francis Scott Key Elementary, 2230 S. Eighth St.; West Passyunk’s Stephen Girard Elementary, 1800 Snyder Ave.; and Northeast Philadelphia’s Solis-Cohen Elementary. It started when a Digitas employee had a contact within the School District and reached out to ask, in Megill’s words, “We’re here to help – what can we do for your school?” So when they were hunting for their next partnership, they put feelers out to past projects, and a MegillLukov e-mail exchange began in May. “I always try to be out there to get things for my building and network with folks. We needed a lot in terms of the building,” Lukov said in his office with one weekend between him and the first day of school. “When Digitas contacted me, I was so excited and I said ‘Please, please, please – please pick us.’ The building has to have a need as well as be able to house upwards of 300 volunteers, and we fit that bill.” After approximately 40 phone calls and nearly 100 emails over the course of four months, and Lukov and his staff are ready for a great, bright new year. Cheryl Nesmith, a kindergarten teacher of 11 years and child of Fourth and Federal streets, said “The building’s absolutely beautiful. We haven’t had it painted like this since I’ve been here. Everybody is excited. I know parents

Stories 10 a.m. and LEGO Club 2-3:30 p.m. Sept. 13; Storytime and Music for Toddlers 10 a.m. Sept. 16. 2437 S. Broad St. 215-685-1758. ■ Parkway Central Branch: David Lynch reads from “The Unified Field” noon. Tickets: $7-$15; E-Gadget Helpdesk 3 p.m., Make Thursdays 3:30 p.m., A Taste of African Heritage 6 p.m., Trivia Challenge with Bob 6:45 p.m. and Ken Burns and Geoffrey C. Ward read from “The Roosevelts: An Intimate History” 7:30 p.m. Sept. 11. Tickets: $7-$15; Music and Parachutes for ages 3 to 5 and Parkway Central Library Tour 10 a.m., Learn the Recorder for ages 6 to 8 and Knife Skills Class 11 a.m. and Intro to Songwriting for

will be so happy to see such a clean, beautiful building, and it makes everyone feel so uplifted, and it’s easy to strive to keep the building this way.” Plus “kids love to see nice, bright things. It just looks great,” Nesmith added. The outdoor space is a recreational expanse that Lukov hopes will soon be converted into more than just a concrete slab — he’s working with the Community Design Collective to install play spaces and equipment down the line. But in the meantime, they got a map of the world, four-square courts, a “welcome” mural on the ground, a soccer activity wall and they even painted the curb along its rear boundary to match the school’s rusting gates. It’s projects and stories like these that make the otherwise bleak Philadelphia Public School landscape not look so hopeless, something that’s not lost on Digitas’ Megill. “Part of our goal is to let students know that people do want to go in and help and do good,” she said. “You don’t hear a lot of great things about the School District, so it’s just seeing that people really want to help and that people are invested in them.” SPR Contact Staff Writer Bill Chenevert at or ext. 117. Comment at features.

ages nine to 12 12:30 p.m. and ages 13 to 17 1:30 p.m. Sept. 13; Parkway Central Library Tour 2 p.m. Sept. 14; Baby and Toddler Storytime 11 a.m., Documentary Screening: Dancing Diplomats 5:30 p.m., After the Job Fair Part 2: Ace the Interview 6 p.m. and Climate Change: The Local and State Response 7:30 p.m. Sept. 15; Why Your Brand is more than Just Your Logo 9:30 a.m., Fall Preschool Storytime 11 a.m., E-Gadget Helpdesk and Microsoft Excel Basics 3 p.m., Teen Tuesdays 3:30 p.m., Food Facts 6 p.m. and Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz reads from “Dr. Mutter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine” 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16; TEDx Free Li-

brary of Philadelphia 9 a.m. Admission: $38.50; and The Geekscape 3:30 p.m. Sept. 17. 1901 Vine St. 215-686-5322. ■ Queen Memorial Branch: Preschool Storytime 10:30 a.m. Sept. 16. 1201 S. 23rd St. 215-685-1899. ■ Thomas F. Donatucci Sr. Branch: English Conversation Group for International Adults 3:30-4:30 p.m. Sept. 11. 1935 Shunk St. 215-685-1755. ■ Whitman Branch: Wee Ones Storytime 10 a.m. and Ready to Read Storytime 11 a.m. Sept. 11; Yoga for Kids 5:30 p.m. and adults 6:30 p.m. Sept. 17. 200 Snyder Ave. 215-685-1754. SPR Visit


■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

Photo 1: Photogenic folks gathered at Vare Rec Center, 2600 Morris St., Aug. 30 for the Second annual Back 2 School Fashion Show. The event featured a Youth Award Recognition, school supply giveaways and live performances. Photo 2: The Muscular Dystrophy Association thanked the Philadelphia Fire Department for its support of the “Fill the Boot” campaign by visiting Engine 60, Ladder 19 and Medic 37, 2301 S. 24th St., Aug. 21. The occasion involved the endowment of an honorary Fire Chief helmet 2 1 to Goodwill Ambassador Child Shariff Butler. Photo 3: The American Swedish Historical Museum, 1900 Pattison Ave., hosted another successful SmörgåsBeer’d celebration Saturday, with tastings from several local breweries. Photo 4: Second District Councilman Kenyatta Johnson led a Sept. 1 rally outside Point Save Supermarket, 1247 Point Breeze Ave., to encourage the establishment to stop selling pellet guns. Photo 5: Saturday’s fourth annual South Philly Garden Tour raised more than $12,000 for the South Philly Food Co-op. Photo 6: Local residents gladly took on new hues Aug. 30 by participating 3 4 5 6 in the Color Me Rad 5K at the Wells Fargo P h o t o s P r ov i d e d b y Ty r i q u e G l a s g ow, P e t e r C r e s p o, S o p h i e H a l l b e r g , A n t o n M o o r e , J o s e p h F. M a r i n o a n d R i c h C e d r o n e Center, 3601 S. Broad St. SPR

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A Marconi stylist will mark her 10th year of supporting cancer and HIV/AIDS research. ■ By Joseph Myers Review Managing Editor


ollowing through with altruistic aspirations can prove a tough task because of copious commitments or fervent fears that one’s efforts will not succeed. Nancy Melchiore, however, sees practicing selflessness as a worthwhile communal and national cause and will give evidence of her essence Sunday when welcoming patrons at Headhunters Hair Design, 1718 E. Passyunk Ave. “I always want to try to help whoever I can, and, in this case, I don’t think it’s asking too much to give one day of my time,” the proprietor of the East Passyunk Crossing establishment said of its involvement in HopeCuts, an endeavor that sees salons offering reduced costs for haircuts, makeovers and manicures, with generated funds supporting cancer and HIV/AIDS research. “So many people say they want to help others with their needs, but so few actually do anything. I feel happy to be able to assist such a campaign.” The resident of the 2900 block of South 16th Street is celebrating her 10th event for HopeCuts, which, as the nation’s largest beauty industry fundraiser, strengthens the mission of the California-headquartered City of Hope Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute. From PHOTO BY RICHARD BARNES

LIFESTYLES noon until 3 p.m., she and likely six employees will improve clients’ looks while benefiting strangers’ hopes. Regardless of her familiarity with the individuals whose lives she could help to save, Melchiore appreciates having an occasion to diminish the dominion of the aforementioned diseases, especially cancer. “It affects everyone somehow,” the Marconi inhabitant, who last week marked the second anniversary of her ex-husband Rick’s death from lung cancer, said. “It’s becoming more pertinent to our lives to get a grasp on what we can do.” Having learned through neighboring salons of the charitable chance to promote cures, Melchiore experienced an immediate interest in joining the mission and noted that her workers have responded so favorably to their participation that they even donated last year’s tips to City of Hope, through whom a Headhunters-situated card explains that one in three women will suffer from cancer in her lifetime. “You got to be tough,” the businesswoman, who has also lost a friend to brain cancer and has styled many cancer-stricken customers, said of handling the emotions surrounding parting with loved ones and learning of the plight of others. “You just have to go on and hope that you can make

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

a difference. It amazes me that we’ve done this for a decade. I’m committed to continuing our involvement.” Since personal tragedy has touched her and intensified her regard for HopeCuts, Melchiore knows that one person’s pain can serve as an entire country’s motivation to enact change, which she sees as a product of her affinity for Winston Churchill’s dictum “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.” “This is my community and I want to help it out,” she said. “It definitely beats doing nothing and being regretful.” MELCHIORE HAS NEVER needed to worry about having drive. A native of Roxborough, she developed her interest in the beauty industry as a high school student and eventually established Cheekers for Hair, formerly East Passyunk Avenue and Dickinson Street. “It was a great era in which to begin my journey,” she said of how the 1980s helped to usher in a sense of liberation with regards to creative ideas and possibilities. “I liked adapting to the changes within the field because I felt I could do more.” Eager to excel, the scissors wizard

gained immense knowledge through Vidal Sassoon at his eponymous San Franciscobased academy and has furthered her focus through Wella, Redken and Matrix classes in New York City. Confident in her talent as a worker and a manager, she “took a shot” 12 years ago in purchasing Headhunters, a multiple South Philly Review Readers’ Choice Awards winner. “It’s a fantastic place where we have so much fun in helping people to look their best,” the owner said of the spot. “I love being here because there’s never a dull moment.” As with her shop-based existence, Melchiore always keeps active and mindful of her duties to herself, including her health, which she maintains with daily walks at Marconi Plaza, 2700 S. Broad St., and her beloved South Philly community. “I always saw South Philly as such a lively place,” she said of reflecting on treks to the expanse to fraternize with friends. “I wanted to be here to get a better sense of that.” Her tenure has included becoming an advocate and assistant for fashion show endeavors through Methodist Hospital, 2301 S. Broad St., and enjoying a nearly decade-long stint as a Board of Directors presence for the East Passyunk Avenue

Business Improvement District. The latter has helped her to become more aware of the thriving stretch’s identity and has encouraged her to be even more grateful for her lot in life. “I feel fortunate not only to have this salon but also to be around such great people,” Melchiore said. “There’s positivity everywhere.” Her own breed of productive energy figures to foster three hours of revelry Sunday, as she and her hires prove that tiny sacrifices can yield enormous rewards. “We’re excited to interact with people who want to support a necessary project,” she said of her admiration for City of Hope, through whom Headhunters is also offering gift baskets from raffle drawings. “There’s so much at stake.” Melchiore aims to become even more involved with the environs, finding apathy synonymous with personal and community decline. “Thinking back to my high school days, I can recall thinking being a stylist was all I ever wanted to be,” she said. “I’ve certainly met wonderful people, and now we’re working together to be proactive.” SPR Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124. Comment at

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By Tom Cardella Columnist

Did Tony Soprano die or what?


know there are many important issues we could discuss today. For example, today is the anniversary of the horrific 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. I came across a website that tries to connect famous events that happened throughout the ages with the terrorist attack. Frankly, I think the idea of FDR’s dedicating the construction of the Hoover Dam on September 11, 1936 with the al-Qaida attack is just a wee bit tenuous. I do think it’s likely that a poll of our young people on the significance of this date might bring the answer the birthday of the singer Ludacris, who was born in 1977. You might want to have a chat with your teenager if he or she gives you that answer. I hope you will forgive me if I leave it to the more serious media like People Magazine to put 9/11 in perspective. There is another burning question that has surfaced lately — did Tony Soprano die in the last episode of “The Sopranos”? I know it’s been awhile since that infamous fade-toblack series finale, but the more mature among us are still worried about what happened to Tony. Sadly, James Gandolfini, who played Tony Soprano, has since passed away, so we can’t get his opinion. The creator of the series, David Chase, has said that whether Tony Soprano died is beside the point. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Chase, but when you put in seven years of watching a series, whether the main actor gets shot in that diner or just winds up ordering a large slice of cherry pie is very much the point. Bear with me here. I don’t think this discussion is a waste of time because after all, we have to find something to do while our president figures out his strategy for dealing with ISIS. I appreciate Barack Obama’s candor in telling us he doesn’t as of yet have a strategy for dealing with ISIS, but this is hardly the answer one wants to hear from your president. It’s bad enough General Manager Ruben Amaro keeps telling us he also doesn’t know what to do about the direction of the Phillies. We don’t want Obama channeling his inner Amaro. Incidentally, ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. You really have to have a

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

lot of chutzpah to call yourself ISIS when you don’t represent either country, but it’s rather your goal. It’s as if Ted Cruz went around calling himself the president of the United States when the election is two years away. I’ll tell you how bad ISIS is; al-Qaida thinks they’re crazy. ISIS makes Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad look less like the thug he is and more like a stern version of Margaret Thatcher. Anyway, I digress from the importance of the task at hand, figuring out the fate of Tony Soprano. It is possible that the scene showing Meadow parking the car has some existential meaning, but I think it was just thrown in to show that by parking the car, Meadow proves she’s not just a pretty face. A large part of Tony’s ultimate fate depends upon whether the guy who comes into the diner is a hit man or merely a salesman trying to sell Tony some crew socks (note the bulge in the guy’s jacket could have been the crew socks). If the guy intends to whack Tony, that doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t also intend to sell crew socks to Carmela afterward. The guy could be a hit man with a side job. Let me confess to my bias. If Tony is shot in the diner, it spoils one of my only insights during the 50 years that I’ve been writing for this newspaper. In a column some years ago, I posed the theory that if mob guys stopped going to Italian restaurants, they might avoid getting whacked. None of them ever got killed ordering General Tso’s chicken in a Chinese restaurant as far as I know, although I defer to writer George Anastasia on that subject. If Tony gets shot in the diner, what happens to my theory? A little discussion on why Tony would take his family to a diner is in order, I believe. Tony dines on chicken milano in Artie’s posh restaurant when he’s with the boys, but takes his own family to a freakin’ diner? What’s up with that? Another thing. Bruce Springsteen writes all these great songs about Jersey, and he ignores Tony Soprano? Memo to the Boss — We don’t give a crap about The Ghost of Tom Joad. Bruce, how many of your fans do you think ever read “The Grapes of Wrath?” How about “The Ballad of Tony Soprano”? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is a big Springsteen fan. I think some reporter ought to ask Christie what he thinks happened to Tony Soprano in the diner. Come to think of it, there’s a report that Christie is preparing for running for president in 2016 by studying foreign policy. Chris might also want to take a class on traffic flow while he’s at it. I think the guy tries to shoot Tony, but the bullet deflects off Carmela’s earring. After the close call, Tony goes legit and becomes a producer of Broadway shows. SPR Comment at cardella.

