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Youth do trail clean-up
LEAMINGTON — About 25 students showed up for the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee (MYAC) Community Clean-up on Friday, November 12.
The group met at Lakeside Marina and proceeded up the Greenway Trail to Oak Street, filling several garbage bags along the way.
The students — representing a number of area high schools — scoured the ditches along the path and came up with some interesting items, like sunglasses, a clock, and tons of masks and water bottles.
Current MYAC chair, Morgan Robinson, was pleased with the turnout.
“I’m very happy with the response,” she said. “This is so great.”
She said the idea came together when the committee was brainstorming ideas to help the community, while still keeping the focus on climate and environment. They offered community hours and sent out the invites.
They were joined by Mayor Hilda MacDonald, Deputy Mayor Larry Verbeke, OPP Constable Katherine Burt and a foursome of Leamington firefighters.
The full garbage bags were a welcome sight for Morgan Robinson, who said they are planning another clean-up in the spring.