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Thrift on Mill honours volunteers during 40th celebration

By Mark Ribble

On Saturday, June 18, Thrift on Mill celebrated 40 years in business with a special day dedicated to customers, volunteers and former volunteers.

The Baileys entertained shoppers and volunteers with numerous classic tunes.

General Manager Cindy Epp organized the event to show appreciation for all of the hard work that the 153 volunteers — and so many more before them — have done.

“We’re very, very pleased to honour our volunteers here today,” she said. “Without them, we wouldn’t be here.”

Epp then turned the microphone over to Leamington Mayor Hilda Mac- Donald, who talked about the humble beginnings of the Et Cetera Shoppe back in 1982.

“This is amazing,” said the Mayor. “To have started something that wasn’t particularly fashionable at the time and continue that right through until 2022 is wonderful. What a legacy.”

Chatham-Kent Leamington Member of Parliament Dave Epp gave an emotional speech where he talked about his great-grandparents who died trying to flee Ukraine about 100 years ago.

“I’m honoured and privileged to serve on the House Committee in Agriculture and Food,” he said. “It’s a personal honour for me and a privilege to serve this community.”

The Thrift on Mill 40th anniversary celebrations included guest speakers, from left, MCC Ontario Associate Executive Director Kim Lester, MP Chatham-Kent Leamington Dave Epp, Thrift on Mill General Manager Cindy Epp, and Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald.

SUN photo

Epp spoke about the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), which was borne out of those same Mennonite families that were affected by war and famine in what is now present-day Ukraine. His great-grandparents and grandparents were part of that era. The MCC was formed to respond to basic human needs and work for peace and justice.

“And here we are 100 years later, still trying to help the people of Ukraine,” he said as he fought through tears.

The Associate Executive Director for MCC Ontario, Kim Lester, was also on hand to say a few words about MCC and its connection to the Leamington organization.

“On behalf of MCC, I want to thank you for the role you have each played,” she said. “In a gathering such as this, there is so much history.”

Lester went on to explain about the work that MCC has been doing for 101 years, which includes sustainable development, disaster relief and peace building.

Cindy Epp closed the festivities by simply saying thank you to all of the volunteers, including long-time volunteer Victor Huebert, who was instrumental in the building of the new location at 58 Mill Street West.

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