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Prostate Health Assessment Event The Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University and Prostate Health International’s Gary Papa Run are offering free prostate screenings as part of a research program. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men. Screening is important because prostate cancer shows no symptoms in its earliest stages. Many organizations recommend prostate health assessment as part of men’s healthcare. Free screenings, including a blood test for prostate specific antigen (PSA), testosterone and cholesterol and a digital rectal exam, will take place at the following two locations: • Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center – Bodine Building, 111 South 11th Street, Center City • Friday, October 3, 2014, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Jefferson at the Navy Yard – 3 Crescent Drive, Suite 100, South Philadelphia Registration is required. To register for your free screenings, or for more information, call 1-800-JEFF-NOW.

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isting information must be typed or neatly printed and may be mailed, e-mailed, faxed or delivered in person. Information is not accepted by phone. All listings must include a phone number that can be printed. Materials that do not follow the criteria or arrive by the deadline will not be printed.

D E A D L I N E 

What's happening

Still breaking hearts

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers “free fall” into South Philly on the heels of a brand new record release, “Hypnotic Eye,” with the support of Steve Winwood 7:30 p.m. Sept. 15. Tickets: $51.50$131.50. Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 215-3363600.

The deadline for calendar submissions is 5 p.m. Thursday before the publication date (no exceptions).

Highlights T H I S


Center City Restaurant Week offers discounted three-course lunches and dinners through Sept. 12 and Sept. 14-19. Various locations. Gilbert Gottfried, the voice of Iago and infamously dismissed as the Aflac duck, holds down Helium through Sept. 13. Tickets: $22-$32. Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St. 215-496-9001. heliumcomedy. com. Varekai from Cirque du Soleil continues its Philly run through Sept. 14. Tickets: $45-$145. Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St. 215336-3600. DivaNation Showcases pulls together a dozen intergenerational jazz, soul, gospel and blues vocalists Sept. 12-13. Tickets: $10-$20. Mandell Theater at Drexel University, 33rd and Chestnut streets. King Crimson bring their iconic prog and jazz fusion-inspired metallic rock Sept. 12-13. Tickets: $45-$150. Verizon Hall at the Kimmel Center, 300 S. Broad St. 215-670-2300. The Radio 104.5 Summer Block Party includes Grouplove, Sir Sly, Vance Joy and Brick + Mortar 3:45 p.m. Sept. 13. Free. Festival Pier at Penn’s Landing, 601 N. Columbus Blvd. 215-629-3200. Dr. Dog closes down the Mann’s Skyline Stage season with help from Mac DeMarco 6:30 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets: $20-$35. Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave. 800-745-3000. “Back to School” with the Calamari Sisters and it only runs for seven performances! Sept. 13-28. Tickets: $45-$65. Penn’s Landing Playhouse at the Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Columbus Blvd. 855-448-7469. The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia, with the help of Di Wu on piano, will perform a Mendelssohn Piano Concerto plus some Verdi and Beethoven, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 14 and 7:30 p.m. Sept. 15. Tickets: $24-$81. Perelman Theater at the Kimmel Center, 300 S. Broad St. 215670-2300. The Rocky Awards 2014 are the Philadelphia dance community’s lowkey and free award show 7 p.m. Sept. 15. Free. FringeArts, 140 N. Columbus Blvd. 215-413-9006.

Other Goodies Etc. Theatre presents “# (hashtag)”: Through Sept. 12. Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge St. 215-413-9006. Laurencio Ruiz presents “Incongruous”: Through Sept. 21. Tickets: $10. Studio X, 1340 S. 13th St. 215-413-9006. Tribe of Fools presents “Two Street — A Tale of Star Crossed Mummers”: Through Sept. 13. Tickets: $15-$20. The Church of the Crucifixion, 620 S. Eighth St. 215-413-9006. fringearts. com. BalletX at the Bridgette Mayer Gallery: Through Sept. 14. Free. Bridgette Mayer Gallery, 709 Walnut St. 215-413-9006. fringearts. com. “Book of Mormon”: Through Sept. 14. Tickets: $67-$162. Forrest Theatre, 1114 Walnut St. 800-447-7400. Hannah Van Sciver presents “Marbles”: Through Sept. 14.

The first annual Yo’ South Philly Phestival is an all-day and all-night affair with lots of neighborhood food fixtures, games and tons of local music talent, including The Business and Felicia Punzo, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Sept. 14. Free admission. Galdo’s, 1933 W. Moyamensing Ave. 215-852-4822. Tickets: $10. Chapterhouse Cafe & Gallery, 620 S. Ninth St. 215-4139006. John Schultz presents “Till Birnam Wood”: Through Sept. 14. Tickets: $12. Studio X, 1340 S. 13th St. 215-413-9006. fringearts. com. Music & Marian Celebrating Her Patriotic American: Through Sept. 14. Marian Anderson Historical Society, 762 S. Martin St. 215-732-9505. New Paradise Laboratories presents “The Adults”: Through Sept. 14. Tickets: $10-$29. Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine St. 215-413-9006. Philadelphia Artists’ Collective presents “The Rape of Lucrece”: Through Sept. 15. Tickets: $20. Broad Street Ministry, 315 S. Broad St. 215-413-9006. Apocalypse Club presents “Safe Space”: Through Sept. 20. Tickets: $15. Doug’s House, 19th and Latona streets (address provided after ticket purchase). 215-413-9006. Bloom & Fly Theatre Company presents “Wendy & Peter”: Through Sept. 20. Tickets: $10. Studio X, 1340 S. 13th St. 215-413-9006. Brian Sanders’ JUNK presents “Suspended”: Through Sept. 20. Tickets: $35-$75. 2040 Christian St. 215-413-9006. Found Theater Company presents “Deep Blue Sleep”: Through Sept. 20. Tickets: $15. Painted Bride Art Center, 230 Vine St. 215-925-9914. Jasmine Zieroff’s “The Back Door”: Through Sept. 20. Tickets: $25. 2036 Montrose St. 215-413-9006. Krie Alden of KrieArt prsents “Untitled: What You See or What Do You See”: Through Sept. 20. Free. Da Vinci Art Alliance, 704 Catharine St. 215-413-9006. Leila and Pantea Productions presents “Broken Wing”: Through Sept. 20. Tickets: $10-$12. Studio X, 1340 S. 13th St. 215413-9006. “Intimate Exchanges”: Through Sept. 21. Tickets: $26-$40. Arcadia Stage at the Arden Theatre Company, 40 N. Second St. 215-592-

Mail/Deliver submissions to : 12th and Porter streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19148

9560. “Rhinoceros”: Through Sept. 21. Tickets: $15-$25. The Skybox at the Adrienne Theatre, 2030 Sansom St. 215-413-1318. “Nightmares in Neverland”: Through Sept. 22. Tickets: $15. Studio X, 1340 S. 13th St. 215-413-9006.

“Defending The Caveman”: Through Sept. 27. Tickets: $45-$65. Penn’s Landing Playhouse at the Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Columbus Blvd. 855-448-7469. “Slavery at Jefferson’s Monticello”: Through Oct. 16. Tickets: Free-$14.50. The National Constitution Center at Independence Mall, 525 Arch St. 215-409-6600. “9 to 5: The Musical”: Through Oct. 19. Tickets: $20-$75. Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. 215-574-3550. “Chasing Dreams: Baseball & Becoming American”: Through Oct. 26. Tickets: Free-$12. National Museum of American Jewish History, 101 S. Independence Mall East. 215-923-3811. “David Lynch Revisited: A Retrospective Film Series”: Through Oct. 26. Tickets: $5-$60. Various locations. 267-239-2941. “Sendak in the ‘60s...”: Through Nov. 2. Tickets: Free-$10. The Rosenbach Museum & Library, 2008-2010 Delancey Place. 215-7321600. “Patrick Kelly: Runway of Love”: Through Nov. 30. Tickets: Free-$20. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2600 Ben Franklin Parkway. 215-763-8100- Bescribbled, Nibbled, and Dog-Eared: Early American Children’s Books: Through Jan. 18. Tickets: Free-$10. The Rosenbach Museum and Library, 2008-10 Delancey Place. 215-732-1600. “Do You Know Pippi Longstocking?”: Through Feb. 16. Tickets: Free-$8. American Swedish Historical Museum, 1900 Pattison Ave. 215-389-1776. Night Skies in the Joel N. Bloom Observatory: 7-10 p.m.

Fax: 215-336-1112


S t . P io

Novena & Feast Day ~ Sept 14th To 23rd Festival ~ Sept 19th, 20th And 21st Feast Day ~ Sept 23rd At 7pm


Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Saturday, Sept 20th 1pm To 11pm

Sunday, Sept 21st 1pm To 8pm

Over 12 Restaurants, and 10 Artisans & Crafts ENTERTAiNmENT SchEDulE Featuring: Bob Pantano Dance Party

Activities For Kids • Over 12 Restaurants, and 10 Artisans & Crafts ENTERTAiNmENT SchEDulE Featuring: 1pm-5pm: Ben Marsella, Joe D’Alessandro, Frank Tenaglia, The Great Tenor, 5pm-11pm: Purple Reign

Activites For Kids • Over 12 Restaurants, and 10 Artisans & Crafts ENTERTAiNmENT SchEDulE Featuring: DJ/MC Danny Vanore, The Business, Felicia Punzo, and The Company.

Come Visit Our Rosary & St. Pio Prayer Garden

Open 7:30am To 7pm Daily All Are Welcome. SPONSORS: • IBEW Local Union 98 • Bell Beverage • J.P Caterers • Mark Leuzzi Cement Contractors • Mercury Real Estate Group“The Rosetti Team” • Merrill Lynch, 1650 Market St. -29th Floor

• Robert, Ann & Mary Ann Scola • Sader, Nino & AssociatesMerrill Lynch • United Savings Bank • Rev. John E. Calabro • Theresa Calabro • Councilman Mark Squilla • Francoluigi’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria • Dino’s Party Center

• Councilman Jim Kenny • Stephen Bruccoleri, Attorney at Law • P. Agnes • Monti-Rago Funeral Home, INC. • 1492 Society of Philadelphia • PFCU • Bob Pantano- 98.1 WOGL • Athena Contracting, INC. • Auto Show Collision Center

Novena Mass Schedule

• Sunday, Sept 14th & Sept 21st at 11am • Mon.-Fri, Sept 15th to Sept 19th at 7pm • Sat. Sept 20th at 5:15pm • Mon, Sept 22nd at 7pm FEAST DAY Tuesday, Sept 23rd at 7pmVeneration of St. Pio’s Relic

• David P. Wilson Jr., Morgan Stanley • Stogie Joe’s Tavern • Hahnemann Hospital FOOD VENDORS: • Phoebe’s BBQ • Kami • Innovative Catering • Milk And Sugar

• Wonderful Cakes • T & N Deli • Mamma Maria • Esposito’s • Cheese E Wagon • Curbside Creamery • Samosa Deb, LLC • Chef Johnny Bravo’s Surf N’ Turf • Oink and Moo BBQ • Undrgrnd Donuts

St. Pio Committee would like to thank all the volunteers, friends and neighbors of Annunciation BVM Church

ANNuNciATiON B.V.m. chuRch 1511 South 10th St. • Philadelphia, PA 19147 • 215-334-0159

S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I S E P T E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W. C O M 1 9

Friday, Sept 19th 5pm To 11pm

Sept. 11. Tickets: Free-$5. The Franklin Institute, 222 N. 20th St. 215-448-1200. Parachute: 7 p.m. Sept. 11. Tickets: $13.50-$18. Theatre of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 215-922-1011. Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers: 8 p.m. Sept. 11. Tickets: $30-$32. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-2221400. Chris Davis presents “Anna K”: Sept. 12-21. Tickets: $15. The Karenin’s House, 1816 Wharton St. 215-413-9006. The Philadelphia Phillies versus the Florida Marlins: Sept. 12-14. Tickets: $14-$80. Citizens Bank Park, 1 Citizens Bank Way. 215-463-1000. “SLIDESHOW”: Sept. 12-13. Tickets: $10. Headlong Studios’ rear studio, 1170 S. Broad St. 215-413-9006. The Gaslight Anthem with Jimmy Eat World and Against Me!: 7 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $36-$38. Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave. 800-745-3000. Doug Stanhope: 8 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $30. The Trocadero,

1003 Arch St. 215-922-6888. Snarky Puppy: 8 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $23-$25. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-2221400. WXPN presents Parker Millsap: 8 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $15. Tin Angel, 20 S. Second St. 215-928-0978. Mo Lasers Mo Problems with Bright Lights: 8:30 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $25. The Tower Theater, 19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby, PA. 215-922-1011. Mutual Benefit: 8:30 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $12. Boot & Saddle, 1131 S. Broad St. 267639-4528. bootandsaddlephilly. com. Pinback: 8:30 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $16-$18. Union Transfer, 1026 Spring Garden St. 215-2322100. Led Zeppelin 2: 9 p.m. Sept. 12. Tickets: $15-$18. Theatre of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 215-922-1011. Actors International Theatre presents “The Absolutely, Positively, ForgetAbout-It, Last Night at Von Dahm’s Sports Bar, Wing Hut and Karaoke Palace”: Sept. 13-15. Tickets: $18. The

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r ev i ew.c o m


ISCOVERY Odyssey”sees the CT “Borneo 1896–1898 Penn Museum ex-

peditions to northern Borneo, led by William Furness III, performed through artifacts and a talking orangutan 3 p.m. Sept. 13. Free. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. 3260 South St. 215-898-4000.

Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge St. 215-413-9006. Seafarin’ Saturday: 1, 2, 3 Fire!: 11 a.m. Sept. 13. Tickets: Free-$13.50. Independence Seaport Museum, 211 S. Columbus Blvd. 215-413-8655. Fleisher’s ColorWheels at the Manton Street Block Party: 2-4 p.m. Sept. 13. Free. Fourth and Manton streets. 215922-3456. Joel McHale: 7 and 10 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets: $55-$65. The Music Box at the Borgata, 1

Borgata Way, Atlantic City, NJ. 866-692-6742. Basstrap 20th Anniversary Show: 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets: $10-$12. Milkboy Philly, 1100 Chestnut St. 215-925-6455. The Pretty Reckless: 8 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets: $20-$23. Theatre of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 215-922-1011. Man or Astro-Man? with The Pack A.D.: 9 p.m. Sept. 13. Tickets: $15. Underground Arts, 1200 Callowhill St.

