Southpoint Sun - July 22, 2020

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4 - Southpoint Sun

Leamington to issue Request for Proposal LEAMINGTON — The long-awaited report from MPM Consulting was shared with Leamington Council members at their meeting on July 14. Michael Mitchell, from MPM Consulting, outlined four options that council has with regard to policing in Leamington, after the expiry of the current OPP policing contract next May. Mitchell, citing results from the recent public opinion survey about OPP policing in Leamington, offered statistics and possible scenarios for

each option. Leamington council gave notice last month to the OPP that they were seeking to explore other policing options. “It’s been 11 years and it’s time to re-examine policing services,” Mitchell said. “It’s good management practice.” The town signed a fiveyear contract originally and then renewed in 2015. The former Leamington Police Service operated with an average of 39 uniformed positions and about 10 civilian staff. According to Mitchell,

OPP reduced the 24-hour station to an eight-houra-day station around 2015 and made no commitment for number of uniformed officers. Mitchell read over 500 public survey responses and came to his conclusions, partly based on those responses. He outlined four viable options for Leamington to move forward with. Option 1: Maintaining the status quo and allow OPP to continue once the contract expires. Without a contract and under current legislation, the

OPP would be obligated to provide police service after the contract expires. This option might be the least expensive of the four, according to Mitchell. It would also allow for a certain amount of familiarity with the officers currently on the job staying here. Option 2: Requesting quotes and proposals from specific individual municipalities. The advantage to this would be that Leamington would have significant input in the contract. There would be no police services

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

board, but the munici- ell, there has not been palities who won the bid one Ontario municipalwould have control over ity that has gone back to their own police force afthe level of service. Option 3: An outright ter contracting the OPP, Request for Proposal although several have (RFP), which would go looked into it. Surrey, British Columout to any municipality interested in providing bia reverted back to a policing. Leamington municipal police force rewould be able to set the cently from RCMP. In discussion, minimum level of service, “To sit back is Deputy Mayor number of offi- not acceptable” Larry Verbeke supported Opcers and other — Hilda tion 2. aspects in the Councillor verbiage of the MacDonald John Jacobs proposal. There spoke on his would also be no police services board opposition to all proposfor this option, and a new als, citing them as cost group of officers from an- prohibitive. “I cannot support any other municipality would of this and will be there to be on the job. Option 4: Likely the say ‘I told you so’ in the most expensive option. It end,” he said. Jacobs said that 510 rewould be the formation of a brand new Leam- sponses to a public surington Police Service. To vey is not a large enough re-establish a Leamington percentage of the constitPolice Service, it may take uency to get an accurate up to $7 million annually, picture. Councillor Bill Dunn as opposed to about $5.4 million currently, when supported option three, you consider the capital as did John Hammond. Mayor Hilda MacDoncosts of new cruisers and equipment and hiring of ald spoke last with the officers. One thing in fa- explanation that they vour, is that the current have asked OPP managepolice station belongs to ment for an itemized list the municipality, so there of what the municipality would be no cost for a was getting and got no resonse from them. building. “We’ve done our due The advantages of re-establishing a police diligence,” she said. MacDonald referred force here are the control and oversight that a to a recent Zoom meetLeamington-based police ing with an OPP regionservices board would al commander, who was have. Also, all employ- surprised to hear that ees would be dedicated Leamington was unhapto Leamington, meaning py with the level of serthat they wouldn’t be re- vice. “We have an obligation quired in other parts of the county during peak to show our people what they are paying for,” she hours. On the flip-side, there said. “To sit back is not acwould be a significant ceptable.” With that, council took cost for infrastructure and the municipality would a vote and Option #3 assume all liability relat- passed by a 5-1 count. Councillor Jacobs was the ed to policing. According to Mitch- only vote against.




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