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Full STEM ahead for UMEI

LEAMINGTON – UMEI Christian High School will be launching a new academic program for the 2021-2022 school year.

The introduction of the new Enriched Robotics Program is exciting news for students, parents and the local community, as it will give students the opportunity to study Robotics in all four years, as well as compete regionally, provincially, nationally and beyond with UMEI’s FIRST Robotics Team (#8081).

Expanding on the success of their robotics course since 2007, UMEI has created a new, innovative four-year program that will appeal to students who excel in areas of math and science and want to participate in an enriched, hands-on classroom environment that challenges them to think locally and beyond.

This enriched Robotics program is for enthusiastic learners interested in studying in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), with an emphasis in Robotics.

The hands-on program style will speak to students who are motivated beyond traditional learning styles and would like to do more adaptive, creative, critical and divergent thinking.

“I’ve watched our students, over the years, enthusiastically sign up for our Robotics course. They love the experiential, interactive component of the course,” explained Principal Sonya Bedal.

UMEI Robotics team members at a recent event.

The school is also in discussions with representatives from St. Clair College who would like to work with UMEI to set up a dual credit Robotics program with their school.

“The opportunity to collaborate with our local college is a highlight for this new Robotics program and certainly for our students too,” said Bedal.

During this past school year, UMEI’s Grade 10 Robotics Class has demonstrated that even COVID cannot break the spirit of an engaged student.

As part of the hands-on curriculum, students were given the opportunity to design, wire, paint and program their own robotics challenge in any area of interest. Some of their creations included a farm challenge, a dedication to basketball player Kobe Bryant and a highway/ cell phone theme.

“I learned a great deal from this project and realized how robotics overlaps with other areas like electricity,” said grade 10 student Timmy Teichroeb.

“I was thoroughly impressed with their completed constructions and anyone who sees their challenges functioning would surely share the same view,” said teacher John Fittler.

For more information about this new program and to see this year’s projects in action, visit https://umei.ca/new-enriched-robotics-program/

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