ColorWheels at Palumbo Park: 10 a.m.-noon. Sept. 14. Free. Palumbo Park, 723 Catharine St. 215-922-3456. fleisher. org. Philadelphia Celebration of Gospel: 4 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets: $25-$33.50. Mann Center for the Performing Arts, 5201 Parkside Ave. 800-745-3000. Quilly & Dollarboyz: 7 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets: $15-$20. Theatre of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 215-922-1011. Melissa Ferrick: 8 p.m. Sept. 14. Tickets: $23. World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. 215-2221400. Movie Monday: “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”: 8 p.m. Sept. 15. Tickets: $3. The Trocadero, 1003 Arch St. 215-922-6888.

a.m. and 2 p.m. Sept. 16. Tickets: Free-$17. Please Touch Museum, 4231 Avenue of the Republic, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park. 215-581-3181. York Street Hustle: 8:30 p.m. Sept. 16. Tickets: $10. Boot & Saddle, 1131 S. Broad St. 267639-4528. bootandsaddlephilly. com. Target Community Night: 5 -8 p.m. Sept. 17. Free. The Franklin Institute, 222 N. 20th St. 215-448-1200.

The Drums: 8:30 p.m. Sept. 15. Tickets: $15. Underground Arts, 1200 Callowhill St.

“What Narwhals Talk About When They Talk About Love”: 7:30 and 9 p.m. Sept. 17. Tickets: $5. Grace’s House, 731 Montrose St. 215413-9006. Joyce Manor: 8:30 p.m. Sept. 17. Tickets: $15. Union Transfer, 1026 Spring Garden St. 215-2322100. SPR

“The Yellow Wallpaper”: Sept 16-18. Tickets: $10. The Shubin Theatre, 407 Bainbridge St. 215-413-9006. Curious George Story Time and Meet & Greet: 10:30

Amici Opera Co. presents “Madama Butterfly”: Arrive by 6:15 p.m. Sept. 17. Tickets: $44.95. Franco’s High Note Cafe, 1549 S. 13th St. 215-755-8903. Local Brews & Local Grooves: 7 p.m. Sept. 17. Tickets: $10. Theatre of the Living Arts, 334 South St. 215-922-1011.

Kids’ Tickets $15! Ages 2-12. Limit of four (4) kids’ tickets with purchase of a full-price adult ticket. Tickets $2 more day of show. Restrictions, exclusions and additional charges may apply. Subject to availability. No double discounts. Excludes premium seats. Does not include Pit Party admission.

OCT. 3 & 4

Fri. 7:30 PM Sat. 2:00* & 7:30 PM

*Pit Party: Sat. 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM

Buy Tickets:


• 800-298-4200 • Venue Box Office © 2014 Feld Motor Sports, Inc. Competitors shown are subject to change.



2 0 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I S E P T E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W. C O M

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$3.00 PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST $4.25 served with butter & syrup SHORT STACK OF PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST $3.75 served with butter & syrup Served with Potatoes & White Toast CHEESE (AMER./PROV.).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 (Amer./Prov.) CHEESE (CHEDDAR/SHARP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 HAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75 SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75 BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.75 TURKEY BACON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 BROCCOLI RABE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 WESTERN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 STEAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 ADD CHEESE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 ADD ONIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 ADD PEPPERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 ADD MUSHROOMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 ADD TOMATOES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00

7.75 7.75 7.75 6.25

TILAPIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.25


3.00 3.00 3.50 add CHOPPED STEAK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.50 add TILAPIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MKT

7.00 7.00 7.25 6.00 6.25 7.75

5.25 3.75 3.75 5.00 5.00 TURKEY SAUSAGE & EGG . . . . . 4.25 4.75

8.25 5.25 5.25 6.00 6.00 6.00



STEAK & EGG . . . . . . . . . .

TEA..................................................................................................................................... 1.25 ..........1.75 GREEN TEA OR DECAF TEA ............................................................................1.25 ..........1.95 COFFEE ...........................................................................................................1.25 ..........1.95 HOT CHOCOLATE ............................................................................................1.25 ..........2.25 HOMEMADE FRESH BREWED ICED TEA ........................................................1.25 ...........145 ORANGE JUICE ...............................................................................................1.75 ..........2.25 RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ......................................................................1.75 ..........2.25 MILK ................................................................................................................1.75 ..........2.25 CHOCOLATE MILK ..........................................................................................2.75 ..........3.25 CRANBERRY JUICE ..........................................................................................................1.75 APPLE JUICE ...................................................................................................1.00 ..........1.75 BOTTLED WATER .............................................................................................................1.25 PINEAPPLE JUICE ............................................................................................................1.00 MOUNTAIN DEW ...............................................................................................................1.50 DR. PEPPER OR DIET DR. PEPPER .................................................................................1.50 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE OR DIET GINGER ALE..........................................................1.50 V-8 JUICE .........................................................................................................................1.50 BOTTLED ROOT BEER .....................................................................................................1.50 GATORADE OR POWERADE .............................................................................................1.50 ASSORTED ARIZONA BEVERAGES ..................................................................................1.00 ASSORTED NANTUCKET NECTORS .................................................................................1.95 ASSORTED VITAMIN WATER............................................................................................1.50 RED BULL .........................................................................................................................2.25 ASSORTED SNAPPLE ICED TEAS ....................................................................................1.50 ASSORTED COKE PRODUCTS .........................................................................................1.50

New Sour Dough French Toast $ 4.25 Cream Chipped Beef w/ Home Fries ( Sat & Sun Only) $ 7.00

All of Our Menu Items are Prepared “FRESH TO ORDER” Your Patience is Greatly Appreciated. Enjoy Your Meal.

Prices subject to change without notice and PA Sales Tax

S O U T h P H I L L Y R E V I E W I s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 2 5


2 EGGS HOME FRIES or GRITS and WHITE TOAST...................................................................................................4.00 4.25

3.00 3.00 3.25 add FLOUNDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MKT add TURKEY SAUSAGE PATTY . . . . . . . . . . . .3.00

FLOUNDER CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TILAPIA CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STEAK CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOT DOG CLUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADD .30¢ FOR TURKEY BACON



or HAM

Served with a Bag of Chips All Day

9th & Federal Street



ORDER ONLINE! OR (215) 551-1233 • (215) 551-1234 • (215) 551-1260 (215) 551-1261 • Fax: 551-7524 • or

Hours: Sunday-Thursday 8am-12 midnight

Friday and Sat 8am to 1am

EVERYDAY SPECIALS: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 3 Cheesesteaks or 3 Hoagies of Any Kind Only $14.95

2 Large Pizzas Only $13.95 toppings extra

2 Large Sicilian Pizzas Only $15.95 toppings extra



Mushrooms, Spinach, Broccoli, Olives, Onions, Green Peppers, Anchovies


PLAIN .......................... 7.45 STEAK........................... 8.75 GRILLED CHICKEN ..... 8.75 GYRO ............................ 7.75 BUFFALO CHICKEN ... 9.00 BBQ CHICKEN .............. 9.00 ITALIAN Cooked Salami, Genoa Salami, Pepperoni, Sauce & Cheese 8.25 SPECIAL Steak, Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Green Peppers & Onions 9.20 VEGGIE Broccoli, Spinach, Green Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms & Olives ........................................................... 8.75 FOUR CHEESE Provolone, Mozzarella, Swiss & American ....... 8.45 RICOTTA STROMBOLI .................................................. 7.75 ADDITIONAL TOPPINGS ............................................... 2.00


Served with Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Cole Slaw & Chips on White or Rye

TURKEY & BACON........................................................ 6.50 HAM & SWISS .............................................................. 6.50 TUNA & SLICED EGG OR BACON ................................ 6.50 CHICKEN SALAD & BACON OR EGG ........................... 6.50 ROAST BEEF & SWISS CHEESE .................................. 6.50 CORNED BEEF............................................................... 6.50 GRILLED CHICKEN ........................................................ 7.00 SHRIMP SALAD ............................................................ 7.00

Family Package Specials

#1 2 Large Plain Pizzas, 2 Hoagies (any kind), (1) 2 Liter Soda Only $23.95 + tax You save over $5.50 #2 2 Large Plain Pizzas, 16 Buffalo Wings or 2 Grilled Chicken Sandwiches with lettuce, tomato & mayo, (1) 2 Liter Soda Only $24.95 + tax You save over $6.00 #3 2 Large Plain Pizzas, 2 Cheesesteaks & (1) 2 Liter Soda Only $26.95 + tax You save over $6.00 #4 2 Large Plain Pizzas, 30 Fresh Party Buffalo Wings & (1) 2 Liter Soda Only $27.95 + tax You save over $6.00 #5 1 Large Plain Pizza, 10 Fresh Party Buffalo Wings & (1) 2 Liter Soda Only $15.95 + tax You save over $3.00 #6 1 Large Plain Pizza, 20 Fresh Party Buffalo Wings, 2 Cheesesteaks & (1) 2 Liter Soda Only $26.95 + tax You save over $6.00

Call for our full appetizer list! Many new items, try some today!


New Fresh Party Buffalo Wing Served with Celery & Bleu Cheese. Choice of Mild, Hot, BBQ, Teriaki, Honey BBQ & Garlic Parm

10 20 30 40 50

PIECES ............. 6.25 PIECES .......... 11.95 PIECES .......... 16.70 PIECES .......... 21.00 PIECES .......... 25.00

60 PIECES .......... 28.95 70 PIECES .......... 33.45 80 PIECES .......... 37.95 90 PIECES .......... 42.00 100 PIECES ........ 49.95

Pasta Specialties

Served with tossed salad, Bread and Butter SPAGHETTI with Sauce ............................................. 5.95 with Meatballs or Hot Sausage ....................................... 7.50 CHEESE RAVIOLI with Sauce .................................... 5.95 with Meatballs or sausage ............................................. 7.50 VEAL PARMIGIANA with spaghetti ............................ 8.95 LASANGA ............................................................... 7.95 MANICOTTI............................................................ 5.95 BAKED ZITI with Sauce ............................................. 6.50 BAKED ZITI with Meatball or Sausage .......................... 8.45 SPAGHETTI with Clams (White Sauce or Red) ................ 9.95 SPAGHETTI with Shrimp ........................................... 9.95 (White Sauce or Red) J&J’S PENNE ....................................................... 10.95 with Peas, Bacon, Mushrooms, over Creamy Pink Sauce LINGUINI FRUITTI DI MARE ................................ 12.95 with Mussels, Shrimp, Scallops, Calamari over White or Red Sauce PENNE VODKA SAUCE.......................................... 9.95 LOBSTER RAVIOLI over pink sauce .......................... 10.95 SHRIMP RAVIOLI over Pink Sauce ............................. 9.95 MUSHROOM RAVIOLI over Mushroom Sauce ...................9.50 TORTELLINI over Alfredo Sauce w/peas & bacon ............. 9.95 GNOCCHI over marinara sauce .................................... 8.75 STUFFED SHELLS .................................................. 7.95 LINGUINI with Brocoli rabe & Sausage in White Sauce ....9.95 SPAGHETTI with Mussels (Red or White) ....................... 8.95 SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE w/Peas, Beef, Carrots (Red Sauce) ............................................................... 8.95 LINQUINI WITH SHRIMP OR CHICKEN Over Alfredo Sauce .................................................... 11.95


Inside Out PLAIN......................................................................4.00 WITH TOPPING .......................................................4.50

House Specials CHICKEN NUGGETS - 8 PCS $4.50 12 PCS 5.25 with assorted dipping sauces “THE REUBEN” ......................................................6.00 Corned Beef & Saurerkraut on Rye with Melted Swiss; served with potato chips & pickles COMBINATION SEAFOOD PLATTER .......................9.10 Flounder, Scallops, Crab Cake & Jumbo Shrimp with Fries, Cole Slaw, Garlic Bread, & Tossed Salad KING SIZE HAMBURGER.........................................5.75 Bermuda Onion, Julienne Potatoes, Tomato and Lettuce on a Toasted Bun with ColeSlaw KING SIZE BACON CHEESEBURGER .......................6.75 Bermuda Onion, Julienne Potatoes, Tomato and Lettuce on a toasted bun with Cole Slaw BUFFALO WINGS ....................................................7.50 8 Pieces with French Fries, & Cole Slaw Extra Bleu Cheese or BBQ Sauce 35 EXTRA GRILLED CHICKEN PLATTER ..................................6.25 Served with French Fries, Lettuce, Tomato, Cole Slaw, and Side Salad HALF FRIED CHICKEN ............................................7.45 Served w/French Fries, Coleslaw, Tossed Salad, Bread & Butter

Catering Available!


