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Seniors Advisory Committee Report
The lingering effects of Covid-19 are far reaching and not over yet. The social isolation caused by the forced pandemic lockdowns and gathering restrictions has been significant, leading to loneliness and depression for many people.
At first, some found the limitations to be a welcome break from the busyness of life, while others found the lockdowns to be very frustrating in the way they limited our connections with family and friends. For many seniors, who have limited social interactions, the lockdowns took away the few interactions they did have. For all of us, the imposed restrictions changed the way we kept in touch with our loved ones.
As we all know, change is difficult especially when things are changing on a daily basis. We got used to staying at home and learned to communicate with others primarily by phone, email, text, and maybe distanced porch visits. Who knew what Zoom was before the pandemic… how quickly we embraced this technology as a new communication tool that is with us to stay!
After this extended time of forced isolation and restricted gatherings there is, for some, a hesitancy or reluctance to re-engage as things open up. This is understandable as we have become used to the safety and comfort of our own familiar spaces.
The reality is that the guidelines keep changing based on the current situation and sometimes it is just easier to stay at home. However, research has shown that there are serious health conditions linked to loneliness and social isolation. It is considered to be a health crisis and can have the same effects on the body as smoking 15 cigarettes a day!
According to the Centre for Disease Control www. cdc.gov some of those health effects include:
• 50% increased risk of dementia;
• 29% increased risk of heart disease;
• 32% increased risk of stroke;
• Increased risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide.
The Leamington Seniors Advisory Committee has recognized the significance of these health issues and wishes to offer the following opportunities for seniors to get out and connect with one another in a safe environment.
Beginning December 1, and then the first Wednesday of each month, you will have an opportunity to learn about services the Municipality of Leamington has to offer seniors and to share your thoughts with municipal staff. We will meet at the Leamington & District Half Century Centre through the winter and then move to Rick Atkin Park for the summer months.
Location: Leamington & District Half Century Centre, 160 Talbot St. E. The Leamington & District Half Century Centre requires everyone entering the building to show proof of double COVID-19 vaccination and entrants must wear a mask.
Dates and Times Dec. 1 at 10 am: Discussion of municipal services available for seniors; Christmas music by the UMEI choir.
Jan. 5 at 10 am: Library services available for seniors; Library will present book teasers.
Feb. 2 at 10 am: Arts in the community.
Mar. 2 at 10 am: Bank Theatre event.
Apr. 6: to be determined.