1 minute read


The Sun Parlour Amateur Radio Club held their annual 24 hour field day on the weekend, as several members came together to test out equipment and frequencies on the Mousseau farm near Woodslee.

The local club has 35 members and they also welcomed members of the Border City Club to join them as they made contact with about 600 amateur radio operators across North America.

The purpose of the annual field day is to make contact with as many operators as you can and points are awarded for the number of contacts you make.

Amateur radio clubs across North America participate to hone their skills and record their contacts across several different bands in the event of an emergency.

Every municipality has the amateur radio emergency services ARES Included into their emergency plans and this is the way that the amateur radio operators can test that ability if they ever are asked to do so.

Here, Chatham’s Holly Robert, of Emergency Management Ontario, works along with George Crewe of Wheatley, who has been a licensed operator for 31 years. Each station recorded contacts as far away as south Texas and Arizona.

SUN photo

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