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Kids Curing Cancer makes donation to Hospice here

By Mark Ribble

What began as a fundraiser to honour their grandfather eight years ago has brought three Amherstburg siblings to Hospice Erie Shores Campus with a wonderful donation.

Lauren, Ty and Kierstyn Baillargeon began raising funds in 2014 when Lauren was nine and Ty and Kierstyn were four years old and their grandfather — Dan Gerard — was battling cancer.

“We had a goal of $50,” said Ty. “We far surpassed that goal.”

They raised $3,860 that year and made the donation to the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, expecting it to be a onetime thing.

“That year, we didn’t have a name,” says Lauren. “We donated in honour of Grandpa and thought we were done. With encouragement from family and friends, we decided to host a second fundraiser the following year.”

They turned it into an annual event with a pasta fundraiser at Sprucewood Shores Winery, along with minor hockey days, minor baseball days, Windsor Spitfire days and other events.

From left are Melissa Hunter from ESHF, Ty Baillargeon, Lauren Baillargeon, Kierstyn Baillargeon, Gloria Cavenago from ESHF, and Tracy Oswald from ESHF. Sun photos

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Since 2014, the trio of siblings has raised a total of $86,517 with $15,326 going to Ronald Mc- Donald House of Windsor, $35,638 to the Fight Like Mason Foundation, $16,950 to the Patient Assistance Program and $10,371 to the radiation department at Windsor Regional Cancer Centre.

With their Papa Gary Baillargeon Sr. and aunt Joyce Seguin using Hospice Erie Shores Campus in the past two years, they decided that their next fundraiser efforts would be for the Hospice.

“Here we are eight years later, still bringing awareness to local organizations,” said Lauren.

“We know this money will be put to great use supporting families just like it supported ours.”

A cheque for $8,234 was presented to Erie Shores Health Foundation Event Development Officer Gloria Cavenago and Annual Giving Development Officer Melissa Hunter.

“This amount will fund a bed at hospice for 55 days,” said Melissa Hunter. “We’re very grateful for this.”

The siblings have also announced that their 2022-23 fundraising events are on track to raise even more helpful dollars, which they’ve also committed to Hospice Erie Shores Campus.

Lauren Baillargeon, middle, adds her signature to the Erie Shores Health Foundation memory board in honour of her grandfather and aunt, while Ty, left, and Kierstyn wait their turn to sign.

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The donations are usually made in March, which the siblings target because their grandfather’s birthday is March 8.

The fundraiser — an annual popular event in the Amherstburg area — has not been held the past two years due to COVID, but the trio is looking forward to getting it organized for next year. It’s usually held around Family Day weekend.

According to Lauren, the group is learning some great life skills along the way, “It’s rewarding that we can give back in this way,” she said. “In going on nine years, we are fortunate to not have had to use any of these services we are raising funds for. And we’ve learned life skills like public speaking and organizing these events.”

Lauren added that the Hospice is near and dear to their family and she’s happy to give back.

“You know that the people here are doing things to help all the families,” added Ty. “It’s awesome.”

For more information on their fundraising, visit their Kids Curing Cancer Facebook page.

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