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Don’t burn without a permit
LEAMINGTON – Leamington residents are reminded of the municipality’s Open Air Burning By-law, which prohibits open air burning in most areas within Leamington.
Leamington residents who require outdoor burning privileges can purchase permits online through the municipality’s website at leamington.ca/ burning.
Burn permits require two to three business days for processing, and firsttime applicants require an inspection prior to approval.
“It’s important that residents get a permit and follow fire-safety protocols while conducting open air burns,” said Fire Chief Andrew Baird. “Burning without a permit could result in a minimum $125 fine.”
Residents who have questions about open air burning or are concerned about the size of a burn pile can contact Leamington Fire Services by phone at 519- 326-6291.
Any person who wishes to make a complaint about an open air burn can contact Fire Dispatch at 519-326-4431.
Additional information about open air burning can be found at leamington. ca/burning.