5 minute read

Windsor-Essex region moves to Red Level

By Mark Ribble

WINDSOR-ESSEX — As of Monday, Windsor-Essex is back in the red.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced last Friday that Windsor-Essex would move to the Red: Control level of the province’s framework to stop COVID-19.

With that announcement, restaurants, recreation facilities, businesses and retailers were scrambling to get things in place to be compliant by Monday’s midnight deadline.

The announcement effectively puts an end to Southpoint Minor Hockey’s season, unless they can procure enough ice time in Wheatley, which currently sits in the Yellow: Protect level and does allow for team sports with restrictions.

The Leamington Flyers and LaSalle Vipers eight game super series was interrupted after game three with the Flyers taking game three of the series.

The province’s colour-coded Public Health Measures system can be difficult to navigate, especially as numbers rise and the levels escalate as they have in Windsor-Essex over the past month. Chatham-Kent is still in Yellow (protect) status.

For those wondering what the colours mean, here is a condensed version of the coding, as taken from the Ontario Framework website.

General Health Measures

Green/Yellow/Orange — Gathering limit for certain organized public events and social gatherings (e.g. barbecues): is 10 people indoors, 25 people outdoors. Gathering limit for organized public events and gatherings: is 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors.

The gathering limit for religious services, weddings and funerals 30% capacity indoors or 100 people outdoors. There is a requirement for workplace screening and face coverings at indoor workplaces, as well as a requirement for face coverings in indoor public spaces, with limited exemptions.

Also in place are worker protections — such as eye protection — where patrons without face coverings are within two metres of workers.

All businesses must develop and implement a communication/public education plan (highlighting risk). People must maintain physical distancing and restrict non-essential travel from areas of high-transmission to areas of low transmission.

Red — all other restrictions remain, but the gathering limit for all organized public events and social gatherings changes to 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors.

Grey — Lockdown of all activities similar to the lockdown in March.

Restaurants and Bars

Green — Patrons must be seated with 2 metres between tables. Dancing and singing permitted with restrictions. Karaoke permitted, with restrictions. Patron contact information is required. No buffet style service and nightclubs are only permitted to operate as a restaurant or bar.

Any lineups congregating outside venues must have face covering and keep 2 metres apart. Face coverings are required except when eating or drinking.

Yellow — Operating hours limited, requiring establishments to close at midnight and stop serving liquor at 11 pm. Also a limit of six people per table and a limit to the volume of music. Establishments must also have a safety plan readily available upon request.

Orange — A 50-person indoor capacity limit is placed on establishments and operating hours are cut off at 10 pm. No consumption of alcohol can occur after 9 pm. Screen of patrons via a questionnaire is instituted and a limit of four people may sit together. Strip clubs are closed at this point.

Red — Measures are tightened considerably, with the maximum number of people seated indoors to be limited to 10. Outdoor dining, drive-thru, takeout and delivery are still permitted. Dancing, singing and live performances are prohibited.

Grey – Lockdown of all activaties similar to lockdown in March.

Sports and Recreational Facilities

Green — Generally, recreation facilities are allowed 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. Spectators at sports are also limited to 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. Team and individual sports must not allow contact or modify any contact. Face coverings are required, except where exercising.

Yellow — Increase spacing between patrons to three metres, with recreation programs limited to 10 people per room indoors or 25 outdoors. There is a requirement for contact information for all patrons in attendance for team sports. Reservations are required for entry and a safety plan must be readily available.

Orange — The maximum of 50 people per area now becomes 50 people per facility in all combined recreational fitness spaces or programs. This excludes pools, rinks and community centres. Screening is now required of members of the public, including spectators. There is a 90-minute limit, unless engaging in a sport. No spectators are permitted except for parents/ guardians in the supervision of children.

Red — Gyms and fitness studios can be open but limited to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors for classes and in weight rooms. All sports and recreation programs are limited to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. Team sports cannot be practiced or played, unless in training. No games or scrimmages are allowed. No contact is permitted for team sports.

Grey — Lockdown of all activities similar to lockdown in March.

Meeting and Event Spaces

Yellow — Limited operating hours — establishments must close at midnight. Liquor can be sold or served only between 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. No consumption of liquor permitted between 12 a.m. to 9 a.m.. Establishments require contact information for all seated patrons with a limit of six people seated together. Limit volume of music.

Orange — Maximum of 50 people per facility, and limit operating hours, closing at 10 p.m. Liquor may be sold or served only between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. A limit of four people may be seated together and there is required screening of patrons.

Red — Reduce the gathering limits to 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors.

Grey — Lockdown of all activities similar to lockdown in March.

Retail Measures

Green — Fitting rooms must be limited to non-adjacent stalls. Patrons congregating outside venues managed by venue. Two metres distance and face covering are required.

Yellow — Limit volume of music to be no louder than the volume of a normal conversation. For malls, a safety plan must be readily available.

Orange — Require screening of patrons at mall entrances and during winter months, limit capacity in retail stores and in shopping malls.

Red — Maximum number of patrons permitted to be seated indoors in mall food court is 10, and during winter months, limit capacity in retail stores and in shopping malls.

Grey — Lockdown of all activities similar to lockdown in March

Professional Care Services

Green — Oxygen bars, steam rooms, and saunas closed.

Yellow — Require contact information from all patrons. Safety plan available upon request.

Orange — Services requiring removal of face coverings are prohibited. Change rooms and showers are closed. Bath houses, other adult venues, hot tubs, floating pools, whirlpools and sensory deprivation pods are closed. Require screening of patrons.

Red — All services requiring removal of face coverings are prohibited.

Grey — Lockdown of all activities similar to lockdown in March.

Please note: As fluid as things are in Ontario, please be sure to check with any facility, restaurant or service provider before venturing out and stay safe.

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