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Kingsville introduces recovery fund
KINGSVILLE — A motion to develop a COVID Recovery Fund in Kingsville got approval Monday night at the council meeting, with council voting to increase the proposed dollar figure.
The motion was to develop a fund to help businesses in the town recover from COVID-related issues by granting them $500 each up to a total of $150,000 for town businesses.
Council voted to increase the amount to $750 each with a total fund of $225,000.
To be eligible, a business must be located in the Town of Kingsville and be a registered business (sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation where the applicant is the major shareholder) and be a business assessed in the commercial tax class or non-profit, charitable, cultural organizations with a physical location.
Businesses ineligible would include corporately owned franchises, home based businesses or multi-level marketing ventures, and businesses that are strictly conducted online.