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52nd Kingsville Migration Festival
The Great Migration Paint Out was a major success, seeing artists come to Kingsville to capture the local beauty on canvas.
Above from left to right, the competition’s judge Constance Budd, Elaine Van Loo, first place winner Andrea Kubis, second place winner Roger Boyle, and Layne Van Loo. Absent was third place winner Dawn Lavoie.
Thursday’s opening ceremonies at Mettawas Park Gazbeo were hosted by Kingsville Mayor Nelson Santos, left, and Co-Chair of the Migration Festival Committee Laura Lucier, who is also a Kingsville Councillor. Thursday and Friday’s rainy skies gave way to sunnier conditions on Saturday and Sunday.
Jangles the Clown entertained attendees at the corner of Mill Street and Division Street South.
Young Charlie Robinson of LaSalle made it through the hay maze at the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary on Saturday, October 16.
Above, Charlie stands atop of the hay bales once he and his parents completed the maze.
The Essex Hunting Retriever Club was on hand at Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary on Saturday, October 16 to demonstrate their retrieving skills.
Above, Kingsville Councillor Kim DeYong, right, and her daughter Lauren were happy to pose in the vintage doorway that was displayed at the Carnegie Arts and Visitor Centre grounds.
Jason Clark of the Cottam Candy Snack Company had fun spinning cotton candy for those with a sweet tooth on Saturday, October 16 at the Carnegie Centre.
This youngster came so close to landing a trout on Saturday at the popular fish pond presented by the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary, but it got away.
About 100 trout were shipped in for the fish pond and those who caught fish were allowed to take them home.