2 minute read

Reclaiming our REAL

by Mona George-Taouil

In an age of magical filters, artificial intelligence and the like, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find the REAL of anything and anybody for that matter. Who are we, what do we really look like, what can we really do, and what and who do we really need to thrive and live our best lives?

I live by the motto ‘look good, feel good, do good’. It has been my steadfast principle for most of my life and has helped shape my outlook on life and work in that to really feel good, I need to ensure I am at my best from the inside out. Proper self care and hard work go hand in hand with this seemingly shallow motto but it’s not shallow; I’d argue it’s deep. Deep in its potential and in its perspective to impact self and others greatly.

However, what’s important to remember is that in the quest to look our best and then feel our best, it’s vital to acknowledge and accept what is actually the REAL OF OUR LIVES AND BODIES AND SELVES. The realness should not always be camoflauged, contoured, sheltered, and hidden. Rather, it could be welcomed, respected and embraced.

You see, at times the REAL of our lives has a purpose. The real of our bodies, our work, our looks, OUR WORDS, does so much FOR US RATHER THAN TO US.

• It teaches, it inspires, it corrects, it interrupts, it reminds AND it anchors us back to the truest version of ourselves. Moreover, the real life magic happens when you find a friend, a group, a partner, a colleague, a family, or a chosen family for that matter, who embraces your REAL for all it is without feeling the need or want to change or fix it. It’s okay to sit in the muck of what’s REAL until you’re ready to move forward.

• The real friend is the one who, without batting an eye, bends down to fasten your stiletto strap because you’re not as agile as you used to be and we all need a little lift once in awhile.

• The real family is the one who forgives and forgets the things you might have said in anger, frustration and desperation and moves you and itself along in love and belonging.

• The real group is the one who finds you, supports you, cheers you up and on, feeds you when you can’t do it for yourself, when you’re struggling and when you’re in need without even having to send an SOS.

• The real colleagues are the ones who speak good of your name even when you are not in the room, who support you both in public and in private, and who genuinely want the best for you knowing there’s enough sun for everyone.

• The real partners are those who know life ebbs and flows and so do you, your dreams, your likes and dislikes, but still maintains its steadfast commitment to you, to them, the shared goal and the shared WHY.

• The real gal pals are those who welcome, post, tag, the filtered, made up, polished version of ourselves but also looks for, accepts, welcomes and laughs and cries with the dry shampooed gym hair, tights wearing, food and life splattered, ponytail sporting, messy, real version too.

In life and in love and in work and in all times and spaces: Keep moving forward one step at a time (yes, even when you feel you have legit stepped into quicksand). Strive to better yourself - it was never about them anyway. Share your light with others; don’t deprive anyone of the gift of YOU. Put your best self forward yes, but let your REAL be itself. Let it loose. Let go of those who don’t like it because they aren’t the ones for you. Let it teach, let it remind, inspire, comfort, and ignite the best and authentic YOU. Allow it to bring into your life other REAL souls who are more than happy and willing to throw you a rope and pull you out of life’s quicksand as needed and prescribed by the REAL you!

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