REGULAR ............................................................. 5.75 CHEESE ................................................................ 5.75 ITALIAN ............................................................... 6.25 ROAST BEEF ........................................................ 6.25 CORNED BEEF ...................................................... 6.25 TUNA .................................................................... 6.50 HAM AND CHEESE ............................................... 6.25 CHICKEN SALAD .................................................. 6.25 TURKEY................................................................ 6.50

SALAMI ................................................................ 5.75 FLOUNDER ........................................................... 6.50 VEGGIE Fried Eggplant, Roasted Peppers, Broccoli Rabe, Sharp Provolone ....................................................... 7.75 SHRIMP SALAD.................................................... 6.25 WITH CHEESE ADD ................................................ .50 PICKLES OR HOT PEPPERS ON THE SIDE ............. .35 2 FOOT REGULAR HOAGIE ................................. 10.50 2 FOOT ITALIAN HOAGIE ................................... 10.95

Grilled Chicken Sandwiches

Grilled Chicken served on Kaiser Roll with BACON & PROVOLONE CHEESE ............................ 5.60 LETTUCE, TOMATO & MAYONNAISE .................... 4.90 FRESH TOMATO, BROCCOLI & PROVOLONE ....... 5.60 GRILLED CHICKEN PARMIGIANA ......................... 5.60 with provolone cheese GRILLED CHICKEN REUBEN .................................. 6.00 served with swiss cheese, sauerkraut and russian dressing J&J GRILLED CHICKEN SPECIAL .......................... 6.95 w/mushroom, pepperoni, provolone cheese, bacon, lettuce & tomato GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH .....................6.95 with broccoli rabe, sharp provolone, roasted peppers

From Our Grill

Our 1/4 Lb Burgers are 100% Fresh Ground Beef HAMBURGER ......................................................... 3.40 CHEESEBURGER .................................................... 3.95 PIZZA BURGER ...................................................... 4.75 BACON CHEESEBURGER ...................................... 4.75 VEGGIE BURGER.................................................... 4.75 TURKEY CHEESEBURGER ..................................... 4.75 NEW! POPEYE BURGER w/spinach, fried onions & swiss 5.50 NEW! SALMON BURGER w/lettutce, tomato & avocado ...5.95 GRILLED AMERICAN CHEESE................................ 3.20 GRILLED CHEESE AND BACON ............................. 4.20 GRILLED CHEESE AND TOMATO ........................... 4.20 MEATBALL ON ITALIAN ROLL................................ 5.25 ITALIAN SAUSAGE ON TORPEDO ROLL ................. 5.75 B.L.T...................................................................... 4.00 EGGPLANT PARMIGIANA ..................................... 5.20 For Lettuce and Tomato add .50

Oven Grinders

Prepared with Melted Cheese SAUSAGE AND GREEN PEPPERS .......................... 6.50 SALAMI AND CHEESE............................................ 5.95 ROAST BEEF .......................................................... 6.25 HAM ....................................................................... 6.25 MEATBALL ............................................................. 5.95 TUNA...................................................................... 6.50 CORNED BEEF ....................................................... 6.25 ITALIAN GRINDER .................................................. 6.25 TURKEY ................................................................. 6.50 PORK, BROCCOLI RABE, SHARP PROVOLONE ..... 6.65


Sandwiches Served with Lettuce & Tomato on Kaiser Roll, White or Rye Bread HAM ....................................................................... 4.05 SALAMI.................................................................. 4.40 TUNA...................................................................... 4.85 ROAST BEEF .......................................................... 4.40 ROAST BEEF SPECIAL........................................... 5.60 CORNED BEEF ....................................................... 4.60 CORNED BEEF SPECIAL ........................................ 5.60 TURKEY ................................................................. 4.60 FRIED CHICKEN SANDWICH.................................. 5.10 VEAL PARMIGIANA ON A HOAGIE ROLL ............... 6.50 CHICKEN PARMIGIANA ......................................... 6.95 CHICKEN SALAD .................................................... 4.15 SHRIMP SALAD ..................................................... 4.90 CHICKEN CUTLET ITALIANO.................................. 7.50 with sharp provolone, broccoli rabe, roasted peppers on a hoagie roll


Served on a bed of lettuce with fresh tomato, Cucumber & Green Pepper with your choice of favorite dressing

TUNA SALAD PLATTER .......................................... 7.25 CHICKEN SALAD PLATTER .................................... 6.50 JULIENNE with Ham, Turkey, Cheese, & Salami ............... 6.50 ANTIPASTO w/Cappicola, Provolone, Anchovies, and Genoa 6.95 GREEK with Feta Cheese & Anchovies ........................... 6.50 TOSSED (7˝ PLATE) ............................................... 4.00 GRILLED CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD ...................... 7.25 with Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Green Peppers, and Onions GRILLED SALMON SALAD with Romaine Lettuce ......... 9.95 GRILLED CALAMARI SALAD ................................. 8.95 GRILLED SHRIMP SALAD (8 PCS) ......................... 9.95 MIX GRILLED SALAD with Shrimp & Calamari .......... 10.90 Dressing on the side or extra dressing .35 extra SHRIMP SALAD PLATTER ..................................... 6.45 SEAFOOD SALAD PLATTER ................................... 6.95 SICILIAN SALAD .................................................... 7.95 with Romaine Lettuce, Roasted Peppers, Tomatoes, Olives, Green Peppers, Onions, Fresh Mozzarella CAPRESE ............................................................... 7.25 Fresh Mozzarella, Sliced Tomatoes, Roasted Peppers, Olive Oil and Fresh Basil EXTRA DRESSING .50

Breakfast Menu

Sunday thru Thursday 8am to 12 midnight. Friday & Saturday 8am to 1am

J&J Specials

2 EGGS, 2 PANCAKES, 2 PC SAUSAGE OR BACON WITH COFFEE .................................... 5.50 3 EGGS (ANY STYLE), 3 PC SAUSAGE, BACON OR SCRAPPLE, HOME FRIES, TOAST WITH BUTTER AND COFFEE ................................................................ 5.95 BREAKFAST PIZZA - AMERICAN CHEESE & EGGS ................................................... SM. 5.50 LG.9.50

Breakfast Sandwiches

Bagel, Kaiser Roll or Sliced Bread White, Wheat or Rye EGG & CHEESE .................................................... 3.20 BACON, EGG & CHEESE ....................................... 3.75 SAUSAGE, EGG & CHEESE ................................... 3.75 PORK ROLL, EGG & CHESSE ................................ 3.75 HAM, EGG & CHEEE ............................................. 3.75 STEAK, EGG & CHEESE ........................................ 4.20 POTATO, EGG & CHEESE ...................................... 3.75 SCRAPPLE, EGG & CHEESE ................................. 3.75


WITH CREAM CHEESE .......................................... 2.25 WITH BUTTER ....................................................... 1.50

Belgium Waffles

WITH BUTTER SYRUP ......................................... 3.50 WITH YOUR CHOICE OF MEAT ............................. 5.50 BACON, SAUSAGE, PORK ROLL OR SCRAPPLE WITH STRAWBERRY & WHIPPED CREAM ........... 5.50

Golden Brown Pancakes

3 PANCAKES WITH SYRUP & BUTTER ................. 3.50 WITH YOUR CHOICE OF MEAT BACON, SAUSAGE, SCRAPPLE OR PORK ROLL ................................... 5.50

Original French Toast

FRENCH TOAST WITH BUTTER & SYRUP............. 4.25 WITH YOUR CHOICE OF MEAT BACON, SAUSAGE, SCRAPPLE OR PORK ROLL ................................... 5.75

Side Orders

BACON 3 PC ......................................................... 2.00 SAUSAGE 3 PC ..................................................... 2.00 PORK ROLL 3 PC .................................................. 2.00 SCRAPPLE 3 PC ................................................... 2.00 TURKEY BACON .................................................... 2.50 HOME FRIES ......................................................... 2.50 FRENCH FRIES...................................................... 3.00 POTATO PUFFS ..................................................... 2.50

Sandwiches or Wraps

12” Long Roll 3 EGGS & CHEESE ................................................ 4.45 3 EGGS, BACON & CHEESE .................................. 5.00 3 EGGS, SAUSAGE & CHEESE .............................. 5.00 3 EGGS, HAM & CHEESE ...................................... 5.00 3 EGGS, PORK ROLL & CHEESE ........................... 5.25 3 EGGS, PEPPERS & CHEESE .............................. 5.00 3 EGGS, STEAK & CHEESE ................................... 6.45 3 EGGS, SCRAPPLE & CHEESE ............................ 6.00

J & J Bomb Sandwich


3 Egg Omletes

Served with Home Fries and Your Choice of Toast White, Wheat or Rye CHEESE OMELET ................................................. 5.45 HAM & CHEESE OMELET...................................... 6.45 BACON, CHEESE OMELET .................................... 6.45 SAUSAGE & CHEESE OMELET .............................. 6.45 GREEN PEPPER & ONION OMELET....................... 6.00 WESTERN OMELET ............................................... 6.45 SPANISH OMELET ................................................. 6.45 SPINACH & CHEESE ............................................. 6.45 MUSHROOM & CHEESE ........................................ 6.00 BROCCOLI & CHEESE ........................................... 6.45 J&J ITALIAN OMELET ........................................... 8.45 Broccoli Rabe, Roasted Peppers and Sharp Provolone


COFFEE ................................................................. 1.15 TEA ....................................................................... 1.15 ESPRESSO ............................................................ 1.50 JUICES .................................................................. 1.85 CAPPUCCINO ........................................................ 2.50 SODAS........... 24oz 1.85, 2 liter 2.65, 1 liter 2.00

S O U T h P H I L L Y R E V I E W I s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 2 7

Sm 10” Lg 16” XLG 18” PLAIN .................................................... 5.00.... 9.50 ... 11.50 WHITE PIZZA ......................................... 5.10.... 9.00 ... 11.50 HAWAIIAN White Pizza, Ham & Pineapple . 7.25.... 13.50... 16.00 SPECIAL COMBO Pepperoni, Beef, Sausage, Green Peppers, Onions, Tomatoes, Olives & Mushrooms ..................... 9.25.... 14.50... 18.00 SICILIAN .........................................................11.50 (LG ONLY) BREAKFAST PIZZA American Cheese & Egg 5.10.... 8.95 ... 13.50 PORTLAND SUPREME ............................ 5.85... 10.00 .. 13.50 Salami and Green Pepper VEGETARIAN -Broccoli, Spinach, Green Pepper, Onion, Mushroom and Olives ........................ 9.25.... 14.50... 18.00 STEAK PHILLY PIZZA with Hot Peppers, Onion 6.75....13.50... 17.00 WHITE PIZZAZ Hot peppers, tomato & American Cheese ....................................... 7.50....13.50... 17.00 B.B.Q. CHICKEN PIZZA.......................... 6.75....13.50... 17.00 BUFFALO CHICKEN PIZZA ...................... 6.75....13.50... 16.00 UPSIDE DOWN ....................................... 6.25.... 9.50 ... 13.50 PIZZA MARE Shrimp, Mussels, Calamari & Clams .................... 8.00....16.50 .. 21.00 STUFFED STEAK STUFFED PIZZA w/ Steak, Onions & American Cheese .......................24.00 (LG ONLY) MARGHERITA Fresh Mozzarella & Fresh Basil 7.50....13.50... 16.00 MEAT LOVERS Ham, Bacon, Beef Sausage & Pepperoni .................................. 9.50....15.00... 20.00 CHICKEN CAESAR ................................. 9.50....15.00... 19.00 CHICKEN PARM w/ Ricotta Cheese ............. 9.50....15.00... 19.00 CALIFORNIA RANCH Chicken, Bacon & Ranch 9.50....15.00... 19.00 CHICKEN RANCH Grilled Chicken, Mozzarella Cheese, Ranch Dressing & Grated Cheese ........ 6.50... 15.00 .. 19.00 CHICKEN PESTO Grilled Chicken & Pesto Sauce 6.50... 13.50 .. 17.00 GREEK PIZZA Feta Cheese, Spinach, Tomatoes, Kalamata Olives, Mozzarella Cheese & Sauce ... 7.00... 15.50 .. 19.00 ADDITIONAL TOPPINGS ......................... 1.00.... 2.00 ..... 3.00 TOPPINGS: Pepperoni, Sausage, Ground Beef, Ham, Bacon, Capicola,

PLAIN STEAK......................................................... 6.40 CHEESESTEAK ....................................................... 6.95 PIZZA STEAK ......................................................... 7.65 STEAK ROYAL ........................................................ 7.95 PEPPER STEAK .................................................... 6.70 MUSHROOM STEAK ............................................. 6.70 MUSHROOM CHEESESTEAK ................................. 7.40 STEAK HOAGIE ...................................................... 6.50 CHEESESTEAK HOAGIE ......................................... 7.20 CHICKEN CHEESESTEAK ....................................... 7.40 BUFFALO CHICKEN CHEESESTEAK....................... 7.95 NEW! LAMB BURGER ............................................ 7.95 2 FT. STEAK ........................................................ 12.25 2 FT. CHEESESTEAK ........................................... 13.50 2 FT. CHICKEN CHEESESTEAK ........................... 13.95

3 0 S O U T H P H I L L Y R E V I E W I s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I southphillyreview . c o m

Restaurant & Bar

Football is Back! Half Price Appetizers and $2 Miller Lite During All Eagles, Monday Night, and Thursday Night NFL Games (Bar Area Only)

MONDAy NiGHT SPEciAL Crab Gravy Over Spaghetti with a House Salad $18 per person Artisan Wines-Creative Cocktails-Craft Beers Featuring Montreal Inspired Italian Cuisine Now Open 7 Days a Week • Serving Lunch Daily 11:30-3:00 1909 East Passyunk Avenue • 267-319-1678

S O U T h P H I L L Y R E V I E W I s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 3 1

Let Us Cater Your Next Event!

Celebrating our 30th year in the Pizza business! Like Us On

Francoluigi’s Pizzeria

13th & Tasker • 215-755-8900/01

Borda F Tomato Pie amil y 30 $4.99 Any Day Anytime!

