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Leamington replaces light abatement by-law with new one

At its meeting held June 14, Leamington Council repealed and replaced By-law 79-20 with By-law 41-22 — a by-law requiring the abatement of interior greenhouse light.

On December 8, 2020, Council passed By-law 79-20, which was a bylaw requiring the abatement of interior greenhouse light.

Shortly thereafter, the municipality received applications filed with the Normal Farm Practices Protection Board (NFP- PB) by several greenhouse owners seeking exemptions from the application of By-law 79-20.

In June of 2022, most matters before NFPPB were resolved and minutes of settlement were executed by the parties that included changes to the provisions of By-law 79-20.

In order to have uniformity across the municipality, Council repealed By-law 79-20 and enacted By-law 41-22, which includes

provisions more in keeping with the manufacturer’s specifications for “blackout” curtains and also includes further provisions relating to greenhouse owners who use lights.

Photo taken of local greenhouse operation in December 2020.

SUN file photo

With the new by-law, sidewall and endwall curtains must be installed and remain closed.

Also, lights may be on until 10 pm until October 1, 2023 or the date that the operator has installed all required curtains, whichever comes first.

As of October 1, 2023, ceiling curtains must be installed and closed in accordance with the provisions of the by-law.

The specific time of day for curtain closure is included in the new by-law rather than referring to sunrise and sunset.

As of October 1, 2022, greenhouse owners who have not installed ceiling curtains must provide proof of purchase of the same.

Specific times of day to allow for gapping of ceiling curtains, up to 10%, have been included.

“For Council, it was important to ensure a balance between supporting the economic growth from our greenhouse industry, and protecting the quality of life of our residents,” said Mayor Hilda MacDonald. “I believe this new by-law will allow us to accomplish that balance.”

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