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Harness season ends on a high note

LEAMINGTON — The Lakeshore Horesman’s Association wrapped up their annual harness racing schedule at the Leamington Fairgrounds on Sunday, October 25 with 11 races on tap.

The 2020 racing schedule started on Sunday, August 9 and began with no spectators allowed. When this area reach Stage 2 of the province’s plan to re-open in late August, up to 100 spectators were allowed to attend.

On Sunday, October 25, the grandstand had a few people sitting and many more were down on ground level, braving the cool temperatures and watching the races.

Stonebridge Sting, with Gene Piroski in the bike, cruises to victory in the second race at Leamington Raceway this past Sunday, October 25. Windsong Leopold put pressure on the winner at the wire but couldn’t quite get there as Piroski guided his horse to victory. With 11 races on the card, that wrapped up the 2020 season for Leamington Raceway.

Sun photo

The total betting handle for the day was $38,662, which was a huge improvement over the first few weeks of the season. It’s expected that Leamington will vie for up to 15 race dates in 2021, and officials are hoping that spectators will be allowed to freely move about the track area without restrictions.

The raceway sits on the Leamington Fairgounds property. The Leamington District Agricultural Society took a double hit from the COVID-19 pandemic when they were forced to cancel the annual Leamington Fair and then were unable to fully open their canteen on harness racing days, both of which led to large losses in expected revenue.

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