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Closed Mondays

Pizza MakEr/ SErvErS/ PhOnE PErSOn WantEd Experience & Resume a Must!

apply within Francoluigi’s

Pizzeria & italian restaurant

33 Pop Up


All Served with Cup of Soup or Salad, Italian Bread and Butter and Complimentary Glass of House, Red or White Wine ~Please Order by a Letter~

2016 PENROSE AVE • 215-465-1097 A


3 juicy, char-broiled chops, topped with onions and peppers, served with potato and vegetable



A full rack of ribs, slow roasted to perfection, served with potato and vegetable






Fresh swordfish, seasoned and served with drawn butter, potato and vegetable





2 of our signature crab cakes, lightly breaded and fried to perfection, served with potato and vegetable





Sauteed chicken breast topped with asparagus, roasted red peppers and melted provolone cheese, served over rice with one vegetable

Sauteed crabmeat in our homemade marinara and fresh garlic, served over angel hair with garlic bread






3 manicotti stuffed with creamy ricotta cheese, topped with fresh tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese, served with one jumbo meatball and garlic bread






Fresh roasted turkey, sliced and served over our homemade apple stuffing with gravy, served with potato and vegetable





Baby shrimp sprinkled with cajun seasoning and mixed with our homemade alfredo sauce, served over fetticcini with garlic bread





Tender filet of flounder stuffed with our signature crabmeat stuffing, served wtih drawn butter, potato and vegetable





A juicy 14 oz. fresh ground sirloin, topped with fried onions and our homemade mushroom gravy, served with potato and vegetable





Lobster ravioli served in a parma rosa sauce with crabmeat, served with garlic bread



S O U T h P h I L LY R E V I E W I s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T h P h I L LY R E V I E W. c O m 3 3





■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

All’s fare

Norma’s Pepper Coq au vin

Savor the flavor


hrough its “Eagles Win. You Win!” mobile app, Dunkin’ Donuts will reward fans with a free coffee offer each time the Philadelphia Eagles emerge victorious. The perk, available through visiting oy9ZD, will allow supporters to stop at any Dunkin’ Donuts in the Greater Philadelphia Region the day following a triumph to secure a medium hot or iced coffee. Last season, more than 600,000 cups of joe went to appreciative backers of the Birds. SPR


egend has it that Julius Caesar, while invading Gaul, invented the idea of cooking a rooster in wine and local herbs after locals sent him the bird bearing a “Bon Appétit” message around its neck. While the world may never know the truth, Norma Elizabeth Fratantoni has developed her own version of verifiable goodness with her Pepper Coq au vin. The resident of the 1900 block of South 11th Street has experienced health complications that have inhibited her preparation of this dish, but its deliciousness lives on through her daughter-in-law Maureen’s execution. Caesar needed eight years to subdue the Gauls, but you will not need anywhere near as long to conquer your hunger. SPR

INGREDIENTS: 1 pound of boneless breast of chicken, cubed 3 red bell peppers, sliced 1 cup of white cooking wine 1 cup of chicken broth 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon of dried basil flakes

1 teaspoon of dried parsley flakes 1 teaspoon of garlic powder Salt and pepper, to taste

Receive a $25 Gift Certificate Earn a $25 gift certificate to Mamma Maria 1637 E. Passyunk Ave. Phila., PA 19148

DIRECTIONS: Coat a skillet with the oil. Heat oil slightly, and drop in the sliced peppers. Cook on a low flame until softened and

browned. Toss them around basil, parsley, garlic powder, as they cook to avoid their salt and pepper. sticking to the pan. Add the Sauté until chicken is wine, chicken broth, chicken, cooked thoroughly. Comment at

by sending your recipes to


Review Newspapers, 12th and Porter streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19148 E-mail:

Sponsored by Mamma Maria• 1637 E. Passyunk Ave. • 215-463-6884 •


20% OFF

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Great Food at Really Great Prices!


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S O U T h P H I L L Y R E V I E W I s e p t e m b e r 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T h p h illyreview . c o m 3 5


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The toque stops here

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

Caribou Café

■ By Phyllis Stein-Novack R e s ta u r a n t R e v i e w e r


ears ago, Broadway-bound musicals and plays used to “try out” in a few cities, especially in Philadelphia. Writers, actors and directors would work out the kinks before the New York City debut. This practice went the way of the ark, as previews are offered before the official opening night. I often go to Manhattan to see a musical or play, but I have not seen one in the city for a number of years. “The Book of Mormon” has been on my must-see list since it swept the Tony Awards in 2011. I purchased tickets for a Saturday matinee at the Forrest Theatre. Was it funny? Yes, but not truly belly laugh funny like “South Park” or “The Simpsons.” The show ended at 4:30 p.m, so it was too late for lunch and too early for dinner. Then I remembered Caribou Café had a bar menu on offer at off times. I have eaten here on many occasions. Chef/owner Olivier Desaintmartin offers dishes from France’s 15 regions. Through the years I have enjoyed grilled hanger steak, wild salmon, a terrific quiche, perfect salads, chocolate mousse and tart tatin. It was time for a return visit. The bi-level bistro has a long bar, with jazz playing over the sound system. There is outdoor seating as well. Caribou Café began to fill with theatergoers, including us. A glass of French sauvignon blanc ($9.50) set the stage for my meal. Edward sipped a martini ($12) as we discussed the menu. I wanted to try new dishes, except for one, but I will get to that soon. Fast Break Millie’s Luncheonette & Ice Cream: 1441 W. Shunk St., 215467-8553, $ Philadium: 1631 Packer Ave., 215271-5220,, $

Italian Barrel’s Fine Food: 1725 Wolf St., 215-389-6010,, $$ L’Angolo: 1415 Porter St., 215389-4252, $$ La Stanza: 2001 Oregon Ave., 215-271-0801,, $$ Popi’s: 3120 S. 20th St., 215-7557180,, $$

Pennsport/Whitman American/Continental IHOP: 3 Snyder Ave., 215-3395095,, $$

Chef/owner Olivier Desaintmartin has put his culinary mark on the Center City-based Caribou Café, which provides patrons with a tasty sampling of dishes inspired by the different regions of France. Photo by Corey Carter

A flammenküche ($9) is a cross between a pizza and a tart. This treat from Alsace is prepared with a round, thin crepe that was placed on a pizza pan. It was topped with onions, bacon and creamy Boursin cheese. We sliced it into wedges and folded each piece over, New York City pizzastyle, and enjoyed. Salade maison ($13.50) was a mound of immaculately fresh mixed greens, red beets and haricots verts dressed in a tangy shallot-mustard vinaigrette. A toasted crouton, cut from a baguette, was spread with Bucheron, one of my favorite and Restaurant Review:

= Poor

2nd Street Brew House: 1700 S. Second St., 267-687-7964,, $$ Vinny’s Sandwich Shop: Sixth Street and Oregon Avenue, 267318-7834, $

Asian Happy Dragon: 2047 S. Third St., 215-271-0552,, $

Fast Break Frank’s Breakfast and Lunch: 2439 S. Columbus Blvd., 215-3398840, $ New York New York Pizzeria: 1400 S. Columbus Blvd., 215-4636205, $ South View Pizza: 367 Durfor St., 215-467-2050,, $ Tony Luke’s: 39 E. Oregon Ave., 215-551-5725,, $

= Fair

pricey goat cheeses from France. This is a classic bistro dish one would find in restaurants throughout Paris. I mentioned one dish I had to enjoy again. The onion soup at Caribou Café ($8) is the finest in town, but I had not eaten it in a number of years. Consistency is king here; it was as good as I remembered it to be. Homemade not-a-bit salty stock was laced with buttery caramelized onions, a crouton and a rich lid of piping hot and bubbly Gruyere cheese as the topping. This was perfection in a crock. I don’t like to fight with my food, but pull(continued from page 25) = Very Good = Extraordinary

Italian Caffe Valentino: 1245-49 S. Third St., 215-336-3033, caffevalentino. com, $$

Seafood Snockey’s Oyster and Crab House: 1020 S. Second St., 215339-9578,, $$

Vegan Grindcore House: 1515 S. Fourth St., 215-839-3333,, $

Newbold/Point Breeze/South of South Asian Golden Szechuan: 2120 S. Broad St., 215-336-5310, $ Hibachi 2 Go: 1414 Snyder Ave., 215-336-8646, hibachi2gophilly. com, $

ing the strands of hot cheese from the soup was a culinary joy. A simple nine-ounce burger ($10.50) was grilled medium-rare and was wellseasoned. It was topped with a tomato remoulade and caramelized onions. I found the brioche bun to be a bit hard, but it was not sweet. Patrons get a choice of either a salad or french fries. Go for the hot and crisp fries. Grilled ham and cheese was taken to the next level with a classic croquet monsieur ($9). Thinly-sliced delectable French ham was layered with Gruyere on buttered sliced brioche and grilled to perfection. Something so simple can be so satisfying. A choice of salad or fries comes with the sandwich. A glass of Les Collines ($10) — a Cote du Rhones from France — drank well with our sandwiches. I have interviewed Desaintmartin on numerous occasions. He is a stickler for fresh ingredients and lets them sing on the plate. He was not cooking at Caribou Café during our meal, yet the dishes were consistent with the ones he has prepared for me. Four tips of the toque to Caribou Café. SPR

Caribou Café 1126 Walnut St. 215-625-9535 Comment on this restaurant or review at

Fast Break Breezy’s Cafe: 1200 Point Breeze Ave., 267-858-4186,, $ Brunic’s Luncheonette: 2000 S. 17th St., 215-755-7645, $ King of Wings: 2233 S. Woodstock St., 215-551-2400,, $ Moe’s Hot Dog House: 2601 Washington Ave., 215-465-6637,, $ Texas Wieners: 1426 Snyder Ave., 215-465-8635,, $

Mexican Café con Chocolate: 2100 S. Norwood St., 267-639-4506,, $ SPR For more listings, visit

South Philly Diners Broad Street Diner: 1135 S. Broad St., 215-825-3636, $$ Diner at the Plaza: 43 Snyder Ave., 215-755-7899, $$ Melrose Diner: 1501 Snyder Ave., 215-467-6644, $ Morning Glory Diner: 735 S. 10th St., 215-413-3999,, $ Oregon Diner: 302 Oregon Ave., 215-462-5566, oregondinerphilly. com, $$ Penrose Diner: 2016 Penrose Ave., 215-465-1097,, $$ South Street Diner: 140 South St., 215-627-5258,, $ SPR

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No reservations required

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

T&N’s Chicken Florentine with Mushroom Risotto


ertain employment stops possess a knack for helping a person to discover the full extent of his or her talent. For the last two years, Tom Deeney Jr. has explored his excellence as the co-owner of T&N HomeMade Kitchen, 1820 W. Moyamensing

Owners Tom Deeney Jr. and Micheal Tuono

T&N HomeMade Kitchen Owners: Michael Tuono and Tom Deeney Jr. Opened: Sept. 1980 1820 W. Moyamensing Ave. 215-462-1095

Ave., with the popular establishment proving that novelty is his niche. “We’re always looking to do better, and that ambition really drives me,” the 44-year-old resident of the 1900 block of Ritner Street said of the attitude at his Marconi business. “We pride ourselves on living up to the ‘homemade’ that’s in our name.” The Girard Estate dweller received his education at the Mays Landing, N.J.-situated Academy of Culinary Arts and has made himself known at numerous notable stops, including Dante & Luigi’s, 762 S. 10th St. He teamed up in 2012 with Michael Tuono, whose family began the eatery in 1980 as T&N Sandwich Shoppe, and has enjoyed making many additions to the menu, including his Chicken Florentine with Mushroom Risotto. “Risotto is versatile, so I defi-

nitely thought it would work well with the chicken,” Deeney said, adding that as September races by, the dish’s inclusion of nutmeg endows a touch of fall to the creation. A bi-weekly special, the poultry offering has merited great reactions from diners, with the cook noting that freshness and fierceness help him to produce the elements, especially the risotto. “You have to love what you’re trying to accomplish,” he said between shakes of the grain-based labor of love. “When I put everything together, I want people to think they’ve made a great choice.” CHICKEN


1 8-ounce chicken breast 1 cup of cooked spinach 1 egg white 1/4 cup of heavy cream 1 teaspoon of nutmeg

Photos by Corey Carter

1 small tomato, diced 1/2 teaspoon of chopped garlic 4 mint leaves 1 cup of wine 1 teaspoon of butter

DIRECTIONS: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Sauté the spinach using oil, garlic, salt and pepper. After draining the juice, add the spinach, egg white, cream and nutmeg to a food processor for up to two minutes. Add the spinach mousse to the chicken, and wrap the poultry over it. Sear in a pan before placing in the oven for 20 minutes. In the same pan, sear the tomato and garlic for two minutes before adding the mint leaves and the wine, reducing the alcohol by half. Re-

move from heat, and mix the butter with other ingredients. MUSHROOM RISOTTO INGREDIENTS:

2 cups of rice 2 cups of heavy cream 1 pound of mushrooms 1 cup of Parmesan cheese

DIRECTIONS: Add customarily cooked white, jasmine or basmati rice, the cooked-down mushrooms, the cream and the cheese to a pan, and cook until they establish consistency, taking care to stir the contents constantly and to shake the pan so that the rice evenly covers the space. Place on plate beside the chicken, and add the tomato mixture atop both. SPR Comment at food-and-drink/features.


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Horoscopes By Mystic Terry Psychic Reader

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): A problem lurking beneath the surface could be the cause of some mental s stress. If you continue projecting these problems on others,

you’ll be frustrated with work, love and possibly your health. Lucky number: 387.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): You are optimistic and enthusiastic about ideas, but disinclined to study all the d facts, which may result in an error in judgment. Take the time to read between the lines. Lucky number: 732.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): Life will take on a livelier, enthusiastic quality. This is an enjoyable time f when you will meet interesting people, and share enthusiastic and lively ideas and interests with others. Lucky number: 238.

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r e v i e w.c o m

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Others aren’t exactly putting on the pressure, but you feel the need to g prove the caliber of your staying power. You are actually way out ahead of the field, so you can afford to pull the reins in a little now. Lucky number: 164.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): You feel great tension between goals and aspirations versus responh sibilities. Typically, the struggle is between responsibilities to family members and career ambitions, although your particular responsibilities and goals may be of a somewhat different nature. Lucky number: 568.


Green field DOWN __ Wednesday 1. Stick Courageous 2. Flour container Body of water 3. Prisoner’s fish Piercing cry dinner? Needle’s hole 4. Quechua speaker Kimono sash 5. Pummeled Orchestra member 6. Word with well Poles & Czechs or blot Mex.’s neighbor 7. Witness Lummox 8. Toe’s Does drugs forerunners Get information 9. Translating into underhandedly symbols 95. Actor Ralph __ 10. Bronze or Atomic 100. Scrape 11. Rose, for one 102. Disappearing 12. Preposition dairy product? 13. Harbor town 105. Land map 14. Latin handle 108. __ XING 15. Minuscule 109. Iran’s dollars amounts 110. Like a plump 17. With 53 Down, Alamo site peach 18. CD ancestors 112. Hindu music 19. Traffic problem patterns 117. One asked what 20. Desire 21. Virginia, for one it’s all about 26. Wave: Fr. 119. Commandment 29. “Good Night, opener Irene” and others 121. Bring charges 31. Literary against monogram 122. Glory in 32. Nipped 124. Embarrassed 34. Japan or Nepal fishes? suffix 128. Insect dailies? 36. Sault __. Marie 129. Green fruit 37. That Spanish girl 130. Wildebeests 38. “__ la Douce” 131. Meeting: abbr. 132. 49ers’ goals, for 39. Racetrack 40. River through short Cairo 133. Main role 134. Custard ingredient 41. Uses curlers

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): You see what’s wrong and know what to do. Cooperation, organization, auF thority, discipline and responsibility will get you where you know you want to go. Lucky number: 803.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): You feel very lucky and are likely to be lax or extravagant. Material benG efits are indeed likely at this time, but beware of being overly

generous or depending too much on Lady Luck. Lucky number: 415.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Thoughts turn to love, and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns about personal relationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now, so take advantage of the ease of communication. Lucky number: 894.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): You put extra energy into thinking about and organizing work and profesH sional life. Your decisions are likely to work out well. Lucky


LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Be careful not to entangle yourself in social conflicts that have nothing to do with a you. Attempt to adopt a compromising attitude with a loved

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Lost love or unresolved friendship from the past may resurface. You either enjoy or hate the thought of the past as a result. If confronted by a person from that past, be clear in your attitude. Lucky number: 134.


