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Wheatley soccer season underway as area pitches get busy
On Monday, April 24, the season began for Wheatley Area Minor Soccer (WAMS).
With over 230 players registered, the league offers a fundamental soccer program for players aged 4 to 18 with the opportunity to develop their game on the pitch.
The soccer club relies on enthusiastic parent and youth volunteers to coach/ co-coach and convene the house league teams. The season runs from April 24 to June 24.
On April 25, the U4 players had their introduction to soccer. Despite the rain and cold, the future soccer stars got out on the pitch and had fun.
The U4 program focuses on physical literacy, basic introduction to soccer through the use of fun and
interactive drills led by dedicated coaches. It is a once-a-week program that teaches the young players general ball control, motor skill development, hand-eye coordination and introduces them to small-sided play.
Volunteers are always welcome anytime during the season.
Check out the schedules at https://wheatleyareaminorsoccer.sportngin.com.
Leamington Minor Soccer had their kick-off day on Saturday, April 29 rained out, but started their regular season games son Monday, May 1.
Cottam Minor Soccer began their season on Monday, April 17, while Kingsville Minor Soccer got their players in uniform and underway on Thursday, April 13.