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Kingsville hosts live public input session
KINGSVILLE — The Town of Kingsville hosted a live, interactive public input session on Wednesday, February 10, where attendees used an online platform called thought exchange to identify and vote on priorities that will help shape strategic goals for the next two years.
“We received great feedback,” said the Town’s Chief Administrative Officer, John Norton. “Some of the suggestions we anticipated, but we also heard many new ideas not previously emphasized.”
Improved waterfront development and access, increased small business supports, better light pollution control, and improved traffic flow were a handful of priorities attendees noted under “what could make Kingsville a better place to live, work, and play.”
The town intends to use the data and input collected after the session to develop its 2021-2022 action plans, which council will discuss at special meetings on February 24 and March 3.
Visit the town website at www.kingsville.ca for further information on the session. A recording of the live session and links for the thought-exchange questions are at kingsville.ca/haveyoursay.