ARIES (March 21 to April 20): There have been countless times when you’ve come face to face with

Doubtful definitions ACROSS 1. Network letters 4. Wading bird 8. Beverage 11. Family member 15. Personal: pref. 16. Island goose 17. 2000 pounds and no more? 19. Cash’s birthday desserts? 22. Recipients 23. Feasted 24. Bicycle part 25. Jay Silverheels’ role 27. Partitions 28. Strand 30. Citified 33. Ending for stock or block 35. Convince 36. Banana lovers’ dessert determinations? 42. Obligation 44. Iron alloy 45. Bolder 47. Aromatic shop 50. Arthur, for one 52. Fail to keep up 54. Valletta’s island 55. UFO pilots 57. Sound from one being fleeced 60. Fabray, to friends 61. Most vigorous 62. Useful rope 63. TV show that ran for 17 seasons 65. Calendar abbr. 67. Suffix for exist or depend 68. Places where Thousand Island is kept?

a particular problem. Listen to someone who has been in this situation before, and open your mind to alternative approaches. Lucky number: 078.

number: 697

one. Lucky number: 942. SPR

To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215467-5162. Comment at

Crossword solution on page Sudoku solution on page


72. 75. 76. 77. 79. 84. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 92. 93.

43. Pellets 46. Untrustworthy one 47. Buttermilk’s rider 48. Self-assurance 49. Lean 51. Makes ill at ease 53. See 17 Down 56. Head movement 58. Primitive transport 59. Out of the way 60. Black 61. Motor’s sound 63. French article

64. __ word; succinctly 66. In __ heaven; elated 69. Male animal 70. Tease 71. Bawl 72. Garlands 73. __ up; relax 74. Crawling bugs 78. Husband and wife 79. 90˚ from ESE 80. Gross plus X 81. __ avis 82. Balanced; fair

83. 85. 87. 89.

Italian city Appear tired One __ kind Raised from beneath 91. Radius’ site 94. Deadly reptile 96. Culture lead-in 97. More unfriendly 98. Refrain syllable 99. Sushi bar dish 101. Be extravagant 103. Do-nothings 104. Respiratory problem 106. __ as a bug in a rug

107. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 118. 120. 123. 125. 126. 127.

Hoodlums In favor of Affirmative TKO declarers Wheel support Men Lofty range Depot: abbr. Priest titles: abbr. Pay attention to Make a choice Building wing Pass away Ending for a gerund

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Joseph Myers talks

■ s o u t h p h i l l y r ev i ew.c o m

Forever spoke-n for An East Passyunk Crossing resident will honor his late stepmother by participating in a bicycling fundraiser. ■ By Joseph Myers Review Managing Editor


hen Sean O’Hara boards his bicycle exactly a month from today, he will do so with enduring energy in his legs and lasting love in his heart. The resident of the 1800 block of South 13th Street will display his vigor and ardor as a registrant in The Ride to Conquer Cancer, a 150-mile excursion that will benefit Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center and help him to laud the influence of stepmother Sandy O’Hara, who succumbed to breast cancer Feb. 15. “My brother Kevin and I were pondering how to honor her life, so when I became aware of the ride, I thought we should do it,” the 30-year-old said Tuesday at the NovaCare Complex, 1 NovaCare Way, where he works for the Philadelphia Eagles as an account executive, corporate partnerships. “It’s going to offer me a great opportunity to clear my mind and focus and reflect on just what having had Sandy in my life has meant for me.” As the leader of The Breakaway Bunch, the East Passyunk Crossing inhabitant will unite with relatives Oct. 11-12 in what declares a trip through Pennsylvania’s “picturesque scenery.” While O’Hara will certainly appreciate the visuals, they will prove secondary draws to his chief aims, honoring his fallen loved one and helping to raise research funds for cancer’s eradication. “The disease really affects all who are around it,” he said of going from believing Sandy O’Hara would emerge triumphant in her second bout with her malady to feeling that special occasions would have few, if any, successors. “She left us at 65, and we had a great celebration of her amazing life, but I wanted my own way to mark my love for her.” Familiar with fierce tests of his might through endurance sports and an Ironman Triathlon, O’Hara has abounded in positivity during his preparation, finding himself akin to his stepmother, whom he commended for compartmentalizing her pain and maximizing moments with family and friends. When his professional identity last year helped him to see more of her at her West Chester abode, he grew even more reverent of her regard for persistence and sees his impending journey as the least he can do to commemorate more than two

Sean O’Hara, top, has used numerous stretches, including the Schuylkill River Trail, to prepare for his excursion. Exactly one month from today, he will join with, among others, his pictured brothers-inlaw Sean Keaveney and Steve Hendrick to commemorate the life of stepmother Sandy O’Hara. The matriarch, who died in February, would have turned 66 today. Photos provided by The Ride to Conquer Cancer

decades of support and more than 15 years of her having battled her affliction. “There are just so many memories,” O’Hara said. “No matter how ill someone is, it still hurts to say goodbye. Through what I’m doing, I want to see to it that people stop having to part with their relatives. It’s going to take great efforts to do so, but just like Sandy, I’m not letting that set me back.” THE WEST CHESTER native has always honed an interest in sports-related pursuits, dabbling in soccer, basketball and running in his youth. After local schooling, he matriculated at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to study sports administration, eventually linking up with Nike and the school’s basketball team.

“I’ve always loved sports but never necessarily saw a life for me in them as a performer,” he said. “However, I realized it was still very possible to make a living through them.” O’Hara initiated his career through the retail world and earned subsequent opportunities in the Tar Heel State and South Carolina, the latter through a connection with Clemson University. Highly goal-oriented, he eventually saw his future focusing on strategy and sports marketing yet was uncertain how to advance to the next rung. “It came together when I went to grad school at Ohio University,” the motivated man said of fulfilling ambitious quests that have also given him powerful positions through such heavyweights as the

PRO SPORTS at University of Illinois and the Eagles, whose staff he joined in May 2013. “Along with the great action that we encounter when watching sports, there are so many great values to derive from them. That’s what’s been of extreme importance to me for the last few years and especially since I joined this organization.” Throughout his stops, including a San Francisco-based internship, O’Hara has relied on the love of relatives for support. His mother and father divorced when he was 5, with Sandy O’Hara becoming his stepmother three years later. A tremendous influence on his maturation, she became a confidant and the recipient of empowering respect that her cancer’s return, which came during his sophomore year in high school, made only stronger. “To many people, cancer is an instant death sentence in their minds, but that wasn’t her mentality,” O’Hara said. “She went through numerous treatments and had a fighter’s mentality. She made it easy for us to think she would get through it all.” Hope could not counter the advance of her sickness, which reached her bones, liver and kidneys. Because of their loving connection, the grieving stepson knew he would need to convert his sadness into action, with sports a natural means to do so. “Toward the end, when I was able to see her more because I was back in the area, I found it so enriching to recall all the lessons about life and love that she provided,” O’Hara said. “She lived a full life and has helped me to do the same.” That existence includes an amazing willingness to make his longest bicycling adventure. Since cancer accounts for nearly one out of every four deaths in the United States and claims, according to the National Cancer Institute, almost 1,600 lives daily, O’Hara knows that not only should like-minded individuals believe they can be victorious over the vile intruder, they must know they can. “We’re all riding for special people,” he said. “We’re commemorating lives and fighting for others.” SPR For more information, visit ridetovictory. org. Contact Managing Editor Joseph Myers at or ext. 124. Comment at

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ITALIAN MARKET/ SOUTH/ PENNSPORT 1928 Mifflin Well Maintained home on a great block in New Bold 2 Kitchens! $149,000 2643 Watts St 3BR/1BA Open Floor plan, HW floors, Full basement With W/D Newer windows and elec panel $154,900 Point Breeze – 2238 Titan St Stunning 2BR home, New Everything $175,500 C/A, Granite, SS Appliances HW Floors Must See! 1014 W Oregon Ave Fresh renovated 3BR/1BA Large 16x20 Concrete Patio $179,000 931 Hoffman St Beautiful New listing! 2BR, Large Bath, Walk in Closet move in ready Prime location $179,900 Newbold - 1820 S. Hoffman St Total Renovation: 3bd, 1.5 bt, HW floors t/o, EIK, granite counters, SS Appliances, fenced in yard $179,000 701 Sigel St Beautiful 5 year old construction 2BR/1.5BA home minutes from Passyunk Square! $210,000 POINT BREEZE- 2022 ANNIN ST Immaculate 3 BD/1 BA Home w/ $225,000 Gleaming Hardwoods, Laundry, Spacious Rear Patio 2433 S BANCROFT Completely remodeled home with fine attention to detail HW Floors C/A All new appliances $239,900 1106 MERCY ST 3BR/1BA Home being fully renovated in Passyunk Sq Act fast still may be time to pick finishes!! $255,000

PASSYUNK SQUARE- 1207-09 E. PASSYUNK AVE- Business opportunity! 199 Sq Ft garage space with office and 1.5 baths. $314,000 Across from Geno’s steaks. Endless possibilities. GRADUATE HOSPITAL- 2412 CATHERINE ST 3 Story 3 BD/2.2 BA, Roof Deck w/ Wet Bar, SS Apps, HW Floors T/O, Finished Basement, Balcony, Yrd,


RESERVE AT PACKER PARK- 3408 PRIMA COURT- NEW! 5Bdrm 3.5 Baths int eh Reserve with upgrades galore and 4 care parking! Must See!!


636-38 FEDERAL ST Development site could hold 5 houses $680,000 1425-27 FEDERAL ST Huge Warehouse over 10,000 SF 34 Ft Wide Potential for Residential office or commercial, 4 Garages $1,175,000 2141 S. OPAL ST, 3 BD/1BA Home located on friendly block, Hardwoods, Back Patio with creative finishes GREYS FERRY – 2501 OAKFORD ST Vacant WH with lots of Potential for residential conversion, commercial use, warehouse or office space! $1,950,000

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Only $244,500



Aprox. 9,500 Sq. Ft. On One Floor, High Ceilings, Overhead Door on 4th St. $599,900.

in Desirable Washington Twp., nJ!!



4 Bedrooms, Updated Kitchen and Baths! Owner is downsizing - move in before the holidays! This is a large home in a great neighborhood with a convenient location.



Total Renovation, 2 Master Suites,Hardwood Floors, Large Yard. $279,000.

VACANT LOT 2308 GERRITT ST. Vacant Lot. $25,000.


Open HOuses~Old City

Small Garage with Yard. $59,900.

STORE AND APARTMENTS - WEST PHILA. 5246 1/2 MARKET ST. Store and Apartments, Shell $150,000.


Renovated, 2 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Finished Basement. $359,000 Each.


Large 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath House with Deck, Central Air, Hardwood Floors. $209,000.


3 n. Columbus Blvd. pier 3 #107

3 n. Columbus Blvd. pier 3 #236

239 Chestnut st. #3

“BRAnd new COnstRuCtiOn “diReCtly On tHe delAwARe lOFt COndO” 3 bed, 2 full w/ BRidGe Views” 2 bed, 2 baths, move in ready. now full baths. Move-in-ready. Ask- Asking $689,000. ing $350,000. Mls #6433095. Mls #6309598.

“eXClusiVe end unit COndO” 1 bed, 1 bath, move in ready. Asking $215,000. not on Mls.

Open HOuse sundAy 12pM-3pM.

Open HOuse sundAy 12pM-3pM.

Open HOuse sundAy 12pM-3pM.

• Close to 2500sf of Living Space • Updated Granite Kitchen • Newer HVAC and HW Systems • Bonus Room or 5th Bedroom

3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Finished Basement. Close to Washington Ave. $209,000.

• Updated Baths • Newer Windows • Spacious Fenced Yard & Deck • Desirable School System • Convenient to CC Phila., and NJ Shore

SOUTH PHILADELPHIA 1818 S. 24TH ST. 3 Bedrooms, Enclosed Porch. $59,000.


2 Bedrooms, Porch Front. $79,000.

Fred r. levine real

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19145 17XX S. Dorrence 17XX S. chADwick 1713 S. hickS St. 23XX S. 24th 22XX JAckSon 25XX S. newkirk 28XX winton St. 22XX cAntreLL St. 17XX ritner 18XX newkirk

Point Breeze Location 3 Bed Asking $79,900 Prime new Bold! 3 Bed w/ extended kit Asking $109,900 Prime newbold location 3 bed fixer upper Asking $129,900 Beautful 3 bed, renovated home with garage $154,900 recently Upgraded 3 bed home in move-in condition! $79,900 Very clean & mod. 2 bed w/new heater $64,900 well kept 2 Bed home Priced to sell at $39,900 Updated 2 Bed cozy modern hm move in cond $76,800 huge uge Spacious home, 2700 sqft of liv space cALL! Very well kept 3 Bed, c/A, hw Flrs $139,900

21xx MoUntAin

2 Bed Fixer Upper in hot Pt. Breeze

Asking $49,900


rarely offered fully renovated large Packer Park home. Asking $439,900

27XX S. 16th

Beautiful 3 Bed home, Loction, Location, Location!

Asking $249,900

28XX S. 16th

Very nice 3 Bed Marconi Park west home

Asking $239,900


3 Fam. Dwelling, fully occupied, sep utility, Prime Location $289,900

18XX SnyDer AVe

Spacious office & lg 2 Bed appt.

19XX S. 20th

2 Units Priced to Sell

$139,900 $59,900

19146 16XX whArton

Gorg. 3 story renovation w/roof deck


19XX titAn

Prime Pt. Breeze! total renovation, must see!

