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It’s all in the family at The Bank Theatre

By Mark Ribble

Feeling at home at The Bank Theatre is a common theme among the people who volunteer and perform there, but the Lewsaw family is proving that a family that acts together, stays together.

Melinda and Joel Lewsaw and their children Jackson, 15, and Juliet, 13, have been making the trek to Leamington from their Belle River home for about 10 years — simply for the love of the theatre.

Their association with The Bank Theatre began back in the early days when the site was still looking more like a bank than a theatre.

“It was down to the bare bones,” said Melinda this past weekend. “It still had the vault.”

Joel explained that he was teaching drama at Leamington District Secondary School at the time and was approached by Ruth Owens and Ursula Tiessen to come take a look at the new site.

“I ended up producing four LDSS plays at the theatre in those early days,” he said.

Melinda said that it wasn’t long before the pair — who love the theatre life — were hosting drama camps for kids to learn acting and performing skills.

And along the way, they met some like-minded people.

“We really are a large Bank Theatre family,” said Melinda. “Ray and Cyndy Silvius are like family and so are many more.”

Joel says it’s no coincidence that a lot of the same performers end up in many of the productions here.

“Everyone gels so well together,” he says.

Juliet was a toddler when the Lewsaws started performing and directing here and she’s now a seasoned veteran, helping out with behind-the-scenes tasks when she’s not performing.

Jackson is pitching in equally as much, turning this into a true family affair.

The Lewsaws have made many friends over the past 10 years at the theatre and you can see that in their rapport with their castmates and performers.

Melinda and Joel perform in the monthly improv night at The Bank Theatre and have been in numerous productions over the past few years.

Melinda will be at the helm of the upcoming production, I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change — as director.

Joel will be her assistant and Jackson will be the assistant stage manager for the musical comedy that runs March 3-4-5 and 10-11-12.

They are busy rehearsing this week as they prepare for opening night.

Melinda has to balance the responsibilities of being the drama teacher at Belle River High School with being a hockey mom, baseball mom, wife and theatre performer.

Joel recently retired from teaching and is always busy with theatre things and coaching.

“It’s busy but we wouldn’t have it any other way,” he says. “We love being around our theatre family.”

The couple is quick to give credit where credit is due, saying that theatre president John Moran is a, “terrific guy who will do anything for you”.

Behind-the-scenes folks like Penny Gil and Michelle Fortier truly pour their hearts and souls into the theatre and it shows in the finished product of every production.

“We’re blessed to have such great people here,” said Melinda.

I Love You, You’re Perfect Now Change should prove to be a perfect ladies night out or date night for couples. The play — by Joe DiPeitro and Jimmy Roberts — is the second-longest running off-Broadway musical ever.

“It’s about relationships from dating to marriage to having children, says Melinda. “There is something everyone can relate to.”

For Joel, they have one goal in mind and that’s entertaining the audience.

“I always say that if they leave the theatre with a smile on their face, we’ve done our job,” he says.

The Lewsaw family poses on the stage at The Bank Theatre on Sunday, February 19 as the troupe gets ready to rehearse I Love you, You’re Perfect, Now Change. From left are Joel, Jackson, Melinda and Juliet. SUN photo

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