We’r ontheroadtoserveyou!
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2 - Southpoint Sun
To mask, or not to mask; that is the question
Affordableandac es ibledo r-to do rt ansportation
KINGSVILLE — Kingsville and Leamington business owners, political leaders and residents gathered about 150-strong near the front of the Carnegie bulding in Kingsville on Tuesday, June 30. The group has asked the Premier of Ontario to immediately allow Kingsville and Leamington to graduate to Stage 2 of the plan to re-open, citing revenue loss that will be difficult to overcome. The group has demanded that if they cannot be moved to Stage 2, the province must provide immediate financial relief to each business and the group as a whole. There are businesses in the area that are in danger of closing up for good, according to spokesperson Trevor Loop. That financial relief will be the difference between local small businesses surviving or shuttering their doors. Here, Kingsville Mayor Nelson Santos, speaks to those in attendance. Sun photo
Forlocalmedical p ointments, hop ingtripsandsocialvist OPP seek help with robbery
LEAMINGTON — On June 23 at approximately 3:45 a.m., Leamington Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) members were dispatched to the report of a robbery at a convenience store on Seacliff Drive West. The suspect was described as female, white, approximately 5 feet 3 inches tall, wearing a white hooded sweater,
a red face covering leaving only her eyes exposed, dark pants and wearing a camouflaged backpack. The suspect entered the store, selected items and proceeded to the front counter where she passed a note to the clerk. The suspect brandished a weapon during the interaction and left the store with a small
amount of cash and other merchandise. There were no injuries reported and the suspect was last observed fleeing the area on foot. The OPP Leamington Major Crime Unit is asking that anyone with information in relation to this crime or the individual involved, contact them immediately at 519-326-2544.
TripstoWindsorev ryTuesday ndThursday
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
By Mark Ribble WINDSOR-ESSEX — With the announcement that Windsor-Essex would be under a mandatory mask order for entry into commercial establishments, the reaction was all across the board with the public. Friday, June 26 was the first day that the order was in place and although the vast majority of shoppers wore their masks into stores, many had to be reminded, turned away or given a mask to gain entry into grocery stores, department stores and other retailers. Here’s what people had to say:
PATTI GILMOUR — “ Yes to masks please! Trying to do my part in staying safe and keeping my co-workers and customers safe too.” JAMES BRADLEY — “What happened to “Don’t touch your face” and “wash your hands”.....and “6 feet apart”.....if masks work and the 6 feet apart works....why the lock
Cal 519-326-8629orvistw w.sec .on.ca
down? I watch people in grocery stores....I saw a gentleman adjust or touch his face 20 times in the first minute in the store!.....another turned to me in line pulled his mask down and said...” this is crazy times”. if you are not use to wearing a mask if will be an issue. Someone infected with covid-19 would have to sneeze or cough in my face to get the virus? Correct? Because remember I’m 6 feet apart and not touching my face and washing my hands.” TODD DUNFORD — “I wear a mask because why not?!! If there is even the slightest chance that I can save a life by doing so, it’s totally worth it. What would that say about me if I didn’t? If I’m wrong, then big deal...I wore a mask in a store for a few minutes. There are far greater inconveniences in life. “ SHELLEY GRAY — “Although the certainty of the evidence is moderate according to CNN it appears wearing a mask reduces the spread from 17.4% to 3.1%. More studies are needed to validate the figures, however, how can wearing a mask properly hurt. I don’t have an issue wearing a mask. I would rather err on the side of caution.” BRAD FREDERICK — “I want you to watch people wearing masks. They spend more time with their hands up on the mask adjusting , pulling it back up and itching their face. Then they proceed to touch surfaces, fruits, veggies etc. I have more concern about that than I have with airborne particulates if we keep our distancing.”
DEB WHITCHER-TOUSIGNANT — People need to be compliant of the rules and wear their masks. I have a compromised immune system and it’s important that I wear one. Everyone should wear their masks to keep everybody safe. The people protest to open the stores and restaurants again and as soon as they do they forget that the Covid 19 is still here and they quit with the masks and the gloves. Some never learn. JANA BLAIR — “I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV), so I do not pretend to know the scientific reasoning regarding wearing a mask. Therefore I find it advantageous to abide by the opinions of the experts in the medical field (the real experts - not the ones on YouTube). Now that a class order making face masks mandatory at commercial establishments has been issued, the question of whether or not to wear one has been resolved. Yes it is slightly uncomfortable and inconvenient, but if it helps us get through this, please, wear a mask PROPERLY but still keep your distance, wash your hands and don’t touch my stuff.”
Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— We’re on the road to serve you! Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— We’re on the road to serve you!transportation Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— Leamington, Affordable and accessible door-to-door Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— on the road to serve you! We’re Affordable and accessible door-to-door transportation We’re on the road to serve you! For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits We’re on the road to serve you! on the road to serve you! Leamington, Kingsville & Wheatley Residents— We’re For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits Affordable and accessible door-to-door transportation We’re on the road to serve you! to Windsor every Tuesday and Thursday Trips Affordable and accessible door-to-door transportation Affordable and accessible door-to-door transportation Affordable and accessible door-to-door transportation Trips to Windsor every Tuesday and Thursday For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits and accessible door-to-door transportation We’re on the road to serve you! Affordable For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits NELSON RUTT — “It’s really Call 519-326-8629 or visit www.secc.on.ca For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits Trips to Windsor every Tuesday and Thursday tough with fogged up glasses and For local medical appointments, shopping trips and social visits 519-326-8629 or visit www.secc.on.ca Call Affordable and accessible door-to-door transportation Trips to Windsor every Tuesday and Thursday Trips to Windsor every Tuesday and Thursday walking around all day... tough to Helping people. Improving lives. Trips to Windsor every Tuesday and Thursday tomedical Windsor everyor Tuesday and Thursday Call ForTrips local appointments, shopping trips and social visits 519-326-8629 visit www.secc.on.ca Helping people. Improving lives. breathe since I have the bad habit Call 519-326-8629 or visit www.secc.on.ca 519-326-8629 or Call 519-326-8629 or visit www.secc.on.ca Call Trips to Windsor every Tuesday and www.secc.on.ca Thursday of smoking... and yes I work in the Call 519-326-8629 or visit visit www.secc.on.ca Helping people. Improving lives. agriculture sector. And yes... I will Helping people. Improving lives. Helping people. Improving lives. Call 519-326-8629 or visit www.secc.on.ca Helping suffer through it because I don’t Helping people. people. Improving Improving lives. lives. Helping people. Improving lives.
want to get sick or be the cause of any one getting sick.”