15XX S. DoVer

3 Bed hm, with c/A, h/w Flrs, newer kitchen

Asking $80,000

25XX S. MAnton

2 Bed, 1 Ba hm in need of repair

Asking $40,000

16XX whArton

Magnificent 3 story renovation, roof deck


13XX S. coLorADo

Brand new renovation, rapidly expanding neighborhood




well maintained, 3 Bed, w/Driveway

27XX S. 73rD

Beautiful 3 bed 2.5 bath, w/fin basement, driveway


85XX-XX eAStwick AVe

Lovely single fam, renovated hm. w/side yd


Just Move in! $79,900

RARELY OFFERED LARGE PACkER PARk HOME! 32XX S. 17TH ST.- Gorgeous 3 bed, 2 1/2 bath, spacious home w/brand new kitchen, fin. basement, deck and driveway. Call for info! 1209 RITNER ST.- Gorgeous 3 bed home w/full fin. bsmnt., H/W floors, spac. bath, Lg. eat-in kit., F/P, lovely rear yard. A must see!! REDUCED

34XX PRIMA CT. - THE RESERvE AT PACkER PARk Gorgeous, 5 bed, 3.5 bath townhouse w/spacious landscaped yard, deck, H/W flrs, upgraded kit. plus 2 car parking. Asking $499,900


25XX S. 18TH ST. - Impeccable 4 Bed, 2.5 Bath home in historic Girard Estate, move in condition. Asking $329,500


Brand new, completely renovated Newbold townhouse w/2 beds, 1.5 baths, H/W floors, fin. basement plus much more! ASkING $219,900

19147 2XX wiLDer 10XX S. rAnDoLPh St.

Prime Pennsport block, cozy, 2 bed mod hm Updated 2 Bed Bella Vista home.

$239,900 Asking $289,900

26XX S. wArnock 2XX ritner 3XX FitzGerALD 21XX S. howArD 24XX S. 2nD 4XX ritner 9XX MccLeLLAn 26XX S. DArien St. 7XX SiGeL St. 23XX wArnock St. 23XX hUtchinSon St. 19XX S. 10th St. 24XX S. 11th St. 1XX FitzGerALD St. 1XX DALy St. 25XX S. iSeMinGer 1XX woLF St. 3XX DALy 24XX S. PhiLiP 1XX roSeBerry 2XX SiGeL 10XX eMiLy

3 BeD MoD hoMe w/ hw FLrS. MUSt SeLL! $129,900 spac 3 bed home w/hardwood floors ASkinG $165,000 very nice 2 bed with modern kit, great block $119,900 2 bed in excellent cond. Very nice block $177,500 Mod. 3 bed whitman home located on great block $197,500 newly updated spacious 4 bed w/newer kitchen $184,900 eASt PASSyUnk SqUAre! SPAc. 3 BeD ASkinG $189,900 cute, well kept 3 Bed w/open Porch ASkinG $153,900 nice size 3 Bed hm in need of renovation ASkinG $109,900 Adorable 2 bed w/fin. bsmnt, h/w floors $169,900 Lovely Upgraded 3 bed mod. home, nice street $149,900 completely renovated east Passyunk home Asking $284,900 Spac., mod. 3 bed, 2 BA home in excellent cond! $229,000 Mod. 3 Bed home on prime whitman block. $154,900 Mod. 2 Bed home on a great street! Priced at $139,900 Prime Block, fully renovated, move in cond. ASkinG $199,900 outstanding 3 bed hm loc. on one of whitman’s finest blocks $229,900 Spac, 3 story mod home, great views. Asking $175,900 Lovely mod 3 bed w/beautiful brick front. only $119,900 Lovely 3 Bed hm in excellent cond., nice block $154,900 Mod 2 Bed hm on one of Pennsports Finest Blks $184,900 well maintained hm, close to east Passyunk Ask $157,000

612 Prospect Ave. 12 4th St. 529 Spring Mills 1018 Buttonwood 7547 Brentwood rd 279 n. oak Ave 215 Beechwood rd 1029 Lafayette Ave 2032 cecil

Beautiful rehab in Secane, just move in! $224,900 Great starter home, galley kit, 3 spacious bed $39,900 conshohocken, 4 bed, sold “as is” $144,900 Lovely 3 bed in norristown Asking $114,500 well maintained 3 Bed in overbrook $109,000 $99,900 Upper Darby, 3 Bed 1Ba $79,900 Parkside, Single hm, hm, w well ell Maintained $169,900 Prospect Park – Duplex opportunity opportunity only $29,900 3 Bed w/updated kitchen k



S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I S E P T E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W. C O M 4 9



5 0 S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W I S E P T E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 1 4 I S O U T H P H I L LY R E V I E W. C O M






3001 S. Sydenham St. Philadelphia, PA 19145

We have CASH buyers for your properties Carrie Zhao 267-210-8523 TargeT realTy $219k (215) 218-0939 20xx S. 12TH St., C-1 zoned, store + apt., 13xx Porter St., grocery + apt., $329k 18xx S. 19TH St., store + 2 apts., $229k 65xx-65xx Elmwood Ave., store + 2 apts., $259k 8xx N 40TH St, vacant bar + apt, $ 149k 19xx-19xx Clearfield, warehouse, 5000 sq. ft., $199k 8xx Allegheny Ave., 2 apts., $150k Thinking of selling, $199k buying, or renting? 61xx Thompson, store + apt, Call Carrie Zhao 267-210-8523 42xx Market St. , store + apt, $259k

215-271-3000 25xx Newkirk St – 2 BR home, needs you to put the work into it but for $35,000 you will find this to be a diamond in the rough!

Girard Estate – Move in ready! Don’t miss this high quality home on beautiful Lambert



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A N D h i S f i V E S TA R T E A M

St featuring 3 BR/1 BA and upgrades galore – nothing builder grade here! Open House every Sunday, 12:00 – 4:00 or call to schedule a private showing. Point Breeze - $49,900 – 3 BR home on a wide street in one of the city’s hottest neighborhoods. Needs work but a super investment for either a homeowner or investor. Don’t say “I wish I would have….”, call now!

Lansdowne Park – Lovely 3 BR home with modern kitchen & central air. Freshly

painted throughout, newer windows & lots of extras. This is the perfect opportunity to move right into ownership at about the same it would cost to rent.

Broad & Shunk Vicinity – Lovely 2 BR home with modern kitchen w/GD/DW/ Refrigerator, 1 ½ modern baths, floating stairs, hardwood floors T/O and a finished basement! Newer heater & H/W tank and new roof. Close to all transportation, bridges and stadiums. Asking $149,900. It’ll be hard to find a better value than this! Point Breeze Rehab – Tax Abatement Pending! Totally rehabbed!! 3 bedrooms, 2 full

baths & 2 powder rooms. Master suite, hardwoods throughout, ultra modern kitchen and baths. Finished basement, large yard! Approx 2000 sq ft.

For interior pictures or to search the regional multiple listings service visit

The market is hot! Our buyers are ready! We’ll sell your home! Call Mike McCann,

“The Real Estate Man”




Elegant and sophisticated 3BD/2.5BA, 2000sqft total renovation overlooking a beautiful green park with tremendous light and views! This huge 3-story home has it all-a magnificent kitchen, huge private back yard, stately red brick façade, wide plank hardwood floors and so much more.

West of Broad


Wonderfully updated home with centrail air, a finished basement, hardwood floors thoughout, recessed lighting, 3 generous bedrooms, a beautiful pointed brick façade, amazing curb appeal, tons of natural light and more on a perfect tree-lined street in South Philly (just around the corner from Girard Estates Park)!

east of Broad




Beautiful 2BD/2BA with a den in the booming Passyunk Square area! Wide open living room with a bay window, kitchen with wood cabinetry, rear living room with double windows, two spacious bedrooms and much more!

Unbelievable opportunity to own a meticulously cared for 3BD/1BA abode in the heart of Whitman! This charming home beams with curb appeal and is located on a fantastic block with easy parking and a newly done façade. With a gas fireplace, bay window, large eat-in kitchen, clean basement and brand new central air, this is a truly excellent home!

Point Breeze



Completely new 2BD/1.5BA abode! This spectacular rehab boasts a charming brick and stucco porch front, spacious rooms, new windows, new roof, central air, a finished basement, gorgeous ultra, eat-in chef’s kitchen with black granite countertops, 42” cabinets and so much more.


Brick front 1350sqft abode with mostly newer windows, updated systems and all hardwood floors under carpeting on a fantastic block. Needs some love but is price accordingly! Customize this home and make it your own amazing castle!


215.627.6005 Direct


1633 E. Passyunk Ave.


new listings 11xx PORTER ST. 3BR, fin. bsmnt, h/w floors, 1.5 baths $239,000. 4xx winTOn ST. 3BR, move-in cond. $135,000. 14xx S. 28Th ST. 3BR, fin. bsmnt, loads of extras! REDUCED $89,000. 7xx hOFFMAn ST. 3BR- $129,000 20xx SnydER AvE. Income Producing Property! Store front, 2 BR Apt. $120,000

houses for rent 10xx winTOn ST. 2BR Home, fully rehabbed $1300/mo. 10xx TREE ST. 3 BR, Fully Rehabbed APArtMent rentAls 18xx E. PASSyunk AvE. 2nd fl - 2 BR Apt. Avail. Sept. 1st 21xx S. 12Th ST. 2nd fl - 1 BR Apt. with W/D + Roof Deck. $900 /mo 12Th + wOlF 1 BR - Bi Level Apt. W/D $1200 /mo



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318 Fitzwater Street “The Dragon House”

221 Carpenter St

3/2 & beautiful Garden

4 + office/2.5 Garden & Garage. Lot size 19x136 $1,250,000

e e 904 Moore St stacked - A Huge $339,900 Duplexes 4 BRRwith OriginalRSolid Oak Hrwd Flrs, extra Lg LR, Sep DR, EIK, Yard, Bsmt & Lots of Storage. 20 off in 214 Ritner St - Street A 3Spaces Bedroom, 1.5 Bath1 Christian Home. Needs245Updating! LR/DR, Eat Kitchen, Washer/Dryer & Back Deck. $179,900. 600-02 N American N/C in133 Salter Street Fab. N/C 1923-1925-2021-2023 123-25 Monroe St #40 Condo Monroe Street 3550 Sq FtEIK, 3 + Den/4.5 3 3/2.5, Bsmt Garden, 520 Cross Stgated -$1,975,000 ACommunity Well maintained 3BR, 1.5 Ba Home with LR, Hrwd Flrs, Sep Nice yard $169,900 Best N/C .3 + Den/4.5 2 car Courtyard Home. 2/2.5 Deck Great Floor plan 4/2.5 ,Deck DR, Parrish N/C 3& to 4Bsmt. BR BalconiesDeck Garden + Garage, & TA garage, TA $1,599,000 Garage $369,900 Grdn & Grg. RED $795,000 TA From $469,000 207 Daly St - Beautiful 2BR, 1BA Home w/HW floors, LR/DR, Built in Bookshelves, Lg EIK & Yard. $189,900 Garage TA $979,000 From $650,000 212 W.Ritner St - Mixed use corner prop currently used as Doctor’s Office w/ waiting room, PR, Sep Office, Exam Room, n io 2nd Fl: LR, DR, PR, Sep BR/Offi & Bsmt. $179,900 ctce tru D D s n 1723 S. 2nd St - Great Opportunity! $369,900 L Investment Co OL 1st Fl: 2 BR, Full BA, HW Flrs, CA & Kit. 2nd Fl: 3 BR, 1 BA, CA & EIK. ew SO 1725 S 2nd St -2Mixed UseNProperty. 18x80. $300,000 3 S1st Fl is Huge Open raw Space, 2nd Fl: 1 BR, 1 BA Apt w/ HW Flrs & EIK. 1727 S.2nd St119-123 - Huge Corner Mixed Use Property w/ 2 Sep Entrances. 20x70. 1st Flr: Wide open Space. 2nd Fl: 2 BR, 1 BA, HW Flrs & EIK. Federal L’EAU Jay-Z & Beyonce 534 Queen Beautiful 1Call Christian St #22 125as Ellsworth—Phase III 2107 Bainbridge (1723, 1725 &N/C 1727 S.32nd St can 24be sold a package. for details.) $320,000 7 Homes, /2.5, 753-757 S. Marshall St Development Condos 502 Delancey 4+Off/3 F & Pennspoint 3 to 4 + den /2.5 Incredible 3 + media/2.5 3 + Den/2.5 H/W & 3/2 Deck +

