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Talking over Turkey returns on Saturday

By Mark Ribble

Shall we talk over turkey?

Mike and Deanna Diab believe we should, and 60 to 70 of their well-orga nized volunteers whole heartedly agree.

The annual Talking Over Turkey grocery box giveaway, initiated by the Diabs in 2016, took on a different form during the past two years, but they are happy to get back to business, offering families in need everything they need for a true Christmas dinner.

In 2017, they organized a 300-turkey giveaway and felt that was a huge success.

This year, they will have between 600 and 700 turkeys to give away, complete with all the trimmings.

Mike Diab says the gro cery boxes will contain a frozen turkey, two-pound bags of onions and car rots, canned goods, a box of stuffing mix, fivepound of potatoes, a loaf of bread and a package of pasta and sauce. In ad dition, they’ve got fresh produce in clamshells from Sunset Produce and Mucci Farms to add to the equation.

The giveaway is open to anyone who feels they need help in putting on a Christmas dinner for their family.

“We’re not here to judge, we’ve never been that way and never will,” Diab said.

The turkeys and many of the groceries are be ing purchased at the Real Canadian Superstore in Leamington, where man ager Tonya Ridley has been gracious enough to work out a great deal for the popular local initia tive.

“We are so thankful for people like Tonya,” says Mike. “We’ve got so many people, companies and organizations that have gone above and beyond.”

The Diabs are grateful to everyone who has do nated, including those who’ve donated mone tarily to help purchase many of the items.

Mike and his hardy group of volunteers will set up Saturday, Decem ber 10 at the Highbury Canco lot just north of the Recreation Complex, where there will be lots of parking, camaraderie and refreshments to keep you warm while you wait in line.

“McDonalds are sup plying coffee and treats and The Bridge is bring ing their popular Com munity Donuts,” he says. “It’s all about being to gether and trying to re build that human connec tion.”

And for Mike and Deanna Diab, that’s in deed what it’s all about — people helping people get what they need to have a wonderful Christmas with their family.

“It’s so nice to be able to be back together to do this,” adds Mike. “We’ve missed seeing those fac es.”

The giveaway is of fered on a first come-first served basis with the first box being handed out at 11 am and going until they are gone.

Volunteers will be on hand to direct people where to park and where to get in line.

Tonya Ridley, manager of the Real Canadian Superstore in Leamington, poses with Mike and Deanna Diab who are holding a sample box of groceries for Saturday’s Talking Over Turkey giveaway. SUN photo

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