H/W, Bsmt + Gar & TA Between 6th & 7th off of 2/2 Parking TA 1/2 BA + SS, Deck 3 Car 1914 S. Galloway St - Beautiful 3BRGarwith LR, DR, HW floor, 2EIK, Granite & Huge Rear Yard. $279,900 TA From $499,000 Deck & Garden $749,000 Garden $499,000 + Parking RED $499,000 Fitzwater 3 Lots $350,000 From $399,000 From $509,000 Prng $1,350,000 Room, HW floors, EIK, SS & Fin Bsmnt. 159 Mifflin St - A Stunning 3BR, 1.5BA Home w/an Open Living/Dining SOLD $279,900 2934 S.Broad St - The best! A wonderful designer home w/prkg, top of line everything, 2700 sq. ft., 3BR, 2BA, FP, n t en ctio m u p r HW flt rs, deck and $70K kitchen. $525,000 t lo ns lex ve Cobsmnt & yard. New heater and electrical panel ef S Bouvier St - Nice size De 2426 w/large LR, Eat in kit,Nlg PENDING $134,900 up 2BR home w ew Ne 2 L Reed St- This Triplex Dis raw space. 332 Make it your dream home or an ideal rental property generating income in a fabulous 128 Pemberton St neighborhood. $450,000 1 Christian #49 335 Christian 623 S 6th 3 Condos Rosa Court—Garage 825 S. 2nd St 2338 Fitzwater A& C 127 Monroe Fab Multi 5/4 + Deck 3/2.5Porch, Garden + 1 car Great 4 /3.5 2 CarLR, ParkingDR,Lg 1/1 Natural + Deck, TA 3 /2w/Enclosed From $549,000 Duplex Great Home Corner 2827 S.TACamac - Nice 3 BR Light, EIK & Deck/Patio. $199,900 Condos 1/1 upscaleSt Builder’s Hm & Garden $649,900 Pkng $499,500 RED $549,900 $299,000 1 SOLD Property RED $379,000 From $229,000 Den/2 Garden RED 2BR 1432 S. 2nd2+St - Great + Den Home w/CA, LR, DR, EIKFrom w/Great Cabinet &Counter Space, Bsmt & Storage. For Rent $1775 $259,900 714-22 Bainbridge St -13 Condos with Garage Parking - 2/2- Gardens & Decks. FROM $379,900 1626 S. 13th St - HugeRental 5BR, 2 Full Bath Home, LR, Sep DR, Original Inlaid HW flrs, Bsmt & Storage. SOLD $349,900 Great 1714-20 St home - Terrifi c Investment One Story Large Warehouse, 64 x 88 Lot Size, 3rd & Bainbridge -S. Live2nd & work from in this fabulous space. 2 bedrooms +den,1.5Opportunity! Baths, hardwood floors,Building Deck + Gallery space on 1st Fl. $3000 5604 SqFt, Private Office, & 2 Powder Rms. Formerly Norman’s Baby Furniture Showroom. $599,900 427 Queen St- Beautiful 3 story, 2 bedroom, 1 bath trinity, H/W, EIK & garden. $1400 132 Tasker St – 2BR Home w/Wonderful Lg Garden, LR, DR, EIK, Mud Room, Bsmt, Mechanicals & Storage. $169,900 225 Catharine St - Beautiful 3 BR + Den, 4 BA, H/W, Granite ktchn, grdn & 2 car parking. $3500 776 S. 2nd StS.Colorado - Very nice 2 Bedroom, St 1 Bath-BiNice level apartment w/ CA 1BA + Lg Deck.Home $1350 1425 2BR, w/HW flrs, Granite Kit, Fin Bsmt & Yard. $159,900 810 S. 3rd St –Beautiful large 3 BR + Den home with hardwood floors t/o, yard + parking. $2500 118E. Palmer Emily St3 BR- Beautiful 2BR, 1BA Facade, CA, Exp Brick, Gas FP, Lg EIK & Side Yard. $229,900 1119 St –N/C + Media Rm, 3 BA, H/W t/o, Fp, Lg Garden +Home 3 car parking. w/Handsome $2500 400 Spring Latona Garden-N.C Commercial Space Available-800 to3BR, 1600 Sq Ft.1.5BA Call for Details 1715 St - Gorgeous Home w/LR, DR, HW flrs, Beautiful Kitchen, Huge Yard & Fin Bsmt. PENDING $294,900 127 Reed St - Great 2BR w/LR, DR, HW floors, Nice EIK, Yard & Bsmt. $189,900    EIK, SS, 103 Sigel St - Gorgeous Completely Rehabbed 2BR, 1BA Home! Spacious LR, DR, HW flrs, Granite of Cabinet Space & Side Yard. $229,000  Beautiful   Countertops,   Tons  104 Morris St - Lg 3 Story House w/4BRs, 1BA. Lg LR, DR, EIK and Outdoor Space. $199,900 1834 4th St t/o, fin wbsmt SOLD $239,900 w w . cand o n wnice a y t eback a m . cyard. om T h-e Total A w a r dRehab W i n n i n3BRs, g K a t h y1.5BA, , P a t r inew c k a nfaçade, d t h e C o nHW way fl T rs eam 215.440S. .8190 215 Daly St - Completely rehabbed spacious 2BR, 1BA home w/EIK and nice size yard on great block. $158,700 Society Hill 215.627.6005 103 Tasker St - Great Investment Opp. 2 story garage that runs Street to Street. Property is Office 23 x 41 & zoned R10A. $250,000 141 Mercy St.- Great 2BR home on nice tree lined st w/HW flrs, FP, Exp brick & nice yard. $169,900 2028 S. PhilipNewIvonRehab. 2BRs, HW flrs, great kit &Adele bth, fin. bsmt & sep Lndry rm also fitted for powder room. $179,000  Mike Carestio Lee Ann Hartley Cowell Jeff Kauffman Tory Gargano Gerngross Deidre Quinn 2445 S. Garnet St - Great Newer Construction 5 Yrs Old, 3BR+ Fin Bsmt, 2.5 BA, LR, DR, EIK, SS + Garage. $475,000 Visit o u r website for our complete inventory, weekly open houses, additional pictures and more particulars. 2612 S. Gerritt - Attn investors. Nice size 3BR, 1BA home w/LR, DR, EIK & yard. $59,900 146 Roseberry St - Very well maintained 3BR, 1.5BA Home, LR, DR, CA, Lg Kitchen, Yard & Bsmt $114,900 1520 S. 27th - Great investment opportunity. 3BR, 1BA home, lg kitchen & yard. Being sold as is. $49,900 14xx S.12th St - Huge 2 story home. 3BR, 2.5BA, Bruce HW flrs. PRISTINE CONDITION! $329,000



246 Catharine St Beautiful Home. 3/2.5 2 Fp’s

+ lg garden $650,000 $435.000 TRUE. We have 7 deeded 1715 E Moyamenisng Ave - Corner Twin Home within2a BR, 1.5 Bath, Hardwood Floors, EIK, Finished Basement & Private Front spots available secured Garden. $221,900 Queen Village Location. Artisan Rittenhouse Artisan II Artisan 1805 Lombard 1127 Mercy St - Great Home 1501-1503 with 3Kater BR, 1.5 BA,$67,500.00 LR, DR, Lg Kitchen, Bsmt & Tax Abatement Remaining. $189,900 1431 Bainbridge (10 Homes) (8 Homes) 213 Wolf St - Rarely Completely Rehabbed 3BR Home w/New Facade, Sun Room, HW flrs, LR, DR, HURRY 2 ALREADY 5600 Sq Ft 4/3.5 4000 + Sq FtOffered 4/3.5 4000 + Sq Ft 4/3.5 Roof Deck TA Elevator Deck 2 CarEIK Elevator Library/Den, & 2Outdoor Space. SOLD $249,900 Elevator Deck 2 Car Garage & Beautiful Car Garage 810 S. 2nd St “A” 1118 E. Moyamensing 118 Catharine St Garage & TA TA 129$2,000,000 Manton St – 3BR, 1.5BA Spacious home w/Newer Front, EIK, High ceilings, size rooms, Good closet space, Yard and $2,500,000 1000 sq. ft2/1 Great Prkng, Tx 4/2.5, patio,deck & finished Award Wining,3500 sq. ft, $2,500,000 Abmt , lg grdn. $399,900 basement $369,000 grdn & grg. $1,300,000 Semi-fin bsmnt. $1800 1107-1121 N. Howard 1422 S Front1101-1115 St -Terrifi c Development Opportunity in the Hot Pennsport Area! Land Square Feet is 14,100 N. Hancock - Lot Size is 143 xN100 - Street eto $2,000,000 1102-1134 Hope d Street - 2edStreet Frontages - Fabulous Opportunity for Residential Development. c c Zoned and Approved for 1924 Manton16St - Top qualitydunew construction townhome with 3 BR + den, 3 BA, hrwd flrs, roof deck & fin bsmnt $339,900 du Town homes + 2

Broker cooperation is warmly invited and appreciated. Prices and features subject to change without notice.




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ONE BEDROOM FOR RENT 13XX PORTER ST 1st.flr., 1Bdrm.,W/D, C/A. $775/+utils. No Pets. 215-465-1656. 15TH SNYDER 3rd.flr, Walk up apt.1bedrm.,1Bath, LG. KIT/LRM, Heat/water incl. $800/MO. CALL 215-465-5575. 9TH & FITZWATER LG. APT.,NO PETS. DECK, WASHER/DRYER/ STORAGE IN BSMT. AVAIL.9/1. 215-915-5347. 9TH & REED LRG. 1BDRM.3RD FLR.,$775/MO.+UTILS. NO DOGS! 215-755-9307. 901 JACKSON, 2ND FLR: $750/MO 1BD/1BA-spacious & bright! Pine flrs, eat-in ktch, private deck, gas heat & common bsmnt storage! CALL MIKE MCCANN BHHS FOX & ROACH 215.267.6005/215.440.8345

TwO BEDROOM 901 JACKSON, #1: $900/MO 2BD/1BA spacious corner apt w/high ceilings, c/a, wood flrs, private entrance! Common bsmnt & lots of light! CALL MIKE MCCANN BHHS FOX & ROACH 215.627.6005/215.440.8345

HOUSES FOR RENT 10TH & SNYDER VIC 2BDRMS.$1250/MO.+. 24XX S.WATTS ST. 3BDRMS.,$1100/ MO+. Both avail Oct.15th. Call Christin 215-651-9190.

HOUSES FOR RENT 20XX EMILY ST. 3BDRMS. CALL JOE 267-767-0717. 220 W. OXFORD: $1,450/MO 3BD/1BA lovely rehabbed home! Fresh paint throughout, eat-in kitchen, full basement, large living room-a true gem! CALL RICH FRAVEL BHHS FOX & ROACH 215.627.6005/215.440.8345 23XX S.PERCY 3bdrms.,24XX S.ALDER St. 2Bdrms. Avail 10/1, Must complete credit check 215-970-7001 ,ext 101. METHODIST HOSPITAL VIC: Rec rehabbed 2BR, HW flrs t/o, WD, Freshly painted, Yard, Bsmt and More. $1100/mo. 267-254-1914 SO.PHILA. GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS. 3BEDRM. HOUSES. AVAIL. NOW! 267-246-0579.

ROOM FOR RENT 13TH & SPRUCE- Parker Hotel CC. Fully Furn’d Rms, no sec. deposit. Utils & housekeeping incld. WK: $165-$203; Day: $40-$50 +taxes. 215-735-2300.

BUSiNESS pROpERTy 4327 MAIN: $2495/MO 1269sqft retail space on Main St in Manayunk, Open flr plan, high ceilings, 2 picture wndws, office, pwdr rm, bsmnt CALL STUART COHEN BHHS FOX & ROACH 215.627.6005/215.558.2105

GARAGES FOR RENT GARAGE-STORAGE Juniper & Geary. Call 215-601-0701.

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SPRING GARDEN AT 11TH (ON BRANDYWINE) 3 or 4Bdrms.,1BATH.2 SINK BATHS, Architecturally Re-design of 1840 Townhouse. On going improvements. Must See! $1761. 215-849-4049. VILLA’S : 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, plus loft. Washer & dryer, refrigerator, surround sound, Three 50” TV’S, upgraded window treatments, Etc... Garage & plenty of parking. Seconds to sporting complex’s & access to 95, Walt Whitman , and Schuylkill expressway. Please contact Barbara Capozzi @ (215) 551-5100


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Case Manager, Care Partner, and Social Services Positions “It’s More Than Just a Job!”

Case Manager

In Home Support Program Community Based Services is currently seeking a Case Manager for the In Home Support Program located at St. Charles Senior Center in Philadelphia.

Attention: Food Service Management Companies Mercy Vocational High School is requesting proposals for school food service management services. The Food Service Management Company will provide management services according to United Stated Department of Agriculture, (USDA), regulations and guidelines, as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Education policies and guidelines. Food Service Management Companies and/or their representatives may submit proposals to:

Primary responsibilities of this position include: • Conduct an initial home visit within PCA guidelines • Complete evaluations and develop Service Plans for clients • Arrange for services and provide follow up with clients • Complete In Home Support Program documentation and reports Applicants must have a Bachelors Degree in Social Work, Gerontology, or related field required; reliable transportation to meet with clients.

Care Partner

Community Based Services Division Community Based Service for Seniors is currently seeking an occasional Care Partner to work in South Philadelphia. Primary responsibilities of this position include: • Assist older adults living at home with light housekeeping, meal preparations, laundry, shopping and accompaniment for medical appointments • Document activities and services provided • Assess, organize and communicate client information to the program Director Applicants must have a High School diploma, and experience working with older adults; knowledge of local community and parish organizations, preferred.

Social Services Coordinator Community Based Services Division

Community Based Service for Seniors is currently seeking a Social Services Coordinator for St. Charles Senior Center located in Philadelphia, PA. Primary responsibilities of this position include: • Provide comprehensive social services to center and community participants including referral, intake, assessment and case planning. • Determine eligibility and make application for entitlement programs and benefits. • Provide supportive individual or group counseling to participants and their families. • Participate in outreach activities including making presentations to groups and providers. Applicants must have a Bachelor Degree in Social Work or related field from an accredited university, as well as a minimum of one (1) year of experience in the field of aging. We offer a comprehensive salary and benefits package. Please forward your resume and salary requirement to:

Catholic Human Services

Human Resources 701 Lansdale Ave., Lansdale, PA 19446 Fax: (215) 362-7150 -or- Email: For more information, please visit


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Mercy Vocational High School reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals or to accept the proposal that it finds, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the school. A mandatory walk through meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 4:00 P.M. at the school.


APPLIANCE SERVICE Washers • Dryers Refrigerators Gas & Electric Ranges

All proposals must be submitted no later than Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at Noon. All proposals should be delivered in a sealed envelope and addressed to Mercy Vocational High School and be clearly marked: Food Service Management Proposal.

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May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. St. Jude, worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day for eight days, by the 8th day your prayers will be answered. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude.




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SOUTHPHILLYREVIEW.COm SOUTHPHILLYREVIEW.COm LEGAL NOTiCES public notice of submission of solid waste permit renewal application by covanta 4recovery philadelphia llc

In accordance with Chapter 271 of the Municipal Solid Waste Regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Coventa 4Recovery Philadelphia LLC hereby gives public notice of its application for permit renewal of the existing permit for Girard Point Transfer Station with no changes proposed at the transfer facility. The Girard Point Transfer Station is a municipal waste transfer facility located at 3600 South 26th Street in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County and operating under Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Solid Waste Permit Number 101468. The City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia County officials may submit comments on the permit renewal application to PADEP within 60 days of PADEP’s receipt of the permit renewal application, which is anticipated to occur no later than September 30, 2014, recommending conditions upon, revisions to, and approval or disapproval of the permit renewal application with specific reasons described in the comments, PADEP will also accept and consider comments from the public during the permit review period. Comments may be sent to The Regional Manager, Waste Management Program, Department of Environmental Protection, 2 East Main Street, Norristown, PA 1940. The renewal application may be reviewed during office hours at the same address. Fees for copying may be charged by PADEP.

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